
Showing posts from September, 2024


  1) Interview Quote -2017  > A Useful Image for reference of plane names: group-december-2017/  U : And the soul is on Atmic plane ?  C : Atmic and Budhic plane U : At what plane do twin souls split ? C : On the first sub-plane of the mental plane (if you look from above).  U : Ok. So above that they are always one C : They are one being U : At what plane are tachyons created ? C : The tachyons are created in the Source and they emerge from the highest sub-plane of the cosmic physical plane into this Universe, that’s the Adi plane. U : Ok so do they also exist inside the Source ? C : They do not exist inside the Source, but they are emanations from the Source ....  U : Is all matter on all planes simply made of densified Light ? C : Yes, it’s a combination of densified Light and the primary anomaly   U : What is the purpose of the atmic plane ? C : The purpose of the atmic plane is to transmit