
Showing posts from December, 2023

Goddess Notes from 2023 Conferences

   Thailand Conference Return of the Goddess Goddess energy has been suppressed on this planet since the quarantine state was created in 26,000 years ago. During the subsequent Archon invasions, it has been suppressed more and more. The first serious invasion happened about 5-6,000 years ago. Before that invasion, there was a certain consciousness leading the people on the surface of the planet. They still had real beautiful goddess energy. But after the first Archon invasion, those cultures were destroyed. But the Goddess Mysteries were still stored in the temples. The second Archon invasion happened in the 4th century, destroying all those goddess temples and mysteries. And many invasions like this happened during the centuries until a revival happened few decades ago. But the third Archon invasion in 1996 also destroyed all that.  ### But in 2004 and in 2012, we reactivated go

Atlantis/Atlantean Post & Interview Quotes

    2012   1) LIBERATION OF PLANET EARTH     Phase 1: The Event  (3-7 days) Mass arrests of the Illuminati ‑Military sweep -1 day viral and mass media info distribution -1 day arrests -Up to 3 days shutdown -5 to 6 days conviction process Phase 2: Restructuring  (3-6 months) New financial system backed by precious metals and commodities introduced -Federal Reserve dismantled, US Treasury prints gold backed money -Basket of currencies (6 or more) base of world financial system -Worldwide debt forgiveness -Bank debts cancelled (credit cards, loans, mortgages) -Banks must be re-licensed, no interest (usury) -Multinational companies split and nationalized Redistribution of world's wealth begins -Prosperity funds released -Humanitarian and environmental projects funded Free energy technology and advanced medicines released Government UFO involvement d