Atlantis/Atlantean Post & Interview Quotes






 Phase 1: The Event  (3-7 days)

Mass arrests of the Illuminati
‑Military sweep
-1 day viral and mass media info distribution
-1 day arrests
-Up to 3 days shutdown
-5 to 6 days conviction process

Phase 2: Restructuring  (3-6 months)

New financial system backed by precious metals and commodities introduced
-Federal Reserve dismantled, US Treasury prints gold backed money
-Basket of currencies (6 or more) base of world financial system
-Worldwide debt forgiveness
-Bank debts cancelled (credit cards, loans, mortgages)
-Banks must be re-licensed, no interest (usury)
-Multinational companies split and nationalized

Redistribution of world's wealth begins
-Prosperity funds released
-Humanitarian and environmental projects funded

Free energy technology and advanced medicines released

Government UFO involvement disclosure

International criminal court tribunal of Illuminati

Statutory laws invalidated, return to Common Law

Interim national governments and then elections

UN restructured as head of Provisional government

Disengagement of warring parties, military forces recalled permanently from active duty and restructured into peace keeping force, nuclear weaponry disarmed

Phase 3: First Contact  (1-3 months)

Contact with selected private individuals

Re-education of humanity, including our history not told: Atlantis and Lemuria

Global telecasts over TV and internet

Increasing number of spacecraft make themselves known, culminating in a massive flyover when tens of thousands of ships will take part as final proof that other civilizations are out there

Two week contemplation period

First contact: Public contact at UN - Electric surge into Earth Light body -Galactic / Cosmic synchronization / Tachyonic  alignment

After First Contact
-Interaction with Galactic Federation and Ascended Masters 
-Start of technology transfers and educational programs
-Beginning of pollution cleansing and renewal of ecosystem
-Start of full consciousness training (Ascension chambers)
-Reunion with Confederation Fleet and Inner Earth



...The Confederation will give assistance in replacing  current masters of the puppets (Dark Forces) that humanity has invited long ago in Atlantis. Then the Galactic Codex will finally become the universal code of ethics throughout the universe and darkness will be no more.




Today, April 4th, 2012, in the exact moment when Mercury turned direct, a divine flash emanated directly from the Source and descended into the physical matter of planet Earth. This has healed a significant part of quantum anomaly that had this planet in its grip since early Atlantean times. Quantum fluctuation field is now less chaotic and more harmonious.

Before this event, Calabi-Yau manifolds looked like this:

 And now they look like this:

This opens up interesting possibilities. Through 11-dimensional stargates of Calabi-Yau manifolds, the Galactic Confederation has more direct access towards physical matter of planet Earth. So it will happen much more often, that the »missiles won't launch« and that the »guns won't fire«. There is a divine hand making sure that all wars will end soon and humanity is set free.

Also, the general mode of stargate / dimensional shift translation is changing from Antarion Conversion towards An Conversion. Antarion Conversion is defined as a nonlinear phasar thrust inversion / conversion dimensional translation system, whereas An Conversion is a linear phasar flow direct dimensional translation system. Put it simple, it means that our connection with the Source will be much easier and our Ascension door is open as never before.




Rothschild faction. They controlled Europe, high finance through the Federal Reserve and most mainstream media.  Their leader is Jacob de Rothschild and with his business connections with Henry Kissinger they influence Rockefeller faction. Through David de Rothschild and his marriage with Olimpia Aldobrandini they influence the Jesuit faction. Black nobility of Europe (except Italy) belongs to this faction. They are mostly Rigelian dark lords in origin and in Atlantis they were responsible for the deluge. Their main motivation was to rule the world, but now their motivation is to keep at least some money, try to keep control over the media for as long as possible, and not get arrested.




The physical implants were very popular in Atlantis but were discontinued after the fall of Atlantis happened. There was an attempt to reintroduce physical implants after the World War II with physical biochips that were put into the vast majority of human beings through vaccination programs. This is the main reason why WHO has made vaccination mandatory. Physical biochips reinforced other programming...fears about NWO planning to microchip human population are not based on reality since the population has already been microchipped 
and those same biochips have also been removed without anybody really noticing.(finally layer cleared in 2023)




At the core of the physical Cabal there is a group of 13 Archons that keep controlling our planet for the last 26,000 years. They are responsible for the fall of Atlantis, for the collapse of peaceful Goddess worshipping neolithic cultures 5000 years ago and  for the destruction of the mystery schools in late antiquity. They are the ones that maintain the quarantine and keep humanity hostage so that the positive ETs could not intervene until now. They are mostly incarnated into key positions inside the Italian black nobility.




 The fourth conference will be taking place in St. Maarten from November 30th to December 2nd. Sint Maarten is not only a beautiful tropical island, but also an important energy spot within the Caribbean vortex. The Caribbean vortex is a huge energy portal that connects us with the old Atlantis and accelerates the activation of the new Atlantis, the forthcoming civilization of Light. We are making plans to announce a certain aspect of Operation Phoenix at this conference, but no guarantees yet.





  Brotherhood of the Star was never public since the time of Atlantis. It was working secretly through its discliples. Disciples of the Brothehood of the  Star comprise the Order of the Star. Order of the Star is a community, a mandala of 144,000 star beings of the first, second and third Initiation that have incarnated on this planet with the purpose of occult triangulation of light and darkness. Members of the Order of the Star have been influencing the world situation based on telepathic guidance from the Brotherhood of the Star.   

Brotherhood of the Star is the last pure remnant of the mystery schools of Light from Atlantis. The Cabal tried to infiltrate it without success as they have very strict rules of admission.  Alas, the Cabal was much more successful with infiltrating the more public mystery schools such as Jesuits were able to do with freemasonry in the early 1800s and as Theosophical Society was infiltrated after Helena Blavatsky died and her teachings were misused later by the Cabal. This is the cause of much confusion among the Lightworkers, but true teachings will be restored soon as part of Operation Dreamland.




Our decision is the key that shapes the world. Decision is the spark of free will that ignites the cycle which brings everything into manifestation. 
Humanity as a whole has invited the dark forces on this planet in Atlantis. This was our old decision which triggered a cycle of suffering for humanity. Now, on October 21st, we are making a new decision. We are choosing freedom from all darkness and we are inviting forces of Light. We are deciding for unity and cooperation, we are choosing to be non-judgemental and loving to each other




Conference details and specifics :

Friday 30th November 6 pm-9 pm 
Introduction with meditation  and meeting  Guest Host Cobra
Saturday 1st December 10.30 am-1.00 pm
LIBERATION OF THE PLANET-*Galactic  Wars and Atlantis-*Quarantine Earth and Archon-*Forces of Light and forces of darkness- *Resistance Movement




The other vortex that the Cabal is controlling tightly is the Israel vortex, which holds the light key codes for Atlantis. This area was the first to be re-colonized after the fall of Atlantis and was the home of Natufian culture:




 The activation of the Portal on December 21st was a partial success. 

Our core group in Egypt was extremely successful, managing to anchor Light in the face of all physical and non-physical opposition from the Cabal. During the timeframe of our activations, a Illuminati freemason group from the United States has locked itself into the Cheops pyramid, doing one ritual after another, fanatically trying to prevent the opening of the Portal. Needless to say, the Cabal has no idea about true occultism, as they have chosen the wrong pyramid. We did our activation inside the Kephren pyramid, which was always considered the true Great Pyramid. Kephren pyramid is the stargate of Love and the actual Alpha point for the whole planetary energy grid. There is an Atlantean underground passageway directly linking the Kephren pyramid with the Sphynx:

Here is a photo of orbs at our activation at the Sphynx:

And photos of entrances into the subterranean network of Atlantean tunnels at Saqqara. Those tunnels lead all the way to Giza: 







 Before this planet was invaded 26,000 years ago, Ascended Masters walked freely among humanity and kept the connection to the presence of the One intact. Their mystery school was located on the main island of Atlantis:

The Asceded Masters are beings of pure Light and Love who have evolved beyond duality. You can read a very good description about their work and activities on our planet here: 

The Ascended Masters retreated from the surface of the planet as it was occupied by the dark forces one Platonic year (26,000 Earth years) ago. Main Atlantean mystery school went into slow decay as the direct contact with the Ascended Masters was lost. At a certain point it was moved into Egypt where initiation temples and pyramids were built in the area between Saqqara and the Giza plateau. At the final deluge of Atlantis in 9564 BCE all Atlantean mystery schools were destroyed and most of their knowledge and wisdom lost. 

After the deluge, mystery schools were slowly revived in the Near East from surviving fragments of the Atlantean heritage and they received inispiration through occasional contact with positive extraterrrestrial races (such as the Isis mysteries as a result of direct contact with Sirius) and from underground Agarthian network (such as Delphi mysteries). Part of the mystery schools have degenerated as a result of the strengthening of the Veil and the Illuminati come from that branch.

A revival of the mystery schools occured in the Mediterranean 2000-2500 years ago as a result of the increased activity of the Galactic Central Sun. At that time, the initiates of those mystery schools became aware of the quarantine status of our planet and the presence of the Archons. Destruction of these mystery schools was the main aim of the Khazar Archon invasion in the 4th century and the rise of the Christianity mind programming cult was orchestrated to wipe out the last vestiges of the true Gnosis. 

Saint Germain has revived old Egyptian mysteries and created a mystery school in Paris in 1775. This mystery school was operated by the Brotherhood of the Star for another century and one of its members wrote this beautiful book which contains many coded messages about the Ascension process: 

There are many »mystery schools« around the planet now with fragmentary knowledge and wisdom. True mystery schools will be established only after the Event and especially after the First Contact.




A few hours before the opening of the Portal, a penumbral lunar eclipse will assist in the buildup of energies to prepare us for that event. This is the time of Wesak, which is a period of spiritual blessing for humanity and an outpouring of Light for the entire planet. The main vortex for this is centered in the Himalayan mountains where many Initiates and Masters will gather to anchor the Light for the Earth at this time of the full moon in May. Although according to some traditions Wesak festival has already happened at the full moon in April, a very strong outpouring of Light always happens during the full moon in May. A very strong timeline runs through the date of May 25th. On May 25th, 1975 the whole 50 year proceess of the planetary liberation has started. On May 25th, 2010 a special portal called Mission Blue Shield was activated and it marked the beginning of the downfall of the Archons. And now on May 25th, 2013, we will open the Portal. The purpose of the Portal is to liberate humanity from the grip of the negative energy grid that was enslaving humanity since late Atlantis.
We will all be doing this visualization at the same time, at the moment of the opening of the Portal, which comes on May 25th at 12 hours 12 minutes PDT.




 We have been programmed by the Archons in Atlantis to stop believing in fairy tales and to buy into the reality they created for us. But we do not need to play the game by their rules anymore. It is time to wake up and begin creating a reality we all deserve. When you have a strong contact with your inner innocence, you do not need to struggle for survival or follow any other aspect of Cabal's programming. You can exit the game and being manifesting everything you need through magnetic manifestation by expressing yourself as a Soul and following your divine mission which helps you to  contribute to the planetary liberation.







 The Aldobrandini family contains members of the original group which chose to experience separation from the Source millions of years ago. They have in their possession secret documents about the existence of Atlantis and fragments of rituals of Atlantean mystery schools. This family is aware of the importance of the Goddess energy. There is a certain fact about this family that will be made public after the Event and will surprise many people.




When the first cracks appear in the last etheric defense layer of the Archons, events will then quickly follow. We can expect the following developments popping up in rapid succession, not necessarily in the same order:
-Disclosure of extremely advanced and efficient medicine technologies through mainstream media
-Indisputable proof of existence of Atlantis released through mainstream media
-Indisputable proof of existence of extraterrestrial civilizations released through mass media,

-Fully functional free energy home units for sale through a public website
-Arrest or physical removal of the top members of the Cabal, released through mainstream media
-Worldwide financial Reset
-The Event.




In Atlantis, priestesses of the Goddess were gathering in circles of twelve to anchor the energy of peace and harmony. They were called the Sisterhood of the Rose. They later reemerged in ancient Egypt as priestesses of Isis, with rose being a sacred symbol of the Goddess Isis. In the time of Crusades, Sisterhood of the Rose was the feminine counterpart to the Templars. During World War 2, they tried to influence some of the top Nazis, sometimes successfully persuading them to more peaceful ways, and thus saving many lives.




At the activation, conversion protocols of the Resistance Movement and the Agartha Network have been synchronized. The extent of the primary anomaly has been greatly decreased. The Breakthrough phase has been initialized.  
At the activation, a very special group from RM2m special task force has anchored the grid in Saqqara, less than 15 miles from the Giza plateau. In Saqqara, there are many entrances into the underground tunnels of the Agartha network:

From there, the main tunnel leads to Giza and from there the eastern branch goes to Tibet and the western branch to Peru via North America. 
I hope you are all aware that history of ancient Egypt goes far beyond known dynasties and that there was a highly advanced civilization in Egypt in late Atlantean period:
The critical mass of 144,000 Light forces from underground networks was enough to stabilize the energy grid but not enough to achieve a transformation of human consciousness as for that the critical mass of 144,000 needs to come from within humanity to have a desired resonance effect.






After the successful opening of the IS:IS portal on December 15th last year, which has completed the triangulation of darkness for the Local cluster of galaxies, the Central Civilization has positioned larger spherical midway stations (some of them up to 30,000 miles in diameter) at the heliopause and repositioned many smaller, Moon sized ones inside the Solar System.

The smaller ships belong to the Ashtar Command, the Jupiter Command and Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian and Resistance fleets. The larger spheric biosatellites belong to the Central Civilization.
The Central Civilization is an ancient race, which evolved close to the Galactic Central Sun and is the first race in the Galaxy which reached spiritual maturity many millions of year ago. In some circles, this race is known as the Wingmakers:
Sometimes they have manifested throughout the human history as physical angelic beings with wings.
One of their representatives, Iona, brought Goddess mysteries to Earth in Atlantis:
Millions of years ago, the Central Civilization began to build interdimensional doorways throughout the Galaxy and create the Galactic network of Light. As it did so, it encountered many races throughout the Galaxy, assisting them to achieve the same level of spiritual maturity. All those sovereign, spiritually mature races have created a confederate union which is called the Galactic Confederation (NOT Galactic Federation). As the name implies, it is NOT a hive-mentality centralized federation, but a loose, constructive confederate union of sovereign, mature races. You can read the distinction between a federation and confederation here: 



In late Atlantean times, both Light and dark forces were openly present on the surface of the planet. When this planet was occupied by the Chimera and the Archons 26,000 years ago, all other interest groups with any significant power were forced to leave the surface and literally go underground.
The Light forces have then built their own network of underground cities and this network was holding the Light for the planet in the last 26,000 years. In various modern intel sources, this network is called the Agartha network, the Shamballa, the underground kingdom of Light…

The dark forces have also built their own network of underground dwellings and they have allied with Dracos and Reptilians already living in certain locations underground. They have been keeping the darkness for this planet in the last 26,000 years. Various modern sources were calling this network Shamballa, the Agartha network, the Naga kingdom, the Patala… So if anybody speaks about the Agartha network, you need to discern clearly which network they are referring to.

Throughout the course of the last 26,000 years, many of the most advanced members of various surface civilizations have broken away from their societies and joined the underground positive Agartha network. Among them were paleolithic Gravettian shamen, Egyptian high priests, Minoan Goddess worshipers, Greek Pythagorean disciples (forming Hav-musuv breakaway society under Death Valley in California), Roman Auguri, Maya, Inca and Hopi groups, 17th century German explorers in South America, the Marconi/Fulcanelli group in the 20th century…

The positive Agartha network had their own space program with fleet of flying disks, traveling throughout the Solar System and beyond, contacting other positive extraterrestrial races. Their freedom of movement through the Solar System was severely limited due to Chimera-imposed quarantine status of this Solar System and planet Earth especially.





Cintamani is a sacred stone which came from Sirius star system. Millions of years ago, during a Galactic superwave, a planet orbiting Sirius A exploded. Its fragments traveled in all directions, some of them reaching Earth after long journey through interstellar space.

In the last 26,000 years, the positive Agarthans were guardians of Cintamani stones. Throughout the history, they have given pieces of Cintamani to some of those individuals who had the maximum potential positive influence on the human history. King Solomon, Alexander the Great and Akbar were in possession of a piece of Cintamani stone.
One piece of Cintamani, previously in Templar possession, was given to Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who revealed the existence of Agartha to humanity in his famous novel The Coming Race:
Later this same piece was given to a certain Templar group near Untersberg and then to the Vril girls (die Vrilerinnen) who channeled the technological know-how for first working space program on the surface of the planet since the fall of Atlantis.
Another piece was given to Nicholas Roerich, who attempted to achieve world peace with it. His well known Banner of Peace is a symbol related to the triple Sirius star system:
The dark forces, from Inquisition, to Jesuits, to Hitler, were trying to get a piece of Cintamani into their distorted hands, unsuccessfully.
Cintamani is the sacred stone of the Brotherhood of the Star, the last true remnant of the mystery schools of Light from Atlantis:
Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors belong to the mandala of 144,000 star beings of Light who came to planet Earth many incarnations ago to assist in the liberation of this planet and the Shift of the Ages.
Since the opening of the IS:IS portal in December 2014, Light is flowing from the Galactic Central Sun, steered through the facets of the Moldavite chalice of the Holy Grail which is serving as a lens, directed to the 144.000 to trigger their awakening.
Cintamani stone is the next step in this energetic process. Since the start of MOSS, the Light forces have asked me to spread pieces of Cintamani stone among the most awakened Lightworkers and Lightwarriors.
At the Event, the Galactic pulse will flow through Cintamani stones. Each holder of Cintamani stone will serve as an energy conduit, transmitting energies of the compression breakthrough into the planetary energy grid.




Khazarians are Dracos who came to planet Earth in late Atlantean period through the Caucasus portal and kept reincarnating into human bodies. Caucasus portal was also the main entry point for the Reptilian warrior slave caste who came to planet Earth in human bodies in Atlantean period and later during Neolithic period through the Kurgan invasion:

And in the 4th century during the Khazar invasion:










 Beautiful videos have been created for some of the key articles from this blog.

 Long River of History (English / Chinese video about the Event / New Atlantis):





Solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs twice in the precessional cycle of 26,000 years. Actually, the precessional cycle is perfectly entrained with the pulse of the Galactic heart, which sends a Galactic superwave into the spiral arms of the Galaxy every 26,000 years. So each solstice Sun / Galactic equator alignment occurs right at the time of the Galactic superwave, either a large one which occurs every 26,000 years, or a mid-cycle one, which occurs 13,000 years after each large one:

Luckily for us, the Galactic superwave we are awaiting is the mid-cycle one, and will be significantly milder that the previous one that has caused the Gothenburg geomagnetic reversal, the terminal Pleistocene mass species extinction 13,000 years ago and consequently the deluge of Atlantis.

Yet it will be strong enough to dust off all darkness from our Solar System, peel it off from the surface of the planet and trigger the Event.

The central point of this cosmic transformation was already determined 26,000 years ago and was set around the date of the fixed cross total Solar eclipse on August 11th, 1999.




  Actually we need to go a little bit back into the history of Atlantis.  Atlantis on planet Earth was pretty much a global civilization which was seeded or encouraged by different waves, waves of different cosmic races.  There was a Pleiadian wave which has brought Atlantis to it’s heights about 200,000 years ago and there was colonization from the Sirius star system that created the peak of Atlantean civilization about 75,000 years ago.  And each of those races have brought a lot of technology and a lot of spiritual understanding to Atlantis and each of those races that I have mentioned have created their own network of surface cities, of sub surface cities, of tunnel networks, of underground pyramids, of crystals, of stabilization technology for the tectonic plates.  But unfortunately there was another faction that came from Orion which infiltrated those networks of Atlantis and misused the technology and misuse of that technology actually was responsible for the deluge of Atlantis for the last sinking of Atlantis which append around 11,500 years ago,  A lot of that old technology is still spread out.  Some of it is submerged on the bottom of the ocean.  Some of it is a little bit underground.  Some of it has been purposely destroyed or suppressed.  But a lot of those machines and technologies and crystals are still remaining and some of the underground factions have discovered these old remnants and a lot of this will be coming to the main stream media at the time of the Event. 

  The group below Mt. Shasta and inside Mt Shasta is part of the, I would say,  global Agarthan network which originates from the time of Atlantis when part of the light forces had to go underground because of the Archon invasion 25,000 years ago.  And 25,000 years ago they have created a network of underground cities and underground tunnels.  One of those tunnels goes through Alaska, through Washington State, through northern California with Mt Shasta, through southern California, Mexico, Central America and down into South America ad there is another main tunnel which goes through Peru underground through Caribbean through Atlantic, through Morocco, through Egypt and then onwards towards Tibet.  This is all part of the same network and there was a very, and there still is a very positive civilization of light which I would call the global Agarthan network existing and Mt. Shasta city is a part of this civilization.  The surface population has received intel about this group through certain channels.  Certain people that lived in Mt. Shasta have had encounters.  I would say about 80% of that intel is correct.  I would not say they are ancient Lemurians.  I would say they are remnants of the old positive Atlantis. 








New Atlantis is the codename for the energy grid around the planetary surface that will support the Compression Breakthrough and also the codename for the New Society after the Event.

In Old Atlantis, before the polar shift 75,000 years ago, the position of equator was different and thus the position of the whole planetary energy grid was different also.


75,000 years ago and earlier, the energy gird around the planet was complete, under full control of the Ascended beings and with many sacred temples positioned around the equator. You can see the old Atlantean equator on this picture as a red line crossing South America and Africa:


It is interesting to note that many energy vortexes around the planet are still positioned around the old Atlantean equator:

The New Atlantis project actually aligns the vortexes of the Old Atlantis with the new energy grid that is about to be completed soon.

New Atlantis is a project of the Light forces that is already ongoing for millennia. Saint Germain is one of the main beings working on this project. He has revealed parts of this project to humanity in his incarnation as Francis Bacon in a novel called New Atlantis, where he described an utopian society based on meritocracy. In his next incarnation as Comte de Saint Germain he attempted to co-create a new Society in America by assisting in the independence of the USA and by being the main spiritual force behind the Constitution.

Here is a very good article about the past developments of the New Atlantis project that is a must read for everyone interested in New Atlantis, as it puts many occult doctrines in the right perspective:

Here I have to add that Comte de Saint Germain has formed a secret mystery school in Paris in 1775 that was the hidden hand behind the independence of the USA.

That mystery school was comprised of members of the Brotherhood of the Star that have then joined three main positive masonic lodges in Paris, influencing their members and thus consequently the global course of events.

One group joined the Les Neuf Soeurs masonic lodge in Paris and through Benjamin Franklin, who was a member of that masonic lodge, influenced the creation of the United States:

The second group joined the Philalethes masonic lodge in Paris, through which the Brotherhood of the Star tried to disseminate true occult knowledge. The occult knowledge from that lodge is the source of a vast portion of modern Western spirituality and occultism:

The third group joined the Cagliostro's Isis lodge in Paris. That lodge is the main source of Isiac mysteries that were later fragmentarily preserved in some Memphis Misraim lodges.

Cagliostro was one of the very few people on the surface of the planet that had an understanding of a certain aspect of mysteries of Isis that must remain veiled for now. Nothing more can be said about that matter before the Event.

Now Comte de Saint Germain has asked me to assist him in completion of the New Atlantis project. The planetary energy grid of New Atlantis is namely the energy tool that will manifest the Compression Breakthrough, the Event and the New Society.

Cintamani grid around the planet is one of the major tools in manifesting that aim. Whenever a Cintamani stone is planted in the soil somewhere around the planet, a huge angelic being is anchored in that spot, creating an energy vortex miles in diameter:


When the critical mass of those angelic beings are anchored around the planet, the head of the Yaldabouth entity will begin to dissolve.

Cintamani stones are the famous Blue Stones of Atlantis. Blue Stones, called also Blue Apples, were used by Cathars to open portals:

Needless to say, the Cathars have received their Cintmanis from the Templars who have received their first specimen from Hubertus Koch from Untersberg. He has received the stone directly from goddess Isais ( an aspect of Isis) at Nineveh near Mosul in Iraq. Nineveh is one of the most important Goddess vortexes on the planet:

It is not a coincidence that Daesh wants to destroy it:

It all boils down to the battle for the energy grid. And here, Light will be victorious and New Atlantis will shine as never before.





Mysteries of Isis are the remnant of the original Goddess mysteries that were brought to Atlantis by the Central Race many hundreds of thousands of years ago.


These mysteries were practiced uninterrupted for countless millennia on the surface of the planet in sacred temples dedicated to the Goddess. Living contact with the Goddess presence, the clear divine feminine archetype originating directly from the Source, was the basis of stability and harmony of the society.

After the interferences of the dark forces started on the planet, and especially after the Archon invasion 26,000 years ago, that perfect connection with the feminine aspect of the Source got interrupted.

Astara was a being from Sirius star system that took upon herself the task of preserving the Goddesss presence on the surface of the planet in the last 26,000 year cycle.

She was known as Aset to the Egyptians, Isis to the Greek and that is the name that is most widely used now.

Egyptian mystery schools tried to preserve the legacy of Atlantean mystery schools as pure as possible. Isis mysteries, as taught in the Egyptian and later Greco-Roman mystery schools, included the following:

The existence of divine plane of creation of pure Love and Light where no darkness can exist, and techniques to access that plane in your consciousness

The immortality of the Soul and the path to become that Soul

The protocol to avoid Archons and reach the realms of Light after death

The protocol to embody the Goddess presence and to become a living embodiment of that Goddess presence in all daily actions

The mysteries of the underground kingdom

The mysteries of the sacred union (hieros gamos).

Mysteries were taught only to the initiates, whereas the masses worshiped Isis as a personified deity, a protector that can help in times of trouble:

In the ancient world two millennia ago, Isis worship was the most popular and widespread religion across the Mediterranean:

Because of its tremendous impact on dissolving the Veil at that time, the Archons have devised a plan to hijack the evolving Christianity, turn it into a mind programming cult, suppress all Goddess worship and enforce the Nicene creed:


The mysteries of Isis had to go sub rosa (undercover).

Rosicrucian alchemists tried to revive them more that 1000 years later, but their real comeback only came in the 18th century, when Comte de Saint Germain initiated Cagliostro into the mysteries and gave him the task to spread those mysteries across Europe:

Cagliostro initiated many women of the French high society as instructed by Saint Germain, to reform and enlighten the society from within. These women were transmitting coded messages with sign language, as you can see in the following pictures (pay attention to the hand mudras):

Princess de Lamballe was the high priestess of Isis at that time, initiated by Cagliostro and in frequent contact with Saint Germain.

Mozart was a disciple of Cagliostro that spread the mysteries of Isis through his music, especially through his famous opera, the Magic Flute:


Christian Jacq has written a series of books about Mozart and his connection to the mysteries of Isis, that are much closer to the truth than it might appear:

Now it is time to revive the mysteries of Isis again.

You can do so by listening to the music:

By nurturing your sexual energy:

By connecting to the Goddess art from the past:

By connecting to the natural rhythms of time through the 13 moon calendar.

And by preparing for the Event by connecting to the Galactic Goddess:




I also know beyond any shadow of doubt that main Atlantis civilization was in the middle of Atlantic ocean, with precise location revealed in this post:

All this is a lesson for many people in the Lightwarrior and Lightworker community to start using discernment. True discernment is not possible on mental level, it can only appear when you make contact with your Soul, your higher self.




  Atlantean underwater pyramids built by the Pleiadians located not far away from Long Island:

These pyramids serve as the positive anchor point





Meanwhile, on the surface of the planet, the Light Forces are beginning to activate certain objects and places of power inside the planetary energy grid as part of the New Atlantis project under the guidance of Comte de Saint Germain.

The first place that is in the process of activation is the Temple of Love near Petit Trianon:

The cabinet of movable mirrors in Petit Trianon building is the place where true Goddess mysteries of Atlantis were anchored in 1776 by Princess de Lamballe and Marie Antoinette as instructed by Comte de Saint Germain.

The Queen of France was initiated into the mysteries of the Goddess and here is the occult proof for those who are ready to understand:

Activation of Petit Trianon sends powerful Goddess energies through a leyline that goes through the Temple of Love on Long Island, effectively healing the eastern US plasma anomaly vortex:

The other object of power that is in the process of activation is the Crown of St. Stephen:

This talisman of power is now transmitting strong energies from the Sirius star system, empowering Positive Templar forces behind Viktor Orban in his fight against the Cabal forces trying to destroy Europe.

He is against Soros:

And against the destruction of European civilization, which was initiated by Angela Merkel, the main promoter of Kalergi Plan:

Positive Templar forces and many positive White Nobility families from the former Austro-Hungarian empire are standing for Europe:

Here is a hint:

I will release intel about other objects and places of power that influence the geopolitical situation when I receive the green light to do so.




 During the meditation, the critical mass of the New Atlantis energy grid around the planet has been completed and from now on this grid is strong enough to handle the energies of the Event. From now on, the New Atlantis energy grid will be used by the Light forces to transmit mission activation codes in the form of revelatory dreams, impressions and visions to the awakened part of the human population.




 They were planning that hurricane to become another Katrina with thousands of casualties but thanks to the strength of the New Atlantis grid, the Light forces have managed to weaken the storm as it made landfall and thus casualties were reduced by more than 95% from what the Cabal has originally planned.





Operation Mjolnir is a special operation of the Light Forces to enforce implementation of the Galactic Codex within quarantine Earth.

Mjolnir, also called Hammer of Thor (compare Norse: Thor, Roman: Iuppiter, Greek: Zeus, Egyptian: Wsir, late Atlantean: Astar) , is a special undisclosed technology of the Galactic Confederation that will make sure Galactic Codex is respected again in quarantine Earth sector:

One aspect of Mjolnir technology is detection of any dark being simply by measuring the amount of quantum anomaly that being emanates with negative thoughts, emotions and actions. Another aspect of Mjolnir technology is a foolproof containment and processing technology that can remove any dark being from its domain and process it according to the Galactic Codex. That processing usually takes place in Ganymede sort facility.




Sexual energy is connected to one of the deepest Goddess mysteries, the mystery of reintegration of female and male polarities into Ascension. This is the true meaning of the alchemical formula of “solve et coagula”.


The Archons were manipulating human sexual energy since the late Atlantean period, trying to create as much separation as possible. They did this by implanting women and men in a different way, creating a psychological division and split between female and male personalities. This primary split from the time of Atlantis is the main reason for misunderstandings in male-female relationships.





Sacred Union is merging of spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric, plasma and physical bodies of soulmates and twin souls:

Such merger creates a moment of no-time when the Veil is pierced, and this moment of no-time, if expanded, is the key to physical immortality and / or Ascension.

Since the fall of Atlantis, priestesses of Astara were preserving the mysteries of Sacred Union on the surface of the planet:

And inside the Agartha network:

Later, in post-Atlantean period, Sacred Union between the king and the high priestess has created resonance waves of harmony for the whole kingdom the king was the ruler of.

High priestesses of the Goddess were also able to heal the war trauma of men:

Or heal the women:

As we are approaching the moment of Compression Breakthrough, some of the most awakened priestesses will start using the energy of Sacred Union to heal others and to channel Goddess energies into the planetary Light grid.


Since the Kurgan Archon invasion more than 5000 years ago, the Archons are using etheric and plasma scalar technology to disrupt Sacred Unions. These disruptions are the source of most drama in love relationships.

They are then harvesting the psychic energy of those disruptions and are funneling it into Hassuna-Samarra vortex, which they are actively suppressing for millennia by creating wars in the region.

Their first way is to create disruptions in existing relationships and even engineer relationships themselves:

Their second method is to switch one of the pair off ad thus create great emotional pain for the other:

Their third way is to induce possessiveness, and create jealousy dramas.

Their fourth way is to use isolating scalar fields to disconnect people from each other.

Their fifth way is to create women physically passive, so a woman can never physically approach a man.

Their sixth way is to create men emotionally passive.

Their seventh way is to induce twin soul fantasy, when someone is projecting an idealized image on a partner.

And if nothing else works, they tend to kill happy couples with directed energy weapons:

Regardless of all programming attempts, the Light is pouring through the cracks in the Veil, and the Pleiadian fleet is supporting Sacred Union with the force of their spiritual Love.







First, the six phases of a phase transition will be explained in more detail. Each of those phases is a complete stage of a planetary Ascension process and is estimated to last somewhere between a few months to a few years. This is as close as you will ever get to an answer to your question “when will the Event happen?”, on this blog.

The first phase of phase transition is called Interface Evaporation phase. This phase started in 2012 and ended on January 21st, 2019. Interface Evaporation phase means that thermal flux (in our case energy from the Galactic Central Sun) is administered to the interface (in our case the surface of the planet) and creates a convection current above the interface surface (this equals the awakening of the surface population between 2012 and 2019).

The second phase of phase transition is called Bubble Condensation phase. This phase started on January 21st, 2019 and is now ongoing. This phase means that enough thermal flux has been administered to the surface to allow pure phase transition from liquid water (matrix society) into water vapor (galactic society) in some extremely small and isolated areas on the surface. During the Bubble Condensation phase, those Bubbles of Heaven emerge, repattern and reorganize in full accordance to the Ising model:

During this phase, the Bubbles of Heaven get slowly and progressively larger with less entropy, whereas the surrounding matrix society gets progressively more unstable with more entropy.

This is precisely the reason why some people are guided to put less attention to outer daily politicking and more attention to inner spiritual growth:

The third phase of phase transition is called Bubble Elevation phase. This phase sees the thermal flux from the Galactic Central Sun rising exponentially, with more and more Bubbles of Heaven actively forming and matrix society actively collapsing, until the thermal flux peaks at the moment of the Event.

The moment of the Event is the moment of critical thermal flux, the matrix society collapses, the Contact is made, the entropic elements of the old society are swiftly removed, and we enter into the fourth phase.

The fourth phase is called Unstable Film Boiling phase. Bubbles of Heaven have connected on the surface of the planet into a stable network (film) which forms the backbone of the new society, whereas the society itself as a whole is unstable, but processing, integrating and stabilizing. Islands of Light are being fully formed with active Contact.

The fifth phase is called Stable Film Boiling phase. Islands of Light on the surface of the planet become active conversion/inversion zones through which individual and group Ascension process is taking place. First Ascension wave with thousands of people ascending takes place. Some of them return to the surface as Ascended beings and prepare the second Ascension wave with hundreds of thousands of people ascending. Some of those return to the surface and prepare the surface population for the third wave.

During the fifth phase, the surface population fully integrates new advanced technologies and is healed enough to accept the Light as a whole.

The sixth phase is called the Final Flash phase. Phase transition is complete. The Galactic Central Sun triggers the Solar event and the planetary polar shift. Millions of people ascend in the Third wave and the rest of humanity is evacuated from the surface of the planet into the Galactic Fleet which transports them to a suitable planet in the Pleiades star cluster which will become the new home for humanity.

At that moment, the surface of the planet is hit by a tsunami which washes the planet clean. The only areas unaffected are Islands of Light, which are populated by advanced star beings, many of them being YOU. Then, the New Atlantis is being built on the New Earth.




Our Solar System is now full of beings from the Cosmic Central race and they are cooperating with the Light Forces from the Jupiter Command, Ashtar Command, Atlantis Command, Pleiadian, Sirian and Andromedan Fleet, Resistance Movement, positive Agartha factions and certain special forces called SURFACOM.  

Cosmic Central race beings are also contacting the most advanced members of the surface population in their meditations, dreams and visions. 


Lengyel Goddess Vortex in Hungary has been chosen as the entry point for the energies of the Cosmic Central race.  The reasons for this choice have to do with the 1996 Archon invasion, social dynamics behavior patterns of the most advanced Lightworkers, the position of the outer border of late Atlantean Mediterranean colonies, and conscious connection of shamen of Lengyel culture with the Galactic Central Sun of our Galaxy:



Another important vortex in Slovenia is its capital city, Ljubljana. It was an important city of Light in late Atlantean period and is about to become a city of Light again in the New Atlantis:

There were certain events of planetary and cosmic importance taking place in Ljubljana in 1995 that must remain classified for now.

During the last Archon invasion in 1996, Ljubljana was bombed with etheric and plasma nuclear bombs which have collapsed the energy grid in the country completely and have delayed the spiritual progress of the country for decades. Very recently, certain actions are being taken to revive that energy vortex again.

Black Nobility family that is controlling Ljubljana, certain other parts of Slovenia and certain parts of Italy is the Orsini family:




On April 15th, 2019, full mysteries of the Goddess were finally anchored on the surface of this planet in a certain group, after centuries of suppression and after the last mysteries of Isis were completely discontinued at the Isis temple of Philae in the year 457 of the current era:

On April 15th, exactly at the peak of the most important ceremony which fully anchored the Goddess on the physical plane in full alignment with original protocols which originate in the legendary civilization of Atlantis, the Black Nobility families could not take this victory of the Light anymore:

They have ordered Jesuits to put key Templar sacred sites on fire immediately, as Templars were the main force recovering fragments of Isis mysteries and bringing them into the awareness of the Western civilization.

Templars have discovered ancient sacred texts connected to Isis mysteries in Solomon's stables near Al-Aqsa mosque:

Based on those texts, Templars have built many cathedrals dedicated to Our Lady (Notre Dame) on locations of Isis temples throughout Europe:

Many of those cathedrals were housing statues of Black Madonnas, which are actually Christianized versions of statues of dark skinned Isis, sometimes nursing her child, Horus.

The first building put on fire on April 15th was the Notre Dame church in Paris:

Which was built upon the temple of Isis:







On Saturday, there was a top level strategic summit in the Tycho lunar base where representatives of all major non-surface Light factions have come to a mutual strategic agreement on how to proceed with the planetary liberation operations. This new, reinforced plan will be executed with precision and efficiency. All non-surface Light factions have agreed to form a strategic alliance, which is called Atlantis Alliance.





To counteract all this, Saint Germain is now sending strong energies to empower the implementation of the Constitution of the United States:

The Constitution is a legal document that forms the legal basis for the creation of New Atlantis before the Galactic Codex can be implemented.

Saint Germain was deeply involved in the creation of the United States and in the creation of the Declaration of Independence.

Both Constitution of the United States and Declaration of Independence are legal documents that will have important role in the events which are about to occur in the United States in the next few months and which will have global impact.




  They have already managed to remove the spider queen, who was responsible for destruction of Goddess temples in Atlantis and destruction of the Goddess mysteries in the first and second Archon invasion. She was the force behind the Inquisition and more recently the force behind global child abuse networks, using Mothers of Darkness to do the dirty work (warning: graphic material):

With the spider queen gone, the child abuse networks on the surface will now slowly begin to disintegrate as they are exposed to the surface population. Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, especially those who hold the Goddess energy, were directly or indirectly traumatized by the spider queen in many incarnations, and those traumas will now begin to heal. Etheric spider poison which she and other Chimera spiders were emanating and using in their attacks, and was destroying many soulmate relationships on the surface, will now begin to dissipate and clear.






As the Light Forces are trying to bring as much Light as possible to the surface of the planet in their project of Return of Spirit, the old Atlantean Light grid is being reactivated.

One very important aspect of that process is reactivation of old Atlantean Goddess vortexes, connected to the old Atlantean equator:



In times of Atlantis, powerful temples were built across equator and they had direct connection with the motherships of the Galactic Confederation which were parked directly above them in geostationary orbit. Those temples were anchoring divine Goddess energy on the surface of the planet, whereas polar temples were anchoring divine God energy. Goddess temples always had a sacred lake situated nearby, where the Goddess vortex was anchored through a female angelic being under guidance from Iona.

The locations of those Atlantean Goddess temples are now being reactivated by the Light forces. One of the primary reactivated location is Baalbek, where there was a Goddess temple with a mystery school since the times of Atlantis:

Long time after the flood, Goddess Atargatis returned from Sirius to the region and reactivated Goddess mysteries:

Many temples to Atargatis with sacred lakes were built in the area, with primary temples in Hierapolis (modern Manbij in Syria, the sacred lake converted into a football field), Ashkelon, Qubbet el Bedawi (the sacred lake destroyed and overgrown with urban settlement), and Edessa (modern Urfa, the sacred lake still exists and has a tunnel leading deep underground):



Aside from the vortexes connected with Atargatis, the Light forces are also reactivating vortexes connected with triple Goddesses Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat, that originate from preislamic Arabia. These vortexes are also located at the old Atlantean equator:

Entrances into Agartha are also being reactivated energetically along the old Atlantean equator, such as this one near Ephesus:

Also being reactivated is the European Goddess Vortex triangle with double vortexes of Venice, Paris and Budapest, all of them close to the Atlantean equator. All these three double vortexes have the main vortex in the city, and the secondary vortex about 10-30 miles from the main one. Both vortexes are connected with each other with an infinity number eight energy flow.

The Venice vortex in anchored on the Rialto bridge in Venice:



The Venice Goddess vortex birthed the Goddess mysteries during Renaissance through Ordo Bucintoro:

Loredan and Mocenigo White Nobility families were carrying Goddess mysteries in Venice. Both families have roses in their coat of arms. Loredan family was also expressing Goddess mysteries through Accademia degli Incogniti:

The secondary vortex of Venice is anchored at Villa Dei Vescovi in Euganean hills. This villa is actually an Ascension chamber:

This secondary vortex is also connected to Atargatis:

There are many smaller Goddess vortexes in northern Italy not far from the Atlantean equator, such as one in Arezzo and another one in Parma, where Marie Louise (Maria Luigia) was an initiated priestess of the Goddess:,_Duchess_of_Parma 

The Paris Goddess vortex is anchored in the crypt of the Notre Dame church. There are many other smaller anchor points of this vortex throughout Paris, such as the original Dendera zodiac in Louvre:

and its modern counterpart in the Louboutin store:

The secondary vortex of Paris is anchored at the Temple of Love in Petit Trianon in Versailles:

The statue in the middle of the temple was originally a statue of Venus and was later replaced with a statue of Cupid. A small sacred lake around the temple anchors energies of Atargatis.

Bourbon White Nobility family was supporting Goddess mysteries in Paris and Versailles, through two high priestesses, Madame de Pompadour and Princess de Lamballe:

The Budapest Goddess vortex is anchored in the crown of St. Stephen, currently in the Hungarian parliament.

The secondary Budapest Goddess vortex is anchored in Godollo castle, the home of Queen Sisi, who was also a high priestess of the Goddess:

The Light forces have communicated that after more than 1500 years of suppression, Goddess temples need to be recreated again on the surface of this planet. Sisterhood of the Rose has been given this sacred task. Public spaces that bring the Goddess energy to the general surface population need to be created. This can be your private space that is open to the general public at least a few hours weekly and can bring Goddess energy to the people though meditations, dance, readings, and music, such as this ode to Isis:

One example of a modern Goddess temple is here:

These temples need to be created as soon as possible to support the energetic transition of this planet.

To connect with the Goddess energy, you can also read this book: 

Or remember Isis Astara and her work to bring the Goddess back:





  Lords of Karma are arachnid Chimera entities that came from Andromeda galaxy millions years ago via Rigel portal and who created quarantine Earth matrix 26,000 years ago. Many of them arrived on Earth almost 1 million years ago, with reinforcements streaming in through the whole Atlantean period to finally take full control of the planet 26,000 years ago and seal its fate with the final reinforcement from Rigel in 1996-1999.

Lords of Karma ( cleared ) are in almost full control of quarantine Earth, and they have created a dark spider web full of black holes and toplet bombs on the causal, mental, astral and etheric planes. Their causal bodies are almost completely black, being exposed to so much anomaly, and they worship the black holes on the causal plane as a portal to the dark inverted reality as the Black sun.

They have great control over the human reincarnation cycle, and have a great say in where and how a particular individual will be reincarnated. They have full access to Akashic records. They keep twin souls apart, destroy soulmate relationships, instill jealousy and fear and strive to manifest maximum amount of suffering to the human population. They extend their influence through their minions, Draco and Reptilian demonic entities on lower mental, astral and etheric planes, and control the physical geopolitical situation through demonic possession of Black nobility and Illuminati minions on the physical plane.


...One of the key aspects in the next stage of planetary liberation process is the return of the Goddess energy. For that reason, Goddess temple pr

.oject has been introduced to humanity:

With many Goddess temples already existing around the world:

With many groups reactivating ancient temples of the Goddess:

With energy work being done on the old Atlantean Goddess equator:

With people remembering life in ancient Goddess temples of the past:

With people connecting with Goddess energy through art:

And through nature:




Their main focus are ancient temples of Chola, Chera and Pandya dynasties in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Many of these temples have a powerful Goddess vortex:

In many of those temples, Goddess mysteries were transmitted to the people by devadasis:

Some of them are connected with underground tunnels to the Agartha network and some of them have treasuries of gold, worth hundreds of billions of dollars. This gold is now being energetically activated by Saint Germain for the future benefit of humanity:



Southern India was once a part of an old Atlantean colony:

Where many Pleiadian women were anchoring Goddess mysteries:

In southern India, people carried on the tradition of ancient knowledge after the deluge of Atlantis for many thousand years:





After the fall of Atlantis, Aldebarans have assisted the surface humanity many times throughout human history by bringing them technology and improving their genetic code:

They have maintained their vibrational frequency in the hostile surface Earth environment through the institution of harem (meaning sacred, enclosed, protected space):

They assisted Pleiadians in building the Xian pyramid complex in China and were also quite active in predynastic Egypt:

They have founded Vedic civilization in Tamil Nadu and another one in Rajasthan and Gujarat. They have formed the Rama empire in ancient India and the city of Dwarka:


And Sumerian empire with the city of Uruk, now known as Warka:



They were fighting with Draconians in a nuclear war and lost:

After that war and subsequent deluge in 3114 BCE, their influence on the surface of the planet greatly diminished.

Most of them were then ordered by the masters of the quarantine to leave the Solar system and some were able to go underground to join, strengthen and enlarge the Agartha network. They were active there since then until 1996, when all of the underground Aldebarans were taken prisoner by the dark forces or forced to leave the Solar system:




Now a certain amount of anomaly has been removed from the surface of the planet, and activation of divine masculine energies can finally begin. This will be greatly supported by incoming Aldebaran space teams.

One focus of this divine masculine activation is the activation of Dragon leylines. Those Dragon leylines mostly follow main mountain ranges on the planet, and a network of Tachyon chambers, a network of Cintamani stones and a network of Galactic Cintamani stones is to be activated there. For those who are searching for guidelines for planting the stones, they are here:

Galactic Cintamani stones will also be activated along the old Atlantean equator. The purpose of those Galactic Cintamanis will be to heal subquantum anomaly and bring in the energy of the goddess Iona.

All this is a part of the New Atlantis project which was initiated by Saint Germain years ago.


Mjolnir technology is now at about 7% capacity, and its intensity will greatly increase in the coming months. One aspect of this Mjolnir boost will be activation of various tektites, among them Cintamanis, Galactic Cintamanis, Moldavites and Tibetan tektites.

There is a great deal of misinformation present in the scientific community about the origin of tektites, assuming their terrestrial origins, with some of those beautiful cosmic stones being degraded even further to pseudotektites.

Tektites are, indeed, coming from interstellar space:

They were formed in various star systems where angelic beings were trying to manifest a planet from etheric plane into the physical plane, and during manifestation process that planet encountered quantum anomaly and exploded. Fragments of that explosion were scattered in all directions and some of them came to Earth as tektites:

Those tektites contain high vibrational codes from the star races from the star systems they originate from: Cintamanis from Sirius, Moldavites from Pleiades, Galactic Cintamanis from a solar system near the Galactic center, …

As already mentioned, there are also ultra rare Tibetan tektites from Aldebaran, and somewhat more common Tibetan tektites from Andromeda, found in Ali (Ngari) region of Tibet which are mostly opaque ad sometimes have a violet hue. There are also ultra super rare Tibetan tektites that are found on Tibetan side of Himalayan mountain range that will have a very special function in the coming years which needs to remain classified. Vast majority of tektites that are publicly sold as “Tibetan tektites” are in reality coming from Vietnam. Genuine Tibetan tektites are very hard to find.



In clearing the surface, the Light Forces have encountered two ancient Illuminati networks, controlled by Black nobility and primarily made of Draco and Reptilian entities in human bodies. These two networks are anchors for the huge part of the primary anomaly still extending throughout the Solar system until the heliopause:

The first of those networks is located in India and it firmly established control upon Indian subcontinent after the Draco defeated Aldebarans in a nuclear war in the area of current Rajasthan about 5000 years ago. Since then, Indian Illuminati network has controlled India through dark priesthood network, and it is still the deep force of control behind Indian politics, emanating from certain Indian Black nobility families.

This network is already being cleared, with Resistance Movement and Agarthan and other special forces emerging to the surface from Patala:

The second network exists in subsaharan Africa and is even older, originating in Atlantis. Main anchor of this network in near lake Kivu. Clearing of this network will start after the Indian network is almost completely defeated.

All this will be happening behind the scenes and there will be no apparent progress until Pluto enters Aquarius on January 21st. After that, things will become more interesting again.





Now it is time to release more intel about current developments behind the scenes.

After the Source began to clear the subquantum anomaly directly in early December, the Dark forces totally freaked out because they felt cornered and trapped.

Some members of the Indian Illuminati network have activated ancient jumprooms that were located in underground tunnels beneath some Hindu temples in India. Some of those jumprooms were inactive for centuries, sometimes even millennia. Through those jumprooms, they have teleported about 300 million reptilian beings from the etheric plane into humanoid physical bodies and tried to recapture the Solar system by teleporting those Reptoids through ancient jumproom network that spans the Solar system and was inactive for centuries as well. They were even able to infiltrate some bases of the Light forces on Planet X, which were swiftly recaptured by the Light Forces with heavy casualties on both sides.

This attempt of the Dark forces to recapture the Soar system was repelled, the tide began to turn after heavy battles in various bases on remote asteroids in and beyond the Kuiper belt in early January, and the Solar system is expected to be completely free from that darkness in a few weeks.

That Indian Illuminati network has also teleported many of those Reptoids through the ancient jumproom network below the surface of the planet and merged it with ancient Atlantean dark network which exists below Africa. Those dark subterranean networks are being cleared also.

Of 300 million Reptoids many were cleared already and now only a little over 100 million still remain.

The Indian Illuminati network was created during the Kurgan Archon invasion about 5000 years ago when one branch of Kurgans invaded Indus valley and formed Vedic patriarchal civilization in India with strict caste system. They were the ones who brought the mind programming belief in karma. The remnants of this network are mostly prevalent in Rajasthan and Gujarat.

The African Illuminati network was formed 14,000 years ago at the last polar shift in the late Atlantean period. When the equator shifted to its current position, the Dark forces built a network of dark temples along the current equator, equipped with jumprooms though which Reptilian entities could enter incarnation into humanoid cloned bodies. This is how many Reptoids entered the human surface population since late Atlantis, and formed their own network under control of a few Black nobility families. That network is still quite powerful in subsaharan Africa, especially in Cameroon, Gabon and Congo, in South America in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil, in Central America in Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala, and in India in Sri Lanka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Both of those networks are under the control of the Pallavicini family, which also controls the BRICS alliance though their secret connections in Israel. Both the Indian and African Illuminati networks are now in intense process of final removal. The signs of that clearing are everywhere:

Orsini family controls the Western Illuminati network, NATO alliance and biolabs. There is some important intel about Western Illuminati network that needs to remain veiled for now.

As a result of clearing of all that darkness, the Galactic central Sun is increasing its activity.

First, it activated our Sun on New Year's eve and triggered an X5 solar flare:

Second, it activated the Galactic Central race in full to start the energetic process of the final liberation of Earth's energy grid. 



In early January, the Galactic Central race has activated all hidden Atlantean crystals, including the 30 feet tall Astar crystal which is located beneath seafloor near Bermuda:

Those Atlantean crystals are now connecting with Cintamani and Galactic Cintamani grids and empowering them.

Galactic Central race has also activated dormant spaceships from Atlantean period which are buried beneath Giza complex, beneath Amazon jungle, in Antarctica and other locations. Those spaceships are now connecting with the planetary energy grid and connecting it with midway space stations which the Galactic Central race has built in ancient times and which extend throughout the Solar system.

They have also reactivated the Chaco canyon site:



As a result of all those empowerments, the Light forces were able to increase the volume of Mjolnir technology to 10-12%.





Interviews Quotes





SC: you just explain exactly who or what are the Archons, and a little bit about what role they’re currently playing in the dark?

Cobra: Okay. Archons — this is a Greek word for rulers. And they’re actually the ones who are ruling the quarantined Earth. And there is a physical aspect, there is very few of them left, and there is the non-physical aspect. And actually, the whole show is being run from the etheric and astral planes. This is where actually most of them are, and what they do is they influence the thinking process and the emotional process of humanity. So they actually have technology available on the etheric and astral planes to influence the way how people think, the way how people feel, and this actually greatly influences the behavior of the masses and also influences the behavior of the Cabal and, unluckily, also the behavior of the light-workers.So they are the ones who we need to be really aware of. And the purpose of those mass meditations was, one of the primary purposes was to — to get a victory over those people.


SC: In terms of what, though? You mean because of our group conscious thought becoming — entering the atmosphere and changing people’s intentions, or…? 

Cobra: No, actually it’s a kind of magical wars, similar to what happened in Atlantis. The light forces are bringing in light, and if there is enough light on the planet, on the etheric and astral planes, this creates a network of light, a planetary grid, which in turn gives the light forces of the higher dimensions an opportunity to remove those Archons from the etheric and astral planes.And we have had quite a great success in the last few weeks with this. The dark grid has not been completely removed, but it is in the process of being removed. And this is exactly the reason why it is possible now to proceed with the plan.




Cobra-When the real reset happens this will be much much much more widespread and actually take down the system.  Because when thearrest happen the Cabal must be kept from all of their money.

Q: Now you also mentioned that one of their biggest concerns is the Stockholm Syndrome.  Are there ways in which to get beyond that?  Are we pretty much stuck with what we have and until the time that the mass landings occur there would be accessibility to the healing chambers?

C:  Oh yes, there are ways to get beyond that.  The critical time is before the arrests happen and not at the time of the mass landings.  Because when we get back the mass media, human beings will begin to cooperate.  They will be deprogrammed.The brain washing will be removed very quickly and very effectively.  Because when every human being is being presented the real facts, they will quite quickly realize what is going on.  When they will get the evidence, the proof.  Not just the words,the proof, when they see the top leaders of The Cabal arrested and presented the evidence of their deeds of their actions, when they will see working free energy device, when they will see artifacts from Atlantis, things of that nature, human beings will begin to believe

Q: Yeah, they won’t be able to dispute it.

C: Exactly.

Q: I do see it is unfortunate because I have seen a lot of the divide and conquer that the Dark have been orchestrating amongst the spiritual community.  I just really hope that we can step back and maintain neutrality and look at this from an observer standpoint.

C:  Oh yes, it is very important at this point not to get involved in the drama that is being artificially enhanced by The Cabal.







 Can you tell us more about the things that were found under the pyramids. There is some exciting stuff coming out.

Cobra:  Below this were some crystals, recording crystals which held information about Atlantis and those crystals were retrieved in 1998 by resistance movement.  Cabal knew about all of this.  That is why they blocked access to those tunnels under the Sphinx.  There is a whole city under the Sphinx.  After our activation in December, it was so successful, they tightened the rules to private access to the pyramids.

(A) – If you extracted all this stuff already, why are they so reluctant to let anyone in? (resistance took crystals and info out of that area).  Why are theyconcerned?

Cobra:  No one from the surface can go in there.  Govt./ cabal blocked entrance. Sono one from the surface can go in there.




Alexandra:  One more question - is our pineal gland an archon implant to keep us  mind controlled and we're supposed to move beyond it?  

COBRA:  No, it is a natural gland and its purpose to bring in the light.  The  implant has been in the head area since Atlantis to block, to shut down the pineal  gland.




Alexandra:  What is your perception from a galactic point of view in the role Turkeyplays in this entire unfolding.  They seem to be the center piece of everything that’s going on.

COBRA: Turkey is a buffer zone between Syria vortex and Europe.  The Syria vortex isan ancient Goddess vortex.  It’s the last major vortex the Cabal controls.  When they loose that one, it’s game over.

Alexandra:  Wow.  What can we do to assist to bring down that vortex in Turkey.

COBRA: It’s about clearing and purifying that vortex.  The Archons are streaming darkness into it.  When this vortex is purified it will be one of the strongest positive points on the planet.  Syria  has been triggering the rebirth after the fall of Atlantis.  1It was one of the first places to be populated after the great flood 11,500 years ago.  After some time the cabal got control of the vortex. They are keeping it and they are creating original conflict and spread it all around the world.  Of course this will not happen.   Turkey is a shield that will prevent  that conflict to that to spread around the world.




Sandra asks where RH – blood factor came from. Which races interbred with the evolutionary humans to interject this blood type.

COBRA:  It’s not about a single blood type,  It’s a very complex situation.  Not only different blood types, but many different factors in the construction of the human body.  There were many positive and many negative races involved in this especially Atlantis.  The positive races are trying to heal the damage which was created by genetic experimentation of the dark forces.

Alexandra:  She goes on to say that RH- blood can not be hypnotized or mind controlled.  They are typically of European decent.

COBRA: I would not agree with that.  There is a slight tendency, but I would not generalize that.


Alexandra: Why is Syria such an important place for them to be attacking?

COBRA: It’s a very ancient goddess vortex and the Archons wanted to suppress that.That vortex was created after the fall of Atlantis. It was holding the goddess energy of the planet for a very long time. The Cabal wanted to suppress it. Now that the etheric Archons were removed from there, the vortex will start spreading the light. Another aspect is Syria has a strategic position between near eastern Europe and also there is quite large amounts of natural gas which have been discovered.They can keep the balance of oil, the old energy paradigm. There are many things happening there at once. It was the last chance of the Cabal to trigger something,but now it’s over for them.


Another question was they were talking about Atlantis and how this very deep, deep sadness in the core of their being when they bring up the fall of Atlantis.  Can you give more clarity as to what you feel happened at the time of Atlantis.

COBRA:   Atlantis was a great civilization which was destroyed by an act of the Cabal in the year 9564 BC.  This sadness is an unprocessed experience of the deluge of Atlantis.   We haven’t reached that stage yet, but we are slowly approaching the time of the new Atlantis.  It will be a rebirth of the old Atlantan civilization butin much greater light and higher turn of the spiral.

Alexandra:  Yes, but don’t you also feel that what we are going through is veryindicative to what happened right before Atlantis fell.  



Q-there were a couple of good morsels before I dive into the headlines from Sheldan Nidle.  And one of them was- we are here to complete what the ancient Lumerians nearly accomplished. What do you feel that he’s referring to.

Cobra-There was a very old, I would not say prophesy but a project by the light forces in the galaxy to create a parallel society on the planet. This parallel society was created at one time in Lumeria and also at a certain time in Atlantis but the problem is we’re not conscious now. And now we are moving to make a new paradise conscious for the first time in the history of this planet.


What about these three brand new islands after the earthquake in Pakistan.

This is just a natural process from a Earthquake. Shifting of tectonic plates in thearea sometimes a new island can arise. This can also happen when there’s anincreased volcanic activity for example in Iceland you have new islands a fewdecades ago.

Do you think this is the process that will be involved in bringing forth a physicalAtlantis or is the new Atlantis more of a spiritual awakening Atlantis?

The new Atlantis is a new society that will be formed after the event.

Ok. Will it be physical?

Yes physical society but there will be no new island popping up in Atlantis.


They just had these gigantic underwater pyramids surface near  the Azores islands. They say they are associated with Atlantis there seems to be a  ton of them. 

Unconfirmed report of one pyramid which is not gigantic. I cannot confirm if it’s  real or not.



 the Platonic solids, especially some of them are not just expressed through music they are basic ingredients of the basic structure of the universe itself so musical expression is just one way of expressing cosmic diversity and Plato came to this awareness through the mystery school which was actually a reflection of the old mystery schools from Atlantis at that time they knew how the spheres works and how many of the spheres were actually resonate frequency waves which hold the planet in the orbit. It’s actually the cosmic music is a combination of force fields which keep this universe in balance, so from a cosmic perspective music is much more than what we hear through our ears.  It can be felt through higher energy bodies. It can be experienced directly in higher states of awareness and its even more beautiful than what we can experience here in human bodies.






 A comment was made, the Earth is struggling with the mixing of DNA between species and that this itself has caused the havoc that has wrecked thus on, as a whole. Do you agree with that, and if so, why?

Cobra: Partially, there was a lot of genetic experimentation in Atlantis, that led to various mutations and degradation of consciousness. And of course this has supported the Dark agenda on the planet. So I would say genetic experimentation and mixing of species is very dangerous. It is not something to be taken lightly.

AM: Okay, so now when you say mixture of species, a lot of people – when they think of Atlantis, they think of a human being mixed with a horse, or a human being mixed with a bird, or whatever. Are you talking actually about the mixture of the species of say, a Sirian with a Pleidian, or an Arcturian with an Andromedan? Can youcomment on that?

Cobra: There were genetic experimentations that were quite wild, but in most cases was just genetic mixing of various extraterrestrial races




  At the time of the Event there will be a huge download of intel through the mass media for the masses. Certain individuals who are now Lightworkers and LightWarriors might be contacted directly by the Resistance, and they will be given instructions how to lead humanity through the transformations, because the Light Forces, Resistance movement, the Argarthians and the extraterrestrial races will not be visible at the first stage after the Event. Human beings on the surface will lead the transformation, guided with instructions from the Resistance.  After some short period of time, the Resistance and other Light forces will make themselves visible,but not at the very, very beginning.

E: For instance, what will come on the media? Will it be words for people to read rather than a person speaking or…?

C: It will be a release of hidden documents; it will be release of intel about the Cabal, about the true history of the planet, evidence about Atlantis, things like Area 51, things like Roswell crash, things like UFOs that were stored in area 51,things of that nature. The names of the Cabal members, the financial system Ponzi scheme, all those things with numbers, details.  Everything. Hard evidence.

E: Will people see it as words that they are reading or are there going to be persons speaking those words that they will see?

C: It will be the same as now. We have TV stations where are people working there.It might be that some of the same people will keep their jobs and just read from a different piece of paper with a different intel than now.

E: That’s interesting. So the whole thing will filter through the system as it is now in place.

C: Yes, the structure will keep intact. The same TV stations, the same studios, just the script will be different. The truth will come through the same mass media.

E:  That’s good to hear. I am interested in that part. At this stage, what level of people on this planet are aware of this in a real way, not because they have heard about it, but heard from the Light forces? When I read the newspaper and I try to look through and see if I am seeing signals—like when I read that the Federal Reserve Board has just been announced—are those people still playing the game for us or do they actually not know what is coming?

C: People on the highest level of power and diplomacy, they know about it. They don’t speak about it publically but they know about it.  To the mass media, there are no words about it. It’s a complete censorship at this point, still.




explain how the healing takes place in the light chambers and the crystal healing beds back in the time of Egypt. Can you explain how that worked?

Cobra – It depends on the time frame you are asking about because there are certain– after the fall of Atlantis – the old technology was being degraded time after time so the various first versions were actually star chambers that were able to back engineer the light body and restore the right frequency. But after some time that technology has been forgotten and the later versions were only able to increase the presence of light to a certain degree and not to restore the original light body completely.

Alexandra – Wow. and so do you still agree that each of us is going to have to go through that process?

Cobra – Yes.

Alexandra – That is directly correlated with the genetic messing with the genetics of the DNA?

Cobra – Actually the, according they are putting too much attention on the genetic make-up. What is more important is the transformation of consciousness. That transformation of consciousness will genetically automatically realign you.

Alexandra – Speaking of transformation of consciousness, can you give us an approximate idea of how much we have grown in that area?

Cobra – Actually the real process will just begin when The Event happens because with the conditions we have on this planet, the real expansion of consciousness will not come very easy. This will be accelerated drastically.




Can you first clarify who the 144,000 are and if these are star seeds.

COBRA – Yes, it's actually i would say, a core group of star seeds, those that have chosen to come to earth to transform all darkness with their light. It's a symbolic number which describes a very, I would say, a special task force which came to this planet through various phases of history of this planet. Most of them came here in Atlantis and kept incarnating in various key positions in key periods of history and now this group is here with a purpose of transforming and liberating the planet.




Many temples of the Goddesses will be built after The Event, is one of the quotes you made. One person wants to know – Are we going back  into a religion,will this be any different? They want to know about this kind of temple, is this going to be a  shrine, monument, is it going to come close to a church type thing. Can you explain  when you mention that Goddess and stuff


COBRA – It will not be religion ( Goddess Temples / Goddess Worship ) in the traditional sense of the word. There will not be priest preaching and telling you what to do. They will be more like the temples present on the planet at the time of Atlantis to connect with the feminine aspect of creation.




 In addition to that question,Cobra, we have these multi-dimension or various light beings. Have they had conjugal relations and physical interactions as far as creating humans on the earth.

COBRA – I would not say the majority of star races did not interact directly with humanity, but yes, some of them did.

Rob – Some of them are space earth women, or space earth men had physical relations with people 

( yes, yes). 

OK, good, very good. Someone would like you to talk a little bit more of Osiris, Ra and Thoth. If you can give us a true historical story there of that time and if these beings are all-positive or was one of them a dark force or more of them. What actually happened there?

COBRA – Those stories are a collective memory of the time of Atlantis when those beings were actually human beings, or heros or anti-heros who were walking on the surface of the earth. Most of them were of a positive nature. Osiris, Thoth, Raand Isis were of the light. Then we have the negative nature -We have Set who was the leader of the dark forces in that period of time. Those are all beings from different star systems. Some of them were coming from Sirius, some of them were coming Orion and some were coming from Pleiades. Hathor came from the Pleiades. She was a goddess of light. They were living in the collective memory of the Egyptian people simply because Egypt was a colony of Atlantis before the deluge and people in Egypt had a collective memory of those times.

Rob – OK. Can you talk a little bit more about Lumeria and Atlantis. What was the process there. Why were they invaded and why weren't they able to defend themselves. How did such a high civilization come into conflict with Lumeria. How were they destroyed.

COBRA – Lumeria was existing far before Atlantis. There was no war between Lumeria and Atlantis. People don't have those facts straight. It was a long time ago and memory has been diminished. Atlantis what has happened is that the dark forces came from Orion and humanity and the beings living in Atlantis gave permission, they agreed to invite them and they were curious to experience darkness simply out of unexperience. It was not a wise choice because of that period of Atlantis. There was a lot of mind programming, experimenting with mind control which led to the final fall of man. It lead toward the quarantine of this planet.

Rob – There was also some genetic trans-species experiments going on. Is that correct.

 (Yes, that is correct.) 

Some people are saying that people that have mis-used the power in Atlantian times and that's why people are afraid of power and this whole system is a repeat of the Atlantian situation. Is this our chance to, again the person was thinking of karma and it works like we have fix that situation and of course we have to learn.

COBRA – I would not completely agree. Yes there are similarities with the situation in Atlantis but it's a new story. It's not going to end like Atlantis. People have this collective memory of cataclysm and its not going to happen again. Yes,there are certain beings that have the same rules, for example the leaders of the cabal were the leaders of the cabal then, but now as a collective we have much more power to change the outcome. Its not about karma its about free will. Its about our decision, our collective decision and its also about a cosmic change of the new golden age and the re-structuring of this sector of the galaxy that will improve this planet and will liberate this planet.




what is the importance of Ireland and Tara as the connective points in the earth leylines. Is this a super important point or is this just a major vortex like other ones around the planet.

COBRA – It’s one of the most important vortex points because Ireland was part of the old Atlantis. It is one of the strongest entry points for goddess Energy. Partially the reason for this is after the Archon invasion about 1600 years ago, Ireland was not completely subjugated and Goddess energy was quite strong there for many centuries. It’s still quite strong there now. Those ley lines are actually carrying this Goddess force throughout the planet.



 Who is Nefratiti. What washer role on the earth. What time period did her reign take place.

COBRA – I would say roughly 3,500 years ago, give or take a few hundred years.Actually during that time period there was a strong battle between two different groups an done of the groups was the ones who are now controlling the religion, the Archons who were try to install basic religion and that first attempt at that time. The other force was the old mystery schools which were trying to keep the wisdom and knowledge of Atlantis at that time. There was quite a strong battle between those two forces at that time.

Rob – Were they using advanced technology with the sun ships or the space ships.Were they around or was that more of an earth based thing.

COBRA – No, no, it was an earth based thing. It was more of a magical cult war.Doing magical rituals and infiltration like it is now. It’s quite similar to what is happening now.



You explain that the Chimera were the master group that created the quarantine earth and they enslaved the reptilians and Draco beings. Can you tell us anything about what these reptilians and Dracos were like prior to coming to earth?

COBRA  There were many places in this galaxy even this planet had a genuine reptilian and Draco population below the surface of the planet. They were also in many star systems in the Orion constellation and many star systems in the Draco constellation and some other constellations. They were a wide spread lifeform in this sector of the galaxy.

Rob  So they actually lived as conscious beings below the surface of the planet here from origin from this planet?

COBRA  Yes, some of them. Some of them are genuine earth-based reptilians.

Were they all ready hostile to humans beings on the surface or was their DNA altered and scalar wave technology to make them tools of the Chimera group.

COBRA They were hostile, but not as hostile. They were made more hostile because that aspect of their nature was supported and the positive aspect of their nature was not supported.

Why were they separated from us underground? Why didnt they evolve along the lines and why didnt they stay on the surface with us and we just would accept them as another life being like on other planets?

COBRA  They were removed from the surface when they became dangerous to destroy humanity on the surface.

Who removed them?

COBRA  Other races. There were many I would say genetic experiments in Atlantis and some of them went quite far, too far. Some of them actually involved the reptilian race and it became dangerous. so there were Some of the cataclysms in our history actually removed the reptilian race from the surface.




what is the future of crystals in our lives?

COBRA OK. Crystals are actually, I would say, the most highly evolved matter on the physical plane and they can reflect higher consciousness and during the transitional period crystals will have a very important roll in the awakening of the masses.

Yes, the advanced healing technologies will be utilizing sound, light and color frequencies directed through the crystals which will act as resonance transducers.Would you agree with that?

COBRA Yes, yes of course. Similar technology was used in Atlantis and similar technologies were used in many different star nations around the galaxies. This will be slowly introduced, but on a much higher level than we have right now.



 Does the story of Noah and the flood have anything to do with reality or the sinking of Atlantis or is that completely a myth?

COBRA  Yes, it has much to do with reality because there were drastic floods in the near east 5,000 years ago and also of course there was a global cataclysm which destroyed Atlantis around 11,500 years ago.

Rob Was he contacted by higher dimensional beings to build an actual ark?

COBRA  Something similar happened, yes, but not just in one location. It was happening simultaneously in many locations around the planet.

Okay so that’s the only record. There were many similar type Noahs gathering different animals around the planet. Correct?




 Basically all the greek myths are a reflection of things that happened in  late Atlantean period and early post Atlantean period. They were real beings, the  heros and Gods of the Greek mythology are actually real beings that played different  roles in the history of that part of the world because Greece was once a colony of  Atlantis.



  You talked a while back about how Israel holds the keys to Atlantis, and  so it’s a sacred area. Can you explain more about that. 

COBRA – Israel was one of  the Major vortex points at the time of Atlantis. There is a very strong Goddess  vortex in that area and they built a strong colony at the time of Atlantis and this  is the reason why the Archons wanted to always control this area.




 You said that Ireland was part of Atlantis before ? 

[C : Yes]. 

Were thereother parts of Europe that were also ?

C : Actually the western coast of France was part of Atlantis, the Adriatic sea also. Actually most of the coast in the mediterranean belonged to Atlantis, and Egypt was an Atlantean colony.

U : So that doesn't mean the continent of Atlantis was touching Europe yes ?

C : No the continent of Atlantis was in the Atlantic ocean, but there were Atlantean colonies in the whole mediterranean area.








 What is the origin of the crystal skulls ? 

C : Many of these crystal skulls were used in post-atlantean periods for divination.  Some shamans still use them for that purpose




 Can you explain more about how humanity invited the dark forces at the beginning  of the quarantine ? 

C : Actually there was a certain period in Atlantis when human beings were curious  and wanted to experience duality, so they signed contracts in which they volunteered  to be implanted, and later also volunteered to invite the dark forces in exchange  for more power and material wealth.




Do beings on other planets have similar languages to ours, do some languages on  Earth come from other planets ? 

C : Actually languages on Earth developed from Pleiadian language, which when it  came to Earth developed into Atlantean, and most of the languages on this planet  originated from Atlantean.




 How about the myth of Avalon, what were they referring to ?  

C : To Atlantis




 There has been lots of mention of Agarthan presence in North and South Americaand Asia, but little in Europe, can you talk about their presence there ?

C : There was also quite much of mention of Agarthan presence in Europe but it’s notthat well known. Especially in local folklore tales in central Europe, in Austria,Germany, Czech Republic, France, there are many legends about giants, about subterranean caverns and beings living there. There is evidence of Agarthan contact during world war 2 in Czech Republic. There are entrances on certain locations, Icould mention Italy, the island of Malta, I could mention some other places, so there is quite much of Agarthan activity in Europe but it’s a little bit more hidden because the control of the cabal, especially the control of the archons, is quitestrong.

U : Ok. So there’s officially 350km of underground tunnels under Paris, is thatsomething that happens all over the planet or is it something specific ?

C : Many major cities have vast tunnel networks, Paris, London, Rome, Naples, NewYork, those cities are the ones with the most extensive tunnel systems of hundreds of kilometers.

U : What’s the history of those tunnels, who dug them ?

C : There were many different groups who dug them, some of them, those deeper underground, are ancient tunnels from Atlantis, some of them were created in Roman times, and from Roman times on this network was extended, some of them were built during world war 2 as air raid shelters, some of them were built for military purposes after world war 2, some of them were built by mafia, some of them were built by the cabal, so there are many interests groups that have used those tunnels for different purposes.




 Can you talk about the origin of the Order of the Star organization created byKrishnamurti ?

C : Actually he just revived an ancient Atlantean occult order, and the purpose of the Order of the Star was always to bring healing to humanity and end duality to bring oneness back again. and Krishnamurti had a teacher on the physical plane thathe was following for quite some time and this is where he got his instructions to form, or shall we say revive, the Order of the Star. But later he chose his own path that led him away from that Order of the Star project into more direct experience of the truth. So that was one phase of his work which was finished to a certain point,and from then on he went into different projects on his path.




 COBRA – OK. First, I would like to mention that this information that first humans were coming from Lyra is not correct. This information is coming from a book called The Prism of Lyra and everybody is just repeating quotes from that book without checking the facts. The second part of our question, the Pleiadians. Yes, there were rogue elements of the Pleiadian race. They were quite visible in the Pleiadian race until up to about 200K years ago. Yes, they were involved in some battles on this planet throughout the early Atlantian history.I would say this faction was getting less and less involved as they were progressing spiritually. The last fragment of that faction learned their lessons of WWII when they were involved in certain operations on the planet and learned their lesson. I would say the Pleiadian cluster has been completely integrated in the network of light very shortly after the end of WWII. Since then The Pleiadian cluster has been completely accepted into the network of light.




What  is the truth behind mermaids?  And there’s a bunch of video’s out there. I’m not  sure if they’re real of not. Could you talk about mermaids?  Are they a real  life-form that exists? 

COBRA – Actually, mermaids were at one point the result of genetic engineering in  Atlantis and they did exist and it is quite possible that some of them still exist  in more remote corners of the earth.




Is there any tree or plant humanoid beings ? 

C : Those things were attempted also in Atlantis, but they were not very successful,  this is rare, and in liberated universe this is not exactly supported




How was life at the beginning of the quarantine, was it like a stone age ?

 C : The vast majority of the surface was in a stone age phase, it was like a mixture  of stone age communities and highly advanced isolated islands of Atlantean  civilization, and they were not interacting much with each other.

 U : So these highly advanced civilization, how long did they last ?

 C : It lasted for another 12 or 13000 years, until the final deluge of Atlantis.




‘Will the three days of darkness, which have been spoken about for years, whenthey take place and will you explain it?’

COBRA –  Okay.  This is part of the old collective memory from the time of Atlantis and this time it will be different.  There will be no three days of darkness.Actually, in the last galactic super-waves, which happened thousand upon thousands of years ago, tens of thousands of years ago, there are days of darkness because there were debris in the atmosphere as a result of the solar coronal discharge. But this time it is a little bit different for many reasons and when the Event happens,and after the Event, as we go through this great cosmic transition, there will bevery strong light forces present which will transform the whole situation.




They said that the problems of Quebec is said to be a haven for some of the  Atlantean descendants,  artifacts and technology.  Would you agree with that? 

COBRA – Atlantean architecture have been found in many places around the world.  I  don’t have information about this particular case, but those things have been found  and have been preserved in many places and sometimes hidden by the Cabal.




There are no perfect resources of information about human history.  The  general direction I would say if people want to learn more about human history is to  study the existence of Atlantis.  But again, most information about Atlantis is pure  speculation.  A few years ago I have posted an article of Atlantis on my blog and  there are links there.  Those links there are pretty much reliable.  




OK.  Basically, SOTR originates from the central rays, the central civilization.  It is the first high spiritual develop civilization that has evolved in the central region of this galaxy and there were certain beings that belong to the central civilization that were spreading this understanding and spreading the light of the Goddess throughout the galaxy and one of those beings came to planet earth in Atlantis and has formed the SOTR in Atlantean times.  And there were many temples of the Goddess on Atlantis and their purpose was to anchor the presence of the Goddess on the planet and after the Cabal destroyed those temples, this balance has been disturbed and this new dis-balance has actually resulted in the destruction of Atlantis.  And after that the SOTR groups were present in many countries.  It was in their mystery schools trying to keep that balance as much as possible.  Now the time has come for us to re-awaken that feminine presence and to form new SOTR groups because this is very important for the time of the event.  So I would like to ask as many people as possible to form those groups throughout the planet, to meet regularly on the physical plane and to anchor the Goddess energy on the planet as much as possible.  




Generally throughout human history there was a few main factions downthere.  There was, of course, the Reptilian/Draco faction, who has a strong impact throughout the planet.  Actually, those reptilian factions had contact with criminal elements on the surface, and some of those criminal syndicates made their own subterranean networks, especially under larger cities throughout the world.  They were working hand in hand with those reptilians and with the Draco’s.

Then there were the so-called escape groups – those people who were escaping fromthe surface – because they didn’t like it there and they went underground.  They created their own break-away civilizations.  Some of them are from ancient Greece,from ancient Egypt, even Atlantis.  When there were drastic changes on the surface,many people went underground, literally, and created their own break-away civilization there.  And many of those civilizations began to connect with each other and so the Agarthan network was formed.

Since the fall of Atlantis, this was growing and growing.  It was a loose network of independent structures that was connected to a certain degree and they have theirown unique way of development, and after the Archon invasion in ’96, some of those groups cut contact with others for security reasons and they went in their own different unique way of expression.

Many of those groups were infiltrated after the Archon invasion of ’96. There was alot of fighting going on in those underground [areas].  Many people have died,especially in the time frame from 1996 – 2001 or 2002.  Tens of millions of people died down there because of security reasons. Many of those groups cut off contact with the surface.  And then, of course, we have the Resistance Movement.  I have spoken about the Resistance Movement many times.

In the last 2 years, there were many changes – changes for the better I would say.The vast majority of the reptilian presence was removed.  The only thing that was left that was there originally was the Chimera group with their own stronghold.  I will be speaking about that at some other time.

And there was a very important development in late November, early December, last year, when there was an official contact made between the RM and the EasternAgarthan Network and the Blue Dragons.  There was a certain link created and a certain integration and reunification process has started between various factions that were, until then, independent.

There was a great deal of transformation and even challenge for the Eastern Agarthannetwork because there were mixed elements still present there.  As the contact wasmade with the Resistance, those mixed elements were exposed.  As a result of that transformation, one great part of that Eastern Agarthan network is now connectedwith the RM quite strongly.  And some other parts actually cut connection with therest of the Agarthan network that tried to connect with the Cabal.  And there werequite many operations at the beginning of this year to fix the situation.  And now the situation is much better.

 When you said the break-away civilizationsfrom Atlantis.  This is obviously after the Atlantean cataclysm that took place.Some of these weren’t really breaking away. They are basically just surviving ingroups and just going down with the technology they could muster to create their own locations, correct?

COBRA – Some of them were actually escaping from the cataclysm, but even before that happened, many groups went down because they didn’t like the condition of the surface because in the late Atlantean period the dark forces were growing stronger and stronger.  And the majority of the light forces were actually forced, in orderto survive intact with full light presence, they had to go underground.




 Who was Anubis ? 

C : He was one of the deities that were actually extra-terrestrial beings who visited ancient Egypt in the time of late Atlantis.  

U : Is he an ascended being ? 

C : At this moment yes, back then no.  

U : What archetype does he represent ? 

C : He represents the archetype of wisdom in his ascended state. But before, various  people had various interpretations of his symbolism. So i’m speaking about his  status now.




 What process exactly made Atlantis and Lemuria sink ?

C : There were actually many cataclysms, some of them had the same reasons, some of them had different reasons. The main reason was the galactic central sun pulses ofthe 26000 years cycle, which came in a regular fashion, and sometimes the grid could handle it, sometimes the grid couldn’t handle it. And then, especially in lateAtlantean period, there was a lot of black magic, dark forces were quite strong, and they were experimenting with technology to manipulate the energy grid, and this has triggered few of the most recent Atlantean cataclysms.

U : Ok. And so did the sea levels rise to cover the continents ?

C : Actually there was a continent in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, which sank below the waters, because there was a rift in the middle of the ocean between thetwo tectonic plates, which was strong enough to create the sinking of the continent,and this is different from the rise of the sea levels because the ice was melting at the end of the last ice age. There were two separate processes but they were connected.

U : So did the melting of the ice age happen at a different time ?

C : Actually the last remnants of the Atlantean islands went down exactly at the end of the last ice age, so those two processes were taking place at the same time. Soit was a combination of experimentations with energy grids by the dark forces, and strong energies from the galactic center.




 U : What’s the original meaning of the templar cross ?

C : Actually, it’s a double symbol, because the templars have a bright side and adark side. There were actually two organizations intertwined with one another, onetrying to infiltrate the other, and the other way around. And both organizations were using the same symbol, the light side wanted to channel the energy of the Light through the symbol, and the dark side wanted to channel the energy of the dark through the same symbol, so actually this symbol was a focal point for the war between the light and dark forces.

U : And it was also used by other groups before them yes ?

C : It’s an ancient symbol yes. Actually the templars are just one version of a very ancient occult group which is much older than that. So this was just one, I would say, incarnation of that group.

U : So what was the original meaning of the symbol before them ?

C : It was always the same. It was always the focal point for both sides, since Atlantis.




 Can you explain the role of Thule in Greenland in Earth history ?

C : Actually Thule is an ancient name for Atlantis. And Thule in Greenland is partof an old memory of one Atlantean colony which was up there in the north. So there is also just one fragment of a very old legend saying that Thule itself was Atlantis, and not just one small colony out there in the north, but a fragment of that legend remained in the mythology of germanic people. So it’s just a reflection of the memory of Atlantis.




what is the true meaning of the Celtic  cross? 

COBRA – The Celtic cross is a very ancient Atlantean symbol which actually  represents Mother Earth, Gaia.



 Can you give us the history of  the Tower of Babel in the Bible?

 COBRA – It is actually a very old legend which describes certain events that were taking place in Atlantis with the fall of Atlantis, the losing of Atlantis, the fragmentation of Atlantis because people went from Atlantis in legendary 12 directions to preserve the knowledge and each of the 12 high priestess went in 12 directions and generated their own offspring that, of course, then changed their language from the original Atlantean.

as I understand, some of them are trying to . . . that had been taken over by the hostile forces, were trying to take some of this technology to reconnect to the higher heavens and the Earth was forced to be in quarantine so itwas kind of not allowed. Is that part of that as well as what you understand?

COBRA – Not exactly.




 Grecian history, but various historical sources, this is the  question, talk about the positive influences that the God named Zamaltos has had  on the Thraxian civilization.  Do you know who Zamaltos was?  Is he a  representative of the Agarthan or the Confederation? 

COBRA – This is just a legend from late Atlantean period as most of the Grecian  God’s were actually beings of light that were bringing awareness to that late  Atlantean period and this is the same situation here.




 In the Avatar series it says that the  Navi have been portrayed with tapered toes.  Some people call that Egyptian feet.   Can you talk about that?  Is that E.T. or random human mutations? 

COBRA – Actually, it’s both.  There were some experiments in Atlantis with this, and  it was also a random human mutation.




 someone wants  to know the significance of Larimar.  I think it’s found in Costa Rica only so far.  Someone says, Atlantean stone.  Do you know about this blue stone, Larimar? 

COBRA – Yes, it comes from Dominican Republic.  There is only one place where it is  found.  It does have the vibrational frequency of Atlantis because that region was a  quite important temple complex in Atlantis and the spiritual energy of that temple  complex is encoded in that stone.








 Could you talk about the significance of the Gobekki Tepe within 100 miles of Aleppo. JJ Hurtak had mentioned it a long time ago that that’s a very important area and he was hoping the war was not going to be destroying these sacred sites. Can you talk about thesignificance of the Gobekki Tribe.

COBRA – They were a society which was actually having their great development and growth immediately after the fall of Atlantis. They were not the peaceful Goddess worshipper part of society unfortunately. They had quite strong connection with their Draco Overlords but they left some quite impressive monuments in the earth around, I would say 10% percent of this has been discovered or excavated.




  The ancient deities that are often represented with animal heads, like Ganesha  or Sekhmet, is this a literal or a symbolic representation ? 

C : It is both a symbolic representation and an ancient memory from the time of  Atlantis when many beings like this were actually present on the surface of the  planet. So they don’t have the appearance of an animal head anymore but there were  many beings in the time of Atlantis that did look like that.




 You said before that the story of Buddha was different than the other ascended  masters of Earth, can you explain in what way ? 

C : He was actually the first who has achieved ascension after the fall of Atlantis,  and has actually opened the doorway towards ascension for humanity. 

U : And what’s his true archetype ? 

C : His true archetype is spiritual wisdom




 When did the Order of the Star first arrive on this planet ?

C : It was actually beings that were arriving for millions of years, and the last wave of them came 25000 years ago, but the actual Order of the Star was formed on Atlantis, I would say about 15000 years ago.

U : So during the quarantine.

C : Yes

U : So this is at that time that they built the Sphinx ?

C : Yes exactly.

U : Can you talk about the role and history of the country of Tartaria ?

C : What would be the specific question about Tartaria ?

U : It seems that they were erased from history books, did they play a role for the Light, were there survivors from Atlantis there, or things like that ?

C : Not survivors from Atlantis but there were very strong positive occult groups that were working against the khazarians




 Throughout the world there are many ancient constructions with stones that are  too big for humans to carry, or cut so precisely that our present tools can not do  it, how were they done and by who ? 

C : There were many races in Atlantean and post Atlantean periods that were building  those, some of them were part of the surface or sub-surface populations, and some of  them were part of the extraterrestrial forces that were interfering with the surface  of the planet




there are many libraries in underground cities invarious locations. The Hall of Records is a generic name, which can mean manythings. One of them is to have mentioned the Akashic records and there are also many crystal libraries that were called the Hall of Records from Atlantis. One of them was located under the Sphinx in Egypt and there were many more located under the Himalayas in certain locations in South America and other locations. And they are not physical books. They are actually crystals with encoded information, which can be read with certain advanced technology, and some of the Agarthan network people have access to those locations.




  was the war in Atlantisera between different dark factions or between the dark and the light forces?

COBRA – Both

Rob – Were there giants in those days?

COBRA – Yes.

Rob – Some survived, correct?

COBRA – They survived, but they were driven underground. Until very recently therewere, I would say, a few decades ago, there were quite substantial giant coloniesbelow the surface of the Earth.

 Have they been removed now or some of the giants were good, I assume.

COBRA – Most of the giants were good, and they have chosen to relocate to a more friendly existence when this option was given to them.

Were any of those who survived, would they still be alive today or betheir successors?

COBRA – I would say the average lifespan for giants were in the scope of maybe 1,000 years and the original Atlantean giants with very, very few exceptions, were not alive any more.




 Let's wind the clock back to the time of the Fall of Atlantis. You mentioned before the humanity at that time invited darkness, but never went into the detail.

It is a known fact that certain people were quite obsessed with money and power atthat time, and they were unwilling to share abundance with everyone else.

 And then these people gradually worked with beings from the dark to gain control of the entire population. 

But what about the average people, the majority of the population? 

Did they just stand there without putting up a good fight and keeping minding their own business, while this takeover was taking place? What is the story?

C: The ordinary people were mostly passively accepting the progress of darkness without resisting, the same as they do now.




 What is the ascended archetype of Atlantis?  

C: Civilization of Light. 

EM: What will the ascended archetype of the new Atlantis be?  

C: New Heaven on New Earth.




The Pleiades star cluster is known as the Seven Sisters. What does the mythologyof the seven sisters being chased by a hunter for eternity reveal about a certainreal history? I'm not sure if you understand my question. I'm lookin for answer likethe one you once gave about Set mutilating his own brother Osiris, whose wife laterreassembled Osiris' corpse and resurrected him long enough to conceive his son. Yousaid this story is a collective memory of the time of Atlantis when those beingswere actually human beings, or heroes or anti-heroes who were walking on the surfaceof the Earth.

C: Hunter is the Orion and represents dark forces from Rigel who always wanted to invade the Pleiades cluster and were even briefly successful between 1996 and 1999.

EM: Which certain period of time in history would this mythology of the seven sisters correspond to? Back in Atlantis as well?

C: Atlantis about 200,000 years ago.

EM: Then what does this mythology about the Goddess Merope marrying a mortal reveal about a certain history that has once indeed happened?

C: Incarnated star beings mating with Earth humanity. This was happening a lot in Atlantis.

EM: Have these seven sisters manifested their own vessels to live and interact with the Pleiadians throughout the entire history of the Pleiades? Or are they just like Gaia who remains as a being, working only on the higher planes?

C: They are emanations of the seven stellar logoi of the Pleiades star cluster.




 can you tell us why the RH neg blood type was created, where it came from and what its purpose is and how it differs from positive?

COBRA – I cannot go into details of this but there were a lot of E.T. intervention regarding blood-types, a lot of research especially in times of Atlantis regarding different blood types.  There are various E.T. groups, actually interfering and messing with human blood type and experimenting with the relations between the blood type and the genome type.  So we have a very mixed situation here.




 COBRA- Atlantis on planet Earth was pretty much a global civilization which was seeded or encouraged by different waves, waves of different cosmic races. 

There was a Pleiadian wave which has brought Atlantis to it’s heights about 200,000 years ago and there was colonization from the Sirius star system that created the peak of Atlantean civilization about 75,000 years ago.  

And each of those races have brought a lot of technology and a lot of spiritual understanding to Atlantis and each of those races that I have mentioned have created their own network of surface cities,of sub surface cities, of tunnel networks, of underground pyramids, of crystals, of stabilization technology for the tectonic plates.  

But unfortunately there was another faction that came from Orion which infiltrated those networks of Atlantis and misused the technology and misuse of that technology actually was responsible for the deluge of Atlantis for the last sinking of Atlantis which happend around 11,500 years ago.

  A lot of that old technology is still spread out.  Some of it is submerged on the bottom of the ocean.  Some of it is a little bit underground.  Some of it has been purposely destroyed or suppressed.  But a lot of those machines and technologies and crystals are still remaining and some of the underground factions have discovered these old remnants and a lot of this will be coming to the mainstream media at the time of the Event.




COBRA -  The group below Mt. Shasta and inside Mt Shasta is part of the, I would say, global Agarthan network which originates from the time of Atlantis when part of the light forces had to go underground because of the Archon invasion 25,000 years ago.

And 25,000 years ago they have created a network of underground cities and underground tunnels.  One of those tunnels goes through Alaska, through Washington State, through northern California with Mt Shasta, through southern California,Mexico, Central America and down into South America 

and there is another main tunnel which goes through Peru underground through Caribbean through Atlantic, through Morocco, through Egypt and then onwards towards Tibet.  

This is all part of the same network and there was a very, and there still is a very positive civilization of light which I would call the global Agarthan network existing and Mt. Shasta city is a part of this civilization.  

The surface population has received intel about this group through certain channels.  Certain people that lived in Mt. Shasta have had encounters.  I would say about 80% of that intel is correct.  

I would not say they are ancient Lemurians.  I would say they are remnants of the old positive Atlantis





 The mixing of the languages was done basically after the fall of Atlantis  with the purpose of creating more division on the surface of the planet and this was  done by the Archons.

 Same purpose religions and cultures and all that stuff was created? 






 This person says “the E.T.s lived in Mt. Teide and these E.T.s told me they were hiding and were being chased.” Mount Teide is a volcano on Tenerife in the Canary Islands, Spain. Are you aware of beings under Mt. Teide ?

COBRA – There are many, I would say, entities living in that area because that area was part of the old Atlantis and I would say the situation there is improving at this point.

Lynn – Do you know if they are still there at this point?

COBRA – There are certain beings still there, yes.





Are there certain genetic traits that Irish people have as descendants of  Atlanteans? 

COBRA – Not only the Irish but I would say many of the races on this planet have part of that genetic makeup. But what I would say is that Irish people have a lot of spiritual legacy from Atlantis and some of them are quite aware of that.




 do you know of any other ancient cultures besides the Vikings that made it across the Atlantic? That might be the Egyptians, Phoenicians etc.

COBRA – Yes. Egyptians yes, Phoenicians yes and also ancient Greek people were able to cross the ocean. There are artifacts on the other side. You can find Egyptian artifacts in US. You can find Greek coins in Brazil. You can find Phoenician glass also somewhere in South America, so there are artifacts which prove that the Ocean was crossed in the ancient times also.




 why is Telugu and Sanskrit feel as if energy is coming or going as  the words are being said. 

COBRA – Oh, yes there are some languages which have their roots in ancient Atlantean  languages and those languages were actually not just words they were the vibration  of many words in those languages was actually a Mantra which created a certain effect. Especially with sanskrit you have certain words which are made up of short  mantra’s made up of old Atlantean languages




Are the Jesuits and Black Nobility part of the black magicians of old  Atlantis. 

COBRA – Yes.




 What does Hyperborean mean? 

COBRA – This is a symbolic memory of ancient, I would say the Hyperborean race which  was a mythical race that existed on the etheric plane before Lumeria and Atlantis on this planet.




 can you make a timeline sequence among Jurassic age, Atlantis, and the Stone age ?

C : Ok what you are calling Jurassic age was hundreds of millions of years ago it had nothing to do with Atlantis. The Atlantis as we know has started maybe 1 million years ago, and what most people are describing as Atlantis is only the last fraction of Atlantean history which is maybe 10 or 20 thousand years ago.

P : And the Stone age ?

C : The Stone age actually started with the deluge of Atlantis about 12000 years ago and ended about 5000 years ago with another mass cataclysm




 what on Earth happened to Sodoma and Gomorra ?  

C : It was a nuclear war long time ago.

 P : Is it related to the fall of Atlantis ?  

C : It was later actually.




 Who was Rama from the old indian legends ? 

C : I would say one of the heroes from very high spiritual beings from late Atlantis




is there any part of eastern Canada that was once part of Atlantis?  

COBRA – A little bit, yes.




 who authored the Vedic Scriptures?

 COBRA – Actually this is done by highly spiritual developed people in India after  the fall of Atlantis but then this was, those scriptures were distorted by the  Archons over the millennia




Numerology is one of the ancient science, spiritual sciences that was highly practiced in Atlantis and numerology that we have now is just one fragment that was preserved in mystery schools after the deluge of Atlantis




 languages on this planet have evolved since the time of Atlantis









 foremost race who initially designed the physical body of human beings? And how  many modifications were done on the physical body afterwards? How many  civilizations the earth has gone through? And what is our current one right  now? 

COBRA - Many races took part in creating the human design. After Lemuria and Atlantis, this  is the third major human global civilization on this planet




 Can you say what caused the equator to change from the previous Atlantean  position to the position where it is now ? 

C : The Galactic pulse 75000 years ago




 Why did Humanity as a whole invite the dark forces on this planet back in  Atlantis? 

C : It is for various reasons, number one they didn’t understand what would be the  consequences, and number two their own, I would call it imperfections in personality  structure that invited the anomaly, and number three, the presence of the anomaly  itself, so it was not easy to avoid that situation.




 Dowsing is one form of detecting energy flow, and is actually a very limited  fragment of the old understanding of Atlantis about determining and detecting energy  flow.




Can you tell the purpose of Gobekli Tepe? Who built/used these structures? 

C: Gobekli Tepe was built by a civilization that survived the Atlantean flood.




 the original Bosnian Pyramids were built a long time ago. I would say that the complex was built in the Atlantean period and there were many differen traces using this later. It was also settled during the Neolithic period and yes there were some negative races creating some influence there but it was not the primary, I would say the primary energy taking place there. So I would say that the Bosnia Pyramids are one of the rare remnants of the very ancient times that we have on the surface of the planet. They have not been preserved completely and it was actually a re-tooling of some natural objects but there was some clearly very strong presence of various races in that complex





Antarctica is NOT Atlantis.

Atlantis is a civilization as the name tells you already that was in the Atlantic Ocean. 

There was an island in the Atlantic Ocean. 

Although Atlantis had colonies. 

I would say they were a civilization that has been formed in Antarctica.

 I would say it’s far older and is of ET origin. 

First there were bases of the central raceliving on Antarctica. 

There were later visitations from other races that put their foot print there and there was quite much of that undiscovered under ice. 

There are certain things that have been discovered and certain people have been writing about this extensively. 

What is happening in the last few years is the Cabal is making plans to escape there before The Event. Of course those plans will not be successful.




 Were the Maori from Atlantis. 

COBRA – Yes, Of course some of them were...some of the Atlantean colonies and even  earlier colonies from the time of Lemuria




 What race built the Cheops pyramid in Giza? Is there a similar  construction in Russia and if so, where is it located? 

COBRA: Giza pyramids were built in the time where Egypt was a colony of Atlantis.  There are some pyramid structures in Russia near lake Baikal, but much less distinct  than the Giza pyramids.




I would say that too much focus is now put upon Antarctica. 

It is not the main exo-political issue right now on this planet. 

But simply one of the places where things are happening and Antarctica is NOT Atlantis.I need to say that.

Antarctica does have many ancient ruins that have been discovered as well as in some other places around the planet and all those places will be revealed after TheEvent.

 The Cabal will not be able to use those discoveries to divert attention from their crimes. That’s not going to happen




 Can you also clarify the importance of the various rooms in the house in Feng  Shui?

 COBRA – Again this is also related to a very ancient science which was brought to  earth in times of Atlantis and it’s distantly related to astrology and astrological  houses.




 It is known that the Melchizediks and other previous civilizations throughout the ancient history have placed many pyramids on the Earth. And we have been told that they’ve been intended to stabilize the Earth’s magnetic grids and ley line fields.Can you comment on this?

Cobra: Yes, actually, pyramids are portals based on sacred geometry that can transmit higher dimensional energies and they can actually counteract the negative scalar technology. And this is why the network of pyramids was put on critical planetary nodes in the time of Atlantis and some of those pyramids are still visible or accessible one way or the other.And the dark forces are actually afraid of the power of the pyramids. That’s why they suppress the science of the pyramids, because this is one of the key factors to counteract the effects of the negative plasma technologies.




 Did the original vedic teachings come from contact with ET or Agartha or both ?

C : Actually most of spiritual teachings of the old came from mystery schools, so including the vedic teachings they came from mystery schools of Atlantis, and after Atlantis went under the water, there was a certain period when parts of those teachings were, I would say, changed to a certain degree, they were distorted to acertain degree, but yes also preserved to a certain degree, and this is part of that process.

U : Ok. Was there also some ET and Agarthan contact in those time periods after thesinking of Atlantis ?

C : Yes there was




 The galactic superwave that  happened 13000 years ago was strong enough to cause deluge of Atlantis, why did it  not clear all plasma anomalies and the veil around the Earth? 

C : Because the amount of anomaly at that time was so huge in this local quadrant of  the galaxy, that that superwave was not strong enough.




 Does Griffin, the legendary animal, truly exist ? 

C : It did exist in Atlantis, and before there were many strange creatures that  existed as a result of genetic engineering, and those types of creature still exist  but not on this planet.




 Why are golden apples mentioned in many different mythologies ? 

C : It is simply a symbol which came from the time of Atlantis, when the golden  apple was the symbol of the soul, and gold as a metal was a connection with the  spiritual Light of the soul.




  is there any kind of crystal, gemstone or  meteorite in alignment with Atlantis civilization ? 

C : Aquamarine carries the energy signature of Atlantis




 Given the fact that Israel holds a key code of Light of Atlantis, how should we  activate this code for the sake of New Atlantis ? 

C : Ok, it is not time to do that yet because this is a very sensitive area, and  this will happen basically at the time of the Event and after the Event




How do some strong occult positive forces dissolve the energy background of the  old system which was enabling spiritual slavery that was happening on this planet? 

C: The Light Forces, what they are doing, is they are working with a planetary  energy grid as I have explained in my post on Atlantis. This is a very good explanation of what’s going on.




 Can you talk about how this manipulation has been done? And can you describe what manipulation,some of the bullet points, for the last 30,000 years has been the most detrimental? And can we reverse this on our own before the Event?

Cobra: Okay, this is a very broad subject. I will just say that it has been going onfor a much longer time than just 30,000 years. Actually, genetic manipulation started almost 1 million years ago when the dark forces from the Orion star system came to this planet in Atlantis. And thisgenetic manipulation was quite extensive and was done by many races.There was also, I would say, good, positive races that wanted to repair human DNA,and they have also added to this process in a positive way.So now we have human DNA which actually needs a lot of healing, and most of this will be done afterthe Event, which is actually the moment when advanced technology that is required for that will be released. I don’t see this happening before the Event, really, because it’s quite a complex situation.

 Rob: Yes, I was kind of curious, and I’m interested in how the manipulation took place. Were certain people in the light groups taken up and their DNA altered, and then their successive bloodlines were altered? Or how is this done that affected . . . Did the bad guys abduct certain people and do the manipulation? Or how was this manipulation done? Is it done individually, or in groups, or how is it, I guess, actually done?

Cobra: It was done similarly to what the medical cartel has done now with vaccinations. Everyone was obliged to take certain so-called ‘treatments’ in so-called ‘healing temples’ in Atlantis, and this is where DNA was manipulated with Atlantis technology.And people were actually not exactly forced to go there, but it was advised strongly against not going there. So if somebody was not going there, there were repercussions. And the vast majority of the human population went through that process at a certain point in Atlantis.




 clarify the these arcons – these archon families are they incarnated on the physical plane as these giants with elongated skulls?

COBRA - Okay, you have the physical ones and the non-physical ones and the physical ones tend to incarnate in certain bloodlines – certain families – and most of those families are concentrated in Italy so they are in the hierarchy of … high above all the usual suspects of the Cabal Network and they are controlling them and some of those bloodlines go back to the Roman Empire and even further back so they have proof of genetic lineage going back some of them to Ancient Egypt for example. And basically the same families were controlling Atlantis and were the so-called dark magicians of Atlantis.

Okay, so these are actual descendants of these giants – these PreAdamites with elongated skulls… just to clarify….

COBRA - (yes) Actually in Atlantis, the giant race was much more frequent than it is now and then it was slowly exterminated and from generation to generation the genetic makeup changed and the height of those beings decreased and you can still see in some of the ancient excavations – you can see the pictures of those giants and the people with elongated skulls – you can see that very clearly




 based on Cory’s information they were literally chased here several times – like they resided on Mars,  and then they fled to the rings of Saturn, they were attacked there again then they fled to the moon, had a base on the moon for a long time – hundreds of thousands of years apparently – they got attacked there and then they fled to Antarctica which many of you know the story by now and with only three ships remaining and literally crash-landed in the lush vegetation and before I get you to clarify that story or add any corrections….. now, this happened about 50 to 60 thousand years ago so now the non-physical Archon invasion occurred from what we’ve been told 26,000 years ago…. So can you marry that up if you will for the audience, Cobra

COBRA - Basically there were many waves of archon invasions happening before the time you specify.  The first one was the arrival of the dark forces into the solar system which was a little bit less than 1 million years ago – and they entered from the Orion constellation. The Rigelians from the Orion constellation.  And the Archons actually came from the Andromeda galaxy and some of the archons already arrived on Planet Earth within the Atlantean times as I said before. They were actually rulers of the dark lodge in Atlantis.

 So these initial archons – they arrived here prior to 26,000 years ago?

COBRA - Yes, those initial archons arrived here a little bit less – I would say around 900 thousand years ago. They have entered the solar system, they have put their bases on the moons of Saturn, they have put their bases on Mars. There was fighting involved because there were other groups in the solar system with their own interests. They have put their bases on the moon, they have landed in Antarctica, and finally arrived in Atlantis. Actually one group descended in Congo, one group descended in Antarctica, and then slowly they migrated to Atlantis because Atlantis was at that time a tropical paradise. And of course there was a very dynamic history in the last millions of years with both light and dark factions sometimes winning, sometimes losing. Until 25,000 or 26,000 years ago there was this final – I would say – the final invasion that sealed the fate of the planet for the last 26 thousand years because they completed the quarantine. They have made Planet Earth actually a dark planet with everybody just recycling through the incarnation process with nobody allowed to go in and out here except when allowed by the archons and by the Chimera group. The Chimera group was basically most of the time just observing this behind the scenes and they have not intervened much in human history. They have intervened only when there was a real possibility of breaking up of the quarantine status. And this is what’s happening now. But they were controlling the whole narrative for the whole time.




Okay I would not agree that the Americas are the place with the most Atlantean  energy. This is one of the places with Atlantean energy and this particular  activation is not so much connected to the clearing of unresolved Atlantean  energies. It is connected to something else.






 Will tachyonized silver coin with New Atlantis and St.Germain logo play a special role in silver trigger activation?

Cobra  -  It will assist the general activation process as other special silver coins and bars.

Q3 Is there any special advantage of tachyonized silver? 

Cobra  - Tachyonized silver is more aligned with the energy of The Source and  more connected with primary function which is to bring the Goddess energy on the surface of the planet and especially  inside the financial system.

Q4 How do priest and priestess in Atlantean Age use silver?

Cobra  - they were creating many very powerful objects made of silver. They were using big constructions of silver as portals to other dimensions.







 So is there a connection to the Age of Aquarius and Atlantis?  Did people do mass meditations in Atlantis, and if they did, did it help change thecourse of events?

COBRA:  Yes, actually Atlantis has three phases. The first phase of Atlantis was in the Pleiades. The second Atlantis was the one that Plato was talking about in the Atlantic Ocean, and the third one is the new Atlantis that we are arriving at.In the second Atlantis, which was in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, there were periods where life was quite similar to what we will be experiencing in the Golden Age and there were many people doing mass meditations. There was open contact with other star races, and this is something that will return.




  What groups do Atlantis Alliance consist of? What is this alliance doing now? What is the difference between Atlantis Alliance and the Galactic Confederation?

Cobra: Okay. It is too early to speak about concrete groups which are part of the Atlantis Alliance. Of course, Galactic Confederation is one of them but not the only one. The alliance is now carrying out plans for planetary liberation. Also,regarding this new Coronavirus outbreak, this situation has activated certain contingency plans. It has opened up certain possibilities which were not possiblebefore. It has changed the rule of the game. Atlantis Alliance is working at fullspeed as fast as possible to address the situation.




 Can we call for and connect Atlantis Alliance?

Cobra: Yes of course you can, but at this point I cannot release more intel about who is involved with Atlantis Alliance. If you just repeat that name [Atlantis Alliance] in your mind and ask for a connection, you will get a response. If your channel is open enough and you might get visions, instructions. You might get spiritual guidance. You might get certain sometimes quite powerful experiences that can help in your own development. It can help you in your preparation for your mission and your actual mission as well.




Cintamani stones are put in the planetary energy grid as a part of one of the greatest projects for the New Atlantis which is being overseen by St. Germain, and actually cintamani stones are key anchors for angelic beings that are healing and restructuring the planetary energy grid.




  what about like, signs of like... What are the first signs that...  That I guess changes are gonna take place like pictures of Atlantis being shown in  Antarctica perhaps? You think we'll see stuff like that, Atlantis arising from the  sea?

Cobra: This is all going to happen after the Event. All those major disclosures are  happening then.




 Is this flash of cosmic love energy an aspect of Goddess energy?  

Cobra: It is a very high aspect of goddess energy.  And Goddess   Iona,  which came to Atlantis and brought Goddess mystery, actually originates   from M87  galaxy. She came traveling through our galactic central sun of this   galaxy, then  visiting many planets brought Goddess mystery to many star   systems, especially in  this region of the galaxy until she found herself on   this planet 25,000 years ago




 And a curious question. What about the mysterious triangular metallic monolith pillar that was found in a remote Utah desert in the US that made world news, especially after it also disappeared two weeks later? And then at the same time, it happened on the other side of the world in Romania, and then another appeared in California. What's the story behind these monoliths? Are they just a hoax, are they signs from the Galactics like crop circles, or could they be something used for nefarious purposes?

Cobra - These monoliths are part of an artistic project and the fact that artistic project made news right now is a sign of the incoming Aquarius energy. This isprecisely the image of the Age of Aquarius. The energy of those monoliths connects us to the mystery of the universe. It brings the memories of Space Odyssey movie. It brings connections to the old memories of the Atlantis. So it's part of the global awakening.




 Doing the Goddess vortex. And if you could just explain briefly how this  technology works.  

Cobra - Goddess vortex is an ancient Atlantean meditation, which creates a vortex of  energy which brings in and invokes Goddess energy towards the surface of the planet.  This meditation has been posted on the blog and also on the Sisterhood of the Rose  website. So this is one of the most powerful techniques to invoke the Goddess  energy. 









 We know that the name of Versailles is linked to the word « verseau ». It comes from there, which means «Aquarius » in English. And the castle is built in a certain alignment with Washington and Jerusalem. Would Versailles and the place itself, the palace and the gardens play a special role in the Age of Aquarius?

Cobra : Yes. what is happening is that Versailles is located on a very ancient goddess leyline, which was actually equator in certain period of Atlantis. And this location was a vortex for tens of thousands of years. And this vortex was activated when the castle was built and this castle will be reactivated at certain locations,very close to the castle will be reactivated after the Event. There are certain plans, some of them are classified. Some of them are public that will be reactivated at the time of the Event and after the Event.




Could you tell us more please about the Great Lodge founded by the Count of Saint-Germain, Saint-Germain in French at that time and why Paris was chosen in the significant year of 1775 (Year of the Light), I suppose.

Cobra : This is a part of a big project that was initiated by Count of Saint Germain already in the 17th century called the New Atlantis. And it was planned for a certain group of souls to incarnate in France and especially in Paris since the beginning of 18th century and those souls encountered each other and activated Light codes. And Saint Germain contacted some of those people especially in Paris. And most of those people were part of Masonic Lodges, positive Free Masonic Lodges. And in 1775, there was a big flash of energy coming from the galactic center, activating certain energy vortices in the planetary energy grid. And some of those… There were certain activations happening throughout 1775, most notably on March 21st 1775. And through those initiations a lot of Light was grounded and this was one of the projects, sub-projects of the New Atlantis project, that was created by Count of St.Germain.




 Are there also good implants, positive ones that benefit us?  

Cobra:  I would not call them good implants, but there were certain races which  are  in the intermediate state of development that are putting implants  with good  intention for communication, for scanning, for healing. This  was done a lot in  Atlantis. It was done also on the ships of certain  extraterrestrial races, but I  would say this is outdated and old  technology.




  you talked in the past how  Americais "The New Atlantis" with support from St. Germain in freeing  America from themind control and corruption that has been going on for  about 150 years here. Why is the United States important in freeing the  planet?

Cobra: Yes, actually St. Germain has been very active  more than 200 years ago inthe United States to set a foundation for  the New Atlantis, for new society. He was involved in the creation of  the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence,and that is a very  solid foundation. If used properly, it could already bring the new  society. But again, people are imperfect, so that's why it takes time.  But the foundation is very solid, it is still there, and it has a huge  potential in the coming years when things change.








  Did Tachyon chambers exist on Earth before the quarantine was enforced  26,000 years ago?  

Cobra: Yes, of course. In Atlantis, Tachyon chambers did exist on planet Earth.




 will New Atlantis be established after the global tsunami?

Cobra: It'll be established after the polar shift and I would say fragments of New Atlantis will be established before that in Islands of Light.

Terry: I see. So if, so, who will be creating and forming the New Atlantis on Earth?

Cobra: The most awakened population and other advanced races, which will come here after the First Contact. It'll be a co-creation.

Terry: I see. After the First Contact means that even before the Event?

Cobra: No, after the Event.








 Is there any famous Asian city near the old Atlantean equator?

Cobra: I will explain. There were actually many polar shifts in the past and many Atlantean equators. The equator I was mentioning in my last post was the equator, which was present on this planet 25,000 years and more before the present time. And then there was a polar shift, and then there was another Atlantean equator, which has been mentioned in my post in few years ago. But this Atlantean equator, which was here until 25,000 years ago, is even more important because it was connected with the motherships of the Galactic Confederation, and this equator does not go through Asia. So there are no famous Asian cities near this equator.




 what activities would people of advanced ancient Earth  civilization (Atlanteans and ancient Egyptians for example) do at their Goddess  temples in addition to praying for Her guidance and the blessings? 

Cobra: There were trainings. There were initiations. There were sacred union  meditations. There was connection with the Galactic brotherhood. All those  activities were taking place in Atlantis and to a certain degree also in ancient  Egypt.





 When did the first tachyon chambers arrive on Earth? 

 Cobra: Actually, they were here also hundreds of millions of years ago, when there were  previous cosmic civilizations visiting Earth. But more recently they were present  here in Atlantis.

What civilizations brought them to Earth?  

Cobra: Both Pleiadians and Sirians have brought them to Earth in Atlantis.




 Are there any pyramids today that  have a certain percentage of activation? 

Cobra: I would say the pyramids, which were built in Atlantis, for example the Great  Pyramids in Egypt, they still have some residual connection with the tachyon field




 And is there a certain type of tachyon chamber in Agartha?  

Cobra: They’re using some tachyon chambers based on old Atlantian technology, and there  are, in few rare occasions, there are also Pleiadian tachyon chambers existing  there.




 So, at the moment there are numerous earthquakes all over the world.There’ve been two in Turkey, one in early February and the other earlier this week.And at the end of January, you informed us that the ancient Atlantian Light grid was being reactivated. And that a very important aspect of this process is there activation of the ancient Atlantian Goddess vortexes and that they’re connected to the ancient Atlantian equator. Are the earthquakes in Turkey related to thesere activations?

Cobra:This is one aspect of this. They are connected to this and also to some geopolitical situations. And of course, unfortunately according to the sources, they were not taking place naturally.




  If we want to use these enormously powerful energies to  reactivate old Atlantean Goddess vortexes, where would you recommend for our  physical meditation meeting? 

Cobra: Okay. One thing, one aspect of this is along the old Atlantian equator, and  the other aspect of this is anywhere near the water, or even inside the water, lake,  river, sea, ocean.




What about Saint Germain, who was known as an outstanding alchemist? Are heand Francis Bacon, who is the author of “The New Atlantis”, are they one and the same incarnation? And did he as Comte de Saint Germain, having achieved his Ascension at the end of the 18th century, did he succeed in dissolving his primary implants by very advanced alchemical processes or by a hierogamic union with one ofhis soulmates?

Cobra: Francis Bacon and Saint Germain are two incarnations of the same being. And yes, before he ascended, he dissolved his implants by alchemical processes and by Sacred Union with one of his soulmates in France.





