Resistance Movement - Posts

You can see Cobra 1st post on The RM:
 Evidence they exist :
Interview Quotes :





Sunday, April 8, 2012

Compression Breakthrough / What is Cobra?

"COBRA is a codename for compression breakthrough. The surface of planet Earth is compressed in a sandwich. Light forces of the Galactic Confederation are advancing from the sky downwards toward the surface of the planet. Light forces of the Resistance Movement are advancing from the underground up towards the surface of the planet."


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Acceleration of events

"Resistance Movement has finally removed the main obstacle (from their perspective) that blocked the triggering of the Event. Certain key Resistance agents were placed into position. There are some minor preparations still to be made, but then everything is ready, as far as Resistance is concerned."


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Forces of Light and Forces of Darkness

"Resistance Movement. This is a group of freedom fighters who live in subterranean dwellings in the upper part of Earth’s crust. They have a constant physical contact with underground Pleiadian bases in Himalaya and under Bora-Bora island.  Their official public contact is Cobra.

With assistance from the Confederation, they have cleared all remaining Reptilian forces from this solar system. Shortly after the year 2000 they have also cleared all subterranean Reptilian bases in severe battles. Then they shifted their focus towards clearing most black budget military programs and technologies, which they did successfully.

After that they have placed their agents inside the military and alphabet agencies to help the Positive Military group with their Plan that is coming to fruition now. Main motivation of the Resistance Movement is to help liberate the planet, so they can stop living in caves and move on to more prospective missions elsewhere in the Galaxy."


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dispelling the Fears

"There are no bad aliens left in the universe, this galaxy or our solar system. They have been cleared by Galactic Confederation from the Galaxy and by Resistance Movement from our solar system years ago."

"Positive Military will take care of whatever is remaining of these bases at the time of the Event. They will be backed up by the Resistance, which will intervene directly in this cleansing of underground bases only if Positive Military needs some help."

"all cloning laboratories of the Cabal have been shut down by the Resistance years ago."


Saturday, April 28, 2012

New Financial System

"The existence of Global Settlement funds will be then introduced to the public. Those funds include about  $ 70 trillion from old money patriots connected to the Positive Military, $ 100 trillion from White Dragon Society and Templar groups, $ 120 trillion from Resistance Movement and $ 10 trillion from Saint Germain Trust. Global Settlement funds will also include all money and assets from the Cabal. "


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Clarification about Archons

"Leader of the Archons on the physical plane has been arrested on May 5th by the Resistance forces and taken off-planet. He has crossed over to the Light ad is now free-willingly assisting with the planetary liberation process."


Friday, May 11, 2012

Operation Phoenix Synchronicity

"It is interesting to watch how Operation Phoenix, which is a top secret Resistance Movement operation, gets reflected in the cyberspace."


Friday, May 25, 2012

Current Archons Situation Update

"one significant part of the Archons grid on the etheric and astral planes is still intact.

It is a grid that keeps controlling and manipulating human personal relationships for millenia. This grid is the reason for most human conflicts.  It is the main reason for delays in final victory of the Light on this planet. It consists of Archons and their minions on the etheric and astral planes in a thin layer close to Earth’s surface.

The physical counterpart of this grid consists of people deep within the Jesuit network. I would suggest everyone stop focusing so much on Committee of 300 because the real control lies elsewhere. The physical Jesuit Archons are still quite dangerous and the green light for the Event will not be given until those people are cut away from their resources. The Resistance is dealing with the situation and I will post more intel about this when/if it will be declassified."


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Negotiations Update

"In case that things then get ugly and escalate into a war, the Resistance has promised to back up the Positive Military and protect the People with their resources and can also send their troops from their deep underground bases to assist the Positive Military as the last resort."


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Grid Ratio between Light and Dark

"Therefore some of the remaining nukes need to be cut off from the Cabal by Resistance ground personnel."


Monday, June 18, 2012

The Veil

"The Resistance Movement has put a computer virus in that program at the Reboot of the Grid on May 20th/21st and can now reboot the financial system if / when this will be necessary for the operations of the Light forces. "


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Interviews, Answers, Conferences, Funding and Current Situation

"my connection with the Resistance is not such that they could transfer money. I receive intel from them in a way that does not pose security risk."


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Operation Omega Phoenix

"The Resistance Movement will have its own role in the Event and this is known under the codename Operation Omega Phoenix. This operation has two parts.

The First part of Operation Omega Phoenix has just been declassified and I can speak a little bit about it. At the time of the Event, a certain number of Resistance operatives will emerge from their subterranean bases to the surface. They will be wearing plain civilian clothes and not military uniforms. They will closely monitor the mass arrest process and will help the Positive Military and civil authority in the arrests themselves when necessary. Members of the Cabal that will be arrested by the Resistance operatives will be taken to undisclosed locations and later released into the hands of Positive Military / civil authority. The only exception for this are a few members of the Cabal that have committed crimes beyond this planet in their past and must appear before the Galactic Court. Most of those will be later returned to Earth for humanity to determine their destiny, but a fraction of them will be taken to Galactic Central Sun immediately.

Top people inside the Positive Military have been notified about Operation Omega Phoenix and they fully agree with it."


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Green Light Update

"The Resistance Movement has been playing with and testing the computer systems of the Rothschilds banking casino to prepare for the Reset:



Friday, July 13, 2012

The Plan Expanded

"The Resistance Movement is monitoring all operations of the surface positive groups and knows exactly what everybody is doing."

"The Resistance Movement will give positive groups on the surface of the planet  a certain limited period of time to carry out the actual liberation themselves. If they fail to do so, direct action will be taken by the Resistance independently from any positive groups or the general population."


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Layers of Conspiracy

"After the death of Cleopatra, their power was transferred from Ptolemaic bloodline towards Julio-Claudean dynasty in Rome, then to Flavians, then to Constantinian dynasty, then to Theodosian dynasty and then to Byzantine Giustiniani family. After the middle ages, members of this group incarnated mostly into positions of power within the Italian black nobility families. The Resistance has taken strong actions against this group in 2010 and it lost a lot of its power then."


Monday, July 16, 2012

Keeping the Balance

"People are also asking the Resistance to intervene now directly in the situation on this planet. The Resistance is aware of the suffering of humanity and cries for help and will respond, but the extent and shape of their operations remain classified for now."


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Explosion of Light

"There is a special joint operation of the Resistance Movement, the Pleiadians and other positive ET races that dismantles the quarantine."


Monday, July 30, 2012

The Plan and What You Can Do

"The Event will be a multidimensional breakthrough for planet Earth that will send waves of Light across the Universe. The Event will be spiritual and physical in nature. It will encompass a breakthrough in removal of non-physical negative entities, mass arrests of the Cabal and drastic increase of sightings of positive UFOs. It will be an unified effort of the Pleiadians, the Resistance Movement, Positive Military, White Dragon Society and other positive groups."

"Only few extremely well trained agents of the Resistance are now operating on the surface of the planet. After the Event, the Resistance will gradually make itself known to the general public."


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

White Nobility

"I have received instructions from the Resistance to involve White Nobility in Operation Dreamland that is part of the Plan for the planetary liberation."

"The Resistance Movement will be the main operating force for Operation Dreamland from the time of the Event onwards.

I would ask anybody that wants to be involved in Operation Dreamland to very clearly state their talents, skills, contacts and resources that they can offer. If they can be involved in pre-Event preparations, they will be contacted soon. If not, they will be contacted directly by the Resistance soon after the Event."


"Positive ET races and the Resistance Movement want peace and it is within their power to prevent world war 3 or martial law simply by pressuring the key members of the Cabal. "

"The Pleiadians and the Resistance Movement as two main non-surface positive groups will implement what is called Fluid Group Masterplan Management. First, impulse will come from the Source that the time is right for the Event to start. The Pleiadians and other positive ET races have complete overview of every human being, their thoughts and motivations and they will easily determine who can be a part of the initial fluid physical group that will trigger the Event. They will forward that intel to the Resistance Movement. "
"Resistance's surface operatives will then contact key people of that fluid surface group. Some of those key people are in positions inside Russian, Chinese and US military."

"As the Event operations will progress, the Pleiadians and other ET races will have complete overview over strengths and weaknesses of every human being that will be part of the operations. According to this, they will give constant real time intel updates to the Resistance about how to shift the roles and positions of people in the fluid group."

." Resistance operatives will not be directly involved in operations themselves but will only assist with intel and instructions. This whole operation needs to be coordinated by beings wiser than surface humanity to be successful. "


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Interesting developments

"Resistance Movement has cleared all underground military bases of the Cabal and all projects associated with them years ago."


"The first crucial factor to achive this was a general decision of the critical mass of key people within positive surface groups that they will cooperate with Resistance surface operatives when the Event will be triggered."

"Continuos testing of the software installed by the Resistance operatives into the Rothschild operated computer banking system has proven that we can crash the current banking system and create the Reset at the push of a button. In extensive Resistance operation in the beginning of this year, vast majority of physical gold, including Yamashita and Nazi gold,  gold from Philippines undergroud bunkers, gold from below Kloten airport, most gold from central banks and gold hidden below Rothschild villas, has been removed from the hands of the Cabal and is now waiting in the Resistance underground bases to be returned to humanity after the Event when it will form the backbone of the new financial system."


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day of the Contact Report

"Our small group of 50 to 60 people inside the Kephren pyramid was the only positive group that was doing any activations inside pyramids on that day. Details of how we managed to do that will one day make a great novel that will surpass the Da Vinci Code, except that it is a real story. Unfortunately I can not tell it yet because that could endanger many Light warriors, some of them belonging to White Nobility, some to Resistance and some to Guardians that are keeping the mysteries of the pyramids safe for generations,  that helped us along the way to achieve the impossible."



Sunday, February 24, 2013

Intel Update

"The Resistance made a significant progress towards the surface. Basically the whole area between 0 and 30 meters below the surface has been liberated on the physical plane. It means the final clearing of the uppermost levels of all remaining military underground bases. Everything that was in any way associated with any of the black projects has been completely cleared from the layer between 0 and 30 meters below the surface. This means that Cabal can no longer use any type of underground facilities for any type of unlawful purposes."

"The Resistance has been using its technology to clear the vast majority of environmental pollution in the layer between 0 and 30 meters below the surface that was put there by the activity of mankind. The Resistance has also removed most of remnants of past warfare such as weapons, skeletons and bones that have accumulated in that layer through millenia of violent activity of humanity and were an anchor for negative energy for a very long time. "

"The Resistance has also blocked a certain technology that the etheric Archons had through which they could manifest their minions on the physical plane. All apparitions of Greys and Reptilians have thus ended.

The Black Box technology has been removed. The physical Archons need to rely to occult rituals now to get intel from the etheric plane through a certain form of channeling and as you all know, channeling can be an unreliable source of intel.

22,000 agents of the Resistance have come to the surface of the planet to support the preparation of the final liberation. This number will only increase with time. "


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Secret Space Program

"Between 1996 and 1999, about 500 million Reptilians have entered humanoid cloned bodies inside those underground bases. After 1999, the Resistance Movement has started clearing those underground bases and removed all Reptilians except for a very few individuals on the surface of the planet. Deeper portions of those bases were cleared in 2003. After that, the progress of the Light forces was massive. "

"In 2012, the Resistance Movement has removed the vast majority of the physical gold from the hands of the Cabal. This has crippled the Cabal's operations extensively"


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Global Solar Eclipse Meditation for Peace in Syria

"Current use of biochemical weapons and nuclear bunker buster bombs is testing the limits of patience of the Resistance Movement. Although the planetary conditons for the Event are not yet right due to too many non-physical negative forces still present around the surface of the planet, the Resistance WILL trigger the Event as an emergency protection measure if the violence continues to escalate. So by escalating things further the Cabal is actually shortening its time of existence drastically."


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Short Situation Update

"In the subterranean network below the surface of the planet, a process of integration of the Resistance Movement into the Galactic Confederation is taking place. Many different positive cosmic races are building their bases in the deeper portions of the underground network as part of spiritual, cultural and sociological integration process. You need to understand that only about 70 percent of Galactic races are humanoid and there are many exotic forms of life out there. Nevertheless, cosmic Love is the deeper bond which connects all these races, no matter how strange or exotic their physical body or psychological makeup might be. This integration process will strengthen cosmic Love and brotherhood between different cosmic races and the Resistance as part of preparations for the First Contact for the surface population which will happen after the Event. The other part of this process will include the appearance of certain members of some of those races on the surface of the planet within this year of 2013. Those appearances may or may not be public. Details about this project must remain classified for now. "


Friday, July 5, 2013

Victory of the Light in Egypt

" In the first large scale coordinated action of the Positive Military in the human history, the Archon-infested Muslim Brotherhood has been removed from power in Egypt. 
This action is a result of many months of careful preparation and joint cooperation between the Positive Military, Templars, Resistance Movement and even White Dragons, supported by the human masses. "

"The Resistance has gathered a lot of precious intel about the behavior of human population in situations like this, which will be very useful in fine-tuning the masterplan for the Event.   "


Sunday, July 14, 2013

MAKE THIS VIRAL! Prepare For Change

"Although the civil authority and the Resistance Movement will provide their own infrastructure at the time of the Event, it is very important to have grassroots infrastructure as well. Our alternative infrastructure will fill in the gaps and will ensure that the transition will be smoother and more harmonious. "


Thursday, July 25, 2013

MAKE THIS VIRAL! Liberation of Egypt-Important Update

"Now the Positive Military in Egypt has decided to remove them from Egypt. The Positive Military in Egypt has tactical support from the Resistance Movement, Positive Templars and the White Dragon Society. To make their move, members of the Positive Military need the support of the general population also."


Sunday, August 11, 2013

New Windows of Opportunity

"The Resistance Movement has communicated that as the non-physical planes will be clear soon, it is of the utmost importance to reach a certain degree of harmony within the planetary liberation movement as lack of harmony there will soon be the last main remaining factor delaying the Event. "
"The Resistance needs a certain number of functional Event support groups on the surface before the action can be triggered. These Event support groups will absorb the shock of abrupt change for the masses of humanity as those groups will be most qualified to deal with the changes."


Friday, August 16, 2013

A Short Update on the Situation in Egypt and Planetary Situation in General

"The Resistance Movement is requesting that the Positive Military forces in Egypt remove Blackwater mercenaries from their country immediately. The Resistance is also requesting a fair and public trial for arrested Muslim Brotherhood officials so that their exact crimes can be exposed to the mass media. "



Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Planetary Situation Update Part 1

"The Eastern Alliance is a loose group of BRICS government officials, Interpol personnel, members of Chinese and Russian military forces, White Dragons Society and Positive Templars who work under indirect guidance of the Resistance Movement to liberate this planet. "


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Planetary Situation Update: The New Financial System

"In February 2012, the Resistance Movement removed all that gold from the hands of the Cabal. This is the reason Fulford can not find real proof of any current gold vaults anywhere in Asia. That removal of gold was a brilliant move. From then on we are having a real fiat financial system on the surface on the planet. That kind of financial system is very unstable and the Cabal has to be very careful with their financial machinations. For the first time in human history the financial system in not underwritten by gold.  This creates a dynamic tension which speeds up the Event because such financial system can not exist for a very long time and would eventually collapse on its own due to lack of trust and lack of real foundation and that would be the last possible moment for the Event."

"After the Event the Resistance will return the gold to humanity and it will be stored on the surface of the planet to underwrite the new financial system. Therefore that gold will not be traded in open market, whereas gold in private ownership will be traded and exchanged freely."

"Various groups that are working to liberate the financial system from the hands of the Cabal (White Dragons, Keenan, OPPT) will have advisory role and a council of government officials democratically elected after the Event will be the trustees of the collateral accounts. The whole system will be completely transparent and this transparency will be supervised by the Resistance Movement. "


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Planetary Situation Update: Etheric Plane

"The Resistance Movement is working to hack the computer program which controls the implants in the etheric mainframe computer of the Archons. When this is done, the Resistance Movement will be able to shut down the scalar field around the implants and then the implants and corresponding black holes in folds of etheric spacetime continuum will evaporate fast and finally true Light will arrive to planet Earth. 
The Resistance has already hacked that program once on November 9th, 2003, the day of the Harmonic Concordance:

"After December 21st, 2012, the Resistance has managed to break into the etheric mainframe computer of the Archons but the particular program regarding implants has not been hacked yet. We are hoping that this will happen in the next few months. 
To accelerate this process, the Resistance has requested as many people as possible join our Weekly Liberation Meditations:


Thursday, October 24, 2013


"The six pointed star is the very same configuration that happened at the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003 (when the Resistance hacked the etheric implant computer program) and it happened again at the Peace Portal on August 25th this year (when we have collectively prevented the military invasion in Syria). Activation of the AION portal is the peak moment of the turning of the tide. Due to the grid ratio, the Light forces were passive and mainly responding to actions of the dark forces until now.  From the AION portal on, the Light will begin to initiate action."


Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Jesuit Agenda

"Also secretaries of defense like to visit Georgetown a lot. Donald Rumsfeld, who was a secretary of defense during the 911 false flag, attended Georgetown (he was not good at school though). Robert Gates, who was a secretary of defense between 2006 and 2011, achieved his Ph. D. at Georgetown. Chuck Hagel, the current secretary of defense, was a professor at Georgetown. The role of secretaries of defense is to strengthen the negative military under Jesuit control. Until 2004 their role was also to oversee the process of creation of deep underground military bases. After 2004, all those bases were cleared by the Resistance.  "


Monday, December 9, 2013

Financial Reset and Event Update

'The collapse of the current financial system is inevitable after the Resistance removed the vast majority of physical gold from the Cabal in early 2012. That gold was underwriting the financial system and after it was gone, a countdown clock for the complete system meltdown was triggered and its collapse is expected soon"

"Special task force of the Resistance, codenamed RM2m, was within 45 minutes of triggering the Event on Saturday after the Archons (physical and non-physical) went a little bit too far with some of their actions. The Archons backed off at the last moment to prevent the Event from being triggered and were forced to negotiate their own safety and survival. In order to survive a little bit longer, they  were forced to deconstruct Dom33, their plan of retaliation when the Event happens. "

"There is a significant number of agents of the Resistance on the surface of the planet now, doing »various things«. "

"Most importantly, the RM2m special task force has proposed a plan to trigger the Event before the non-physical planes are totally cleared. They feel that this wait is simply taking too long to be tolerated and that some risks need to be taken. They are now aligning their plan with the non-terrestrial Light forces. 
However, for this plan to be successful, they need our cooperation. 

Triggering the Event before the non-physical planes are cleared may result in some additional loss of human lives as some people will become dysfunctional, unable to handle the Event and resort to violence. The Cabal is not so much of a problem as they will be either arrested or stardusted in the first few hours and even initially they will not be able to do that much damage now that their Doom33 plan has been compromised. The Illuminazi faction is now hastily devising their own retaliation plan after they lost support of the Archons for Doom33, but that plan would pose far lesser threat than former Doom33. Here I might need to add that all Jesuit and Illuminazi agents which have infiltrated various militias in the last few decades will be stardusted also if the try anything nasty. 

The problem lies within the general population. Some people might get violent in their home situations and their families, old resentments suddenly being triggered and coming out to the surface. Also, violent street gangs might be formed briefly in the initial hours and maybe even days after the Event in some more remote areas without proper law enforcement being present. So I would suggest everybody to avoid violent confrontations in the first hours and days after the Event, regardless of the situation. 

The RM2m special task force has asked if we can conduct a poll to determine what the opinion of the surface population is about their plan. The results of that poll will not determine the course of their actions, but will give them priceless feedback for them to be able to adjust their plan to accommodate the needs of the surface population more. "


Saturday, December 14, 2013

MAKE THIS VIRAL! Event Developments and Liberation Petition

"The Resistance Movement was waiting for the poll numbers to reach 12,000 people and then evaluated the situation. 12,000 people represents a certain critical mass of the awakened population and clearly the vast majority have expressed their free will and are supporting the action to be taken soon. This creates a very powerful exopolitical statement which needs to be taken seriously.
Free will is extremely important. The spark of free will in all of us is the divine spark which is actually our direct connection with the One/Source/Creator. The Source is not an energy or entity outside of us, it is rather the deepest aspect of all of us and it is actually the divine spark in us that took the vote. The Event will happen when all aspects of divinity, us here on the surface, the Resistance below the surface and the positive ET races above the surface, will align in a synchronized manner to trigger the pulse from the Galactic Central Sun. And we as a collective DO have a say in this process, although we are not the only factor involved.
In light of the current developments, the Resistance Movement and positive ET Light races, in full alignment with the will of the One/Source,  have decided not to wait for the non-physical planes to be completely clear to trigger the Event. This will allow for much easier disintegration of the etheric implants as those implants will be faced with physical evidence of changes and this will effectively dissolve all implanted mind programs and the remaining etheric matrix.

Certain risks will be taken by the Light forces to speed up the Event, but this also means that the transition will not be a smooth as it was originally hoped. When the Event actually happens is not known yet, as the new plan has not yet been completely finalized. 
The Resistance Movement has expressed its concern about the lack of cooperation between the leading members of the awakened human population, as that can make the whole transition process much harder for humanity. On the other hand, they understand that cooperation is not easy when true spiritual guidance on the surface of the planet is clearly absent. Therefore they have decided to initiate contact after the Event with those members of the awakened population that will be open to it, and offer them spiritual guidance. In the first phase after the Event, the Resistance will not address the human masses directly but will instruct the awakened part of the human population how to deal with the planetary situation and the human masses. Thus a partnership will be established that will build on mutual trust and understanding.

The RM2m special task force has asked us for additional support. A significant part of the awakened population has expressed their will, but to further evaluate the plans for the Event, the general population on the surface of the planet needs to be involved.

Furthermore, the RM2m special task force has asked me to create a petition which promotes the action for the Event to be taken as soon as possible. The Light forces need 144,000 signatures as a collective expression of our free will that will give them green light for the implementation of the next phase of their plan. You can sign the petition here:


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Return To Innocence Activation Report

"Just before the activation we have been guided to visit a subterranean energy vortex in Glastonbury and it was a very special experience. That spot is one of entrances into subterranean tunnels and while we gathered around the sacred pool, we were being discreetly watched and blessed by the Resistance. "


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Event Situation Update

"We collected 5853 valid answers, of which 5064 people circled YES. This means that almost 87% of the general surface population would be open to partnership with the Resistance and positive ET civilizations after the Event. It is interesting to note that results did not vary much across different countries and continents. "

"The RM2m special task force has evaluated the results of the poll, survey, petition and some other intel and has determined that most of the surface population would support the Event taking place now, but would not be willing to step out of their comfort zones and actively support the actions of the Light forces, at least initially. 
  The Resistance will trigger the Event when instructed from the Source, although they would like this to happen as soon as possible. They are fully aware that people have had enough and want to see some action. "

"Although the Resistance can now reset the financial system with a push of a button, its control of internet is not sufficient enough to guarantee a smooth running of the industrial control systems infrastructure in the first few critical hours after the Event. The Resistance is now dealing with this problem and it will be resolved."

"The Resistance suggests general amnesty to those who were not involved in deeply inhumane criminal acts and fair trial for the rest of them. The Resistance also suggest that they may keep all wealth which was gained in fair business endeavors and to share all unfairly gained wealth with the rest of humanity."



Monday, March 10, 2014

Quarantine Earth Endgame

The Galactic Confederation has liberated Pleiades in 1999 and the Resistance has liberated Pleiadian captives from Dulce and other bases in 2001, but the Pleiadian race needed almost a decade to recover from shock completely and to be able to fully participate in the Galactic Confederation operations for the liberation of planet Earth. 
In the time period between 1996 and 1999, all Rigelian strangelet bombs and other exotic weaponry was transferred to planet Earth. The vast majority of the physical exotic weaponry was removed by the Resistance until 2004, but a great portion on etheric exotic weaponry remained until very recently. 
Among other exotic weapons I would mention physical antigravity scalar weapons. All of them were removed by 2004 and the Resistance does not allow any such weapons to be developed by military industrial complex ever again. The Resistance does however support the development of antigravity technology for peaceful purposes:
Since 1999, the Ascended Masters, the Galactic Confederation and the Resistance Movement are actively removing layers upon layers of exotic etheric technologies from quarantine Earth. Each time one layer is removed, the Ascended Master receive intel about the next layer from the Source. Then Confederation and Resistance personnel removes that next etheric layer. This process was ongoing in the same way until a few weeks ago when a drastic breakthrough was made."

"there is a certain project which involves the Resistance and the surface population. If there are any people who had physical contact with the Resistance or the Agartha network since 1996, they can contact me at   "


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

End of Petrodollar, Overunity and the Event

" After 2004 all those clones have been destroyed by the Resistance and now long range shooters of the aforementioned positive group would be much more successful in eliminating individual members of the Cabal and no amount of Blackwater/Academi bodyguards would be able to protect them.
The Chimera group has put physical strangelet bombs inside most of US military bases and some military bases of other nations and these bombs form the main line of defense against the advance of Galactic Confederation and Resistance Movement forces towards the surface of this planet."

"They have also created a planetary network of plasma scalar devices. This network is being operated from the military bases and encompasses the whole planet. Plasma is the fourth aggregate state of matter after solid, liquid and gaseous and is in fact the connecting link between physical and etheric matter. Plasma scalar devices can thus influence our physical bodies and the Chimera Group uses these devices to attack Lightwarriors and Lightworkers by influencing their body functions, disturbing breathing and heart pulse. They also use plasma scalar lasers to project thoughtforms into minds of Lightworkers, plasma infrasound to lower the frequency of auric membrane of Lightworkers and plasma ultrasound devices as ultimate spying and surveillance machine. The Resistance is already removing these plasma scalar devices with full speed. "


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Stand Up - The Final Resistance

"the Resistance perceives the awakened part of the surface population to be able to man up to the task."

"Many people were not able to handle the etheric Archon pressure and this is an indicator to the Resistance that the etheric plane is not yet clear enough for the surface population to go through the Event as at the moment of the Event the pressure will be even greater. This is precisely the reason I can not release certain intel, including but not limited to the Ascension plan, no matter how much I would like to. "


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pleiadian Portal Activation Report

The Resistance is now assuming a more active role inside the solar system. Beyond their main stronghold on planet X, they are building many active bases in outer solar system.
Pluto's moon Charon, which was once a military warehouse for the dark forces, is now one of the main military command centers of the Resistance for the final defeat of the Chimera group.
Many female members of the Resistance are living on some objects in outer solar system and using them as relay stations of the Goddess energy from the Galactic Central Sun towards planet Earth. 
The main relay station inside our solar system for the Goddess energy from the Galactic center is a centaur asteroid Chariklo. Many female members of the Pleiadian fleet and the Resistance Movement are located there, meditating and channeling Goddess energy from the Galactic center and sending it towards Earth to assist in harmonizing humanity. Rings have been discovered around Chariklo just a few months ago:

Those rings serve as a stargate which relays Goddess energy into our solar system.
The main stronghold of female Lightwarriors of the Resistance Movement under wise leadership of a woman with a codename Ariel is on Eris, a small planetary body on the edge of the Solar system:
Ganymede, the largest of Jupiter's moons, is the location of the main communications hub for this solar system which includes teams from the Galactic Confederation, the Ashtar Command, Pleiadian, Sirian and Andromedan fleet and also the Resistance Movement. 


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Sisterhood of the Rose

"At the moment of summer solstice on June 21st, the process of activating the planetary Goddess archetype will begin. This will be activated by many women from the Resistance Movement and the Pleiadian fleet meditating and directing their loving energy to humanity."


Monday, July 7, 2014

Fall of the Chimera

"The Chimera group had their own network of underground bases until they were recently cleared out by the Resistance. These bases were connected with a high speed train system. To clarify the situation, until recently there were three underground train systems: the one connecting deep underground military bases of the Negative Military, the one connecting the Chimera bases and the one connecting the Resistance bases. The Resistance train system was the one I have seen back in 1977. The existence of the underground train system of the Negative Military has been leaked to the surface population through this RAND document:
Now only the underground train system of the Resistance is fully operational. The Chimera group is mostly contained in the uppermost underground sections of the surface military bases, closer than 100 feet (30 meters) to the surface."

"The Chimera group has hijacked the global financial system from the hands of the central bankers in the last decade through the PROMIS software and through high speed trading programs. The Resistance and the Organization (its forerunner) were aware of those programs for quite some time and were able to siphon off about 70 trillion dollars away from the black funds of the Cabal. That money will be given back to humanity after the Reset through the collateral accounts."


Wednesday, September 24, 2014


"The Nazis made one of their main strongholds in the Berchtesgaden area near Untersberg because they wanted to take occult advantage of the Goddess vortex present there. 
After World War II, that area became one of the main strongholds of the Chimera group. Berchtesgaden sits is a dish shaped valley, surrounded by mountains and is an ideal place for experiments with scalar wave technology:

Very recently, the presence of the Chimera group has been removed from the area. Now it is one of the most powerful Light spots on the planet, with many hidden entrances into the Resistance Movement and further portals into the Pleiadian star system.
The whole area is a very strong interdimensional portal, which is indicated by a strong magnetic anomaly in the same area:


The Goddess vortex has been reactivated by the Light forces very recently in the pond of Goddess Isais near Untersberg:

A piece of Cintamani stone has been returned to Untersberg. Goddess Isis is now harmonizing the energy of whole Europe through the Untersberg vortex. "


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

IS:IS Portal Activation Part II Report

"A critical mass of 144,000 people from the Resistance Movement and the  Agartha Network have emerged from their underground realms briefly and did this activation on the surface exactly in the same way as we have been instructed. This has created a certain special resonance field which has channeled the energy pulse from the Shapley Attractor and stabilized the planetary etheric Light grid to the point that it will be able to handle and absorb the energetic shockwave at the time of the Event."

"At the activation, conversion protocols of the Resistance Movement and the Agartha Network have been synchronized. The extent of the primary anomaly has been greatly decreased. The Breakthrough phase has been initialized.  
At the activation, a very special group from RM2m special task force has anchored the grid in Saqqara, less than 15 miles from the Giza plateau. In Saqqara, there are many entrances into the underground tunnels of the Agartha network:

From there, the main tunnel leads to Giza and from there the eastern branch goes to Tibet and the western branch to Peru via North America. "



Thursday, January 1, 2015

Opening of the Box

"a few projects will be selected for funding according to the Resistance Movement protocols and guidelines to achieve the maximum positive effect on humanity. "


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Agartha Network Developments

"In the West, Agartha network was integrated with the Resistance Movement more than a decade ago. In the East, it was kept as a separate entity until now for security reasons."
"an important integration process was initiated between the Resistance Movement and the Eastern Agartha network. Many protocols were exchanged and a thorough clearing process has been initiated"
"a high level connection was made between the Resistance Movement, the Eastern Agartha network and the Andean Agartha network. Nothing more can be released about that connection at this point. " 

Monday, January 19, 2015


"The Resistance Movement has issued a few warnings to the hard core of the Cabal to stop attacking Lightwarriors and Lightworkers with scalar directional energy weapons. Since those warnings were ignored, the Resistance has initialized »release the dogs« protocols. This means that they no longer hold back surface individuals and groups that would like to off members of the Cabal by their own free will and initiative. 
This means that the surface of the planet has suddenly become quite unsafe for the core members of the Cabal. This is why Donald Rumsfeld sold his house and escaped to New Mexico:
Joe Biden already had a taste of this new situation:
The Resistance Movement has communicated that if the directional energy weapons attacks do not stop, they might trigger protocols for the rapid arrest of the unholy four: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush Sr. and Henry Kissinger. 
If those protocols are triggered, they will have drastic and destabilizing effect on the planetary geopolitical situation and although they would speed up the Event, the whole transition would be much more chaotic and violent. The Resistance is well aware of the connections of the unholy four with the Chimera group. The Resistance is hoping sanity will prevail and extreme measures can still be avoided. "


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Taiwan Conference Report / Solar System Situation Update

"This weekend, the Light forces of the Ashtar Command, the Pleiadian Fleet, the Sirian Fleet and the Resistance Movement have begun an operation to clear the entire solar system completely. "


Monday, February 9, 2015

Solar System Situation Update

"The Light forces were forced to sign a non-interference treaty which states that they will not interfere on the surface of planet Earth directly and in turn the Chimera will also not interfere on the surface directly. Although this treaty was quite harmful for the development of humanity in the last 26,000 years, it has also prevented humanity from being harvested by Chimera and their Draco/Reptilian minions directly. This is the reason the Resistance Movement agents are not contacting human beings on the surface of their planet."
"Also, the Organization (forerunner of the Resistance Movement) had secret teams infiltrated into the Solar Warden program. The Organization was also cooperating with positive Andromedans who were well aware of the situation in this Solar System. "
"During a massive liberation offensive between 1999 and 2004, the Light forces of the Resistance Movement, Pleiaidan, Sirian and Andromedan Fleet and the Ashtar Command cleared the vast majority of the Draco/Reptilian presence from our Solar System.  "


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Alliance Fleet

" a resistance movement was organized in the Draco/Illuminati slave colony on planet X. This Resistance Movement made physical contact with the Pleiadians parked beyond the heliopause in the outer Kuiper belt and with Pleiadian backup it organized a mutiny on planet X in December 1999, kicked out the Illuminati, freed the planet and shifted its base to underground Agartha network on planet Earth.
Planet X was used from then onward by the Light forces as the strategic base for Solar System cleanup operations. First they cleared the main military stronghold of the dark forces on Charon. Then they proceeded quite quickly through the outer Solar System, cleared it, and then intense battles were taking place in the main asteroid belt between 2000 and 2003."
" Many members of the Resistance Movement and Positive Military have Andromedan origin"

"The smaller ships belong to the Ashtar Command, the Jupiter Command and Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian and Resistance fleets. The larger spheric biosatellites belong to the Central Civilization."


Sunday, July 5, 2015

Planetary Situation Update

  "The Resistance is taking certain steps today to minimize the risk that the Greek referendum will be rigged. It is very likely that their actions to prevent the Cabal from interfering will be successful. "


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sublunar Operations

"The Resistance defines sublunar space as the space below the Moon orbit and above the orbit of the lowest man-made orbiting satellites."



Sunday, July 26, 2015

Galactic Wave of Love

"Complexity wave analysis is a very sophisticated computer model of the Resistance Movement which predicts future trends based on cosmic cycles and free will vector analysis. "


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Solar System Situation Update

"The Resistance has built a small but strategically important base in the area near Mersenius crater. I have made this photo of Mersenius crater area a few weeks ago and you can feel the energy:


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Great Forgetting of 1996

"The Resistance has communicated to me that they will contact Drake just before the Event and give him substantial intel to be released publicly."


Monday, November 30, 2015

Event Meditation Report

"Resistance has communicated that one huge layer of strangelet and toplet bombs has been removed."



Sunday, January 3, 2016

Situation Update

"Therefore the Resistance will soon release substantial intel to Eastern Agarthan network and to various Secret Space Program factions and some of that intel will then precipitate to the surface population. Most SSP factions were seriously mind-programmed against the Pleiadians and against other positive ET races and soon the Resistance will present them with solid proof of Pleiadian benevolence.

The Resistance will also give them technological know-how to remove nanites and other similar technologies that are falsely described as AI (artificial intelligence) . As someone has put it brilliantly in a comment on my blog: "Cobra was talking about robots and nanites (miniature robots) which were invented by the Chimera to control reptilians and humans. These robots and nanites can be so sophisticated and process information at such a high speed that they give the illusion or impression of being sentient, alive, and intelligent. But they are really just machines that are easily turned off."


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Planet X


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Important Situation Update

"The dark were quite bold in their actions lately and therefore the Resistance took some action on the physical plane.

First, they have put intel packages about Disclosure, secret space programs and criminal evidence against the Cabal into the computers of some major newspaper agencies around the world and into the computers of some selected private individuals worldwide. If the Cabal crosses a certain line, these intel packages will be remotely activated by the Resistance and will simultaneously appear as pop-ups on countless computer screens worldwide. This action is also to insure against any attempt to twist or suppress the Disclosure process. ONLY full and complete 100% disclosure will be allowed, and limited disclosure is NOT an option.

Second, certain armed Resistance agents are now on the surface and will interfere in many cases when innocent civilians are attacked, preventing violence and abuse.

Third, Resistance agents are infiltrated into the security personnel of the major Cabal players, all US presidential candidates and many key politicians worldwide that can influence the planetary situation."

"Resistance has communicated to me that they have attempted to reach out to Eastern Agarthan factions many times with mixed success."


Friday, May 13, 2016

Joint Cobra / Corey Goode Interview by Rob Potter Part 1

"Yes it is not safe now for that contact to happen but after the Event the contact will happen.  The RM will make physical contact with people who are I would say, the most awake and aware individuals.  This will be the first interaction that will happen and based upon how this goes they will gradually begin to reveal themselves to the surface population. They are not the main group to interact with the surface population.  The main group will be the Pleiadians, later the Sirians and the Arcturians and I would say the other positive galactic races from our galactic neighborhood.  The RM’s role is to tactically support the Event to make sure that the infrastructure is running that we have electricity, internet, food distribution chain.  They will support military in their operations. They will support the media that releases intel.  There will not be so much face to face interaction with the surface population at least not in the initial stage.  At a certain point after the Event, they will have guided tours for certain surface people a guided tour or their underground dwellings.  They will show one part of this to the surface population.  And for those who would like to join and be integrated it will be possible if certain conditions are met. "
"The RM for example has never claimed they are Pleiadians or representing themselves to any part of the surface population claiming that they are gods to be worshiped, nor have any other factions that I know of that form the global Agarthan Network or the Eastern Agarthan factions.  Currently there is process of unification taking place.  There is a lot of contact a lot of negotiation between various factions and a lot of mistrust.  Part of this mistrust comes from manipulation of the Chimera group of one of the factions against the others and cooperation between the Chimera group and the various subterranean Draco factions coming from 1930’s and 1940’s and the Nazi groups on the surface.  So there is a lot of mistrust created at that time and a lot of healing still needs to happen. "

 "Each city of light had their own records and particularly in Egypt there were crystals, crystal records of the past beneath the Sphinx.  And the RM have accessed those crystals back in 1999 before the Cabal could get them.  "



Monday, May 23, 2016

Solar System Status Update

"The Light forces (The Central Race, the Galactic Confederation, the Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Arcturians, the Resistance...) are still working on dissolving the Chimera Barrier at the termination shock region of the heliosphere in the outer Solar system."

"One reason why this is taking so long is that all the Earth-originating Secret Space programs have been infiltrated by the Chimera in the last few decades:

The Chimera group was manipulating one SSP faction against the other, controlling the flow of intel and dictating the course of events inside our Solar System by taking many key representatives of all factions hostage.

All SSP factions that were not controlled by the Chimera have already joined the Galactic Confederation in 2012 or before. This is the reason why the Resistance thought back in 2012 that the Solar System was already free from darkness.

The Light forces are now taking certain actions to remove the Chimera infiltration from all Earth-originating Secret Space programs. Those actions do include the Stardust technology."

Friday, June 3, 2016

Joint Cobra / Corey Goode Interview by Rob Potter Part 2

"Resistance Movement has dealt with that issue (AI) and for their own society they have handled the issue. So if somebody would like to enter the Resistance Movement, they need to go through a certain cleansing process. It is something like a shower. You need to take a certain shower that removes all parts of that signal before you can even enter their region below the surface.
And they have also assisted quite much in removing this from the surface. They have not been 100% successful, but they have been very successful, and they have actually introduced a certain technology into shower gels through certain multinational corporations. And people using those shower gels were actually . . . they were being assisted in the removal of that virus, that signal."
"For the Resistance members that come to the surface and go back, it’s quite a process. They go, as I said, through something that looks like a shower. Then they go through a shower that is actually a scanning device, and it scans their physical body, etheric body, plasma body, astral body, mental body, everything, and removes every kind of infection before they can enter. And then, of course, they have the medical check. They have other checks before they can enter again. And this is quite a procedure. And this is really why they don’t like to come to the surface because they know when they come back they have to go through all that process.
And the surface of the planet is infected and they know that. And they are very careful about this. The technologies to disinfect the surface will be available at the time of the Event"

"there are certain technologies that the Resistance have and other Light forces have that will be brought to the surface at the moment of the Event that will disinfect the surface from many things. This is one part of the Compression Breakthrough.
So the living standards on the surface are artificially low also because of this. This infection creeps into the consciousness of human beings and this is why they are so depressed, so uninspired. And I would say the vast majority of human conflicts that are happening are engineered. They are not real. And this is all orchestrated by this technology."



Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Situation Update

"Then in 2012, the Resistance has removed all Rothschild gold reserves and taken them underground, out of reach of surface population. "


Saturday, July 30, 2016

Terms of Surrender Update

"The Jesuits, the Archons and the Chimera all come from negative races from Andromeda Galaxy. They are all fallen angels, meaning that they have descended from spirit into matter by implantation process, and quite many will be able to ascend when the duality is over.

The Chimera group is not involved in the surrender negotiations because no surface positive faction is strong enough to be able to deal with them. The Resistance is dealing with them directly."

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Situation Update

"Complexity wave analysis made by the Resistance Movement estimates about 20% probability that the Rothschilds will surrender before the Event. The Light forces are proceeding with their plans for the planetary liberation and are never waiting for the outcome of the surrender negotiations, those negotiations not being their primary focus."


Sunday, October 9, 2016

A Major Situation Update

"What has not been known previously to the Resistance is the fact that the physical biochips have not been cleared completely. There is a certain part of the biochips that has escaped all advanced detection and removal technologies of the Resistance and unfortunately every human being still has at least three of those biochips. These three biochips are the physical anchor point for the three main plasma implants, located in the frontal lobe and above the navel."
"Some Agarthan and SSP groups are also infected with those biochips. On the other hand, the races that have completely mastered physical-etheric body transfer (the Resistance, the Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians and the positive Andromedans) are completely free of them.

As I have stated before, these biochips were developed during WW2 in Nazi concentration camps as ordered by the Chimera group to ensure that the quarantine status of the planet is maintained and the surface population controlled.

Siemens was the company that provided the technological know-how in the development of those chips:

They were spread among human population effectively after the end of WW2 , inserted in the vaccines of the WHO vaccination programs worldwide."


"Although the Resistance has managed to shut down and remove most components of the biochips circuits, one aspect remained undetected until September 1st, 2016 when it was simultaneously activated by the Chimera among the whole surface population and among most SSP factions. The Resistance is now developing technology to remove whatever is remaining of those biochips.
Also, the Chimera has ordered their remaining Draco minions to activate all remaining scalar plasma weapons which have been secretly installed by the Draco into the majority of all low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. These scalar plasma rays are now targeting the most awakened Lightwarriors and Lightworkers on the surface of the planet in full scale. The Resistance and the Pleiadian fleet can not yet shut down those weapons as they are protected with plasma toplet bombs."



Monday, October 17, 2016

Pleiadian Situation Update

"One example are current „channelings“ of certain entities named „Stan-X“ and „Sherr-On“ that are spreading complete disinformation about the Pleiadians and the Resistance Movement. "
"when I have asked the Resistance why should I continue posting on my blog, they have communicated that „they need a voice of reason and sanity on the surface of the planet that can assist in the Breakthrough“.  " 

"The Mayan breakaway civilization in the 9th century CE was another positive breakaway group, as was the Marconi breakaway underground city in south America in the 1930s: 

and of course the Organization (the forerunner of the Resistance) in the 1970s."
"When the Resistance has sent a few of their spaceships from planet X outwards beyond the heliopause to contact the Pleiadians, that contact has resulted in revolution on planet X and its subsequent liberation."


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Situation Update

"This process has reached the point where the Resistance Movement can more actively intervene in the situations on the surface of the planet. Resistance operatives are now doing this by giving tactical support for the pre-Event liberation operations to positive factions in the militaries of the United States, Russia, China, India, Egypt and some other countries.This will soon reflect in improvement of the situation in Syria, Iraq and Ukraine"
"There is a silent war going on between positive and negative factions in the militaries of the few countries mentioned in the beginning of this update. This war is mostly done through intelligence and counterintelligence operations that never get leaked to the general population. It might be said that militaries are now the foci of the proxy war between the Galactic forces of Light on one side and the Chimera / Draco alliance on the other side. When this war is over and the Light factions win, the Resistance will push the button for the Event.  "


Friday, January 13, 2017

Important Situation Update

"the Resistance and all breakaway groups that are allied with the Galactic Confederation have begun „intense activities inside of this Solar system and beyond, on a level never before encountered.“

All breakaway groups (SSP and underground ones) that are not yet allied with the Galactic Confederation are still infiltrated by the Chimera."


Monday, March 13, 2017

Taiwan Ascension Conference Report

"the Resistance has communicated that many key physical members of the Cabal „have finally tasted their own medicine“. Nothing more can be said about this. To summarize, all negative factions except the Chimera group are now greatly weakened. "


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Peace Meditation Report


"As Resistance has predicted, Tuesday was the point of maximum tension. The Archon families described here:

especially Orsini and Pallavicini, tried to activate Doom 33 endgame world destruction program through their Khazarian underdogs inside the Omega Grid to fulfill endgame prophecies:



Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Discernment and Awareness

 "To help clarifying the issues, the Resistance has asked me to briefly provide my perspective on Corey Goode's intel.

Through my sources I can confirm: existence of secret space programs, spheres in the Solar System, extensive ancient ruins throughout the Solar System, ruins in Antarctica (and also in Amazon delta, gulf of Aden, bay of Bengal, north of Long Island...), giants in stasis

Through my sources I can NOT confirm: existence of Anshar, Corey Goode's recent experiences beyond the surface of this planet

I also know beyond any shadow of doubt that main Atlantis civilization was in the middle of Atlantic ocean, with precise location revealed in this post:

All this is a lesson for many people in the Lightwarrior and Lightworker community to start using discernment. True discernment is not possible on mental level, it can only appear when you make contact with your Soul, your higher self. Then you simply KNOW.

Until then, the following two articles can help:


Friday, July 21, 2017

Return to Light


"The Resistance has read all those letters and they are now realizing that the amount of suffering of the surface population is even greater than they imagined.

For this reason, they have prepared a few instructions that can make the pre-Event time easier for the awakened part of the surface population."
"The Resistance have also communicated that in order to decrease suffering, you need to create positive moments every day. Simple methods to do that include 1) spending time in nature, 2) focusing on beautiful and inspiring, 3) pursuing a hobby, 4) decreasing your exposure to electronic media, which includes less exposure to alternative truther websites, 5) listening to music, 6) spending quality time with other people.

The Resistance is also aware of difficult financial situation of many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors. For this reason they have asked me to dedicate a big part of my Ascension conference to give tools for manifesting abundance."

"The Resistance is aware of the amount of attacks that Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are experiencing. Some useful guidance for that situation is posted here:

The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind. From the perspective of the Resistance, they would never attack their fellow that is fighting for the same cause and they genuinely do not understand why the surface population keeps doing that. They are inviting the surface population to share their perspective of that situation here:

Victory of the Light!


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Unity Meditation Report

EARTH EX exercise that is taking place today is now giving extremely valuable intel to the Resistance about how to maintain the infrastructure when the Event happens:

Certain Resistance agents are involved in this exercise in a certain way and this will bring us another step closer to the Event."


Monday, November 6, 2017

Physical Intervention

"The Resistance refused to comment on the above two statements, as they are never giving any time estimates for quite obvious reasons."


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Situation Update

"In March of this year, many members of the Cabal were taken underground into the Resistance for questioning and then released back to the surface with their memories erased. David Rockefeller could not handle the stress of that questioning and died of the heart attack a few days later.

Now, some members of the Cabal are being taken to undisclosed locations on the surface of the planet for questioning as a part of massive investigation that will lead to mass arrests:

They are later released with an ankle monitor:



Sunday, January 7, 2018

Situation Update

"The Resistance defines sublunar space as having its outer limit just inside the lunar orbit and its inner limit 3 Earth radii from the planetary center."

 "All that said, cryptocurencies and blockchain technology have a future. The Resistance has begun to include cryptos in their plans for the financial Reset and will rip out blockchain technology from the hands of Cabal at the time of the Event....The Resistance has certain plans with Ripple at the time of the Event that must not be disclosed yet."


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Operation Mjolnir

 " ..independent from the Chimera underground network (constructed 26,000 years ago and now almost completely cleared by the Resistance) and independent from Agartha underground network (created 26,000 years ago and expanded in the last few decades when the Resistance joined that network):

Information about IBC could not be released until now, because they would retaliate by creating untold amount of suffering for those captives. One part of Operation Mjolnir was the Resistance freeing the vast majority of those captives since the beginning of January 2018 and then Pleiadians taking them to a certain planet near the Pleiades star cluster for recovery and healing.

Illuminati Breakaway Complex is also responsible for a great deal of scalar and directed weapons attacks on Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, especially for the current wave of attacks that started in November 2017.

Illuminati Breakaway Complex is also connected to about 1 million native Reptilians that live on the surface especially in Africa and Latin America but also on other continents and are known as vampires"


Saturday, February 3, 2018

Situation Update

"Isis Astara, my beloved soulmate, has left the physical plane. She was often brutally attacked with directed energy weapons and the attack on January 25th was one attack too many. We could not protect her, her heart could not make it. The Resistance could not intervene directly otherwise toplet bombs would be triggered."

"With killing of a key person such as Isis Astara, the hostage liberation has shifted in the final, termination phase. During termination phase, there is swift physical action to liberate the hostages.

On January 27th morning, the Galactic High Command has decided to deploy its fleet in Medium Earth Orbit:

This information has come from two sources independently, from the Pleiadians and the Resistance."


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Etheric Liberation Report

"This wave has effectively cleared most negative plasma from the Solar System and the Resistance has communicated that „they can not detect any plasma anomaly beyond the Moon orbit“. Also, all plasma toplet bombs beyond the Moon orbit have been removed."


Thursday, March 22, 2018


"The surface of this planet has far more darkness than me, the Resistance or the Pleiadians have ever expected. Clearing of this complex situation unavoidably creates delays. I do not like them. You do not like them. Nobody likes them."
Someone has made a brilliant comment and put Contact Dish project very nicely in the context of the Event:

So the key is to think about it in a multidimensional way... there is no one linear step by step path to the Event. There are many different timelines shifting in probability and alternate ways it can happen. By disclosing these projects they are co-created in the field created by the RM and all of us. This timeline stabilization then raises the overall vibration and quantum field which then supports all positive timelines. Including the one where the Event happens. “


Monday, April 2, 2018

Soul Families

"After the Event and especially after the First Contact, the Resistance and the Pleiadians will start contacting the most advanced members of human society, especially those who are aware of soul families.

This contact will inevitably bring tectonic cultural shifts into the human society. The Pleiadians and the Resistance have communicated that this contact will sometimes inevitable evolve into deeper romantic and sexual relations, especially between twin souls and soul mates where one of them is living on the surface and the other one is within the Resistance or belongs to the Confederation Fleet:


To be more prepared for those connections, the surface population needs to be aware that the Pleiadians and the Resistance have a very similar societal model that is based on soul families".


Monday, April 23, 2018

Peace Meditation and Budapest Ascension Conference Report

"Little does poor Soros know that Berlin is a powerful Goddess vortex as well, and he may need to relocate soon again. Berlin is also the location of one of the main European underground Resistance Movement bases that does have an influence on the surface space programs:

Since the death of Isis Astara, the Resistance has been working from behind the scenes to expose the existence of electromagnetic weapons, directed energy weapons and other weapons that are used by the Cabal to target the most awakened civilians, through the alternative media:

And now “accidentally” also through the mainstream mass media, such as Popular Mechanics and Russia Today:

Expect more exposure soon."


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Entry Protocols

"certain most awakened members of the surface population may, or may not be given an option to leave the surface of the planet and be accepted within the underground Resistance Movement or other positive Agartha factions."
If you are reading this, you may, or may not be invited to enter the Resistance or other positive Agartha faction before the Event.

I can give exact description and guidance for the entry protocols into the Resistance. I can not give exact entry protocols for other positive Agartha factions, although they are almost exactly the same in most aspects.

If you are selected for pre-Event entry into the Resistance, the entry protocols are as follows:

1. You will be physically contacted by a Resistance agent, very near to the place where you live. He or she will be wearing plain civilian clothes and will emanate very positive energy. He/she will introduce herself/himself to you and ask you if your are willing to enter the Resistance. It will be explained to you that after entering the Resistance, you will NOT be able to have any physical contact with the surface population.

2. You will be given between 5 and 15 minutes to collect your personal items to bring with you. You will be asked to bring objects of personal emotional value (wedding rings, photos of loved ones,...) because all other objects (clothing, food, gold, cash, ID documents...) can be easily reproduced with replicators. You will be given a small bag and all your items will need to fit in that bag. Size and weight requirements will be very similar to requirements astronauts had for their personal items on a Space Shuttle:

3. The Resistance agent will escort you to the entry point into the Resistance. This will usually be a service door in the cellar or basement inside a commercial building close to your home. There he will guide you to descend a set of stairs that will lead you 30 meters/yards underground to the topmost level of the Resistance. The stairs will look somewhat like this:


4. When you reach Resistance level, you will approach a high-tech door that will lead into a structure that will look somewhat like a shower cabin:

At this point the agent will ask you the last time if you are willing to enter the Resistance. If you refuse, you will be brought back to the surface and will never be contacted again before the Event. If you accept, the agent will leave you alone and you will enter through the high-tech door by yourself. You will be asked to take off all your clothes and leave the bag with your personal belongings in a special tray. Then you will be asked to enter the “shower cabin”, where you will be disinfected from all nanotechnology and from most viruses and bacteria.

5. You will exit from the other side of the “shower cabin” into the Resistance proper, refreshed and disinfected. At this point you will feel much better, with bursts of inner joy and will feel very alive and full of energy.

A new set of clothing will wait for you in the tray with your original clothing being disintegrated, and your personal items will be waiting in the bag, disinfected and free from nanites.

6. You will enter the next room where a medical doctor will perform a medical check. This check will take about 30 minutes and will be totally non-invasive and painless. If you had any serious medical condition prior to your entry into the Resistance, it will be in most cases corrected within additional 10 to 20 minutes with a special quantum correction chamber in a painless procedure. After the medical procedures are completed, you will be given a special drink that will trigger a detox process.

7. You will be given your own room to rest and sleep and go through a detox process, which will sometimes be quite intense and can be moderately unpleasant. This process will usually take 1-3 days and will help you release most physical, energetic and emotional impurities that you have accumulated during your life on the surface. During the process you might experience mild to moderate side effects of the detox process such as headache, tiredness, light nausea, vomiting, strong emotional release, loss of appetite and prolonged sleep.

8. After the detox process is over, you will be able to move freely into some of the outermost areas of the Resistance:

You will be slowly integrated into the Resistance society and will find your place inside the Resistance soul family:

9. After you are accepted into the Resistance, you will not be able to go to the surface, contact the surface population or even use the surface internet / cell phone network, except in extremely rare cases that will be directly related to your mission. You will be only able to make direct contact with surface human population after the Event.

Victory of the Light!"


Monday, May 14, 2018

Entry Protocols Update

"Entry Protocols blog post has triggered strong reactions and so it requires an update.

First, it was never claimed that pre-Event entries into the Resistance will happen. It was stated that they may, or may not happen. Entry protocols were given to the surface population so it may be prepared in case they do happen."
"Third, these entries are only intended for a very small number of people, between 20 and 200 individuals. This is NOT a mass recruitment campaign for the Resistance.

Fourth, these entries are only intended for two categories of people, the first category being very advanced Lightworkers / Lightwarriors with minimal attachments to the surface population that require a well deserved rest in a more beautiful and loving environment and the second category being Lightworkers / Lightwarriors with practical experience in cultural anthropology, communicology, sexology, counseling psychology, cultural psychology, sociology and social work. This second category will help the Resistance in future interactions with surface population, as Resistance members are many times at a loss how to interact with often reactive surface humanity. "

"Sixth, candidates for Resistance entry will go through a process of inner preparation so if and when the entry does happen, they will be able to trust the process through inner Soul connection with their inner voice of truth and with the Resistance. People with excessive amount of fear and mistrust are not considered as candidates.

Seventh, an entry into Resistance is considered to be a spiritual initiatory experience and therefore the candidate needs to go through the experience in full alignment with his own free will and on his own. This is an entrance into a higher reality and is NOT a trap, leading to some reptilian underground base."


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Gamma Timeline

"Before the Event, some Lightworkers might be physically contacted by the Pleiadians according to Contact Dish protocols, and another small group of Lightworkers might be accepted into the Resistance as per Entry protocols. Some time after initial group, another group might be accepted into the Resistance and they will be able to take their pets with them. This second group will not be integrated into the Resistance society and a special colony is being prepared for them in a certain location underground.

At a certain point, Resistance agents might establish physical contact with certain Lightworkers on the surface and offer assistance."



Saturday, October 13, 2018

Situation Update

"This is why the Resistance Movement can not rescue some exhausted Lightwarriors underground, this is why they can not bring you gold or cash, or call you on Skype.

Also, if a Resistance agent would contact a surface individual directly, the dark forces would kill that individual immediately."


Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Delta Option

"To prevent this from happening, the Resistance Movement has created a certain emergency plan, called Delta Option. I will reveal about Delta Option plan as much as I can:

Instead of waiting for the optimal conditions with toplet bombs removed and non-physical Archons removed, a certain “special forces group” would initiate removal of some factions of the Cabal within USA only. None of the Chimera, Archon, Black Nobility or Jesuit members would be touched in this operation. They would keep a low profile and show a friendly face. All other factions of the Cabal within USA would be taken care of. “Special forces group” would provide tactical support for Positive Military to carry out the operation. Mass media would be freed from the Rothschild control and US dollar would collapse. Limited disclosure would begin immediately.
This change within USA would trigger a strong international reaction and we would have an unstable and chaotic transition towards the Event. Worldwide financial system would go through extreme volatility, but would most likely not collapse. There would be a worldwide purge of lower Cabal members. Mass media worldwide would gradually release more and more intel. Definitely there would me much more intel coming forth about the matrix we live in:

The whole situation would then first slowly, and then not so slowly accelerate into the Event.

Nothing can be said about removal of Chimera, Archon, Black Nobility or Jesuit members under Delta Option plan at this point. Removal of the Cabal factions mentioned above and full disclosure can happen only when all toplet bombs are removed. "


Friday, November 9, 2018

Time Sensitive Situation Update

"The probability of this happening oscillates from moment to moment, but the Resistance estimates the probability for the Delta option decreasing in the long term as the situation stabilizes.

There has been a lot of activity behind the scenes in the last few days and this article is partially correct:

The Resistance has not been as active on the surface as it is now since early 2000s.

On a very positive note, I have received certain awesome intel on the level I did not receive since the year 2000, from a very high and reliable source."
"On November 11th, a very important portal will open with a lot of activity of the Pleiadian fleet.

On the same day, there will be a  Putin-Trump meeting in Paris with members of the surface Alliance and Resistance agents present. Certain backdoor negotiations about the future of or planet will be taking place there:



Sunday, December 16, 2018

Yellow Vests and the Vortex of Paris

"Exactly 225 years after the activation of Goddess of Reason, certain Goddess priestesses of the Resistance Movement came to the surface in Paris and did a special planetary kundalini activation."


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Bubbles of Heaven Update

"Also, some people have absolutely no idea what they are talking about when they rant about the Resistance Movement coded messages, distributing nonsense over the internet in obscure youtube videos. It is so beyond their level of understanding as quantum mechanics is above the level of understanding of an average Rhesus monkey."

"The Resistance has also said that most people who volunteered for Entry Protocols are far from being ready, and certain “social dynamics” articles and workshops will be released to the surface population to increase preparedness."


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Cosmic Central Race

"Our Solar System is now full of beings from the Cosmic Central race and they are cooperating with the Light Forces from the Jupiter Command, Ashtar Command, Atlantis Command, Pleiadian, Sirian and Andromedan Fleet, Resistance Movement, positive Agartha factions and certain special forces called SURFACOM.  "


Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Situation Update

"Some people are already having indirect contact with the Resistance Movement:

This contact will only grow as we come closer and closer to the moment of the Compression Breakthrough"


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Shift

Since 2012, the Chimera was leading a strong war against the Resistance and actually managed to fool the Resistance a few times by arranging leaks of incorrect intel to them. For example, the Resistance was scanning the Solar system for any remaining Chimera ships and found none, when in fact those ships were hiding in hyperdimensional wormholes and later staged massive surprise attacks.

This disnfo campaign has a few times lead to some inconsistencies that were posted on this blog. Yet I need to say that Resistance was releasing true intel to best of their understanding and ability, and overall most of intel they have released is valid and correct.

Now Resistance is recovering from all those attacks and a new reinforcement of 50 million new members has arrived from Kuiper belt into the underground network, membership now totaling 120 million. More reinforcements are expected to arrive soon as we come closer to the shift."


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Financial Reset

"When this happens, dark forces will try to orchestrate the crash, and the Light forces (Resistance Movement and Galactic Confederation) will use their advanced quantum computers to hack the global banking computer which are located at JP Morgan headquarters in New York. 



Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Blue Dawn / Ascension Conference Report

"Also, many people claim to have contact with the Resistance and are posting "intel" of dubious quality. Some of them are only overenthusiastic Lightwarriors, whereas others are part of infiltration in this information war between Light and darkness.

As more Light comes to the surface of the planet, all will be made clear and discernment will come, and people will awaken from this strange dream."



Monday, January 20, 2020

Blue Dawn

"Some of those entities were and still are controlling people who infiltrated my teams. A very precise and efficient protocol was activated by the Resistance last summer to remove compromised people from my network and this process is now mainly complete."
"The previous Cobra facebook group (Cobra Etheric Liberation), recently hijacked and currently renamed to “Working together for Gaia's – etheric - and physical – liberation now”, has no connection with Resistance Movement whatsoever and if you have ever joined that group in hope of contributing to our mission, now it is a good time to leave if you feel so guided.  "


Monday, March 16, 2020

Endgame Scenarios

"Resistance has communicated that they can not confirm the Positive Military plan, but they are also not denying it. They have also stated that Positive Military is not the only faction at play, and that “there are also other scenarios involved”. They have added that mass arrests are NOT yet taking place, although the Positive Military is already involved in certain preparatory operations. "
"The Resistance was able to destroy all biochips which were meant to be put into the new vaccine which is being developed against the coronavirus. Therefore the new vaccine can NOT contain any biochips, although it can still contain chemicals dangerous for your health." 


Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Peace Meditation

 "According to Dragon and Resistance sources, the Cabal has a plan to flee from USA to China and hide there after the civil war in the USA, in a similar move to what happened with Nazis in Operation Paperclip after World War 2. Dragon sources are stating that this plan and the dark infiltration on the Chinese side is being dismantled right now by the positive Dragon elements and positive faction within the Chinese military."
There were some drastic military escalations behind the scenes a few hours ago, and there is now a full scale war going on between the Galactic Confederation and the Draco fleet in sublunar space, and a full scale war between the Resistance Movement and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex in the underground bases. Nothing can be said at this time about the operations on the surface, as all is still classified.
Although the end result of this war is a clear Draco and IBC defeat, the energy of this conflict will precipitate to the surface of the planet as increased violence among members of the surface population, and as violence from the Cabal towards the surface humanity.

Galactic Confederation and Resistance forces are making good progress in eliminating the Draco fleet and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC). The vast majority of the Draco ships and also the majority of negative Secret Space Programs ships have been cleared already, with very few remaining in the Low Earth Orbit. Many of the Dracos are fleeing the Draco fleet and trying to hide in underground bases, where they are cleared anyway a few days later.

The Resistance is clearing the underground bases with full force, with Neu Berlin and most other Antarctic underground bases already liberated.

Positive Military sources with no access to Resistance intel are reporting unusual seismic activity in Antarctica. Those military sources are also reporting evacuation of surface US, Russian, Chinese and Argentinian military bases in Antarctica for unknown reasons.


Since the Resistance has destroyed in spring of this year all advanced biochips that were meant to be put into the covid vaccine, now DARPA is developing a cruder version of vaccine biochips:

The dark forces are also working on spreadable bioweapon vaccine:

To counteract all this, Saint Germain is now sending strong energies to empower the implementation of the Constitution of the United States:

The Constitution is a legal document that forms the legal basis for the creation of New Atlantis before the Galactic Codex can be implemented.

Saint Germain was deeply involved in the creation of the United States and in the creation of the Declaration of Independence.

Both Constitution of the United States and Declaration of Independence are legal documents that will have important role in the events which are about to occur in the United States in the next few months and which will have global impact.

 Galactic Confederation and Resistance forces have managed to erase the Draco fleet and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC).
 Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Resistance has managed to clear the vast majority of Chimera underground bases and made a significant blitzkrieg breakthrough there on February 10th and now holds the upper hand in planetary subterranean domain.
 Please be aware that Tachyon chambers are NOT med beds. Med beds were developed by the Resistance in the late 1970s and early 1980s with the assistance from the Andromedans and will only be available to the surface population after the Event.
 Many lesser Cabal criminals will be arrested, then rapidly tried by military courts, then transported off planet by the Resistance and sorted through the Ganymede sorting center. Those among them unable or unwilling to correct their crimes will be taken to the Central Sun for restructuring and the rest will be taken to correctional facilities across the Galaxy where they will be able to “work out their karmas”.


The Light Forces are in the middle of the main offensive of clearing Chimera underground bases.

Since 1996, the Chimera has captured many Pleiadians and Resistance members, took them underground, and as their last line of defense, the Chimera are now using those hostages in dark sacrifice rituals, then capturing their soul essence and forcing them to incarnate again in another cloned body which is situated as a hostage in a Chimera base, repeating the process again and again. This creates an immense amount of suffering and thus generated loosh is then gathered and projected with scalar technology towards the surface population.

This is a very difficult time for the Resistance forces and for the Pleiadian fleet, and they need assistance from the surface population.


Both Urim base and Utah data center have been hacked by the Resistance on June 8th and that led to internet outages worldwide and to some speculations:

 Top priority of the Resistance and the Positive military now is to rescue as many children as possible still captured there.
The Resistance and the Pleiadian fleet have contacted the Positive military in USA, Russia and China several times in the last few months, and certain plans have been set into motion to prepare for the Event. Cheyenne Mountain and Thule (Greenland) underground complexes are being prepared for that purpose. 

However, the Light forces are working behind the scenes to counteract this. On July 24th , Goddess priestesses of the Resistance Movement did a very powerful kundalini activation in the catacombs below Paris:

The Resistance has communicate that it is not Trump who will return to the White House at the time of the Event. Rather, a provisional interim government will be formed until new elections can be held as soon as logistically possible after the Event.
 On the quantum level, the Light Forces have managed to clear all black wormholes that the dark forces were using for secure quantum communication, and as a consequence, secure and unhackable communication network of the dark forces has fallen apart. Top Chimera leaders now have to use encrypted communication that can easily be hacked by the Resistance. As a side effect to this, there were significant developments in the creation of the positive quantum financial system (QFS).

The bunkers will not help them, as the Resistance is waiting for them deep below:

We are finally approaching the time when the Ascended beings will be able to release intel more freely. Until now, there was so much darkness and anomaly present that most surface humanity would simply collapse under the weight of facts, whereas the Resistance would spring in premature action, putting the whole liberation operation in danger. Partial intel was the reason of many unfulfilled hopes and much disappointment, triggering Pavlovian “carrot and stick” response among certain people. As soon as there is enough anomaly removed and enough Light present on the surface of the planet, much intel will be released and everything will be much clearer for many people.
 The last line of defense before the Light forces can physically intervene on the surface, are the so-called pits. Pits are secret military bases up to 30 meters underground, which were before owned by the Illuminati Breakaway Complex and are now operated by the surface Cabal. Some of them hide members of the Chimera. They can not extend more than 30 meters underground, because the Resistance can now clear most of the locations that are deeper, but can not yet intervene closer to the surface because of toplet bomb deterrence mechanisms.

Top members of the Cabal are aware of the coming polar shift, and are planning to survive it in their underground bunkers and Pits:

They will be cleared by the Resistance before the polar shift happens.


What are the Light Forces (with it's various races and organisations) and the Resistance Movement's feelings about the surface human population? To elaborate the question: Do they hate us, do they love us? Are they dissapointed in us, are they pitying our situation and care about us? Are they neutral or confused about us and our situation? What is an aproximative proportion of how many of them care about us and how many just care to whipe out the darkness? Are they excited or aprehensive to meet us? Are they excited to release all those physical and emotional healing technologies that we can't wait for?

( Cobra Answer) - "They care about the surface population, but they feel pain because they can not intervene directly yet. They are afraid of the power of subquantum anomaly. They do not understand many things about the surface population. They are excited to release healing technologies, they are looking forward to interaction with humans, but are also afraid of it. "



First, the dark forces crossed a certain red line and as a response to this, the Resistance has started taking action. What they are doing must unfortunately remain classified for now, but hopefully I will be able to reveal it soon.

Let me just say that the dark forces with their collective actions violated a critical mass of Galactic Codex principles, and legally the Light forces have the green light to intervene on the surface of the planet, regardless of local laws which surface humanity is not respecting anyway.

First step of this intervention process was the removal of all those Light force individuals residing either in space or underground with too much war trauma or fear to meaningfully contribute to liberation process. Time of endless Galactic council discussions Is over. All those wounded and fearful beings were taken to locations outside this solar system where they will receive much needed healing and later they might join the liberation forces again if they will be capable or willing to do so. About 80% of all star races members were taken out of the solar system, together with about 40% of the Resistance, but the remaining beings are with much less fear and are willing to take action.

Saint Germain was given command to all underground and surface operations, and all Light forces not limited but including the Resistance and Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan, Arcturian and Central race fleets are now under his command regarding planetary operations. Ashtar was given command to all nearspace and space operations.



Saint Germain has given command to the Light Forces to immediately start taking action, and on October 5th the Resistance has cleared the vast majority of child abuse locations in the cellars under Black nobility castles, rescuing many children.

Black nobility has seen this as an act of intrusion on their private property and for the first time in their existence they became afraid for their own lives.

As a response, Pallavicini family has given orders to activate Doom33, or whatever is still remaining left of it, since Doom33 was greatly reduced in power in the last decade through actions of the Resistance:

Let me refresh your memory about Doom33 from one of my past articles:


According to sources, the current war in Israel was masterminded by this guy, with connections both in Israeli high political circles and also with high connections in Hamas, and with Israel knowingly allowing for Hamas incursion to occur:

The goal of the Black nobility is to expand Israeli conflict as far as possible with hopes to create a Word War III in alignment with Armageddon prophecies:

The Light Forces are doing whatever possible to limit the conflict and prevent it from spreading beyond Israeli borders. This is why it is of utmost importance for as many people as possible to continue doing the meditation for peace in Israel every 4 hours:

The Resistance has used this conflict as a cover to finally be able to start some surface operations. They are now actively removing scalar and directed energy weapons from the surface.

On October 7th, Hamas started its incursion into Israeli territory, and they have attacked many party goers near Urim Kibbutz:

Using the chaos of that battle as a cover, Resistance members were able to partially disable some scalar and intelligence systems at Urim military base just a few kilometers away:

Urim base is marked with red cross on this map:



Surface operations of the Resistance to disarm scalar and directed energy weapons, which are harassing far too many Lightworkers, will continue. You can support their actions energetically doing the following mediation if you feel so guided:


The Resistance is getting much more directly involved in surface operations, top priority being the removal of scalar and directed energy weapons, among other things. Resistance agents are using Hamas tunnels in Gaza as a perfect cover to emerge on the surface:



The Light Forces are still asking as many people as possible to participate in our meditation for peace in Israel every 4 hours:


Aldebarans have started to execute a very important plan that is expected to be completed in 2024. They will put a big number of military bases on the ocean floors and in remote areas on the surface of this planet. These military bases will be cloaked and will not be detectable by the military technology of the surface population.

These military bases will be a platform from where the Event operations will start when the time is right. Event operations will include both Aldebaran and Resistance personnel on the surface of the planet. Resistance is already doing some preparatory operations on the surface, mainly disabling Doom33 dark operatives and testing the efficiency of the Stardust technology, which is now about 90% effective.

Aldebarans are already building a military base inside Tsiolkovskiy crater on the far side of the Moon from where further operations towards the surface of planet Earth will start soon:

Aldebarans are cooperation especially with Andromedans, but also with Sirians, Pleiadians and Arcturians in this large operation. Also helping are many members of the former Secret Space Programs that have accepted the Light and are now working with Galactic Confederation. Among them, Maria Orsic with her Vril girls is worth mentioning. Another interesting example are certain German generals who were part of the Nazi war machine in Germany, were then transferred to Neuschwabenland, then to Dark Fleet and then they were finally captured by the Aldebarans. Then they realized they were manipulate into Nazi ideology, they fully accepted the Light and are now working for the Galactic Confederation.

When this network of Aldebaran military bases will be fully operational, they will begin to disclose themselves by contacting certain key world politicians, and then the real fun begins, with long reaching geopolitical and exopolitical implications.

This contact will be secret at first, and those military bases will serve as deterrent against the Cabal trying to ignite a world war, and Aldebaran underwater star ships will make themselves visible to the ballistic missile submarines:

Also, this Aldebaran military network will serve as the backbone of the new Quantum financial system, in the same way as US military bases worldwide are now backing the petrodollar.

OGA and AFOSI have been given irrefutable proof that the plan of the Aldebarans is real and that it is going to happen. Certain members of the Cabal are now very afraid.

