

1) Interview Quote -2017

 > A Useful Image for reference of plane names: group-december-2017/

 U : And the soul is on Atmic plane ? 

C : Atmic and Budhic plane

U : At what plane do twin souls split ?

C : On the first sub-plane of the mental plane (if you look from above). 

U : Ok. So above that they are always one

C : They are one being

U : At what plane are tachyons created ?

C : The tachyons are created in the Source and they emerge from the highest
sub-plane of the cosmic physical plane into this Universe, that’s the Adi plane.

U : Ok so do they also exist inside the Source ?

C : They do not exist inside the Source, but they are emanations from the Source


 U : Is all matter on all planes simply made of densified Light ?

C : Yes, it’s a combination of densified Light and the primary anomaly


U : What is the purpose of the atmic plane ?

C : The purpose of the atmic plane is to transmit the divine plan into, I would say,
more dense planes of creation

U : How would you differentiate the inner spiritual will and the free will ?

C : Inner spiritual will is a reflection of the will of the soul, whereas free will
is a combination of that inner spiritual will and will of all sub-personalities combined.

U : Would you say that all matter from higher planes is present inside the physical
matter ?

C : It embraces the physical plane, it’s not present inside the physical plane, but
it’s present everywhere in a finer dimension

U : So they are existing in parallel

C : I would not say parallel dimensions because this brings up wrong mental
associations, I would say it’s present everywhere but in a more refined state.

U : Right, in the same space

C : Actually everything is in the same space



2) Post -2018

Soul family members of the same soul family that are actually one being that has split into opposite female/male polarities as it has entered the fourth/third dimension, are called twin souls. Their connection reaches the seventh dimension (atmic consciousness) and is the cosmic origin of man/woman, husband/wife and hero/goddess archetype.

The Soul Family is one of the central mysteries of the Sisterhood of the Rose:

It is the One being which manifests in the physical:


 3) Post-2024

The Lurker disentanglement process is proceeding with full force, and there will be a very important astrological configuration on September 27th that will trigger the process of the completion of the 26,000 year cycle by bringing atmic spiritual energy to the surface of the planet for the first time since 1996: 

It will be an exact conjunction of Neptune with Uranus/Pluto midpoint:


This conjunction will trigger the process of great astrological configurations leading to 2025:

From now until the end of October, we are in a proceeds of deep spiritual transformation and purification:

During that time, an impulse to start the New Renaissance will come from the spiritual planes. For this reason we are preparing a short workshop, and as there are still a few places left, you can join us if you feel so guided:





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