July 4th 2024 Update Expanded

  • Disclaimer: Some of these clues may or may not be relevant use your own discernment and make sure to always keep Cobra intel as his own and that these are just added for additional  dimensionality that may or may not be accurate.



July 4, 2024 

 " The dark Atlantean networks has been completely removed. This has far reaching consequences.



The Question


As a result of this, the process of disentangling the Lurker from the surface population finally began. 




The first month or so of this process will be a testing phase, where the Light forces will evaluate the response of the surface population to the disentanglement process, and adjust it accordingly. After the testing phase is compete, the proper disentanglement will begin.

You can view this process as planetary exorcism. 

Darkness, which was until now quantumly and subquantumly entangled with human personalities, will finally begin to leave. An average human being is over 90% infected with the Lurker, and an average Lightworker is still about 80% infected.



As the process unfolds, the percentage of infection will begin to drop, and human beings will begin to be more aligned with the Light, and will tend to start feeling better.

(Wrinkle In Time 2003)

Between August and October we will be in the thick of this process.



" opens a portal to another dimension, from which the tentacles of an inter-dimensional monster (named "Fred" by the GrummelNet engineers)[1] pulls enemies in."

 This will be a time of deep inner work and time of strengthening the inner connection with the Light.
"The only way to fight the anomaly, Lurker and cabal is when you discover that all that is important is unseen. All seen things are temporary.All unseen things are eternal. Take time and know that what you seek is like music.It sweeps you off so you are moving in glory among the stars. Take time to find the unseen."
Also, enough anomaly has been removed to initialize the final process of alignment of this Solar system with the Galactic sea of Love.



Many different star races, with their fleets positioned just beyond the heliopause, are sending rays of Light into the Solar system and disentangling it from the Lurker.

Galactic central race (the Builders) has massively entered the Solar System and is activating many ancient portal stargates on various moons, asteroids, and on Mars.


 Agartha network is continuing to activate energetic portals of Light to the surface of the planet, thus assisting in the liberation process.

On the surface of the planet, a network of Goddess temples is slowly being built. This network will assist energetically in balancing the planetary transformation process:



Also on the surface of the planet, different positive Dragon groups are being activated energetically. To participate in this process, you are more than welcome to join our Rise of the Dragons workshop in Taiwan:


Or in Malaysia:


Victory of The Light!



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