
Showing posts from July, 2024

All Tachyon Conference/Workshop Notes

   Disclaimers: These are notes someone took while at the cnference and uploaded them over the years and anything related to tachyons was placed in one spot here. Just keep in mind that these are not 100% cobra quotes.You can see his posts intel here and interview quotes here .  Almost every year (especially in recent years) Cobra has a few conferences and sometimes in that year he will have a similar presentation in Europe then Asia etc so that is why you will see some repeating intel below however usually there is still a few unique details interwoven due to different note takers-so there is still value within the repetition.   1)  The Central Sun is a giant giant Goddess. She is getting more and more active. She wants the liberty of all beings in the galaxy and wants to clear the whole galaxy from all darkness. This is why she is now sending out the "Ocean of cosmic Love". Cobra soon will make a post about the Ocean of Love, emanating from the heart of the Milky

Goddess Vortex-All Posts,Interviews,Conference Notes

    Posts: 2012 1 Conference details and specifics : Sunday Afternoon 2nd December 2.30 pm – 7.30 pm RETURN OF THE GODDESS-*Experiencing Goddess energies-*Goddess Vortex meditation     2 a small group of physical Archons within the black nobility families in Italy that have access to biochemical weapons through Jesuits controllers (which include Hans Peter Kolvenbach) that handle people within negative military worldwide(Knights of Malta) that have access to biochemical weapons, of which chemical weapons are the most dangerous:   They now hinder the progress of the Light forces by threatening to release chemical weapons in Syria. Chemical weapons in northern Syria add up to hundreds of tonnes, enough to kill hundreds of millions of people. Even with the direct intervention