All Tachyon Conference/Workshop Notes



  • These are notes someone took while at the cnference and uploaded them over the years and anything related to tachyons was placed in one spot here. Just keep in mind that these are not 100% cobra quotes.You can see his posts intel here and interview quotes here
  • Almost every year (especially in recent years) Cobra has a few conferences and sometimes in that year he will have a similar presentation in Europe then Asia etc so that is why you will see some repeating intel below however usually there is still a few unique details interwoven due to different note takers-so there is still value within the repetition.



 The Central Sun is a giant giant Goddess. She is getting more and more active. She
wants the liberty of all beings in the galaxy and wants to clear the whole galaxy
from all darkness. This is why she is now sending out the "Ocean of cosmic Love".
Cobra soon will make a post about the Ocean of Love, emanating from the heart of the Milky Way. This is a big energy field throughout the galaxy, and this creates the
great awakening.

The Central Sun is the source of all energy, the source of all subatomic particles
within our galaxy. Tachyons were created as the very first particles. Cobra has been
contacted by the Pleiadians with the request to make tachyons available for
humanity. Now there are several tachyon chambers around the planet and Cobra also
offers tachyon products that help individuals, and will also help the collective
when a strong network of tachyon chambers will have been established on earth.

A question : how about the Pleiadians and the Sirians and the ascension ? 

The answer is that they have physical bodies and a 5th or 6th dimensional consciousness. This means they are not all "ascended".

Cobra was asked about his first contact with the Pleiadians. His first contact took
place in 1977 during which he was traveling through the solar system and he did not
want to go back "home" to earth. The Pleiadians had to discuss for about 30 minutes
with Cobra to convince him to go back inside of the Matrix to prevent a nuclear war
to happen to humanity. He did not understand it completely at that time.





 The Galactic Central Son, is the source of higher evolution. It provides a portal to
higher dimensions. All matter came into this galaxy from the Central Sun.
Many of the so-called fundamental principles of current science are simply wrong.
For example Tachyons travel faster than light. In fact light is the slowest speed at
which Tachyons travel. It is these Tachyon particles that harmonise everything. They
bring harmony on a quantum level.

Tachyon technology was received as a gift from the Pleiadians.The veil around this planet is artificial. Tachyon Chambers bring Tachyons to the surface of the planet. The ionosphere absorbs Tachyons (making it difficult for them to reach earth). Tachyon particles go to the source of an illness.

Cintamani is a stone that comes from the Sirius system. King Solomon had one of
these stones, and so did Nicolas Roerich. These black stones will assist at the time
of The Event. Cobra had small samples of such stones.





 Our personal ascension process consists of the activation of our light body and becoming fully embodied with our I AM Presence. The Pleiadians are here to assist us in this and in our planetary ascension as well.

Cobra then went into a brief explanation of the products he had available for sale
to assist us in our efforts in attaining our liberation, and briefly described how
each one can aid us in specific ways. These included tachyonized Cintamani stones
and other special crystals, stones and products




 The Galactic Central Sun provides energy inside and outside the Galaxy. It is the
source of Light in this Galaxy and it is very strong. One of the ways it is
transmitted is in the form of Tachyons. They move faster than light. They are the
first matter created when the Universe was born. Tachyons do not connect to matter. 

They cannot be corrupted or misused for negative purposes. They transmute negative energies in positive ones. They are able to transform the Primary Anomaly and bring humanity into the new age and expanded consciousness.

Cobra has built Tachyon chambers. He started this 14 years ago on instruction by the Pleiadians. Now Tachyon chambers are spread across the planet. In cooperation with space agencies, products enriched with Tachyon technology will become available on the planet. Tachyon essence is beautiful, currently however The Veil absorbs the Tachyon particles. 

The Ascension process is both an individual and collective process. It is not only
happening on this planet but throughout the Universe. First the Ascension process
was moving forward gradually but now it is being accelerated faster and faster until
the final breakthrough. All individual missions are part of this and assist the
Ascension Plan.




 The Galactic Superwave is a heartbeat, a pulsation from the Galactic Central Sun.
The Galactic Sun is responsible for bringing us into a Higher Dimension. It happens
every 13.000 years, one big wave and one smaller wave. This wave activates our
physical Sun. This is what people also have called ‘the solar flash’. It is not an
isolated event; it is our sun reacting to the energy of the Galactic Superwave.

 The wave will not only affect our Sun but the whole Galaxy. It travels through the
Galaxy faster than the speed of light, emitting Tachyon and other particles. This
wave will activate our Sun and through our sun, influence Earth. It will change
physical matter, the Sun and life conditions on this planet. The energy involves a
lot of spiritual energy that activates us / our individual Ascension process.




  When you make a decision you mould and
shape space/time. Space and time are not solid; they are shapeable and adapt to Will Presence. It adapts to the strongest Will Presence in a certain area. 

Physical matter is made of subatomic particles that only appear to be solid. It is
not. It is a vibration called a standing wavein physics. If we influence the
underline of physical matter, we can transform and change it. We call this the
quantum reality. Quantum reality can be changed by technology and by consciousness.

The easiest way to shape reality is to focus your attention on it (i.e. the desired
reality). “Energy flows where attention goes”. The focus will increase it in your
reality. If you think about something, this will happen. It is the Law of Attention.

You can use this principle to manifest abundance.
Many Light Workers have problems with money. So, buy a silver coin. Put it in your
pocket and take it with you. Look at it every day. Focus your attention firmly on
it, then more will come. When you’ve got enough silver coins, move to gold coins.

When you focus on something every day a vortex support field is created. Make a map and visualize it, act on it. Sacred Geometry can harmonize your Free Will /
decisions in a more exact pattern. They work as an amplifier of our Divine Will
(other amplifiers are sound and light). This is why Mandala’s are so powerful.

Bindu is the center of the Flower of Life and the spark of your Divine Will. A
decision by Divine Will creates ripples in space/time: a space/time structure in the
reality around you. It forces the Universe to conform to your Will. For instance:
put a picture of what you want in the middle of a Mandala (e.g. Flower of Life). And
even better yet, then put this into a Tachyon chamber (and lots of other
technologies) to manifest even faster.




 The Galactic Central Sun is emanating a strong energy field. One form is tachyons
which were the first matter created, and are of the highest vibration possible.
Tachyons cannot be corrupted or misused for negative purposes, they transform the
primary anomaly. First chamber was build 14 years ago. There is a network of
developed products with tachyons. Beyond the veil felt wonderful because there were tachyons everywhere.Products brought here about tachyons, protection for the house, against electromagnetic radiation. Fluorite for 5th dimension. Moldavite connection with Pleiades.




 The Event is the initial flash of Tachyon waves




 The central sun of this Galaxy is the source of Love & Light for this planet. Cobra
was asked by the Pleiadians to bring one aspect of this energy to this planet:
Tachyons. Tachyons are the first particles created during the birth of the Universe
and the most direct connection to Source. Tachyons are subatomic ‘love’ particles
that travel faster than the speed of light. They are not susceptible to magnetic
forces or gravity. They only interact with a strong nuclear force. 

Tachyons change the interaction with physical matter and as such, the properties of physical matter on a basic level, the quantum structure (i.e. they permanently change quantum properties of atomic nuclei which compose that matter). Tachyons create a link between physical matter and Source: they connect all cells to Source.

Tachyon chambers with its crystals are created to bring this love particle into your
life. The Pleiadians also helped to create other tools and crystals for our own
transformation (see for more information also the following website:




Cobra has been guided by the Pleiadians to develop technologies to help with liberating the planet, one of which is tachyon technology. Tachyons are the first particles created at the time the universe was created and have the most direct connection to Source. They carry a strong nuclear force that is not susceptible to electromagnetic force or the force of gravity. They carry  a source of this Light energy from Source. This new energy  is coming to transform the Galactic Central Sun. Tachyons can change the form of physical matter. They carry the quantum signature at the basic level of created matter and connect physical matter back with source. Some years ago the Pleiadians worked with  me to develop these technologies., including the tachyon healing chamber.




 The ascension process brings the Light Body to all of our bodies. The physical body,
the plasma body, the etheric body, astral/emotional body, mental body and soul/light
body. All the different energy bodies are absorbed into the Light Body. Out
activated Light Body becomes like a crystal, like a portal. Created by the higher
self, we become the higher self. The light body is a a torroidial field that spins
faster and faster. Using a tachyon chamber helps to activate it.  Activating your
kundalini also increases activation of the light body. When spinning of the toroidal
field reaches the speed of light, ascension occurs.




 Every galaxy has a galactic central sun that sends energy throughout the galaxy.

What we call a great galactic wave of light is actually a pulse of galactic energy,
like a heartbeat, and that pulse generates an evolutionary leap, and that's what we
arrive at. There will be an emission of particles beyond the speed of light.

The Earth's ionosphere absorbs tachyons. The Pleiadians have implemented technology that allows tachyonic energy to be concentrated through a 12-hour tachyonization process. Cobra then presents the map of the island of Taiwan with the location of the Cintamanis stones buried in a network of flowers of life.

Cobra reveals the existence of a new type of stone never before commercialized,
which he calls a galactic cintamani stone, which allows one to reconnect with the
galactic central sun. This stone would come from a stellar object in the heart of
our galaxy, it would dethrone in terms of vibration our now classic Cintamani stone
of origin from the Sirius star system. This galactic Cintamani could anchor the
highest vibration to the surface of this planet.

As Cobra offers a stand of tachyonized objects, he takes the opportunity to
advertise and shows as an example a rhodonite which allows trauma to be transformed.




Question: what role do tachyon chambers play in our evolution and encounters with
extra-terrestrial beings? 

Answer: The higher beings help us in the room as well
as the Pleiadians.





 Maintaining Light grid is very important. It  is not only for ourselves, but also
for the whole country and the quality of life of everyone around us. Light grid will
form a resonance field, which affects everyone’s consciousness. When you bury a
cintamani stone in a specific location,  it can affect people miles  around it.  The
same principle applies to  tachyon healing chambers. Once such a chamber  is placed
at a specific energy point, its energy can affect all the people around it.





 Modern quantum mechanics does not know that the physical world is not the only
dimension in the universe.  Information can escape from a black hole at the energy
level. Tachyons can travel  faster than the speed of light. When tachyons are thrown into a black hole, it can still escape to the other side of the black hole.  So
black holes are not a problem for tachyons.  They can penetrate a black hole as if
there is nothing in their way.





  The Pleiadian High Command has also suggested that I promote tachyonized products to the surface population. One of the key aspects of this is to construct more tachyon healing chambers which will  serve two purposes. One is to assist the healing process of the surface population. 

The other is to support the surface light grid. Many tachyon healing chambers have
been built around the world. They are already part of the Planetary grid of Light.
We need to build more tachyon healing chambers so  the light grid will be  more
stable at the time of the Event.





 The Tachyon chamber also Creates an energy portal clearing the whole environment.

 The veil that’s around her plant keeps tachyons from
entering the surface. Tachyons  are the first of matter created at  the birth of our
universe. They hold The strongest connection to source energy.



 Pleiadian Tachyon Technologies
Many years ago, Pleiadians have given me the instructions to reveal the technology
that eases this transitions. Because they knew that there is going to be big transition, and there will be a wave from the galactic central sun. They have given
me this technology that will be acceptable for the surface population of the planet.
That is Tachyon technology.

Tachyon is a sub-atomic particle that moves faster than light. They are the first
particles born just after the beginning of the universe. They are connected to the
Source, directly connected to the Big Bang. Therefore, the tachyon is directly
connected to the Source, so the highest vibration possible on this planet. The
universe is filled with tachyons. They are throughout the galaxy. But the Dark
Forces have created electro magnetic fence around the Earth, which among other
things blocks arrival of tachyon from rest of the universe.

There is certain layer of the atmosphere called “Ionosphere”. Ionosphere has
function to absorb the cosmic rays. So most of the cosmic rays are absorbed in
ionosphere and do not reach the surface of the planet. But this is a double-edged
sword. Because Ionosphere absorbs dangerous radiations that can cause skin diseases and cancer. But the Dark Forces have modified atmosphere with “Ionospheric Heater”, which blocks the arrivals of other cosmic rays, and among them, there is tachyon. So 

Tachyon is unable to reach the surface of the planet. After the Event, Tachyon will
reach the surface normally, but now only with the assist of Tachyon Chamber, it
would be possible. For this reason, we are speeding up building of tachyon chamber
throughout the planet to bring harmony and healing to the surface of this planet.
Those tachyon chambers will have lots of energies, and the Pleiadians use them for
certain operations of the Event.

It is highest purpose that there would be more of those tachyon chambers especially
in the area where no chambers yet. Other aspect of this technology Pleiadians
assisted us to build the tachyonized objects. And I have brought many of these
products here that you can take a look at later. But right now let’s talk about the
Cintamani Stone.




 Q. If our Tachyon Healing Chamber is spacious enough, can we do Goddess Vortex in
the same room?
A. You can if you wish and if there is a space around.




 Cobra was given instruction by the Pleiadeans many years ago to build with their
technology to assist this transition with technology acceptable by humanity

tachyon technology Cobra explain what tachyon particle is and why planet Earth is not receiving it -  the Ionosphere around Earth absorb cosmic rays, Ionosphere absorb most cosmic rays that are relating to cancer, but the Dark Forces modify the Ionosphere with HAARP to heat it up so as to block tachyon from reaching earth surface.Need more tachyon chamber now to build a network to bring harmony and healing to the population, they also will channel Event energy.

-          Tachyon chamber for tachyonising objects
-          Tachyonised cintamani stones




  The Pleiadians have contacted me years ago and gave me instructions to build the Tachyon Chamber. 

It collects tachyons which were originated from the galactic central sun to the
surface of the planet. The dark forces built the quarantine so that blocks natural
tachyons to enter. They are kept intercepted in the ionosphere. Tachyon usually
travels together with cosmic rays, and as most cosmic rays are getting intercepted
in the ionosphere, tachyons are as well. They do not reach the surface of the

So we have built tachyon chambers which are connected with the orbited space
stations, which is high above the ionosphere. The crystals in the stations are
quantumly entangled with the crystals in the chambers, so they can transmit the
tachyons to the chambers. These chambers were built for the humanity to receive the tachyon energy.I have brought many tachyon products for people to use and receive the energy. Lately I have focused on tachyonizing crystals, such as cintamani, Galactic cintamani, and other tektites to bring the special energies. D




 Q. Are there any tachyon products that make it easier to connect to Lyra?

A. For Lyra, we have Morganite. We do not have them here, but they are to connect




 There will be a certain moment before the Event, light forces will begin to take
physical actions in the light worker community when it is safe enough. It is simply
too risky right now. When light forces tried to rescue children, few days later Gaza
things happened for retaliation. Actually, what happened in Gaza is mass sacrifice
ritual of children. The dark forces got very angry and took many children to

So the light forces have to be very careful on the surface of the planet not to maketoo many consequences. The hostage situation is being resolved, but until the
drastic actions will be taken, it is important to stabilize energy grid. The more
stable the energy, the smoother the transition. The wars in Ukraine and Gaza was
only possible because the energy grid is not stable.

If the light workers are not fighting each other, the war in Ukraine and Gaza did
not happen. If the light grid was stable, the dark forces could not engineer the
war. But on the other hand, we have prevented so many wars, maybe 20 or more wars. We have prevented a war in Ukraine 5 times, the war between Iran and Israel 4 or 5 times. But we can not prevent everything because it is simply too much.

So it is very important from now until the Event, to stabilize and enhance the
planetary energy grid as much as possible. This is why we are planting cintamani
stones and galactic cintamani, building tachyon chambers, doing mass meditations, creating SOTR, preparing goddess jewelries to bring more goddess energy. All of these are to stabilize the planetary energy grid. This is a operation “New Atlantis” under the guidance of St. Germain. He is the supreme command of the operation on the surface of the planet. He wants this grid stable so that the transitions will go smoothly, and as little suffering as possible.

What is happening in quantum level is the light forces are using the “Hammer of
Thor”, of Mjölnir technology to dissolve subquantum anomaly. They are now bombarding the earth with quantum cannons. These cannons can dissolve subquantum anomalies all the time, even as I speak right now. each time anomaly get dissolved, lurker lose its power.




 This toroidal field looks exactly like the Quantum Fluctuation Resonator.
It is the same shape as the light body. It is the toroidal energy field with the
double spirals going in different directions to the same central stargate inside.

This toroidal field is activating the light body by activating the toroidal harmonic
scalar field around your body. It raises your kundalini energy and manifestation
energy. This principle is used to interdimensional space travel, and bring the
energy into physical.

The toroidal field harmonizes the quantum fluctuation and clear subquantum anomaly.
This is why it is important to connect with your soul. This connection reduces the
subquantum anomaly around you, and it makes your life more harmonic. And the
Tachyonized Quantum Fluctuation Resonator can be used as a tool for the same usage
before you activate your own light body.



 Cintamani progress: They are an important part of this planetary network of light.
It is time to create a breakthrough. Anomaly that has accumulated is like a cloud
around the planet and we have to dissolve this cloud. First, by individually
connecting with your Higher Self via meditation. Second, through the planetary
network of light, the tachyon network, and the Goddess temple network.

(More information about tachyon products, tachyon chambers, The Pleiadian Tachyon Chamber book, Goddess temples and the Goddess temple network can be found on the linked pages.)



26) Q. I am organizer of spiritual marathon and an owner of tachyon chamber. But I have been experiencing being attacked. How can I invoke light to protect myself?
A. These “attacks” have been increasing drastically in the last 6 month. There are various protection techniques introduced in my blog. But it is not easy to counteract all of these attacks because they are simply too much of them right now.
Before we will have a short break, I just introduce little about my Tachyon products. They are all tachyonized. Do you all know what tachyon is? Okay, let me explain little bit about it. Tachyon is the first particles created at the beginning of this universe. For this reason, they have direct connection with the Source and highest possible vibration accessible here on the planet. But the dark forces have blocked this access to tachyon. There is certain layer of atmosphere called Ionosphere which absorbs cosmic rays. Tachyons are carried with cosmic rays, so with this layer, tachyons are also blocked there. You may know these technology of dark forces in different names: ionosphere heater. This is what they use to block tachyon energy. Pleiadians gave me introductions to build tachyon chambers. With the principal of quantum entanglement, it can bring tachyons into the surface of the planet. It can transmit the tachyon energy which the oscillating crystal that is in the space station. So we can get healing energy through that crystal. I think there are 40-50 tachyon healing chambers in France only. Is there anybody who would like to share your experiences about tachyon chambers? 1.After one first session of tachyon chamber, it has changed completely my life. It healed not only my physical body, but also my inner self. I become more sensible and calm. The life become much simpler. 2.I had significant back pain, but with the chamber, I have no more pain and I was so surprised. I think there is no other such healing technology in the world. 3.I went to Slovenia to experience this. And after that, I literally have no more fear, and I become more free-minded. It was so wonderful. On the Tachyonis website, there is a list of the owners of tachyon chambers in France. You can contact them to schedule a healing session. Apart from the healing chamber, there is a very special chamber to tachyonize the objects. This is how we tachyonize crystals. The purpose of this is to bring tachyon energy to human life. I have brought many products today. Here we have Cintamani stones, Galactic Cintamani stones. I have brought some Emerald that can connect to Agarthan network. Here is ATVOR crystals that someone asked questions about. Here is Colombian tektites, Libyan tektite. Here is Atacama Tektite for soul connection to the Source. And I brought a lot of goddess jewelries which are to bring goddess energy to the surface of the planet.

We are taking 20 min short break now. You can buy tachyon products during the time.

Q. There is no tachyon chamber in Latin America until couple of years ago. Will you explain why?

A. If someone wants to buy, they get one. If no one wants, there will not be one. So, I don’t know. It is up to the people there. In some countries like France, you have a lot of chambers. Spain has maybe one or two chambers, and Italy has none. So, it is totally up to people’s choice.


This Paris vortex is now proceeding to the next stage. So far, there are many tachyon chambers built, many stones are buried. I hope we continue our light work, and the conditions will be so much better for the coming years. It is already so much better than 2 years ago. I can not comment on the political situation of this country, but the energy condition of the vortex is so much better.





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