
Showing posts from August, 2022

Positive Military Interview Quotes

Much more intel on the Posts :      2012-2014 :  1)   There are only 300 operatives of the Resistance("RM") on the surface of the planet. ( Much more now-its been in the 10s of thousands after this interview once stated...current is unknown) They will not be involved in actual arrests. This is the job of positive military and positive civil authority. Resistance is just giving assistance with intel and tactical advice.     2)  but many people are getting frustrated at waiting. What do you say to them? C: Do not wait. Get actively involved. Spread the information. Get involved in mass meditations. Do whatever else you can.       3)   They (RM)will assist, but actually it is the job of the positive military group to do that.(arrests) The Resistance Movement will help behind-the-scenes, and they will become active on the surface only if there is need for that.     4)  my contacts are not so strong in the positive mil

Dragon Familes - Cobra Interview Quotes

  1) the Resistance Movement had some problems with the White Dragon Society at the beginning of this year.  There were some negotiations and soon it was found out that some people inside the White Dragon Society just would like to grab the money for themselves.  I am not speaking of this group as a whole but there are certain individuals inside that group with that motivation. A: Aren’t we really at a point though where we have made such strides, we have accomplished so much in eliminating the darkness on the planet.  There’s really very little that they can get away with without The Light Being aware of their shenanigans. C: That’s true.  This is exactly the reason why it is so important to give the information out.  Why am I disclosing classified information.  It is because people need to know.  Now’s the time we all need to make choices.  I am given exact instructions of what to say and what not to say.  And I am allowed to say much more than I was allowed to say even a few

Full Disclosure -Posts & Interveriew Quotes

 T H E    P O S T S   1)  November 30, 2015 Event Meditation Report   Our Event Meditation was a huge success and we were very close to reaching the critical mass. Dragon sources have communicated that positive timeline has been deeply stabilized and the Resistance has communicated that one huge layer of strangelet (cleared) and toplet bombs has been removed. Since the meditation, there are intense negotiations taking place behind the scenes for full Disclosure and for complete and unconditional surrender of all Cabal factions, including the Chimera. In a few short days after our meditation, several seemingly unrelated events have happened that will bring us much closer to disintegrating the Veil and towards Disclosure. First, Blue Origin has successfully launched and landed a reusable rocket. This will drastically reduce the cost of space travel: