Priestess Conference Notes



  • Some notes are of similar conferences but different up-loaders of their notes, therefore certain subjects will be repeated but from a bit different angle which is useful. 
  • These are technically not 100% Cobra quotes but audience notes, keep in mind.
  • These are from Conferences over many years.



 In ancient times in Egypt, men and women were initiated into the mysteries of the Goddess. They learned how to use certain symbols, tools and knowledge to bring the Goddess energy to the planet. The high priestesses also knew how to use sound in its full impact. Yet, the first mystery of the Goddess is indeed: silence. 

Silence is is the doorway to reception and this leads to surrender. And surrender allows Goddess and God energy to be fully present within your physical body. It is the expression of the spirit in matter, allowing the soul to inhabit life completely.The soul purpose serves the highest good of all that is, all of creation.

Every deed is a ceremony to celebrate life. Through the Goddess presence we learn how to lead naturally, letting the divine energy flow through us. The knowledge about all those things is what the high priestesses taught in Egypt and this is as well what will be here again in the new society.

A very important symbol within this context is the pentagram a symbol inverted by the cabal.. The pentagram balances the five elements fire, earth, air, water and ether. It is a magical number and life is only possible by the merging of those 5 elements. We are small micro-cosmoses that include the five elements. The Fibonacci spiral and the order of sacred geometry show themselves already in every embryo, in a shell, in stones in the DNA.The new society will handle the five elements consciously.




 The holy symbols are cosmic energies in manifestation. The Milky Way with the galactic center is a double spiral with a divine pattern, the ocean of love emanating from it.

~Temple on Malta~

The central race is the first advanced civilization who gained high wisdom in this galaxy millions of years ago, as they live near the central sun. Those beings brought their wisdom into the whole galaxy. They were known as ambassadors, angelos in greek, messengers, angels... They are not only etheric beings, they are physical angels with wings also. Iona is the winged Goddess who brought the mysteries to earth in the times of Atlantis. Isis/Astara was her student. When Iona left earth she gave the mission to Isis to keep the knowledge of the Goddess alive.

 Isis founded the mystery schools in Atlantis and they had to go underground when the downfall of Atlantis happened. The main place of the mystery schools of Earth was in Egypt. This area was bigger than we perceive it today, it included also many islands of the Mediterranean ocean. On Malta was the main temple which always had been a light pillar. 

According to the legends, the temples were build by giants. This was the beginning of the Sisterhood of the Rose many thousands of years ago in Egypt.

The Sisterhood of the Rose were composed of enlightened beings of high advanced wisdom and abilities who were living and celebrating sacredly in the temples. So they were very very powerful and the Archons of course did not like that. The Archons destroyed the temples and the knowledge of the Sisterhood was hidden underground.

They forbade the mystery schools which then went under the surface as Isis temples. The priesthood nevertheless was very strong and because of this they reemerged after a short time and the temples were active in the mediterranean area again. 

During the times of the roman empire, temples of the Sisterhood of the Rose spread all over the empire, like for example Avalon in Ireland. The knowledge of the Sisterhood of the Rose was handled extremely secretly and only initiates knew what happened in the temples. They swore to never ever tell the mysteries to anyone outside of the Sisterhood. The mysteries of the goddess are highly sacred. They are not meant for beings who are not ready to receive them. If they would be told to the masses, they would be distorted and misused. So the deeper mysteries of the Goddess are only told to initiates. Even most of the most awakened beings on this planet are not ready yet to receive the full spectrum of the mysteries of the Goddess. 

The programming is deeper than even most of the light workers are aware of.With time, and only after the Event, the complete mysteries will be released exclusively to those who are ready to receive them. 

The name of a simple mystery of the Goddess can be released already now:

- The mystery of the immortality of the soul.

In roman times again, the Archons tried to destroy the mysteries. In the 4th century Konstantin the Great wanted to create one synthetic religion made of all religions.Bishops all over the empire were commanded to gather to the well-known Council of Nicaea. There, all bishops had to sign the document or they would not have left that room alive, the "guardians" would have taken care of that. The decree of Nicaea is the basis of the catholic religion which was and is still used to serve as a special tool for controlling the masses. Since that day, everything else was forbidden inside the roman empire. 

The mysteries of the Goddess did not exist in a written form. The temples were destroyed and the priestesses and priests were killed. Later,the re-incarnated members of the Sisterhood of the Rose worked from underground,they spread the knowledge by working indirectly by using symbols for example in architecture, paintings and music. 

The cathedral of Chartres is one of the buildings where many of those symbols can be found. The Holy Grail is one of the symbols and it has gained its fame through being included into buildings and poetry. Another symbol is the chalice of the Goddess formed like a rose, so the rose as well is a symbol related to the mysteries of the Goddess, imbedded within poetry and art.

There exists a secret book, called "The Red Book", and the catholic church could never get it. It was given from mother to daughter, on and on.

The Sisterhood of the Rose influenced many times the happenings in the political world from behind the scenes, as was the case with Hitler, when the Sisterhood contacted Eva Braun. So, some even worst scenarios could be prevented. At the court of Saladin, many battles have been hindered from happening and often peace was made through the influence of the Sisterhood of the Rose.

 A new army was sent to Richard Löwenherz when he was heavily wounded, a completely illogical maneuver in history.The Sisterhood of the Rose has prevented the atomic war on earth. The Goddess wants peace and peace will be.

At the Event, the members of the Sisterhood of the Rose will anchor the energies of silence and peace. The masses will not understand what is happening, so there will be some kind of agitation, and the Sisterhood of the Rose will calm all this down through their meditations. This means, they have a key role at the Event. 

Even though many do not realize yet the whole meaning of that, it is important to build the groups now, so that during the Event all will be calm and peaceful. In the moment it seems likely that most of the same people who are forming Sisterhood of the Rose groups are also gathering for the masculine aspect of the Event, the Event Support groups. 

It is good, to find your own role within this whole process and to follow your inner guidance -as always.

Isis:The pentagram is also a symbol for the Goddess and the circle around the pentagram means protection. 

The energy of the Goddess is extremely soft and the same time very very powerful. It is the energy of creation. Throughout history, the dark force tried many times to suppress that energy.

 Strong women, healers and "witches" have been indeed high priestesses. Through the Sisterhood of the Rose, men and women can take back their life energy and life power which has been suppressed in the past.

~The original design of creation~

An important thing in the universe is free will. Free will means to express unconditional love of The Goddess and the God freely. Our knowledge about the Goddess enables us to gain access to our free will. There is no will that is above our free will : the original blueprint. Our free will is above everything, it is respected on the highest levels. The religious systems are afraid of the strong feminine will, and many times women did not surrender to religion. Through wisdom,spirit comes into matter. If free will is in harmony with the divine, the free will of someone else will never be restricted and everything happens for the well-being of the whole. 

This is how we are meant to live originally.Now as we are bringing balance back again, it is very important for us to learn how to express ourselves without activating competition and comparison patterns. We can start with this by stopping to compare ourselves to ANY-one. 

The old system that has its main basis on competition programming -which serves to suppress Goddess energy-will not work much longer anymore. Especially women have now arrived to enter the process of supporting each other instead of competing and fighting. This is really very significant : to truly learn as women to support other women. This is the absolute basis for the re-emergence of the Sisterhood of the Rose, because a circle of women, supporting each other, is the main basis structure of the initiates within the priestess hood of Isis. 

The divine, the Goddess has many facets and it can not be expressed through only one women, so there are many facets possible to express Goddess energy in varying ways and colors and together they are building one Goddess diamond. 

This is the start to anchor the divine into matter.The Goddess energy is nurturing itself through itself, and it is absolutely magnetic. A woman who is in the Goddess energy does not need to fight or to gain attention, as she will be a magnet through her very being, through BE-ing herself.

The masculine energy is electric, so the two energies are attracting each other all the time without doing or adding anything to it. This is creation, divine feminine and divine masculine, attracting each other by their basic construction.The more we find ourselves within ourselves, the more the two energies become present in their original way and this means we are magnetic and electric at once.This again is the power of the lioness/lion in us. 

The Egyptian Sphinx has a lion body and a women head as a symbol for that lioness power within humans. Women and men who are filled with balanced energies are bearers of that lion energy.Many Goddesses have an animal at their side, which expresses a certain power or ability. One of the symbol animals of Isis is the dove.

Teachings about the Ankh, the key of life, the breath of life, were described in Atlantis/Egypt as a symbol for the potential of creation. The Ankh looks also like an angel, a human being, a key [It also symbolizes a Yoni and a Lingam]- It can also be seen as the infinity symbol being laid twice over each other with open ends - the "feet" and the "arms" being the open infinity symbol twice- which means to bring something into life (which arrives through the loop) from eternity. 

Isis gave life back to Osiris through letting her breath flowing through the Ankh. The Ankh can also be held above the head to connect with the higher self or as a lens to "see" into spiritual realms.Slowly we learn again how to use our symbols with deep respect and honor for all of creation. The Ankh is the key to take responsibility within the Sisterhood of the Rose groups and also to bring our soul energy into our body. One of the deepest mysteries of Isis is to bring spirit into matter with the Ankh.

In the moment, the strong light energy is removing everything which is synthetic,everything that is non-alive. So the dark forces are suppressing Goddess energy,because they know, they will be removed by her, as they are not filled with divine energy. Now much support is flowing from the Galactic Confederation and from the central sun to us. 

The central sun is a giant Goddess and as we can see, it moves in spirals. So this means that Goddess energy and Goddess consciousness is spiraling.Goddess consciousness and Goddess power is spiral consciousness. As we now come to understand the spiral consciousness we also understand that we are the ones who have to activate, to allow the spiral consciousness to flow through us, manifest itself through us so that we are the channels for the Goddess energy.

Isis and Osiris are archetypes of the energy of balance. The legend about them includes that their love for each other was so strong that it succeeded over all obstacles.

The power of creation is the energy of the divine mother. The mother gives birth to life through surrendering to the flow of nature. During a birth resistance creates more pain. We are educated and programmed to be resistant to that energy. As we learn to surrender to the Goddess energy, birth in all areas of life gets more joyful and easier. In the mysteries of Isis, milk is the divine drink through which the divine child receives its life. The crown of Hathor with the horns, embracing the sun, symbolizes that very beautifully. The cow with the horns is a holy animal that gives the divine drink, the milk. It is magic, a mystery of nature. Within the feminine body everything is present to give and to maintain and nurture life -within the womb and also afterwards through the breasts. 

The same with the animals and nature, life comes out of the seed and in the seed everything that wants to enfold is already present.We find the number 5 again within the fingers and toes and the in the 5 elements.

The conference we have held now happened during the equinox, a point in time of balance of the energies. It is the birth of the new life. Everything on the planet is getting back into balance now. This rhythm is the heartbeat of the universe,pressure and relaxation. The earth moves together with the universe in the same rhythm, like a wave in the ocean, like ebb and flow. So is the energy of Goddess and God, a balance of dynamic and spontaneity.





Many people would like evidence. 

But the evidence of the Goddess Energy comes through inner experience.

It has always been like that in history. 

Mankind needs to have the right consciousness to receive it. 

Enough people need sufficient understanding.

Women met secretly. They were involved in healing. 

Women in the Sisterhood were high priestesses. They were initiated through the Isis Mystery School.

Isis Astara (Cobra's Soulmate) showed the delegates a large ankh and asked what it looked like. The ankh can appear like a body. The top part is like a vesicle (vesica pisces). The child comes through a vesicle into the new reality. It is now time for this new energy to return to the planet. Women used the ankh as a symbol of the "breath of life". The ankh represents the coming of spirit into matter Everything that is done with love becomes magic. The women used milk in their ceremonies. Milk gives life to the baby. This explains in part the symbolic horns on the head of some of the representations of the goddess Isis.

It is important that you like your body.You need to love your body. Then you can change. What is suppressed, what is not loved, cannot be changed. Each person is a unique star and a unique flower.Picture In the new era, wearing a mask of charm will not work. Only the real will appear as beautiful. Only the real will be beautiful. And that beauty will be both magnetic and electric. The feminine is magnetic; the masculine is electric.




 In this transformation, the energy of the Goddess (Isis and Maat) plays an important  role, for Rhory and the others come into contact with the Priestesses of the Feather  - the priestesses who follow the Truth of Maat



 During the next phase we will need the Goddess Energy strongly. The RM guards many sacred caves on the planet. The Agartha network also guards sacred caves and certain lineages of Goddess Priestesses are guarding others. 

A conference group in the past has seen a Goddess cave in Hawaii and there is one close to Budapest too. These caves have had a very important role in the Compression Breakthrough for 1000s of  years and have held the Goddess energies and mysteries for ages. 

Some of the caves became treasure caves holding crystals etc; in other caves certain objects of power were hidden. These caves are activated now and closer to The Event they will radiate Goddess power.





 The Return of the Goddess is very important for the Galactic Wave of Love. It represents energy in its highest form. It is the feminine aspect of the Absolute,representing love and receptivity. It is energy that allows and creates space for transformation. It is very powerful, that is why it has been so severely suppressed by the dark forces. It was the only way they could control humanity. 

When humanity started to awaken, it signaled the end of their control and suppression. Goddess Energy is the perfect mirror of the ONE. When it is awakened there is no stopping it. It has many aspects. One of which is reawakening the Sisterhood of the Rose.

The Sisterhood of the Rose was an ancient Mystery School. It was brought to Earth by the Central Race in Atlantis. A certain not so well known Goddess, Iona, belonging to the Central Race, came to Atlantis and initiated 12 Priestesses and transformed the planet.

The knowledge was transmitted to Mystery Schools of Atlantis and from there it was spread to Egypt, Crete, Sumeria, Rome, the Rose Templars and Cathars. St. Germain,Lord Cagliostro and secret societies transmitted it in the 18thCentury.

Cobra was instructed to recreate the Sisterhood of the Rose. Today we take the 1st of the next steps. The most important step, as the Sisterhood of the Rose will anchor the feminine energy for everybody and everything on the planet.

  • [During the Conference a group of women (representing all the 23 countries present)volunteered to organize weekly physical Sisterhood of the Rose meetings in their country. Cobra initiated these women during a beautiful Ceremony and Isis is preparing them from beyond the Veil for the second phase of the Return of the Goddess. During this activation High Priestesses were present right below the conference building and some above in their Lightships. From the Pleiadians:Semyasi, Manuela and Stara. Resistance Movement: Kelly, Leia, Sara and Anaya. AshtarCommand: Ashtar Atina. And of course Isis Astara. She considers this the crown of her work. This physical anchor of the Sisterhood of the Rose is essential for the Return of the Goddess Energy on planet earth. Sisterhood of the Rose groups are alsofor men! They are for everyone.]


 The moon is a natural object that transmits Goddess Energy. High Priestesses can use Moon energy to heal their own emotions and of others. Some of the Rosecrucians were member of the Sisterhood of the Rose.

The energy of the Goddess will change our perspective on everything on this planet.E.g. our physical bodies, art, and the way we communicate.

 It will transform human society, anchor the Galactic Wave of Love and prepare us for First Contact.The physical meetings anchor the Galactic Wave of Love to the planet. 

From now on Light Forces will anchor the Wave of Love through the Sisterhood of the Rose and expand love over the planet.

All Pleiadians have very strong connections to the Goddess presence. Goddess presence needs to be here for humanity to transform. But there are also other purposes.

Soul Families As part of the New Timeline actions are taken to actively reconnect Soul Families.It will be a connection with your true Soul Group. These connections will form the base of the New Society. The societal transitions started decades ago, but nobody knew what we were transforming into.

 1st Phase: Tribe society

2ndPhase: Physical family society 

Mother – father – child. This has been the case on this planet for the last 5000years and is oriented towards bloodlines. You are close to people of your bloodline.This is the case for humanity now, but not for the societies in the Galaxy or in the Inner Earth.

3rdPhase: Soul Family society 

The transition into this started in 1945 at the end of WWII, after the big victory of the Galactic Confederation. It started to imprint ideas of a new society. The Confederation attempted to make contact in the 1950s. The same imprint has led to the sexual revolution in the 1960s. It has created a gradual dissolve of the physical family.Before 1945 the rate of divorce was 20%. Now it is over 70%. This is because we are in a transition. We are not satisfied with the current marriage model anymore. These models are not based on love, but mostly on economic necessity and the structure of society. Women had to accept it and suffered accordingly.After the 1945 when the Galactic impulses began, women started to rise up. Now women want more and men are confused. 

Men do not fit into the model that is not revealed yet. Men will become the heroes of the New Society. All are to follow their mission.This is key for men in the future where Soul Families will be the basis of society.Communities in the old paradigm are not successful and are connected to the personality level. The only way new areas of Light can be created is from the perspective of the Soul Family. 

Soul Families started to be initiated in 2018 The Pleiadians are actively awakening all Light Workers and LightWarriors to awaken to their Soul Essence and form connections to become a model for the New Society. The purpose of this conference was to gather Soul Families to enable connections on a Soul level. This is the basis for the New Society. Cobra received instructions from the Pleiadians to connect with the members of his own Soul Family. It all started at this conference and it will continue to expand. This is the way to crack The Matrix.The Soul Family is broad. 

There are Soul Brothers and Soul Sisters and to a degree they are similar to friends and companions. There are also deeper connections possible. These are called Soul Mates. There are various ways Soul Mates are together. The most important Soul Mate connection is one between members of opposite polarity: male and female. They come together with the purpose of manifesting a sacred union on all levels of creation, from physical to spiritual.

 As they do their missions together, they become the channels of love for the Galactic Wave. 

Other Soul Mate connections are deep friendships, or parents and children with deep Soul connections. 

There are Soul Mates of the same polarity that also have a sexual connection. 

All these different ways of coming together can be Soul Mate related.The connection between a man and woman is designed to create a sacred union, to manifest love on the physical plane and anchor this for the planet. 

It is something the Archons don’t like. They do whatever they can to prevent them from meeting each other and connecting. They use advanced technology for this. If Soul Mates do meet,they create a trigger to arrange the partners to go into conflicts and misunderstanding. Scalar technology shuts down one part of the Soul Mate connection,but not the other one. This is the main reason for heartbreaks. This is not recognised and that is the main problem. In 3D many explanations are given on a psychological level, but it does not happen through a natural process: it happens through technology.

There are two ways the Archons trigger opposite reaction mechanisms through childhood trauma:

1.    Connect obsessively

2.    Escape obsessively

 When the partners come together, the Archons trigger these to prevent the union. In case the Soul Mate union is still successful, they might even kill one of the partners. The reason is that if the union were successful, it would put high levels of love energy into the energy grid. Basically this would represent the connection between a High Priestess and a High Priest, in its pure form. When anchored in consciousness they transmit love energy in the planet, doing their mission.



 Sexual energy programming The deepest human programming concerns sexual energy. 

The purpose of this programming is to control us. 

Most of these programs can only be found on the surface of this planet and nowhere else in the Galaxy. 

It is one of the main reasons the liberation process of this planet is taking so long. The surface population is not aware of this programming that deeply suppresses them.

The programming has two layers (next to several subdividing levels):

1st                  The Atlantis implant and programming

2nd                  The Archon invasion programming

 The sexual implant This implant creates separation energetically and psychologically between males and females.  (CLEARED BUT THE PROGRAMMING AS RESULT OF THOSE IMPLANTS STILL NEED CONSCIOUS TRANSMUTATION)

The implant is located 3 fingers above the navel. 

It blocks the Kundalini energy flow. Everyone has an implant there. 

The female implant is programmed one way and the male implant is programmed the other way. 

It creates a complete disconnection and misunderstandings. 

The implant makes men and women look at sex from opposite perspectives. 

All input is filtered through this implant.

The female program allows feeling the energy of the heart, but not sexual energy.

Males are programmed to feel the sexual energy, but not the energy of the heart. 

It is easy for women to bond on a heart level, but she has problems bonding on a sexual level. 

Men are just the opposite. Men have a hard time trusting with the heart,because of the implant and the social programming.

The key to resolve this is for women to allow themselves to feel their sexual energy and for men to feel their heart energy. The way to connect to this energy is different for males and females.

 Men need to raise the Kundalini up to their heart.

Women need to allow themselves to descend into the 2ndChakra and feel the sexual energy. Then the two energies can be connected. 

When they do it correctly, there is no misunderstanding and it creates a Sacred Union.This is a very deep program that is 5000 year old.The Archon invasion Before the Archon invasion, many women were connected to the Goddess and had this energy intact and flowing: they had a connection between love and sex. With this intact, the flowing energy of a woman can heal a man and her heart chakra can heal -even war - trauma of a man. 

Men are aggressive nowadays because they do not receive this healing sexual energy from a woman. 

This is the reason that Arabic men are so angry (e.g. Syrian refugees). They have been traumatized and are not healed.

A Goddess Priestess that has integrated her heart and sexual energies can stop the wars on this planet. This is the basic, the core, to heal human society. When the most awakened women on the planet start connecting their heart and sexual energies,they start healing the planet.

The female sexual energies are oppressed to create war. 

When it is repressed men get frustrated.They start doing sports fanatically or start fighting.

This situation was created 5000 to 6000 years ago during the Archon invasion and has several levels.Archons infiltrated tribes of the Goddess civilizations and raped and murdered many female Priestesses. This primal fear of women, to be raped, is present in every woman’s conscience. 

The first level of programming is: men are beasts, but this is not so: human men are not. The reptilians are, but women’s subconscious cannot distinguish between the two. This is the reason that 70% of woman can’t experience an orgasm during sex; they cannot open themselves sexually.

The next level of programming is that women have to be good girls and behave. They must hide their sexual energy not to be judged or called a whore or slut. When we transform this, we can create a crack in The Matrix. The key here is that women start claiming their sexual energy, decide where, how and when and express it again.

This will be the core to transform human society.In the past many Priestesses of the Goddess transmitted sexual energy to heal. There were many temples where this happened. It is all related to the Sacred Union between the High Priestess and the King, the archetypes of the Divine Goddess and the Divine Hero. 

It stabilized many societies. In the 4thCentury AD this tradition was ruined.Priestesses were raped and killed and temples destroyed. All women remember this; it is part of their generational trauma.

For comparison: In Rome 300 AD there was a higher level of civilization than 1500years later. When the Goddess Energy was destroyed, we went into the Dark Ages. The purpose of the Roman Catholic Church has been to suppress female sexual energy.

Human society needs to get back to the same level of evolution again.A

Another next level concerns an additional layer of programming that was started in Atlantis.-The implants were programmed so women cannot open sexually and men cannot open emotionally.

The next level of programming is designed to split Soul Families. 

The program splits into two sides: women may only connect to their Twin Soul or Twin Soul fantasy (monogamy) 

and men may connect with many women (polygamy).

The next level of programming regards the emotional aspects of when a man and woman get connected. When this program gets triggered on a subconscious level, one partner sees the other partner as property. 

You have a house and a husband. You have a house and a wife. It is emotional, but also legally validated as the State controls marriage. This is a misuse of the Divine archetype of the Twin Soul.Marriage is the perfect union of Twin Souls. The Matrix has hijacked this and created the legal system to corrupt this connection and control both partners this way.

For instance, in the 19th Century women were legally the property of men. A woman couldn’t do anything. She was a slave and this still exists within the consciousness on the planet. 

There is however a huge difference between possession and commitment.

The pure archetype can be monogamous. 

Because of a special and deep connection between the man and woman and devotion to each other they don’t need anything else.

This is the case everywhere in the Galaxy. True commitment in a deep Soul Mate or Twin Soul connection is one path in the Universe, the path of the Divine Archetype.

However you can also have more partners because you are able to love more people at the same time. This is not promiscuity. It is having more Soul Mate connections between partners. This has been suppressed on Earth.

The next level of programming concerns the games we play:

How to catch a man?   

How to seduce a woman?

These are both meant to hijack open communication between men and women. We need to create honesty in communication between a man and a woman. This does not happen on the surface of the planet. 

Women talking together, talk in a certain way. 

When a man comes in, the conversation shifts.

 It is the same way the other way around. We cannot be honest.

 The relationships between men and women need to be healed into a situation where both sexes feel comfortable to discuss anything with each other,including a woman’s period, raising the kids, emotions, sexual fantasies, anything.

We need real honesty and a real drastic change in communication, but this can only be achieved through massive healing of society.



 One priestess can heal one man. If there are more priestesses, the healing process
can be accelerated. This helps breakthrough.



 An important process is the return of the Goddess in its higher form, it is the feminine aspect of the absolute love, which creates space for transformation, and for this reason it has been drastically suppressed (this is the only reason why dark could success). 

The Goddess energy is the perfect mirror of The One, and when its perfect The One begins to manifest.One important aspect is the re-awakening of the Sisterhood of the Rose, an ancient mystery school brought to Atlantis by the Central Race. 

There is a Goddess that belongs to the Central Race, AIONA, she came to Atlantis and initiated 12priestesses, gave them all mysteries and were transmitted by generations through mystery schools in Egypt, Crete, Sumeria, Rome, Cathars, Templars, 18th century Saint Germain, Lord Cagliostro, and many secret societies.

I(Cobra) have received instructions to re-activate the Sisterhood of the Rose and many groups have been created, now I will release more instructions.The light forces are requesting to meet physically once a week, so we are creating these groups right now. We will need 23 women from 23 countries that are choosing to become anchors of the Sisterhood of the Rose. We will create now the next phase for the Sisterhood of the Rose on the planet, create 23 anchors.

  • Note: This moment was magic, this moment was historic, I felt it from the moment it started, a very strong mystic energy raised up.Women from many countries came forward immediately and formed a circle. The ceremony started with Cobra in the middle going around one hand high above his head and the other one giving (as described to me later, a bolt of light). There was an intense moment when women took each other by the hands and started swinging lightly. I was hearing a precious mantra, one which I have not heard before, it was touching, and at the beginning I was not sure from where it was coming. As it was described to me afterwards, no one knows who started it, but it was as if they were channeling the energy of the Goddess herself. The energy of the moment was so strong even now I feel the energy and the emotion. Women were crying.Now back to Cobra.I have been waiting for this moment all my life. This moment is a realization of my dreams and their supporters, Pleiadian high priestesses, Semjase, Manuella, Astara.And from the Resistance Movement, Kelly, Lea, Sara, Ania.They were with us, some below the surface, right below this building. Some in the motherships Asthar Athena. Isis Astara, she was with us and was the crown of her light work. From this moment on we spread Goddess on this planet.


Men are not excluded from the Sisterhood of the Rose, it is not just a feminine group, it is anchoring the goddess energy for everybody.

Questions and answers:

-Is menopause natural? 

Your free choice has been taken away from you. There are exercises to regulate menstruation, is really free will if you know how to do it.

-Is the moon an artificial satellite? 

The moon is a natural object which transmits Goddess energy, and many women feel the moon strongly in their bodies.Priestesses can heal with energy of the moon (emotions). 

Certain Rosacrucians we remembers of the Sisterhood of the Rose.The energy of the Goddess will change perspective on everything of the planet,communication, hobbies, transform human society and prepare it for 1st contact.

Physical meetings of the Sisterhood of the Rose anchors the galactic wave of love,so the light forces will be able to anchor the energy of the galactic wave of love,and then expand it through the human society to prepare it for contact. 

All Pleiadians have a connection with the Goddess presence and if contact happens between two species the Goddess presence has to be there.

-Soul Families One thing that starts happening will be soul family re-connection. This is a connection through soul level and this connection will be the base of the new society. It started decades ago but it was not recognized as such because nobody knew where society was heading to.




The archons contacted Italian black families >jesuits > knights of malta > Donald Trump to start the conflict.(2017) 

Hassuna samarra vortex in Syria-Irak is the portal where soul connections can be made.Hassuna samarra´s 5000 year old culture had strong connection with the Goddess, and it is on a leyline which connects Syria with Stonehenge, sandy hook, and all those places where false flags were created to influence Hassuna samarra, to create a wave of fear, to create a blockage of energy, because those archons want to prevent soulmate connections.

The deepest level of connections are twin souls.

 They were created at first time,born in the Galactic Central Sun as one soul, and split in two halves, the original divine archetype of male and female, shiva and shakti, twin soul connections. It is even deeper than soul mates connections, it is the origin of yearning for perfect connection. 

This is manipulated by the archons. Twin soul fantasy is a program.Archons know this and are messing with it, creating a twin soul fantasy, a psychological projection to certain individual who is not.The main reason why women get married and this is the happiest day of her life is because twin soul gets reactivated. But the husband is not, and disappointing happens which leads to disintegration.

The archons used hollywood to project this fantasy, to control female sexual energy to keep society in check. Ex. Diamond rings, certain illuminati families (de Beers)that has been misusing twin soul fantasy to sell rings with diamonds.

Connect with your twin soul doing meditation, to connect energetically and telepathically. Archons manipulate dreams.

Questions and answers:

– About Donald Trump

He belongs to his own ego, not to the light forces, he does not serve the cabal or illuminati, only his own ego.


A Goddess priestess that has integrated heart and sexual energy is able to stop war in this planet.Basic key to heal of society, zero, core issue, is for the most awakened women on the planet to connect heart and sexual energy.



 Next level was to split soul family, a program that exist two sided. Woman only twin soul or twin soul fantasy but men has no problem connecting sexually with any woman.

Questions and answers:

Origins of why terrorists blow themselves program. 72 virgins, 13th century Syria.Invented by secret society connected to archon network.

Tantra? You can heal with Tantra but most has been lost. Exception, Kaula Tantra but not given to mankind only to initiated.

Are geishas priestesses?

 Geishas are not Goddess or hi priestesses. 


If women can heal men, it will accelerate the breakthrough.-The Event and New Reality When all aspects of the matrix are de-programmed, the matrix will be dissolved. The archon´s programming is controlling the matrix. This is not the main program, you have programs inside. Not every one, only the most awakened humans need to go through this transformation to crack the matrix. We need not 7 billion, one Neo can crack the matrix.



 Females"Twin Soul fantasy" is an Archon program to control females. (This program makes females project twin soul qualities and expectations onto the unsuspecting male partner to disrupt the relationship. Females expect the partners to live up to the standard of a Twin Soul.) 

They also believe that they are only allowed to have sex with a Twin Soul Marriage is another programming. 

Weddings are rituals to trigger all other related programming. This results in the husband being unable to manifest that expected perfection, eventually leading to divorce Hollywood pushes this programming Females are encouraged to be comfortable with emotions and they therefore know how to deal with them. They are allowed to feel emotion but not sexuality 

The exact opposite programming runs in males This basic male-female opposing programming is the source of all wars 

The key for peace is therefore to liberate female sexuality.The female programming started in Atlantis. Then the Archon invasions

 ~ first one 5000 - 6000 years ago,

 then 1,600 years ago ~ targeted women, who were raped and violated to suppress, pervert and distort the female energies. 

Prior to that,priestesses invoking Goddess presence into their bodies and using Kundalini energies, healed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The Galactic Wave of Love will start transforming energies, especially this male-female distortion.Reptilians in human bodies and psychopaths were employed to break the trust of males in females. 

Clearing program will keep women safe. 3 - 5% of population are Reptilian "starseeds". 

When this situation is cleared, the issues surrounding sexuality can also be cleared.This program also creates split in personality, in the sense that females have differing private and public personas. Women need to start expressing sexual energies with honesty and balance. 

Sexual union and Kundalini energies are the energies of Light. High Priestesses used to anchor and ground Goddess energies to stabilize and harmonize the population. This would include sexual union with the country's leader. In the case of female leader, the High Priest would be the sacred partner for this ritual.

Monogamy is another program copied from Orion system, where women were seen as the property of men and have no rights. This is territorial programming.

Commitment in relationships is a conscious decision to devote energies to each other. This is a Divine Archetype, and requires going deeper into relationship with the conscious decision of the I AM Presence.



 From 8 to 11 November 2018, exactly 225 years after the activation of Goddess of Reason, certain Goddess Priestesses of the Resistance Movement came to the surface in Paris and did a special planetary Kundalini activation and created a crack in The Matrix

This activation served as a trigger for planetary kundalini awakening where people will finally rise up against the oppression of the dark forces. One aspect of this planetary kundalini activation was for women to start reclaiming their sexual energy and expressing the beauty of their bodies. 

The women who were running around naked in Paris in November were actually undoing The Matrix (unconsciously). Since November 11th, 2018, the Paris Goddess vortex is continuously triggering kundalini activation in all human beings on the surface of the planet. 

This is the occult reason for the success of the Yellow Vests movement, which is a grassroots movement against all oppression.

The Matrix has created many different belief systems and misconceptions of Sexual Energy. Sexual energy is just an energy force which flows: energy is nothing else than emotion in flow. 

It might be physical, but it does not have to be. It is a misconception that sexual energy is only physical and switched on or off like a 0 or 1. 

When all programming is dissolved and all blockages are removed, sexual energy will flow. This will be the next level when there will be many Kundalini/Samadhi experiences. 

At a certain point the Pleiadians want to guide us on this next level.The purpose of the most awakened women on the planet is to work with this sexual energy first, to liberate themselves. 

They will be the ones who will change the energy structure which will then liberate the planet.

The suppression of masculine energy is a consequence of the suppression of feminine energy. 

The current basic active Matrix program is:

 good or bad girl(nice or naughty)

Women have been programmed to hide their sexuality and everyone asks: 

what does she want? 

It is the highest purpose of the most awakened women to get in touch with themselves and heal. 

This is (part of) Cobra’s mission. 

It will heal this world and is key to creating the New World.

 Kundalini yoga influences the Light Grid positively, but it is not as effective as the liberation of female sexual energy.

 Kundalini awakening activates the Light body.

 Practicing cosmic Cobra breath (NOT directly related to the person giving this workshop) activates Kundalini in a very fast way and accelerates your individual Ascension path. 

If you attract angry and controlling men (the first layer of programming), you need to liberate yourself more as a woman.




 Return of the Goddess 

The pure feminine principle or energy is pure receptivity. 

It equals unconditional love. This is the energy needed to heal humanity. 

It is of primary importance to bring back this energy to the planet and connect to it as much as possible. The pure feminine energy is the mirror of creation.

It is this energy that will make the Contact Dish project possible and attract the Event. 

It is like an energy lake: if it is still and peaceful enough, then the Event can be activated. Every being connected to this energy fills up the lake. 

The change and the Event are created by the energetic presence of the Divine Feminine Energy.

We are reviving the Goddess Mysteries to bring these energies back to the planet. 

We will start to form groups to anchor this energy. The original purpose of the Sisterhood of the Rose (SotR) groups was to preserve and anchor the Goddess Mysteries.At the moment there are around 150 SotR groups active on the planet meeting each other weekly to anchor the Goddess energies.

[Cobra then invited members of the audience upon the stage who would be committed to start a SotR group in her/his area and organize weekly SotR meetings to anchor the Goddess energies. 

Next, Cobra performed a ceremony to initiate a large group of new leading members of SotR groups on the planet.]

SotR groups are the main way of anchoring the Goddess energies on the planet. Closer to the Event more and more groups will be active and go into deeper aspects of the Goddess Mysteries, yet to be revealed. 

Many Goddess vortex points on the planet will be activated then. The most awakened women will become Priestesses and consciously anchor the Goddess Energies to lead the surface population to freedom.





 Water As A Healing and Awakening Elemental

Cobra answered a question about  mermaid Goddesses of which i did not hear the name.He talked about how they were connected to mermaid priestesses in the Agartha civilization, some of which had temples directly underneath Budapest which in turn are directly connected to the thermal spring waters that feed the many hot thermal spas throughout the city. 

He said they were “completely focused on this room at this time”, meaning all the people and what was happening at the conference. 

When i heard this(note taker), I felt an energetic connection to them, and remembered my recent initiation with Quanyin, “She of a Thousand Waters” (1)  a Divine Ascended Master who through the water medicine element, heals and awakens and bestows compassion upon our mere willingness to ask and receive.




 16 ( Very Similar to #21 which has pictures)

 Madame de Pompadour was the first high priestess but this was not a complete success. It made it possible to activate certain changes. 

For example the expulsion of the Jesuits from the court in 1762, who were trying to suppress the energies of the Goddess. 

Madame de Pompadour gave some rights and models which still constitutea certain barrier today which prevents society from collapsing. 

She didn't follow Master Saint-Germain all the time but she followed him a lot.After his death, Princess de Lamballe took over. 

She brought the mysteries into Masonic groups. Freemasonry was very different from today. But in 1777 the Jesuits infiltrated the Masonic groups. Princess de Lamballe worked publicly and secretly,she created the first female Masonic lodge. 

He cites the lodge “La Candeur”, a key lodge of the goddess, and the “Sororité Rose et Roi” which was not a true sorority.

Princess de Lamballe opened a portal to Paris and Versailles on November 21, 1775 which is connected to 2025. Her center of operations in Versailles was the Temple of Love (note: formerly called Temple of Venus) created in 1778 under the guidance of Saint Germain. 

Princess de Lamballe was a very close friend of Queen Marie-Antoinette and it was through her that this was created.

Cobra then indicates that the room with moving mirrors, which is a room in the Petit Trianon, is a dimensional portal. It would be the most important place in France.The priestesses of the Agartha network would also have given instructions to the Princess of Lamballe.

Cobra then shows us a painting by the French rococo painter François Boucher located at the headquarters of the Bank of France thirty meters above 2000 tons of gold:

“Sylvie heals Philis from the sting of a bee”. 

You can see this painting on the Banque de France website.

François Boucher was initiated into the mysteries of the Goddess. He is a painter who is still misunderstood today and his paintings are full of symbols. He tells us that this painting of the Bank of France contains a code without specifying which one. 

He cites the codes “Love brings Abundance” and “Peace brings Abundance” (this is also the name of a painting by Boucher).





The galactic pulse is not just a physical change. It is a huge wave of energy emanating from the Galactic Center.The wave will suddenly appear.When the black holes are removed, a wave of Galactic Love will appear.We will begin to feel this presence.An important aspect is the return of the Goddess energy.At the time of Atlantis, it was strongly felt.

Especially in the Neolithic period.5,000 years ago, the first archon invasion came and destroyed the temples and priestesses.Everything was almost forgotten.We must remember because with memory comes knowledge.

In Malta (for example) there was a temple of the Goddess.The energy of the Goddess will come back to memory.Many years ago, with the assistance of Isis Astara, the Sorority of the Rose was recreated.It is a very ancient society that keeps the flame of the Goddess alive.

We have to bring back beauty in art, architecture, music.

Someone asks what to do about the false Lightworkers. 

Cobra replies: "Simply avoid them.

"Someone asks why the Earth was invaded. 

Cobra replies that Earth is in a very interesting location. Kind of like "interesting real estate". That is why it was invaded.

Every human has attachments to the two basic chakras connected to a reptilian.For every human being, there is one reptilian.You have to keep your will. Do not let yourself be provoked.Reptilians exacerbate low emotions.It is necessary to get out of pointless conflicts.




We can contain the conflict not to go beyond Israel and Gaza. 

It is like a cancer. If we isolate the cancer region, it will not spread. Israel and Gaza is very strong vortex, that have been active last 12,000 years. The survivors of Atlantis, the high priestess from Atlantis came into the region, have started the civilization there. Some of them were good guys, the others are bad guys. The battle between priests of light and priest of darkness is not resolved yet. A very ancient conflict is still going on after 12,000 years.




 A Beautiful Ceremony A special ceremony has been prepared for tonight to bring back beautiful feminine energy. 

I would like to invite the group to prepare and present the beautiful ceremony they have created.Women in white dresses stand on stage: 

First, we would like to thank you Cobra and the organizer to make this happen. We appreciate this rare opportunity to present this goddess ceremony, which was inspired by the book that Cobra has once recommended “Renaissance of Love” (note: I think she meant “Return of Goddess”)

This ceremony is to anchor the energy of goddess of love anywhere on the planet.Today we light workers here have a very rare opportunity to call upon the goddess together. Visualize the goddess energy flowing among us to bring the light. This light is illuminating every corner of the world.

Now the ceremony starts.( A beautiful and soothing music flowed.The priestesses of the goddess march with joined palms; there are 36 of them,divided into three groups of 12 each on three flower altars.

Each group forms a circle and puts their hands in front of each other joined hand sin front of each other with the mantra "nnnnn" followed by "iiiiiii" to bring the hands down. Next, they raised hands in "eeeeee" and then lowered hands with"oooooo". Then chanted the mantra "ON" nine times.

After that, after a short pause, the priestesses begin to walk a clockwise around the altar.Then they paused again, stretching their hands high above them, then spreading them out and lowering them into a joined hands pose.Then, one by one, they took a flower from the altar and held it high in the air with both hands.After the pose, the priestesses made a gesture of enjoying the fragrance of the flower. Then they began walking in a clockwise direction again.

After stopping and waving the flower in each other's hands, they embraced and confirmed their love for each other.The audience applauded. The priestesses smiled and waved flowers to everyone as they returned to their seats. 

The energy was very beautiful.Bouquets of flowers were presented to Cobra and the organizers. Wreaths were placed on their heads, creating a friendly and lovely atmosphere in the room.)

Okay, thank you very much for the beautiful ceremony! Now you can see how the goddess energy transforms everything. Of course it will be possible people do the ceremony again in the future conferences.

The Sisterhood of the Rose groups and Goddess Temples The SOTR is still formed around the planet. You are more than welcome to join. You can also create your own group because more groups will be needed in future as we come closer to the Event. They are needed to anchor the goddess energy.

Last year, the light forces have requested to build the goddess temples on the surface of the planet after more than 5,500 years. Light workers already formed temples in Japan, Taiwan, Hungary, the United States, and other countries.

 If you wish to open your own goddess temple, you need to have a physical place that is open to general public at least once a week two hours. In that temple, you can present the energy of goddess to the surface population with music, dance, meditation and everything that express the energy. 

You can contact the planetary network of the SOTR. They can give you some guidance, or you can contact me if you are really serious temple. More temples are needed on the surface of the planet.

Most people on the surface of the planet have been subjected to very strong Matrix programming. The goddess energy is the key to dissolve the matrix. It dissolves all the programming of the mind, emotion and body.

As we are getting closer to the polar shift, we will activate the goddess ley line,or the old equator. Many people are doing activations around the ley line such as putting cintamanis, activating tachyon chambers, building goddess temples, opening SOTR groups, and there will be galactic cintamanis around that ley line. 

This is the most important ley line on the planet. Many people ask me where is the vortex and ley line, this one is the number 1. You can bring and anchor as much goddess energy as you can. I would like to ask you to bring as much light as you can, if you feel guided, to this area. 


Sisterhood of the rose was created in purpose of bringing back the goddess energy. To the surface of the planet. many groups were formed around the planet in last decades with the special assistance of Isis Astara who was a high priestess. [applause]

She is guiding from the other side even more effectively. Many people have experience of her presence, having contacted and inspired. This is the real sisterhood. The energy of real sisterhood does mean no jealous, no conflict, but just harmony, corporation, and inspiration. That harmonic energy will be present on the surface population especially among the light workers. That will be one of the key success of the return of goddess energy.

Goddess Temple

Few years ago, light forces have instructed me to start activating the goddess temples on the surface of the planet. Some temples are already open to general populations. The conditions are very simple. You need to have a physical space, then open it few times a week to public so that people can experience the goddess energy taking place inside. You can play music, meditate, dance and any other activities to manifest the energy. Some temples are open in Japan, Europe, and the US, They are spreading around the fresh goddess energy. 

There are still physical goddess temple exist on the surface of the planet after millennia. But the goddess temples now should carry new and fresh energy. You are more than welcome to create your own temples. Anchoring the goddess energy on the physical plane is the most important now. 

Feminine Sexual Energy

The matrix on this planet is quite strong. The dark forces have been building thousands of thousands of layers on the planet especially about feminine sexual energy. It is the key to the planetary liberation. The suppression is so strong, and it is the key reason why the liberation has been so delayed. In short, it is about activation of human kundalini energy. Surface population is not ready for that. Almost nobody is ready for that. This is the main reason why it is taking so long. So, we are now taking moderate, not so risky, but very slow process. The amount of the goddess energy on the surface of the planet is one of the main factors how fast it will go into the new age of Aquarius.

This is again the old goddess equator. The ley line will be activated if many galactic cintamani are planted and many SOTR are formed along with that line. The goddess energy can be fully present on the surface of the planet. 

At this point, I would like to invite SOTR group who prepared a beautiful ceremony. [applause]

Goddess Ceremony

Debra: Thank you for the invitation, Cobra.

The goddesses will be invited in this room after we watch this beautiful video. 

Ayla Schafer “Rose” Official Video

The goddess ceremony comes from the book “the Return of Goddess” recommended by Cobra. 

(I have the descriptions of this beautiful ceremony omitted from my note in English to show respect to the participant goddess. Please read the book or attend the future meeting to learn more the ceremony on your own)

Thank you! We have almost at the end of the conference, but not yet. 

I would like to say thank you, the organizers. Debra, Mimi. I would like to say thank you, Patrick and Terry. Thank you light forces. Thank you for goddesses who made the beautiful ceremony. Thank you everybody to come here who put so much effort and time from so far to be part of this conference!



You may already know that high priestess in France. Madame Pompadour and Princess Lamballe. Both of them have been initiated into a certain goddess mysteries on this planet. Madame Pompadour exiled Jesuits from France in 1762. As soon as Jesuits were removed, Pompadour was initiated. St. Germain was directly involved in the project. He formed many mystery schools, which were also masonic lodges. Freemasonry back then was much bigger than today. For many centuries, light forces have been using these lodges to anchor the light into the surface of the planet. Jesuit infiltrated the lodges after the congress in Germany in 1785.

This was the time Lamballe became the master of the female freemason lodge in Paris. In that lodge, she was initiated into the certain goddess mystery, and became a high priestess.

This is first time to disclose, but there was a certain involvement of Agarthan network in that project. That means, there were some entry points Paris and Agartha at that time. The first one was in the cave of Marie Antoinette in Petit-Trianon. There was a secret entrance in that cave. There was a certain communication between high priestess of Agartha and Marie Antoinette and Princess Lamballe in that cave.

Another entrance in Paris area was underground tunnels of Catacombe, which is beneath here. Most of the tunnels there are just normal tunnels, but some tunnels were actually connected into Agarthan Kingdom during 18th century.

And there are other buildings, which is just few hundreds of meters away from here, some buildings are St. Germain to come to the surface of the planet, so he could contact with people on the surface. And the project New Atlantis continued.

Reactivating New Atlantis network in Paris

As the dark Atlantean network is basically gone, we have to reactivate those New Atlantis network in Paris. This new activation needs both sacred Masculine and Feminine energies. Feminine aspect is Sisterhood of the Rose. Now, would the member of SOTR Versailles please stand up and give us some comments?
Versailles SOTR “Now we are not having a big meeting, but we still have a regular small meeting. If you would like to join our activities, please contact us. Our contact is in the SOTR official website.”

Okay, and SOTR Paris team, would you say few words?

“We are anchoring the light in Paris Vortex, not openly, but the door is always open for everyone who is willing to join us. Here, we respect the alignment and harmony of the group very much. Each of you will take important role for whole humanity. For that reason, we strongly recommend participants to erase and release all personal issues. We will anchor only pure and unified energy to the vortex.”

Thank you. As you have noticed, the energy in Paris has improved a lot since 2 years ago. It is important to have harmonious groups in order to improve the situation. It is very important that the members are dedicating to the light and can respect the harmony of the group in order for the light to grow.

Sacred Masculinity of Paris Vortex

Now we need to activate the masculine aspect of Paris Vortex. I have talked about how St. Germain was active about the New Atlantis project in Paris in 18th century towards the French Revolution. It was French Revolution that destroyed the Project. It actually almost destroyed Paris vortex itself. So, a lot of timeline healings were necessary so that the huge trauma of French revolution is resolved. One of the ways is burying Cintamani or Galactic Cintamani stones into such locations where battles and bloodsheds happened. Violet flame meditation is also good to heal and purify such locations.

Start Study Groups in Paris

Another aspect of this mass reactivation is activating the mysteries that have been hidden since 18th century. For this purpose, Light forces requested us to start Study Groups in Paris. The groups need to go to library, museum and archives to find out the secret documents and books to restore the wisdom.

I have been writing about Paris in the 18th century a lot. You can refer to the information, and go to library for study in a group. You can go to archives to find documents, museum for codes hidden in paintings, and research everything important. You can publish your research in your blog or website, and if it is good, I can publish your article in my blog, too. I can guarantee you will find very interesting facts. You will find very interesting facts that will prove what I talked about.

First, I can give some clues and you will study about it. There are some masonic lodges that have ancient archives. It would be very interesting to research about the key figures such as Madame Pompadour, Princess Lamballe, and Marie Antoinette.

Unfortunately, most of the document St. Germain has left were destroyed on purpose. There was big fire and most of them are lost. But you will find the traces. There are some documents which talks about him, and there are even the documents that were written by him. There are not so much left because Dark forces could not destroy everything. There are small libraries and small lodges that still have the documents you will discover. That information needs to be in public. St. Germain is not a mental illusion, but is a real human being. He really exist. He was an extraordinary person with many advanced abilities, but he was walking the streets of Paris like us. So he has left many traces everywhere in Paris, that you can discover.

This needs to be activated because it is time to activate both feminine and masculine aspects. Of course, he is not connected to only Paris, but also to other part of France, and other countries as well. But Paris is a key city, and there is also Versailles. In Versailles, the ascension timeline of the planet was activated there in 1775 under the guidance of St. Germain. He was physically here and physically gave instructions to key persons.

So, who wants to participate? Please stand up and come forward.
[About 10people came forward]
Okay, please make a circle, holding each other’s hands.
You can repeat after me if you like.
“In the name of I Am that I Am, I decree and command to create the group that will bring again the mystery of St. Germain. So be it, and so it is.
Thank you very much.
Before you go, we need to know...
  • What day and time will we meet regularly to discuss on the project.
  • At least one contact person
  • Make sure you live in Paris. If not, where is the central convenient point to meet?
Q. Should we meet in outside or inside?

A. Depends on your activity of that day.

Thank you very much. I hope it will succeed. [applause]
This activity will bring the energy of St. Germain and New Atlantis project back to Paris! And every surface population now need to feel the energy.

Emergence of the White Nobility

Another situation we have here is that the white nobility families that are living in Paris are still afraid to come out. There are key members of that family who is living in Paris, but this person has not contacted us because they are all afraid. They are afraid because of all the past experiences, all the threats from dark forces. But we need their cooperation in order to get the vortex to the next level. I hope they will find some creative ways to contact me, or be courage to talk to us. There have been already contacts established in other locations, but not in Paris. In order to activate Paris vortex, this is absolutely needs to happen at least in next few years. This is very important for proceeding to the next level of planetary liberation.

I know certain people from that family are reading the past conference notes. Certain sources are obviously reading the conference notes.

This Paris vortex is now proceeding to the next stage. So far, there are many tachyon chambers built, many stones are buried. I hope we continue our light work, and the conditions will be so much better for the coming years. It is already so much better than 2 years ago. I can not comment on the political situation of this country, but the energy condition of the vortex is so much better.

Q&A Session 5

Before we finish the workshop, do you have any question regarding the Paris vortex?

Q. In the last Paris Conference near the Eifel Tower, SOTR members went to a special vortex and did the activation. Should we tell everybody the location?

A. The exact location of the energy is being anchored must be classified. For now, I would say Petit Trianon in Versailles is good idea. I will talk about the vortex in Paris when the time is right. Paris still needs healings because it has very complex history such as German invasion, Napoleon’s war, and French Revolution. These issues need to be settled first.

Q. Every group for Paris Vortex needs to meet in person physically? As Paris is ourselves, as long as we are supporting Paris in our mind, would it be alright?

A. Yes, it is very good.

Q. What kind of image should we have when we hear “masculine aspect of Paris vortex”?

A. The energy of St. Germain intertwining with the vortex as a gigantic being.
