March 25, 2016
" Those who would like to vote for Trump will be disappointed, because he is a Jesuit agent:
October 17, 2016
November 18, 2016
January 13, 2017
" The most dangerous of all is Kissinger's strategy to side with Russia against China through Trump, attempting to break the Eastern Alliance:
February 12, 2017
" Meanwhile, on the surface of the planet, the forces behind president Trump are consolidating.
April 7, 2017
May 2, 2017
" Russian mainstream media now talk openly about Trump being controlled by the deep state:
November 17, 2017
Positive and negative factions are still fighting for their influence over Trump.
January 7, 2018
" the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta are trying to engineer a new war.
are doing this meditation to counteract the negative effects of the
military escalation that is now taking place in Syria:
April 23, 2018
May 31, 2018
September 26th
November 9, 2018
December 16, 2018
November 25, 2019
April 14, 2020
September 14, 2020
The Jesuits are now using their puppet George Soros:
To create a color revolution in the USA:
Trump, on the other hand, may use Insurrection Act to counteract this:
Positive Military may, or may not use the Insurrection act, to trigger the Delta Option shortly after the election:
Jesuits want to polarize the surface population to either idolize or hate Trump:
They are using the energy of emotional investment into Trump as a tool to engineer civil war in the USA. Light Forces are therefore asking everybody to remove their either positive or negative emotional investment from Trump and just calmly and rationally observe the situation and try to put as much Light as possible into it.
And send some loving energy to animals:
And connect to beauty:
Or read this book:
November 10, 2020
Many people are worried about the outcome of the US election. Light Forces have communicated that whoever becomes the president, it will not influence the overall plan for the planetary liberation. They have also asked people to release the emotional attachment and emotional investment in the outcome of this election, as generated energy of worry, anger, fear, frustration and uncertainty is gathered by the Archons, amplified and distributed through the planetary energy grid.
Light Forces are also asking everybody to decrease the polarization and to start seeing people as an embodiment of their Soul, regardless of their political orientation.
That said, neither of the presidential candidates is without flaws and both have a certain degree of involvement with the dark forces:
The election process is NOT over, and needs to be completed in accordance with the federal law:
Russia, China, Brazil and many other countries have not recognized Biden as the president-elect, and are waiting for the procedures to be completed legally to recognize the new president, whoever that might be:
There have been serious allegations of voting fraud:
Mainstream media has been ordered not to investigate and report that:
Anyway, legal action is being taken:
Because transparency is needed:
January 6, 2021
Today in Washington D.C., many protesters have managed to enter the Capitol building while the Congress was in session and are in armed standoff with police:
The Light Forces are suggesting everybody to refrain from violence. They are clearing all negative non-physical entities from that area, and are involved in some "other operations". They are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the following meditation immediately after reading this, and then as frequently as guided, until the situation is resolved:
March 31, 2021
"For those who are interested, reliable sources from Trump's innermost team have said that they have indisputable evidence of election fraud, but now is not the time to present it."
August 4, 2021
In the United States there are certain things going on behind the scenes, as you can read in this partially reliable report:
The Resistance has communicate that it is not Trump who will return to the White House at the time of the Event. Rather, a provisional interim government will be formed until new elections can be held as soon as logistically possible after the Event.
August 4, 2024
Dragon Activation" ...Geopolitically, during the July 11th to 22nd period some significant things have happened.
First, Pleiadians used ATVOR technology to move the head of Donald Trump just 0.3 seconds before he was hit by a bullet, effectively saving his life:
September 15, 2024
"...The endgame of Black nobility families is to collapse the Western civilization, because they see themselves at the top of the food chain of neofeudalism:
Positive military forces are fighting against this:
And are putting the meme of arresting the bad guys into them mainstream:
November 17, 2024
"...This interplanetary Jesuit network, together with their allied non-physical Reptilians and Draconians, are giving occult power to the surface Jesuits, which control the surface dark networks through hazing ritual initiations taking place in Jesuit universities. Many people who were studying at Jesuit universities and went through those rituals are now obedient servants of the Jesuits and their agenda:
Now, the positive Andromedans and Aldebarans are starting to clear all remnants of the Jesuit reductions from the Solar system, and this will greatly reduce the power of the surface Jesuits.
The positive Aldebarans and Andromedans have also started the second phase of their infiltration into the surface society. They use cloned humanoid bodies to replace certain people in key positions in the secret police and alphabet agency networks in most regimes around the planet, especially more totalitarian ones. This will counteract the Jesuit invasion of BRICS, where many such regimes are found.
Since China made some huge strategic mistakes during 2024, the Light forces have decide to support the United States to be the country which will create the breakthrough.
Kerry Cassidy is getting some intel from behind the scenes but is not interpreting it correctly:
The Light forces have put their power behind Trump presidency, and many positive occult Templar groups were meditating for fair elections, with Trump being elected effectively creating a positive timeline shift.
Andromedan and Aldebaran infiltration is taking place in the USA also, and they have communicated that they may contact Trump or Musk directly.
Trump is a grey hat, but at the moment he and his future administration is more suitable to work with the Light forces than any of the other main world leaders and their administrations:
December 1, 2024
"During the Portal of Preparedness, the Light forces will begin to reawaken the surface Lightworkers back into their connection with their Star origins after many decades of sleep since the Great forgetting of 1996.
The Light forces will also begin selection and testing process for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that would be involved in surface operations around the time of the Event, some of them being scheduled to be contacted physically around the time of the Event
It is interesting to note that many key dates inside the Portal of Preparedness align well with the inauguration process for Donald Trump:
December 11th: States certify election results
January 6th: Congress certifies the election
January 20th: Inauguration day
It is also interesting to note that disclosure process ramped up right at the final ingress of Pluto into Aquarius:
The Rothschild faction is being thrown under the bus:
People are rising up against the Cabal:
There is a way towards world peace:
- Starting 2016-Present
He is not the savior as some people are expecting him to be.
regarding elections, in a way it is not important who is the President
because the President always, I would say since Eisenhower days, he is just the
puppet of the Cabal. So it doesn’t matter if it’s a Democrat or Republican or who
gets to be elected, because what is important is that those who are behind who
control the game, need to be removed, and that would influence the actions of the
current President, whoever that will be.
in your last update you mentioned how the cabal is trying to use Trump to create
some wars and divisions in the Eastern alliance, is Putin aware of this, of Trump
being used as a puppet ?
C : Putin is of course aware of the situation
U : Ok so he’s trying to stir it to a better direction ?
C : He has his advisers and he knows what to do
I would just add about Trump a few things that need to be clarified.
First, he is just a human being and what is more important is who are behind him.
People who are behind him are both of the light and of the other side and both are
trying to gain influence over him and he is to a big degree susceptible to both
influences. What we see in his presidency is just a reflection of the battle of the
forces that are behind him
This next one is about Donald Trump also. This questioner asks: Donald
Trump’s VISA ban of Muslim countries seem to be punishing more the enemies of Israel
than trying to prevent terrorism. For example; 9-11 was done by Saudi Arabia and
Israeli MOSSAD and he did not ban those two countries because of their terrorism
affiliations! Instead, we are the terrorist to those countries because we have been
bombing them. They have not attacked us! What do you have to say about these Muslim
banned Countries, Cobra?
COBRA – You have just precisely answered this question. This is exactly the
This questioner says: For once I agree with the Pope. Countries should be
building bridges with its neighbors instead of Building walls! Haven’t we learned
anything from the History of Berlin & Gaza walls? A wall does not eradicate the root
of problems. It is not only promoting separation but it is now triggering racism
that was almost eradicated in the US. What do you have to say about this wall
between Mexico and the US that’s proposed, Cobra?
COBRA – OK, again you have answered this question. It is simply repeating the
history in a not very constructive way and here we see one example of how the
negative forces can influence the situation through Trump.
Can you tell us how the Pleiadians view Donald Trump?
COBRA – I can again say, they see him as somebody who is mostly serving his own
interests and that can be easily manipulated and of course if he can be manipulated
in a way that steers the situation and closer to the Jesuit agenda. But again at the
same time he can also be influenced by the positive faction, by the light.
Do you know the REAL reason why Gen. Michael Flynn resigned from his US
National Security Adviser position?
COBRA – I would say there is a very strong in-fighting between various factions
right now. The, I would call that Clinton/Rockefeller faction and the Trump/Jesuit
faction and this in-fighting resulting in many resignations and changes in that
administration and it is not something that is so important as many people think.
Because those people who are really pulling those strings behind the scenes are not
visible. They are not in the media. They are not exposing themselves. They are just
putting certain people as front men to carry out their agenda.
Positive progress will continue but not through Trump and not through, I
would say, surface or political machinations. Positive progress will happen through
transformation of global consciousness when people will become aware of what’s going
on and take some action individually and collectively.
Why is president Trump openly promoting that it is Iran that is the
financier and promoter of Global Terrorism when in fact it is the opposite. Why is
he doing this.
COBRA – He is doing this simply because he is the instrument of the Jesuits that
have fixed their agenda to deepen the split between the US and Iran and the same
situation is behind Trump and the Saudi Arms deal
President Trump also visited Saudi Arabia this past week to sign an arms
deal. Since the US has been bankrupt for several months there is a desperate need
for cash. Saudi Arabia via OPEC has threatened the US with price manipulation
through cashing the dollar. It is said the money will be received but the arms will
not be received. Any comments Cobra.
COBRA – Actually all this this is the old story which goes on and on for a few
decades now maintaining the petro dollar for deals like this. This was happening
for decades. It shows clearly who Trump is working for.
President Trump visited the Pope this past week. In a closed door meeting,
Trump was told the truth, the Rothchilds are not nobility and have no clout or
sovereignty. A promise was made by the Rothchilds that the Pope would be giving
Trump assets. Do you have any additional information on this meeting Cobra.
COBRA – Basically it’s common knowledge that Rothchilds are not true nobility. They
can not prove that. Actually they originated from a merchant family which was part
of the merchant class in the 18th century. It’s one of their, I would say,
inferiority complexes they are trying to hide. This is part of psychological
operations to decrease the power of the Rothchilds.
Are Putin and the top Russian military aware of deeper intel like the prison
status of planet Earth, chimera, the Galactic confederation ?
C : They are aware to a certain degree, again it depends on who are you talking
about in the Russian high military or Putin, Putin is aware of the Pleiadians of
course, so I would say he has much more intel than Trump for example.
Robert Mueller, in an effort to go after Trump for firing FBI Director James
Comey, has been targeted by former white house aide Roger Stone and Judge Andrew
Napolitano, to be fired by Trump, which Trump has every right and authority. Since
this whole FBI thing has been a witch hunt from the get go against Trump, it would
be great to see Mueller go, along with the rest of the swamp creatures that need to
be removed. Do you have any comment on this Cobra?
COBRA – I would say that this whole line of question is coming from somebody who is
polarized on Trump and anti-democrats. I would say that both parties and the whole
situation have been engineered to create exactly that kind of polarization within
the American Society. And I would say none of those parties are the good guys and
the other ones are the bad guys. Not true. Basically you have Cabal infiltration in
both parties and actually the Cabal at the very top, the Jesuits and the other top
members of the Cabal are manipulating both parties and politicians from both parties
to create exactly that kind of division.
Aaron – This is probably along the same lines: Attorney General Jeff Sessions has
been dragging his feet on prosecuting and bringing to justice those that have been
violating the law so blatantly. Any Comments again Cobra?
COBRA – Again, I would say again the same comment
As far as No. Korea goes, there will be no Nuclear exchange on a massive
scale. This will not happen. There will be just the usual tension between Trump and
the Korean leadership because the Cabal needs that tension to create fear to keep
everybody in that state of tension.
Can we expect more disclosure from President Trump or President Putin?
C: I would not expect more disclosure from high level politicians but I would expect
there are more independent sources that will come with new information.
Here is a question about Donald Trump, as there are so many people who have
elevated him to a Saviour type position, should be chose to work for the Cabal
completely or try to be more service-to-self, how can we best support and bring to
balance the very many Lightworkers who will surely be devastated?
C: Basically, there is too much drama around him. I would say do not focus on him
but focus more on the planetary liberation.
Trump posted recently that this is a war with a hidden enemy, and that we will win.
What do you think he’s referring to there? Do you believe he’s aware of an ET or
interdimensional presence?
I think he personally does not believe in that so much. He has not been briefed at
the highest levels. He is aware of what is happening to a certain degree. He has
been used by the Light and by the dark factions, and I would not put so much weight
on his words and actions. He is just one of the players in this in this endgame.
One big debate in the awakened community is whether Trump is working for the
“good” guys or the “bad” guys. Some are convinced he is saving the world and others
feel he is a puppet for the dark agenda. Which is it?
Cobra: He's not saving the world and he's not a dark operative. He is somewhere in
between. He has his own agenda which is to make America great again and to make
Trump great again. He has advisers; some of them are Jesuits-type of people, some of
them are connected more to the Zionist faction. He also has some good advisers who
are connected to the positive military. So sometimes he listens to one side and
sometimes to the other side according to what serves his self-interest the most
many people are confused as to which side they're on, and you've talked about
them in the past, fluctuating between light and dark … I'm talking about Donald
Trump, Elon Musk, and Vladimir Putin specifically. Can you give us an update on the
current status of each of those?
Cobra: Basically the status of all three is they are fluctuating between light and
dark still.
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