Priestess Interview Quotes





Another question basically when we talk about worship of the Goddess.
You mentioned before, we talked about temples; the goddess worship is actually
bringing back the balance feminine and male aspect. Having temples or kind of like
art museums, where people can go and enjoy nature. You’ve described that before. I
wanted to ask you in regards to the ancient Goddesses, you speak about them that
were actually here. These were during time when there were various races on the
planet.In Atlantean times, that various members and different extra terrestrial races
co-mingled with humanity, is that correct.

Cobra – Yes, that is correct. I will just like to explain a certain thing. We are
not speaking about worshipping the goddess in the way religion is trying to portray.
We’re speaking about inner connection with clear and healthy and beautiful feminine aspect of creation. So we are not speaking about the old system of priests and
priestesses and temples and churches. We’re speaking about the inner connection
which can manifest outside as beautiful buildings which can serve as anchor points
in the planetary light grid to anchor that energy.

Rob – Yes. During the times when there were various races of ET, different shapes,
sizes, colors, skin types, genetic pheno types in general, amongst us, there were
some of these beings of a highly spiritual nature and they radiated a tremendous
presence. It was quite common for people to enjoy these beings presence. Would that
be accurate to state. 


And so the idea was basically these were great
spiritual teachers. They did not seek personality worship, however by the virtue of
their awareness and knowledge they radiated a calm and peace and seem to help others
on the inner planes establish a more direct connection to source, would you agree
with that.


I think that possibly the priesthoods in the Archon networks used
this historical relationship from ETs to earth peoples and took some of these
historical beings records and manipulated them to be perceived of as demanding
personal worship. This was not good and these priesthoods manipulated opinions
placed themselves as the new interpreters of God word by declaring themselves as
intermediaries. Right?

Cobra – Yes, that is correct.





 U : And many ancient Goddess statues found on Malta were found without heads, were
they originally like this ?

C : No, well actually some of them yes. Some of them were made without heads, and
heads were then added later, regarding the purpose of rituals. So for example, if in
one ritual, the statue represented the high priestess, a certain head was put on, if
in another ritual, that statue represented the sky Goddess, another head was put on.
But there were also some other statues which were made completely with heads, and
later when christianity came, they purposely broke the heads off to desecrate the
symbol. And usually many Goddess statues from Roman times, they are without heads
because in the 4th century, there was an archon invasion when those christian
priests broke most of the heads of the statues.




 Can you give us the history of
the Tower of Babel in the Bible?

COBRA – It is actually a very old legend which describes certain events that were
taking place in Atlantis with the fall of Atlantis, the losing of Atlantis, the
fragmentation of Atlantis because people went from Atlantis in legendary 12
directions to preserve the knowledge and each of the 12 high priestess went in 12
directions and generated their own offspring that, of course, then changed their
language from the original Atlantean.




 U : Is there a core of a few priest and priestesses in Agartha ?

C : Yes there are actually certain groups that you could describe in this way.

U : Are they ascended beings ?

C : No they are not ascended but they are highly spiritually evolved and they are,
in a way they are very pure and very advanced.


U : What is their role in the liberation process ?

C : They are anchoring the energies of galactic nature that are very much needed,
and actually with those energies they are keeping the balance on the planet, so the
planet doesn’t get destroyed by negative forces. And they have been doing that for
the last 25000 years.


U : So they anchor it from below into the Earth grid

C : They anchor it from below into the Earth grid and also beyond the scope of this


U : Are they in a specific location or are they spread out around the planet ?

C : They are in certain specific locations which are strategically most effective
for what they are doing.




 P : Did Marie Antoinette really live a very lavish lifestyle or stories about her
private life were actually cabal’s smear campaign against her as a goddess

C : She did have a lavish lifestyle but there is nothing wrong with that, and yes it
was used as a smear campaign by the dark.





How do priest and priestess in Atlantean Age use silver?

 Cobra -they were creating many very powerful objects made of silver. They were using big constructions of silver as portals to other dimensions




  Why do some
people naturally express and exude more Goddess energy than others? Have they been
Goddesses in previous lifetimes?

Cobra: Some people have been priestesses and priests of the Goddess in past
lifetimes, and of course it's much easier and more natural for them to connect to
the Goddess energy.

Debra: Okay. Can people who are not incarnated Goddesses also exude this energy? 

Cobra: Basically, there are no incarnated Goddesses on the surface of the planet
right now, but people who are in connection with the Goddess energy are many. And
they of course exude that energy to a certain degree.





 It leads us to the question about priestesses because
the Sisterhood is obviously a feminine name and the Count Saint Germain being a man.
We wonder the link, the connection, with the priestesses and why have they activated
the planetary kundalini specifically in Notre Dame between November 8th and 11th,
2018 ?

Cobra : Yes, St. Germain is a man and he was incarnated in a male body because it
was easier for him to do the work. He had more liberty of movement, more liberty of
action. But I would say many of [the] people that he initiated were women. Some of
the leaders of Masonic Lodges that he was involved with were women and many people
in his inner circle, his inner mystery school, were also women. And now as there is
this impulse to reactivate Paris vortex, the Resistance Movement priestesses have
come to the surface in Paris near Notre Dame in 2018 and activated the vortex,
started vortex reactivation again, in between November 8th and 11th, 2018.


  And that was to implement more Light in that place, or did it have to do
with the timeline ?

Cobra : It had many purposes. One of them was a reactivation of the Paris Goddess
Vortex. The second one was reactivation of the planetary kundalini, so that this
situation with the French Revolution could heal as you probably know, yellow vest
movement started a few weeks, one or two weeks after November 8th, 2018. And it was
a direct response to this kundalini impulse. So people are again beginning to fight
for their freedom and this time the Light Forces are trying to do whatever they can
to direct this liberation fight in a way that will not be misused.



  So the third part of this point on history would be
about the Renaissance and the Dragon families. We’re very curious about this, the
White Nobility in particular. And you said that the Dragon society initiated the
Renaissance in the 16th century and that the year 1504 had been important, we can
see in the Trianon in Versailles, certain Asian influence in the decoration. And for
example an Asian cabinet. There’s a rumor that at the time of the priestess Marie
Antoinette, there was a Chinese pavilion. So were the Dragons in contact with some
families of White Nobility in the following, in the next centuries? And can we feel
in Europe a new connection with them and the Goddess Dou Mou ?

Cobra : Okay. yeah, this is quite a complex subject. Dragon families initiated
Renaissance already in the 15th century. There were some voyages from China with
ships. Certain Chinese emissaries came into Florence especially brought documents,
brought knowledge, brought understanding. And this was actually the force behind the
impulse of the Renaissance in the 15th and 16th centuries in Italy. And after that I
would say, especially in the 17th and early 18th centuries, Jesuits traveled to
China and exerted a lot of influence on the Chinese court. And also brought many of
the ideas from China to Europe. But this has also triggered the positive response
because some of the ideas from China took place and were growing especially in Paris
in the 18th century, there was a strong movement and strong fascination with the
Chinese culture. And Marie Antoinette was very fond of Chinese porcelain. And also
before her Madame the Pompadour was very fond of Chinese porcelain. And there were
many Asian cabinets in the courts of Europe in the 18th century. And there were also
occult Lodges that were connected with Dragon families, for example, the Asiatic
brothers, which were active in Germany in the late 18th century. They had some
connection with the Dragon families. Goddess Dou Mou was not the main influence at
that time in Europe, but there was a lot of influence from the Blue Dragons,
especially, and Saint Germain had a connection with China, a strong connection with
China already at that time. And he was well aware of the Taoist teachings and the
teachings of the Blue Dragon family.

( Asian dragon families and Dou Mou Goddess : )

Katherine : Hmm. Okay. Thank you very much. So the priestesses, there were just to
be clear, there were influenced by the Chinese culture and they had porcelain, but
they also had some, perhaps some mysteries to exert themselves.

Cobra : There was a limited amount of mysteries present, especially through Saint
Germain. He was talking a bit about this to certain people who were ready for it.
And there was, as I said before, certain Lodge called the Asiatic brothers in
Germany that had some contact with Blue Dragon teachings. So those teachings were
present, but were not widely known. There were only very limited circles of highly
advanced initiates.

Katherine : Okay, great. You also mentioned the link between the vortex of Taiwan
and the one of Paris. Can you please tell us a bit more about it?

Cobra : Yes, it is actually a strong, energetic connection, which was already
established in the 18th century, as I said before between the courts of Europe and the Dragon family in Taiwan. The Dragon family in Taiwan was very active since the
Ming dynasty in the 17th century and had to go undercover partially in the 18th
century, but was still very active and send some emissaries to Paris and some of the
German courts in the 18th century and was connected to Saint Germain also to a
certain degree




 How will the temples and priestesses of the Rose be
reactivated? Is there a specific plan for this aspect of the new golden age?

Cobra : There is a very specific one about this and those temples will be
reactivated, especially after the Event, when the funds will be released at certain
locations where there are vortex points will be chosen for temples to be built. And
priestesses of the Rose will receive teachings directly from the Light Forces and
training and understanding of how to anchor Goddess energies more. And all this will
be very active in the initial phase after the Event.

Katherine : Okay, good. Since the activation by some priestesses and Notre Dame for
the return of sexual energy in women, can we see an effect globally?

Cobra : I would say there was an initial impulse, which was very strong and it was
felt throughout the later part of 2018 and the first half of 2019, but then the dark
forces made a counter offensive and suppressed the Kundalini very strongly back
again. And also all the unresolved issues that women had, which were not processed
and healed took over. So this project was absolutely not successful




 Is there currently a High Priestess?




 What if someone is interested in learning about the mysteries of Isis, is there a way to become a student?

Cobra: People are learning in their own way. There is no Goddess mystery school
present on the surface of the planet yet. The situation is not yet ready, but there
are fragments of true mysteries here and there. I had a few workshops that were
quite powerful three years ago when I had revealed a great deal of this and there
are probably notes floating somewhere over the internet. And you can get those and
learn from there, but this is not the whole story. There is much more to it



 A couple of questions about the
Myrrhophores priestesses in your recent update. These goddesses were practicing in
the ancient temples of Egypt, bringing myrrh to those who are approaching death.
Does such a return of these priestesses mean that they will come to the surface as a
trained spiritual group? And will members of the Sisterhood be initiated as these

Cobra: It doesn't mean a return of the priestesses from below the surface, not yet.
But fragments of this knowledge are coming back to the surface population again. And
it's not just about the myrrh and those who are approaching death. It’s a whole
science, a whole teaching of how to use sacred oils for different purposes to raise
the vibration, to activate certain chakras, to activate certain higher facilities.
It's a lot more to this, and this is slowly being revealed to the surface




Debra: Well, I was just about to ask you what other oils are powerful and useful to
know about? And we're wondering if these oils penetrate layers of our dimension,
such as the plasma or etheric layer?

Cobra: Yes, they can.

Debra: Are there other oils that you can share right now?

Cobra: There are a few, quite a few that are quite important. One of them is of
course the rose oil, the sandalwood oil, and many others. Most of them were used in ancient temples in Egypt, in Greece, in India, in ancient cultures, they knew about
them. And they're waiting to be rediscovered





  What direction do you see for Sisterhood of the Rose groups in 2022? Do you
have a message for them?

Cobra: Yes, it will be good for all those groups that are still existing to reunite
in power, meet more, because some of them are in various stages of decomposition.
It's time for them to reunite again, to renew connections again. A different dynamic
has, and all those lockdowns have, reduced the number of physical meetings. Perhaps
you can reinstate the physical meetings again, which is quite important to hold the
energy. You can study all those new teachings about the Myrrhophore priestesses. You
can connect with Goddess Isis, especially because her energy is coming back big time
in the year 2022.





  if Lightworkers manage to build a Goddess temple on
the surface of the planet, can you provide a training program and help those who
feel guided to become Goddess Priests and Goddess Priestesses?

Cobra: Most likely no.

Jedi: Okay. next, a Japanese Lightworker recently built a Goddess temple in Gunma
Prefecture. This temple is open to the general public. It also has an outdoor carpet
of Rose Labyrinth for people to experience one of the healing experiences of Goddess
priestesses. Can you explain the purpose of Rose Labyrinth and how we can use it

Cobra: You can do that by walking through the Labyrinth, and that walk through the
Labyrinth symbolizes your inner journey. And while walking through the Labyrinth and
coming to the center, you can come to the purpose of your journey. So that can be a
spiritual experience that can clarify your connection with your higher self and
clarify your path in Light.




Debra: Back in 2018, you wrote, “Sacred Union is merging of spiritual, mental,
emotional, etheric, plasma and physical bodies of soulmates and twin souls. Such
merger creates a moment of no time when the veil is pierced, and this moment if
expanded is the key to physical immortality and/or Ascension.” And then you also
wrote, “As we approach the moment of Compression Breakthrough, some of the most
awakened priestesses will start using the energy of the Sacred Union to heal others
and to channel Goddess energies into the planetary light grid.” Is this something
that has begun, and does this take place only between soulmates or twin souls? Is
the moment of Breakthrough connected to the energies of Sacred Union? Can you
elaborate more on this, please?

Cobra: I would say that some beings were able to create those moments of Sacred
Union that have created cracks in the veil, but it was much, much less than the
Light Forces expected. So at some point in the future when there is enough light
present, this will expand, but we were not there yet.


Debra: Okay, thank you. What's the difference between ancient temple prostitutes and
modern professional prostitutes?

Cobra: Actually, ancient temple prostitutes were not prostitutes in the modern sense
of the word. They were women which were initiated into the Goddess mysteries and
were channeling sexual energy for healing. We all know what modern professional
prostitutes are; it's far from how it was hundreds and thousands of years ago. This
energy has degenerated quite much, especially in the last few hundred years.




 You currently indicated that there's not a high priestess on the planet. Will
this happen before the Event, after the Event? At any point will this Earth, as we
know it now, have a high priestess again?

Cobra: This is classified information.

Debra: Okay. What about a high priest?

Cobra: This is also classified.




 In the past, you've talked about female members of the
Pleiadian fleet and the Resistance Movement that are positioned on an asteroid in
the outer Solar System, and they're there to relay Goddess energy from the Galactic
Central Sun towards the Earth to assist in harmonizing humanity. Have these female
Lightworkers received reinforcements at all from the Galactic Federation of Light or
other star systems and have they expanded their bases of operations? Will they
create energetic connections with Sisterhood of the Rose groups on the surface of
the planet during the Event, when things will get volatile and Sisterhood of the
Rose groups are expected to meditate, to help calm things?

Cobra: Okay, there was a lot of improvement about those members of the Pleiadian
fleet and Resistance Movement. Those priestesses have received a lot of support and
their network is much stronger throughout the Solar System and below the surface of
the planet. And they will contact Sisterhood of the Rose groups after the Event,
then give certain instructions.

Debra: Thank you. Do you have suggestions to give Sisterhood the Rose an energy boost? In our current timeline, we've noticed a decrease in groups and
participation, and it's more important than ever now to build the Goddess energy.

Cobra: I would say that enough subquantum anomaly needs to be removed so that a new
positive energy wave of Goddess energy comes from the Galactic Center to the planet.
And this will be a new inspiration to create more groups.


Debra: Okay, so kind of keep going, and as you said, possibly even in a few months,
things might improve. Will there be any new invocations or meditations for the
Sisterhood of the Rose groups that may help manifest the Event in the most peaceful
and harmonious way? Or maybe even to help emotional wounding?

Cobra: That's possible at a later stage.






