Darkness Cleared Over The Years

A small list of some of the completed operations of the Light Forces.

This is just to get an idea & be informed of:

-whats no longer relevant to the planetary liberation.

-why things have been taking so long.

-how the cabal has been protected.

-why are changes happening now(b/c all the following had to go first and has)

The Success of the Light!


  • April 4th, 2012, in the exact moment when Mercury turned direct, a divine flash emanated directly from the Source and descended into the physical matter of planet Earth. This has healed a significant part of quantum anomaly that had this planet in its grip since early Atlantean times. Quantum fluctuation field is now less chaotic and more harmonious.
  • A new flash of energy has been sent directly from the Source towards the surface of planet Earth on Friday, April 13th. The purpose of this energy beam was to unstuck old energy and to ensure forward motion towards the completion of planetary liberation process. Quantum foam signature of the gluon particle-wave became more harmonious. Put it simple, there will be more light streaming towards planet Earth. 
  • Clearing layers of negative etheric and astral beings
  • Their leader(Satan) was arrested in Rome on May 5th, removed from this planet and taken to the Galactic Central Sun immediately. He was the one that many members of the Cabal were worshipping in their distorted rituals, so now they are worshipping something that does not exist any longer.
  •  In 2012, the Light Forces have cleared all those secrets space programs(not directly connected to the chimera), along  with all deep underground military bases such as Dulce, Area 51 and Pine Gap. Most of the top brass in these space programs was taken to the Galactic Central Sun as they have committed grave crimes and were unwilling to accept the Light. Most of the supersoldiers participating in these programs were good people that genuinely believed they are defending the Earth against the alien threat.


  • Light forces were finally able to put a virus into the etheric mainframe computer of the etheric Archon grid.
  • the basic Matrix structure of the etheric Archon grid in all layers between 110 feet and 8.6 miles above and below the surface profile of the planet has collapsed, much Light has arrived in those layers
  • The Resistance has been using its technology to clear the vast majority of environmental pollution in the layer between 0 and 30 meters below the surface that was put there by the activity of mankind. The Resistance has also removed most of remnants of past warfare such as weapons, skeletons and bones that have accumulated in that layer through millenia of violent activity of humanity and were an anchor for negative energy for a very long time.
  • historical move of the Positive Military on July 3rd was a big victory of the Light(Egypt/Muslim brotherhood cleared)


  • the Chimera have been removed from the European location.
  •  Yes, there is still primary anomaly on the physical, etheric, astral and mental plane around the planet earth, inside the structure of the veil. The primary anomaly is actually a distortion of matter, which was created out of chaos. It’s a chaotic wave function on the quantum level which is actually the source of darkness. This anomaly is being purified and cleared now by the Galactic Confederation fleet, which is entering the solar system and actually dealing with this right now. It will take some time but yes, this is being dealt with right now.
  • One of the purposes of the chem-trail program is to create a medium in the air that can conduct plasma scalar waves more effectively to maintain the veil. As of now, there was a certain operation of the light forces, which has effectively removed a great part of this. It did not affect the chem-trails themselves, but it did affect the plasma waves and many of the plasma generators have been removed. 
  • one problem is of entity possession because many people on this planet, especially those who have potential for the light, have been greatly attacked in the past by entities and those entities were put into place and maintained in their place by the scalar plasma network. Now that this network is being slowly removed, those entities are becoming quite active and are disturbing peoples lives. People that were calm before are starting to freak out suddenly and this is because these entities are being triggered right now.
  • Most of this(nano tech) has been removed and it is not a big threat, a big issue any more.( there was certain technology that removed this actually. There were nano particles in the air traveling around and doing nasty stuff in human bodies and human consciousness. ). They have not been completely removed.
  • The plasma generators are on the physical and they were removed on the physical.
  • Many Archons have been taken off planet and removed. Not so many of them were arrested most of them were just removed off of the planet.
  • Basically those HAARP sites are ionosphere heaters. They heat the ionosphere so it creates a scalar network around the world. This has mostly been removed. 
  • there has been quite dramatic progress in clearing the astral parasites. 




  •  ALL physical strangelet and toplet bombs of the Chimera group have been cleared.
  •   vast majority of Chimera bases and implant stations, including implant stations on Iapetus, Enceladus and Mimas, have now been removed. All hostages from those colonies have been set free.
  •  The main negative plasma meridian in our Solar System (the Saturn-Earth tunnel of Set) has been disintegrated.
  • Recent removal of Chimera implant stations at L4 and L5 Lagrange points of the Earth / Moon systems is a big victory
  • Most of the plasma generators and plasma strangelet bombs on man-made satellites have been disabled, including those on the thirteen NROL-39 »octopus« satellites:
  •  The majority of sublunar operations have been completed, the focus is now clearing the Chimera group and their plasma exotic technologies from the surface of the planet. 
  • The Chimera still has a very small number of key Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans and representatives of other Light star races held as hostages deep inside their strongholds at implant stations throughout the Solar System. This hostage mechanism is a very effective tool to hold back the aforementioned star races in their progress towards the liberation of this planet.Many of those hostages have been liberated during the operations of the Light forces in the last few weeks
  • it was originally a project of the chimera group to create a form of transmission for some of their technologies, to maintain their exotic weapons, like the different exotic bombs they have. Certain parts of this have been cleared already but not completely. But there is a lot of disinformation about CERN so you need to be careful about what you read on internet about it. Not all of it is true. 
  • anomaly of the plasma plane and I would say they are a quantum singularities which contain darkness and this is being cleared right now
  • haarp base in Holt, Australia was used by the chimera group in the past, that aspect of the base has been cleared but it’s still one of the most important stronghold of the negative military on this planet.



  •  network of physical Chimera bases in the outer Solar System, has been almost completely removed
  • The vast majority of plasma strangelet bombs have been removed and now the Light forces are focusing on removal of plasma toplet bombs, successfully using the same approach.
  • Light forces have begun to dismantle the so-called Chimera barrier. Chimera barrier location coincides with the termination shock of the heliosphere in the outer edge of our Solar System
  • Light forces are quite successful in severing the tentacles of the Yaldabaoth entity from its main body that is attached to Earth.
  • Pleiadians have achieved some further small victories in removing plasma scalar weapons from low Earth orbit satellites.


  • managed to clear most of the plasma anomaly from the Solar System and beyond
  • The vast majority of this Solar system beyond Earth—Moon orbit is now in the hands of the Light forces and their fleet.
  •  cleared most negative plasma from the Solar System and the Resistance has communicated that „they can not detect any plasma anomaly beyond the Moon orbit“. Also, all plasma toplet bombs beyond the Moon orbit have been removed.It means that the „tentacles“ of the Yaldabaoth entity are gone forever and now only the „head“ remains.
  • The rift in the auric energy field above Congo has been sealed. This has triggered a positive chain reaction in the energy grid around the planet, causing the etheric and plasma Archons to start losing control fast, liberating all other important energy vortexes around the planet. This will finally bring world peace because all wars have their occult reason in negative etheric and plasma entities engineering war and possessing war leaders:
  • David Rockefeller, the head of the Rockefeller faction of the Cabal, had a heart failure and left the planet.
  •  For the first time in 26,000 years, the Chimera group is lately starting to show signs of worry about the stability of the quarantine status for planet Earth.
  • More than half of the remaining plasma anomaly of the Yaldabaoth entity was transmuted, and the East Coast plasma anomaly vortex is virtually gone. 
  • The Black Stone has been dissolved
  •  Anomaly associated with the Black Stone is removed.
  • A large segment of the Chimera group has been removed from the planet in the last week and the remaining members are beginning to realize that their defeat is possible.
  • In a massive operation in late November, about 80% of the infrastructure and personnel of the dark forces has been removed from Antarctica.
  • Underground cloning facility under Long Island has been cleared out.



  • cleared all plasma toplet bombs and almost all anomalous plasma in the sublunar space
  •   Medium Earth Orbit is almost empty is because the region of altitude between 1000 miles (1600 km) and 8000 miles (12750 km) is the region where the innermost ring of Chimera-controlled Draco fleet was guarding quarantine Earth since its arrival in 1996.This Draco fleet defense ring was penetrated on January 27th late in the evening by Galactic Confederation fleet and most of Draco forces eliminated in the following days
  •  As a result of our meditation, most anomalous plasma and plasma toplet bombs in the Near Earth orbit have been cleared
  •  The head of the Yaldabaoth entity is almost completely disintegrated, with lesser plasmoid entities in rapid disintegration also.
  •  spy satellites now send images and data that the Light Forces want them to be sent. Light Forces have communicated that "sometimes the telecommunications and sigint equipment will not obey known laws of physics". This also practically means that one aspect of quarantine Earth control mechanism has been taken down.
  • Another aspect of Operation Keyhole is an upgrade of the computer virus in the mainframe computer system of JP Morgan that can effectively trigger a global stock market crash and related financial Reset.
  •  Galactic Light Forces have removed last remnants of the quantum signature of a huge quantum fluctuation Dyson sphere, 4 light years in diameter, that was encircling our Solar System and was hindering the Ascension process of our Solar System.


  •  Arrest of Jeffrey Epstein is the first big, real and tangible victory of the Light forces against the dark network on the surface of the planet. It signifies the trigger point through which the extent of child abuse will be revealed to the surface population
  • The Light forces are now starting to remove child abuse networks with full force
  • the Light Forces were clearing one very dangerous layer of plasma anomaly with toplet bombs.  (The Light Forces have communicated that for the first time since 1996 Archon invasion, Ascension archangels are again present in our Solar System.)
  • Sources connected to the Cosmic Central Race have communicated that the feeling of deep despair that pervades the surface of the planet is actually an AI distress signal, emitted by the Cabal, because after our meditation on January 21st their mathematical future forecast models are predicting their defeat with 100% certainty. Therefore they are generating an SOS call to all remaining darkness of the Universe to come and help them against the inevitable defeat. As no dark reinforcements are arriving to planet Earth from beyond our Solar System, the feeling of utter dread and panic has begun to propagate from top Cabal handlers such as Chimera and Black Nobility families down to Cabal middlemen and minions as they being to realize that their plans are not coming to fruition.
  • The plasmatic Chimera spiders are being taken from the Tunnels of Set (dark plasma filaments) into the Galactic Central Sun right now.
  • The Chimera has realized that they have lost the Solar system and are now concentrated on defending planet Earth and sublunar space as their last fortress.
  • remove Reptilians from their still existing pockets in Near East...are almost 1 million Reptilians still existing, mostly in Subsaharan Africa and in jungles of Brazil.



  • As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, all plasma toplet bomb layers, except the last one, were removed.
  • All Chimera that were living in physical spider bodes in underground bases have been successfully removed.
  • Having so many people quarantined has enabled the Light Forces to completely clear all plasma Chimera spiders and all other Chimera entities from the non-physical planes. Now the Light Forces are removing all remaining plasma Archon, Draco, Reptilian and other entities with full speed
  • The Resistance was able to destroy all biochips which were meant to be put into the new vaccine which is being developed against the coronavirus. Therefore the new vaccine can NOT contain any biochips, although it can still contain chemicals dangerous for your health.
  • As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, all significant plasma anomaly and all plasma toplet bombs have been removed.
  •   arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell
  • All Draco presence beyond Lunar orbit has been cleared completely and all space beyond Lunar orbit is now declared liberated space.
  •  Etheric Chimera spiders just within Lunar orbit have been cleared
  •  The Solar System beyond Lunar orbit is already entering the Age of Aquarius as last vestiges of primary anomaly are being removed from there.
  •   vast majority of the Draco ships and also the majority of negative Secret Space Programs ships have been cleared already
  • The Resistance is clearing the underground bases with full force, with Neu Berlin and most other Antarctic underground bases already liberated.
  •  managed to clear the majority of Chimera forces from sublunar space and now most of the Chimera fleet is gathered in Low Earth Orbit.
  • Chimera fleet is using the so called quantum black goo as their defense weapon against the progress of the Light Forces. Quantum black goo is simply compressed form of quantum primary anomaly that has been exposed to extreme entropy and is now being released by the Chimera in Low Earth Orbit and is being very effectively cleared by the Light Forces.
  • managed to erase the Draco fleet and the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC).
  •   already managed to remove the spider queen, who was responsible for destruction of Goddess temples in Atlantis and destruction of the Goddess mysteries in the first and second Archon invasion. She was the force behind the Inquisition and more recently the force behind global child abuse networks, using Mothers of Darkness to do the dirty work
  •  In the first days of December, the Light Forces have managed to clear all Chimera fleet from Near Earth Orbit
  • managed to remove over 50% of all Chimera underground bases, among them almost all of the ultra deep Chimera underground bases
  •   over 50% of the physical Chimera spiders are already gone. 
  • The Light Forces have also removed the spider king who was the main occult force behind countless wars throughout human history.



  •  Resistance has managed to clear the vast majority of Chimera underground bases and made a significant blitzkrieg breakthrough there on February 10th and now holds the upper hand in planetary subterranean domain.
  • Light Forces have also managed to clear practically all negative quantum superposition exotic weapons and technologies of the Chimera, and have dissolved the so-called Schwab quantum matrix etheric scalar technology which was the main energy field behind the Great Reset.
  • Quantum fluctuations directly related to human implants and biochips are clearing better than expected. Spacetime distortion created by the implants and biochips is thus being reduced fast and drastically. This has resulted in a significant decrease of human emotional volatility in the last few weeks. 
  •  most of the akashic records have been cleared. This does not mean that the recordings of past events have been deleted, the Light forces are only removing all negative energetic and emotional charge of those past events, and it will be thus easier for people to release and forgive. 
  •  Light forces have managed to clear practically all Chimera space fleet and most Chimera underground bases.
  • managed to clear all Chimera space fleet, except for a small number of TR-3B and other reverse-engineered craft, operable in suborbital space by the negative military under direct or indirect orders from the Chimera.
  • completely clear all underground bases of the Chimera breakaway civilization, including the Congo complex.
  •  Donald Rumsfeld has been captured by the Light forces on the etheric plane and taken to the Galactic Central Sun for reprocessing. He is no more. This leaves only two members (Kissinger and Cheney) of the Unholy Four still alive
  • (The other pair)-Physical spider king and queen, along with most lesser physical Chimera spiders have been removed also.



  •  On the quantum level, the Light Forces have managed to clear all black wormholes that the dark forces were using for secure quantum communication, and as a consequence, secure and unhackable communication network of the dark forces has fallen apart. Top Chimera leaders now have to use encrypted communication that can easily be hacked by the Resistance.
  •  All Black Stones and all Chimera spiders on the surface of the planet, including those in the Urim base, have been removed.
  • already managed to clear the majority of primary anomaly on the astral plane.
  • huge victories against the Chimera fleet
  • The Light Forces have managed to infiltrate the Chimera chain of command undetected, and are now corroding the Chimera structure from within
  • cleared all underground pits with Chimera presence except the main Chimera pit under the Urim military base in Israel
  • all pits except one has been cleared, and Orion faction of the Chimera group is mostly gone, except for small disorganized clusters on the astral and mental plane, which will be cleared in the coming weeks.Andromedan Pit remains


  •  have evaporated all physical and non-physical black holes around the surface of the planet, including all black holes in the auric fields and all black holes inside implants of the surface population. This has collapsed all Tunnels of Set and the dark grid around the planet is no longer an inverted grid, but only a distorted grid. Without black holes, Kabbalistic black magic is much less effective, since qliphoth no longer exist
  • destroyed all remaining toplet bombs. This is a huge victory, since topet bombs represented major danger to the planet and a huge barrier against the planetary liberation.
  • completely clear the higher mental(casual) plane from all dark entitites, and they have broken the control the dark forces had over the lower mental and the astral plane. Almost all Invisibles have been removed
  •   implants on the mental and astral planes have mainly decomposed, only the etheric implants and physical biochips remaining.
  •   able to destroy the Chimera / Lords of Karma dark network on the etheric plane with all their technologies, with most of the etheirc Chimera / Lords of Karma entities captured and taken to the Galactic Central sun, and a very few of the Chimera escaping to the physical plane into cloned bodies through the DARPA pit.
  • The Light forces have scored a huge victory recently. The last pit under DARPA has been cleared, and all Chimera individuals from that pit and from the surface of the planet have been removed. Thus Chimera has been completely defeated, and is no more.
  • With the removal of the Chimera, cosmic evolution into the Light is not in danger anymore, and positive timeline has been absolutely stabilized. This means that final victory of the Light and the liberation of this planet is absolutely secured, as there are no timelines with negative outcome remaining.
  • With the removal of the last pit and its mainframe computer, the biochips can not send audio and video signals anywhere anymore, and the main control network has collapsed. Biochips are now only dark electromagnetic portals with their power diminishing fast, and they will be removed very soon.
  • physical biochips have been cleared and all that is left in those locations in the body is a dead, inactive circuitry of the biochip.
  • Saint Germain has given command to the Light Forces to immediately start taking action, and on October 5th the Resistance has cleared the vast majority of child abuse locations in the cellars under Black nobility castles, rescuing many children.(100,000)
  • Resistance members were able to partially disable some scalar and intelligence systems at Urim military base..Surface operations of the Resistance to disarm scalar and directed energy weapons, which are harassing far too many Lightworkers, will continue...The Resistance is getting much more directly involved in surface operations, top priority being the removal of scalar and directed energy weapons, among other things..Their focus on removal of scalar and directed energy weapons is already bringing results, and many Lightworkers are reporting much less attacks than in the past.
  •  A certain Draco entity that was known on this planet as Henry Kissinger was already taken to the Galactic Central Sun for processing
  • all Lurkers that were created in subsequent cosmic cycles after the first one have already been removed, with only the primary one remaining.

  •  Now a certain amount of anomaly has been removed from the surface of the planet, and activation of divine masculine energies can finally begin. This will be greatly supported by incoming Aldebaran space teams.



  •   In December 2023, the dark Atlantean network managed to open dark portals between this Solar system and other Universes, similar to what happened in 1996, but to a much lesser degree. They did that by detonating physical and etheric nuclear bombs in the Kuiper belt.These dark portals allowed the influx of many Reptilian entities from other Universes into the Solar system, which were then immediately cleared as soon as they entered the Solar system itself:The dark portals which allowed entry of Reptilian entities were completely closed by the Light forces on April 3rd, and from then on, entry of any dark entities into the Solar system from anywhere is simply not possible anymore. The only dark portals still active between our Solar system and other Universes allow a certain degree of inflow of subquantum anomaly into the Solar system. These portals will be closed down soon also.
  •  Also, enough anomaly has been removed to initialize the final process of alignment of this Solar system with the Galactic sea of Love.
  • All negative entities have been removed from other Universes, and only a very small amount of subquantum anomaly is present there.
  • the negative Agartha network and dark Tibetan network ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
  • "Here I have to add that certain de-escalation agreements between the Light and the dark forces are collapsing, and certain members of the dark side may not be safe anymore."-matrix-and-luminous-plasma
  • The Source (the Absolute) is continuing to sublimate the Lurker, and during the course of 2024 the Lurker lost more than 50% of its power.
  •  The Light forces have also cleared most of dark matter plasmoid beings that have invaded the Solar system in 1996 and were until now hindering the progress of the Light. These beings are made of axion dark matter plasmas on physical / etheric and astral planes, are neutral by themselves but become rabid when the Lurker subquantumly entangles with them...With the big breakthrough on December 21th, the Light forces were able to clear the vast majority of dark matter plasmoid beings in the interplanetary space that is gravitationally coupled with the Sun. This now allows a huge intake of Light into the interplanetary space, which now finally became a Galactic confederation domain.
  •  All Secret space program entities were either removed from the Solar system or were forced to escape closer to Earth. Secret space program entities are not allowed by the Light forces to travel beyond L2 Lagrange point. The only Earth-based space vehicles allowed beyond L2 from now on are space probes of the public space programs.



  • The Light Forces have just finished clearing a network of huge reservoirs of black goo (Chimera spider etheric poison) which were stored in containers at human sacrifice sites under churches, synagogues, temples and catacombs for many hundreds of years, sometimes millennia.These containers were the main source of power for dark magi of Black Nobility of Europe, death cult of Baal in Israel, and dark Tibetan network in China. Many souls trapped in these reservoirs are now freed, and the black goo successfully cleared. This will diminish the power of the Dark forces significantly. As all of this was subquantumly entangled by the Lurker.
  • the Lurker is at least 70% cleared.






