Jesuit faction. This faction was very powerful until early 1800s when the Rothschild faction took over. About 10% of Jesuits belong to this faction, among with some cardinals, black pope (Adolfo Nicolas), white pope (Joseph Ratzinger) and black nobility families of Italy. This group was created in the year 325 at the Council of Nicea where Constantine created Christian Cult in order to destroy gnostic mysteries (Gnostic Christianity included). It continued to thrive as Holy Inquisition and still heavily infiltrates many Catholic organizations. Its main sphere of influence is South America and Africa. Their main motivation was spiritual control and oppression of humanity. Now their main motive is simply to stay alive. After the Event, there will be a great purification of all mainstream religions as they will be aligned with the truth.
Ebola virus was engineered in laboratories in Africa and when it did not spread as the Cabal has hoped, due to intervention of the Light forces, they have hyped up a media campaign to instill fear of Ebola, especially in the US.
We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this meditation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide and will actually reverse the negative effects of the 1996 invasion.
They(cabal) have also created the global warming scam to cover up the truth of the coming polar shift.
... Light Forces have completed the construction of an underground base below northern Taiwan, which can accept 3 billion people. A similar, but smaller base is being built in a certain location in Central Europe, and another one at a certain location in South America, with another one planned for Africa. These bases may be used as evacuation options.
The Chimera underground complex which extends below the central part of eastern Congo and below most of Rwanda and Burundi has not been liberated yet, and hostages captured there and in other bases still need our assistance with meditation:
This underground war precipitates to the surface as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions:
Together with my team I have decided to prepare one batch of Cintamani stones only for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors who do not have money to buy one (everybody else who has money can of course still buy them on http://www.cintamani.space/Cintamani.html). They will receive the stone for free, they will only need to pay actual shipping costs. These free stones are only meant for personal use, not for burying. If you are from Asia or Australia and would like to receive your stone, please contact sharelightlove.777@gmail.com . People from North and South America can contact Per_Neter_Kemet@outlook.com, and people from Europe and Africa can contact info@tachyonhungary.com . Stones will begin to be shipped in a few weeks.
In clearing the surface, the Light Forces have encountered two ancient Illuminati networks, controlled by Black nobility and primarily made of Draco and Reptilian entities in human bodies. These two networks are anchors for the huge part of the primary anomaly still extending throughout the Solar system until the heliopause:
The first of those networks is located in India and it firmly established control upon Indian subcontinent after the Draco defeated Aldebarans in a nuclear war in the area of current Rajasthan about 5000 years ago. Since then, Indian Illuminati network has controlled India through dark priesthood network, and it is still the deep force of control behind Indian politics, emanating from certain Indian Black nobility families.
This network is already being cleared, with Resistance Movement and Agarthan and other special forces emerging to the surface from Patala:
The second network exists in subsaharan Africa and is even older, originating in Atlantis. Main anchor of this network in near lake Kivu. Clearing of this network will start after the Indian network is almost completely defeated.
All this will be happening behind the scenes and there will be no apparent progress until Pluto enters Aquarius on January 21st. After that, things will become more interesting again.
Now it is time to release more intel about current developments behind the scenes.
After the Source began to clear the subquantum anomaly directly in early December, the Dark forces totally freaked out because they felt cornered and trapped.
Some members of the Indian Illuminati network have activated ancient jumprooms that were located in underground tunnels beneath some Hindu temples in India. Some of those jumprooms were inactive for centuries, sometimes even millennia. Through those jumprooms, they have teleported about 300 million reptilian beings from the etheric plane into humanoid physical bodies and tried to recapture the Solar system by teleporting those Reptoids through ancient jumproom network that spans the Solar system and was inactive for centuries as well. They were even able to infiltrate some bases of the Light forces on Planet X, which were swiftly recaptured by the Light Forces with heavy casualties on both sides.
This attempt of the Dark forces to recapture the Soar system was repelled, the tide began to turn after heavy battles in various bases on remote asteroids in and beyond the Kuiper belt in early January, and the Solar system is expected to be completely free from that darkness in a few weeks.
That Indian Illuminati network has also teleported many of those Reptoids through the ancient jumproom network below the surface of the planet and merged it with ancient Atlantean dark network which exists below Africa. Those dark subterranean networks are being cleared also.
Of 300 million Reptoids many were cleared already and now only a little over 100 million still remain.
The Indian Illuminati network was created during the Kurgan Archon invasion about 5000 years ago when one branch of Kurgans invaded Indus valley and formed Vedic patriarchal civilization in India with strict caste system. They were the ones who brought the mind programming belief in karma. The remnants of this network are mostly prevalent in Rajasthan and Gujarat.
The African Illuminati network was formed 14,000 years ago at the last polar shift in the late Atlantean period. When the equator shifted to its current position, the Dark forces built a network of dark temples along the current equator, equipped with jumprooms though which Reptilian entities could enter incarnation into humanoid cloned bodies. This is how many Reptoids entered the human surface population since late Atlantis, and formed their own network under control of a few Black nobility families. That network is still quite powerful in subsaharan Africa, especially in Cameroon, Gabon and Congo, in South America in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil, in Central America in Nicaragua, Honduras and Guatemala, and in India in Sri Lanka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
Both of those networks are under the control of the Pallavicini family, which also controls the BRICS alliance though their secret connections in Israel. Both the Indian and African Illuminati networks are now in intense process of final removal. The signs of that clearing are everywhere:
Central race has also activated dormant spaceships from Atlantean
period which are buried beneath Giza complex "
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Planetary Situation Update and Phoenix Conference Report
Clearing of the Indian and African Illuminati networks is proceeding with full speed. All their bases throughout the Solar system were cleared a few days ago, and when the Aldebarans were removing their last ships in Low Earth orbit, this was brought to the attention of the surface governments:
And no, it was not the Russians:
Of the Indian and African Illuminati networks, only about 50,000 members in the tunnels below temples in India and about 70,000 members in the tunnel networks below Subsaharan Africa are still remaining. These are expected to be cleared in a few weeks as well.
The main problem aside the surface Illuminati network is a remnant of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC) that escaped the clearing process between 2018 and 2020, and remained inactive until now:
On February 8th, Orsini family has activated the IBC in order to prevent the Resistance movement starting the surface operations.
The first thing they did was to activate one part of physical biochips that escaped detection of the Light forces and was inactive until now. This part of the biochips is a backup processor that is able to send audio video feed from the brain synapse signals via cell phone tower network into the main processing center which, according to sources, is located in an underground facility near the border of Guinea and Sierra Leone. Although this biochip activity is weak, it does represent an added layer of control upon the surface population and it moderately disturbs the plans of the Resistance for the surface operations. The Light forces will use their technologies to deactivate that part of the physical biochips relatively soon.
The IBC has currently about 18 million mainly Reptilian and Draco members in humanoid bodies on the physical plane, scattered throughout bases in the Solar system, mainly in the Kuiper belt, and with a small base even on Mars. These bases are connected with a network of jumprooms. All this will also be cleared relatively soon.

On the physical plane, the main stronghold of the IBC is a network of underground tunnels in Western Africa, especially in southern part of Senegal, in Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin and in western Nigeria. This network consists of about 100,000 Reptilians and Dracos in humanoid bodies. Some of them emerge to the surface and are then infiltrated into Europe through southern Italy posing as migrants.
Another smaller stronghold is in a tunnel network beneath Colombia and northwestern Brazil, with about 15,000 Reptilians and Dracos in humanoid bodies. Some of them emerge to the surface and are then trafficked as migrants into the US through the Darien Gap:
Both physical subsurface strongholds of the IBC are connected with Solar system bases with jumprooms, constantly replenishing the supply of Dracos and Reptilians in both locations.
West African IBC stronghold is also connected to the network of secret biolabs in Africa, all of them under the control of the Orsini family:
Guinea and Guinea Bissau are the center of a Reptilian dark vortex portal that suppresses Goddess energy. This leads to the horrible living conditions for women in that area:
The whole area of Western Africa which is now the location of the underground IBC complex was participating in the transatlantic slave trade for centuries, and that led to horrible energetic conditions in that region:
Much healing is needed there, and the Light forces are asking as many Cintamani and Galactic Cintamani stones to be safely planted in the Western Africa where the IBC complex is located (blue ellipse on the map), and in Subsharan Africa in general.
As you can see on the map, very few Cintamani stones now exist there:
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Short Situation Update
Clearing of the Indian and African Illuminati networks is almost complete, and clearing of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex is proceeding with full speed. More intel will probably be released in a few weeks.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Short Situation Update
African and Indian Illuminati underground networks, as well as the remnants of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC) both in the Solar system and below the surface of this planet have been completely removed.
Some of the battles before the final removal have spilled to the surface:
Because now most of the dark presence from the Solar system is gone, the Space Force is freaking out:
there has been a lot of scuttlebutt on the money laundering that’s been run through the Vatican and that’s been exposed.
Cobra: I would say a tiny fraction of 1% have been exposed. There is so much more.Actually the Vatican owns the Federal Reserve through hundreds or even thousands of small companies. It’s like a Network of small companies around the planet everywhere. They are very, very developed in Central America, South America in other countries in Africa. You have companies that are completely under Jesuit control, and through that interconnectedness of those companies the Jesuits actually own the Federal Reserve and not the Rothschild.
What is the story behind Mali..what is really going on there? All you hear is crisis about these Islamist rebels that want to seize the country. What’s really going on there…all I’ve heard is they are trying to capture oil out of Nigeria there?
Cobra: Of course one layer of wars in Africa is always about resources. Thing that is happening there in Africa is about the resources because that continent is very rich in resources. And the other level is the psychological control of that population and the Cabal has created Islamist groups to use them as a tool in their wars
.Alexandra: Is there something to do with a stargate there as well?
Cobra: No, No. Actually there is a star gate but the Cabal does not know where it is because it is below ground. It is connected with the Sirius star system.
What do you think about the significance of a first Jesuit pope
Cobra: Jesuits are being desperate. They want their own pope. They can not control him completely.
(A) – Interesting. What is the significance of them electing someone outside Europe, First time in over 1000 years.
Cobra: It had to happen. Quite a lot of pressure inside the vatican for quite sometime for a non-Europe Pope. It’s a natural thing. There were many interest groups outside Europe, esp. among the Jesuits. The Jesuits are more influential outside Europe. So america, Central America and Africa and parts of Asia. Their influence got much stronger and their agenda was to get more influence deep inside the vatican. They didn’t have that much influence inside the Vatican.
(A) – Wow, the Jesuits don’t
Cobra: Yes, they have a certain amount of control. There are other factions inside the Vatican that don’t obey Jesuits.
No. Korea is the most isolated country on the planet.They have their own form of the Cabal which was not very nice to their own population. There was even talks that N Korea willing to accept the Cabal after the event. Those negotiations failed and the plan is at the time of the event to liberate N. Korea. Especially those people who are living there in very very terrible conditions to give them food, freedom, abundance and healing they need.
Alexandra: Wow. Oh, so sad. Does it also have something to do with the way No Korea is on the ley lines?
COBRA: This is just part of it . It is isolated enough, undeveloped enough that,cabal can control it and keep it contained. This would not happen in Europe or some other place
.Alexandra: Are there any other No. Korea that we don’t know about?
COBRA: Not to that extend. There are situations in Africa where there are countries that are not good conditions either.
Alexandra: Yes. Africa has been hit hard.
COBRA: Yes, that is why we need to push for the final victory.
I see. Now, not to jump ahead, but we have a very unusual meeting of the three former U.S. presidents. Bush, Clinton and Obama all met in Africa about two months ago. It was a very unusual meeting because they all met there, at once.People could say “what was that about?” And perhaps now the reason is unfolding,because today all the presidents are meeting in South Africa for the funeral of Nelson Mandela. We were down there. I was down there in 2011 and we went to Mandela’s house and where he was born and saw all of that. It seems to be sort of an orchestrated world moment. Because it’s in Africa, does this have anything to do with that portal?
(Cobra) No. Actually the situation is that the Cabal are in a hurry. They need a certain plan to be devised because there has been great progress recently by the light forces, so they need to meet immediately and they need an “excuse” for all of the presidents and politicians to meet - and this Mandela funeral was very handy.As you know, Mandela has already been dead for 6 months. So they are using this funeral as the ace up their sleeve which they could pull out at the right moment,and this right moment is now. This is why there is all this media pomp about Mandela now, because they now can invite all the presidents of various countries and all the high end politicians so they can devise a plan. Or shall we say the master controllers of the Cabal can propose a plan to the politicians to implement in their own countries, and this is what’s happening right now.
(Alfred) basically the Mandela funeral is a Psy-Op and False Flag of the New World Order
(Cobra) Yes, they just need some excuse to meet in public and then they can have their own private talks.
one of the things that was interesting when I put this together was to see the amount that had occurred through the year 2013 in the country of Africa. Is this even more of a hot spot than the mid-east. Is this more of a turning point than the mid-east.
Cobra No I wouldn’t say that. This is just one of the strategic important points for the light forces and for the Cabal.
this virus(ebola) was developed in some of those bioweapon laboratories in Africa.
I want to ask you a question about the Dogon people. Theres been pictures of space ships on cave walls with stories of a space ship coming down,hollowing out some ground and putting in water and dolphins talking to humans. Is there any truth to that?
COBRA Yes. That was a visit from Sirius star system a long time ago. And actually there was a strong presence of Sirius population in central and north Africa throughout history.
So this is not really a humanoid. It seems more like an animal. I understand the dolphins are higher souls come here to according to Sheldon Nidle –to weave and connect the etheric matrix in the oceans and to heal the earth –dolphins and whales both – but theyre not humanoid. But youre saying they actually exist as conscious sentient beings like humanoids in what we would consider dolphin bodies?
COBRA Yes. You see in this Sirius star systems there are many watery planets and many life forms have evolved there. Some of them are humanoid, some of them look like dolphins and some of them look like something in between
Do they exist exclusively in the water?
COBRA Some of them, yes, and some of them have water as their natural habit. Some of them are amphibious, and some of them are living on solid ground. It depends.There are a few planets in that star system and they have different configurations –different ratio between water and solid ground.
The other thing I’m very curious about is the Nigerian situation. If the bases have been cleared of the reptilians, this horrible boko harem stuff is this all surface or is this combined astral parasites. Does this have anything to do with the Congo portal.
COBRA – It’s all surface people which are actually gathered. They are being directed to a certain location. It’s a small number, it’s not a big number of people which can actually destroy whole villages quite quickly and effectively with machine guns. It’s not a large number of people. Those are basically reptilian beings incarnated in human bodies that came through the congo portal back in 1996. Many of them were just living somewhere in Africa. The majority of those surface reptilians have been cleared but small numbers is still remaining.Many are part of the Islamic state terrorist organization.
How did they come into the surface.
COBRA – They came to the surface in 1996 and since then they stayed on the surface.
So, coming to the surface what I want to know is, how did they get into human bodies.
COBRA – They were basically teleported with teleportation chambers, so called,jump rooms, if you want to call them that, into the underground base, through other reptilian star systems back in 1996. They just came with their bodies to the surface and they remained on the surface till then.
(in human bodies?)
.Rob – Not in reptilian bodies?
COBRA – It’s a human body but a reptilian entity living inside a human body. No shapeshifting.
Rob – OK. This confirms my information that they have a technology that when they gointo ajump room, the leave their reptilian body behind and they actually appear in a human body. Isthat correct?
COBRA – Yes, this is exactly what happened and the other situation is that there were clones which were grown in underground bases and souls were projected in those cloned bodies. The reptilian entities were projected into human cloned bodies.
COBRA – OK. Basically people have a misunderstanding of what the ET are doing here when they
help liberate the planet. They have their role. They are carrying out their role. I would not say
perfectly but good enough at this moment. What they are doing, they are dismantling exotic
weapons. They are removing the strangelet bombs. They’re preventing a drastic cataclysm. They
have prevented many world wars.So they are doing their part. Also, the surface population, the
awakened part of the surface part,is doing their
part and this is not about somebody being better than the other, but the situation itself is quite
drastic because there are many mistakes being made in the last I would say 25Kyears and to a
certain degree the last few millions of years. And now we are correcting those cosmic mistakes. So it
is not about putting blame to either the surface population or the ET’s.Each segment is doing
whatever they can to their best abilities, hopefully. There are many beings doing whatever they can
but there are, of course, also many beings that are not doing whatever they can to assist in this
situation. Regarding the role of the Dragon families, my experience with interaction with the
various Dragon families is that there are many positive Dragon families out there, but they are not
completely aligned with their vision,and they’re also some factions that have different agendas and
all this needs to be aligned before the change can happen. And as I’ve said before, the change can
only happen through the surface population and Dragon families are an important part of that
surface population. So I would like to communicate to those Dragon families that are not completely
aligned: this wealth does not belong to them. This wealth belongs to the whole planet. And I know
that many of the Elders are very well aware of this, but I would like to say that it’s important that
everybody goes on board and begins to understand this. It is not about China being the new world
leader. It is not about certain dynasties coming back in their rulership position. It’s about the ancient
custodians coming to the forefront and assisting in distributing this wealth to the whole of humanity
– in Africa, South America, North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, everywhere. This is the purpose.
I’ve read in the book Secret Places of the Lion by George Hunt Williamson that clarified details about the exodus of Moses from Egypt, and that in that time those that were called the Jews were those people that believed in one God, that there wasn’t one genetic racial pheno type that Moses lead out of the desert, that there were many Africans,Ethiopians, many people from Greece and around the world. They were led out of Egypt by Moses. Would you agree that there’s no specific racial phenol type – that the Jews were originally those that believe in one God?
COBRA – Actually, it’s both. There was a certain genetic make-up that made the original group that has been referred to as Jews, but there were others, I would say, races that adopted Jewish religion. Here I’m referring to the Khazarians and here we have a mixture of all those different groups, but the original Jews that you’re talking about, yes they were people who believed in one God, but this was manipulated by the Archons in many ways. I would not go into details here. It’s a deep story and quite a complex one, and there is a lot of disinformation about the Jewish people – a lot of confusion. One of the ideas is, one of the disinfo that is taking place quite strongly is the event which were actually taking in the current Saudi Arabia has been translated into Israel. So the actual location of those Biblical events is in current Saudi Arabia. And this is exactly the country that the Khazarians have occupied and have suppressed many things connected with this.
The so-called Ethiopian government, which has been in power for the past 25 years is controlled by psychopaths, sociopaths of the Nigerian people. TPLF is destroying me and other people from day one. Their main targets are the Christians and the Amhara ethic group. Government is committing genocide, ethnic cleansing of monasteries churches and the livelihood of Amhara’s.This guy thinks that millions have been murdered with no end in site. Can you ask Cobra why it is happening, who really those people in power are and when is it going to end?”
COBRA – OK, the situation is not only limited to a Ethiopia. The whole sub-Saharan Africa has a big problem of a lot of reptilian presence and a lot of Archon presence that have infiltrated those governments, and this has gotten worse since the Archon invasion in 1996, and only very recently there are some changes and some improvement in this area, and there is still a long way to go.
Cobra, are you familiar with the work of Michael Tellinger in South Africa?
(Yes, to a certain degree).
OK. Is there a part that he has to play in the coming changes or maybe in our new golden age? worldview with Ubuntu party’s Michael Tellinger
COBRA – He’s trying to create a model of society that will work more fairly and more harmoniously. It is one part of the transformation.
OK. we’re going to move on to AFRICA – Regarding the giant portal in the Congo of Africa. It appears from aerial maps that this is a circular area in the Congo and it’s huge – like 600 km across. Was it there from the earth’s beginnings, or was it created later on? If it was created How?
COBRA – It is very old. It was not there from the earth’s beginning but it’s part of a natural process.
Lynn – Did it have anything to do in the mid ’90’s with the Archon invasion?
COBRA – No. No.
Lynn – Does this portal give off energy or suck energy or what are its characteristics?
COBRA – It’s a natural energy vortex. It was actually part of the original paradise structure before the arrival of human beings to this planet.
Lynn – Recently, light workers have visited the Congo to try to heal its negativity.Can you give us any update on this portal and what is going on there?
COBRA – This portal is starting its transformation process. There is a lot of things that need to be done but it’s at least started. There was no access of the light to that portal before but now there is a certain healing taking place in the area. But it will take some time
Lynn – Regarding the large and unusual animals in Africa, such as elephants,giraffes, hippos, rhinos, lions and zebras…. Did they come from another planet?
COBRA – I would say that some of their genetic material came from other star systems and was influenced genetically by very advanced races that had some knowledge about genetics.
Lynn – Where they from planets that we currently know about?
COBRA – Some of them yes, some of them no.
Many times the artists interpretations of E.T.’s are that they are light skinned caucasians especially the Pleiadians and Arcturians. Corey Goode says there are many races of E.T.’s. Are theyre E.T. races that look like our own Africans and Asians.
COBRA – Yes there are many races that have different color of the skin. Some of them look like human and other races and some of them look completely different, so we have a whole spectrum out there.
his question is from someone from South Africa. We had a recent vote in early August and we voted for new governance for SOUTH AFRICA. The current President Zuma will leave. He has been terrible. What do you know about the political situation in South Africa? Who controls Zuma?
COBRA – Again it is a lot of Cabal control in that country and I am not expecting this to get much better before The Event.
Lynn – Can you tell us any more about South Africa’s past: for example, the Dutch located the East India Company there?
COBRA – Yes, it’s true and there were a few of the Illuminati families that for controlling South Africa and were using especially diamond mining was one of the controlling tools and South Africa was one of the major occult energy vortexes for the Cabal domination especially in one period in the 19th century. Now it’s importance has decreased but still there is a lot of Cabal presence there.
Lynn – Why was the evil system known as Apartheid in South Africa?
COBRA – Because of the intensity of the Cabal’s presence there.
Lynn – Regarding Nelson Mandela, was he a hero? Or was he a puppet placed there to manipulate the people?
COBRA – He was a positive being that has prevented many negative things from happenings.
South Africa mining is a source of income for a lot of people.There are towns that only exist because of the mining in that area. Currently the mines are struggling and a lot of people have already lost their jobs. What will happen after The EVENT to these mining towns? Will the mining stop completely and if so what are the people going to do for an income after?
COBRA – The mining will stop almost completely and of course people will have other venues of income and other activities that will be far more important and of course there will be an abundance for everybody. That will not be an issue any more.
Lynn – There is currently a huge debate going on around land claims in South Africa.After the EVENT happens and all the borders are lifted, will people still be able to own land? How will housing and land owning be influenced?
COBRA – People will still be able to own land but they will not be so emotionally invested in this so most of the disputes will be easily resolved and after some time the concept of land ownership will lose its importance.
What do you know about the off-planet origins of African Black people?
COBRA – Actually I would say that in each race, there are people that are half extraterrestrial origin. The vast majority of the people who have earth’s origin are generally earth people but I would say that all races including black race had assistance in genetic building, genetic development from the past from various different races.
Lynn – What can Black people expect to happen as a result of Full Disclosure?
COBRA – The first thing that will happen is that the situation in Africa will improve drastically. The situation in Africa has been quite stressful for many,many millennia actually because especially the Reptilian Race was using Africa as its main base. And now the Cabal in the last few decades is using Africa for resources so The Event will be a huge relief for Africa and for black people living there.
Why are Middle East and Africa the least developed places in the world? Why are these places so important that they are always controlled either by religious authorities or dictatorships?
C: Middle East is not the least developed, but Africa is. It is because Africa is the planetary anchor for the Reptilian race and concentration of Reptilians is there the highest. Reptilians are against development.
In the 1960s, a black man in Africa was likened to be "black Jesus". He had the ability to see what others were thinking in their minds and so on. He promoted love, peace and forgiveness, and was hunted down by the Cabal, but they did not succeed. Did this black Jesus really exist? Can human beings develop those abilities? Are those abilities due to the "I Am Presence"?
COBRA: Yes. Yes. Yes.
many people are commenting just how much more beautiful the skies are and how much cleaner they feel, so we are experiencing that. I'd like to speak to you a little bit about the financial situation. Zerohedge recently announced that China suspended debt repayment for 77 developing countries. What is that all about?
Cobra: China has very strong interests, especially in Africa. They have a strong connection with Africa, they want to invest in Africa, they want to have this as their sphere of influence. With this debt forgiveness program, they tied those countries to China because they can then invest freely. They give some minimal aid to the countries and then of course follows the second wave of investment, which ties those countries to China. It's a part of Chinese strategy. Chinese strategy now is expansion. They were quite contained in the last few centuries within their borders, but now it's the second phase of the Chinese plan, they are aiming at world domination basically.
Would you consider these cities of Light... What some of these some people have taken photos of ...it looks, it looks like holograms inside the clouds. There was one in Africa and one in China, for example, that looked like there was a city up there flying city.
Cobra: Actually that is similar because some of the motherships of the Galactic Confederation looks, look like a crystal cities or cities of Light. And there have been instances when those were visible in clouds or even open, open in the sky. And that was actually photographed in Africa and some other places years ago.
And some, some claim that in the future, we're going to be leaving our cities and living in these floating cities that fly all around the planet and that's going to be our humanity's future destiny. Would you confirm that that's probably going to be the case?
Cobra: I would say for those who are evolved enough and purified enough, they will join the, this reality of cities of Light. The rest of humanity will have to be evacuated to other planets. When the final polar shift happens. They will be transported, teleported, or I would say evacuated to another planet, which will support their evolution and planet Earth will ascend to higher frequency. And only those who have match that higher frequency will be able to stay here.
And do you foresee one of these floating platform cities perhaps levitating down to the ground where people can walk into it and take photos, put on the internet?
Cobra: Yes. At the time after the Event, after surface population, cities of Light have developed enough. Contact will be established with those star platform, cities of Light, which will descend, contact will be made. People will be able to tour certain areas of those celestial cities, take photos. And this will be one big step for human awakening.
Right. And do you foresee that the cabal trying to stop people from entering these cities or deleting the photos from the internet?
Cobra: This would happen far long after the Cabal is gone. This will be after the Event. It will not happen before the Event.
On October 28th, you reported Resistance forces have managed to erase the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC). Were all indigenous reptilians in South America and Africa also removed along with them?
Cobra: Not all of them, but the vast majority of the indigenous reptilians were removed also.
Are there Asian or African looking extraterrestrial beings? if so, how are they helping humanity in terms of Planetary Liberation?
Cobra: Yes, of course. There are people who are looking... They look similar to every major race that has been on the planet Earth and each of those different races is helping their own way.
Regarding the biochips, you indicated that most of humanity received them from vaccination campaigns from the late 1940s to the early 2000s, as well as through soft drinks. So for people who have never [been] vaccinated or consumed soft drinks, how does their life experience differ from those that have?
Cobra: Many of those people have been targeted in other ways, because when the dark forces realized there is a certain tiny percentage of people who are not vaccinated,they tried to reach them in other ways. For example, through certain foods, through certain other means. But yes, there is a small, tiny percentage of people who are not, who do not have biochips. And most of them live in Africa, and they are, I would say, completely off the grid. They have a different life perspective for sure.
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