Light Forces are still doing whatever possible to contain the
conflict in the Middle East, and the ground offensive into Gaza keeps being delayed.
focus on removal of scalar and directed energy weapons is already
bringing results, and many Lightworkers are reporting much less
attacks than in the past.
Resistance is getting much more directly involved in surface
operations, top priority being the removal of scalar and directed
energy weapons, among other things. Resistance agents are using Hamas
tunnels in Gaza as a perfect cover to emerge on the surface:
Germain has given command to the Light Forces to immediately start
taking action, and on October 5th the Resistance has
cleared the vast majority of child abuse locations in the cellars
under Black nobility castles, rescuing many children.
nobility has seen this as an act of intrusion on their private
property and for the first time in their existence they became afraid
for their own lives.
a response, Pallavicini family has given orders to activate Doom33,
or whatever is still remaining left of it, since Doom33 was greatly
reduced in power in the last decade through actions of the
me refresh your memory about Doom33 from one of my past articles:
to sources, the current war in Israel was masterminded by this guy,
with connections both in Israeli high political circles and also with
high connections in Hamas, and with Israel knowingly allowing for
Hamas incursion to occur:
goal of the Black nobility is to expand Israeli conflict as far as
possible with hopes to create a Word War III in alignment with
Armageddon prophecies:
Light Forces are doing whatever possible to limit the conflict and
prevent it from spreading beyond Israeli borders. This is why it is
of utmost importance for as many people as possible to continue doing
the meditation for peace in Israel every 4 hours:
Resistance has used this conflict as a cover to finally be able to
start some surface operations. They are now actively removing scalar
and directed energy weapons from the surface.
October 7th, Hamas started its incursion into Israeli territory, and
they have attacked many party goers near Urim Kibbutz:
the chaos of that battle as a cover, Resistance members were able to
partially disable some scalar and intelligence systems at Urim
military base just a few kilometers away:
operations of the Resistance to disarm scalar and directed energy
weapons, which are harassing far too many Lightworkers, will
continue. You can support their actions energetically doing the
following mediation if you feel so guided:
main control network on the surface of the planet is now scalar
monitoring network through cell phone 4G and 5G networks, and through
wifi networks. These networks are far less reliable, as they can scan
human activity with the resolution between 6 and 15 cm ( 2 to 6
inches), depending on the network used. This is the main control and
surveillance tool the cabal still has in their hands.
physical plane is further monitored and controlled through scalar
network created with cellphone towers, cellphones themselves, and
wi-fi networks:
the next layer is the Space Force (former Air Force Space Command)
surveillance network, which detects and removes any Positive ET
intrusion attempts into the quarantine:
of Karma are in almost full control of quarantine Earth, and they
have created a dark spider web full of black holes and toplet bombs
on the causal, mental, astral and etheric planes. Their causal bodies
are almost completely black, being exposed to so much anomaly, and
they worship the black holes on the causal plane as a portal to the
dark inverted reality as the Black sun.
have great control over the human reincarnation cycle, and have a
great say in where and how a particular individual will be
reincarnated. They have full access to Akashic records. They keep
twin souls apart, destroy soulmate relationships, instill jealousy
and fear and strive to manifest maximum amount of suffering to the
human population. They extend their influence through their minions,
Draco and Reptilian demonic entities on lower mental, astral and
etheric planes, and control the physical geopolitical situation
through demonic possession of Black nobility and Illuminati minions on
the physical plane.
control scalar matrix technology on causal, mental, astral, etheric
and physical planes which prevents the Light from reaching the
surface of the planet.
extremely brutal attacks on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in
the last few weeks they have overexposed themselves, and the Light
forces have initialized operations for their swift, effective and
complete removal. The first thing the Light forces are clearing is
the shock to which the causal bodies of the surface humanity were
subjected since 1996. This shock has severely diminished surface
connection to the higher spiritual planes, and now this situation is
finally being addressed.
Light forces are also starting to remove black holes and all negative
scalar fields from the causal plane, and are erasing negative soul
contracts from the causal bodies of humanity. After that is gone to a
reasonable degree, the Light forces will start removing the Lords of
Karma themselves. This will start decomposing the matrix of
quarantine Earth and the Light will finally being to enter. After
that, they can finally clear the remaining physical pit and make a
breakthrough on the physical plane, as it has been described in this
great comment from one of the readers of my blog:
" The
only pit remaining is NOT located under the Urim base, and contains
the mainframe quantum computer of the Andromeda faction of the
Chimera, which controls the scalar AI matrix / electromagnetic fence
around the Earth, tied into implants.
the Light Forces take control of that pit, they will be finally able
to start completely disintegrating the scalar matrix on the surface,
together with the implants and their toplet bombs. When that is gone
to a degree that risk becomes acceptable, physical interventions can
begin to happen.
" Non-physical
dark forces are using their scalar technologies and entity possession
to keep the surface population in a state of fear and induced mass
fear is like a cloud around the planetary surface and even most of
the Lightworkers have succumbed to it.
Forces have communicated that it is of the utmost importance to go
within, connect with the Light and hold the Light no matter what
happens in the outside world in the next few weeks and months. If
enough people hold the Light, this will ensure the most positive
possible outcome in the current challenging situation.
can be misused to create strong etheric fields that can capture souls
after they leave their physical body through the death process, and
this capture is exactly what happens to most humans on the surface
and most hostages in underground bases.
scalar fields can be misused to attack Lightworkers and to induce
emotional pain, energetic discomfort and also physical pain by
triggering central nervous system.
Light Forces progress toward the surface, the dark are attacking key
Lightworkers with those scalar weapons, falsely hoping that this will
slow the progress of the Galactic Confederation fleet. "
May 23rd, 2021 ( Vast majority of this situation has been addressed )
" The Light Forces are in the middle of the main offensive of clearing Chimera underground bases.
1996, the Chimera has captured many Pleiadians and Resistance members,
took them underground, and as their last line of defense, the Chimera
are now using those hostages in dark sacrifice rituals, then capturing
their soul essence and forcing them to incarnate again in another cloned
body which is situated as a hostage in a Chimera base, repeating the
process again and again. This creates an immense amount of suffering and
thus generated loosh is then gathered and projected with scalar
technology towards the surface population.
is a very difficult time for the Resistance forces and for the
Pleiadian fleet, and they need assistance from the surface population.
are asking for as many lightworkers as possible, to meditate as often
and whenever they feel guided, for this situation to be resolved as
quickly and as painlessly as possible. "
" On
the etheric and astral planes close to the planetary surface, the
Light forces are also clearing negative entities that are still
oppressing humanity. There are still trillions upon trillions of
those entities present, and they need to be removed along with their
negative etheric scalar technologies before any meaningful
breakthrough can happen.
" Light
Forces have also managed to clear practically all negative quantum
superposition exotic weapons and technologies of the Chimera, and
have dissolved the so-called Schwab quantum matrix etheric scalar
technology which was the main energy field behind the Great Reset.
that this Schwab matrix has decomposed, the whole dark plan of the
Cabal is slowly falling apart.
Dragon forces on the surface are very active behind the scenes and are
taking active countermeasures against the Jesuits and their Great
Reset plans."
" Mjolnir
technology that the Light Forces are using is actually quantum cannon
technology which emits a strong scalar field through the quantum foam
and forces all matter waveforms from quantum superpositioned state
into physical manifestation. This forces all Draco ships to appear
into the physical and they are then immediately contained by the
Galactic Confederation and their personnel processed through the
Ganymede sorting facility:
motherships are positioned in a giant dodecahedron just beyond Lunar
orbit and are emitting strong Mjolnir forcefield towards the Earth.
Light Forces were clearing Draco fleet they have rescued many
hostages, among them twin souls of many key commanders within the
Galactic Confederation. Those commanders were threatened by the Draco
that their twin souls would be tortured if the commanders would not
cooperate with the Draco and sabotage many plans of the Light Forces.
This is how the Draco were able to create many delays and setbacks
and this is why the coronavirus pandemic could not be stopped in
January and February.
twin soul hostages were rescued and compromised commanders taken to
Confederation motherships outside our Solar System, where they will
be able to get healing and then they will repair as much as possible
the damage they have created.
compromised commanders were also responsible for spreading of much of
fake intel through many Lightworkers channels in the last few years.
This is one of the main reasons why most channeling sources are not
reliable. The other reason is that those Lightworkers have a belief
system that they know everything, and they appear to be speaking with
authority, when in reality they are mostly clueless. The third
reason, already stated many times, is the dark force infiltration of
the Ligthworker community."
" During
the Galactic wars in the last few millions of years, the Draco have
gathered many exotic technologies on planets they have conquered, and
turned them into superweapons:
those superweapons is a special scalar grid inversion technology on
Draco ships which suppresses human kundalini and inverts planetary
energy field from harmonic Platonic sacred geometry grid:
Light Forces are using vortex reinversion technologies to reset the
planetary grid back into its harmonious state and they are relatively
successful, as there are already areas on the surface of the planet
far away from human settlements where the grid has already been
successfully reset into its natural positive state. "
still keep a part of their scalar electromagnetic fence
technology on the etheric plane close to the planetary surface, and
there are still some huge Chimera spiders on the etheric plane just
inside lunar orbit(cleared), making entry of Confederation fleet into sublunar
space difficult. All plasma Chimera spiders have been successfully
removed a few months ago, and there are some etheric spiders left,
and they will be easier to clear:
both Chimera and Draco know the Galactic Confederation forces will
reach the surface of the planet soon, they want to protect USAF
secret space programs they control, under the umbrella of US Space
Force, as their last line of defense against the Galactic
the surface of the planet, the Positive Military and the Red and Blue
Dragons are conducting operations behind the scenes to prepare for
the Event. However, they are not yet completely connected to
reliable extraterrestrial intel sources, so therefore their
understanding of the extent of Draco/Chimera control of the planet
(especially on the non-physical planes) is limited, and their intel
sometimes not completely reliable. One such example would be the plan
for mass arrests in April 2020 by the Positive Military. "
in this universe is subjected to many cycles of various length and
intensity. These cycles are actually scalar waves of cosmic energies
that create interference patterns which, combined with the sum of
free will vectors, shape the destiny of the universe in dynamic
interplay between the Source and the primary anomaly:
are approaching the convergence point of many cycles which is
expected to erase darkness from this universe. This convergence point
is expected to occur in 2025. "
" The
Light forces are now starting to remove child abuse networks with
full force. First they have triggered an earthquake with plasma
scalar device near China Lake military base to disable it at least
Lake base testing advanced weapons is just a cover story, in fact
this place is one of the main concentration camps where children are
ritually abused and mind programmed (warning, very graphic text):
" As
we are approaching the moment of Compression Breakthrough, some of
the most awakened priestesses will start using the energy of Sacred
Union to heal others and to channel Goddess energies into the
planetary Light grid.
the Kurgan Archon invasion more than 5000 years ago, the Archons are
using etheric and plasma scalar technology to disrupt Sacred Unions.
These disruptions are the source of most drama in love relationships.
are then harvesting the psychic energy of those disruptions and are
funneling it into Hassuna-Samarra vortex, which they are actively
suppressing for millennia by creating wars in the region.
first way is to create disruptions in existing relationships and even
engineer relationships themselves:
of all programming attempts, the Light is pouring through the cracks
in the Veil, and the Pleiadian fleet is supporting Sacred Union with
the force of their spiritual Love. "
" To
start preparing for the post-Event and post-Contact society, the
Pleiadians have asked me to release intel about soul families.
families are created when a group of Souls emerges from
undifferentiated monadic essence and enters this universe through a
seventhdimensional portal of the Galactic Central Sun, either in this
galaxy or any other galaxy in the universe.
of highly evolved Souls that are now incarnated on the surface of
this planet have mainly entered this universe either through the
Galactic Central Sun in this Galaxy or its sister galaxy, the
Andromeda galaxy.
have then gained their experience by traveling throughout the Galaxy
through higherdimensional light filaments that crisscross the Galaxy
and later focused their consciousness by gaining experience in portal
star systems such as Pleiades, Aldebaran, Sirius, Arcturus, Vega
(alpha Lyrae), Tau Ceti...
some point in their evolution path they have encountered Galactic
Wars and they got involved and this is their main reason they found
themselves on Earth.
they made a conscious decision to enter the Quarantine Earth to
anchor the Light and help the Light forces to liberate the planet, or
they have simply wandered into a dangerous zone in the Galaxy without
fully understanding the risk and got caught by the Archons in the
interdimensional scalar net, dragged to Earth and forced into
reincarnation cycle.
is of the utmost importance for all higherdimensional star beings
incarnated on the surface of the planet to awaken now, remember their
missions and carry the out.
is also of the utmost important for members of the soul families to
start connecting with each other from higher perspective and not only
as human beings being caught in Quarantine Earth. "
" Long
time ago, the weapons of the Hero were the sword and the pen. Now,
the weapons are his one-pointed mind, the scalar protection devices
and computer keyboard. And Mjolnir "
" Illuminati
Breakaway Complex(IBC) [ CLEARED ] is also responsible for a great deal of scalar and
directed weapons attacks on Lightworkers and Lightwarriors,
especially for the current wave of attacks that started in November
" Reactions
of this entity and all lesser plasmoid entities living inside its
body with their exotic plasma weapons are creating brutal scalar
attacks on Lightworkers and Lightwarriors recently......Mass
arrests will NOT happen until the plasma plane is cleared of all
scalar weapons and toplet bombs." [ Now its the etheric weapons & a certain toplet bomb layer that holds the same principle BUT has not been cleared like the plasma has ]
" The
first one is a wormlike entity that was teleported through the Congo
portal from Rigel star system between 1996 and 1999. This entity is
trying to cut the surface population from Light, it is trying to
suppress spiritual growth and the Ascension process. This entity is
carrying the vast majority of all still existing advanced plasma
scalar weapons in its body and is using an advanced fuzzy logic
computer program to direct those weapons to suppress Lightworkers and
Lightwarriors as much as possible. The removal of this entity is top
priority for the Light forces right now."
resonances are named after professor Schumann who was involved in
early German secret space program and was later paperclipped into the
United States. The frequencies of Schumann resonances are fairly
stable and are mainly defined by the physical size of the ionospheric
amplitude of Schumann
resonances does change and is bigger when ionospheric plasma gets
excited. Ionospheric plasma excitation happens because of solar
activity, thunderstorms, use of scalar plasma weapons and HAARP and
lately also when the Light forces are clearing the plasma anomaly.
are other concepts in science and in alternative community that will
begin to dissolve slowly as more Light and understanding comes in,
among them being the second law of thermodynamics (closed systems do
not exist), time travel into the past (it violates causality, at
least on macroscopic level), and flat Earth (sunsets into the ocean
on flat Earth would be impossible because of atmospheric absorption,
as sunrays of the setting Sun would need to travel through thousands
of miles of air)."
" Aside
from many times mentioned plasma scalar weapons, they are now using
directed energy weapons to their fullest, targeting key Lightworkers
and Lightwarriors in an obvious attempt to remove them from the
surface of the planet, as the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors with the
power of their unified consciousness are one of the main obstacles in
Cabal's plans to create global war.
energy weapons are physical radio frequency, laser, microwave, sound
or plasma beam weapons that can incapacitate the target:
the Cabal has bribed many people from the general population to
become unconscious co-perpetrators of those crimes against humanity.
These sheeple are thinking that they are just spying on targets with
a funny looking telescope, when in fact they are irradiating the
target with a directed energy weapon:
" The Light forces are intensively
clearing the head of the Yaldabaoth entity with all plasma anomaly
and plasma toplet bombs and all plasma scalar technologies of the
Veil. Realizing that they are going to lose, the Chimera have stepped
up the plasma attacks on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that
are beyond brutal.
Wednesday, the Light forces of the Galactic Confederation and the
Ashtar Command have begun full force active removal of all plasma
negativity near the surface of the planet. Every direct intervention
of the Confederation forces inside the quarantine Earth provokes
retaliation by the Chimera and they started first by trying to
provoke nuclear exchange between USA and North Korea:
there was limited nuclear exchange on Wednesday in one of the
underground bases, vaporizing a certain number of Dracos working for
the Chimera, the Light forces do NOT allow nuclear exchange beyond
the scope of mini nukes on the surface of the planet.
that they will not be allowed to go nuclear, the Chimera have
resorted to trying to trigger a global war with conventional weapons.
the Archon and Jesuit network, they have pressured Trump to attack
are hoping of provoking Putin, but he is in contact with brilliant
Pleiadian military strategists and most likely he will play it
wisely, using diplomacy, international public opinion and military
support to Syrian army rather that direct confrontation with the
United States.
international public is becoming more and more aware that the
chemical gas attack in Idlib, which Trump used as a pretext to attack
Syria, was a false flag:
" There was a drastic improvement of
the situation in our Solar System lately. The Light forces have
managed to clear most of the plasma anomaly from the Solar System and
beyond, and the vast majority of plasma anomaly with most remaining
toplet bombs is now accumulated close to Earth within 3 Earth radii
from the Earth center.
is the area of the „head“ of the Yaldabaoth entity[CLEARED] and the area
of quantum anomaly well within which the quarantine Earth resides.
The edge of this anomalous plasma field is described as the plasma
shield in this article:
Chimera group keeps this anomalous plasma in position with a scalar
field with most prominent resonant frequencies of 11.76 Hz
(corresponding to alpha brain waves) and 15.68 Hz (corresponding to
beta brain waves). These two frequencies are the basic frequencies of
the Veil. You can counteract some of the harmful effects of the
Veil's scalar field with binaural tones of the same frequency:
so-called „tentacles“ of the Yaldabaoth entity are not really
tentacles but actually plasma filaments that are ever shifting and
changing and they are not being removed one by one but are all
gradually dissolving as the Light progresses. You need to understand
that Yaldabaoth entity is a plasma parasite that feeds upon the
healthy solar plasma that is emanating all the time from the Sun and
distributed throughout the Solar system by solar wind:
of the anomalous plasma filaments of the Yaldabaoth entity together
with toplet bombs throughout the Solar System is now decreasing fast
to the point of being almost completely dissolved and now basically
only the „head“ of the Yaladabaoth entity remains. This „head“
is comprised of many layers of anomalous plasma that were laid upon
the surface of the planet in the last 26,000 years.
vast majority of this Solar system beyond Earth—Moon orbit is now
in the hands of the Light forces and their fleet.
the same time, battle for the energy grid closer to the surface of
the planet is in full force and this unfortunately includes brutal
scalar attacks on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors:
" The
frontal lobe biochips are attached to the optical nerve of both eyes
and connected to the auditory cortex of the brain with artificial
synapses. They send a constant audio video stream of whatever you see
and hear into the mainframe computer of the Chimera group. That
computer constantly monitors the activity of surface population and
prevents contact between the surface population and the Agartha
network and/or extraterrestrial beings of Light with plasma toplet
bomb retaliation mechanisms.
above navel biochips can effectively control the behavior of the
surface population with electrical current biofeedback loop
activity of the biochips increases during plasma scalar attacks,
additionally creating conflicts and lowering the vibration of people.
the Chimera has ordered their remaining Draco minions to activate all
remaining scalar plasma weapons which have been secretly installed by
the Draco into the majority of all low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites.
These scalar plasma rays are now targeting the most awakened
Lightwarriors and Lightworkers on the surface of the planet in full
" The
Chimera group has used the September 1st annular solar eclipse as a
trigger to reopen a negative plasma portal through the Congo energy
vortex. You can see that the path of totality for the eclipse goes
through Congo:
[ cleared]
67 minutes after the eclipse was over, the Chimera group has used a
scalar beam weapon from one of their UAV craft to destroy Elon Musk's
Falcon 9 in order to create a delay in the surface space programs that
attempt to break the quarantine status for planet Earth:
Elon Musk is the visible representative of a certain positive SSP faction
[ see elon link..things have changed] and in his latest statement he hinted at extraterrestrial involvement in
Falcon 9 explosion. This was openly reported in Russian mainstream
September 1st 2016, which is the 77th anniversary of the beginning of
WW 2, there is an open war going on within our Solar System between the
Chimera and their Draco minions, and the positive Light Forces of the
Central Race, the Galactic Confederation, the Pleiadian, Sirian and
Andromedan fleet and positive SSP factions. This is the last escalation
of the Galactic Wars before the final liberation of our Solar System and
the final removal of darkness from the Universe.
One aspect of this war is the increased attacks towards the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors with scalar technology. "
" Removal of the remaining plasma
toplet bombs has proven to be more difficult than expected, as they
are protected with quantum potential chambers throughout the Solar
System. Quantum potential chambers are directed scalar torsion
fields that create an accretion vortex for as much primary plasma
anomaly as possible to be gathered around the remaining toplet bombs.
These chambers are more advanced version of quantum potential weapons
that are already known for decades:
primary anomaly encompasses all possible combinations of negativity
as the logical opposite of the Absolute, and only a small percentage
of these combinations gets manifested onto the physical plane, as
the Light forces mostly cancel them out before they can materialize
from the quantum foam. The Light forces use advanced technology of
Light pillars (ATVOR) to resolve the non-linear primary plasma
anomaly using the mathematical principles of iteration:
using those advanced methods, a small unresolvable portion of the
primary anomaly remains and then collapses into the accretion vortex
around the toplet bomb. The Light forces then apply the ATVOR
technology again until the critical mass of the primary anomaly gets
resolved, and then they will annihilate the remaining toplet bombs
once and for all.
will be the moment of Compression Breakthrough, the Event. "
Cobra: Okay, it’s a matter of terminology.
Basically, what we have here is sentient organic intelligence that uses
technology, that actually uses technology as its body. Fuzzy logic
software program is part of that body. So one person could say, “Hey,
this is artificial intelligence. This program thinks and makes
decisions.” When in reality, there is a being behind that program that
makes decisions and is assisted to a great degree by that program.
So if you would look from a certain perspective, what would appear is
that the program is making decisions. But there is always an entity, a
living being, free will, which is behind those decisions. And the
Chimera group has invented so-called artificial intelligence millions
upon millions of years ago and has tried to spread its infection
throughout the galaxy through scalar plasma networks. And they were
successful to a certain degree, but I would say that the most evolved
cosmic races know how to deal with that.
Rob: Thank you. Corey, you have a slightly different
version. Could you talk about your understanding? And, I guess, some of
this is coming from the glass pads, but you’ve stated that it’s its own
thing, kind of like the Terminator or the Borg, as we said. Could you
share the information? You’ve said that it’s actually infected multiple
galaxies. Can you comment on your version? And then we’ll have you
comment on each others comments.
Corey: Some of what Cobra said sounds like a little
bit of a mixture of two different technologies if I’m understanding him
correctly. I could be misunderstanding him. There is a scalar
mind-control grid that has been around the Earth as long as there have
been humans, you know, walking around. We can simplify it and call it a
mind-control grid or a control grid.
There are two giant cruisers, or ships, that are not occupied. They
are controlled by, basically, what we would call computer program. They
complete the circuit of this control grid, most of which is down on the
Earth. This is something that can be shut down. They’ve talked about
shutting it down, but they think that shutting it down . . . it’s going
to be very rough on humanity if . . . It’s the excuse their using for
not shutting it down.
But the fact is that newer Special Access Program groups have studied
this technology and they’re mimicking it and they’re using it for their
own means. The inter dimensional AI signal that I’m talking about is a
signal that was broadcast and it came in from another reality many, many
millions, if not billions, of years ago. It cascaded its way through
multiple galaxies, and in the manner I’ve described, it has infiltrated
people’s bio neural fields. It has infiltrated technology and exploited
technology, but it’s not technology. It’s not an actual artificial
intelligence technology that’s created by organic beings here. It is a
pervasive signal that now broadcasts itself through relay systems that
it has tricked organic beings into creating for it.
This is something that these more technologically and spiritually
advanced beings can deal with. Many, many, many lower-tech civilizations
that are a thousand years more developed than ours on the surface are
subject to having to deal with this threat.
Rob: Okay. This is completely different. Cobra, can
you comment on or have you heard of this other kind of universal AI
intelligence? Corey has stated that this intelligence lays nascent in
hiding and then comes out, influences organic beings to create
technology that it can then live inside. It can actually be in a
computer. If you touch a technology, it can infect you and then it can
receive from you. It has its own intelligence, he said. Cobra, can you
confirm this? Can you say that you understand this or do you have a
different view?
Cobra: Okay, my understanding is that this is plasma
consciousness that can use technology as a vehicle of spreading the
virus. I can confirm that this virus has infected one part of this
galaxy, one part of the Andromeda galaxy, and one part of the M33
Galaxy in Triangulum, and to a very, very limited degree certain other
galaxies in the local cluster of the galaxies. I can also say that the
Resistance Movement has dealt with that issue and for their own society
they have handled the issue. So if somebody would like to enter the
Resistance Movement, they need to go through a certain cleansing
process. It is something like a shower. You need to take a certain
shower that removes all parts of that signal before you can even enter
their region below the surface.
And they have also assisted quite much in removing this from the
surface. They have not been 100% successful, but they have been very
successful, and they have actually introduced a certain technology into
shower gels through certain multinational corporations. And people using
those shower gels were actually . . . they were being assisted in the
removal of that virus, that signal. And, again, it was not 100%
successful because the Chimera group have their own means in maintaining
this, and the easiest way for them to maintain this is with people who
are the most mind-controlled and the most under the plasma influence.
People have sent
me links from news reporters from around the world with this same
phenomena kind of like those giant circular sink holes that have been
showing up, kind of kept silent. But around the world lots of
people have recorded on videos as well as on newscast reports certain
cities are hearing certain noises. And the question is, was are
the mournful sound of trumpets registered in countries around the
world. Cobra first. Do you have intel on what these
sounds are. They are definitely seem to be real.
- OK. According to my sources what is happening is there is, I
would term it infrasound, which is just on the threshold of human
hearing about 16 Hz and that frequency is harmful for human
consciousness and the Cabal is using scalar devices that transmit
infrasound. The infrasound travels not only through physical
space it travels through the etheric space and it travels especially
through plasma. By infrasound scalar waves they keep human
consciousness locked into a certain vibrational state and people who
have good hearing can hear that sound. Some of the people can
actually feel that sound within their bodies as a certain vibration,
certain suppressive vibrations. It is something that has been
actually monitored, measured and documented around the world.
- To follow up here, some of the sounds are actually reaching to be
heard in certain areas. It’s been recorded like for a week, I
think, I’m not sure but somewhere in Utah they’re hearing these
sounds and it’s on the news, so it is the technology of the Cabal
breaking down and it’s breaking into the audible spectrum now?
- Actually many people can hear that sound. It is not so
difficult to hear if you know what to listen to but people usually
just disregard this because they have so many other things to focus
on in their lives. As I’ve said again those sounds have been
documented they have been measured. The frequency spectrum has
been measured and usually it’s just below the threshold of human
hearing but some people can hear it.
- Quite a few of the earthquakes that we’re having that are raging
between 5.8 and 6.8 are triggered from various different exotic
weapons. Part of this intel updates that we’re releasing,
it’s either going to be this evening or tomorrow, David Wilcock is
releasing for me on his website
It has to do with some terrible battles that have been going on
underground bases and caverns especially down in South America and
under the ocean around Antarctica. There’s been a lot of
activity going on underground and a lot of different exotic weapons
including fifth-gen nukes being used, all these different exotic
scalar weapons and it’s pretty hectic right now. Yea, there’s
a lot going on. "
" The vast majority of plasma
strangelet bombs have been removed and now the Light forces are
focusing on removal of plasma toplet bombs, successfully using the
same approach.
has triggered a strong reaction of the Chimera group and they have
ordered the Archons to turn up the volume of their technologies to
attack and suppress the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors because the
Lightworkers / Lightwarriors are the key to the Shift of the Ages. They
use infrasound and plasma scalar waves:
removal of plasma strangelet and toplet bombs is easing the tension
inside our Solar System, opening up Quarantine Earth and speeding up
Disclosure process for the surface population."
" You
need to understand that people involved in the secret space program / breakaway
civilization did not have access to the Chimera locations inside our solar system
and under the surface of our planet and were mostly even not aware of their
intel was classified until now as Chimera still has human hostages in those
underground places and scattered on some locations in our solar system (NOT
Moon and Mars) and liberation of those hostages must be carried out with utmost
locations are the places where the scalar plasma grid technology is operated
from. "
" Although
a large part of the scalar plasma grid has been removed after the opening of
the IS:IS portal, a large part still remains. Breakthrough phase does not mean
only rainbows and pretty comets, we are in the middle of occult war between forces
of Light and forces of darkness.
it is of utmost importance for the people to be aware of the existence and the
influence of the scalar plasma grid and other energy weapons that the Cabal
under the guidance of Chimera group uses to suppress human consciousness and to prevent the arrival of Light. Here
is a relatively good article about it:
Event will NOT happen until the scalar plasma grid is taken care of.
Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are primary targets of directed energy weapons
because they are the primary security threat to the current slavery prison
planet matrix and its handlers.
first guideline for protection for targeted individuals is to try to maintain
the state of balance and harmony amidst all daily activities. That means
learning to master the skills of time and priorities management and learning
when to say yes and when to say no, and to remove all toxic elements, situations
and people out of your lives. It is also good to find some quiet time each day
to spend in nature and/or in meditation to reconnect with your higher self.
sources have communicated an effective protection meditation protocol. It is
recommended to use this protocol once or a few times daily and maintain this
protection shield throughout the Breakthrough phase to maintain the vibrational
frequency of Light:
" Few
days before the activation, the Light forces have managed to remove vast
proportions of the Chimera scalar plasma grid. This is a very significant
achievement, since this is the very first time since the 1996 Archon invasion
that any kind of victory over plasma scalar technologies on the surface of this
planet has been achieved "
" Their Long Island fortress can not be removed so easily
because it is tied to the plasma scalar network which forms the backbone of the
Veil, extending to the altitude of up to 8.6 miles above the surface. This is precisely
the point where the Chimera and the Archons are joining forces to defend their
quarantine Earth.
To really explain what is
going on, we will have to deal with very deep occult knowledge that might be
beyond science fiction for some people.
Physicists would describe plasma
as ionized gas, whereas a skilled occultist would describe plasma as a hidden
plane / dimension between the gaseous and the fourth etheric plane:
Plasmatic plane between the
physical and etheric is the hidden location where the Archons have concealed
most of their darkness and it was their utmost secret. Plasmatic plane was created as a result of
torsion forces between the physical and etheric as a direct consequence of
cosmic anomaly when the universe was created and is also called the Abyss. It
can be accessed (not recommended!) through hidden portals that can be found inside
sephira daath on the kabalistic tree of life:
There are quantum singularity
wormholes within the plasmatic plane and in the occult terminology they are
called the Tunnels of Set. Those wormholes contain strangelet and toplet bombs
and they are tied to the physical Black Stone in the Long Island location. This
is the main reason why clearing of the plasma scalar network and the Veil is
taking so long.
The Light forces are dealing
with this situation and there has been significant progress regarding removal of
the plasma strangelet bombs, whereas plasma toplet bombs still remain a challenge.
There is another plane
similar to plasma, but on a much higher octave, between the higher mental
(manasic) and the buddhic plane. That plane is called the buddhi-manas membrane
and separates realms of Oneness from realms of duality. This membrane was
created as a result of torsion forces between the mental and buddhic
(intuitional) plane as a direct consequence of cosmic anomaly when the universe
was created. This membrane is the first thing that separated us from the Source
when we descended into Creation as sparks of conscoiouness long time ago in
galactic history. The density of this
membrane will be greatly reduced after the Event when the cosmic anomaly of
darkness will be finally cleared.
As Chimera are slowly losing
their power, interesting intel leaks are occurring:
" The Nazis made one of their
main strongholds in the Berchtesgaden area near Untersberg because they wanted
to take occult advantage of the Goddess vortex present there.
After World War II, that
area became one of the main strongholds of the Chimera group. Berchtesgaden
sits is a dish shaped valley, surrounded by mountains and is an ideal place for
experiments with scalar wave technology:
Very recently, the presence
of the Chimera group has been removed from the area. Now it is one of the most
powerful Light spots on the planet, with many hidden entrances into the
Resistance Movement and further portals into the Pleiadian star system.
The whole area is a very
strong interdimensional portal, which is indicated by a strong magnetic anomaly
in the same area:
The Goddess vortex has been
reactivated by the Light forces very recently in the pond of Goddess Isais near
A piece of Cintamani stone
has been returned to Untersberg. Goddess Isis is now harmonizing the energy of
whole Europe through the Untersberg vortex. "
" The Chimera group has tied
the scalar plasma detectors to the strangelet bombs and to the top quark
condensate which would go off if significant UFO activity would be detected
anywhere near the surface of the planet.
A strangelet bomb explosion
is explained in the following photo:
The growth of the strangelet
could theoretically continue until the whole planet would be absorbed into it,
but practically the Light forces can stop the reaction long before that.
The scalar UFO detection
grid covers the whole surface of the planet and is being powered from Long
This is the real reason why
the positive extraterrestrials do not intervene
directly and they will not do so until that danger is completely
The Chimera also controls the
MoonDust project, which assembled a special operations team which removes all
extraterrestrial evidence from anywhere across the planet:
" Global plasma scalar mind
control network is tied to strangelet bombs and this is why its removal takes so
much time.
The etheric Archon grid is the
final stage of dissolution and the power of the Archons diminishing rapidly,
leaving the Chimera group as the main controllers of quarantine Earth and their
plasma scalar network as the main tool of psychological programming. "
" This group includes the
leaders of the dark forces from the
Andromeda galaxy. They came to Earth in humanoid physical bodies 25,000 years
ago and quarantined the planet. They have built a scalar electromagnetic fence
around the Earth (the Veil), effectively preventing positive ET contact and
thus isolating humanity. Then they constructed a vast network of subterranean
cities, using Draconians as slave handlers and Reptilians as slaves and
controlled the human population on the surface of the planet from there.
Their main strongholds at
that time were under Africa, China and Tibet. They had no direct contact with
the surface civilization until the early 20th century. That timeframe has seen
interesting occult developments. "
" Their first
operation will annihilate all plasma scalar weapons, belonging to the
Chimera group and to other negative forces within the
military-industrial complex."
" Many
factions of the Cabal (Illuminazi Texas boys, Zionist Rothschilds, Jesuits,
Italian black nobility with the few remaining physical Archons) are losing
their power fast and can not influence the Event timetable anymore. The only
real force delaying the Event now is the Chimera Group within the global military-industrial
complex with their physical strangelet bombs inside the military bases worldwide,
coupled with the etheric Archon grid with their etheric/plasma scalar exotic
weapon technologies and their ability to influence the behavior of the surface
the last leyel of the etheric Archon grid is slowly losing its power, the Archon
programming of the awakened part of the surface population is beginning to disintegrate.
People are becoming aware of some limiting belief systems of the new age
are also becoming aware that suffering was never intended to be part of life
experience and are finally realizingthis Earth duality experiment was an error which
needs to be corrected. This Correction is coming through the process of the return
of Light:
" The Chimera group has put physical
strangelet bombs inside most of US military bases and some military bases of
other nations and these bombs form the main line of defense against the advance
of Galactic Confederation and Resistance Movement forces towards the surface of
this planet.
They have also created a planetary
network of plasma scalar devices. This network is being operated from the
military bases and encompasses the whole planet. Plasma is the fourth aggregate
state of matter after solid, liquid and gaseous and is in fact the connecting
link between physical and etheric matter. Plasma scalar devices can thus
influence our physical bodies and the Chimera Group uses these devices to
attack Lightwarriors and Lightworkers by influencing their body functions, disturbing
breathing and heart pulse. They also use plasma scalar lasers to project
thoughtforms into minds of Lightworkers, plasma infrasound to lower the frequency
of auric membrane of Lightworkers and plasma ultrasound devices as ultimate spying
and surveillance machine. The Resistance is already removing these plasma
scalar devices with full speed.
There is a silent full scale
war ongoing between the Positive Military and the Chimera group worldwide.
Current hijacking of the MH
370 flight to Diego Garcia was an act of war of the Chimera group, Diego Garcia
military base being one of their main strongholds:
" Among
other exotic weapons I would mention physical antigravity scalar weapons. All
of them were removed by 2004 and the Resistance does not allow any such weapons
to be developed by military industrial complex ever again. "
" When
you cross the Veil boundary, 8.6 miles above the surface, you are suddenly
embraced by a tachyon bath, a rain of rainbow colored superluminal particles that
penetrate your energy field. Your physical body feels energized and you feel healthier
than you have felt for a very long time.
are absolutely no reptilians, no etheric scalar wave technology, no Archons, no
negativity, nothing. No Matrix. Just absolute purity.
The altitude increases. Although
you fly almost twice as fast as the speed of sound, you feel no movement.
Everything is peaceful and still.
feel angels around you, presence of Light motherships high above you. You
reach 60,000 feet. This is the region of nearspace. The whole sky is like a
stargate, magnetically drawing you deeper and deeper…
of the Earth becomes noticeable and this is when I took this photo:
you come back and land, your are changed forever. After spending decades in the quarantine,
you were able to experience the taste of true freedom. You know that you can do
it again and many people will follow until we are all free citizens of the
this flight, I was able to create a big crack in the Matrix, a big dent in the
security firewall that the Archons have created to maintain the quarantine
status of planet Earth. "
" On
the non-physical planes, removal of Archons, their minions and their
technologies continues. One of areas where good progress was made is the
removal of etheric infrasound technology which suppresses human vibrational
frequency. More than two thirds of that technology have been removed in the
last month. Etheric scalar devices can produce physical infrasound that can be
measured. In two independent measurements of the ambient sound in nature you
can see that ambient infrasound up to 100 Hz goes up to 35 dB above the ambient
sound in other frequencies. You can also see a curious ultrasound peak at 10
kHz in one measurement and 15 kHz in the other. They correspond to etheric
ultrasound network which scans the brain activity:
intensity of the etheric infrasound and ultrasound is set to remain just below
the hearing threshold of an average human being to avoid people becoming
curious about it and realizing that something strange is going on. You can see
that perceived human hearing graph looks quite similar to the graphs above:
people are still able to hear that infrasound and some even the ultrasound
frequencies and many researchers call this the Taos hum. This hum was recorded
with a professional sound equipment and it sounds like this:
of these technologies and structures requires a lot of hard work of the Light
forces, as the Archons were improving their non-physical control networks for
the last 25,000 years. It will take much less than 25,000 years to dismantle
all this, but do not be discouraged if a month or two passes without any
visible breakthroughs. There will be results soon enough and in the meantime
you can read this very informative article:
is still a very small group of main etheric Archons which continues to exert control
on the reincarnation process and still continues to trigger weak spots of
incarnated humans through their remote control operated etheric scalar implant
are three implants in the etheric body auric field of each incarnated human.
They are small etheric black holes which are put into a rotating etheric scalar
electromagnetic field with a rotational frequency of 6.666 Hz. This is a
resonant frequency which tends to suppress human emotions and free will initiative.
can see the location of these implants inside the etheric body of every incarnated
human being here:
implants in the frontal lobe of the etheric brain compromise free will / decision
making process and tend to block individual connection with the Source. This is
done done with rotating electromagnetic scalar chambers around the two implants,
enhanced with etheric ultrasound scalar waves. The purpose of the ultrasound
scalar waves is to scan the etheric brain of the individual and deduct many of his
thought processes through fuzzy logic computer program. Also, it can immediately
detect any kind of positive ET contact with that individual and then it
promptly triggers protocols to shut that contact down.
implant at the etheric solar plexus membrane suppresses emotions and sexual
energy and is thus used to control sheeple. Its rotating scalar electromagnetic
chamber, enhanced with infrasound scalar waves generates electric current which
short-circuits the kundalini. When this implant will clear, kundalini in human
masses will arise and we will have a worldwide liberating revolution.
Archons use their scalar projector beam technology to project thoughtforms and
elementals into implants. The rotating scalar electromagnetic field around the
implants serves as an accretion disk which pushes outside elementals through
the event horizon into the implant's black hole.
in the quantum foam spacetime anomaly of the etheric plane still hide small black
holes which are prevented from evaporating with rotating scalar etheric electromagnetic
fields. These black holes contain reptilians who are sitting there in a quantum
superposition state. When the scalar electromagnetic field is removed, those
black holes evaporate immediately andthe reptilians are removed promptly by the Light forces.
Resistance Movement is working to hack the computer program which controls the
implants in the etheric mainframe computer of the Archons. When this is done,
the Resistance Movement will be able to shut down the scalar field around the
implants and then the implants and corresponding black holes in folds of etheric
spacetime continuum will evaporate fast and finally true Light will arrive to
planet Earth.
Resistance has already hacked that program once on November 9th, 2003, the day
of the Harmonic Concordance:
the months following that, the etheric implants were disintegrating fast and
that resulted in mass awakening of the Goddess presence on the planet in 2004.
However, the Archons managed to reprogram
the implants and the new version of the etheric implant program was activated
on December 25th, 2004. This put a huge stress on the etheric plane around the
Earth in general. That etheric pressure disturbed the tectonic plates and triggered
a massive Sumatra earthquake and tsunami on the very next day.
the Event can happen, the non-physical negative forces must be removed.
Otherwise they could simply trigger more than 2 million people on the surface
that were heavily mind programmed through severe trauma by the Cabal under
their projects codenamed MK-Ultra and Monarch. Those traumatized individuals
could be easily triggered by the Archons from the etheric and astral planes as
part of their endgame to start behaving violently towards themselves and
non-physical negative forces are now gathered very close to the surface of the
planet, concentrated around humans, attempting to prevent the Light from
entering. They do this to maintain entropy and chaos because this is the only
way they can survive a little bit longer.
is a certain form of entities that was not mentioned yet. They are called
Invisibles because they have the tendency to melt with their environment to the
point they become energetically invisible. They inhabit the lower mental plane.
Their purpose is to shut down the capacities of human mind and to induce stupidity
into the human population in order to keep it enslaved. They are mainly responsible
for many distorted belief systems inside organized religions and lately in the
new age movement, which has deteriorated from pure beginnings in the 1980s into
just another mind programmed cult after the Congo invasion in 1996. One of the
main mental tricks of the Invisibles is that »all is well«, suggesting people
to deny things that are not well and thus stripping people of their inherent
power to change things that are not well.
Archons are still using their etheric and astral HAARP scalar electromagnetic
field technology to keep maintaining the so-called primary anomaly. Primary
anomaly is a random wave function, a distortion of Calabi-Yau manifolds, a
field of micro black holes, a convoluted field of quantum fluctuations, a
semi-conscious field of anti-life which always tries to suppress Light by
default. This was brought into existence out of pure potentiality at the
creation of the Universe and is the antithesis of the One. It is the primary
error in Creation and the primary cause of all suffering. All the remaining
primary anomaly of the Universe is now being gathered around the surface
profile of this planet, waiting to be finally transformed to allow the final
liberation of our planet, which will then become the last point of Light to
join the galactic union.
non-physical Archons still use wormholes made of this distorted anomalous field
to freely travel from one implant hemisphere to another.
the Light forces remove the non-physical electromagnetic HAARP field, the black
hole singularities will be stripped naked, the micro black holes will evaporate,
the Calabi-Yau manifolds will straighten themselves out and the primary anomaly
will disappear forever from our Universe. This will be beginning of the end of
all suffering and beginning of true healing for humanity.
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