Scalar Interviews

  • The plasma situation is basically taken care of since 2020 if not completely...However the mirrored network of the etheric & lower astral scalar network are still in place.

 The Posts Intel :



 Question about HARP – a lot of people have read and seen very convincing
videos in OK tornado’s on May 20th.   Sid HARP influence that situation?  Was that
was compelled by the cabal?  Was this part of their last efforts to affect the
portal opening? 

COBRA:  They could not influence portal opening.  There is an etheric HARP that can
to a certain degree influence weather.   It is not physical technology.  It is
etheric technology.  All weather is heavily influenced by the etheric plane.  Most
people don’t know that.  The scalar waves propagate through the etheric plane.  The
non physical Archons still have that technology that they can use sometimes. But our
meditation can influence.(Garbled)  even if a tornado or hurricane is forming, a
global mass meditation could decrease it’s efficiency and even dissolve it.




  It’s about
this Oct 1 deadline.  Combat forces, heater meals, water, peacekeeping troops, DHS
agents, national guard units.  Some sort of alert that things must be done or
shipped by Oct 1 or thereabouts.  What is your comment?

COBRA:  Part of this is an old story which has been around at least 20 years.  
Millions of bullets, Trains with shekels, FEMA camps, etc  Part of this is the crazy
faction of the cabal was preparing since early spring of this year a major false
flag attack.  Their master move.  They are trying this through Syria and other ways
and they are afraid of the event and they want to get ready.

Alexandra:  They think troops will help them.

COBRA:  Yes.  They think some troops might help them.

Alexandra:  That’s kind of funny when the event is a pulse of light. 

COBRA:   They are desperate and are trying to do anything they can. 

Alexandra:  What about space fence being shut down by Oct 1.

COBRA:  That is an outdated technology.  They have an advanced scalar space fence
but it will not help them much.




 Going back to one of your posts: “a very small group of main etheric
archons which continue to exert control in  the reincarnation process. They are
still triggering  Through their remote control scalar implant technology.”  You
mentioned that they do this off world and they are still hoping to try to hack into
the system.  Has there been any feedback, any progress with that.

COBRA  – There has been some progress but not enough.  The resistance movement has
been working constantly on that.  It’s quite a complex technology.  It will take
some time to dismantle completely.

Alexandra – Yes.  You were talking about these implants.  Pam and I stumbled upon –
this  – the implant removal process.  We’ve seen dramatic shifts in people when they
have this done.  You mentioned it has a small etheric black holes that rotate in a
scalar electro magnetic field.  Can you explain more.

COBRA  – I think that everybody knows what a black hole is.  You can also make a
black hole out physical matter and out of etheric matter.  If you put that etheric
black hole in a rotating electromagnetic field that black hole begins to behave in a
different manner.   That black hole begins to behave in a different manner, it
begins to distort the reality around you.  That distortion couples with a
e;ectrpmagnetic field and that distortion coupled with that magnetic field creates a
disharmony electromagnetic field and that begins to influence your consciousness.  
That affects every single individual on the surface of the planet.  Everybody’s been
half crazy with this .  This is why people have been deceived. That’s why it takes
people so long to awaken.  This is the reason why the Cabal was able to control the
people.  Otherwise they would say “no”.  No one would agree to this craziness
without those implants.

Alexandra – The way you just described it was helpful.  That electro magnetic field,
how far is that reaching.

COBRA  – You have so many black holes not just in the implant, but the space around
us – the whole surface of the planet is covered. 

Alexandra –  They are penetrating us through other dimensions and through these
black holes.  Are they communicating the black holes in our bodies that have been

 created by the implants?

COBRA  – This was happening before but this has been resolved.  This communication
has stopped and is much more difficult.  We are now getting closer to the removal of
this.  It’s quite a complex task. When this is done, victory is ours.



 Can you expand on the kind of weather technology in the hands of the

Cobra: Yes. What they have is scalar technology, especially plasma scalar devices,
and etheric scalar devices that can influence weather systems, because weather
systems are actually vortexes and vortexes are created first on the etheric plane,
and after they precipitate on the physical plane they tend to create huge weather
systems. And yes, they can influence that with their scalar technology to a certain
degree, but not as much as people are afraid of. Not every strange weather on the
planet is the result of weather modification.

Rob: Yes, a lot of it is cleansing and purification, I believe. Is that correct? 

Cobra: Clearing and purification and a response to increased presence of Light
coming from the Galactic Central Sun, because the planet has to align with the new
additional frequencies.




 it’s good to move out of the US as that is the country under most strong
attack from the Cabal as far as chemtrails, food poisoning, scalar weapons and on
and on. Anywhere else in the world would be better.




 I’m going back to the implant question a little bit. In the last
interview you mentioned that these implants still remain, these are the ones that
are pushed into the body at birth and are invisible and beyond our technology. I
have mentioned to people and you have mentioned to people about various technologies
like the Pleiadians white laser device that I have on my site, tachyon energy which
we have on our sites can increase the body’s vibratory field and this can push out
some of the lower astral parasites but the main implant is always within the body.
Is that correct and is there any way to make a complete removal of this implant pushed in at birth.

COBRA – You see there is an etheric aspect of this and plasma aspect of this. It’s
quite complicated to explain. The Laser technology is the best we have at this
moment on the surface of the planet to deal with those implants. The other problem
is those implants are the main thing and the scalar technology, which is part of the
Archon network. It’s actually maintained by rotating scalar field. That field is
actually re-creating that implant again.

Rob – OK, That is what I thought and experienced because we were utilizing in the
1980‘s Fred Bell and Semjase some technology that utilize the sacred geometry and
the crystals and the lasers. In fact we combined them with or own positive scalar
field Pleiadian technology of pyramids, which are scalar waves and crystals and
tesla coils that makes the white laser device even more powerful when used in
conjunction. My experience from these devices actually confirms what you said. For a
period of time the energy becomes very high and you’re able to obtain high states of
realization. Once you’re away from these technologies these different types of
feedback mechanisms kind of re-integrate themselves and we all are dealing with this
human element aren’t we.

COBRA – It’s not just about human element, it’s about the technology, which exists
on the etheric plan the plasma plane. It’s actually re-creating the structure.




  Let’s talk about the electronic harassment. I’m
still hearing from several sources who’ve contacted me and several people. It still
seems the government has some very advanced electronic harassment methods which are
being applied to certain individuals. Do you agree these are still going on and is
there any progress is ending these programs?

COBRA – OK. Basically what they have is plasma scalar wave technology which is part
of the electronic harassment. This can be quite nasty in some cases. There has been
some progress in this area but not enough yet. All this technology is tied to
strangelot bombs and other exotic weapons. It’s inter-connected.

Rob – Hmmmm, interesting. I have read reports that HAARP in Alaska has been shut
down and has not been operational. I don’t have any insight intel on that. There
have been many many sister HAARP programs around the world. There seems to be some
HAARP still operational. Is this correct?

COBRA – OK Basically those HAARP sites are ionosphere heaters. They heat the
ionosphere so it creates a scalar network around the world. This has mostly been
removed. There are other scalar technologies which are directed closer to the
surface and are not quite as effective and those have not been removed.




 What is sleep paralysis. They weren’t sure what was going on
with sleep paralysis. What is happening with sleep paralysis? Are they caught in the
Astral plane in re-entering the body?

COBRA – OK. As I understand this, it is the situation as you re-enter the body and
you can not move the body. You can not move the body because the body, the etheric
body is blocked by a scalar wave technology that the Cabal is using to control
people and to instill more fear. This is in the process of being dismantled but it
will take some time to completely remove this.




  For the Draco there is no hope because they have quite developed mental body. The reptilians there is vast hope because they are very emotional. There is
too much focus on lower emotions it is very hard to recover beings like that.

Rob – OK. Very good. How much do you foresee human behavior thoughts and speech
improving as soon as the scalar wave technology implant is removed and immediately
after the event.

COBRA – When the scalar technology and the implants are removed there will be a
drastic improvement in well being. People will be much more happy. People will be
much more balanced and much less violent behavior among general population. When the
event happens the cabal will be removed and it will be even, even, even better.

Rob – OK. and the follow-up question is – at this point do you feel human behavior
is influenced by Archonic technology itself or is it due to the mental programming
that has persisted for so long. and the negative habits that have become ingrained
in humans. I know they work together. Which one do you think is more potent.

COBRA – They are so interconnected there is it’s actually both.

Rob – 3D matrix is obviously flawed to the very core. How can a parasitic construct
which is fueled by energy harvesting ever be rectified.

COBRA – Simply by removing all negativity. The only thing that is left is the light.





 Do any of these guys in the positive military have access to very high
technology weapons that can counteract these scalar fields. How many of them have
the advanced knowledge of the stragelot bombs. There only a few at the elite top
levels that understand the in-depth information between the GLF and the Orion group.
Obviously You can’t be telling this to the average soldier. These are very elite
circles within the white hats of the positive military groups around the world. Is
that correct?

COBRA – Yes. I would say that the top people in the positive military know exactly
what is going on. They have excellent intel sources but they don’t speak about it
for various reasons. Of course the average soldier can get a lot of intel from the
internet and broaden his understanding. The positive military would like for people
to be more educated and more coordinated because that is what will be needed at the
time of the event.




  When the scalar technology is removed I expect drastic improvement in human
behavior, because that technology is one of the main factors why people are acting

Rob – Right now do you feel human behavior is more influenced by Archonic technology
itself or is it due to an auto pilot mental programming that has persisted for so
long and the negative habits have become so ingrained in humans that the scalar
technology is not that influential?

COBRA – It is very influential, because when the technology is removed the light can
come in and begin to disintegrate all mind programming. Because mind programming can
only be maintained with constant entropy, with constant bombardment with negativity.
So when the negativity is removed the programming automatically begins to dissolve.




 These symptoms
coincide with the timing of solar flares and include strong feelings of electricity
running through the body, extreme weakness or fatigue, pulsation in the head,
anxiety, racing heart, fever, flu like symptoms etc. Do you have any information you
can share about solar flares? And are there other factors you can mention that may
be causing these symptoms which is a newer phenomena in recent years?

COBRA – There are many factors causing this. One is them is the solar flares but
it’s not the only one. Actually solar activity is very strongly correlated with the
galactic central sun activity which is also increasing. And of course many of those
phenomena have nothing to do with solar flares or galactic activity but are mostly
created by scalar technology. Scalar technology can create very strange sensations
in the body.



 There were many places in this galaxy even this planet had a genuine
reptilian and Draco population below the surface of the planet. They were also in
many star systems in the Orion constellation and many star systems in the Draco
constellation and some other constellations. They was a wide spread lifeform in this
sector of the galaxy.

Rob – So they actually lived as conscious beings below the surface of the planet
here – from origin from this planet?

COBRA – Yes, some of them. Some of them are genuine earth-based reptilians.

Rob – Were they all ready hostile to humans beings on the surface or was their DNA
altered and scalar wave technology to make them tools of the Chimera group.

COBRA – They were hostile, but not as hostile. They were made more hostile because
that aspect of their nature was supported and the positive aspect of their nature
was not supported.



 If you follow the light you will get into more light.
It’s not a trick. But yes, there are implantation stations on the etheric plane
after you die. Yes, there are tricks being made. But if you follow your inner
guidance where to go, you will most likely escape them. But you see the surface
layer on the planet, on the etheric plane is in the scalar field. It’s very
difficult to escape the scalar field. People that die are actually trapped in that
scalar field around the earth. They usually go to the next incarnation within that
scalar field.

Rob – And that’s in the lower astral plane they don’t escape it. Is that correct? 

COBRA – Now in the lower astral planes it’s easier than it was. it’s possible to
escape it but you have to transcend your inner attachments to the planetary surface. 

Rob – OK. What are those humming sounds heard all over the planet? This was more
prevalent some time ago. But I have heard sounds. Are these legitimate video’s? Are
these hoaxes? Or are there some sort of causes for these humming sounds?

COBRA – Yes, this sound is still happening. It’s actually a combination. It was very
strong etheric sound but now there is also strong plasma scalar technology which
creates infra sound, which can be heard by human beings or even felt with human
body. They are low frequencies, between, I would say, 10-50 Hz, which can be heard
by human ear. They can be felt as a low humming vibration in the body, which is
usually unpleasant.

Rob – Yes. Another question that’s kind of related to that. Is hyper sensitivity
that many people are experiencing – is that due to the electronic matrix? Or it’s a
combination of things?

COBRA – It is a combination of natural ? certain souls, which have to be sensitive
to have certain channels open. But that sensitivity can be misused by the technology
of the Archons. All those electronic plasma scalar devices can actually distort that
sensitivity in a way which is not comfortable.


15) {2015}

 Rob – Here’s a good question and then we can make this our last one. How much
progress has there been in disabling the strangelet bombs and their associated
etheric scalar weapons and the Chimera group?

COBRA – I would just say there has been progress. I will make a report about this
maybe in a week or two. But you see, much intel about this has to be classified
because it’s a very sensitive operation. This whole thing is much more dangerous
than nuclear bombs. Of course, not much can be said about the actual operations
themself. This is the reason why there isn’t much intel out there in the last few
months as these operations are under progress



 Of course people want to know about the etheric plane update as far as the
astral parasites go and as far as the removal of the major archons affecting
humanity’s emotions. Is there still any of the astral parasites that are
automatically triggered by the scalar wave still going on or are they greatly
greatly reduced now and there’s not much going on.

COBRA – The main factor is the scalar network. The scalar network is operational on
the plasma plane and the etheric plane. The plasma is actually a layer of creation
between the physical and etheric plane which does influences both the physical planeand the etheric plane. And yes, there are still some parasites on the etheric plane
that are triggering the buttons in people. Which of course, for some people it’s
emotional buttons, some people they are physical buttons, the buttons are being
pushed. There is much progress regarding the parasites and not so much progress yet
about the scalar network. That is simply because the scalar network is tied to the
exotic weapons of the chimera group.



 What kind of higher dimensional energies can penetrate the veil. Of course
we know that angels and Ascended Masters are able to get through he scalar fields to
assist individuals if we call upon them. Is that correct.

COBRA – Yes. They can go through the scalar fields but just to a certain degree
that’s why it’s not so easy to get in contact with Ascended Masters. When the scalar
grid is removed it will be much easier for those energies to come through and people
will be able to feel them much more directly.

Rob – That’s mostly our limitation in our sensing them it’s not theirs. They can
come down.

COBRA – It’s also their inability to penetrate this. If they would be able to handle
this completely planet earth quarantine would not even be possible.



 We have a question in regards to California and it may be happening all
over the world. We have a question in regards to: what is going on with the drout in
California. Is this intended. Is this created. Is there anything being done to stop

COBRA – Well the light force is trying to balance those things but The cabal is
still using the etheric technology and the scalar technology to artificially enhance
the natural process. So it’s a combination of both.



 You've explained before how archons manipulate astrology and astrological
influences, can you talk a bit more about that ? Are we not meant to be stuck with a
natal chart all our life, or is this natural ? 

C : Natural charts and horoscope actually show tendencies for you, but you always
have free will, and you can go beyond those tendencies. And of course, what the
archons do, they use their technology to strengthen the bad aspects of the chart,
and they use astrological trends and progressions through rituals on certain key
individuals, and certain key moments of human history, to change the outcome of the

U : Ok. So the whole thing of dividing energy into the different zodiac signs, it's
natural as well ?

C : To a certain degree yes but there is also an artificial structure which is part
of the veil which has been existing on this planet for the last 25000 years. It's an
energy matrix created by scalar waves, which actually distort the energies of the
zodiac signs.

U : And so they make it all negative, and they prevent flexibility so we don't have
free will over it, yes ?

C : They actually limit the free will, so if you're born in a certain sun sign, they
use that technology to suppress the positive aspects of that sign, and to enhance
the negative aspects of that sign. It's part of the veil, part of the technology of
the veil.

U : And so when this is removed, will we be able to choose any sign we want to be ?
How will it work ?

C : You will still have your natal chart, your horoscope, but it will be much more
flexible dealing with the energies and with the characteristics of your character.



 The chimera group has infiltrated militaries of
all major nations. After the Congo Archon invasion of 1996 they put physical
strangelot bombs on most US military bases and some military bases of other nations.
This year in 2014 the RM and Galactic Confederation started clearing chimera groups
and these bombs. The question is: you said the event will not happen until the
chimera group and the weapons are removed. They’re wondering why you said there were
possibilities in 2012 and 2013, of the event taking place. Did they not know about
the chimera bombs at that point or it was possible that they could have cleared them

COBRA – No, they couldn’t clear them. The RM was considering taking a huge risk and
triggering the event even with the existence of those bombs, but then of course it
was guided that that risk would be simply too great.

Rob – Yes, that’s logical. At the event when all their negative technologies
including etheric implants and scalar wave technology are cleared from the earth,
will all human infants born after the event be able to keep their past life memories

COBRA – There are also other factors involved. It is simply there is still the
membrane between the physical and etheric brain, but the memories will be much
easier for any of the newly incarnated souls to remember their past lives.

Rob – So the reason they wouldn’t be able to is there is a membrane. How long will this take to heal.

COBRA – Well, it’s a natural thing and usually if a human being is not absolutely
awakened, certain amount of memory is lost. In the same way that you forget what you
had for breakfast last Monday.




  There’s a lot of
people going through a lot of depression lately. I have gotten some really hopeless
type of things. Is this a major Archon attack, last ditch effort – really affecting
people or do you think that people are kind of realizing that their lives have been
in vain in a false matrix and it’s kind of a natural process of increased light. 

COBRA – It’s more of a quite intensified Archon attacks lately. People need to
understand that those depressions are artificially created.




  people ask in regards to the event that are
coming up here, have to do their feelings of the way things are now but, at the time
of the event, and you have mentioned and I’ve always stated, this is the beautiful
part of your work Cobra is that: the new revelation of explaining the Chimera scalar
wave technology, which works with certain satellite programs as well as a etheric
type technology which is jamming the human consciousness field.  There will be
tremendous change at the time of the event.  This scalar wave network and this
electronic fence as I like to call it, will be taken down, is that correct.

COBRA – Yes, they will be taken down and yes this will result in a drastic
improvement of energy conditions around the planet.  Human beings will definitely be
able to feel that improvement, quite, quite intensively.

Rob – Yes.  I have a feeling it’s going to be a very dramatic change for those who
know nothing about E.T.’s or anything.  Even the average person will feel a strong
energetic shift correct?.

COBRA – Yes, they will feel like something is going on.  They will feel much better,
much lighter, much more optimistic.  They might not initially understand why but
they will definitely feel that something big is going on.




 You mentioned there was a breakthrough in the plasma network. Can
you share a little bit in the scalar field that is tied into the chem-trail program
as well?

Cobra – Yes, actually. One of the purposes of the chem-trail program is to create a
medium in the air that can conduct plasma scalar waves more effectively to maintain
the veil. As of now, there was a certain operation of the light forces, which has
effectively removed a great part of this. It did not affect the chem-trails
themselves, but it did affect the plasma waves and many of the plasma generators
have been removed.




 That is what I wanted to hear and was thinking. Did this possibly
incite more hostile actions from the etheric, astral parasites? It certainly seems
if that took place when it was supposed to, it seems that there were a lot of
different energies moving through people. I was noticing a lot of stress intention
coming to the surface in a lot of relationship reports with a lot of people.

Cobra – Yes, there are actually 2 things going on. 1 – the reaction of the non
physical beings and 2nd one is the problem of entity possession because many people
on this planet, especially those who have potential for the light, have been greatly
attacked in the past by entities and those entities were put into place and
maintained in their place by the scalar plasma network. Now that this network is
being slowly removed, those entities are becoming quite active and are disturbing
people’s lives. People that were calm before are starting to freak out suddenly and
this is because these entities are being triggered right now.

Rob – Yea, and it makes sense that they go to people who are in positions of
disseminating the truth. 





 There’s another question and again people are kind of
wanting a little more of a description. It comes down to where do we go when we die.
We know that the physical body turns into dust here and we have these various other
bodies. Do we strip all the bodies and go in our soul body to a certain level. Can
you explain a little bit? We’ve talked about it and I keep getting lots of questions
on it. Can you explain a little bit more about what that process is?

Cobra – OK. It’s a gradual process. When we die we go to certain hyper-dimensional
doorway and we exit the physical body with our consciousness and we go through the
doorway that is actually the plasma plane. If we don’t get stuck on the plasma plane
we proceed towards the etheric plane where we spend some time and release some of
our personality, of our belief systems, of our patterns and proceed to the astral
plane. So, after we die we tend to spend most of the time on the astral plane and
some people who are spiritually aware enough proceed further towards the mental
plane and spend a certain amount of time on the higher mental plane where they are
in constant connection with their soul, with their own inner higher presence. They
receive an impulse to reincarnate again. That impulse can be coming from their own
inner drive to incarnate or it can come from the veil, from the Archon network.

Rob – And if they come down and they follow this impulse, are they from the higher
mental plane, do they have to take the contract or is it a choice or do they go down
and go – hey by the way, what’s this contract. You come down and go: OK – here’s the
situation, do you want to gather experience, you’re on the physical plane here and
you’re tethered to our network. You’re going to go in and you know you are going to
take these implants. You agree. Is it done like that?

Cobra – It’s complex situation. First you have personality issues which are not
resolved which tends to draw you to the physical plane. You have certain unresolved
situations with certain people and you want to come down to resolve those
situations. Then you also have your higher mission and then you have the Archon
manipulation, various, so called spiritual guides, which are not actually spiritual
guides, are giving you certain suggestions which might and might not be for your
highest good.   The combination of all those factors together with the he scalar
technology determined the path of your incarnation.




 Rob – Right, so you have an impetus there and whatever you’re able to gather and
focus on, in your life, you’re drawn to create in certain situations. We won’t call
them Karma, but the law of manifestation which is garunteed to seek balance and then
we have the Archon network trying to disrupt everything and then we have the higher
positive influences. When you have these other influences through the incarnation
process, trying to picture it as you’re a light being and you’re going through. . Is
there a specific communication with other, let’s call them spirit personalities who
are in your incarnation or are you just kind of hover over the earth and you’re
drawn to a woman who’s pregnant and you know you’re going in, and you go in, I kind
of wonder what the contract thing is where I’m going to go. Can you explain a little
bit about when you go into the body? What is that? Do you actually agree to these things or are these influences or once you’re coming back, these influences funnel
you into a body and that’s it.

Cobra – OK. On some level you do agree to it. You have certain parts of you that
want to go in but that decision is usually manipulated by the Archons. You might be
given certain options. Those options neither may nor may not be in your highest
interest. There will be spiritual guides around you. Those guides might be of the
light. They might be manipulated themselves. They might be there doing something
good. It depends on the situation. You see the contract that you sign is actually
something that reflects your inner direction so you have resolved not to go into the
incarnation, nothing can force you into that. If you have certain unresolved issue,
of course the Archons can play upon those and force you to incarnate because you
have certain unresolved issues in that area or if you have a higher mission to
incarnate, you can choose by your own higher freewill to incarnate, but even in that
location the Archons will try to dictate the circumstances of your incarnation as
much as possible.

Rob – Yes, and harass you the entire way. 





 Can you comment on the
general progress on the RM have had on moving towards clearing the way for the
event? You mentioned we made some changes here. We still have to get a critical mass
on the surface of the population. But, with parts of the plasma field network down.
Are they down permanently? Will they reestablished some of these.

Cobra – They don’t have enough resources to reestablish this. The scalar network
needs to be completely removed before the event or I would say, it is greatly
suggested that it is removed before the event. Also, the chimera group and their
exotic technologies, various bombs, of this nature have not been cleared yet
completely and this absolutely has to go before the event.

Rob – Yes, the scalar field plasma network that was removed. Was this on the
physical level or did the RM in the etheric do this and possibly lower astral where
human military personnel could not get.

Cobra – It was on the physical. The plasma generators are on the physical and they
were removed on the physical.

Rob – Wow, that is very good news. So, I was wondering, are there still other

Cobra – There are quite many technologies that are around. I would say a few of the
main ones are the various exotic quark bombs and the scalar plasma network.



 Is so much rain and cold in some parts of the world natural, or is it manipulated ? 

C : Well one aspect of it is weather modification with scalar technology, and the
other part of the equation is a natural response of the planet to the increased
activity of the galactic central sun.



 your last few posts are very good and we have a lot of wonderful
information coming from you.  I’ve talked about it before with people, we can not
underestimate the scalar plasma field grid network that is influencing humanity.   
It is extremely important, is it not?

COBRA – Yes.  It is basically one of the main factors which is actually slowing down
the progress of the light forces.  If this is removed things would be easier many
many times over.  This is one of the key issues that needs to be addressed.




  the RM has
issued a few warnings to the negative military and their scalar directional weapons
that work to cease with those attacks and those warnings were not respected so the
RM has decided to further with a certain plans.  I will explain; in the past the RM
was holding back certain people that wanted to start removing the Cabal from the
planet.  Now the RM is no longer holding back those people.  Those are now on their
own and they can do pretty much whatever they want.  The Cabal is there no longer
safe on the surface of the planet so they are not taking any direct action yet, but
they are allowing action from certain other interest groups which was not supported
before, so this is the first phase.  The second phase is this is not enough. The RM
will initialize certain actions that will lead to the arrests of the 4 key
individuals that I have mentioned in my blog and there is also the third phase that
I will not speak about yet.





  It was actually an article about sounds that are being
heard recently in the air, loud booms in certain areas.  There’s actually been
recorded sounds.  Is this part of the scalar field network being brought down.  What
are these sounds that have been heard in the air.

COBRA – It is basically, I would say a certain operations of the light forces which
are connected to the removal of the chimera group.





 The tunnels of Set, could you please elaborate,
when they were made, what they are, how deep they are and what’s going on there a
little bit.

COBRA – OK.  The tunnels of Set are not physical tunnels.  They are not underground
structures.  They are structures on the plasma plane, on the quantum level.

Rob – Are these part of the plasma scalar field network or just part of the Archon
and higher dimension negative ET’s where they exist.

COBRA – This is part of the anomaly of the plasma plane and I would say they are a
quantum singularities which contain darkness and this is being cleared right now.  
It is in the process of being cleared right now.




 Some people have noted that there is definitely been an increase in cell phone
towers going up.  These repeater stations and many of them are part of the, I guess this network.  Is this increase being promoted on the 3D level to shore up the
removal of the other aspect of the plasma scalar network that has been taken down

COBRA – Part of this yes, but part of this is just spying networks because the
alphabet agencies are hungry for data.  They want to have double check and triple
check everything.

Rob – Is this on an individual, triple and double check information on individuals? 

COBRA – There are some targeted programs and there are also mass programs that just
harvest data and just process it and analyze it and then make more or less
strategically stupid decisions out of them.

Rob – I see.  So these are harvesting data for strategic decisions based on
listening to phone conversations and things of that nature.  (YES).  Oh.  OK.  So
there’s a lot of people who are extremely paranoid of this type of activity.  I
personally feel that they do not target individuals unless the individual has very
hard evidence or is very much interfering with their dastardly Cabal plans.  But the
average population person doesn’t have to freak out about what they post on the
internet, right?  They’re not going to be targeted in their homes for their beliefs?
 Or will they?

COBRA – No, No.  Most of this data is just sitting on a certain server somewhere.  
Nobody actually reads it.  It’s just analyzed with a computer program and the vast
majority of this data actually never sees a human eye.  It’s just sitting somewhere.





 They do have individual targeting of the plasma scale field network on light
workers.  There have been a lot of situations where people’s relationships are being
stressed and challenged even within the light worker community.  Can you please
explain a little bit more about the technology in regards to how they are targeting
these individuals within the light worker community.  I’m not going to name names or
anything.  What can we do if we’re being targeted by this type of technology.  How
will we know it and what should we look for?

COBRA –  This is a more serious situation because, yes, the Cabal and the
Chimera group is targeting the light workers and light warriors, especially with
Plasma scalar wave directional weapons to lower down their consciousness, so if you
are experiencing any unusual pressure, if you’re emotions are triggered in very
strange ways.  If you’re tired without explanation.  If people around you are
freaking out without any apparent reason.  If you have strange sensations in your
body, problems with your breathing, heart rate or sleeping patterns, most likely
it’s a result of this.  And usually the chimera group is combining the scalar wave
attacks with etheric non-physical entities attacking at the same time, so people who
are targeted with those facts usually have problems in their relationship which are
artificially generated.  People next to them turn against them.  They begin to be
attacked by people around them without any valid reason.  People are just freaking
out and people around them are freaking out because they are provoked and triggered
by directional weapons and by non physical entities.  This happens a lot especially
with people who have a strong mission and have a strong potential to assist in the
planetary liberation and those attacks can be extremely unpleasant.


They can.  There are people on another level of implantation and this is kind
of a question that I have personally relationship to that.  I’m contacted by people
who are very strongly targeted by a more powerful electronic harassment.  Literally
where they’ll get burns, and there’s energies running through their electrical
circuits and there’s  actually Cabal like vans outside their houses.  Or they go
across and they target beams, not invisibly, but like with physical agents and these
individuals don’t have anything to do with the Cabal.  Are these mind control
subjects.  Why are these people being so heavy harassed.

COBRA – The first possibility is they are MK ultra programmed victims and they
expect them to sit back and they have a strong mission that would endanger the
Cabal.  Either they have a strong spiritual potential or they have some other
potential that they view as a threat from the cabal.  I would give a certain piece
of advice here.  Re-locate out of the US, if possible.  And in many instances it is





  The enslavement process
from the last 26K years ago and the flooding of the civilizations of the planet? How
was control maintained at that time? What was the situation like in the 15-1600’s.
How was the king and all these programs running on the earth? Was this all done with
invisible plasma scalar field technology?

COBRA – This technology was present, but the Chimera group behind the scenes did so
solely by the operation of that technology. Nobody on the surface had any idea how
this was done. The Kings and the Royalty knew there were powerful forces protecting
their bloodlines. That’s all they knew.

Rob – OK. So they . . . were they forcing implants into humans at birth at that
point in time?

COBRA – Yes, it was a standard procedure the last 25K years.




 so people might have problems with
breathing because of the scalar attacks




 how do the cabal identify light workers.  What kind of
technologies do they use.

COBRA – The cabal, the majority of the cabal has no interest in light workers, they
just want to control everybody.  Massively without any discrimination.  The light
workers are targeted only by special groups when they get powerful enough to start
creating cracks in the matrix when their energy gets so strong it interrupts their
scalar waves and then they get targeted.



 These are not (just) cell phone towers, these are scalar network towers.  
Those towers are emanating low Frequency electromagnetic fields that control human
consciousness.   And yes, It is good not to focus on them but at the same time, it’s
good for people be aware of their existence.  It’s a clear combination being aware
and spreading the intel, but not dwelling on them.



 You mentioned a while back
that after the Congo invasion of 1996, the Archons spent a period from 1996 – 1999
on a mass implant program. Was that through the Greys? Were they physical implants?
Was it the nano implants? Could you talk a little bit about that? 

COBRA – OK. First, there was massive implantation through plasma etheric scalar
technology. Second, there was a lot of implants being distributed globally through vaccinations programs with biochips. There was also a certain number of MILAB type
of experiences where they were taken to underground bases and implanted physically
after trauma based mind programming sessions.




 At the time of the Event when the
final scalar fields are brought down, and, of course, the benevolent spiritual space
family is very close to the earth with their healing rays and energies, will there
be some spontaneous healings at the time of the Event – some tremendous relief of
pressure and some things of this nature?

COBRA – Yes, of course. Even before the Event there will be spontaneous healings anddramatic relief of pressure, which will start even before the Event.  People will
begin to feel that as we get closer and closer to that exact moment, more and more
and more.




 Can you talk about the situation of faeries under quarantine Earth ?

C : Especially after the archon invasion in 1996, the faeries, and all other
elemental beings of Light, did not have a very good time because the etheric
atmosphere was poisoned a lot with radioactivity and as a result of distorted
harmonics of extremely low frequency radiation from scalar devices so they did not
have a very good time and it was very difficult for them to exist, and they have
actually sought out locations which had the least of that kind of pollution, so it
was not easy to find them anymore in urban areas.




 the GWB( great white brotherhood) is working on the physical plane, not so
much directly but through their disciples and through certain people they send
certain energies that have a great influence on the physical plane....
They are very much involved in the removal of the scalar plasma field.



 Does the plasma scalar fields on the sub lunar operations are making a
great process. How is this affecting the implants in the human population?

COBRA – Actually, this is assisting very much in implant removal. The implants are
far less intense and this is going to assist the human beings in contacting the
light much more easily.




‘I read the Shaver Mysteries and some of the
interesting stuff from long ago, but they had an explanation.  I’m kind of curious.
What is your explanation for spontaneous human combustion?

COBRA – It is usually not spontaneous human combustion. It is something that is done
remotely with plasma scalar technology.





 People have some questions about the veil. You have
mentioned this.  What is the source? Is this strictly from man-made technology and
satellites?  Can you talk about what is the source of the primary thing?  This is
the, I guess you’d call this, the plasma scalar field network.  Is this mostly off
planet or does it work in conjunction with Earth-based technology like cell-phones? 

COBRA – The basis of the bases is very ancient, very old scalar wave technology
which has been here for at least 25,000 years.  I would say the network has been
completed and completely functional for the last 25,000 years.  The last century
more and more additions were made to the veil based upon the evolvement of the
military-industrial complex.  Their own technologies like HAARP, like different,
Gwen Towers for an example, then cell phones were added to the network, microchips –
layers upon layers, infrared scalar devices, radar devices, many layers upon layers,
satellites.  Many of the key-hole satellites are part of the network, and on and on.




 We have discovered that some people tend to get even more scalar wave attacks
after wearing cintamani stones. I wonder how we can resolve this situation.

C : Ok I would say that everybody who is working for the Light, that is doing their
mission, can get more scalar attacks because we are in the middle of a war, and it
is simply an indication that you need to spend more effort in protecting yourself.




 How do imprints in the plasma body form our thoughts and emotions manifest
into our physical situation?

COBRA – Those imprints do not form our thoughts and emotions but our emotions and
thoughts generate certain response within the plasma plane and then the scalar
technology of the Chimera group manipulates that and then all of this gets




 Basically, what we need to understand is that we all have common ground.
Everybody that is of the Light and is working for the Light has common ground. And
the common ground is we all want this world to be a better place. We all want to be
happy. We all want other people to be happy. We all want Disclosure, Full
Disclosure. We want First Contact. We want Liberation. We want the Event.
This is what we all want. This is our common ground. And everything else, all those
little things are not so important. And we can connect on that basic common ground.
This is what we can do. But we need to be aware that there are forces, non-physical
forces, and physical forces, that are trying to divide us. And they do so by
pressuring with their technology with their energies on our weaknesses, suppressed
emotions, suppressed . . . everything that has not been transmuted in us.
And they have a very sophisticated network that includes advanced technology that
can make other people appear to be what they are not.  So if you are cooperating
with somebody who seems to have strange energy, it might not be that they have a
strange energy. It might be there is an energy field around them that was created
with advanced scalar technology to create division between these two. And the
Archons are using that technology especially when there are small groups or
individuals that are very powerful working for the Light, and this is when they
attack the most. And when there is the greatest potential for unity, that’s where
they attack the most to create divisions, because they know, if we really manage to
unite, it’s game over. The game is finished. It’s our victory




On Sept 26, there was a glowing spiral over Russia.  Can you tell us more about

COBRA – This was simply the testing of a scalar weapon. 

Aaron – Were E.T.’s involved in this?  


Aaron – What does this indicate if anything?    

COBRA – It was simply a testing of a scalar weapon, that’s all


Basically, the real control of the awakening group is not on the physical
plane. The basic control network is on the plasma plane, I was speaking a lot about
this in the past, about the plasma scalar weapons, about the archons network on the
nonphysical planes and actually, the whole incarnation process is being controlled.
So, in many cases, many circumstances in the lives of awakened individuals are
controlled by those forces and this is what some people describe as Karma. Karma is
in many cases, not in all, cases but in many cases engendered reality to delay and
postpone the awakening of those who actually came here, to this planet to do our


 Recently, a lot of lightworkers have been suffered from the plasma scalar wave
weapon attack. What can we do to protect against these attacks?

C: What is very good to do is to go into nature because in nature there is less of
the scalar or plasma energy field, and also to connect with others and to have a
support network to support each other in this critical moment.

H: Would you recommend tree hugging as well? 

C: Yes.

H: You have stated previously that the Veil blocks all particles which are capable
of traveling at faster than light speeds. This obviously explains why Tachyon-based
propulsion systems do not work properly within this scalar fence. Similarly,
scientists have long been puzzled by the small number of neutrinos which pass
through special detection devices - at least much smaller than is expected
theoretically. Is this phenomenon also due to the Veil?

C: Yes.



 I know you speak a lot about connecting with your inner guidance. But as I
think we can all relate to, it can be challenging sometimes, especially with the
interference that we are getting with some of these scalar weapons and things like
that. Do you have any suggestions, especially right now with the energies as chaotic
as they are and a lot of Lightworkers actually being attacked?  Do you have any
advice for us on how to manage that, as well as how to really access that inner

COBRA:   The most simple, practical way would be to spend some time each day in
nature. I would say half an hour to one hour each day in nature would help quite
much. And do not say you don’t have time for that, you can create time for that. It
is one of the top priorities to keep sanity in the world as it is now.




 Many people are experiencing physical problems. They tend to
feel tired or emotionally out of control, some have heart palpitations or insomnia.
Are these symptoms of energy cleanup before ascension, or are they attacks? What can
we do to deal with these issues?

Cobra: It's a combination of all of this. There are still implants, biochips, scalar
technology, and entities. But there's also a purification process taking place, so
all this has an impact on the physical body. Again, one of the keys here is to spend
some time in nature because then you can reconnect with the pure crystalline energy
and can help both your energy field and your physical body.




  I'd like to speak to you a little bit about the situation on the
nonphysical planes, like the status of those planes being cleared. You said that
most of the plasma anomalies have been removed. Does this mean that many of the
plasma scalar weapons have been removed?

Cobra: The plasma anomaly has been almost completely removed. What is remaining is
etheric anomaly, which has basically the same scalar weapons, the same technology.
And this has also been cleared to a degree. So I would say there is substantial
progress in the last few months.

Debra: So you said the etheric and astral layers are being cleared as well? 

Cobra: Astral layer as well. Yes.



 Many lightworkers talk of experiencing unpleasant conditions in their
body and their emotions, and having more trouble peacefully meditating and their
focus is off. Is this caused by the increased breakthrough energy or are these
scalar weapon attacks? People are really looking, how can we find more inner peace?

Cobra: This is a one side effect of big purification. There are many entities flying
around, there is a lot of electromagnetic pollution. And again, you will find more
peace in nature far away from human beings and far away from sources of
electromagnetic radiation. This is the key, one of the important keys that you can
use to create more peace within.

Debra: And what if someone doesn't have access to being able to get so far away? Do
you have any suggestions for that person?

Cobra: Well, what can happen is also bodies of water, even a small lake or the river
or anything of that nature, can help with it.



 Okay. Now part two is about the Age of Aquarius meditation and on December
21st. (2021)And so Cobra, what can Light Forces achieve if we reach the critical mass on
that day?

Cobra: If we achieve the critical mass on December 21st, huge changes can begin to
be initialized. First, the Light Forces can begin to finally start deconstructing
the quarantine with all its exotic negative technologies, all that network of
electromagnetic fence, of different scalar devices, of all nanotechnology, of
implants, of biochips. All that can begin deconstructing because the new Aquarius
energies will be strong enough. And if we reach the critical mass, those energies
will be channeled through a critical mass of the surface population. And then the
big transformation can begin to happen.



 Yes.Well, if we reach or even exceed the critical mass, which is 144,000
people, what impact will we see in our physical world?

Cobra: The first thing that will happen will be the beginning of deconstruction of
the matrix construct around on this planet. There are many advanced, exotic negative
technologies that are controlling humanity in the last 25,000 years influencing our
consciousness – scalar devices, electromagnetic fence, implants, biochips, different
things that are part of daily reality without people even realizing it, which have
shut down our consciousness. And this is going to begin to be deconstructed on that
day, if we reach the critical mass. So real cosmic Light will begin to fall into the
planetary sphere and onto the planetary surface. And this is the real great
awakening. Humanity hasn't seen an awakening like this since the times of Atlantis.



  Jupiter and Saturn are the largest two planets in the solar system. And most
of the mass of the solar system outside of the sun is concentrated in Jupiter and
Saturn. And when they make a conjunction as visible from earth, we have a strong
scalar energy pulse from the direction of Jupiter and Saturn, a strong energy field
that is creative, which definitely brings a transformation.



 I like to speak to you now about
healing and our spiritual practice. Especially since the 11-11 portal date, many
people, especially Lightworkers, are reporting extreme fatigue, headaches,
dizziness, nausea, intense body vibrations, and a strong elevation of painful
symptoms. Is this due to the extreme intensity of the energy waves, hitting the
planet from the unusual and increasing solar flares?

Cobra: No, it is part of, the I would say, final battle where the Light Force are
removing the dark and the dark are fighting back. So many entities are attacking the
Lightworkers. All those technologies, scalar technologies are creating most of those



 Many people are full of negative emotions recently. What are the reasons? And could you give some advice? Is this due to, as you mentioned, those
scalar weapons?

Cobra: Yes, yes, yes.



 We know it's crucial to connect to our Higher Self during these times,
and yet, but as you mentioned, scalar weapons and other nefarious means create a
disconnection. How can we better achieve this connection?

Cobra: Yes, it is good to meditate, to connect with nature and to connect what is
good and beautiful.




 Are we able to protect ourselves and deflect scalar attacks by wearing
items like crystals or golden silver or ingesting things like colloidal gold or
silver or ormus?

Cobra: For example, there are some Tachyon technologies that can help repelling
those scalar attacks. And there are some other technologies that are also quite
effective – and Cintamani stones, of course, help with your vibrational frequency
quite much.

Debra: Well, that was what I was about to ask you, was the Cintamani stones. What
makes them the highest vibrational stone?

Cobra: They came from Sirius star system, and Sirius star system is one of the
brightest spots in the whole galaxy. It's a pure light energy and those stones are
pure light.

Debra: So with them being pure light, some people are confused because it's
suggested that we do not wear them during times of emotional distress because that
effect could seep into the planetary energy fields.

Cobra: Well, they act as a magnifying lens and if we emit negative energy, they can
magnify that and put it in the network. So it's really a special stone.

Debra: So it's still guided that we do not have it on us when we're…

Cobra: If you are really strongly distressed, I would say put it down for a few
moments. I would not be overly concerned with this, but if you’re already highly
distressed then better just leave it, put it down.

Debra: Understood. Why do so few people know about these stones? It seems even
within the spiritual community people are unaware.

Cobra: Yeah, this is what you need to ask them. Don't ask me.
















































