1996-All Conference Notes & Interview Quotes


Conference Notes


  • Workshop notes included.
  • These notes range in Dates from  March 2015 - Present.
  • NOT direct quotes from Cobra but notes taken by attendees of the conference.


...During the last Archon invasion which started at the 11th of January 1996, a  negative stargate was created by subterranean nuclear explosions and particle  accelerators. This energy vortex brings every remaining anomaly from the whole  cosmos to Earth. The lightworkers and lightwarriors below, above and on the surface  of this planet are transmutation stations of all that energy, they transform  darkness. This clearing process is taking place right now...


...The true purpose of Solar Warden was to prepare the Draco invasion. Additionally the Dracos infiltrated the military, the military industrial complex, the US regime and all governments worldwide. 

Everything was subjected to that plan. This created something like the Trojan Horse for the Archon invasion in 1996, which was accomplished through the underground bases that had been prepared for that. 

Through the SSP throughout the years, a huge network of 2000 underground bases was created,worldwide, many of them in the USA...the real reason behind the Solar Warden Program was to enable the Chimera
to prepare for the archon invasion in 1996


False channeling

The positive ET forces are part of a configuration, a loose union of races. However,in 1996 leading and effective channels were mind-programmed in bases. Since 1996there has been almost zero real contact. 

In addition to this, people have been programmed against the word Ashtar. Use of this name, has led to an ab-reaction. 

The CIA had the ability to use computer programs to produce channeled information. It is possible for those sensitive enough to have real contact at an energetic level.

But as the information is, as it were, downloaded, the ideas become changed. This is why so many messages are simply platitudes strung together with no real new and informative content.


In 1996 there was a major set back with the archon invasion of the Congo portal in Africa, through which infiltrated much darkness and negativity. However, on May 17, 1998 there was a significant reversal reached that cleared much of this negativity. And then during the solar eclipse on February 26 we reached a critical mass with the global meditation, which exceeded expectations and resulted in more significant reversal of that archon invasion, and clearing of the primary anomaly throughout our solar system.


The problem was/is the Primary Anomaly. This is a quantum field no one understands.  

When angels were submitted to the Primary Anomaly, the dark forces were born. They've occupied certain parts of the Galaxy. 

Some of them were transported from Orion to this solar system in 1996. Earth is their last fortress: the only planet left which is under their powers.


On the other side, before incarnation you made a plan. Originally the plan was for The Event to happen in 1995. A group of souls would trigger this. 

However 80% of this group of Souls refused to awaken and carry out their mission. People could have changed the destiny of the planet and did not. This timeline then collapsed. Then in 1996 there was the Chimera invasion.

Now Light Workers and Light Warriors are attacking each other. We need to get to our senses! And realize that we are playing with the destiny of the planet.


Chimera has the technology.There are particle acceleration devices as large as a solar system.The dark forces built them on Orion and brought them to Earth.This prevents the Light Forces from coming to Earth.That is why we have been isolated.

The Light Forces change the properties of the quantum field with Mjolnir.

It is like a quantum canon that changes the nature of the quantum field.Black holes are an 11th dimension of strings.The dark forces put these black holes in our energy field.These implants are black holes rotating in an antigravitational direction.Implants are not the only location of black holes. 

They put them in the mental,astral and emotional bodies.They float in the aura of human beings. This prevents certain connections in the mind.Every human has a damaged part of his brain.This is why some people cannot "wake up".

Since 1996, this black hole area has increased a lot. This is what the Forces of Light are clarifying.Black holes are full of matter.The area of the Earth is full of black holes and reptilians. This has been going on for 25 years. But we are almost there.



Evaporation of all black holes in our universe.The Light Forces are accelerating the evaporation of black holes.This planet is the most difficult to clean.Before 1996, the dark forces were in the constellation of Orion. They sacrificed Orion and brought all the technology/reptilians/ships into the Solar System.

It took the Light Forces 5 years to recover.Slowly they cleaned up.It took twenty years to clean up the Solar System.The Light Forces will interfere with the surface.The first visible sign will be a rather unexpected geopolitical sign. We are getting there soon.


Since 1996, the dark forces have blocked the super conduction process (of physical  bodies).

The Commandmer Ashtar is key in the Ascension process. Ashtar is a real being. Cobra has personally experienced that Ashtar is real.


Here is the cycle of Sirius.  Sirius B revolves around Sirius A. Around 2025, SiriusB will be the furthest away from Sirius A. This cycle takes about 50 years, which started in 1975 and ends in 2025. 

All the darkness must be removed during this 50-year cycle.Sirius star system has a very strong connection with the Galactic Central Sun. It is protected by a highly evolved race. 

During the 1996 Archon invasion, it was the only safe, unaffected sector in our galaxy. Since 1996, the Light forces have utilized the Sirius portal  to liberate this region.  

The Light forces also use Sirius to transmit powerful energy from the Galactic Central Sun. This  is why we have to build a global cintamani grid of Light on the Earth, as it can help transmit powerful  energy from Sirius smoothly.

I will explain the principle of Earth quarantine zone so that you can better understand how to break this matrix. 

During the last galactic superwave 26,000 years ago, the dark forces decided to focus all their attention on this tiny planet.The first reason is that the Earth is in a very special location which is very close to an important stargate.


Vacuum state does not mean there is nothing. It ‘s not empty. There are still some fluctuations in the quantum level. This happens at the subatomic level, which is equivalent to the size of Planck’s constant. This quantum fluctuation is actually an intersection point of  wave functions.  

By focusing our consciousness on the quantum field,  subquantum  particles will start to manifest into our reality.These quantum fluctuations will also prevent more Light from entering our world.Back in Orion, the Dark Forces have developed advanced technology which can gather and concentrate quantum bubbles. 

They used portals to transport these massive quantum bubbles to the Earth. They sent a large number of quantum anomalies to Earth from 1996 to 1999 through a portal. They spread lots of anomalies around the Earth in order to prevent more light and positive spaceships  from entering the Earth.

The advanced positive ET races use hyperspace to navigate their starships. Their ships are safe in hyperspace, but once they are manifested into normal space-time,it might not be safe for them to get close to  the Earth. they  might  be attacked by the dark forces. There have been cases that Pleiadian ships have been shot down and the Pleiadian crew members were taken as hostages.

Quantum foam anomalies cause significant flight difficulties for star races. Their ships might experience malfunctions, which can be deliberate or random.  Roswell incident is in fact a starship crashed by quantum foam anomalies .Quantum fluctuation resonator  is a zero-point energy portal that can help clean up quantum anomalies. Its torus field can  filter the surrounding quantum space.

The dark force collects quantum anomalies from all over the universe with huge quantum chambers and then projects  those anomalies around the Earth. The space-time continuum around the Earth is very distorted and strange. 

Everything looks normal for us, but when you see things from the energetic planes,  you will find that the world is really  strange.  When you feel  those quantum anomalies, you will know the space-time around the Earth is not normal and distorted.

This is  a Calabi–Yau manifold.  This is what the space-time continuum looks like in the 11th dimension. It is a torus with a central point. This is how the universe should look like. With more quantum anomalies, this torus will be more distorted.This is not perfect yet , but for now this is already beautiful.

Subquantum anomaly  is not something we can detect with modern physics, because it is smaller than Planck constant. We  can only detect its effect on the physical plane. This  invisible force is interfering and distorting  the space-time continuum


Now the main goal of the dark forces is to block the Light flowing into humans’ etheric bodies. They are suppressing  the energy flow around human navel. They block human  kundalini energy and suppress  human emotions. 

When humans can be aware of their emotions, they can be free and think again.When humans suppress their emotions, those emotions will be put around the implant.The energy flow will be blocked and it will be more and more difficult to breakthrough.

Cell phones have become a method of control. Most humans have become addicted to cell phones. They have become emotionless robots that keep staring at their cellphones. All mind programming that people receive from  their cell phones can block the energy flow in human etheric bodies. This control network allows  energy parasites to creep into human body.

 This etheric control energy grid is operated by an artificial intelligence. This artificial intelligence has existed for 26,000 years. It is on the one hand very intelligent and on the other hand is also very stupid. It cannot be smarter than its creator. It was created in  ancient Atlantis and got upgraded in 1996. 

It can learn human response. It can detect human emotions and aura This etheric matrix network sends programmed pulse signals to the human etheric body.  The pulse is then implanted into the human aura, and then it can detect  how the human body reacts.Cell phones are aura monitoring devices. Al uses cell phones to detect the energy flow of human aura. 

Chimera group has a mainframe computer in DARPA. This mainframe computer stores all emotional responses of cell phone users.This mainframe computer can make an emotion model to  predict human behaviors. 

It cannot influence human free will but human subconscious responses. Its programs can block energy flow in human etheric bodies.  It can cause separation between sex and love energies. 

When male and female polarity combine correctly, they can create avery powerful energy.The Chimera group has been separating twin souls since  the time of Atlantis. The separation of twin souls is the foundation of the Earth quarantine zone.  

The Chimera monitors the reincarnation process of all humans. Breaking up twin souls seems not enough to them.They  must completely destroy the relationship between men and women in order to maintain full control. 

This is why they created a homosexual programming. I’m not talking about congenital homosexuality. It is normal to be born homosexual.The real issue is that people are being deliberately programmed into homosexual.This homosexual programming is meant to destroy  male and female polarities. 

When male and female energies are properly combined, they can create a powerful energy vortex which can crack the matrix and the Veil. So the dark forces work very hard to avoid this.

Transgender programming  is designed to suppress the correct combination of male and female polarities. The dark forces  promote other  strange gender concepts  in order to destroy the correct flow of male and female polarity energy.

The dark forces want to further block humanity’s connection with the Source by replacing spirituality with technology. They want to make technology the  new God for humanity. They want to use AI to replace the Ascension Plan. They don’t want humans to achieve immortality, so they encourage people to upload consciousness to machines.  

None of their plans  will happen.Once the matrix disintegrates, all those plans will fall apart.


Human aura is a rotating torus. When we humans get closer to Liberation and the First Contact, starships of Ashtar Command will become more active around the Earthand Earth’s orbit.  

These ships,  including the Pleiadian fleet, wil be more active in assisting humans’ ascension.The Pleiadians would project pillars of ATVOR onto awakened the surface population to assist their transform and spiritual growth.

Awakened people will  begin to have formal  communication with Ashtar Command. This mutual connection was broken by 1996 Archon Invasion.The dark forces have  used much misinformation to discredit Ashtar Command. 

People have many misconceptions  about it.Anyone who really has ever been in contact with Ashtar Command knows that the contact is a very positive and spectacular experience.

Ashtar Command takes care of our spiritual development. Now it is easier to connect to Ashtar Command in dreams or meditations.  

This will happen more and more because we are about to see the final flash. Pleiadian Command and Ashtar Command are working together. It’s easier for Pleiadians to work directly with the surface population.


All astrological activity prior to 2020 was quite boring. 

In 2020 there were powerful aspects,(outlined at the 2019 conference) Which ushered in a quarantine within a quarantine All this astrological activity will be supporting Lightworkers.

Graph displayed showing the outer planets converging over a 500 year cycle 

This shows very strong ascension energies in the last half of 2024. There is also a coinciding Sirius cycle.

Another six-year cycle within the 19 75–20 25 cycle is connecting us to the galactic central sun where there are highly Evolved Light.  

Since 1996 the cintamani stone has helped bring the Sirius portal to earth. (the Cintamani stone originated from a planet that was orbiting Sirius B)


OK, here is the deeper aspects of physical matrix.

Among them, there is a directed energy weapon the dark forces use to the human masses. Most of them are used against light workers and light warriors. Sometimes they were used to riots.

Other technologies are used to control physical biology.

First biochips were experienced during the world war 1 in the prisoners war camps.The biochip then was not so successful. After that, various biochips were developed during the world war 2 in the concentration camps. There was mass production of biochip to human led by Siemens, the German company after 1945. Biochips were distributed to mass vaccination programs started by WHO in 1945. Those biochips were upgraded after late 1970’s, especially in 1996. 

Dark forces tried to put the upgraded biochips into the famous Covid vaccines, but this was prevented by Resistance movement, so no worries. There are many speculations about the Corona vaccines but they are worried after it’s already all over.


All darkness needs to be cleared, this is why there’s so much drama in this planet.  In 1996, the Dark Forces chose Earth as their last defence; the Galactic  Confederation was expecting the Dark Forces would choose Orion and release Earth in  1995, but the Dark Forces chose Earth and strengthen the control


Light Forces has technology to harmonize quantum field – the Mjolnir. 

A lot of Quantum Anomaly (QA) had been cleared already, problem is the SQA which cannot be detected and cleared directly; Light Forces use Mjolnir to clear quantum field and thus SQA also being cleared SQA is not evil, it’s a field slow down and block the liberation process, like a thick fog or mud slow you down.

the Dark Forces use their technology to accumulate QA and SQA, after 1996 they brought as much as QA as they can to planet Earth, now huge amount of QA and SQA in EarthSQA influence our energy field, our emotion, action; whenever enough of the SQA is cleared, LF will receive message to trigger the Event

SQA is like the law of murphy 

SQA is not just an empty anomaly, actually these were beings in the last cosmic cycle, when the cycle was ending the universe collapse and then the big bang, SQA survived that, those being in the last cycle had advanced technology to push their spirit into the SQA; during the big bang, those beings were traumatized, they were angry and ……, they had lost their individuality and merged as lurker, exiting in SQA; when clear the SQA, that being is cleared.Lurker will be resolved; we are clearing the Dark Forces and darkness from the last cosmic cycle.


So the astrology is working like a clock-work. 

We still have freewill. But there is much stronger energy pattern. It is getting super stronger from next year to 2025.

Another aspect of this process is Sirius star system. It is the Home for Cintaman istones. Sirius is actually a triple-stars. But the two of them are most important:Sirius A is the main star, and Sirius B is a smaller one orbiting around Sirius A precisely in 49-50 years.The maximum distance between those two stars will be in 2025. 

When there is a maximum distance, Sirius A can send a maximum amount of light to the neighboring stars. 

Sirius was only the star which was not affected by the war against darkforces in 1996.It was never invaded. 

Pleiadians were invaded from 1996 to 1999. Thedark forces were never able to conquer Sirius A. 

Even in the darkest galactic history, Sirius A was a free star of the light. And Sirius A will send more and more light, especially in 2025. 

It will trigger the gradual activation of cintamani stones. Both regular cintamani stones and Columbian tektites, which is also from Sirian star systems.


This Primary Duality was a separation between the Source and Primary anomaly. 

This is the beginning of the story between Light and Darkness. This story is now coming to the conclusion. Since the beginning of the first cosmic cycle, the Source was learning and understanding more and more about primary anomaly. There were many Tryand Error, experiences. 

The source has projected many parts of itself as individual beings or personalities who are experiencing various parts of the creations in various part of the universe in various cosmic cycles.Some of those individual consciousness have decided to dissolve the sub-quantum anomaly. 

Those are the subsequent Lurkers which exist beyond space and time, and beyond cosmic cycles, in the shadows. It was long known that this will all be resolved in the year 2000. So in 1996, the dark forces decided to provoke and manifest all the darkness.

 This was the moment the Lurker came out of its shadows and show itself in the universe. The dark forces are using Lurker to full extent, to delay the liberation as long as possible.The majority of the anomaly has dissolved and removed already. All the Lurkers except for the first one were already dissolved. What we are dealing with is a Primary Lurker. The aspect of it was originally separated from the Source itself. So we are starting to dissolve the primary duality.


Return of the Goddess Goddess energy has been suppressed on this planet since the quarantine state was created in 26,000 years ago. During the subsequent Archon invasions, it has been suppressed more and more. The first serious invasion happened about 5-6,000 years ago. 

Before that invasion, there was a certain consciousness leading the people on the surface of the planet. They still had real beautiful goddess energy. But after the first Archon invasion, those cultures were destroyed. 

But the Goddess Mysteries were still stored in the temples. The second Archon invasion happened in the 4thcentury, destroying all those goddess temples and mysteries. And many invasions like this happened during the centuries until a revival happened few decades ago. 

But the third Archon invasion in 1996 also destroyed all that

But in 2004 and in 2012, we reactivated goddess mysteries. And we started to form many groups of Sisterhood of the Rose around the planet. We revived the goddess energy again on the surface of the planet.


The good news is that we are in the final stage of purification. It is supported by astrological configurations and cosmic cycles.This year, 2023, is the year of the returning of the light; only the awakened can connect to that light. 

After the forgetting of 1996, we had three decades of Middle Ages with almost no light present on the surface of the planet; the destruction of society was ongoing.

The structure of society needs to collapse for a new one to be born, and the structure of society is collapsing into the polar shift, so we have to anchor the light to create a new society. We can start to anchor the light for the new society, forming Islands of Light.


Physics of Quarantine 

I will be speaking about the structure of the quarantine for you to understand how this has been built, and how this will be dissolved. As you probably all know, we are already in Pluto in Aquarius. The energy of pluto in aquarius has the tendency to dissolve the quarantine. 

There are many barriers created around the planet on physical and non-physical plane with quite advanced technologies. The Dark forces set their technologies to preserve the stronghold. 

Now the earth is their last stronghold. They have been using the technologies for last 25,000 years, constantly upgrading them, layers upon layers. In 1996, there was the last Archon invasion, and there were more and more layers were built. There were more dark technologies arrived here.

In 1995, planetary grid was quite strong, and at some point, the dark forces have realized that, if they would not do something, planetary ascension process will be unstoppable. So they opened a portal between Earth and Rigel of Orion star system.They did this with massive human sacrifice in Congo and Uganda in 1994. 

They opened a portal and supported the portal by detonating underground nuclear weapons in physical plane and in etheric plane. There were many other human sacrifice rituals.There were most of the dark technologies brought to here.

Since 2012, Light forces have been removing those technologies very very fast. You need to understand that most of these structures are thousands of years old. There are massive amount of entities both physical and non-physical around this planet.

They were also in everywhere in solar system, and their underground bases, to maintain their technologies. Light forces started removing these, and in December21, 2012 was the moment the last phase of removal has started. 

So it was the most intense purification process of the planet because the light forces were removing the most unpleasant part of the quarantine.


Sedona was a very powerful vortex of light until 1996. But after 1996, it was taken by Draconian forces. 

Sedona today is not what it used to be. It appears to be full of light, but in reality, there are many dark beings. There are no official tachyon chambers there. There are some fake ones there. The guardian of tachyon chamber needs to live there and anchor the energy. 

And ideally, it should be open to public so that people can experience the energy of tachyon. So, please contact her if you like. There will be a meeting of tachyon chamber owners. Let me say that you owners will have crucial roles in anchoring the energy to the light grid of the surface of the planet. 

People will get healings from the chambers will be upgraded as Pluto is in Aquarius.


Unfortunately, decisions of certain key light workers in those areas blocked the process. Then, there was Archon invasion in 1996. Those locations were invaded by reptilians, and Congo was invaded. 

LA was the main entrance vortex, so they wanted to suppress the ascension.Light forces had back up plan, which was triggering ascension in Arizona. 

There were other soul groups reincarnated in three main vortexes in Arizona: Phoenix, Tucson,and Sedona. Those souls are not all activated yet. Some are awakened and have done their jobs. Some entered in the RM. But the others are still not activated yet since  that was a backup plan.

The attack on California vortexes in 1996 was so intense that almost collapsed the light grid there. Light forces have decided in 2019 to reactivate the California network, and they started surface operations to reactivate the vortexes. There were special activation's of Chinese Dragon family in San Francisco, which involved the secret society in California. 

But it escalated and caused physical conflicts with people dying. So, light forces canceled the operations. Dark forces were trying to make civil wars and light forces have blocked them. The main orchestrator from darkside was Michael Aquino. He suicided himself last year in December. Since then,light forces are successfully reactivating the vortexes.


The time for luxury is over. We are in verge of world war III. We have had similar situation as this in past many many times. One of the cause of this is light workers. Light workers have been fighting each other, and do other stupidities. A breakthrough could happen in 1996, and a key light worker made wrong decision. So, instead of great breakthrough, we got Great Forgetting, Archon Invasion. A breakthrough could happen in 2019. And again, key light workers made stupid decisions in the same year. So, instead of great breakthrough, we got Covid Pandemic.







Interview Quotes



  • Some Examples are just the statement cobra made on the subject while others are Q/A in which case cobra answers are in bold.




Actually the dangerous period was between 1996 and 2003.There was a 7-year period that was quite dangerous and actually I did not know what was about to happen to this planet.It was quite dangerous



All those souls which were really the most undeveloped, the most mutated beings, many of them came to this planet with the last Archon invasion time frame between I would say 1996 and 2003.



After WWII, the Galactic Confederation chose to contact some people on the surface of the planet to give them more details about that plan, especially after 1953 there were many physical contacts. 

As we were approaching the year 2000 we were getting very close. Those people were then trying to facilitate that change and many were wishing for that to happen but of course, that was not possible. 

But then, as we were approaching the year 2000, we were getting very close. When the Archons, the controlling forces realized we were about to liberate the planet, they created the last possible possible blockage, which was the so-called Congo invasion which happened in 1996.

At that time, many of the negative ET races had invaded the subterranean areas in the upper crust of the planet, especially through deep underground military bases on the physical plane, and also on the higher planes there were many Reptilians coming in on the etheric and astral planes. 

So this is what has happened for the past two decades and now we’re reaching the point where most of the consequences of that invasion have been removed. So we are approaching the tipping point. And this is the reason why we’re speaking of the Event in the near future.




Congo area was an area of very drastic conflict and genocide - the Rwanda genocide which happened a little bit before 1996. That area is I would say a very negative black vortex. 

So what they did, I they actually triggered, I think it was 12, underground nuclear explosions which created a negative portal and then through teleportation chambers many of those Reptilian beings entered through the subterranean bases in Congo and also through other places around the world - deep underground military bases. For example, Pine Gap in Australia and Area 51 and Dulce. 

You have many of those bases around the planet that were quite active at that time. This infiltration also happened on the higher energy planes, on the etheric and astral planes, which is the reason most of the Channels lost their contact with the Galactic Confederation, and they started channeling “nonsense.” 

If you compare spiritual books published prior to 1996 to the ones published after that year, you will find a drastic decrease in quality.



There are a few phases of that process. The first phase was from 1996-2001
which was the Silent Phase of the Invasion. In 2001 those Reptilians became more
politically active by the 9/11 False Flag event. Their plan was to completely
suppress the human population by putting them in a fearful state. But their plan
didn’t work.



There was a city on the physical plane in the Gobi Desert, and yes it was
destroyed by nuclear war a long time ago in the past. There was actually a city below the surface of the Earth, and there was an etheric city but the etheric city has been destroyed during the archon invasion in 1996.


Q-So, the archon invasion actually was successful in certain areas. Wow,
that’s a very interesting piece of information.


Yes, if the archon invasion would not have been so successful we would have liberated the planet because the only way the cabal could hold on so long was because they have taken over the energy grid on the etheric plane.




Do you know what was behind the Rwandan Genocide in 1994?

It’s an Archon creation. Archon’s have organized this genocide through various means. One was a Jesuit network which has put certain people in positions in Rwanda and neighboring countries. Very strong Archon influence from the Etheric and Astral planes which have driven many people insane. This was an organized engineered Archon creation, I would say A Black magic ritual on a mass scale in 1994.

Q- The last Archon invasion occurred in 1996 in this region, is there a link to these two?

Yes – of course. This black magic ritual was preparation for the dark portal that opened in that area in Jan 1996.



Q-You said that only 6 people escaped the quarantine since 1996, how did they do it?

Actually there was a group of people that belonged to the Brotherhood of the Star, that group was located in California very close to the Edwards airport base.They were using a certain protocol to transform their physical bodies and to transform their consciousness, and they have managed to ascend in the late 90s, and they are not in this solar system anymore, they actually went to the Sirius star system after their ascension.

Q-Ok. So they escaped after the invasion ?

Yes exactly.



There was a peace treaty that was signed in 1995, and as you all know the next year was the big invasion, the Archon invasion that happened on this planet.  Because not all races and not all beings were happy with that treaty.

Actually one large segment of negative races have crossed into the light as a result of that treaty and the other ones who  did not sign the treaty were very unhappy with that treaty and they decided to invade the planet and that’s what happened in 1996.



Below Long Island there was a vast network of tunnels and subterranean chambers,with different bases for different civilizations and some of them were positive.

They were trying to direct the whole situation in a more positive way, because the negative military was also developing negative portals with subterranean nuclear explosions, they were actually opening portals with certain negative star systems in this sector of the galaxy, they actually opened a portal in january 1996, and you all know what happened after that.




Q- The other thing I’m very curious about is the Nigerian situation. If the bases have been cleared of the reptilians, this horrible boko harem stuff is this all surface or is this combined astral parasites. Does this have anything to do with the Congo portal.

It’s all surface people which are actually gathered.  They are being directed to a certain location. It’s a small number, it’s not a big number of people which can actually destroy whole villages quite quickly and effectively with machine guns. It’s not a large number of people.  Those are basically reptilian beings incarnated in human bodies that came through the Congo portal back in 1996.Many of them were just living somewhere in Africa.  The majority of those surface reptilians have been cleared but small numbers is still remaining.  Many are part of the Islamic state terrorist organization.

Q- OK.  so how did they come into the surface. Are they holographically projected bodies?

They came to the surface in 1996 and since then they stayed on the surface.

Q – OK.  So, coming to the surface what I want to know is, how did they get into human bodies.

They were basically teleported with teleportation chambers, so called, jump rooms, if you want to call them that, into the underground base, through otherreptilian star systems back in 1996.  They just came with their bodies to thesurface and they remained on the surface till then.   

Q-(in human bodies) 


Q – Not in reptilian bodies?

It’s a human body but a reptilian entity living (incarnated or consciousness transfer to adult human cloned body)inside a human body. Noshape shifting.

Q – OK.  This confirms my information that they have a technology that when they go into a jump room, the leave their reptilian body behind and they actually appear in a human body. Is that correct?

Yes, this is exactly what happened and the other situation is that there were clones which were grown in underground bases and souls were actually projected in those cloned bodies. The reptilian entities were projected into human like cloned bodies.



 Very few people have ascended and nobody has ascended on this planet on the surface of this planet since 1996.  At this moment real intel about ascension is still classified.  Because there are forces that would like to misuse that intel.  I am not giving any comment about the ascension process.



There were many races which visited this planet out of curiosity, because they wanted to make some scientific discoveries, and they were pretty much neutral in their approach towards human beings. But those visitations were drastically reduced after 1996.



Okay, basically the Arcturian Command, or the Arcturian race, (?) is quite
active in the solar system and around this planet the last few decades.  They have
star gates with their own (method) of opening their portals.  

Soon after the Archon invasion in 1996 there is a huge star gate – Arcturian’s star system is a huge star gate.One of the most important star gates for this local sector of the galaxy and the Arcturians are now directing the energy through that star gate, through various portals around the planet.  

The purpose of those portals is to activate the higher minds, not just in the interest of humanity, but the masses as well, to connect the mind with the intuition and to integrate the mind and the emotions into a balanced personality. 

This is one of the main purposes of those star gates.I would not talk about the locations of those star gates because these are quite important strategic points.  Some of those portals tend to trigger quite strong reactions of natural forces like volcanic eruptions.  There can be earthquakes in those areas because very strong energy are being traced through those portals.



OK. If I go a little bit back in history, the moon was quite a prize piece of real estate because it was so close to the earth and many operations from the moon could influence the earth surface quite easily. 

Yes, many different races had bases on the moon. Some of them were of a positive nature and some of them were of the negative nature. 

As the situation progressed, many, many thousand years ago, there were drastic battles taking place on the moon. Over time there were certain agreements which were evolved and they were more and more respected. 

Different races found out that it was easier for everybody not to fight all the time but to respect certain agreements. Yes, there were tension and, yes, there were disputes, but most of them were resolved through diplomatic means. 

Each of the races and each of the factions had a very strict territory which was designated to that particular interest group. Most of the time those agreements were respected. All this changed in 1996 with the Archon invasion when there was a huge vast Draconian fleet entering the solar system and they took over the moon completely in 96. 

Then the liberation forces came, basically between 2001-2004. There was a very strong operation of the light forces to liberate the solar system. In that time frame . . . most of the locations they were clearing those negative races and there were quite many battles on the moon and most of those negative bases of those races have been removed from the moon. Very few of them were remaining. 

Most of those remaining were the Chimera group strongholds. Out of those most of them have been removed already. Whatever is remaining on the moon is still classified at this moment.



1996-1999, there was massive implantation through plasma etheric scalar technology. Second, there was a lot of implants being distributed globally through vaccinations programs with biochips. 

There was also a certain number of MILAB type of experiences where they were taken to underground bases and implanted physically after trauma based mind programming sessions.


Especially after the archon invasion in 1996, the faeries, and all other
elemental beings of Light, did not have a very good time because the etheric
atmosphere was poisoned a lot with radioactivity as result of distorted harmonics of extremely low frequency radiation from scalar devices so they did not have a very good time and it was very difficult for them to exist, and they have actually sought out locations which had the least of that kind of pollution, so it was not easy to find them anymore in urban areas.



The Sirius star system is a very strong portal directly to the galactic central
sun, and the light forces have chosen to accumulate their energy to protect this
star portal to ease the flow that has reached planet Earth, because the Sirius star
system is very close to Earth, and having such a strong presence of the galactic
central energy so close to Earth was the strongest possible protection for this
solar system and for Earth especially, from 1996 onwards.



First, this computer program has been activated in 1940’s by the Chimera group which has managed to control the surface of humanity to microchipping which have started with WHO vaccination programs immediately after the end of WWII.

Second, this program has been developed further exactly in the way you have described in 1996 with the last Archon invasion. 

So what you are describing now is the technology which is at least one and a half to two decades old. 

The last part about the Jade Helm, yes, some forces are using this as a training, a real live training for this computerized program, but I would say that there is a very positive element embedded in Jade Helm operation that I will not speak about. So the dark forces, which would like to misuse this, are in for a big surprise.




Generally throughout human history there was a few main factions down there.  There was, of course, the Reptilian/Draco faction, who has a strong impact throughout the planet.  Actually, those reptilian factions had contact with criminal elements on the surface, and some of those criminal syndicates made their own subterranean networks, especially under larger cities throughout the world.  They were working hand in hand with those reptilians and with the Draco’s. 

Then there were the so-called escape groups – those people who were escaping from the surface – because they didn’t like it there and they went underground.  They created their own break-away civilizations.  Some of them are from ancient Greece, from ancient Egypt, even Atlantis.  When there were drastic changes on the surface, many people went underground, literally, and created their own break-away civilization there.  And many of those civilizations began to connect with each other and so the Agarthan network was formed. 

Since the fall of Atlantis, this was growing and growing.  It was a loose network of independent structures that was connected to a certain degree and they have their own unique way of development, and after the Archon invasion in ’96, some of those groups cut contact with others for security reasons and they went in their own different unique way of expression. 

Many of those groups were infiltrated after the Archon invasion of ’96. There was a lot of fighting going on in those underground [areas].  Many people have died, especially in the time frame from 1996 – 2001 or 2002.  Tens of millions of people died down there because of security reasons. 

Many of those groups cut off contact with the surface.  And then, of course, we have the Resistance Movement.  I have spoken about the Resistance Movement many times. In the last 2 years, there were many changes – changes for the better I would say.   The vast majority of the reptilian presence was removed.  The only thing that was left that was there originally was the Chimera group with their own stronghold.  

I will be speaking about that at some other time. And there was a very important development in late November, early December, last year, when there was an official contact made between the RM and the Eastern Agarthan Network and the Blue Dragons.  

There was a certain link created and a certain integration and reunification process has started between various factions that were, until then, independent. There was a great deal of transformation and even challenge for the Eastern Agarthan network because there were mixed elements still present there.  

As the contact was made with the Resistance, those mixed elements were exposed.  As a result of that transformation, one great part of that Eastern Agarthan network is now connected with the RM quite strongly.  And some other parts actually cut connection with the rest of the Agarthan network that tried to connect with the Cabal.  And there were quite many operations at the beginning of this year to fix the situation.  And now the situation is much better.





Q-You said in your last post that almost every being inside this solar system got implanted in 1996 

[C : Yes]

, the members of the light forces outside the surface of this planet, were they implanted by distance or captured ?

They were actually captured on the plasma plane, not in the physical, some of them even on the physical but most of them were implanted on the plasma plane, etheric plane or lower astral plane. Some of them were taken outside of the solar system into implant stations in the Orion system at that time, and returned back to the solar system.


Q-So it’s not something that happens by distance ?


No it didn’t happen by distance. There was an actual presence of strong
reptilian and draco forces in 1996 throughout the whole solar system, on every plane, physical plasma etheric astral and mental planes.

Q-So when a human tries to remove it, you said they are recreated automatically,
is this also not done by distance ?

The implants are being refilled with plasma which is connected with the tunnels of Set and with the plasma network which extends throughout the whole solar system.

Q-Ok, so it’s never happened yet that these implants are removed fully ?

There has been implants removed before the invasion of 1996, but after the
invasion of 1996, there has been cases but extremely rare and people who have ascended have not ascended from the surface of the planet, but from, I would put it this way, from the Agartha network. I would not say exactly which faction and which location, but certain people went from the surface, into the Agartha network in a certain location, removed the implants, and ascended.


Q-Are these implants the same that you talked about before, the two above the eyes and the one above the navel ?






Most of the SSP groups that you have mentioned and Corey has mentioned were actually working under the umbrella of the Illuminati network. 

I will say it this way. The group that Corey termed as the United Nations Galactic whatever, that group is actually the one that was the most open to the Pleiadian contact, because some of the UN diplomatic personnel was in contact with the Pleiadians. From my perspective, and from the perspective of my sources, this was the most positive group of all the SSP. 

The so-called corporate program and the Solar Warden space program were actually two side of the same coin that were actually created by the military-industrial complex with the Unholy Four at the top. So those groups were actually serving as a Trojan horse for the Draco invasion that happened in 1996. They were preparing the deep underground military bases for the Draco invasion. They were preparing infrastructure inside of the asteroid belt for the Draco invasion. They were preparing military warehouses on Charon the satellite of Pluto. They were preparing certain things on Saturn moons back in the 1990’s. 

But I would say apart from the top commanding structure, Illuminati commanding structure, the super soldiers and other personnel within those military and corporate space programs were, they were positive people in most cases. 

They were thinking they were defending the planet. They did not understand the whole agenda and the Draco invasion and the Archon invasion in ’96 was the main objective of the Solar Warden and of the Corporate space program back in ’96. 

Actually the split between Solar Warden and corporate space program happened after 1996. Before that time, they were basically one and the same.  





Q-Because from my understanding in the chambers that Dr. Bell and I created under the instruction of the Pleiadians, as I understood it, utilizing the Tesla coils, the crystals, the lasers and pyramids, we were creating like a little buffer zone that lowered the influence to the point where, as I understood, their ships were coming into the building and interacting and from my experience I was taken out of my body actually on many occasions in these systems and I remember watching the earth go below me, seeing the shade of one side of the earth, the light on the other. I never got this member face, but I was always having a series of conversations. For me, I feel like these systems and these positive zero point technologies – they can mitigate and lessen the effects of implants. Is that correct?


Yes, but I suppose that your experiences were before 1996. 

(Oh, yeah, yeah,absolutely.) 

Yes, because the implants now are not the same as the implants before’96. They have been drastically improved. It is much more advanced negative technology. That’s why it’s taking so long.


The implants before 1996 – we had technologies already on the surface that could remove them almost completely.What we have now is different because it is tied to strangelet bombs and plasma fields. It is a little bit different situation now.


Q-How long ago were the cabal implants connected with the light workers implants? 


They were always connected but this connection was reinforced in 1996.

Q-And this is for all star seeds or just some of them ? 


All of them.

Q-But the non star seed humans don’t have this.


It is not necessary because they are controlled anyway easily, so there was no need for the dark forces to implant them to such a degree.




The situation is not only limited to a Ethiopia. The whole sub-Saharan Africa has a big problem of a lot of reptilian presence and a lot of Archon presence that have infiltrated those governments, and this has gotten worse since the Archon invasion in 1996, and only very recently there are some changes and some improvement in this area, and there is still a long way to go.




Hunter is the Orion and represents dark forces from Rigel who always wanted to invade the Pleiades cluster and were even briefly successful between 1996 and 1999.




Q-That certain group of beings who were supposed to make their decisions to log
out of the system around 1994 to 1996, why did they decide with their freewill
mainly against the waves?


They were programmed, scared and not ready.


Q-Were their freewill tampered by beings of the darkness back then? 






Okay. There were certain factions that actually have surrendered to the light in the time period between 1994-95 until 1998. There were some massive surrenders taking place but unfortunately this did not include all the dark forces – just one faction.




Okay, here I have something to clarify. The Pleiadians were… had a strong cooperation with the Navy Secret Space Program starting in the 1950s and going on until 1996. 

Then there was the Archon Invasion and that connection was broken. The link was broken. What they are doing now is that they are….they have a certain channel of communication that I will not discuss how they do it… but they do… they have a way of providing intel to certain people within the Navy but this link of communication is different. It’s not the same as before…. The structure… the way how they influence positively the Navy Secret Space Program is different now.




Q-United States Air Force was founded in 1947, while Hubertus Strughold was
recruited as a high ranking medical expert for USAF via operation paperclip at the
same year. Does this fact imply that Strughold is perhaps the first chimera agent
inside USAF?


It was a Nazi infiltration, chimera did not have agents inside USAF before 1996




Yeah basically what was happening with Yamashita Gold that - this is the gold which was looted from all Asia, from China, from the Philippines, from Malaysia,from Indonesia; it was taken to the Philippines and then to the United States it was put into the trading programs which have financed the underground bases. And those underground military bases were preparing the world for the Draco invasion which happened in 1996. 

And yes, this gold is long gone, and also the gold from Fort Knox is long gone and the Rothschild gold is gone. Actually, the ones really having the gold now is China, and they're preparing for something with that gold.





I never said the gold was taken to the United States in 1996. 

The gold was taken after World War II to the United States, and then it was underwriting the trading programs which were secret, and this money generated through those trading programs went to finance the building of underground military bases which were built extensively since 1946 and 1947. 

This network of underground bases was completed in 1995 and the Draco invasion was triggered on January 11th of 1996.

Now we are here twenty-four years later, when we are actively reversing that trend.We are ending that invasion.

I would say the Light Forces have been working actively since 1996 to counteract that invasion and now we are reaching a certain point where the efforts of the Light Forces will become visible and we are marking this with our meditation,with our activation.




On August 11th, 1999, a huge interdimensional portal opened which actually reversed the trend of the Draco invasion. 

Between 1996 and 1999, the Dark Forces were just attacking the planet, coming here and gaining power. This powerful stargate reversed the trend, so since then they are losing power. This was visible two years later, and the 9/11, which they engineered, was not a sign of strength, it was a sign of their weakness and desperation—because always when they do something so visible, so easily noticeable, it means that they are desperate.

They understood at some point people would be investigating and everything would come out, so they had no option. It means that they started to lose the war, the Galactic War, in 1999.

Q-So is our Age of Aquarius meditation related energetically to that astrological event in 1999?

Yes, we are beginning to write the last chapter of this galactic saga.




Q-Is this timeline and meditation also related to the interdimensional portal
which began to reverse the trend of the Draco invasion in 1996, that portal that
opened up on August 11th of 1999?


They are connected of course, because what the dark forces did in this year
is actually a repeat, an attempt to repeat, the invasion that happened in 1996. Of course they have much less resources now, so their attempt is seriously much smaller, much milder than what happened in ‘96 and it lasted much less and they're exhausting their resources. 

And the timeline that started in 1999 is assisting in its overall transition, because this year 2020 is just one step towards the final liberation. It's one step in the huge Ascension doorway, which opened in 1975 and closes in 2025. 

So it's a 50 year transition period, but this year 2020 is one of the most important years in that overall transition. So we need to do whatever we can to anchor as much light as possible to have the most possible positive outcome of this transition.




Q-We know that many of these plans of the dark are to create civil
war, as you said, martial law, surveillance and contact tracing, mandatory vaccines
and implanting. People are becoming increasingly concerned about all of this. Can we get an update on where we are with all that and what the light forces are doing to help us?

Cobra: What is interesting here is that people were not concerned when they were implanted with the first vaccination programs after World War II, and they were not concerned when they were implanted with the second implant vaccination programs since 1996. 

What is different now is people are more aware of what has been going on for decades. Also this COVID virus is a biological weapon; there have been many biological weapons released before and nobody was so worried about it. 

It is true that this situation has been engineered and manipulated, but the other aspect is that people are much more aware of all that has been happening until now. So finally they are getting worried. They were not worried before when the same things were going on for decades or even centuries.




Q-I'd like to ask you a question about the Age of Aquarius. Last December solstice, we did a successful meditation and reached critical mass, and during our interview for that, you mentioned that if a critical mass was achieved, we might be able to see positive results within one to two months following. And of course, many people were expecting more utopian type results in 2021, rather than the chaos that has ensued. We understand that in the dismantling of the matrix some chaos is expected, but many are wondering how, and when, we will experience the energies of the Age of Aquarius? I would like to point out a statement you made in August that said, "After the purification of Rigelian forces that invaded Earth in 1996 is over by mid/late October, it will be expectedly much easier to manifest the dreams of the Age of Aquarius on the surface of the planet." So Cobra, could you elaborate on all this please? Will the Age of Aquarius naturally happen collectively on its own in its own time, or do we each have to make a proactive, committed effort to manifest it for ourselves in our own individual life?



There are two factors involved here. The first one is there is simply more darkness than anybody expected, I expected, the Resistance Movement expected, or the Light Forces expected. 

And the second factor is there is less cooperation and more egoism and more stupidity among the Lightworkers than anybody expected. So those two factors combined have resulted in this process being less pleasant and more challenging than I initially expected. 

So it is hard to determine how this will play out, but I would say the more people hold the Light, the more people cooperate in a positive way, the more people develop and manifest common sense together with a spirit of cooperation, the more, the easier our roles will be. Of course, the dark forces will try to challenge that, this is their nature, this is a war, and of course they want to win when they're in the war, and they will do whatever they can to win. 

They will not win, but they will do whatever they can to disturb this process. But if we manifest more unity, that will be a very powerful protection against that. 

So it's a matter of two forces interacting. On the positive side, we have those Lightworkers who are cooperating and who are manifesting common sense. 

And on the other side, we have the dark forces that are already cooperating and that are using their strategy in a way that is much more efficient than I have seen among most of the Lightworkers. 

And then we have the Light Forces clearing the exotic technologies, and they cannot intervene directly before the threat of exotic technologies is removed. So this is the situation now. 

We have much power in our hands to make the rest of this journey easier.





Q-And you also mentioned in the February 2023situation update that the Light Forces are clearing the shock to which the causal bodies of the surface humanity were subjected since 1996. As the energy of the Portal of Light can be felt from March 23rd, how can we use the energy to consciously heal our causal bodies?


The most effective way to do this is meditation in which you connect with your causal body and meditate with your causal body. 

You can do that by simply visualizing rays of Light, of golden Light for example, a rainbow Light emanating from your heart chakra in all directions around your energy field. 

And you can use this meditation, but probably there will be a certain specific meditation protocol developed for this. 

If we have time to do this, this will be nice. So this is one way you can do [and] you can assist in the healing of the causal body and accelerate your soul evolution as well.






