Posts :
Recently, a jihadist group entered Iraq from Syria and conquered a significant part of its territory:
It is interesting to note that the invasion of ISIS militants began in the city of Samarra, which is in the center of that Goddess vortex and was also the seat of the Abbasid Caliphate. Abbasid dynasty in the 9th century was connected with the secret White Nobility lineages and triggered the Islamic golden age with great progress in science and art:
Interviews :
Do you agree that the Archons are one and the same with the ancient texts references to the Annunaki?
Cobra – Very similar. Yes, Some of them can be described as Archons and or described as high level beings.
Is the Annunaki as they're talked about, whether the story is true or not, did they alter the 12 stand DNA and mix the human DNA with the monkey to create a hominoid species that became the 2 strand of DNA of humans?
COBRA – That is not exactly what happened. But yes, there was a lot of genetic manipulation taking place with the purpose of shutting off the higher contact of human beings to keep them controlled. What is described is not exactly what happened.
From what I understand, the Nibiruans as they are depicted in the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, were actually beings with kind of wings, which may have been a hybrid type of Orion type being, and these Nibirians were just basically one group that were kind of using earth people as slaves and allowing themselves to be considered as masters, kind of like Sirius B.Can you talk about that?Is Nibiru a planet, a mothership? From the history of Zecharia Sitchin, it is supposedly planet X. Dr. Frank Stranges has indicated that is NOT correct. You say that is incorrect. What is the story of the ancient history of Nibiru?Was this a giant mothership that was mining here along with other groups? Was this one group of beings, the Annunaki, but there were many other groups out here? What is the story – if you can get us, kind of correct the story of Zecharia Sitchin and put it in perspective?I know we’ve talked about it before, and you’ve said it’s not that important. But again, it’s just endless with people. I’d really like to put this to bed. For those of you who want to ask question after this about Nibiru, we will not address them. Cobra, can you go into this a little bit? When was the Nibiru interaction and is that the name for a group of people or a mothership? Where do they come from and what was that history?
Cobra- Sitchen was referring to Sumerian tablets. He was attempting to translate those tablets. He, in that position, was not scientifically correct.. But yes, the Sumerian text was talking about certain beings. You can describe them as winged beings.
They came from a certain star system beyond our solar system. And yes, some of them came from Sirius B. I have described before the traits of Sirius B people. They were not the only ones. There was a group of many different races that were actually mixed among the ruling race in all of Sumeria. They were actually the ones that were forming the Sumerian city-states. Many of them were tied to the Archons, and their agenda was, first, to do some genetic experimentation and, second, to suppress the goddess energy. This is the short story of Nibiru. It has nothing to do with a certain object that some people named Nibiru that is supposed to enter our solar system and create cataclysm. This is absolutely not correct.
If Wing-makers are the ancient humanoid race, are their creators the Annunaki?
COBRA – I will not use the concept of Anunnaki because it was again the invention of the Zecharia Sitchin. He was an Illuminati puppet and he has spread a lot of disinformation so I would prefer not to use that word which was First wrongly translated from the Sumerians and second does not describe a genuine interest group
Is there any historical and spiritual relationship between the Ascended Master Jesus (Sananda) and the historical Sumerian Annunaki being we know as God Anu?
Did Anunaki have war with Reptilians? And are some of the deserts results of the nuclear wars between ETs as Wilcock revealed recently?
C: Anunaki is a disinfo term invented by Zecharia Sitchin so I can not answer this question.
Q: Did Reptilians come to this planet before Annunaki? Where was the first place where Anunaki landed? Middle East or Gulf of Aden?
C: See above.
" Sitchin did not translate those Sumerian texts correctly"
You’ve obviously heard the story of Zecharia Sitchin where they claim to be our creators and they used us as slaves.
COBRA – Yes, of course, yes, of course, but my sources say that all these stories have been fabricated and there is a lot of misinformation.
You are familiar with Corey Goode’s latest interview in which he revealsthat Zecharia Sitchin’s information was for the most part contrived.
COBRA – I’m aware of this and this is exactly what I have stated in interviews with you 1 or 2 years ago.
Rob – Yes, and that is exactly what Dr. Frank Stranges said, and it kind of puts thestory of the Anunnaki in question. Is there any truth to the story of Enlil andEnki? Is that representing any type of interference from certain galactic forcesdespite that tale being woven in falsely by the Illuminati?
COBRA – I would suggest everybody just discard the whole Zecharia Sitchin story completely.
Richard – Cobra, in ancient Sumerian Text the God Anu had 2 sons and one was Enki.
Can you tell us more about him and his relationship to earth now and what he’s
COBRA – OK, I would put it this way. Much of that mythology has been distorted to
such a degree that it is not having any relation to what actually occurred at that
time. There has been so much distortion and programming regarding this.
What is Nibiru and who inhabits it?
COBRA – Nibiru is a label which is a complete disinformation. It has been created by Illuminati agent Zecharia Sitchin to confuse people.
Lynn – OK. So there isn’t any such planet as Nibiru?
COBRA – There is not such a planet and not such an object inside the solar system.
We also have a question in regards to, not necessarily health, but DNA manipulation.Now, I understand that this has been going on for thousands of years, and we, of course,hear of Zacharia Sitchin, Enil and Enki, they did not create the human race. I believe they negatively affected the human race with their manipulation.
Can you talk about how this manipulation has been done? And can you describe what manipulation,some of the bullet points, for the last 30,000 years has been the most detrimental?
And can we reverse this on our own before the Event?
Cobra: Okay, this is a very broad subject. I will just say that it has been going on for a much longer time than just 30,000 years. Actually, genetic manipulation started almost 1 million years ago when the dark forces from the Orion star system came to this planet in Atlantis. And this genetic manipulation was quite extensive and was done by many races.There was also, I would say, good, positive races that wanted to repair human DNA,and they have also added to this process in a positive way.So now we have human DNA which actually needs a lot of healing, and most of this will be done after the Event, which is actually the moment when advanced technology that is required for that will be released. I don’t see this happening before the Event, really, because it’s quite a complex situation.
so next question is what's hiding behind the Sun?
Cobra: Nothing.
James: There's no Nibiru?
Cobra: No.
James: Okay. So is that, does Nibiru even exist?
Cobra: Not in the way. It's a concept... It's a false concept, which was released to confuse the surface population.
James: So what about Zecharia Sitchin? Does that mean the, the story that he got was that, was that fabricated or...
Cobra: Yes. Yes.
James: Okay. And can you comment about I guess, I guess on harvesting slaves to mine gold on the planet. Do the ETs really want to do that?
Cobra: It's not necessarily because they have technology (replicators) to create gold. Why would they need slaves to mine Gold? It's not making any sense.
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