Basically the presence of the negative beings in the solar system is very
minimal and they’re all connected to the Chimera network. Now it’s the clearing of
the last remnants of this from the solar system. We had a big victory of the light
when the physical strangelet and toplet bombs have been completely removed. Now we have to remove those plasma ones now. It’s a big progress. The
purification of the solar system is proceeding nicely. There has been a lot of
progress in that area as well.
Both sides actually were . . . had agreed to kind of keep this secret – the
reason being that I kind of figured out is the bad guys don’t want us to know
they’re here because if we did, we could kind of step away from them. And the good
guys were forced to go along with that because the earth was held as hostage with
the strangelet and toplet technology and were forced into acquiescence of this
agreement, correct?
COBRA – Exactly.
And, yet, both sides still have different interaction on the surface. They
both kind of violated the treaty to a certain extent. The light forces are being
contacted. People are being abducted. There definitely seems to be on both sides of
this treaty kind of a violation to a certain smaller extent with each side
breaching. I guess it was an absolutely no contact with the surface population.
That’s certainly not been enforceable, correct?
COBRA – That’s impossible, but you see, it’s a war and in the war each side is
testing the weakness of the enemy. It’s psychologically and physically obvious that
this treaty is not completely enforceable. This treaty for the light side was not an
advantaged. It’s for the sake of the well-being of the hostages – for the hostages
not to be erased from the planet.
Has the plasmatic strangelet and toplet bombs have the same effects as
the physical ones after detonation?
COBRA – Very Similar.
the large hadron collider
has far little energy to do something like that. What could happen is they are
trying to create conditions to maintain the Strangelet and Toplet bomb. This is how
they are trying to maintain their control. But what is interesting about this
accelerator in Switzerland is that the Resistance Movement always had, I would say,
a strong presence since the beginning of the project and they can stop many things
and they can block many things and they can interfere. So I don’t see any danger
from the activation of that collider in the near future.
When we clear those toplet bombs it
will be a huge breakthrough and it will be felt. When we do that, it will be very
Someone asked, why don’t the galactics just neutralize the stranglet plasmatic
and toplet bombs considering they have advanced technologies?
COBRA – They do not have technologies to do that
all toplet bombs need to be removed completely before the Event can happen.
Actually I have explained that but I will repeat it again. The toplet bomb
is made of top quarks where the strangelet bomb is made of strange quarks. The
toplet bomb is a little bit more massive and quite more dangerous. It is very
difficult to make so there are not very many of those present, but still there are
some in existence and they all need to be removed.
When all of them are removed, will this immediately activate
the Event.
COBRA – Yes...According to my intel, that’s the last thing that needs to go... I’m not God. I don’t see everything, but
according to my intel, basically it’s my understanding that is the last thing
that needs to go.
‘Is there a certain number of them? Are they still being created?’
COBRA – There is a certain number of them, yes, but they are not being. . . no new
ones are being created. Their number is decreasing all the time as they’re being
“As the Cabal are soon to be defeated, what prevents them from detonating a strangelet
or toplet bomb, because they’ll end up in the central sun anyway? What is to keep
them from thinking, ‘We’ve lost anyway so let’s take down as much as possible?'”
COBRA – Those that have access to bombs, they are not many and they are
not so emotionally polarized, they are more mentally polarized and they plan. They do not react. This is how they were able to maintain this quarantine for 25k years.
humanity is basically ready for the Event right at this moment so it’s not a
problem, the main problem is the veil, the toplet bombs, the plasma anomaly, all
those things and when they are removed or healed, the Event will simply happen.
Which one is a better tool for the surface population to accelerate the
removal of toplet bombs, rainbow vortex or violet flame or others ?
C : Actually both of them are quite effective, and combination of both is actually a
good idea, one and the other.
there are still toplet bombs and they will be here until TheEvent. That is the main reason The Event does not happen. When the toplet bombs are
gone The Event will be triggered.
Many of those sightings are not genuine UFO sightings. I would not say the
number has increased I would simply say that more people are reporting them and more
people have, for example have cell phones with which they can take photos. It is
that simple. I would simply say that a certain amount of contact does not trigger
the toplet bombs and the light forces know exactly how far they can go without
triggering those mechanisms
did the Resistance and Galactic Confederation and Ascended masters know
about Chimera before that time period ?
C : They knew about Chimera but they didn’t know the details about the toplet and
strangelet bombs
(this is due to primary anomaly & hostage leverage the dark used with the source to prevent giving intel to light forces about certain elements of Dark forces[chimera's] actions)
It would actually be much easier if there were not a hostage situation but there
is a hostage situation on this planet and that’s why the Light Forces need to be
very careful how they deal with the toplet bombs. Otherwise, this situation would be
resolved much faster.
If the removing of toplet bombs proves to be so much more difficult than the
Light Forces expected, then how come beings from a much higher dimensions waited
until now to intervene? Is it because of the hostage-retaliation mechanism once
C: Actually it was always quite challenging to intervene on this planet because of
this hostage situation and in the last 25,000 years the Light Forces always needed
to be very careful in all their operations. And the situation is still not resolved
because when the situation is resolved we will have the breakthrough. We will have
the final liberation.
what is happening is that we have the Galactic cycles, the
Galaxy rotates around its axes and also the Central Sun rotates around his own axes,
it has its own cycle, it’s like a heartbeat, and every around 26,000 years there is
a pulse coming from the center of the Galaxy and we are right now, at this
moment…and when this happens, the Galactic Center sends a pulse which goes much
faster than the speed of light throughout the Galaxy, activates the Galaxy, actually
plasma electrifies the Galaxy and this is why our Sun gets more active right now,
this is why the solar system is changing and there are very advanced races, among
them, the Central Race, within the Solar System that are directing the whole, those
energies and if they wouldn’t do that we would have polar shifts decades ago, we
would have drastic cataclyisms decades ago, there would be nobody left on the planet
right now, without all the ships of the Asthar Comand, stabilising the tectonic
plates and preventing nuclear exchange many times. Cobra Let me just finish, I’ll be
quick. Right now whats happening is, the light forces, all those advanced Races that
are now in our Solar system, are allowing more and more of that energy to come
through, for us to go through that transition because we cannot postpone it
endlessly. So, what they are doing is always they are trying to find a balance
between us, that we are waiting too long, and the planet and the humanity that needs
to adjust. So it’s always a delicate balance and also balance, they are guiding this
transition in a way that the toplet bombs to not get detonated. There are exotic
weapons and people who have contact within the military know about that. The real
military technology is much more advanced that is publicly known….it’s much more
dangerous than the nuclear weapon and the light forces are dealing with this and when this is dealt with, we will have the event
Galaxy is a living being & the removal of toplet bombs & the Galactic
Super-wave are synchronized
The reality of the situation is that toplet bombs take long time to clear.
The sooner we all realize this and keep working for the liberation, the sooner it
will come.
Globally speaking, do we enough awakened lightworkers as the catalyst of
triggering the Event?
C : Yes when the time is right. But the conditions are not right, it’s not about the
number of Lightworkers… I would say they are ready. But there are other things that
are not ready, basically the conditions of the plasma plane(clear-vast majority), the toplet bombs, that
is absolutely not ready.
The Event can NOT happen without these
toplet bombs being removed.
Okay, the main deadlock is of course the toplet bombs. The toplet bombs are the main
reason why there is no direct action taken at the moment. The other deadlock I would
like to mention is the situation with implants. Most people refuse to awaken simply
because their implants are so strong. And the third aspect which is quite active
here is misinformation…or disinformation spread through the internet. I would say
right now more than 80% of anything that’s written in alternative media is
misinformation. And people are simply bombarded with so many unproven statements
through alternative media that the whole thing has lost its meaning and it’s
actually becoming a distraction.
Yes. Everything else, the Light Forces are able to cover right now. So if all the
toplet bombs are removed, we would have the Event in 15 minutes.
Also I will give
even more detailed explanations of the primary anomaly, of the toplet bomb, so that
people can really understand what is going on behind the scene. People would really
understand why the event hasn’t happened yet and they will really understand what
conditions need to be fulfilled for the event to happen and to receive some
practical technical keys to how they can contribute to accelerating the Event.
2020 - Current
Right now the toplet bombs are only within the implants. This is the only
location where they are still remaining; Inside implants, inside the energy field of
human beings. Deep within the implants, there is a black hole singularity and this
is where the toplet bombs are.
Many people wonder why the Light Forces have taken years to remove
strangelet and toplet bombs. If one plasma toplet bomb went off and the detonation
went out of control, will it destroy the whole physical universe and also the
spiritual realms?
Cobra: It is a very delicate operation, this is why it is taking so long. Those
bombs need to be removed without a single one being activated. If a toplet bomb
would go off, right now it would only affect this solar system. It would potentially
destroy the solar system but most likely the infection of the explosion could be
halted in high Earth orbit. so most likely the damage would be only limited to this
particular planet which will be going into a top chain reaction. All quarks would be
changed into top and bottom quarks. All matter would be mutated in very extremely
heavy matter made of top and bottom quarks. Everything will be mutated into a sphere
with a diameter of about 100 meters. Regarding spiritual planes, it would create
quite a strong anomaly which would severely slow evolution of all being involved in
that process. This will not happen. Light Forces are ensuring and taking precautions
that this will not happen. This is the reason why this removal is taking so long.
This problem has been addressed finally after 25 thousand years on the quarantine
where we are the final stages but still this needs to be approached in the correct
manner with correct protocols.
The remaining toplet bombs will be one of the major remaining obstacles. It
is impossible to predict exactly how things will develop because there is free will
involved. There are many factions involved. We cannot exactly predict how this last
phase will go on. It is one of the most unpredictable phases in human history but we
know the final outcome which is very good and it is the Event.
Is there a toplet bomb in the
implants of ALL surface population? What are the impacts of this and how can we deal
with it? Is there anything we can do to help remove these or is something only the
Light Forces can do?
Cobra: Yes, this is the last line of defense, I would say the strongest among the
last line of defense. It has been activated to the degree that those implants are
now producing the toplets, producing rotating black holes. The Light Forces are
dealing with this quite effectively. What everybody can do, or I would say the most
awakened people can do, is to clear the implant, especially the ones in the frontal
lobe of the brain. They can clear those implants with violet flame. They can use
implant clearing protocols which I have discussed at my conferences. I have posted
videos. I have posted instructions. People can check the notes from the conferences.
There are various techniques people can use to help dissolve the implants,
especially some of the primary belief systems which have been implanted. This will,
of course, help the Light Forces in dissolving the whole structure.
How serious is this situation with the implants?
Cobra: It is basically the primary situation, the fall from Eden, the fall from
paradise. This is the mechanism which has separated humanity from the Source.
Ascension process is actually a process of removing the implants and reconnecting
with the Source.
What about now with this activating the plasma that creates toplet bombs
within the implants—how serious is that?
Cobra: Actually it is a very advanced negative quantum technology which has until
now prevented the Light Forces from accessing the implants and removing them, but
now the Light Forces, especially in the last few years, were working specifically
with total dedication and focus in removing those technologies and they are being quite successful.
In your recent Prepare for Change interview, you mentioned that there
is a quantum war taking place – can you explain what you mean by quantum war?
Cobra: Yes, to a certain degree, the Light Forces have advanced technologies with
which they can remove the implants. They're dealing with the toplet bombs and with
other quantum technologies. The dark forces also have, and had, especially the
Chimera group and more advanced negative races, had certain advanced quantum
technologies with which they were counteracting the progress of the Light Forces.
This war has reached a peak in the last few months. Now the tide is turning slowly
towards the victory of the light in those areas.
Why can't the light forces take out the dark forces in the sublunar
space? Is this because of the toplet bombs still in existence?( 2020)
Cobra: It is simply there is so much direct technology present in the sublunar
space. It's much harder than we expected, so this is tough. It a last fortress
basically the dark forces have, and they are really defending it as much as they
can. So the light forces have to proceed cautiously because humanity is taken
hostage, and the light forces would like people to survive this intact. They need to
dismantle this in a way that would not endanger human species.
If more people perform the protocol of deprogramming of the implants, would it help the light forces to remove the toplet bombs more easily and quickly?
Cobra: It would help the light forces with ALL of their operations.
what are the remaining
obstacles to the final breakthrough before the event?
Cobra: Still the main obstacle remains the same and that are toplet bombs. This is
the exotic technology, which has to be removed completely or almost completely
before the Event can happen. And there of course are other factors, but those other
factors are not such a big obstacle as the toplet bombs are.
The thing is there is so much darkness on this planet and around this planet
that the Light Forces are releasing intel about this darkness step-by-step so people
can process it and also the Light Forces can process it. So delays are possible
until the final moment – but the main delay is about the toplet bombs. This is the
main limiting factor. And when this is addressed, all other factors that can
potentially delay the Event are much, much, much smaller.
So things are converging towards the Event. It's not delay, after delay, after
delay, getting into infinity. It's a convergence of smaller and smaller delays, of
more and more clarity, and less and less darkness, until the breakthrough happens.
This is another perspective, which is quite important. And if people have this
perspective of convergence, they will not lose hope. They will not get frustrated
because they will understand that we're getting closer. It's actually a spiraling
movement towards the Event.
those remaining toplet bombs are in the quantum
field, correct?
And they're tied to the implants that are within humans?
This quantum superposition, is it like another non-physical energy field? Is
this a field that we should be including in our protection meditations when we clear
and protect our plasma, etheric, astral, and mental energy fields?
Cobra: It is not a non-physical energy field. It's actually a physical field, but
it's on a quantum level. So it's a different dimension of things I would say. And if
you wish you can include it in your daily practices.
Does that mean once the majority of the remaining quantum toplets are
cleared, even if there are still primary anomaly or Chimera or Archons present, can
[the] Event still happen? And could there be any other surprises that show up? I
know you said it is possible since we're still in a war.
Cobra: It's possible, but those surprises will be minor. It will be much easier to
clear and it will take much less time.
Debra: And can the Event can still happen if there is some primary anomaly or
Chimera or Archons?
Cobra: Yes.
Are you able to give us an update on the progress of the toplet
bombs? Are they still the greatest obstacles to the Event?
Cobra: Yes. They are still the greatest obstacles. Yes.
Debra: Has there been any progress made on this?
Cobra: There is progress ongoing, but this is a very tough subject. I mean, it's
really, this has been really tough clearing those toplet bombs. It's a challenge,
but there's progress being made.
Can we talk about the Central Race? I know in one of our previous mass
meditations, we got their attention. How are they involved with this now? And also
people are curious what they look like.
Cobra: Yes, they are giving great assistance to the Galactic Confederation. They are
giving great assistance with the Dyson Spheres, with clearing of the solar system,
with clearing of the primary anomaly, of subquantum anomaly, of the toplet bombs.
They are working with all this, and they are giving a lot of assistance to the whole
And you've stated before that the only location
where toplet bombs still remain is within the implants inside the energy field of
human beings, where a black hole singularity exists. So by doing these exercises to
help dissolve our implants, are we in essence assisting the Light Forces in
dissolving the remaining toplet bombs?
Cobra: We are assisting them, for them it gets easier to access the toplet bombs. We
are not dealing with the toplet bombs directly, it is simply too dangerous, but we
are assisting the Light Forces to get better access to this and to approach this in
a way that is safe and efficient.
We know that the implants cannot be fully removed until the
Event, but for those people that attend on a regular basis, what are some of the
benefits that they could experience? Are they actually dissolving their implants?
Cobra: What people can achieve is deprogramming, dissolution of limiting belief
systems, liberation of consciousness. That can definitely be a result of this
clearing process. People can gather their experiences and they can post it somewhere
for inspiration, people who are working on this.
Are there also good implants, positive ones that benefit us?
Cobra: I would not call them good implants, but there were certain races which are
in the intermediate state of development that are putting implants with good
intention for communication, for scanning, for healing. This was done a lot in
Atlantis. It was done also on the ships of certain extraterrestrial races, but I
would say this is outdated and old technology.
Is it possible that new toplet bombs will be made from the
Black Stone at Urim base? Or can the dark forces still create any new toplet bombs
at all?
Cobra: Okay. Theoretically, the dark forces could create a small, very small
top-quark condensate, which would decompose very fast. So practically speaking, they
cannot make toplet bombs anymore.
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