Toplet Bomb All Posts



 October 7, 2014 Plasma and the Planetary Situation Update

There are quantum singularity wormholes within the plasmatic plane and in the occult terminology they are called the Tunnels of Set. Those wormholes contain strangelet and toplet bombs and they are tied to the physical Black Stone in the Long Island location. This is the main reason why clearing of the plasma scalar network and the Veil is taking so long.
The Light forces are dealing with this situation and there has been significant progress regarding removal of the plasma strangelet bombs, whereas plasma toplet bombs still remain a challenge. 

There is another plane similar to plasma, but on a much higher octave, between the higher mental (manasic) and the buddhic plane. That plane is called the buddhi-manas membrane and separates realms of Oneness from realms of duality. This membrane was created as a result of torsion forces between the mental and buddhic (intuitional) plane as a direct consequence of cosmic anomaly when the universe was created. This membrane is the first thing that separated us from the Source when we descended into Creation as sparks of conscoiouness long time ago in galactic history.  The density of this membrane will be greatly reduced after the Event when the cosmic anomaly of darkness will be finally cleared.






  January 29, 2015 Taiwan Conference Report / Solar System Situation Update 

During the same weekend, ALL physical strangelet and toplet bombs of the Chimera
group have been cleared. Only plasma strangelet and toplet bombs are now remaining.
Plasma plane remains the main strong area of the Chimera group and this needs to be
taken care of before the Event happens. We will deal with the plasma situation in
detail in one of near future blog posts.
As a result of the cleared physical bombs, there was great relief among the Light
forces and a lot of intel that was previously classified has now become safe to be


  February 9, 2015 Solar System Situation Update

 Since early last year, the Light forces are dealing with the Chimera directly. Since
late January this year, as the physical strangelet and toplet bombs have been
cleared, they have started operations to clear this Solar System from the last
vestiges of darkness. This operation is codenamed MOSS (Multidimensional Operations
Solar System). This operation is still ongoing. Important breakthroughs have
happened in the last few days. After the successful completion of MOSS and around
the time of the Event,  Disclosure and First Contact will happen and this will be
the end of the quarantine status for planet Earth


 March 19, 2015

What is remaining is the network of plasma
implants, connected with each other through the Tunnels of set, and tied to the
plasmatic strangelet and toplet bombs.
This implant network was slowly built throughout millions of years across this
quadrant of the Galaxy by mad scientists of the Chimera group who were master
strategy planners of the Orion / Draco / Reptilian military complex.
Everybody now incarnated on planet Earth still has those implants, as we have
received them upon or before entry in the quarantine Earth area. They are plasma
micro black holes, rotating in a strong plasmatic electromagnetic field. Their
purpose is to distort spacetime to keep maintaining the primary anomaly and thus
planet Earth quarantine status


 March 31, 2015

 Coming reactivation of LHC at CERN does not pose any danger and does not increase
the depth of the Earth's quantum well because the Light forces now handle the
production of physical strangelets and toplets and can counteract any physical
manipulation of those particles.
Earth primary anomaly quantum fluctuations well, maintained by the plasma implant
grid and supported by plasma strangelet and toplet bomb retaliation mechanisms is
the background meta-strategy of the Chimera which maintains quarantine Earth status
and prevents Disclosure and First Contact.



  July 5, 2015

  The main problem remains the plasma
accretion vortex around planet Earth, full of strangelet and toplet bombs. This
vortex looks like an octopus with its plasma tentacles extending into the
interplanetary space, strangelet bombs being cancer cells in its body.  This vortex
is not a dead plasma field, it is actually a living entity of a negative nature.



  July 14, 2015

 Sublunar operations will remove all Chimera presence, their implant stations and all
plasma strangelet and toplet bombs from sublunar space.



  August 26, 2015

 A little more disturbing is the presence of plasma strangelet and even plasma toplet
bombs that were put into implants of some of the most evolved and most powerful
Lightworkers and Lightwarriors as a hostage control mechanism to ensure they do not
escape from the quarantine.



  October 6, 2015

 Strangelet and toplet bomb mechanisms were planted if Ascended beings would reach
out and make contact. This effectively made our Solar System a zone with very little
Ascended contact. Event the Pleiadians within the Solar System could not reach the
Ascended beings directly as the contact was extremely limited.

Now most of this blockage is already removed but everybody inside Solar System
(including surface humans and almost all beings from subteranean and space alliances) still have that part of implants that cuts their connection with Ascended
beings, tied to strangelet  / toplet bomb mechanisms, controlled by the Chimera.
This is the reason why I have not yet released the intel about the Ascension plan,
as the situation is simply not ready. 

 All implants are still
connected with hyperdimensional plasma wormholes (Tunnels of Set) into an
AI-supported network that communicates across the Solar System plasma vortex
(Yaldabaoth) and is tied to plasma strangelet / toplet bombs. This network is still
connected with RHIC hadron collider and to a lesser degree with LHC at CERN.

 Many people are frustrated as there are no visible drastic changes yet. Any drastic
change, such as a major disclosure intel release through the mass media, or a direct
physical intervention of the Light forces on the surface, would trigger a cascade of
events that would lead to triggering of the strangelet bombs. Therefore, drastic actions of the Light forces will only happen when all strangelet and toplet bombs
are removed and pose absolutely no threat.



 November 11, 2015

all beings involved in the Earth situation being harmonized with the purpose of
manifesting the Disclosure and the Event as soon as possible in a positive way.
Visualize all plasma strangelet and toplet bombs being harmlessly removed. Visualize
all other exotic weapon technologies being exposed and then removed effortlessly.
Visualize full Disclosure massive intel releases about the extraterrestrial presence
and secret space programs through the mass media. Visualize the Event taking place,
finally liberating planet Earth.



  November 30, 2015

 Our Event Meditation was a huge success and we were very close to reaching the
critical mass. Dragon sources have communicated that positive timeline has been
deeply stabilized and the Resistance has communicated that one huge layer of
strangelet and toplet bombs has been removed. Since the meditation, there are
intense negotiations taking place behind the scenes for full Disclosure and for
complete and unconditional surrender of all Cabal factions, including the Chimera.



 December 13, 2015

The main problem remaining are implants of
the Cabal members, connected with Tunnels of Set to Yaldabaoth plasma accretion
vortex which extends throughout the Solar system, tied to plasma strangelet and
toplet bombs. Implants of the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are connected to the
implants of the Cabal members with Tunnels of Set and this hinders their spiritual
progress, but at the same time accelerates the clearing of the Cabal's implants and
disintegration of the Yaldabaoth octopus plasma accretion vortex.






  January 3, 2016

Kuiper Ring, the network of physical
Chimera bases in the outer Solar System, has been almost completely removed. Last
remnants of the Chimera fleet are in disarray, scattered throughout the Solar System
and hiding near the position of plasmatic nodes with the highest concentration of
plasma strangelet and toplet bombs, using those bombs as a shielding mechanism.
When the physical Chimera network throughout the Solar system is disintegrating
fast, the plasma accretion vortex with its strangelet and toplet bombs remains a far
greater challenge at least for now.

As the power of Chimera decreases, there will be more exchange of intel between the
top people of various positive factions without fear that this intel will be
intercepted by the Chimera and without threat that Chimera will retaliate if top
people of various positive factions talk too freely. Therefore the Resistance will
soon release substantial intel to Eastern Agarthan network and to various Secret
Space Program factions and some of that intel will then precipitate to the surface
population. Most SSP factions were seriously mind-programmed against the Pleiadians
and against other positive ET races and soon the Resistance will present them with
solid proof of Pleiadian benevolence.

The Resistance will also give them technological know-how to remove nanites and
other similar technologies that are falsely described as AI (artificial
intelligence) . As someone has put it brilliantly in a comment on my blog: "Cobra
was talking about robots and nanites (miniature robots) which were invented by the
Chimera to control reptilians and humans. These robots and nanites can be so
sophisticated and process information at such a high speed that they give the
illusion or impression of being sentient, alive, and intelligent. But they are
really just machines that are easily turned off."

A key defense factor against those technologies is a balance between emotions and
mind. Those technologies can only manipulate a mind that has suppressed emotions and
can not handle strong emotional currents.



 March 25, 2016

The vast majority of plasma strangelet
bombs have been removed and now the Light forces are focusing on removal of plasma
toplet bombs, successfully using the same approach.
The removal of plasma strangelet and toplet bombs is easing the tension inside our
Solar System, opening up Quarantine Earth and speeding up Disclosure process for the
surface population.



 April 13, 2016

Chimera barrier is the outer defense line of the Chimera group and consists of a
fleet of motherships, connected to plasma toplet bombs. Its purpose is to prevent positive interstellar and galactic energies penetrating our Solar System. It is
located just inside the outer barrier (as called by Corey Goode) / Tachyon membrane
(as called by some other sources). Outer barrier /Tachyon membrane's location
coincides with the heliopause in the outermost edge of our Solar System and is used
by the Light forces to direct flow of beings and energies in and out of our Solar



  May 1, 2016

 Until now, the Chimera was controlling the
flow of intel and communication between various factions inside our Solar System,
threatening to activate strangelet and toplet bomb if information blockade would not
be respected by all factions. This is how intel was compartmentalized.

Now this information barrier is slowly dissolving, various factions are beginning to
communicate. The Pleiadians and other races belonging to Galactic Confederation are
beginning to contact personnel in Chimera-controlled secret space programs (SSP)



 May 8, 2016

 When the Event / Reset / RV begins, it will be very evident to everyone and it will
be reported in the mass media.

Before the Event can happen, the Solar System plasma anomaly must be healed, the
Solar system plasma entity (Yaldabaoth) must be disintegrated and plasma toplet
bombs removed.

Yet it is important to be prepared as the Event will begin suddenly without any




  June 22, 2016

 Removal of the remaining plasma toplet
bombs has proven to be more difficult than expected, as they are protected with
quantum potential chambers throughout the Solar System. Quantum potential chambers
are directed scalar torsion fields that create an accretion vortex for as much
primary plasma anomaly as possible to be gathered around the remaining toplet bombs.
These chambers are more advanced version of quantum potential weapons that are
already known for decades:


Plasma primary anomaly encompasses all possible combinations of negativity as the logical opposite of the Absolute, and only a small percentage of these combinations gets manifested onto the physical plane, as the Light forces mostly cancel them out before they can materialize from the quantum foam. The Light forces use advanced technology of Light pillars (ATVOR) to resolve the non-linear primary plasma anomaly using the mathematical principles of iteration:

ATVOR technology is based on AN conversion

Even using those advanced methods, a small unresolvable portion of the primary anomaly remains and then collapses into the accretion vortex around the toplet bomb. The Light forces then apply the ATVOR technology again until the critical mass of the primary anomaly gets resolved, and then they will annihilate the remaining toplet bombs once and for all.

That will be the moment of Compression Breakthrough, the Event




  August 17, 2016

 Since mid-July, the concentration of toplet
plasma bombs has fallen below a certain threshold which allows cracks in the Veil to
appear. This means that plasma free of primary anomaly began to appear on the
surface of the planet. This allows clearer vertical energetic communication with
non-physical spiritual guides that will begin to contact the awakened part of
humanity more and more. 


  October 9, 2016

The frontal lobe biochips are attached to the optical nerve of both eyes and
connected to the auditory cortex of the brain with artificial synapses. They send a
constant audio video stream of whatever you see and hear into the mainframe computer
of the Chimera group. That computer constantly monitors the activity of surface
population and prevents contact between the surface population and the Agartha
network and/or extraterrestrial beings of Light with plasma toplet bomb retaliation

Also, the Chimera has ordered their remaining Draco minions to activate all
remaining scalar plasma weapons which have been secretly installed by the Draco into
the majority of all low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. These scalar plasma rays are
now targeting the most awakened Lightwarriors and Lightworkers on the surface of the
planet in full scale. The Resistance and the Pleiadian fleet can not yet shut down
those weapons as they are protected with plasma toplet bombs.





 February 12, 2017

 There was a drastic improvement of the
situation in our Solar System lately. The Light forces have managed to clear most of
the plasma anomaly from the Solar System and beyond, and the vast majority of plasma
anomaly with most remaining toplet bombs is now accumulated close to Earth within 3
Earth radii from the Earth center. 

Density of the anomalous plasma filaments of the Yaldabaoth entity together with
toplet bombs throughout the Solar System is now decreasing fast to the point of
being almost completely dissolved and now basically only the „head“ of the
Yaladabaoth entity remains. This „head“ is comprised of many layers of anomalous plasma that were laid upon the surface of the planet in the last 26,000 years.



  March 1, 2017

 This wave has effectively cleared most negative plasma from the Solar System and the
Resistance has communicated that „they can not detect any plasma anomaly beyond the
Moon orbit“. Also, all plasma toplet bombs beyond the Moon orbit have been removed.




  March 28, 2017

Now there are only about 180 members of the Chimera group left on the planet. They are a small and yet very powerful and dangerous group that maintains the quarantine status of planet Earth through a top quark-antiquark condensate located in Long Island, tied to plasma toplet bombs:

They are infiltrated into key positions in US, Russian and Chinese military, the majority of them within the US Air Force, effectively preventing positive ET contact globally.

More specifically, you can find them holding certain key positions here:

And more precisely here:




And here:

You can find interesting codenames such as Ascension, Cobra and MOSS in their space surveillance network:




  April 7, 2017

  The Light forces are intensively clearing
the head of the Yaldabaoth entity with all plasma anomaly and plasma toplet bombs
and all plasma scalar technologies of the Veil. Realizing that they are going to
lose, the Chimera have stepped up the plasma attacks on the key Lightworkers and
Lightwarriors that are beyond brutal.



 May 2, 2017

 Here I need to repeat again that the main reason the Light forces do not intervene
more directly are plasma toplet bombs:

As plasma strangelet bombs have already been removed successfully, so will be plasma
toplet bombs and that will lead to the Event. As soon as the presence of plasma
toplet bombs falls below a certain threshold, the Light forces will address the
directed energy weapons situation very drastically if it does not get resolved more
peacefully until then.




  June 12, 2017

Anomalous plasma filaments of the Yaldabaoth head together with toplet bombs are coupled with the black stone, a top quark-antiquark condensate. Black stone is a big hadron made of top/antitop quarks that were created by the Chimera millions of years ago in huge particle accelerators (Dyson rings) that were able to produce temperatures above the critical temperature of 2 trillion Kelvin, needed for black stone creation.

For about 7 million years, the black stone was located on a planet orbiting Rigel star system (which was the center of the cosmic anomaly during that time) and was then brought to Earth from Rigel through the Taurus cloud plasma filament in 1996:

It is now located in the Chimera underground facility near RHIC collider on Long Island. 
The Light forces are now working directly to disable the black stone and remove the
remaining toplet bombs and the progress is going according to the plan.
( cleared) 




  July 5, 2017

 The main focus of the Light forces is now the clearing of the plasma „head“ of the
Yaldabaoth entity, toplet bombs, black stone and primary anomaly associated with all
these.This is a very sensitive operation and I hope it is understandable I can not
provide much intel about it until it is completed.




 September 28, 2017

 Anomaly associated with the Black Stone is removed.
What is remaining are the remnants of the Yaldabaoth plasma entity with plasma
toplet bombs and plasma anomaly associated with it, and a few more plasma parasitic
entities that were until now hidden within the body of Yaldabaoth and are now
getting more active as Yaldabaoth is weakened more and more. All these entities are
also full of plasma toplet bombs and plasma anomaly.




  October 12, 2017

 Some of you might remember that before 1996, sublunar space was full of motherships
of our positive space bother races, full of angels and positive beings of Light. Now
the parasite plasmoids near the Earth surface have been cleared enough that a
certain amount of the Pleiaidian fleet has returned to the sublunar space (hopefully
permanently), without any possibility of triggering the remaining toplet bombs




 November 6, 2017

 The clearing of plasma toplet bombs has progressed to the point where we will see
more positive physical action towards the planetary liberation, but not yet the
Event. I have received very interesting intel about the Event and hopefully I will
be able to release it in early December. I can only release hints until then. Let me
just say that 2-4 weeks before the Event, situations will drastically accelerate.




 November 17, 2017

 Knowledge of existence of heavy quark reactions that could potentially lead to
creation of toplet bombs is finally reaching mainstream science:

Although we are not there yet, there is a massive investigation against the Cabal
taking place and it will ultimately lead to the mass arrests when the Chimera
faction within the Air Force will not be able to cover the Cabal's back with their
toplet bombs anymore.
Unusual number of sealed indictments is the most visible concrete proof of this
massive investigation






 January 7, 2018

 The Light Forces have cleared all plasma toplet bombs and almost all anomalous
plasma in the sublunar space. The Resistance defines sublunar space as having its
outer limit just inside the lunar orbit and its inner limit 3 Earth radii from the
planetary center.
All toplet bombs and the vast majority of plasma anomaly along with plasmoid
entities and fragments of negative SSP factions are now concentrated close to the
Earth surface, not extending beyond 3 Earth radii from the center of the planet as
described here:



  February 3, 2018

 Isis Astara, my beloved soulmate, has left the physical plane. She was often
brutally attacked with directed energy weapons and the attack on January 25th was
one attack too many. We could not protect her, her heart could not make it. The
Resistance could not intervene directly otherwise toplet bombs would be triggered.
She has successfully transitioned through plasma plane and is now with her spiritual
guides, surrounded by Love, joyful that she is finally free. After the Event, she
will return in a cloned body that will look exactly the same as her physical body
looked in this lifetime. She will be living in an area of Light, anchoring energies
of the Goddess and living a joyful life in the Golden age she always wanted to live.




 March 18, 2018

 Let me just say that the hostage situation on the surface of the planet is very
difficult and liberation might take a little bit longer than expected.
This is the reason the Light forces advise against any speculation about the timing
of the Event to avoid disappointment and suggest you rather start focusing on your
mission and living your life to its fullest in the Now:
Each day, tens of thousands of people die of hunger and malnutrition:
This indicates the power of control that the Dark forces still have on the surface
of the planet. If the Event would be triggered before toplet bombs are dealt with,
the number of casualties would be much much higher.




 March 22, 2018

 The Event will NOT happen until the vast majority of plasma
toplet bombs are removed.




  May 31, 2018

 The remaining toplet plasma
bombs are enmeshed in the surface population primary anomaly and the Light forces
are carrying out their protocols to disentangle this mess without destroying the
planet in the process. Nothing more can be said now about that.




  June 27, 2018

 In May we have shifted from beta timeline to gamma timeline. The new gamma timeline
calls for direct physical intervention of the Light Forces in the lives of surface
Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, as soon as possible without triggering the toplet




 July 28, 2018

They are the real reason for current impasse between the Light and the dark forces,
and are assuring mutually assured destruction (MAD), a certain form of Nash

When those toplet bombs are removed, the breakthrough can happen.


 Now visualize the White Fire of AN, emanating from the Source, flowing through
the Galactic Center and through the Orion stargate towards the Earth, purifying all
remaining toplet bombs on plasma plane around the Earth. Visualize the Light Forces
of Galactic Command Fleet removing and dissolving all remaining toplet bombs with
their advanced technologies. If you feel guided you can call Archangel Metatron to
assist in purification process. Visualize the White Fire of AN purifying all anomaly
and reversing all entropy within the plasma shield around the Earth. 




 August 15, 2018

As a result of our meditation, most anomalous plasma and plasma toplet bombs in the
Near Earth orbit have been cleared. Anomalous plasma with all remaining toplet bombs
now tends to gravitate towards the surface.

The head of the Yaldabaoth entity is almost completely disintegrated, with lesser
plasmoid entities in rapid disintegration also.

A few more layers of toplet bombs will be removed in the coming month. 

People are not following their inner guidance because they have been programmed with
selfishness Archon mind program. This program gives people a distorted understanding
of Nash equilibrium. People incorrectly assume that the will be better off if they
only take care of themselves and exclude all others. This creates a highly entropic
society that is extremely difficult to predict, because chaotic free wills of surface individuals pose a n-body problem:

Since March, the Light Forces have developed much more efficient strategies and
protocols to deal with the surface population and these will be implemented as soon
as the critical mass of toplet bombs is removed.




 September 26, 2018


Unfortunately, the dark forces are masters of deception, and they were able to funnel anomalous plasma from the Galactic halo located in the outskirts of the Milky Way galaxy through plasma filaments (tunnels of Set) into the implants of beings inside our Solar System, since the Archon invasion of 1996 until very recently. This was one of the main reasons for many delays and one of the main reasons why many things went wrong:

This problem was recently taken care of and things will now proceed more rapidly.

What is now remaining are plasma toplet bombs close to the surface of the planet, remnants of plasma Yaldabaoth head and remnants of many lesser plasmoid entities, especially spider plasmoid entities that correspond to cities of surface human population.

Spider plasmoid entities are energetically connected with castles, palaces and leaders of Black Nobility:


Many Black Nobility castles have huge cellars and vast underground tunnel networks close to the surface that are used as child abuse centers.

They are using Khazarian negative vortex, which is located between Black Sea and Caspian Sea, to build facilities for Adrenochrome harvesting (warning, graphic material):

Chimera- and Archon- controlled Negative Military is still also holding many extraterrestrials captive in extremely harsh conditions, thus enforcing one aspect of the Quarantine Earth:





  October 13, 2018


All remaining plasma toplet bombs are now located within 30 meters from the planetary surface.

Plasma toplet bombs are connected to a network of plasma implants through plasma filaments called the Tunnels of Set.

Plasma implants are black holes, rotating in a strong electromagnetic field. That electromagnetic field serves the purpose of erasing our memories and disconnecting us from our Soul. The physical biochip (produced by Siemens) located next to the implant of every incarnated human sends a constant audio-video feed to the main Chimera control center, located on the surface of the planet:

Plasma implants and physical biochips are the seals that are covering up all layers of programming that the surface population has received:

During 1996-2001 timeframe, the vast majority of Lightworkers and Lightwarriors have been subjected to trauma-based mind programming in underground military bases. For many, memories of that programming will begin to surface as implants begin to lose their power.

Many of those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors have been mind programmed against Galactic Confederation Light Forces, and many have been programmed against me and some other key people involved in the planetary liberation process. 
Light Forces are working full speed at resolving the deadlock that still holds the surface of the planet hostage to the dark forces.

The main remaining problem are still the plasma toplet bombs, and finally the mass media are slowly becoming aware of the danger of strangelets and toplets:

This is the main reason why the Light forces are still not intervening on the surface of the planet.

This is why the Resistance Movement can not rescue some exhausted Lightwarriors underground, this is why they can not bring you gold or cash, or call you on Skype.

Also, if a Resistance agent would contact a surface individual directly, the dark forces would kill that individual immediately.




 November 6, 2018

On one hand we have Dark Forces having almost unlimited free reign on the surface of the planet, on the other hand we have the Light Forces having big problems in removing the toplet bombs soon enough.

Dark Forces are sabotaging positive initiatives to break through the Quarantine and commercial space travel can not begin, even though technology to make it happen is here in public domain for 70 years already:

Soft disclosure is not enough anymore:

Awakened members of the surface population are finally stopping waiting for the Event and are taking their own life in their own hands:

The Event will come when it will come, until then we need to do whatever we can to create better life conditions for ourselves and our loved ones, and do whatever is in our power to accelerate the planetary liberation process.

The truth is that the Cabal went too far and the Light Forces are not doing enough stopping it.

 To prevent this from happening, the Resistance Movement has created a certain
emergency plan, called Delta Option. I will reveal about Delta Option plan as much
as I can:

Instead of waiting for the optimal conditions with toplet bombs removed and
non-physical Archons removed, a certain “special forces group” would initiate
removal of some factions of the Cabal within USA only. None of the Chimera, Archon,
Black Nobility or Jesuit members would be touched in this operation. They would keep
a low profile and show a friendly face. All other factions of the Cabal within USA
would be taken care of. “Special forces group” would provide tactical support for
Positive Military to carry out the operation. Mass media would be freed from the
Rothschild control and US dollar would collapse. Limited disclosure would begin

This change within USA would trigger a strong international reaction and we would
have an unstable and chaotic transition towards the Event. Worldwide financial
system would go through extreme volatility, but would most likely not collapse.
There would be a worldwide purge of lower Cabal members. Mass media worldwide would
gradually release more and more intel. Definitely there would me much more intel
coming forth about the matrix we live in:

The whole situation would then first slowly, and then not so slowly accelerate into
the Event.

Nothing can be said about removal of Chimera, Archon, Black Nobility or Jesuit
members under Delta Option plan at this point. Removal of the Cabal factions
mentioned above and full disclosure can happen only when all toplet bombs are

Please be aware that Delta Option does NOT mean Delta timeline.

There is one huge aspect of Delta Option plan which must remain classified for now.
Final decision whether Delta Option will be implemented or not, has not been made
yet. Less stable and worse the situation within USA is, more probable Delta Option
becomes. The Jesuits are trying to polarize the situation within USA with artificial
left/right political divide. Actions of Jesuits in the coming months will be one of
the key factors in how the planetary situation unfolds. Their actions need to be
monitored closely.

Militarily, the Resistance is preparing for the possible upheaval on the surface and
has received reinforcements from the bases throughout the Solar System that arrived
under the surface of our planet in the last few weeks. At this moment, the
Resistance is 140 million members strong, and that number may and probably will
still rise significantly.

Before, members of the Resistance have refrained from coming more than 30 meters to
the surface of the planet. With these current developments, some special Resistance
forces are stationed only 5 to 10 meters below the surface.

Lightworkers and Lightwarriors who envision part of their mission being involved in
the Event operations, can telepathically ask for a small Resistance base be built
under their current living location. This request must NOT be communicated aloud and
must NOT be written anywhere. The Resistance will receive a request for a base to be
built under the Lightwarrior's house through a certain secure channel and will in
most cases approve it. Those small bases will have a certain role in the Event





 February 6, 2019

 The Resistance has communicated that all intel about toplet bombs is now deep black.
The only thing that can be said is the toplet bombs are not removed yet, but are
losing power gradually.



  April 4, 2019

 Clearing of the Chimera group continues, as well as clearing of the plasma toplet
bombs. Clearing of the toplet bombs is approaching the stage where “certain
unprecedented action of the Light forces may be possible in the not too distant

The only comment permitted here is that the Plan for planetary liberation is deeply
classified since January 27th, 2018, and NO intel about it is coming out (except
from a brief leak about spy satellites in August 2018).

The Plan will NOT be popularized on internet. Everybody will be taken by surprise.




  May 15, 2019

 Among most dangerous of those entities were Chimera spiders, huge plasma spiderlike
beings with plasma toplet bombs attached to their skin, smaller ones being 10-100
meters (yards) in diameter, the largest ones a few kilometers (miles):


Toplet bomb chain reaction (even much more than strangelet bomb chain reaction) has
a potential to wipe out our planet, as it is explained in a very simple way in this


 The problem of toplet bombs is being addressed and is in the process of being
resolved slowly. Nothing more can be said about that.




  July 1, 2019

During this time, the Light Forces were clearing one very dangerous layer of plasma
anomaly with toplet bombs.

This layer has been successfully removed on June 21st around noon GMT and the danger
has been greatly reduced. Although some toplet bombs still exist, and some plasma /
quantum fluctuation primary anomaly still needs to be cleared, the positive gamma
timeline is now much more secure.




 July 17, 2019

The amount of still present plasma toplet bombs is slowly but steadily decreasing,
and the following scenario with toplets bombs detonating now seems extremely




 September 25, 2019

 The Chimera has realized that they have lost the Solar system and are now
concentrated on defending planet Earth and sublunar space as their last fortress.
They are still using toplet plasma bombs as their last line of defense. Top quarks
can eat ordinary matter even more efficiently than strange quarks and are far more
dangerous than strange quarks:





 March 16, 2020

Until all toplet bombs are removed, the Event can not happen, but a scenario similar
to Delta Option is possible:

Light Forces have very recently managed to remove the vast majority of plasma
anomaly on the surface of the planet along with the large part of the last layer of
plasma toplet bombs. This is a big victory and it is one of the factors that has
triggered the plans of the Positive Military.

Unfortunately, as the clearing of the plasma plane was nearing its completion, a
very powerful defense mechanism within physical implants of all surface humans was
activated by the Chimera as their last defense line. All physical implants namely
have a singularity well with topness producing quark-gluon plasma that creates
toplet bombs which are interconnected into a network which connects implants of all
surface humans.




 July 7, 2020

As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, all significant plasma anomaly and
all plasma toplet bombs have been removed. Although this will not trigger the Event
as I have expected, it is a great leap forward. All the remaining obstacles towards
the Event are much smaller and will take much less time to clear, so we are on a
timeline that is converging faster and faster into the Compression Breakthrough.


 July 21, 2020

 Although all plasma toplet bombs are gone, there are still some toplet bombs in
quantum superposition state, tied to human implants, which serve as quantum
superposition nodes of the basic grid inversion network that forms the backbone of
the Matrix construct on the surface of the planet.
Those toplet bombs do not pose a big problem, as they are much easier to clear than
plasma toplet bombs




 August 12, 2020

One important aspect of this final war against the Draco is that the Light Forces
were able to seize advanced Draco technology which shields Draco ships against
toplet bomb explosions. The Light Forces were able to duplicate that technology and
will use it to isolate and contain the remaining toplet bombs until they are
completely cleared. 


 October 14, 2020

Chimera beings were once highly evolved angelic beings who chose to subject
themselves to controlled toplet bombs explosion experiments long time ago in the
galactic past. This, and numerous genetic experiments has mutated them into spider
beings of unimaginable darkness: 

Soon, they will all be finally dealt with.




 October 28, 2020

 The main problem now remaining is the Chimera with their advanced exotic military
technologies, especially quantum superposition toplet bombs






  August 24, 2021

 Toplet bombs inside implants have not been cleared yet, and they are still the main
factor preventing the Event :



 October 2, 2021

 Clearing of the subquantum anomaly also means that the Light forces are finally
beginning to resolve the problem of the toplet bombs, isolating their effective
radius of topness production into the so-called “collapsed spacetime bubbles”.





 March 15, 2022

 Toplet bombs are still the main reason why the Light forces can not intervene
directly in the situation on the surface of the planet.



 April 16, 2022

 There is still quite much quantum and subquantum primary anomaly close to the
surface of planet Earth. The Light forces are carefully beginning to clear the
physical aspect of the anomaly and they are also beginning with the final clearing
of the toplet bombs. They are deactivating the toplet bombs by clearing the quantum
anomaly since with quantum anomaly gone, the Light forces are able to stop the chain
reaction that changes ordinary quark mater into degenerate top quark matter:

Quantum anomaly now still manifests as spacetime collapsed into black holes on
physical, etheric, astral and mental planes inside the implants, tied to toplet
bombs, with collapsed spacetime extending from the implants via tunnels of Set into
surrounding space. Low concentration of tunnels of Set can still be found on
physical, etheric, astral and mental plane throughout the Solar system, with their
concentration increasing in sublunar space, and their concentration being very high
on the surface of this planet.

The last line of defense before the Light forces can physically intervene on the
surface, are the so-called pits. Pits are secret military bases up to 30 meters
underground, which were before owned by the Illuminati Breakaway Complex and are now
operated by the surface Cabal. Some of them hide members of the Chimera. They can
not extend more than 30 meters underground, because the Resistance can now clear
most of the locations that are deeper, but can not yet intervene closer to the
surface because of toplet bomb deterrence mechanisms.

There are about 1000 such bases worldwide, and two main ones in Ukraine are below
Odessa and below Azovstal metal plant in Mariupol.




