SSP Interview Quotes

Fir the posts



  The Apollo program was just the official public part of the US
space program.  Even the Apollo astronauts have seen and had contact with ET life
while on the moon.  Most of that was censored.  Intel was not able to censor
everything.  Some of it leaked out to the public .  Apart from that, NASA also had
an unofficial secret space program.  This unofficial secret space program has
managed to put a man on the moon in the 50‘s already.  There were bases on the Moon
and Mars in the 60‘s already.  They were only accessible to the Cabal.  Then the
resistance movement has cleared those bases in the late 90’s and the beginning of
this century.




 there is some information floating
around – that plutonium launched to hit Saturn.  Do you agree

Cobra :  There was a part of a secret space program.  There were some experiments
made.  Also some launched  toward jupiter.  Those things are not allowed any more




 There was a lot of activity on the moon by the
secret space program after WWII.

 I have heard and seen a video that looked legitimate to me that US and
Russia first landed in1962. Do you have any information on that.

COBRA – Yes, this was part of the secret space program.





  Has a breakaway
civilization lived on Mars.

COBRA – It was part of the secret space program. Actually there was part of the
break away civilization that had bases on Mars starting in the 50’s and 60’s and
through 70’s and 80’s. And then there was a problem in the 90’s at the time of the
Congo invasion. Because there was a huge wave of reptilian’s coming from beyond the
solar system that came through a star gate on Mars. It was quite nasty out there in
the late 90’s and all those bases were cleared by the resistance in the first years
of this century.




 Can you comment on the
civilization called Assasani. I believe Wendell Stevens had a book called UFO
contact from Serpico which allegedly is a semi-grey planet where some earth beings
actually went to live there and actually interacted with these kind of hybrid human
grey beings. Is that true?

COBRA – This was one part of the, I would say, the secret space program. Yes, that
civilization went through deep transformation when the light forces entered those
systems which are quite close to our solar system. It’s quite a recent occasion. It
was like the last 10 or 15 years. There was a great transmission of many solar
systems in this section of the galaxy and most of the grey’s have crossed into the




 In one of your posts there was a picture of a TR3B ship, a post about the
chimera, so do you mean that these ships belong to them ?

C : It was not an actual photograph it was just a symbolic representation of that
ship. Chimera group used part of this technology jointly with the military
industrial complex in the secret space program....That triangular craft has many purposes, and much of it has to do with
maintaining the quarantine status of planet Earth. To monitor extraterrestrial
activity, and to suppress that activity, and make sure that there are no cracks in
the matrix




 It was a small nuke and what is interesting here is that Donald
Rumsfeld has released some statements about the black budget one day before 9-11
happened and that black budget is connected to the secret space program.  And
basically the vast majority of evidence of this was destroyed in 9-11.



  Are the human hostages that are in the hands of the Chimera former members
of the secret space program that decided to cross into the light or became

COBRA – Some of them, yes.



  Were those informational
exchanges to the contactees of earth during the 50’s and 60’s when this was
primarily coming out.  Were those individuals on Galactic Federation moon bases?
Were they physical or were they etheric or astral races?

COBRA – Most contactees had non-physical contact.  Some of them, yes, had physical
contact.   Some of them were in genuine contact with the Galactic Federation
personnel and some of them were in contact with different Secret Space Program
people.  There was a secret Nazi space program back when . . . way beyond the end of
WWII.  And some of those people were negotiating with the Galactic Confederation.  
Some of them crossed over into the light as early as 1950‘s and some of them went tohigher dimensions, actually in the original planet Venus, and, yes, there were solar
councils and the purpose of those councils was to administer and regulate light flow
in different parts of the solar system and at that time this solar system was quite
compartmentalized so different races have different regions where they could move.  
There was not much free movement.  It was very sectored and you could move on a need
to know basis or a permanent basis, but not freely throughout the solar system.

 Okay, so some of them had benevolent agenda’s and were making contact with
various earth groups working within their parameters of their specific influence,

COBRA – Basically, I would say that most contacts in the 50’s was of a positive
nature.  The negative contacts came in the 60’s especially after the secret
agreement between the US government and Zeta Reptilians and other Draco-type
individuals or races.




 Yes, I made two short posts on, not actually his blog(corey goode), but on a certain
forum where he posts quite often. I have just expressed support because he has a lot
of genuine intel that is critically needed at this time for people to become
generally aware of the secret space programs. This intel assists a lot with people
becoming aware of various secret space programs. I do not agree completely with all
his intel. I have a different perspective on certain things based on my sources and
my experiences. But generally, what he’s doing is a good thing. I have just posted a
few comments there.

... This is one of the things I don’t quite agree with him. He presents the
whole situation as very fragmented and very compartmentalized. It is exactly as it
was 10 or 20 years ago. According to my sources, he was involved in the secret space
program. This I can confirm. What I cannot confirm is his updates of the current
situation in the solar system. According to my sources the current situation in the
solar system is a little bit different than it was 10 or 20 years ago.
Yes, he describes quite correctly all those different space programs that were
present in the solar system 10 or 20 years ago. You can view those different space
programs as different facets of one greater interconnected network.
For example, you could relate the corporate secret space with mega-corporations on
this planet. You could relate the solar warden program with some aspects of the
military, financial, military industrial complex and you could relate, I would say,
what he calls the dark fleet with the Chimera group. There are certain correlations
here and all of this was an interconnected network, which was morphing with shifting
In one way not so fragmented as he presents it to be. The current situation actually
reflects the positive actions of the light forces and the vast majority of this has
been cleared from the solar system according to my sources. What is remaining is the
Chimera group, which does not have large numbers, but which does have some hostages.
The main stronghold. . . The most powerful point . . . the most powerful aspect they
have are the strangelet bombs. They are exotic weapons. This is how they hold their positions inside the solar system.
I can confirm the existence of the motherships. They can be called motherships. They
can be called many other names. They can be called inter-dimensional portals. It is
important to understand that human beings use words to describe phenomena. From the
perspective of those beings who are in operation – those Etheric platforms – they
are beyond linear space and time. Their understanding is much closer to what you
would describe as ascended masters.
After the ascension, after you reach a higher state of consciousness . . . after the
ascension, the rules are changed. Perspectives are changed. I will not go into this
much deeper because it’s too early, but I will say their perspective of reality is
more a perspective of oneness that manifests in different fragmentations through
lower dimension. It is not a pragmatic perspective itself.




  the existence of the black knight satellite is a
hypothesis. It is not based on fact. It is based on some old NASA photos, which
actually show part of the NASA program. This does not mean that there are no
artificial satellites that are quite old. Yes, they are, but they are much deeper
undercover and nothing is known about them outside the secret space program – the
deep secret space program. Anybody else has no idea about them.



 The agents of the Resistance in Hollywood had to withdraw many years ago, so
there was not much directly from the Resistance influence since 2004-5.
Avatar was an exception.  Jupiter Ascending – there were some coded messages about
the secret space program in there.   There was also a movie called Elysium which
also had some coded messages to awaken the population.




 Can you explain what is going on with the off-world meetings that Corey Good is
participating in, what’s happening with that ?

C : My sources can not confirm that he is actually having those meetings. I can
confirm that he was involved in a secret space program and he has some very good
intel, but my sources did not receive confirmation for those off-world meetings.



 First, I would like to say that I completely support his basic
direction in forgiveness, unification, self growth and all that is something that I
can only support and I can only say yes to this. So this is something that I would
like to support completely.  Regarding his intel, from my sources I can confirm that
he was involved in the secret space program and there are many parts of his intel
that I agree completely.  So I would say that he has some real gems in there if you
know where to find them, but I couldn’t confirm through my sources that he’s
actually having those out of the planet conferences.  So you’re going to have to use
your own inner guidance and inner discernment about that part.  Actually, it’s very
wise to use inner guidance and discernment about any intel that is out there,
including mine.  Because I can also sometimes make mistakes.  I’m not perfect.  I
have very good intel sources, but mistakes can be made by anybody on this planet who
is not yet ascended, who is not yet completely and absolutely enlightened.  So it’s
always good to use your own discernment and one more thing. People have different
intel sources.  I have my sources.  Corey has his sources.  Other people have their
own sources.  Fulford has his own sources and information does not always correlate
completely simply because there is a larger picture, and we are all part of that
larger picture.  So, as we come closer to the planetary liberation, this larger
picture will become more and more detailed and more and more clear.  And I would
like to invite everybody just to use their own discernment and to make some deep
research in that larger picture and do not attack anybody just because their intel
is a little bit different from what you believe.





 Is he ( John Kerry) at the higher levels of the
Cabal food chain? Does he know about the SSP (Secret Space Program) and all that

COBRA – I would say that he is part of the middle management.  He may have some
information, but not much. But information he might have about the SSP is second





 What I have from my sources is he( Corey Goode ) was really involved in the Secret Space
Program (SSP) and his description of what he saw in the SSP is very correct as to
what was happening, let’s say 10 years ago.  So there were actually different
factions of the SSP, but this is an arbitrary division because those factions merge
into one another.
For example, the so-called corporate faction is connected with Solar Warden because
the same people controlled both from the top as I’ve said before.  Many people were recruited in both SSPs without knowing the true objective from the top.
And, of course, there were many positive cells that were infiltrated in both SSPs
from the start. Actually, the Resistance Movement has managed, even before it was
part of the RM, in the ’70’s when it was called the Organization, has infiltrated a
cell into the Solar Warden program back in 1976-1977.  I would say that most of his
description of life on the Lexus and the bases that were on Mars is quite accurate.
Actually, he released some details that he could not possibility find anywhere on
the Internet and they are absolutely correct, because I have also received them from
my sources, let’s say 15 years ago.  And, actually, when I read his article, just
memories came up from little details that I knew 15 years ago and I just forgot, so
it was a very good synchronicity.
I could not receive confirmation of his recent conferences, off-world conference and
I would be very happy if he could provide more confirmation, more so as proof about
that.  But I would say that generally his information is very solid and he is
actually awakening many people to the reality that there were SSPs.
There was much going on and the situation is quite much more complex than most
people have imagined until recently.  If people are confused because some of my
intel is different from his, I would simply say that the situation on this planet,
in this solar system, is very complex and nobody sees the whole picture.  
Altogether, all of us can create the whole picture.



  would you agree that in the interaction with the Secret Space Program groups,
all 5 or 6 of them all coming under the umbrella of kind of an
Archon/Draco/Reptilian umbrella that when the Pleiadians or anyone was dealing with
any of these groups, they were very, I would say, circumspect and very tight-lipped
and very security conscious in regards to their interactions with any of these SSP
individuals throughout history. Would you agree?

COBRA – To a certain degree, yes. Most of the SSP groups that you have mentioned and
Corey has mentioned were actually working under the umbrella of the Illuminati
network. I will say it this way. The group that Corey termed as the United Nations
Galactic whatever, that group is actually the one that was the most open to the
Pleiadian contact, because some of the UN diplomatic personnel was in contact with
the Pleiadians.
From my perspective, and from the perspective of my sources, this was the most
positive group of all the SSP. The so-called corporate program and the Solar Warden
space program were actually two side of the same coin that were actually created by
the military-industrial complex with the Unholy Four at the top. So those groups
were actually serving as a Trojan horse for the Draco invasion that happened in
1996. They were preparing the deep underground military bases for the Draco
invasion. They were preparing infrastructure inside of the asteroid belt for the
Draco invasion.
They were preparing military warehouses on Charon the satellite of Pluto. They were
preparing certain things on Saturn moons back in the 1990’s. But I would say apart
from the top commanding structure, Illuminati commanding structure, the super soldiers and other personnel within those military and corporate space programs
were, they were positive people in most cases. They were thinking they were
defending the planet. They did not understand the whole agenda and the Draco
invasion and the Archon invasion in ’96 was the main objective of the Solar Warden
and of the Corporate space program back in ’96. Actually the split between Solar
Warden and corporate space program happened after 1996. Before that time, they were
basically one and the same.

Rob – Okay. So the split occurred and obviously the Pleiadians and the superluminals
life from the higher dimensions probably observed that and knew that many of Corey’s
contemporaries were kept in the dark, compartmentalized and they were reached out to
and contacted, and would you say it’s possible, would you agree or do you know if
the Solar Warden for the most part now converted and working with the light forces?

COBRA – A few things here. First, it was very hard for the Pleiadians and any other
positive races to make contact with people within those space programs, because it’s
a fact, all individuals in those space programs were heavily monitored and
controlled. So there was not much contact made. There were some negotiations on the
top level, but those negotiations were not successful. And then after, I would say,
1999, when the Resistance Movement came to this planet, the RM had a quite strong
force inside of the solar system, especially the asteroid belt, and they were
beginning a house clearing operation.
They were clearing all those Illuminati structures throughout the solar system. In
the year 2012, the vast majority of this was cleared. The so-called Solar Warden
program as we know it, did not cease to exist in 2012, and whatever was remaining on
the dark side was just small factions and fractures connected directly to the
Chimera group. All the rest of the personnel and people infrastructure crossed over
to the light forces and the SSP aligned that is now inside the solar system is
mostly working for the light. It’s a positive alliance.




 I’d like to go a little bit over some of the Corey
Goode stuff here.  I’m thinking in the future.  We got all these guys out there in
the (SSP) Secret Space Programs and the conglomerate minions. At the time of the
Event they’ll be liberated and healed.  This is going to be kind of exciting for
humanity.  They’re going to realize over night that we’ve had a very exotic space
program with bases on the Moon, Mars, Venus, more advanced satellites than the space
station and actually on asteroids, if Corey Goode is correct.

COBRA – Yes, yes, of course, there were many bases on the asteroid belt.  And it’s
not just about Corey Goode’s information.  There is a lot of evidence about this in
many places if you want to look.  Actually, I would recommend Dr. Salla’s book about
the SSP, especially the first part of the book there is quite much evidence and a
lot of different sources and a lot of intel there about the existence of various
Secret Space Programs.




in your last post about the Kuiper Belt...Are there any aspects of the positive
elements of the secret space program involved in this type of thing?  Are they still
definitely not really taken under the wing of the positive light forces in
engagement in these things yet?
COBRA – The Kuiper Belt contains both the Chimera bases and, of course, a lot of
light forces that belong to the positive space programs.

Rob – Oh, good.  So there are positive secret space program elements working.

COBRA – I would not call them SSP because most of them are not related to this
planet.  They are not Earth-based space programs that have . . . They’re not
Earth-based break away civilizations, I would put it this way.

 They would be initiates or like the guy that refused to work for the Cabal

COBRA – I would say branches of the RM that remain on Planet X, Pleiadian fleet,
Andromedan fleet, Sirian fleet and other parts of the Confederation and some new
fresh infusions from throughout the galaxy.




You said the Resistance  put some
criminal evidence against the Cabal into the computer system of major news agencies
around the world and into the computers of private individuals. Now this is all done
on the back end and no one really knows about it?

COBRA – Yes, it’s in the computer system. It is very hard to find it. You will need a really good computer expert that would need to check the computer to find it, but
it’s there.

Rob – So it will actually just be automatically triggered and flash cross the
screens like a news feed. That’s very exciting.

COBRA – It will be like a pop-up window, which will have a very attractive title,
and people will click on this and they will see all kinds of evidence there. If the
Cabal goes too far, this will be activated. This is in many computers around the
world right now.


Rob – Eventually this will be activated anyway, but certain actions by the Cabal
could activate it before.

COBRA – Yes. At the time of the Event of course all this will be active, but I’m
speaking about time before the event. It can actually happen today or tomorrow if
they go too far.

Rob – A little bit about evidences. Are these in general or are these some name,
dates, facts and figures on individuals?

COBRA – It is very specific, very much to the point. It’s evidence about the Cabal’s
crimes. It is disclosure related evidence with totals, with dates, with names, with
everything. Secret space programs, ET contacts, all that.





 OK, according to Dr. Salla’s secret space program book, an insider said that
tachyon can be used in space travel. I’m going to add a little comment here, people
don’t like it. Dr. Bell’s contact, the Pleiadian I met once named James, his ship
was run on a tachyon drive. So Cobra the question is: “Would you know how it would
be done at a high level to use tachyons in space travel?”

COBRA – Tachyons are very interesting particles because they have a very strong
connection with the Source and they do not interact with most matter directly. They
interact only with strong nuclear force and because of certain physical
characteristics of tachyons, they are very good in combating entropy. And they are
widely used with various advanced civilizations as propulsion systems for their
space craft, and tachyons have also the ability to merge subluminal travel with
super luminal travel. It means seamless transition through a stargate. So if a
spaceship is using this propulsion to travel through ordinary space-time continuum,
and then enter through a stargate, you will not experience anything. It will be a
smooth peaceful travel, for example, from here to the Sirius star system that will
only take a few moments.





 Since when the Soviet Union began to develop secret space program with US?
Why Russian leaders have agreed with the US and decided to classify it, as well as
information about aliens?

COBRA: Since early 1950s. Because of the threaths of the Chimera group.

Question: Does Russia have their own secret space programs and military bases on
other planets and moons, as well as their secret space fleet?

COBRA: They were part of  international SSP

Question: In what year and how the leaders of the USSR and Russian Federation
entered into permanent contact with negative and with friendly aliens? What leader
of the USSR did it first?

COBRA: Khrushchev in about 1955




  Does Putin know about the Resistance Movement and Agharta and how he built
a relationship with them?

COBRA: He knows about the Pleiadians but not about the Agarthans an especially not
about the Resistance Movement.

Question: Had ever Putin and Medvedev personal physical contact with alien races, if
so, what kind and what for? Tell about it in detail. Why Putin did not reveal the
presence of alien races and the secret space program to the inhabitants of the
Earth? He could have done it?

COBRA: Putin had contact with Pleiadians in 2014, Medvedev saw evidence (photographs
of actual Pleiadian craft). Putin can not reveal that evidence directly because the
Chimera would retaliate.




 How does SSP and Extra Terrestrials create Artificial
Gravity in their ships?

COBRA – Simply by disengaging the atoms from the physical plane and keeping them in the, I would say, suspension in a certain way that allows them to be disengaged from
the gravitational force.




 In a situation update of last february, you mentioned that the Light forces have
managed to clear out most of the plasma anomalies from the solar system and beyond,
does this statement imply that the dark fleet, all slave colonies and implant
stations beyond the moon-earth orbit have ceased to exist ?

C : Basically what was remaining until february were slave colonies that were
connected directly with the chimera group, and not any connected with the secret
space programs, this was cleared out before, and now the only thing that is
remaining is the core of the chimera group(owns dracos who own dark fleet) regarding this situation, everything else
is gone.




 Can you describe the 20 years and back program in secret space program ?

C : I do not agree with that particular part of intel, so I would have a statement
that this is not happening. Time travel does not happen like that.




Plasma implants are black holes, rotating in a strong electromagnetic field. That electromagnetic field serves the purpose of erasing our memories and disconnecting us from our Soul. The physical biochip (produced by Siemens) located next to the implant of every incarnated human sends a constant audio-video feed to the main Chimera control center, located on the surface of the planet:

Plasma implants and physical biochips are the seals that are covering up all layers of programming that the surface population has received:

During 1996-2001 timeframe, the vast majority of Lightworkers and Lightwarriors have been subjected to trauma-based mind programming in underground military bases. For many, memories of that programming will begin to surface as implants begin to lose their power.

Many of those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors have been mind programmed against Galactic Confederation Light Forces, and many have been programmed against me and some other key people involved in the planetary liberation process.

People also need to understand that Lightworker and Lightwarrior community has been heavily infiltrated and many people who have a Ligthwarrior or Lightworker front have a secret life at night as Cabal agents:

Many of those people are in the Cabal networks against their will, and would escape if they only could.

You can use the power of meditation and visualization to visualize all Lightwarriors and Lightworkers being purified with a Violet Flame, being surrounded by love of the pink Liquid Light of EELA (Sirian angel of Love) and being liberated from all programming, control or suppression with a White Fire of AN.








 You once said the First Contact(worldwide public/official ) will take place one year after the Event, can we
shorten such time gap by introducing all kinds of advanced technologies, including
those being used in secret space program ?

C : This one year plan already includes this, and I would say the main problem here
is not the technology, the main problem is the human consciousness. After the Event
people will need to understand the relation between consciousness and technology,
and only spiritually mature beings will have access to more technologies. Because
otherwise this creates a disbalance which can be misused.



 what intel do you have for the USS Fitzgerald that missile destroyer
that was supposedly rammed by a Philippine cargo ship? What really happened?

COBRA – On a deeper level there is a lot of, I would say, games being played about
disclosure of Navy Secret Space Programs and certain forces, I would say negative
forces are trying to warm the Navy not to disclose too much because there is a very
strong positive faction within the United States Navy that wants to release, that is
actually in favor of Full Disclosure. They want to release everything. But there are
other factions that are strongly against this. There is now quite strong infighting
going on about this issue.

Aaron – Do you know who set this up?

COBRA – It was engineered by the orders of people very close to the Chimera group
and the trail leads to the United States Air Force.

Aaron – Why did they set it up?

COBRA – As I said it’s a warning to the Navy not to disclose too much about the
Secret Space Program.

Aaron – And obviously that’s What are they trying to accomplish? 

COBRA – Yes.





 The situation is a little bit more complex. It is not just about Hitler. It is
about everything that was happening in Germany. And Germany is a very special case
in the history of the 19th and 20th centuries – actually there was…before Germany
was unified, there was a country called Prussia.  And Prussia was part of the later
Germany and that country had a very strong industry – it was scientifically very
advanced and this is where the first secret space programs started in the 19th
century already.

The 1800’s you’re talking about? 

It’s 1820-1830, the first  things moved already – long before they established it
was all secret – it was a military department – it was a military secret program
that very few people knew about

So was this even before the Franco-Prussian war of 1871? 

Yes. It was a long long time before – and the Prussian military was one of the most
advanced militaries at that time – and what happened is that the Pleiadians saw an
opportunity to introduce the seeds of a positive secret space program and they have
telepathically contacted many people in Germany inspiring them to start building
their own spaceships. And that was happening in the 19th century already. And of
course the first prototypes were very crude – they did not work. And then in the
beginning of the 20th century they have contacted Maria Orsic – and I hope you know
we are familiar with the story of Maria Orsic. She was a medium. She was a channel.
She channeled Pleiadians from the Aldeberan star system and she was invited in a
certain group which is called the Thule Society and then later the Vril Society –
and this is how the German secret space program started and first the Rothschilds
infiltrated the group through Hitler. There was one man that was part of the group –
actually one of the founders of the group – which was Rudolph Glauer and he called
himself  Baron von Sebottendorff and he was connected very deeply with various
occult forces in Turkey and those forces were – I would not go much deeper into this
– but those forces were steering the narrative since then and then we have Karl
Haushofer  – one of those Germans and he travelled a lot into the East and when the
Chimera group – the Chimera group was of course watching all that development and
when they saw that this German program which had a potential for a breakthrough –
there was a real possibility they would begin building an operational spacecraft
that will contact the Pleiadians and make a first contact which could be public –
they decided to intervene. So they sent Draco factions from Tibet into contact with
Haushofer. And Haushofer came back then to Germany – he was in contact with Hitler
and this is how the – the green men – started to control Hitler. It was the Dracos.
And Hitler signed a pact with the Dracos. And of course this was not the only group
that was influencing Hitler. The Rothschilds were in play – the Jesuits were in play
– you probably know about the big Jesuit pentagram of concentration camps so each of
those factions have their own idea what will happen in that war. The Jesuits wanted
to have concentration camps, the Rothschilds wanted to earn money. The Dracos wanted
to control the planet through Hitler. The Chimera group wanted to control the
quarantine and then the Pleaidians…. there is a story about the Pleiadians. The
Pleiadians saw what’s happening and they wanted to prevent the genocide and before
World War Two the Pleiadians signed a contract with Hitler. They promised him
technology in exchange that Hitler will not start the genocide but this was their
last attempt to prevent the genocide. When this did not happen they cut all contact
with Hitler and with the Nazis. That was I think in 1941 or 1942 and then the Dracos
gave technology to Hitler. So it was actually a proxy war between the Dracos and the
Confederation. Through this proxy war, World War Two, much of the galaxy was
cleared. It was like part of the galactic war which had its anchor on the physical
plane on planet Earth. And the Confederation had a partial victory and the Nazis had
to go underground so part of them went to Antarctica and part of them went to the
United States through Operation Paperclip and now we have the key Nazis controlling
the United States. That’s what’s happening and this is the so-called Cabal. And they
are of course merged with the bloodlines. Many of them belong to the bloodlines or now, of course, they work with the bloodlines.




 First about this new
whistleblower that came and his documents…. there was a certain document called
Mars-GRAM and I have to say this has nothing to do with planet Mars – it is simply amilitary auxillary radio system. It’s a radio system that some radio amateurs can
use to support the military operations and it has nothing to do with planet Mars. I
have to say that. Also, another thing that I need to say is that the Navy’s Secret
Space Program was supported and still is supported by the Galactic Confederation. I
would say the concentration applied within the Navy space program is much higher
than in the Air Force Space Program and so we again have this tension which is a
part of the…. I would say proxy war between the Chimera and the Confederation – the
Chimera group trying to steer the narrative through the Air Force space program and
the reason why the Air Force is so much focused now on increasing the Low Earth
orbit activity and increasing the military presence in the Earth orbit because they
are afraid again of the end of quarantine status. They are afraid of so-called
quote-unquote “invasion” of the Galactic Confederation. They have actually issued
some memos about this.



 Basically, the U.S. is not the only country that has a Secret Space Program. Also
the Russians and the Chinese have their own space program. And I would say the
positive Alliance is supporting the Chinese and the Russian space programs quite




 I will not put any numbers…. for obvious reasons…. the reason I don’t want to
give any numbers is we are not the only ones listening to this show and some of the
information is sensitive but I would say there will be more and more focus on the
Low Earth Orbit operations – a lot will be happening in the Low-Earth orbit and it
will become more and more public. Various interest groups, various factions will
put… will want to put their presence there because it’s the last line of defense
before the planetary liberation. So we will see a lot of news about that in the near
future and various so-called Secret Space Program factions will begin – and have to
begin – to communicate with each other and because much more and more of this is
already revealed. It’s been leaked and released to the general population so also
people in various positions within those programs are forced by the situation to
begin to cooperate one way or the other so all this will be part of the disclosure
process one way or the other.

Okay, so for now at least the the Dark Fleet and the Draco Fleet, they’re still a
significant force in the Low Earth orbit and surface area? Would you agree with

I would say parts of the Dark Fleet and the Draco Fleet are under the complete
command of the Chimera but it’s decreasing very fast.



 The Pleiadians were… had a strong
cooperation with the Navy Secret Space Program starting in the 1950s and going on
until 1996. Then there was the Archon Invasion and that connection was broken. The
link was broken. What they are doing now is that they are….they have a certain
channel of communication that I will not discuss how they do it… but they do… they
have a way of providing intel to certain people within the Navy but this link of
communication is different. It’s not the same as before…. The structure… the way how
they influence positively the Navy Secret Space Program is different now.




 So,  as I said the Navy Secret Space Program receives intel from the Pleiadians and
guidance from the Pleiadians and guidance from the Galactic Confederation but it’s
not direct. It’s not like a command structure. It’s more like an inspirational
guidance. The Air Force does receive… its more in the grip of the Chimera Group. I
would say that many of the remaining Chimera members are positioned within the Air
Force – US Air Force – and also in the militaries of other countries…. you can find
them even in China and Russia as  well – you need to know that….the Secret Services…
But the chain of command is more direct from the Chimera group to certain top brass
personnel in the Air Force. It’s more like a direct command structure. And of course
the Greys, the Reptilians, the Dracos were more involved in that program in the past
and now as their numbers are diminishing their power is diminishing. It’s more like
a direct transmission of power from the Chimera to the top brass in the Air Force



 What is happening now is the battle between
the Light Forces and certain various factions of negative secret space programmes in
the sublunar space.




 When will we in the SSP(secret space program)
be fully publicly acknowledged?

Cobra: It has to be after the Event. It's part of the disclosure program. It's all
the same, basically. It's all the same question. We are now living in this old,
boring reality when there is no disclosure there we have this unfair system. And
when things really begin to move, it will be quite drastic and it will be quite
explosive and it will be very, very evident.




  Dragon sources have repeatedly communicated
that they would organize the full disclosure of the Chinese secret space program if
the Chinese government attempts to invade Taiwan by force. Are they certainly sure
that such Intel can guarantee peace and safety for Taiwan?

Cobra: There are no guarantees, but this is one action they could take to prevent
war from happening. And they of course have other plans which have not been made
public yet. They have other steps to take, which could be taken. So positive Dragons
are aware of the tension between Taiwan and China and they have plans which can be
activated if those military situations escalate.





