Tachyon Quotes-Cobra Interviews





 2014-2016 ( #1-12 )


Will tachyons start flooding the planet immediately after the event ?

C : Yes.



 Tachyons are very interesting particles because they have a very strong connection with the Source and they do not interact with most matter directly. They interact only with strong nuclear force and because of certain physical characteristics of tachyons, they are very good in combating entropy. And they are widely used with various advanced civilizations as propulsion systems for their space craft, and tachyons have also the ability to merge subluminal travel with super luminal travel. It means seamless transition through a stargate. So if a spaceship is using this propulsion to travel through ordinary space-time continuum, and then enter through a stargate, you will not experience anything. It will be a smooth peaceful travel, for example, from here to the Sirius star system that will only take a few moments.



 In the Pleiadian ships, Dr. Bell was always talking that they’re powered by sound and you mentioned that the tachyons actually couldn’t really be detected so much on the physical plane. Does this have to do with the kind of the eternal nature of the living sound current in the universe as they call it, the word of creation that they’re tuning into? Is a tachyon associated . . .

COBRA – No, no no. Tachyons can not be detected because I would say science on this planet at this stage can only detect anything with a few basic interactions – interactions with electromagnetic force. You see most detectors are using protons. They are using electricity and magnetism, and tachyons do not interact with those forces, so you can not see them. They do not produce electricity, and they do not interact with a magnetic field. It’s not easy to detect them. They can be detected by their influence on subatomic particles. If scientists would know where to look, they could detect them easily even now.




Some very gifted, spiritually gifted individuals can see them with their
inner eye. To see them physically, it’s almost impossible. 

 Is there any particular way we can feel it?

 Of course, those that are sensitive can feel them. Many people can
experience their very strong healing effects.




 We have the basic version of the tachyon healing chambers already on the
surface. They are built. They are not able to heal the diseases directly, but they
heal the inner source of the disease and the person then goes through an inner
transformation and that can help healing the disease. The real strong chambers will
be available only after the event.




we are developing under the guidance of the Pleiadians and under the
guidance of various Light Force groups. We’re developing advanced technologies which
can assist as much as possible in the healing process for humanity until the time of
The Event.
One of those technologies is Tachyon technology. We are bringing Tachyon healing
chambers and there is a formula for healing and wellness that can improve the
vibrational frequency of human beings with tachyons.
And there are also advanced laser systems which have been developed by certain
Dragon Groups. They are very advanced systems that can bring the healing process to
a higher level.
If you would like to know more you can go to the website and you will see everything




 What is the purpose of the tachyon chambers at the time of the Event?

The Tachyon chambers have many purposes.  One of the purposes is to heal
human energy system which include physical bodies and higher energy bodies.  And at
the time of the event, those tachyon chambers will transmit certain energies that
I’m not yet to speak about.  But this will be the energy support for the compression




 How does a mothership cloak itself and its energy from remote viewers?

OK.  Mothership has a so-called tachyon membrane around which means that the
tachyon membrane is not just a membrane of the physical plane.  It is a membrane
which cloaks the energy structure of the ship on all planes of creation so every
energy that comes towards the ship simply gets teleported from one side of the
membrane of the ship to the other side of the membrane of the ship and that would
make the ship invisible, also for remote viewers.




 What happens when laser light that passes through tachyonized crystal. 

Actually laser light is very focused photon ray which gets enriched on a
quantum level by those tachyons. I would say the quantum signature of those quanta
changes. It gets harmonized. The quantum fluctuations around those photons get
harmonized. So laser light by itself is already a coherent source of photons and
when it passes through a tachyonized crystal we have an additional harmonization happening there. So I would say the healing effect of such laser light if you’re
using that laser light for example for healing can be greatly magnified



 Are there other treatments, currently in use, that are more effective than
the Rife treatment?

COBRA – Tachyon chambers are quite effective and have produced excellent results.



 although to Cobra, this isn’t news and for all the people who follow Cobra know and are already aware
of what tachyons are,but, Here we have a very well-known and respected theoretical Physicist Michio Kaku, talking about discovering “The Force that Governs Everything”. He refers to this as “Tachyons are theoretical particles capable to unstick the universal matter or vacuum space between matter particles, leaving everything free from the influence of the surrounding universe”. By discovering this Michio Kaku concludes that ‘we live in a matrix’. COBRA, can you comment on this and help us understand this better?




 Yes, when I read this article it is exactly what I was speaking for years
about Tachyon energy. It is all very familiar for me and it is a good confirmation
that this came from somebody who is actually one of the fathers of the String
Theory. So, I will say it is interesting aspect of soft disclosure that main stream
science is slowly beginning to accept certain things that were not acceptable before
because the position on the orthodox physics doctrine was that there are no
tachyons. They are impossible because of the special theory of relativity and
nothing goes faster than light and this was the mantra of orthodox physics. And now
again we are getting a little bit close to the real truth and of course anybody who
has any kind of spiritual connection knows that the speed of light is not the
maximum speed in the universe.



 you mentioned setting a new tachyon membrane around the
earth, what is that for and can you explain why it is necessary?


The Pleiadians and other light forces are building a special membrane at a
certain location inside the Earth-Moon orbit. The purpose of that membrane is to cut
off the tentacles of the Yaldaboth Octopus entity away from the head, which will
diminish the power of the entity and will drastically speed up the clearing of the
solar system beyond that point. Then it will be easier for the light forces to
proceed towards the surface of the planet.



 2017 ( #13-28 )


 U : When an object goes beyond the veil is it automatically tachyonized ?

C : It is not automatically tachyonized if this period is not long enough, but it
does receive a certain amount of tachyons.

U : And if the period is long enough, then it’s permanently tachyonized ?

C : Yes if the period is long enough then it’s permanently tachyonized, but the
concentration of tachyons is not very high, because I would say the ambient
concentration of tachyons, in the low Earth orbit for example, is not very high.

U : Ok. So for example the Cintamani that you send beyond the veil, would they have
more tachyons or less tachyons than what you tachyonize on the ground ?

C : They would have less, but different kind of tachyons, so combination of
tachyonization on the ground and sending the stones beyond the veil is an excellent
combination which gives them more effectivity in dissolving the anomaly here on the

U : Ah they are also tachyonized on the ground

C : Yes of course, all my Cintamanis are tachyonized on the ground



U : Ok. Are there technologies on the man made satellites and international space
station to block the tachyons because they’re above the veil ?

C : Basically there is this veil technology, haarp ionosphere technology that also
are designed to minimize the tachyon impact to the surface.


 P : If the Veil keeps tachyon particles away from the Earth, how can we establish a
tachyon grid of Light on Earth ?

C : With a network of Tachyon chambers. And with a network also of each tachyonized
product which act as nodes in the tachyon energy grid on the surface of the planet.


P : Is it beneficial to carry tachyonized crystals or bury them into energy points
and cites ?

C : Basically tachyon crystals, most of them are meant for personal use, but there
are some specific crystals that are actually designed to be put in certain positions
and this is already happening.



 P : If we deliberately build a tachyon healing chamber onto a leyline, will tachyon
flow through the whole leyline ?

C : Yes



  In the tachyon chamber I got an inspiration to go and spill the
tachyon water in different rivers in central Europe, going to different seas and
thus within two years of the water cycle, according to meteorologists, have tachyon
rain in our fields and gardens. Which I did. 

Do the tachyons multiply themselves in
the water or do they attract other tachyons from space or do they influence the
other molecules of water while they interact with them?

They connect with other tachyons beyond the veil thus they strengthen the
tachyon network on the surface of the planet.



What is the major benefit of tachyon chambers for personal healing?

The major benefit is it actually those tachyon chambers harmonize all levels
of a human being, physical body, higher energy bodies and this technology is
actually the one that can quite effectively connect us with the Source.



Are tachyon chambers able to accelerate the process of planetary liberation? 

COBRA – Yes, they can.



Are certain locations on Earth’s grids more powerful than others for healing

COBRA – Yes.


Are certain locations on Earth’s grids more powerful for piercing the
quarantine veil?

COBRA – Yes. 




 what is the difference between the tachyon chambers that you have and
the tachyon chambers that other people are advertising? Do they do the same thing?

I cannot confirm that there are any other people who really have tachyon
chambers on the surface of the planet.

 I understand there are others, so you’re just not aware of them?

 They are claiming, but I cannot support those claims.



 How exactly does tachyonization process affect Cintamani stones?

Tachyons strengthen the connection of any object with the Source and with
Cintamani stones this process is even more effective because Tachyons interacting
with Cintamani stones make them more powerful because Cintamani stones are one of
the purest forms of matter available right now on the surface of the planet.



 Tachyon chamber connects you with your I AM presence.



 Tachyonized aquamarine is the best stone to connect with the mother ships.



Are there any minerals that enable us to connect with Ascended masters?

 Tachyonized Goshenite



 U : At what plane are tachyons created ?

C : The tachyons are created in the Source and they emerge from the highest
sub-plane of the cosmic physical plane into this Universe, that’s the Adi plane.


U : Ok so do they also exist inside the Source ?

C : They do not exist inside the Source, but they are emanations from the Source




 H: How do tachyon chambers help prepare Gaia’s grids to hold and anchor light before the Event and during the Event? How does this process work?

C: Tachyon chambers are bringing tachyon energy to the surface of the planet because
the surface of the planet has been blocked from tachyon energy. One aspect of the
tachyon energy is to harmonize everything. Tachyon chambers are working as huge
harmonizers of the planetary situation because they bring tachyon to the planet.



 2019-2022 ( #29-67 )


 Is there any special advantage of tachyonized silver?     

   Cobra- Tachyonized silver is more aligned with the energy of The Source and  more             connected with its primary function which is to bring the Goddess energy on the surface
of the planet and especially  inside the financial system.




  Okay, and in a moment I'd like to speak to you more about that Ascension
timeline. But I'd like to ask you about the tachyon chambers; are they getting more
powerful in helping people heal and anchoring light into the planet? And what about
those people who cannot reach a chamber in their area? What do you suggest they do
to get this kind of healing?

Cobra: Yes, the tachyon chambers are getting more powerful. We are constantly
upgrading them, developing technology even further in cooperation with the Pleiadian
fleet. And there are many chambers now throughout the planet, so it should
not be too difficult to reach them. And of course, we are inviting more people,
especially in the areas where there are no chambers yet, to establish a chamber in
their area. So we need a strong planetary network of those chambers to heal people
and to strengthen the planetary energy grid as well.

Debra: So the healing they offer is unique in themselves and we really can't
duplicate it on our own.

Cobra: There is no shortcut here.




 someone was asking about the tachyon chambers. Are they getting
stronger and how are they getting stronger?

Cobra: Yes, they're are getting stronger. There are many reasons for this. Number
one, we are developing technology. We are receiving Pleiadian instructions how to
get our technology stronger. And there is less and less anomaly on the planet. And
this is also the other reason why they're getting stronger.



 tachyon chambers cannot regenerate the body. Like they cannot grow a limb for example, but
they can definitely improve the state of the physical body because they improve the
state of the immune system and they can actually realign the subatomic structure of
the physical body with a perfect prototype.



 are those countries where many Cintamani stones are
buried and Tachyon chambers are installed safer for people to live in the coming

Cobra: Yes to a great degree. It's not absolute protection, but it is quite a
reasonably good protection against all darkness, which people have already
experienced many typhoons, many weather situations, strong storms have been
deflected by Tachyon fields and Cintamani fields from many countries already. This
is just one example



Are we able to protect ourselves and deflect scalar attacks by wearing
items like crystals or golden silver or ingesting things like colloidal gold or
silver or ormus?

Cobra: For example, there are some Tachyon technologies that can help repelling
those scalar attacks. And there are some other technologies that are also quite
effective – and Cintamani stones, of course, help with your vibrational frequency
quite much.



 I have some questions from Tachyon chamber owners. There are now about
73 chambers around the world for public use. And people are wondering if these can
help stop the virus or correct problems caused by the injection?

Cobra: They will not stop the virus, but they will harmonize your body to better
deal with a virus, or to deal with anything.


 And they're often asked what's the difference between Tachyon chambers and

That's a completely different technology. Tachyon chambers are infusing our
bodies with Tachyons. Whereas the Medbeds are actually a technology which rearranges
the atomic structure of the physical body. It's quite an advanced technology that is
not yet present on the surface of the planet. And it will not be present(medbeds) before the Event, no matter what anybody else says.



Okay, that was my question…would we have access to these before the Event,
because many people [in the alternative media] are talking about them. So Tachyon
chambers are currently available now; can you share with us how they can help people
now? You once said that as the vibration of Gaia increases, the impact of the
chambers increases as well. So would you elaborate on how the chambers assist with
implant clearing and the Ascension process?

Cobra: Actually, Tachyon chambers bring Tachyon energy into your energy field and
then your energy field spontaneously rearranges with the energy of the Source
because Tachyons are coming directly from the Source. And this is the shortest
possible shortcut towards the Ascension. And of course, as your energy field
rearranges and realigns with full alignment with the divine archetype, your physical
body reacts also and you bring your physical body state of greater health. So that's
the main principle. And as the energies get stronger, as we get closer to the Event,
the effect of those chambers will only increase.

Debra: Wonderful. And of course, people can find out about the Tachyon chambers on
your website as well. And I will personally testify that they are fabulous, so I
would encourage everyone to find one in their area or make an effort to go to one.



 Okay. Next question. The outbreak of COVID-19 in Taiwan was under control within merely six
months in Taiwan. We have not seen any new local cases for almost 30 day. A similar
situation happened in Japan too. After the peak number of infected persons in late August, the number dramatically dropped in Japan unlike the expectation of mass
media. And now it is almost negligible. So many scholars do not know why the
pandemic vanished so dramatically in Taiwan and Japan. And are they due to the
stronger Cintamani grid there, or is it due to their special Tachyon chamber
arrangement, which was briefly reported on your blog in June?

Cobra: It is a combination of three main factors. The first main factor is that the
virus strain, which was released in Italy is responsible for most COVID infections
since then since I would say late February 2020, and very few cases from that strain
have reached Japan or Taiwan. The second one is that, especially Taiwan, has
implemented the most efficient pandemic control measures, especially in the
beginning. And of course the third factor is the density of the Cintamani grid and
the number of Tachyon chambers. All those factors combined have as a consequence,
almost that the number of cases have dropped almost to zero.




 How large in diameter does a fully functional tachyon
chamber have? I mean not only inside the chamber, but we are wondering if it has an
impact on the surrounding area.

Cobra: I would estimate the radius of impact to be around 30 miles in each



 Tachyon energy is coming directly from the Source. Tachyons were the
first particles that were created when this universe came into creation. So this is
exactly the reason why they are our direct connection to the Source. Tachyons are
particles that travel faster than light and are thus connecting us with higher



 Rhona: Okay. So we think that Tachyon chambers can be found in different Galactic
civilizations in the universe. What's the purpose of these Tachyon chambers?

 Cobra: You mean the Galactic Tachyon chambers? 

 Rhona: Yes

 Cobra: Okay. The chambers that they have some very advanced races have chambers
that are much more advanced than what we have here on this planet. And those
chambers are able to do almost miraculous healings. They're able to shift matter.
They're able to align matter to the perfect archetypes. So there are very advanced
technologies which will be introduced to this planet at some point after the Event.



Did Tachyon chambers exist on Earth before the quarantine was enforced
26,000 years ago?

 Cobra: Yes, of course. In Atlantis, Tachyon chambers did exist on planet Earth. 



 Pyramids have been discovered all over the world, not just in
Egypt. Is there a link between pyramids and the Tachyon chambers?

 There is a certain link of course, because pyramid structure is a sacred
geometry structure, which has a very interesting capabilities. And this is one
aspect of technology that can assist in harnessing tachyon energy.

Still on the subject of pyramids, what's the difference between an
initiation chamber and a Tachyon chamber

 Cobra: Initiation chamber - The purpose of initiation chamber is to generate a
quantum leap in consciousness. And this is what some advanced Tachyon chambers can
do. But those chambers are not available on planet Earth. Also for safety purposes
because human beings are not able to... are not ready to operate such advanced
technology at this point. They are not spiritually pure enough for something like



 The veil of the matrix absorbs a lot of the Tachyon
energy. Without this veil, we'd all be bathed in tachyons. What changes will there
be for us all when the veil has dropped?

 When the veil drops Tachyon energy will begin to infuse human bodies
and will begin to restore health, and also emotional and mental harmony in the
surface population. So this is what we can expect after the Event.



And at the exact moment of the Event, what will the Tachyon chambers' role be?

  the tachyon chambers that we have installed on the surface of the
planet will conduct very strong energies and will actually ground a lot of tachyon
energy for the whole planet. And this will help stabilizing the Grid. So there will
be no massive earthquakes or drastic cataclysms at the moment of the Event.



As we are still in the same quarantine situation now, the
Tachyon chambers are still not operating at their highest potential. Can you tell us
more about the update or changes to the Tachyon chambers after the Event? They'll
work at their full potential?

They will be upgraded first energetically and after some point the Pleiadian
teams will give instructions to the owners of the Tachyon chambers, how to upgrade
the chambers, and they will also receive technological upgrades at a certain point
after the Event.



Thank you for that first part. So let's move on to the next
part, which is a little bit longer - How Sessions Work. Each Tachyon chamber that's
activated by you is quantumly linked to a wormhole, that's created with a
Tachyonized crystal orbiting in a research satellite of Genesis II at the level of
the veil in order to create a passage for Tachyon energy, a wormhole is
characterized by two extremities. One of which is the Tachyon chamber. And we all
wonder where the other extremity is please.

Okay. One point is on the Tachyon chamber. And the second point is the
Genesis II space station, which is beyond the veil. So this wormhole connects the
source of Tachyons at Genesis II crystal and the Tachyon chamber.


 It works through quantum entanglement. So tachyons, which are on Genesis II
Satellite are quantumly entangled with Tachyons, which are in the Tachyon chamber.
And this creates a certain link to which Tachyons can flow freely regardless of the



We'd like to know a little more too, about the Galactic teams that
manage the Tachyon chambers. What's the function of the Pleiadians during the
Tachyon chamber sessions?

  Each Tachyon chamber has a Pleiadian team dedicated to that chamber
and while there is a healing session taking place in the chamber, those Pleiadians
assist with healing energies and balancing energies through their own quantum
technologies. They project certain energies through the wormhole into the Tachyon
chamber and assist in the healing process taking place in the chamber.

 Can there be other beings who accompany a Tachyon chamber session?

 Cobra: Yes. There are sometimes other races such as Sirians or positive Andromedans participating. And there are many times also Angelic beings who assist in the
healing process.



Are there beings who participate in the care of Tachyon chamber
outside the matrix?

 Cobra: They are outside the matrix and they project energies into the matrix



Some people see and feel beings working on them during the sessions
and can have painful, quite a painful sensory experience like your body being moved
physically. Can you explain how they do this?

 Okay. The healing teams send strong energies through the body and through
the energy field. And sometimes this creates a detoxification process, which can be
slightly painful because toxins are leaving the body. And after that a strong
healing can occur. So you can have a quite intense experience sometimes while you
are laying in the chamber. Not always, but sometimes that can be quite intense.



When a Tachyon chamber is activated, a vortex is created. And an
Angelic being anchors itself to the location of the Tachyon chamber. What's the role
of this Angelic being?

 That angelic being is the actual guardian and caretaker of the energies of
the chamber vortex. And it manages the energies flowing through the Tachyon chamber
and takes care that everything is happening as harmoniously and as positively as



 We can say Tachyon chambers have two main functions. In fact, the
energy channel that's created never stops. So we have the energetic treatment for
the person and the action that it has on the planet too. Can you tell us more about
the action on the planet, the Light Grid?

  Whenever there is an active healing session, the energies are flowing
primarily for the person being healed, and whenever there are no healing sessions,
the chamber is working as an energy conduit for the energies that go directly into
the planetary energy grid and help stabilizing and harmonizing the energy grid,
whatever is needed at that particular moment.



 And in addition to that, the chamber has an energy radius
of about 30 to 40 kilometers around it. What happens within this field to the

 That is the size of the energy vortex around the chamber. And Inside of that
energy vortex, there is a strong energy, which harmonizes and purifies everything.


 Can you explain the energy work of the Tachyon chamber for the
lower planes?

 Cobra: Okay. What Tachyons do - they flow through the lower planes through the
physical body, through the etheric body, through the astral body, through the mental
body, and they harmonize and align everything. They decrease the amount of primary
anomaly, and they increase the amount of Light in those in those bodies.


And for the superior planes?

 They actually also flow through those higher bodies, through the soul body
and through higher bodies and through higher dimensions of the soul essence. And
they increase the Light there also, and actually make the connection between the
soul and the personality stronger.



 Okay. Can you explain how Tachyon energy works with the Ego triangle, Atma,
Buddhi, Manas?

 Actually what Tachyons do - they activate permanent atoms on those
higher planes and through activating permanent atoms, they increase something that I
would describe as an Ascension rate. They manifest more of the energy of the Divine
will for Ascension. So they actually accelerate the Ascension process.



So between our past lives, and now as we live in the matrix, how do
negative memories impact our energetic bodies?

Each memory, each event that has not been cleared completely creates a
signature imprint into the energy bodies. And some of those imprints are not cleared
between the incarnations and they get passed into the next incarnation. So while we
live here in this incarnation, now some of those imprints are still here. And one
part of the healing process in the chamber is to clear those imprints.



Okay. Yeah. That's... so, and in a collective way, all the people who do
Tachyon chamber sessions emanate an energy into their surroundings, the tachyon
energy, and into collective consciousness, can you explain this process to us?

 Cobra: It is very simple. People who have been in the chamber have received a
certain amount of tachyon energy and they begin to radiate a certain amount of that
tachyon energy to their surroundings.



 What energy work happens between two people who do a session
together? For example, a parent and a child, or a couple or friends.

Okay. Their energy field gets harmonized, and we can expect their
relationship to become more harmonized as well.

 So it's positive. 

Cobra: Yes.



 For a person who's just died, how can Tachyon chambers help their soul get
to other planes? We only put photographs of people in and unfortunately, as long as
there's still quarantine putting the picture of the deceased in the chamber doesn't
bring them out of the matrix. Do you agree with this?

 Okay, actually [it] can help this transition of the deceased person into the
Light. The person will not manage to completely escape the matrix, but it can escape
from being captured by the dark forces on the etheric plane and the lower astral
plane. And this can help the person getting into the area where it's relatively calm
and peaceful surroundings on the astral plane.



 And can you tell us about the benefits of this for sessions for a
pregnant woman and the baby?

Yes. Actually this can help the mother to ease the process of pregnancy and
it can also help the child in anchoring more harmoniously into the physical body.

So it can help with labor 

Yes. With the whole process.

Why is it useful to do sessions in the Tachyon chamber at an
infant stage up until the age of 12?

It can for each age there are certain challenges and certain
development challenges happening and the Tachyon chamber helps reducing those
challenges and harmonizing the process.



 You recommend between three to six sessions. How does the work evolve
during the course of the sessions?

This is just a general estimate because it is not practical for people
to expect to have more and more, more sessions, except in certain cases. But I would
say if you do this regularly, you can have more lasting longer effects in the
Tachyon chamber.

 And in the months that follow? 

 The same.



Tachyon chamber is not a magic wand or a roller coaster. Can
you comment on the fact that working mindfully on a daily basis is important?

 Tachyon chamber is just a tool that can help you in your own process,
but your own decision is still the key. So if you do not assist actively in the
healing process, whatever the chamber will help you heal, you can disturb again with
your actions and your decisions. So if you work together with the chamber, it can have quite drastic, quite magical results. If you work against the healing energy of
the chamber, you will ruin those results.



Some people don't feel anything during the session. How can you
reassure them the work is still being done?

 There is no condition that you need to feel anything for the work
being done. Sometimes the work is done on a subconscious level. Sometimes the work
is being done at cellular level. It does not always produce visible effects, but if
you are using the chamber long enough, you will definitely notice a difference,
notice a change.



 And what advice can you give to make the most of a session?

 First, do not have any expectations or preconceived ideas how the session
should look like, just be open minded and relaxed as possible, and just surrender to
the process.



And in the context of the quarantine that we are still experiencing,
is it possible for our subtle bodies to cross the veil during a Tachyon chamber

Actually, this is possible. You can have an out body projection into the
motherships. Some people have experienced this because we create a certain, I would
say quantum transmission between the chamber and the motherships, which are above
and certain things can happen.



We we've seen an explosion in the number of Tachyon chambers in France
recently. Is there a link with France's key role in the global liberation?

Yes, of course. A lot of work is being done energetically with France and
especially with Paris Goddess Vortex. And this of course has assisted in creating
this very strong interest for Tachyon chambers in France, because France is one of a
few key countries for the Planetary Liberation process.



Can we have a look at the current situation with the COVID
virus. Can Tachyon chamber treatments transmute the messenger RNA (mRNA) information
of vaccines and eliminate the toxicity of the vaccine compounds?

 I would say the Tachyon chambers decrease the harmful side effects of
anything that happens to the human body. It does not change the chemical composition
of the body, but the Tachyon energy does harmonize the energy flow through the body.
It harmonizes the chakra system. It harmonizes the immune system, which then deals
with the whole situation the most effectively possible.

 Okay. So the vaccine blocks the person energetically. The vaccines influence
the connections between a higher self and a human personality. How can a Tachyon
chamber help this problem?

 Cobra: Okay. there is nothing that can really cut your connection with your higher




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