September 15, 2023
The Light forces have scored a huge victory recently. The last pit under DARPA has been cleared, and all Chimera individuals from that pit and from the surface of the planet have been removed. Thus Chimera has been completely defeated, and is no more.
With the removal of the Chimera, cosmic evolution into the Light is not in danger anymore, and positive timeline has been absolutely stabilized. This means that final victory of the Light and the liberation of this planet is absolutely secured, as there are no timelines with negative outcome remaining.
For Interviews Quotes on Chimera :
March 10, 2014 Quarantine Earth Endgame
completely understand the situation on this planet we need to go back to a
specific period of the Galactic history when the dark forces were created. They
have chosen Rigel star system in the Orion constellation as their main
stronghold from where they controlled their galactic empire.
This allowed the dark forces to turn their Rigel stronghold into the first true quarantine where no Light could enter since the Ascended Beings did not receive intel about the activities going on Rigel and therefore could not send Light and Love to heal situations there..
Added-They created Toplet Bombs
The Galactic Confederation has liberated Pleiades in 1999 and the Resistance has liberated Pleiadian captives from Dulce and other bases in 2001, but the Pleiadian race needed almost a decade to recover from shock completely and to be able to fully participate in the Galactic Confederation operations for the liberation of planet Earth. "
April 8, 2014 End of Petrodollar, Overunity and the Event
Through the main Archon, they have limited access to the Archons on the etheric plane. Those etheric Archons enforce soul agreements on the members of the Cabal, forcing them to obey the Chimera group. If a certain member of the Cabal is removed, the etheric Archons simply find another host and enforce binding soul agreement upon him..

The official Nazi space program was developed by Wernher von Braun. He was later paperclipped into the US along with many other scientists and absorbed into the US military-industrial complex. They have developed both the official NASA space program front and the more secret Solar Warden program (from more military faction of the Cabal) and Corporate space program (from more corporate faction of the Cabal), together with deep underground military bases. Both Solar Warden and the Corporate space programs were interconnected, but deeply compartmentalized. At the top, they were guided by the Unholy Four (Kissinger, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld)."

"Pleiadians and allied races were always supporting the Earth population in their fight for freedom against Chimera/Draco/Reptilian suppression. Slavic people, especially Russians, were usually quite open to Pleiadian guidance and support...
- ADDED (Link & clip)- https://map2implants.blogspot.com/2022/08/biochip-posts-interview-quotes.html
"Realizing that they are going to lose, the Chimera have stepped up the attacks on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that are beyond brutal.
- ADDED :space-force
"Chimera beings were once highly evolved angelic beings who chose to subject themselves to controlled toplet bombs explosion experiments
long time ago in the galactic past. This, and numerous genetic experiments has mutated them into spider beings of unimaginable darkness:
Soon, they will all be finally dealt with."
"The only Dracos remaining now are those physical and non-physical Dracos who are directly employed as servants to the Chimera, and the naturalized Dracos who mainly came to planet Earth more than 25,000 years ago, entered the incarnation cycle in humanoid bodies and are now incarnated as politicians, bankers, lawyers and other members of the surface Illuminati Cabal.
A very small number of naturalized Dracos also came to planet Earth in the 1996-1999 timeframe as they entered humanoid clone bodies in underground bases and then entered the surface Illuminati Cabal as lookalikes and doubles of many politicians, and they are still part of the surface Illuminati Cabal.
With the IBC gone, the only Cabal network still remaining is the surface Cabal network. Surface Cabal network will be properly addressed only after the Chimera threat is significantly diminished..
In underground bases, the Light Forces are using Mjolnir quantum cannons
and sonic weapons to remove as many physical Chimera spiders as possible. Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface. Although many of these spiders are being removed by the Light Forces, the Chimera replenish the nests with fresh spiders which are materialized from quantum superposition state with advanced manifestation chambers.
Stargate:Ark of Truth:
As soon as the quantum reservoir of the Chimera spiders will be gone, the Light Forces will be able to clear Chimera underground bases completely.
Now they are focusing on removal of the key Chimera spiders which form the backbone of the Matrix system in quarantine Earth.
They have already managed to remove the spider queen, who was responsible for destruction of Goddess temples in Atlantis and destruction of the Goddess mysteries in the first and second Archon invasion. She was the force behind the Inquisition and more recently the force behind global child abuse networks, using Mothers of Darkness to do the dirty work (warning: graphic material) :
December 8, 2020
The following photo was taken at the center of the major energy vortex on Mt. Jade on Taiwan on November 11th:
In the first days of December, the Light Forces have managed to clear all Chimera fleet from Near Earth Orbit: This is an important step towards the liberation of the planet, as now the Light Forces are able to use Near Earth Orbit much more freely for their liberation operations, and this has unleashed a huge amount of positive energy in Near Earth orbit. This energy has already precipitated towards the surface of the planet and resulted in disclosure attempts such as the following one:
And in sample returns from the Moon and asteroid Ryugu:
December 28, 2020
Many people meditating have felt this pulse, and it has brought instantaneous emotional and spiritual, and sometimes even physical healing to some people. Many traumatic events were erased from the energy fields of certain Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, and huge healing of the heart took place.
then on, clearing of the primary anomaly on the surface of this
planet is taking place.
The Light Forces have also managed to anchor pure Light on the surface of the planet for the first time since 1996. Many Light beings and goddesses were present in their energy bodies around people meditating, and they have managed to take a quite detailed sample of the Matrix structure. With greater understanding of the quantum structure of the Matrix, they are now removing exotic quantum dark technologies with full speed. They have also begun with gradual clearing of the implants of the surface humanity, and you can help them in this process with implant removal techniques mentioned here:
And here:
The Light Forces are also continuing with the removal of the Chimera and this goes quite well in full alignment with their plan. They have already managed to remove over 50% of all Chimera underground bases, among them almost all of the ultra deep Chimera underground bases which are located more than 8 miles deep, just above the Mohorovicic discontinuity, the boundary between Earth crust and mantle:
Also, over 50% of the physical Chimera spiders are already gone. The Light Forces have also removed the spider king who was the main occult force behind countless wars throughout human history.
There is another pair of physical spider king and spider queen still remaining. They came from Rigel star system in 1996 and are since then situated in a Chimera underground base below Lake Kivu, Congo. The male counterpart is now the main occult force behind the quarantine status of planet Earth and the occult force behind coronavirus lockdowns (quarantine phase 2), whereas the female spider is the main occult force inhibiting Soul contact and unconditional love. They will both be removed soon."
February 17, 2021
Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Resistance has managed to clear the vast majority of Chimera underground bases and made a significant blitzkrieg breakthrough there on February 10th and now holds the upper hand in planetary subterranean domain.
Light Forces have also managed to clear practically all negative quantum superposition exotic weapons and technologies of the Chimera, and have dissolved the so-called Schwab quantum matrix etheric scalar technology which was the main energy field behind the Great Reset.
Now that this Schwab matrix has decomposed, the whole dark plan of the Cabal is slowly falling apart.
Dragon forces on the surface are very active behind the scenes and are taking active countermeasures against the Jesuits and their Great Reset plans.
Now that the quantum superposition dark technologies are almost gone, the Tunnels of Set are almost gone also and implants are not quantumly entangled anymore. This makes spiritual growth easier and implant clearing easier, as when you now start clearing your implants you are not clearing all other implants in the planetary grid anymore.
So if you feel so guided you can join the group that is conducting regular implant clearing sessions:
Or watch their videos here:
Light Forces have communicated that it is time now to start taking the planetary energy grid out of the hands of the dark back into our hands again. Therefore they are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the Flower of Life meditation for the planet as often as possible:
We are doing this meditation daily every four hours, and will keep doing it until the Event.
Victory of the Light!
Chimera underground bases that are still remaining are much more difficult to clear, as they are connected to the Cabal infrastructure on the surface. The main Chimera underground base under Lake Kivu in Congo with the spider king and queen has not been cleared yet.
On the physical plane on the surface, the Chimera group is still present within DARPA, from where they exert considerable amount of influence on the surface Cabal through Orsini, Torlonia, Theodoli families and other black nobility families. Through top Jesuits they control the rest of the Cabal:
May 6, 2021
Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces have managed to clear all Chimera space fleet, except for a small number of TR-3B and other reverse-engineered craft, operable in suborbital space by the negative military under direct or indirect orders from the Chimera.
A certain number of Chimera underground bases, with most of them not very deeply underground, is still remaining and they are very difficult to clear, because they contain Chimera-controlled Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian and other star race hostages who are controlled and guarded by physical Chimera spiders. Those bases also still host a large amount of captured human children and adults. The main Chimera base under near Bukavu in Congo is still intact with both spider queen and king and a few other Chimera spiders inhabiting it.
Quantum anomaly around Earth is clearing nicely, but with enough remaining anomalous quantum fluctuations very close to the surface of the planet to still prevent physical manifestations of Ascended beings and their Lightships (external merkabas):
Quantum fluctuations directly related to human implants and biochips are clearing better than expected. Spacetime distortion created by the implants and biochips is thus being reduced fast and drastically. This has resulted in a significant decrease of human emotional volatility in the last few weeks. Also, most of the akashic records have been cleared. This does not mean that the recordings of past events have been deleted, the Light forces are only removing all negative energetic and emotional charge of those past events, and it will be thus easier for people to release and forgive.
According to sources, the Nuremberg style trials that are approaching will include a public trial of many Cabal members for crimes against humanity which will result in somewhere between 500 and 5000 death sentences. Cabal criminals will be publicly executed mainly in the USA, China, Japan and a fourth country which must not be named. Those criminals will then be gathered on the etheric plane by the Light Forces, will undergo another trial by the Galactic Court at the Ganymede sorting facility and then be processed in the Galactic Central Sun.
Many lesser Cabal criminals will be arrested, then rapidly tried by military courts, then transported off planet by the Resistance and sorted through the Ganymede sorting center. Those among them unable or unwilling to correct their crimes will be taken to the Central Sun for restructuring and the rest will be taken to correctional facilities across the Galaxy where they will be able to “work out their karmas”.
About 500,000 Cabal middlemen who were promoting the negative agenda such as corrupt city mayors, lawyers, politicians, bankers, hospital managers, doctors, journalists and even some who were posing as “light workers”, will be arrested at the time of the Event and will serve their term. It is interesting to know that a few past members of my team who betrayed the Light will be among those arrested.
After all this is done, the Light Forces will address so-called injustice nodes and many more people among the surface population who have seriously wronged others will serve their term with house arrest, community work or financial fines.
Here it is important to understand that many past injustices will be settled and healed through truth and reconciliation commissions, through mediation and through forgiveness.
Many people who were incarcerated across the planet for minor offenses such as marijuana possession or petty theft will be released from jail immediately after the Event.
All this will bring much needed closure, so a dark and unjust chapter of human history will close and a new, better one will open.
Next month, a process of partial Disclosure may begin through signs of life detected on Mars through Perseverance NASA rover and through Pentagon UFO files.
Some Disclosure hints are already here:
With less primary anomaly remaining, quarantine Earth is finally opening up, and suborbital flights will be available for the surface population starting from July 20th:
As we are getting closer to the Event, there is much activity behind the scenes in militaries across the planet that can not be reported, except for a few hints here:
June 17, 2021
Planetary Situation Update
" Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The war between Light and dark forces for Chimera underground bases is at its peak, and the decisive battles ending in Light forces liberating the bases are expected to occur soon.
The Chimera underground complex which extends below the central part of eastern Congo and below most of Rwanda and Burundi has not been liberated yet, and hostages captured there and in other bases still need our assistance with meditation:
This underground war precipitates to the surface as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions:
Galactic Confederation fleet, especially Ashtar Command, Pleiadian and Sirian fleet, are moving closer to the surface of planet and Mjolnir (quantum cannon) weapons are now deployed in Near Earth Orbit in icosahedral formation to continue clearing quantum anomaly and all dark force exotic weapons in all surface and subsurface layers of the planet, physical and non-physical.
Mjolnir is particularly targeting etheric scalar weapons grid which was created by the Orion dark forces during the invasion of 1996.
Scalar waves are produced when two opposing waves of the same frequency exactly cancel out each other:
They can be misused to create strong etheric fields that can capture souls after they leave their physical body through the death process, and this capture is exactly what happens to most humans on the surface and most hostages in underground bases.
Also, scalar fields can be misused to attack Lightworkers and to induce emotional pain, energetic discomfort and also physical pain by triggering central nervous system.
As Light Forces progress toward the surface, the dark are attacking key Lightworkers with those scalar weapons, falsely hoping that this will slow the progress of the Galactic Confederation fleet.
The main thing slowing the progress of the Confederation fleet is the so called subquantum anomaly. Subquantum anomaly is the part of quantum anomaly which extends throughout the whole universe on scales smaller than Planck length (10 e-35 meters) and can not be detected by any means, according to the so-called trans-Planckian censorship conjecture:
This practically means that the Light forces can not detect it, even in their Ascended state, they can only guess its effects after it begins to influence objects larger than Planck length, so basically all particles and waveforms in our universe. The Orion dark force scientists have learned through experiments spanning many millennia and sometimes even millions of years how to trigger subquantum anomaly to produce anomalous effects in our universe. Throughout the universe, this can only produce a very thin quantum fog, whereas close to the surface of this planet it triggers serious quantum anomaly which significantly hinders the progress of the Confederation fleet and also significantly decreases the efficiency of the Light forces in general. They are now fully addressing this problem and there are already signs of progress.
The most dangerous phase of the planetary liberation war lasted from December 2017 to May 2021 and things are finally beginning to look a bit better now, although the danger is far from over.
Chimera-controlled DARPA and other agencies still keep developing nanotechnology biochips:
And protein based bioweapons for mind control:
And micro biochips:
July 13, 2021
Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Light Forces have managed to completely clear all underground bases of the Chimera breakaway civilization, including the Congo complex.
Most hostages who were captured there have been liberated, although some of them are still captured on the etheric and astral planes.
Physical spider king and queen, along with most lesser physical Chimera spiders have been removed also. The remaining Chimera forces are now concentrated on the surface and nothing more can be revealed about that momentarily.
What is remaining now to be cleared underground are some military bases still in the hands of the Negative military (including those in Antarctica), then underground tunnels (including those between US / Mexico, California / Nevada and China / Myanmar) , which are being used for human trafficking by Illuminati, Mafia and the Triads, and also child abuse centers below some castles of the Black nobility and below some churches and Catholic schools under Jesuit control. Top priority of the Resistance and the Positive military now is to rescue as many children as possible still captured there.
There are still some twin souls (mostly captured Pleiadians) of the top commanders of the Galactic confederation held hostages in underground bases of the Negative military and in some military installations on the surface, especially in the Negev desert (Israel), near Abu Kamal in Syria and near Grozny in Chechnya.
The Resistance and the Pleiadian fleet have contacted the Positive military in USA, Russia and China several times in the last few months, and certain plans have been set into motion to prepare for the Event. Cheyenne Mountain and Thule (Greenland) underground complexes are being prepared for that purpose.
The Light forces are also intensively clearing negative non-physical etheric and astral entities, and their number has now fallen below 50 billion. On the top of the etheric and astral dark hierarchy are still some Chimera spiders who control a few thousand Archons in insectoid bodies (Lords of Karma), who in turn control a few million Dracos who manage the remaining tens of billions of Reptilian entities.
In the past, Galactic Confederation councils did not reach unity in their plans how to liberate planet Earth, and there were many opposing views to this problem among the Confederation personnel:
Certain actions were taken last week by Semjase and some other high commanders, and now a consensus has been reached within the Confederation that a drastic intervention will take place at the right moment on the surface of the planet. Not much can be said about that at the moment, apart from the fact that if the Cabal crosses a certain line, the intervention will come much sooner and it will be harsher.
After the beginning of August, certain situations will escalate, as we are entering a special “intersection event” time window starting in August of this year and ending at the end of 2022, the first part of that window being August-December 2021, and the second part January- December 2022.
August 24, 2021
Toplet bombs inside implants have not been cleared yet, and they are still the main factor preventing the Event:
One commenter on my blog has explained the situation very clearly:
The next two months are a key time in human history and we need to hold the Light. Every person counts.
Victory of the Light!
Hold The Light 2
" One unpleasant surprise in September was a previously undetected remnant of the Chimera fleet emerging from the black holes in the Kuiper belt, with a few ships even being able to sporadically take positions in the inner Solar system and retake a few positions in the cavernous underground of planet Earth. This setback is expected to be taken care of in a few months, with the Light forces still having the upper hand everywhere in the Solar system except the surface of this planet.
There was recently a lot of discussion of the state of liberation of this Solar system in certain circles:
Here it is good to know that every intel source on the surface of the planet has been implanted and/or mind controlled since 1996 and therefore can not have a complete overview of the situation. More they have worked on themselves and cleared their past programming, more reliable their intel is. Many of those intel sources are well meaning people and instead of arguing over who is right and who is wrong, we all together can create a clearer picture of what is really going on:
Also, intel in many out of planet factions contacting surface people is highly compartmentalized and highly biased. SSP factions usually have a pessimistic bias, being subjected to daily stress of dealing with the Draco empire. Galactic Confederation races usually have an optimistic bias, being always connected with the Source and not fully understanding how cruel life on this planet can be.
Here I only need to add that prime directive does NOT exist and was never part of the Galactic Confederation policy, and is actually an Archon mind program. Galactic Confederation respects the Galactic Codex instead:
With the Galactic Confederation increasing their presence around Earth, the negative military is strengthening their defense of the quarantine Earth with the Space Fence:
On the other hand, the Blue Dragons are quite effective in influencing the Chinese positive factions to start planning building mile-long spaceships:
A certain contact, which had physical and non-physical aspects, was made recently with Agarthan Blue Dragons. They have communicated that they live in an extensive network of underground bases under mainland China which are connected with ultra high speed trains. They are practising an advanced form of Taoism as a spiritual practice and are deeply spiritual people. They sometimes access the surface and are influencing some key politicians in the Chinese communist party. They are doing whatever is within their power to prevent a war between China and Taiwan. They have also communicated that people on the surface that feel a connection with the Agarthan Blue Dragons can try to make a contact in meditations or dreams.
Goddess energy has been extremely neglected on the surface of the planet and needs to be restored. There is a certain ultra secret group that is working behind the scenes, trying to restore the Goddess vortex in Afghanistan which has collapsed in August. This group is called the Sarmoun brotherhood:
The exact location of the Afghanistan Goddess vortex must remain veiled, but it is located somewhere in the Nuristan province (land of the enlightened):
Also, the Congo vortex near lake Kivu is in a serious state of collapse and a certain negative occult group connected to the dark forces is conducting actual witch hunts there:
Flash Overtura Update
"As a response from a non-physical, non-local quantum cosmic impulse of Light, our Galactic Central Sun is showing signs of increased activity on the non-physical planes. This is expected to increase until the Galactic pulse Superwave occurs in the near future.
Our Universe is a living entity and it is learning:
The main lesson of our Universe now is to completely transform all gross primary anomaly, and the current metastable cosmic quantum vacuum state will shift into a new, more stable equilibrium state without darkness:
This new Galactic Center activity is already changing quantum vacuum structure of the Solar system, and there is more and more luminous superfluid plasma which brings pure Light into our Solar system:
The remaining Chimera fleet in the Kuiper belt, which came into our Solar system from Orion in 1996, can not stand this high vibration. Most of those ships were cleared, and the rest escaped much closer towards the Earth beyond lunar orbit between 1-10 million miles from Earth, where they might be temporarily safe for a few weeks still.
When the presence of luminous superfluid plasma of Light in our Solar system is strong enough, the Light forces will begin to build two cloaked Dyson spheres with motherships of the Galactic Confederation in icosahedral formation.
Those Dyson spheres will have a diameter of around 15-20 million miles and will regulate the flow of energies of the Galactic Superwave and of the Event flash. The first Dyson sphere will be built around the Sun and the second one around the Earth, and they will ensure a two step phase translation of incoming cosmic energies towards the surface population.
There is a lot of activity below the surface of the planet right now, but all of it must remain classified.
Behind the scenes, on the surface of the planet, the Light Forces are removing the exotic scalar weapons that are creating the Veil:
They are not yet addressing the situation in Urim military base in Israel, and Utah Data Center near Orem, Utah:
Those two locations are two main Chimera strongholds on the surface, with Urim base being superior, and both (Urim and Orem) are related to the Urim stone, which was a communication device:
It is not a coincidence that Utah Data City was built not far away from Salt Lake City, which is the location of the Church of the Latter day Saints :
And not far away from The Vault:
Urim base in Israel is the main base for scalar and directed weapons attacks:
Urim base has a “spider room” and a “black cube room” . The black cube room contains a very powerful quantum supercomputer which processes and analyses all SIGINT data coming into the Urim base, and relays it to its etheric counterpart and to the etheric implant/Chimera network. This room is the center of the inverted planetary grid and center of the planetary primary anomaly.
Unfortunately, the black cube room also contains another Black Stone top quark condensate, similar to the one that was cleared from Long Island a few years ago:
It is not a coincidence that the most powerful financial institution on the planet is called BlackRock:
The black cube room also contains a subquantum anomaly container which was brought to Earth from Rigel in 1996.
This situation will be addressed when it will be safe to do so.
On a brighter note, Pleiadians are increasing their presence near the surface of the planet. Here you can see their mothership:
Pleiadians are also contacting musicians again, inspiring their music:
like they did in the previous wave of Pleiadian contact in the early/mid 1980s when they were inspiring some of the disco music:
There was even a song predicting the defeat of the AI:
There is even a facebook group called Pleiadian Disco:
Pleiadian mythos is now being revealed:
And more of a true history of planet Earth and the Universe:
Divine Intervention Activation Report
"On the physical plane, this final offensive of the Light Forces is clearing all remnants of the dark force fleet in the Solar System, and all negative subterranean bases. All captured dark beings are offered a “surrender or die” option. If they surrender, they need to accept the Galactic Codex, accept the Light and repair the consequences of their past actions. If they are unwilling or unable to do so, they are taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring via the Ganymede sorting facility.
The final offensive of the Light Forces on the physical plane on the surface will NOT be initialized until the danger of excessive violence is removed, and both non-physical planes and primary anomaly need to be substantially cleared to achieve that.
On the quantum level, the Light Forces have managed to clear all black wormholes that the dark forces were using for secure quantum communication, and as a consequence, secure and unhackable communication network of the dark forces has fallen apart. Top Chimera leaders now have to use encrypted communication that can easily be hacked by the Resistance. As a side effect to this, there were significant developments in the creation of the positive quantum financial system (QFS).
All Black Stones and all Chimera spiders on the surface of the planet, including those in the Urim base, have been removed.
The bunkers will not help them, as the Resistance is waiting for them deep below:
Covid virus was created by the Chimera-controlled DARPA and released as a mechanism against the progress of the Light Forces towards the liberation of the planet:
Panicked, the dark forces are now using the pandemic as a tool to impose a worldwide totalitarian state in their last ditch effort to control the surface population. They are doing this by inducing mass formation psychosis:
By keeping the people in perpetual state of confusion, hopelessness and fear on purpose:
Leading to the death of science:
" More and more members of the dark forces are beginning to realize that their defeat is near, and Chimera-controlled DARPA had no other choice than to throw Fauci under the bus:
April 16th 2022
" In preparation for the Galactic Pulse, a huge cosmic fleet of positive civilizations from the Local galaxy cluster has gathered around the heliopause of this solar system. This is one of the largest fleet gatherings in the history of the whole universe. These ships will harmonize and direct the flow of energies when the Pulse happens.
One small part of this fleet is already inside the solar system and is putting the last remnants of the Chimera fleet under siege. Another small part of this fleet is constructing Dyson spheres around the Sun and the Earth and both projects are proceeding well. As soon as the Chimera fleet is completely defeated, more of the cosmic fleet will enter the Solar system and proceed into the sublunar space with the purpose of the final liberation of this planet.
There is still quite much quantum and subquantum primary anomaly close to the surface of planet Earth. The Light forces are carefully beginning to clear the physical aspect of the anomaly and they are also beginning with the final clearing of the toplet bombs. They are deactivating the toplet bombs by clearing the quantum anomaly since with quantum anomaly gone, the Light forces are able to stop the chain reaction that changes ordinary quark mater into degenerate top quark matter:
Quantum anomaly now still manifests as spacetime collapsed into black holes on physical, etheric, astral and mental planes inside the implants, tied to toplet bombs, with collapsed spacetime extending from the implants via tunnels of Set into surrounding space. Low concentration of tunnels of Set can still be found on physical, etheric, astral and mental plane throughout the Solar system, with their concentration increasing in sublunar space, and their concentration being very high on the surface of this planet.
Implants are still rotating in electromagnetic field and are creating an accretion vortex which attracts micro black holes into human energy field (aura). Etheric micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field within etheric body which manifest into the physical body as cancer. Astral micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field in the astral body which manifest as lack of empathy. Mental micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field in the mental body which manifest as stupidity in a certain specific part of the mental body.
The collapsed spacetime was created together with primordial black holes in the inflationary phase shortly after the creation of the universe at the beginning of this cosmic cycle:
This was the first mutation of the primary anomaly and it occurred a fraction of a second after what the physicists call the Big Bang, about 13.7 billion years ago.
The second mutation of the primary anomaly occurred when sentient beings began interacting with primary anomaly about 7 million years ago by implanting themselves. Interaction between consciousness and collapsed spacetime within implants created evil.
The third and the last mutation of the primary anomaly occurred in 1996 when much of the suppressed quantum anomaly exploded from the black holes, triggered by the exotic weapons of the Chimera, and much of the until then unmanifested subquantum anomaly began to manifest in the quantum foam.
Most of all this is already cleared, and we are approaching the moment of the apocatastasis:
Apocatastasis is the moment when all quantum and subquantum anomaly will be cleared and all evil consciousness either transformed into the Light or annihilated in the Central Sun.
Physicists describe this quantum transition as false vacuum decay:
They have discovered that this universe is in the exact right condition for something like that to happen:
New, stable quantum vacuum will connect the whole universe into one superentangled tachyon field, which will finally allow the unhindered evolution of this universe into the Light:
The last line of defense before the Light forces can physically intervene on the surface, are the so-called pits. Pits are secret military bases up to 30 meters underground, which were before owned by the Illuminati Breakaway Complex and are now operated by the surface Cabal. Some of them hide members of the Chimera. They can not extend more than 30 meters underground, because the Resistance can now clear most of the locations that are deeper, but can not yet intervene closer to the surface because of toplet bomb deterrence mechanisms.
There are about 1000 such bases worldwide, and two main ones in Ukraine are below Odessa and below Azovstal metal plant in Mariupol. The Mariupol facility is called Pit 404 and is being cleared:
Here is a photo of tunnels leading to Pit 404, and you can use this photo to clear that location with the Violet flame:
Daily meditation for peace in Ukraine every 4 hours is still very much needed, and the Light forces are asking as many people as possible to participate when they can:
Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!
June 23rd , 2022
" There are massive, tectonic changes happening behind the scenes, and not much about that can be reported for tactical reasons. Therefore the posts on this blog are a little bit less frequent.
In the last few weeks, there have been huge victories against the Chimera fleet. There are two subfactions of the Chimera, the first one called the Orion subfaction and the second one the Andromeda subfaction. The Orion subfaction is mostly located in underground bases and is being wiped out. The Andromeda subfaction has infiltrated the surface population in the last few years as they realized their final defeat is near, and they will be a little more difficult to clear, as they are using humanity as a living shield.
The Light Forces have managed to infiltrate the Chimera chain of command undetected, and are now corroding the Chimera structure from within. Most of the negative scenarios for the planet have collapsed, but there is still one quite improbable, but very dangerous scenario that has yet to be resolved.
The Light Forces have completed the construction of both Dyson spheres, the one around the Sun and the one around the Earth. The Galactic Confederation fleet is thus ready for the arrival of the Solar flash, they just need to liberate the surface of the planet and prepare humanity as well."
There are still certain very powerful members of the Chimera in human clone bodies, belonging to Andromeda subfaction, infiltrated in the system on the surface of the planet, and their structure looks approximately like this:
" There was a huge escalation between the Chimera group and the Light Forces on October 15th, and extraordinary measures were taken. The situation was spiraling out of control, and since the Light Forces around the Earth could not contain the situation anymore, urgent reinforcements from Andromeda galaxy who are experts in dealing with the Chimera group sprang into action.
As a result of this, all pits except one has been cleared, and Orion faction of the Chimera group is mostly gone, except for small disorganized clusters on the astral and mental plane, which will be cleared in the coming weeks. Andromeda faction of the Chimera is in fear, knowing that they will be next.
The only pit remaining is NOT located under the Urim base, and contains the mainframe quantum computer of the Andromeda faction of the Chimera, which controls the scalar AI matrix / electromagnetic fence around the Earth, tied into implants.
When the Light Forces take control of that pit, they will be finally able to start completely disintegrating the scalar matrix on the surface, together with the implants and their toplet bombs. When that is gone to a degree that risk becomes acceptable, physical interventions can begin to happen.
Meanwhile, the clearing of the Chimera group continues.
In early December, The Light Forces have started to clear the huge last pit which extended below Washington D.C. in a spiderlike formation which roughly followed the subway system:
They have managed to clear the vast majority of the pit, including the cloning facilities for politicians, MILAB facilities under Pentagon, the “Clinton morgue” and the “Hillary's shapeshifter chamber”.
The only part of the pit now remaining is the facility under DARPA with the central quantum computer.
The Light Forces should definitely take the status of the suffering of the surface population into consideration and risk more, be more active on the surface, but at least we got this:
Millions of years ago, the Chimera have built huge particle accelerators in the form of Dyson rings billions of miles in diameter in the Rigel star system in Orion.
They were using those Dyson rings to create a sufficient amount of top quark and strange quark condensate to create a sufficient amount of toplet and strangelet bombs to control the Rigel and Sol star systems:
They were also using those particle accelerators to create other forms of degenerate matter:
Degenerate matter is created under extreme pressure and/or temperature and is so dense and compressed that quantum effect influence its characteristics significantly.
Aside from material for toplet and strangelet bombs, they were mostly producing large amounts of quark gluon plasma:
and also some neutron degenerate matter:
Great portion of this quark gluon plasma and neutron degenerate matter was brought to Earth during the Great Invasion of 1996 and some of the still remaining containers of those two types of degenerate matter are protecting the last pit from the final assault of the Light Forces:
Here it is interesting to know that mainstream scientists are trying to find technosignatures of alien civilizations, including Dyson spheres:
Knowing their defeat is near, the Chimera are trying to strengthen the quarantine by launching absurd number of satellites into the Near Earth orbit:
Another, very troubling aspect of the causal plane are the so called Lords of Karma. Lords of Karma are arachnid Chimera entities that came from Andromeda galaxy millions years ago via Rigel portal and who created quarantine Earth matrix 26,000 years ago. Many of them arrived on Earth almost 1 million years ago, with reinforcements streaming in through the whole Atlantean period to finally take full control of the planet 26,000 years ago and seal its fate with the final reinforcement from Rigel in 1996-1999.
Lords of Karma are in almost full control of quarantine Earth, and they have created a dark spider web full of black holes and toplet bombs on the causal, mental, astral and etheric planes. Their causal bodies are almost completely black, being exposed to so much anomaly, and they worship the black holes on the causal plane as a portal to the dark inverted reality as the Black sun.
They have great control over the human reincarnation cycle, and have a great say in where and how a particular individual will be reincarnated. They have full access to Akashic records. They keep twin souls apart, destroy soulmate relationships, instill jealousy and fear and strive to manifest maximum amount of suffering to the human population. They extend their influence through their minions, Draco and Reptilian demonic entities on lower mental, astral and etheric planes, and control the physical geopolitical situation through demonic possession of Black nobility and Illuminati minions on the physical plane.
They control scalar matrix technology on causal, mental, astral, etheric and physical planes which prevents the Light from reaching the surface of the planet.
After extremely brutal attacks on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in the last few weeks they have overexposed themselves, and the Light forces have initialized operations for their swift, effective and complete removal. The first thing the Light forces are clearing is the shock to which the causal bodies of the surface humanity were subjected since 1996. This shock has severely diminished surface connection to the higher spiritual planes, and now this situation is finally being addressed.
The main problem remains the etheric matrix / etheric archon grid, controlled by the Chimera Lords of Karma, from where they still control the reincarnation cycle:
And the physical black nobility grid, controlled by Chimera from the DARPA pit:
With their electromagnetic, ultrasound and infrasound fence:
And their mind control:
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