

  1) Interview Quote -2017  > A Useful Image for reference of plane names: group-december-2017/  U : And the soul is on Atmic plane ?  C : Atmic and Budhic plane U : At what plane do twin souls split ? C : On the first sub-plane of the mental plane (if you look from above).  U : Ok. So above that they are always one C : They are one being U : At what plane are tachyons created ? C : The tachyons are created in the Source and they emerge from the highest sub-plane of the cosmic physical plane into this Universe, that’s the Adi plane. U : Ok so do they also exist inside the Source ? C : They do not exist inside the Source, but they are emanations from the Source ....  U : Is all matter on all planes simply made of densified Light ? C : Yes, it’s a combination of densified Light and the primary anomaly   U : What is the purpose of the atmic plane ? C : The purpose of the atmic plane is to transmit

All Anomaly Conference Notes

   Disclaimers: Black holes,implants and plasma anomaly is primarily cleared already.Yaldabaoth cleared in 2020. A few repetitions are present due to different note taker from same conference thus similar but a few unique inputs making them work reading. Cobra also released intel via his Posts & Interviews    1 During the last Archon invasion which started at the 11th of January 1996, a negative stargate was created by subterranean nuclear explosions and particle accelerators. This energy vortex brings every remaining anomaly from the whole cosmos to Earth. The lightworkers and lightwarriors below, above and on the surface of this planet are transmutation stations of all that energy, they transform darkness. This clearing process is taking place right now.The anomaly influences human behavior     2  Overview of Ascension process timeline.We have been born in this time to facilitate the removal of all darkness. Our Ascension process, both personal and planetary, is a