June 22, 2016

"...primary anomaly encompasses all possible combinations of negativity as the logical opposite of the Absolute, and only a small percentage of these combinations gets manifested onto the physical plane, as the Light forces mostly cancel them out before they can materialize from the quantum foam. The Light forces use advanced technology of Light pillars (ATVOR) to resolve the non-linear primary plasma anomaly using the mathematical principles of iteration:

ATVOR technology is based on AN conversion:

Even using those advanced methods, a small unresolvable portion of the primary anomaly remains and then collapses into the accretion vortex...The Light forces then apply the ATVOR technology again until the critical mass of the primary anomaly gets resolved, and then they will annihilate the remaining...once and for all."




May 23, 2017

ATVOR Project





 May 29, 2017

"....Dedicated teams are positioning Cintamani stones in flower of life grid patterns in the most important key vortex points on the planet, such as Long Island:

And many others, especially in east Asia.

Since the first flower of life grids were completed in early 2017, east Asia has experienced a drastic increase of cloudship phenomenon:

Those cloudshps are cloaked motherships of the Galactic Confederation which create ATVOR pillars that descend down into the buried Cintamanis and purify the primary anomaly.

Cintamani grid around the planet is one of the major tools for manifesting the planetary Light grid. Whenever a Cintamani stone is planted in the soil somewhere around the planet, a huge angelic being is anchored in that spot, creating an energy vortex miles in diameter:



May 21, 2023

"...Anybody can get healing in monthly ascended master and stellar rays healing sessions:

Or optimize the personal timeline through this meditation:

And connect with the I AM presence utilizing advanced ATVOR spiritual technology:




July 24, 2023

"...Kyoto conference was a huge success. Our strong and harmonious group has created conditions through which the healing of dragon vortexes can finally begin, starting with the Kyoto dragon vortex. Our group has also made an important connection with the Ashtar Command through which the development of Mjolnir and ATVOR technologies will be greatly accelerated."




November 27, 2023

"...Although historically speaking they were not always fully dedicated to the Light, the big Archon invasion of 1996 has completely sobered them and they are now dedicated members of the Galactic confederation.

Around the time the Aldebarans were forced to retreat from the surface more than 5000 years ago, which was also the time when rising Aldebaran marked the vernal equinox, they sent an impactor body to the area of Tibet:

This impactor body has brought many beautiful brownish golden green tektites that originate from Aldebaran and are very rarely found by monks and herb gatherers in the triangle between Selincuo, Namucuo and CuoNa in Tibet.

Those Tibetan tektites are now being activated with ATVOR technology, helping Aldebarans to anchor their energies into the surface Light grid.

There are also other types of Tibetan tektites found at other locations in Tibet originating from other star systems and I will be speaking more about them in one of the future updates."




August 4, 2024

"...Unfortunately, there is also a negative Agartha network with main stronghold on Tibetan high plateau just south of Kunlun mountains, and a small network of underground bases around the planet.

The core of this network are negative Andromedans that came to this planet 26,000 years ago and now exist in a huge underground base under a small insignificant Buddhist monastery in northern Tibet. They were additionally reinforced by a small number of extremely negative beings from another Universe during the Archon invasion in 1996.

They are very well versed in the occult and can manipulate nonphysical planes around the Earth to a degree. They closely cooperate with the Lurker.

They have a big Dragon statue made from green Hetian jade which is quantumly entangled with all pieces of jade on the planet, and through this they manipulate Dragon leylines. Light Forces are now using ATVOR technology to quantumly disentangle all jade on this planet and this process is expected to be completed in a little bit over a month. After that, jade can be used for the positive energy work by the Lightworkers."




October 6, 2024

ATVOR meditation

"...The Ascended Masters have developed this spiritual technology and it creates an advanced pillar of Light:

It is generated by a mothership above the Earth. It descends into your body and goes through the Agarthan network into the center of the planet.

Say the following invocation three times:

I call upon the Pillar of Pure White Light to descend upon me and form around me.
I call upon the Presence of the I AM that I AM. I ask the Presence of the I AM that I AM to join and merge with me.

Now, close your eyes. Visualize a pillar of pure white Light descending from the sky, going through you, to the center of the Earth. You are sitting in the pillar of Light.

As you breathe in, you breathe in the brilliant white Light into your heart. As you breathe out, you breathe out the brilliant white Light from your heart. Keep breathing that brilliant white Light into your heart and out of your heart.

Each time you breathe in that Light into your heart, you say “Ashtar Command” silently in your heart. With this breath technique, we are calling upon the presence of Ashtar command mothership into your energy field. Each time you breathe into your heart, be with the Ashtar command.

Each time you breathe out, radiate the Light back into the mothership.

Keep breathing like this for a few moments.

Slowly, once again, you begin to feel your physical body. Whenever you feel ready, open your eyes.


The video for the ATVOR mediation is here:







EM: What do you mean by “Be you. The world will adjust” in your ATVOR Project post? 

C: It means simply being yourself, being sincere with yourself, doing what you feel is the right thing to do, and not surrendering to the controlling factors around you. And if you are yourself, then this will create a very powerful manifestation vortex which will begin to adjust the reality around you to your own I AM presence more and more.




Cobra: They would be evacuated, then they would be taken to location, I would say, the planet that is intended for such beings and they will not be able to return to Earth.

Debra: Okay, thank you. So before the general evacuation of the surface population
takes place, is it possible that some Lightworkers who are sufficiently healed and
fully aligned with the light could already be teleported to the Galactic
Confederation’s mothership via the ATVOR technology of the pillars of light?

Cobra: Yes, that's possible. Actually it's part of the plan. There are no guarantees it will happen, but it's part of the plan.

Debra: And so it's a possibility to either be teleported to a mothership prior to
the evacuation or go to an Island of Light?

Cobra: That might be possible, but I would say most of the teleportations before the Event probably will happen through the Islands of Light.

Debra: Okay, thank you. Are the anti-gravitational pillars of ATVOR technology the
only means of planetary evacuation envisioned by the Galactic Confederation, or will
there be other evacuation devices such as the underground bases being proposed?

Cobra: Of course there are backup plans. Much of this is still classified. I cannot go deeper into this, but I would say there are backup plans.

Debra: Okay. Will those transferred to the Pleiades also have the opportunity to
later return to help build the New Earth?

Cobra: If their vibrational frequency will be high enough to exist on the New Earth, yes.








With ATVOR technology the Confederation and Ashtar Command are sending 5th
dimensional columns of Light from motherships from the 5th dimension into the 3rd.
This can help you to manifest perfection in your life. That is all that can be said
about this at this point.

You need to magnetically manifest the right situation in your life. However the
Earths energy needs to be right for this. Ashtar Command has started working on this today. It is in our future at some point that we will be able to teleport our
physical body into another dimension when we are technologically completely
activated. This is the future for many awakened on the planet right now. 



Then Cobra talked about ATVOR technology, pillar of light technology. This
technology was developed by the Galactic Confederation to assist our spiritual
development and ascension process. It has been used since the 1990s and has since
undergone improvements.

With ATVOR technology when you summon the pillar of light a pillar of light is truly
created. The Galactic Confederation's cloaked ships use both Mjolnir and Atvor.



This is a spiritual technology. It was developed by the Galactic Confederation as
part of the Ascension Project.
It has been used since the early 1990s. Since then, it has been improved.
It is a pure Light pillar technology.
Huge ships are cloaked around the Earth. They do not use all the Mjolnir technology.
They also use ATVOR.
This increases the energy of the body.
This light harmonizes.




This technology can assist Planetary liberation and  our personal ascension progress. This is a technology developed by Ashtar Command. It can create a pillar of light of high vibrational frequency. It can influence  the quantum field, so it can change physical and energy planes.  

ATVOR was recently upgraded by Mjolnir technology.Mjolnir technology is very powerful and uncommon in our galaxy.  The Earth is a special place, so it  requires a more drastic measure.

The Ascended beings use ATVOR technology to assist individual and collective ascension.

We can use ATVOR to help ourselves by visualizing a pillar of light going through
our minds and bodies.




 When we humans get closer to Liberation and the First Contact, starships of Ashtar Command will become more active around the Earth and Earth’s orbit.  These ships,  including the Pleiadian fleet, wil be more active in assisting humans’ ascension.The Pleiadians would project pillars of ATVOR onto awakened the surface population to assist their transform and spiritual growth. 

Awakened people will  begin to have formal  communication with Ashtar Command. This mutual connection was broken by 1996 Archon Invasion.
The dark forces have  used much misinformation to discredit Ashtar Command. People
have many misconceptions  about it.

Anyone who really has ever been in contact with Ashtar Command knows that the
contact is a very positive and spectacular experience.

Ashtar Command takes care of our spiritual development. Now it is easier to connect
to Ashtar Command in dreams or meditations.  

This will happen more and more because we are about to see the final flash. Pleiadian Command and Ashtar Command are working together. It’s easier for Pleiadians to work directly with the surface population.





Once  you use ATVOR frequently, you can help testing this technology on behalf of
the surface population.  ATVOR will someday become a levitation beam  technology. It
will be able to suck people into the motherships. People will be lifted from the
ground and enter starships via this levitation beam. 

It’s now too dangerous to beam
people up with  this technology because the dark forces will interfere. The Light
Forces will use ATVOR technology to beam people up  when it is safe to do so. 


ATVOR are  pillars of light with a very high vibration that transforms
reality on the physical and non-physical planes. It has recently been upgraded. It
is a quantum field projector, laser like, transforming the quantum anomaly near the
earth.  It is used by the ascended masters for individuals and groups in their
ascension process. The pillars of light will be going through our being.


At the moment of the polar shit, motherships of Ashtar command will appear
physically in the sky. They will create a levitation beams based on advanced ATVOR
technology. If you step in the beam, you will be lifted and can survive the Tsunami. 

If you choose not to step in the levitation beam, you will probably die with
tsunami, and you will be lifted to ships in the astral plane. It is up to your

I have heard many nonsense about the ships. They are very afraid of the
ships because these people are programmed against Ashtar command and Galactic

After the Event, people will have enough information and physical
evidence about false extraterrestrial activities, and people's misconceptions about
the extraterrestrials will be cleared up. 

Those who will not be lifted in the levitation field most likely will not survive the tsunami, maybe 1 percent will. If you wish to survive the tsunami with your physical body, I would advise to go to very high up in the mountain, 3-4,000 meters high. 

Most part of Tibet will not survive, but high up in Himalaya, you will survive (audience laughter). Mt. Fuji might be safe, but I’m not sure (laughter).

People who will be in the Island of Light will be protected against tsunami with the
highly advanced technology. They will have an energy dome around them so that
tsunami washes away everything but the inside the dome. Everybody inside the dome
will be harmless because the space inside will be separated.


You can also utilize the ATVOR technology for protection.


Next level of ATVOR: activation of our light body; our higher self fully activate in
our physical body at ascension

The ascension vortex (shape of QFR with activated torus field around heart chakra)
use light body to travel in space, we will be trained after ascension to use light

The 1st wave of ascension happens at mothership of Ashtar Command during ascension process, transmute physical presence into light.


Also, island of Taiwan got strong light worker grid. They also buried many thousands
of Cintamani stones all over the island.

There are also strong grids in China, Europe, everywhere. What we have discovered
when there are many cintamani stones, those areas are protected against typhoons,
hurricanes. There is air condition getting better, and more peace and stability in
those areas. Each cintamani anchors light. 

But the most interesting fact that I have never said before is that these Cintamani stones are not activated yet. All the cintamanis you have are not activated yet. When the time is right, the energy will increase dramatically. They will be activated by ATVOR technology. This will happen when the conditions of planetary network of light are correct. 

Your cintamani stones
will be activated and become much more powerful. Also, cosmic race Sirians begin to
transmit certain energies to your stones.

Tomorrow, I will be speaking about ATVOR technology. It is individual utilization of
the Mjolnir, quantum cannon. I will explain how this can affect your daily life
directly. The light forces use this technology to raise your vibrational frequency.
It also raises the vibration of your cintamani and other tektites. 

Its intensity is only 5-7 percent now, but it will be 15-20 times more intense than now in next few years. The dark energy will dissipate more and more until they are completely dissolved.


One important aspect of that new technology is ATVOR. It is a technology of pillar
of light. It was first presented on the earth at the time of Atlantis as a simple
pillar of light. 

It was greatly expanded to fit to the surface of the planet because
there is too much anomaly here. So much more advance form of ATVOR have been used, and recently, they have a certain technological breakthrough. 

They have merged ATVOR and Mjolnir. Whenever you activate ATVOR, the light forces are using Mjolnir technology which removes subquantum and quantum anomaly. 

Now its intensity is around 5-7  because any stronger than that can trigger the % dark forces’ reaction. But the light forces are slowly increasing the volume during next few months especially when Pluto enters Aquarius. 

When the ATVOR is fully operational, they can teleport and levitate your bodies to
other locations. Even if we are seated in a room, they can activate it and teleport
you. At this point, it is impossible with 5-7 percent intensity. 

When it is 100 percent operational, it will be the Levitational Beam. It will be used when the Final Evacuation from the surface of the planet. The dark forces will not interfere the process because they will be also removed. 

Light Body
ATVOR activates the light body. Your light body is the scalar harmonic energy field
which will activate your I AM presence. After your ascension, you will use your
light body as a spaceship. You can travel with your light body through the space,
anywhere you want. You will be trained to use this to travel through the solar
system after your ascension.

Before the ascension, it is your own protection shield.
There is a certain advanced technology to use the principle of the light body. I can
not tell you about this in detail now, but this manifestation technique using the
principle of light body can accelerate your manifestation process.  All those
techniques are the activation of the light body itself, which is to activate your
heart chakra as a stargate to your I AM presence, which creates the toroidal field
around you.

This toroidal field looks exactly like the Quantum Fluctuation Resonator.
It is the same shape as the light body. It is the toroidal energy field with the
double spirals going in different directions to the same central stargate inside.
This toroidal field is activating the light body by activating the toroidal harmonic
scalar field around your body. It raises your kundalini energy and manifestation
energy. This principle is used to interdimensional space travel, and bring the
energy into physical. 

The toroidal field harmonizes the quantum fluctuation and clear subquantum anomaly.
This is why it is important to connect with your soul. This connection reduces the
subquantum anomaly around you, and it makes your life more harmonic. And the
Tachyonized Quantum Fluctuation Resonator can be used as a tool for the same usage before you activate your own light body.

The light body is the ultimate manifestation of the ATVOR technology. Our individual
light body is connected with the mothership of the Ashtar Command. The mothership is the collective light bodies of the beings who are located in the mothership between
space and time. So the group conscious of all the commanders and etheric beings in
that mothership creates much larger toroidal field.

That mothership creates a very high frequency of pillar of light that can levitate
human beings when the evacuation time comes. Before that, a pillar of light protects
you and help connecting with your higher self.


Bubble of Light Protection

Before we finish this part, I would like to show you this. This can be used as your
own protection. 

You can visualize an egg of sky blue light surrounding you, and make
the short invocation or suggestion to manifest a protecting field around you against
any negative energy.

You can do this wherever you are. When you enter a train, when you come home, when you have a business meeting, anywhere you need protection.

When you activate this sky blue light egg, it actually activate Mjolnir/ATVOR
technology to remove the anomaly.


ATVOR technology was brought by the Central Race millions of years ago, and a
simplified version of the Pillar of Light was used. This technology was upgraded for
problematic and challenging planets to be able to permeate the cloud, and we are
going to use it. It needs to be more powerful to penetrate the anomaly. It creates a
protection shield and connects with the Light Forces. Practice it daily and

Since 1996, the dark forces have a campaign running against the Galactic
Confederation and the Ashtar Command. This was broken recently again through the
Pillar of Light. Since 1996, there was lots of programming against the light,
because when we reconnect again, the light will come to the planet. 

The problem is the trust, people lost it. Reconnecting means trust is regained. With the Pillar of Light, you can have your own experience to get trust and be guided; they can work to heal you, the Galactic Confederation and Ashtar Command. It will heal your energy field and then connect to the network.


The subquantum anomaly close to the surface is tangled with human subconsciousness, this is the last problem. 

ATVOR is effective for this, but it has to be the right intensity because of the human connection. The energies of ATVOR and the Violet Flame are modified, because otherwise they would be way too strong to handle.
