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2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool for the planetary liberation.
3. Visualize beings from the Cosmic Central race emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being dispersed through Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize these beings entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through Alcyone Pleiadian stargate, then going through the Sirius stargate, then entering our Solar System and being positioned inside our Solar System in a flower of life mandala, and then connecting with all Light Forces above the surface, below the surface, and on the surface of the planet Earth.
"As now the Cosmic Central Race is depleting their energy to the point where they are threatened with extinction, the Chimera has devised a plan to reinforce their negative energy field with 5G technology which they plan to implement in large cities with the assistance of many microsatellites:
...Cosmic Central race is claiming that the Light forces can handle the collapse $ituation and that plans are in place which can not be discussed."
Do all galaxies orbit around Cosmic Central Sun?
C : It’s not a physical orbiting around a certain location, it is more of an
energetic connection, with, I would say, Energy SourceJ :
What is the purpose of Cosmic Central Sun ?
C : To transmit energies from the Source into the Universe
J : Does the Central Race around Cosmic Central Sun reach the highest level of
evolution among all central races ?
C : In a way yes, I would say there is a tendency for those beings to be more evolved than in other galaxies but it’s not a strict rule that they are more evolved than other central races.
J : What dimension does Cosmic Central Race currently exist in ?
C : As I said, there are people with various levels of evolvement in that central
J : Is Cosmic Central Race the mentor of other central races in the universe ?
C : In a way yes.
Do light force and high dimensional beings, like Pleiadians, Ashtar Command, Ascended Masters, RM and Cosmic Central Race pay close attention to this ascension conference in Taiwan?
Cobra: Yes of course. At every conference, they are already preparing things energetically. The energy is building up and they will be present to the conference.
if you want to ask the cosmic central race to help planet Earth to enter the Age or Aquarius. What minerals or gems can we use in order to strengthen the connection between humanity and the Cosmic Central Race?
Cobra: Goshenite is a mineral which connects with the central race in the most powerful way among all the minerals known to humanity.
Have Galactic Central Race or Cosmic Central Race ever sent their members to reincarnate on the surface of the planet?
Cobra: A Galactic Central Race, yes. But Cosmic Central Race, no. Cosmic Central Race members were never on the surface of this planet.
Does Cosmic Central Race get involved with Planetary Liberation more actively since the Divine Intervention Activation?
Cobra: Yes, but they have encountered more obstacles than they expected.
Is it possible for people who ascend in the first collective wave to become students of the Galactic or even Cosmic Central Race?
Cobra: It is possible for those who have this part of their makeup or their previous decision of their life path, yes.
The interconnected hologram of Twin Souls, Soul Mates and Soul Family is a fabric of light in the whole universe connecting all of civilization in all Galaxies to the One. Every planet is part of this Cosmic Light Grid. Part of the Divine Plan for Earth is to manifest this Soul Family Mandala in Islands of Light (IOL) on the surface of the planet. The most awakened people are now starting to connect to this Cosmic Light Grid by activation of their Light body, which is one of our most essential tasks now. The Cosmic Central Race is guiding this process.
Islands of Light Mandala is an interconnected multidimensional hologram connecting all beings in the universe.(all that are living in an Island of Light) As our planet is being integrated in its light grid, we connect with the Cosmic Central Race.
The key for this is activation of our Light body where the soul totally enters the physical body. This fully activates our ascension. The activation is a toroidal vortex of energy that transcends space and time. Our Light body has the same shape and dynamics as Gaia's and our Galaxy.
Kundalini awakening removes programming and activates our Light body and is a catalyst for personal and planetary evolution. It is important for a critical mass of soul families connected together is Islands of Light (for planetary ascension).You must become your true self to break through the matrix and to be in a soul matrix, to become active member of your soul family.
Since January 21 2019, we have entered a new phase in the phase transitions of liberation plan (diagram of this exists on Cobra’s blog).
A new reality is manifesting in all dimensions, one of which is Bubbles of Heaven. This has to do with the response from the cosmic Central Sun, which has the most evolved consciousness in the universe that The consciousness of our planet has reached a critical mass which drew their attention.
The surface of the planet is ready for contact from the galactics and for true transformation to occur. This is the first time in the history of the universe that the Cosmic Central race has sent signals to earth, with new energy. this specific energy signature has dissolved much of the Matrix and primary anomaly.
The Event happens through us , through our bodies when new energy reaches our consciousness, which is registered in the pineal gland as an activation. This emits a specific frequency charged field in the body that bends reality around us. We become less available to the Dark Forces.
The more this consciousness grows, through conscious connection with the Cosmic Central race, the more bubbles of heaven are created. Two or more people in this frequency create a specific (special ?)resonance field and changes reality.
More people with this creates powerful energy field that creates bubble of unique energy. The bubble expands…. bubbles of heaven are created.
Reality Shaping
A bubble of heaven is a torroidial field/ light body, similar to our individual light body increases power of light body. Meditation on soul increases light body manifestation power. The Cosmic Central race connection has made this process stronger and faster.
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