Dyson Sphere





There is more evidence of a Dyson sphere around the star KIC 8462852 :

And another star with a potential Dyson sphere has been found:




 "...Black stone is a big hadron made of top/antitop quarks that were created by the Chimera millions of years ago in huge particle accelerators (Dyson rings) that were able to produce temperatures above the critical temperature of 2 trillion Kelvin, needed for black stone creation.

For about 7 million years, the black stone was located on a planet orbiting Rigel star system (which was the center of the cosmic anomaly during that time) and was then brought to Earth from Rigel through the Taurus cloud plasma filament in 1996:




Increased activity in the Galactic Center continues. Galactic Light Forces have removed last remnants of the quantum signature of a huge quantum fluctuation Dyson sphere, 4 light years in diameter, that was encircling our Solar System and was hindering the Ascension process of our Solar System.

This quantum Dyson sphere was a very advanced quantum hyperdimensional portal that was created by the Chimera group in 1996 and is now completely gone forever.

As a result of this, our Sun has joined the Galactic network of Light as the last star to be joined in that network, and is now a fully functional Light portal.




Increased activity of the Galactic Center continues. Removal of the quantum Dyson sphere around our Solar system has accelerated Ascension energies coming to our planet.

These energies are bringing the energetic blueprint for the coming Golden Age:




When the presence of luminous superfluid plasma of Light in our Solar system is strong enough, the Light forces will begin to build two cloaked Dyson spheres with motherships of the Galactic Confederation in icosahedral formation.

Those Dyson spheres will have a diameter of around 15-20 million miles and will regulate the flow of energies of the Galactic Superwave and of the Event flash. The first Dyson sphere will be built around the Sun and the second one around the Earth, and they will ensure a two step phase translation of incoming cosmic energies towards the surface population.




In preparation for the Galactic Pulse, a huge cosmic fleet of positive civilizations from the Local galaxy cluster has gathered around the heliopause of this solar system. This is one of the largest fleet gatherings in the history of the whole universe. These ships will harmonize and direct the flow of energies when the Pulse happens.

One small part of this fleet is already inside the solar system and is putting the last remnants of the Chimera fleet under siege. Another small part of this fleet is constructing Dyson spheres around the Sun and the Earth and both projects are proceeding well. As soon as the Chimera fleet is completely defeated, more of the cosmic fleet will enter the Solar system and proceed into the sublunar space with the purpose of the final liberation of this planet.




The Light Forces have completed the construction of both Dyson spheres, the one around the Sun and the one around the Earth. The Galactic Confederation fleet is thus ready for the arrival of the Solar flash, they just need to liberate the surface of the planet and prepare humanity as well.

Earth's magnetic field is already 25% down in its strength, and strong solar flares that are expected during the coming Solar maximum in the next few years can collapse the Earth magnetic field to the degree necessary for the magnetic excursion, leading to the physical polar shift:







Millions of years ago, the Chimera have built huge particle accelerators in the form of Dyson rings billions of miles in diameter in the Rigel star system in Orion.

They were using those Dyson rings to create a sufficient amount of top quark and strange quark condensate to create a sufficient amount of toplet and strangelet bombs to control the Rigel and Sol star systems:


They were also using those particle accelerators to create other forms of degenerate matter:


Degenerate matter is created under extreme pressure and/or temperature and is so dense and compressed that quantum effect influence its characteristics significantly.

Aside from material for toplet and strangelet bombs, they were mostly producing large amounts of quark gluon plasma:


and also some neutron degenerate matter:


Great portion of this quark gluon plasma and neutron degenerate matter was brought to Earth during the Great Invasion of 1996 and some of the still remaining containers of those two types of degenerate matter are protecting the last pit from the final assault of the Light Forces:



Here it is interesting to know that mainstream scientists are trying to find technosignatures of alien civilizations, including Dyson spheres:




Light Forces have begun to decrease the activity of the multidimensional Dyson sphere around the Sun in order to allow more Solar activity to occur since the beginning of May, producing a huge solar storm last week:


Because so much anomaly is gone, some people are already experiencing beneficial effects of solar superstorms:


Strong solar superstorms such as the last one have capacity to disable nanotechnology:


More solar activity will be allowed to occur, and lately we are getting at least one X-class solar flare per day:


As a result of Dyson sphere recalibration, the volume of Mjolnir technology has increased and is now oscillating between 15% and 30% of full capacity.

At this volume, another multidimensional quantum technology of the Light Forces has been activated since May 1st, and it is called Gungnir:


Gungnir is an advanced planetary Ascension technology that is now directing immense amount of Electric fire towards this planet:


It channels huge energies from the top of the Tree of Life (Yggdrasil) to the surface of the planet:


These energies are being distributed by the Solar Logos (the cosmic being that is our Sun), utilizing the Rod of Initiation, effectively starting the process of Ascension of this planet into its fourth planetary initiation:







Rob – Yeah, I guess that’s an understatement. I sent you that article that someone had questions on and I see you posted it. It was interesting that I guess they’ve found some star, I guess they’re calling it WTFOO1, which means there is some sort of anomalies taking place, and I see there’s an artist depiction of some sort of giant human structure ring around this planet. Do you have any direct insight or confirmation from the Resistance on the nature of this planet and if this image is in any way correct?

COBRA – Yes, it is correct. Actually, I would say there are quite many stars like this and there was a lot of censorship before for discoveries like this, and the fact that this discovery was allowed to be made public is a sign that the light forces are now stronger and are now actually behind the soft and not so soft disclosure. So there will be more and more announcements that will gradually increase in intensity towards the real disclosure, and what this star represents is actually a civilization that is quite advanced and has created a so-called Dyson Sphere.

  A Dyson Sphere is a, I would say, a construct around the star which harnesses the energy of the star and acts as an inter-dimensional portal. It is something that is extremely advanced civilizations can do. This is not the only star like this in our galaxy. There are quite many stars like this. More of those stars have been discovered. But as I’ve said before, all this has been suppressed and censored. Now that this information is coming out, it is a big step towards actual disclosure.

Rob – So this is a construct around a star and not a planet.



Debra: Let's now move on to talking a little bit about the Galactic  situation. You said in a recent post, how the Light Forces are creating a  Dyson Sphere around the sun and around the Earth in order to temper the  strength of the Galactic pulse that will come from the Galactic Central  Sun in the near future  We are looking at this as good news, that this is for preparation for  the powerful, incoming Galactic energies of the Event. And the question  is, are these Dyson spheres needed so that we don't end up like  Atlantis?Were they used when the pulse hit the Earth at the time of  Atlantis? And have they been used on other planets that went through  what we're about to go through?

Cobra: Those Dyson Spheres  are used regularly when a planet goes through a phase transition like  this. Every time the sun goes Mini nova and when the conditions are correct, the planets with inhabited life are protected against excess  radiation because strong solar pulses always create so much radiation  that it might not be so easy to survive it. So this Dyson Sphere will  filter out certain frequencies. It will regulate certain frequencies so  that whatever we go through, we survive the process intact

.Debra:  Can you give us any insight into the technology that will create these spheres and will they be visible to us in any way?

Cobra:  Actually, they are not spheres, they are just called spheres. This is actually certain huge motherships put into certain sacred geometry  position around the Earth and around the sun that create a quantum force  field that filters out frequencies. They will be cloaked. They will not  be visible They might be visible at the moment of the  polar shift and the final evacuation, but not before.

Debra: Okay. And have the Light Forces started this project, and how long does it take to align their ships?

Cobra:  I would say they are in early initial phases of creating this. When the conditions in the solar system are correct, this can be done pretty  fast. But conditions are not quite ready yet. But now I would say they  are in the initial phases of building this. 



Can we talk about the  Central Race? I know in one of our previous mass meditations, we got  their attention. How are they involved with this now? And also people  are curious what they look like.

Cobra: Yes, they are giving  great assistance to the Galactic Confederation. They are giving great  assistance with the Dyson Spheres, with clearing of the solar system,  with clearing of the primary anomaly, of subquantum anomaly, of the  toplet bombs. They are working with all this, and they are giving a lot  of assistance to the whole process. 



And you mentioned in the previous update that the Galactic Confederation will construct two Dyson Spheres where there is enough Light in our solar system. And you mentioned that in the Sisterhood of the Rose interview that the Galactic Confederation are in early initial phases of creating those spheres. Will the construction of these Dyson spheres accelerate if our meditation successfully reaches the critical mass?

Cobra: Yes, this will be one of the effects of the meditation itself if we reach the critical mass of 144,000 people meditating on December 21st.



Scientists recently discovered that there is a giant barrier near the Galactic Center, which prevents most cosmic rays from permeating into the local galaxy. Is the barrier actually a Dyson sphere built by the Light Forces for filtering the energies from the Cosmic Central Sun? 


Cobra: It's a combination of a natural plasma bubble, which continuously is being created around every Galactic Center in every galaxy. And of course this plasma bubble is being additionally assisted by the Galactic Central Race, which regulates the flow of energies throughout the galaxy. So the galactic life can thrive and evolve.

Terry: I see, I understand. Thank you. So you mentioned in June that the Light Forces deployed Mjolnir in icosahedral formation. Recently, you said that Light Forces are going to construct two icosahedral Dyson Spheres in our solar system. Why do the Light Forces choose this shape? How can we use this shape in our daily life,especially for spiritual growth?

Cobra: This sacred geometry formation is the most effective in directing energies towards planets. So this is why the Light Force are using this one. And of course you can use the same shape in your meditations, especially in Light body activation process, if anybody's undergoing that. Sacred geometry shapes can assist and accelerate that process quite much. 


as the Light Forces have already built two Dyson spheres separately around the Sun and the Earth, can they adjust the Evacuation schedule according to the post-Event developments?

Cobra: Basically, it'll be a combination of cosmic cycles, Galactic Sun activity,and how the overall plan proceeds. So, the decision to make the Evacuation will be based on the conditions about the polar shift and everything will be aligned just perfectly. When the time is right, everything will happen.

Patrick: Oh, okay. [Another] one, during the Evacuation, would the surface population have to go on the mothership empty-handed? Can they bring... Can we bring a few things when we leave the Earth?

Cobra: At this stage of the plan, it has been decided that they will need to leave everything behind. But this is still an open question. This will still be discussed in the future.


Debra: Now, already a year ago in one of your posts,  you alluded to the opening of a huge energy portal on the surface of  the planet that would take place in late April/early May of 2023,  indicating at that time that it will definitely be the strongest  energetic event in the last few decades. So will the strength of this event, this flash, is it possible that it could create a Carrington-type  event,which we understand to be a massive geomagnetic storm? Could  that occur during this May 1st activation, or could any other physical  effects be witnessed?

Cobra: At this point, it is expected to be  just an energetic event, there are no expectations for a physical  manifestation like a Carrington event. Actually, a Carrington-type event  would not be welcome at this point, it's not the highest purpose for  this to happen. The Light Forces are still buffering the activity of the  sun to a certain degree with the Dyson spheres because a  Carrington-type event right now would take down the electrical grid,  would take down the internet, and this is not what the Light Forces want  at this point.

Debra: Are those Dyson spheres, are they completed yet? I know they were initiated.

Cobra: They are completed.








Conference Notes:



Since June 2022, Dyson spheres, through the positioning of motherships, have been  positioned around the Earth and the sun to contain the renewed activity of our sun  and thus give us a little more time for the transition by limiting the impact.



Motherships form the Dyson sphere. The Forces of Light lower the activity of the Sun because we need a little more  time.



The light forces are doing their best to give humans as much time as possible. Theywant us to prepare for the upcoming shift.

Many people want the Event to happen right now, but everything has to happen at the right time. The Earth has to be ready for it.  We have to minimize  the damage, so we have to remove darkness on Earth as much as  possible. The great change has to be as less chaotic as possible. The light forces put some brakes in  this process so that  the dark forces won’t  go crazy and destroy  this planet. The light forces have built one Dyson sphere around  our sun and one around  the Earth. Those Dyson sphere scan regulate the intensity of galactic waves

The light forces are utilizing  Dyson Spheres  to adjust the intensity of solar activity. If the solar energy comes too fast and too strong, humans will go crazy.As the earth’s magnetic field is getting weaker, more and more people  might go mad.



 When  all darkness is removed,  the light forces will shut down Dyson spheres around  the Earth and the Sun. the energy will flow then more smoothly to the Earth.  Subatomic particles from the Sun will enter the Earth’s surface world more easily.  We don’t have much time left and we can’t delay any longer.



Light Forces are protecting our solar system and the plant against excessive radiation as much as necessary from the involvement galactic energies coming.

So they have created the Dyson sphere around the sun and the earth. Those Dyson spheres are actually motherships positioning in the special position forming sacred geometry around the earth and the sun. Those motherships regulate at the certain degree the radiation and energies. Without the assistance the Galactic Confederaition, we would had massive cataclysm already decades ago. And without the assistance of the light workers which have been doing many many meditations, we would also had many cataclysm already decades ago. So, collectively we are able to stabilize the situations very much according to the situation the planet is still existing.



 The Light Forces protecting solar system and earth before the flash, built Dyson  sphere around Sun and Earth, without them and the light workers’ assistance, we  would have had planetary cataclysm decades ago



Light Forces decided to extend the time frame after the Event and before the polar  shift, to allow the humanity to feel the liberation. They have built the Dyson  spheres. The one is in around the Earth, another one around the Sun. they are  powerful enough to prevent drastic cataclysm before everything ready.


8) Q & A

With the help of the Dyson Sphere that the Light Forces built around the Sun and  Earth, we will have a little more time created between The Event and the Pole Shift?  

A. Now it is expected about few years.




