
The Eastern Alliance sprang into action. The Eastern Alliance is a loose group of BRICS government officials, Interpol personnel, members of Chinese and Russian military forces, White Dragons Society and Positive Templars who work under indirect guidance of the Resistance Movement to liberate this planet. 

BRICS group has announced the creation of a new global bank that will become one of the building blocks of the new financial system:
Vladimir Putin, the spokesman of the Eastern Alliance, has made steps to expose the actions of the Cabal to the masses during the current Syria crisis:





Nixon has decoupled US Dollar from the gold standard in 1971 and this has opened the way for Kissinger to create the petrodollar. This system has been working effortlessly to support the Cabal for many decades but now we are entering a period of tectonic geopolitical changes which old Cabal strategists such as Kissinger will be unable to handle. 
The Eastern Alliance is now working full speed to accelerate the end of petrodollar system:
When Cabalists react, people from the Eastern Alliance kindly advise them to relax and do some yoga:
Eastern Alliance will not build the new financial system on oil, but will back it up with gold instead.
Current release of overunity free energy devices will accelerate the disintegration of petrodollar system. High level officials of BRICS nations are actively supporting the introduction of free energy to humanity and will adjust the development of the new financial system accordingly, so petroyuan as the basis of the new financial system is not an option. 
Petrodollar system was only working because the Negative Military was supporting it with US military expansionism:



 There is steady progress happening behind the scenes. The Eastern Alliance and their Western allies are taking further steps to prepare humanity for the financial  Reset:

Many factions of the Cabal (Illuminazi Texas boys, Zionist Rothschilds, Jesuits, Italian black nobility with the few remaining physical Archons) are losing their power fast and can not influence the Event timetable anymore. The only real force delaying the Event now is the Chimera Group within the global military-industrial complex with their physical strangelet bombs inside the military bases worldwide, coupled with the etheric Archon grid with their etheric/plasma scalar exotic weapon technologies and their ability to influence the behavior of the surface population. 



On the surface of the planet, the Eastern alliance is working slowly but steadily to create an alternative financial structure to defeat and remove the petrodollar / Illuminazi / military-industrial complex conglomerate: 




Although the Black Nobility Archons keep losing power daily, their Jesuit minions keep infiltrating the Eastern Alliance and the Dragons, hoping to create a new world war between the East and the West. Their plans will not be successful, as key people within the Eastern Alliance and the Dragon groups are well aware of the infiltration. 
It is interesting to note that people in countries of the BRICS alliance have the most positive outlook on their life from all countries on this planet, according to this poll:

This indicates that something positive is going on there. 
The Eastern Alliance is proceeding with its plans to dismantle the petrodollar system:
The cracks in the matrix of the financial system of the Cabal are already appearing. First, the cyber attacks on the JP Morgan bank:
JP Morgan is the banking institution where the central server of the financial system is located and the Reset will be triggered from there. 
Cyber attacks on the banks of the Cabal are constantly ongoing and will increase:
On the other hand, there are pockets of Light already appearing within the financial system:



Jesuit agents are trying to turn the plans of the BRICS alliance to remove the petrodollar supremacy of the military-industrial complex into plans to use global currency reset for the Jesuit plan of world domination. You need to know that Jesuits were infiltrating China since the 16th century and they have a vast network there. Regardless, the top people within the Dragons and the Eastern Alliance are fully aware of the Jesuit manipulations and will NOT allow their positive plans to be misused. 
So there is progress being made regarding the fall of the petrodollar as the only reserve currency:



It is more likely that overunity technologies will be released at the Event, or the release might come gradually even before that through government channels of the BRICS nations, especially India, China or Russia. These countries are working intensively on decoupling the global financial system from the petrodollar and thus effectively decreasing global control of the US negative military/Chimera on free energy technologies:




 The Alliance extraterrestrial forces are the master force behind the BRICS/Eastern Alliance on the surface of this planet.




The Eastern Alliance is making good progress, especially on the financial front, as the major global powers except the US join the new Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB):
AIIB will support infrastructure projects of global importance:
The Eastern Alliance will also unleash some much needed capital for a soft disclosure of advanced technologies:
The Eastern Alliance has set a target date of January 1st, 2016 as the day of the financial Reset:


You might also notice that the basic composition of the new financial system (especially scenario 3) here

is extremely close to what I have leaked 3 years ago here:
In the past, I have also mentioned a secret positive group operating in Latin America. One of their main purposes is to keep Chimera-controlled US military bases off the continent:
Although there is much progress, much works still needs to be done.

First, there is still a lot of Cabal infiltration in the government structures of the leading BRICS countries, especially China and Brazil:
Second, right now there are more human slaves on the planet than at any point in human history:
Especially in India:




Dragon sources have communicated to me that the Eastern Alliance will support Greece in its fight for freedom and financial independence from the Cabal. And sure enough, news about that support are already in the media:
It is interesting to note that the BRICS New Development Bank will start functioning on July 7th, two days after the Greek referendum:
Although the Jesuits have infiltrated deep into the infrastructure of the BRICS alliance, their plans to hijack the liberation process will NOT be successful:
The Resistance is taking certain steps today to minimize the risk that the Greek referendum will be rigged. It is very likely that their actions to prevent the Cabal from interfering will be successful. 
It appears that the result of the Greek vote is No:

The situation in Greece will most likely converge towards Greece strengthening the ties with the Eastern Alliance, adopting the Drachma and leaving the Eurozone, and the global process of financial meltdown towards the Reset being gradual and not so shocking. 
Still, it may be time soon to take your money out of the banks:
Very few people understand that the current financial system is actually a fuzzy logic artificial intelligence computer program with algorithms that at least in the last few years have no correlation with the real world of trade, stock market or even with derivatives or high speed trading. It is totally independent from real market, and its algorithms were designed by JP Morgan IT specialists. Many of them could not bear the fact that they have created a global financial monster (and yes-it is connected with the plasma octopus entity) that is eating up the wealth of all humanity:
Those information technology specialists and computer programmers of JP Morgan that wanted to spill the beans were methodically removed from the planet by the Cabal:



The Jesuits are trying very hard to infiltrate the BRICS alliance and hijack the process of the financial Reset:





The Cabal wants to weaken the BRICS by destabilizing Brazil:

It is interesting to note that Erdogan has predicted the Brussels attacks a few days before they happened:

Of course he knew, because he is one of the masterminds behind the attacks:

Dragon sources have communicated that in the near future, Turkey may be the trigger for a short but intense military escalation just before the planetary breakthrough. If that happens, a mass meditation will be announced on this blog to counteract that.





There is a silent war going on between positive and negative factions in the militaries of the few countries mentioned in the beginning of this update. This war is mostly done through intelligence and counterintelligence operations that never get leaked to the general population. It might be said that militaries are now the foci of the proxy war between the Galactic forces of Light on one side and the Chimera / Draco alliance on the other side. When this war is over and the Light factions win, the Resistance will push the button for the Event.

The Cabal has managed to infiltrate the political structure in some of the BRICS countries such as Brazil and India. Narendra Modi is clearly not working for the Light as he declared war on cash:

And now he wants to confiscate people's gold:

Yet on the other hand the Cabal is losing power fast, as you can see on this photo:





The Cabal wants to also infiltrate other BRICS countries as well, and they are behind drastic war on cash in India:




The Eastern Alliance is now speeding up their preparations for the Reset:

Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong and Zimbabwean Dollar are NOT the key currencies in the coming financial Reset.

People are becoming more and more aware that taxation is theft:

The idea of universal basic income is getting more and more support, and now even Cabal is considering using it in their own version of the partial, fake Reset:

Needless to say, only full Reset with abundance to all humanity is an option.






At this moment, the surface of the planet is still 85% under the control of the dark forces, and the Jesuit plan to infiltrate the Eastern Alliance was quite successful. All BRICS countries (except Russia to a degree) have been infiltrated by Jesuit agents in the last 5 years, and the BRICS today is not the same BRICS as when Lula was the president of Brazil:

The Jesuit-backed bankers are now openly advocating their own version of the financial Reset:

Mark Carney was educated by the Jesuits at St. Francis Xavier College in Edmonton, Alberta:

The Jesuit plan is to engineer a worldwide financial collapse in January 2020, and then introduce a cashless global financial system where Libra or similar globalist cryptocurrencies would replace US dollar, everybody would pay with their smartphones and global social score would determine their solvency.

Most likely, the financial collapse would be triggered via cascading events that would put a critical mass of central banks into bankruptcy:

The only thing I can say about the Jesuit plan is that there are certain things Jesuits are not aware of.

My only other comment about January 2020 situation is the following picture, as I did not yet receive clearance to say more:


Jesuit agents have infiltrated also at least 80% of the alternative media. This situation will be addressed when the time is right.

The awareness that 2020-2025 era is a period when there might be an irreversible collapse of the old system, is slowly going mainstream:

The following intel about the hit contract on Epstein by Koch brothers has been confirmed by reliable sources:






After the formation of BRICS / Eastern positive alliances in 2014 and 2015, the Jesuits have shifted their main base to China and moved many Cabal agents there. Those agents took many positions within the Chinese government in the 2015-2019 timeframe, and immediately started the project of infiltrating the West:

Most people are not aware that communism is a Jesuit creation:

What is even less known is that some of those Chinese agents infiltrating the West are actually positive Red Dragons posing as CCP members.

Orsini black nobility family is the main force behind pandemics since medieval times when they have engineered the black plague, and also the main force behind vaccination programs.

Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and George Soros, together with certain people at the top levels of Chinese government are their main minions who made the pandemic and lockdowns possible:

To prepare the terrain for the Jesuit version of the Great Reset, which is presented by the Jesuit-educated Klaus Schwab here:

Jesuits lack creativity, and the only thing they managed to do is to steal the idea and to plan for the inverted version of the positive financial Reset:



Jesuit, Rothschild and Rockefeller factions have made trilateral agreements to join forces in their plans:

Nevertheless, the negative Great Reset will NOT be successful:

Although their plans will come very close to actually manifesting:






Dragon families and Alliance forces within BRICS countries are making some covert geostrategic moves that will ultimately lead to the fall of the Cabal. The only hint I can give is this:







The Pleiadians have reached an agreement for post-Event cooperation with one of the BRICS countries. It now appears that transformation after the Event will be gradual because surface humans have much to absorb, and it may take up to a few years post-Event to transform the society, if the Galactic Pulse does not abruptly speed up things.

BRICS countries are now in the early stages of building of the new financial system:

Preparing for this:

Russian Ministry of Defense has released intel about Hunter Biden's role in development of bioweapons in Ukraine:

Much more intel will come out about this, and this might well be the trigger that starts the exposure process in general.

Black Nobility families are using Knights of Malta as the core organization which is the hidden hand behind the military conflicts:

Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, appears to be one of the main forces behind both sides of the conflict in the Russia-Ukraine war:

Black Nobility families are the real force behind the negative WEF great reset, and they have triggered a coordinated action at the start of the pandemic in 2020:

Their plan is to take down the energy grid if the Light forces would make direct intervention on the surface of the planet:




On the surface of the planet, there are strong geopolitical shifts happening as well.

First, Russia is busy preparing for the implementation of the new gold and commodities backed global financial system:

That will include a international reserve currency based on a basket of currencies, exactly as I have predicted on my blog more than 10 years ago:

And a stablecoin cryptocurrency backed by gold:

Behind the scenes, the Russians are also quietly preparing to release free energy technology, and they will do that as soon as the power of the dark forces is diminished sufficiently that it is safe to do so:

Situation in China is a totally different story. A few years ago, Dragon sources have communicated cryptically: “Xi has lost the mandate of heaven”. This has now become mainstream knowledge:

Xi is under heavy Jesuit influence and is trying to hold on to power, becoming more and more dictatorial:

Not everybody in China is happy about this, and the Shanghai clique is trying to remove him from power. This is the real reason behind the Shanghai lockdowns, as Xi is using lockdowns to block the activities of the Shanghai clique:

Although, on average, Chinese people can tolerate more abuse than Westerners, they also have enough, and beneath the surface of the Chinese society, a revolution is brewing:

Chinese financial system is on the verge of collapse, and the authorities are misusing Covid apps to block the citizens from accessing their banks and their money to prevent bank runs:

Xi has also signed a decree to legalize “special military operations”, obviously targeting Taiwan:

As promised, Dragon sources have immediately reacted with disclosure in Chinese mainstream media on the same day:





  Pallavicini family, which also controls the BRICS alliance though their secret connections in Israel.




 The positive Aldebarans and Andromedans have also started the second phase of their infiltration into the surface society. They use cloned humanoid bodies to replace certain people in key positions in the secret police and alphabet agency networks in most regimes around the planet, especially more totalitarian ones. This will counteract the Jesuit invasion of BRICS, where many such regimes are found.


