Galactic Superwave, Solar Micro Nova & Timing of The Event

Galactic Super Wave and Solar Micro Nova

The galaxy is a living being. Each galaxy is actually a huge living being. Each galaxy has a central sun, the heart of the galaxy. Each heart pulses in a very similar way as human body. Each time when it pulses, the galactic central sun emits huge amount of energy both physical plane and non-physical plane. Each time when the galactic pulse happens, the galactic central sun changes its magnetic polarity. So there is a magnetic polar shift of the galactic central sun.

Galactic Polar Shift

The galactic polar shift is a very powerful process. Scientists are measuring changes of the polarity of the magnetic field in certain galaxies.

They have found that the magnetic polar drastically changed in about 3 years. This is extremely fast process. When the galactic pulse happens in this galaxy, it will be also the very fast process. Whole process will take only few years.

In the very short period of time, the magnetic polar will change. When the galactic North pole and South pole will change their places. This will affect the whole galaxy. When the galactic sun pulses, a very strong wave of energy and particles spread throughout the galaxy. When that wave hits the sun, it will strongly affect, and the sun changes to a Micro Nova.

Micro nova is a star with unexpected outburst activities. In many cases, it is affected by the activities of the galactic centers. The galactic central sun changes the sun into micro nova. Micro nova also emits huge amount of energies and particles throughout the solar system. The wave will strongly affect the dynamics of this planet. I will go into details about this later.

But first, I would like to say it will not just be a physical event. This is connected to geometry of the solar system related the galaxy and huge cosmic cycles. This is the ending of the cycle and also the beginning of the new cycle.

Galactic Equator Alignment

Our physical sun aligns the galactic equator twice in every 26,000 years cycle. so roughly every 13,000 years, it aligns with the galactic equator. Such alignment was precisely 17th May 1998. So this was called “Galactic Alignment” where the solstice sun has precisely aligned with the galactic equator. When the solstice sun crosses the galactic equator, it will cross a field of an extremely powerful plasma energy which affects the sun. it prepares another micro nova. It is not that outburst happens at the moment of crossing, but the crossing triggers the process of the outburst.


Past Micro Nova Events


This works like a clock. Scientists measured geological and biological evidence of the sun’s micro nova outburst which happened regularly every 13,000 years.

The last one is called Gothenburg Excursion Event. At that moment, there was a shift of the magnetic field of the planet. There were a very drastic climate changes. The temperature dropped and there was a mass extinction event. One of the many species extinct is mammoth in Siberia. Siberia at that time was sub-tropical area. At the moment of the outburst, the temperature fell drastically for about 40 in a few minutes. So the mammoth got frozen intact. So this drastic event was the advent of an ice age as subsequence of micro nova and change of the earth’s magnetic field.

One more example “Lake Mungo Excursion” which was known also drastic. There was “Mono Lake Excursion” and you can see a subsequent event roughly in each 13,000 years. Some of them were severe, and the others were less drastic. But each time it happens regularly, there is a drastic change on the surface of the planet. Sometimes there was a complete polar shift, sometimes there was only a magnetic field excursion.


Solar Flash

The change of earth’s magnetic field can reach to physical polar shift. I will explain about this in detail.

Okay, there are many thoughts about the Solar Flash. It is actually the moment when the sun becomes a micro nova. It is a moment of the galactic central sun triggers the scalar field that triggers dynamics of magnetic field of the sun. And it affects the earth’s magnetic polars.

Scientists understand that the mechanism triggers the magnetic shift of the sun in every 11 years as a regular solar cycle. But as I explain, there is also the changes in scalar field, or etheric plane, which triggers a regular change of the magnetic field of the sun.

When the field was affected by the scalar field with the galactic super wave, the changes get much stronger. The change already is affecting the magnetic field in a whole solar system. It causes the unusual behavior of the magnetic fields of the other planets in the solar system. It is also affecting the magnetic field of this planet.


Magnetic Polar Shift


In this animation, you can see the actual measurement of the initial signs of the polar shift underway. You can see the north magnetic pole has traveled in the last few centuries from here to already here. The change is accelerating. The magnetic field’s shift is faster and faster. The north magnetic field shifts, and the new north pole will be not far from where we are now (Chiangmai, Thailand). Here is expected new north pole after the physical polar shift happens in the future.

Another important aspect of magnetic field change is weakening of the earth’s magnetic field. It happens before the Galactic central sun enters the initial phase of the galactic super wave. It will affect the etheric scalar field of all stars in the galaxy. Usually, this weakening will be triggered by strong solar flares and storms directly toward this planet.

In 1859, there was something called Carrington Event, which was a very strong solar storm that affected the electric grids on the surface of the planet at that time quite drastically. Telegraph lines were destroyed and caused fire because the storm was so strong.

That storm started the process of the weakening of the earth’s magnetic field.

Since that time, the earth’s magnetic field got weakened more and more. When the magnetic field loses too much of intensity, it will trigger the physical polar shift.

The Earth’s crust rests on the mantle. There is a certain area between the crust and mantle called Mohorovičić discontinuity. It is a area of standing liquidity. When the magnetic field is strong enough, this area is solid enough so that the mantle can support the crust and rotate together. When the magnetic field decreases too much, the area begins to melt and too soft. The crust is disconnected from the mantle as the earth rotates, the crust begins to travel around the mantle uncontrollingly. This creates the physical polar shift. The oceans stayed in the same spot moves, and this creates a Mega Tsunami, which will be 1-2 miles high that will wash most of the dry areas of the planet except very high mountains. Such tsunami is expected to happen every 13,000 years. There are many legends about the past polar shift around the world howit affected the humanity in the ancient civilizations. Usually, some human survive the polar shift and start a new civilization. 

Solar Flare

So the strength of earth’s magnetic field has lost 25% already. And each year, 1-2% of intensity is going to be lost. The weakening is accelerated.

Strong solar flares can drastically decrease the earth’s magnetic field. We have normal 11 years cycle of solar maximum which is x10 solar flare. It is quite powerful. Some of the solar maximum flare can cause x20 flare, which is even more powerful. Maybe once a century, we have x30 flare. The last one we had was in 1859. Maybe once in a millennium, we have a huge solar flare x40. Our sun becomes maximum in power in every 11 years or so. In each maximum, the strong solar flares are expected.


Solar cycles

Apparently, we are approaching the new solar maximum. This year, we already had x1 or x2 solar flares, nothing to worry about but it shows how the sun is getting stronger. x1 flare has hit the earth January of this year, but it has not affected the magnetic field at all. Maybe the chance of the collapse was 1-2% so nothing to worry about it.

The new solar cycles which are expected to start about in a year or so can produce extended solar flare, which has a potential of collapsing earth’s magnetic field maybe around 20% of probability. Then we have usual powerful solar maximum can cause the collapse and polar shift.

If we have something like Carrington Event again, this will surely create a polar shift. When that happens, the sun bombards the earth with particles, and the magnetic field of this planet collapses, and those particles reach the surface. If the particles are strong enough, they create continuous fires, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions. And when they are too strong, it can trigger the physical polar shift.

It is interesting to see how the scientists’ forecast against the actual data. As you can see it is much stronger than what they have thought. It will be a very strong solar maximum. Some people this happening in this year or next year, and the others are predicting this happening in the year 2025. And the physical polar shift is most likely to happen in the solar maximum but also most likely, the light forces will prevent it happening. So the possibility of the polar shift happening in this solar maximum is maybe 10-15%. But it is more likely to happen in next solar maximum which will be around 2036-2037. Or even much more likely in year 2049.

The final galactic pulse is most likely to happen in a later point. But the Event itself, which is about the physical removal of the cabals and the dark forces, is expected much much sooner than that.

As you can see in this graph, we are here now (just before the Phase IV). The event is here (entering point of Phase IV). And the polar shit is here (phase VI). We are at the extremely accelerated purification of all the darkness, so everything is getting crazy. All the darkness suppressed is coming to the surface. This is the purification phase. When that process is climaxing, and this is the moment of the Event (Critical Heat Flux). So this will be the craziest moment. But it is not the moment of the galactic pulse. It is not the moment of the polar shift. Not the moment of the micro nova event. It is the moment of the light forces intervening the surface of the planet, removing the dark forces, and starting the process of healing the humanity. Then humanity has some time to go through the healing process and get ready for the polar shift or coming solar maximum flares, or the galactic superwave.

The Event Timing

My educated guess about the Event that can happen in 2024 or 2025, but very unlikely in the end of 2024. It is an educated guess and is not just prediction. I don’t know when the Event will happen, and nobody knows. There is freewill involved. The freewill of key people on the surface of the planet, freewill of the dark forces, freewill of the light forces, and freewill of rest of humanity. The situation is too complex.

The freewill of the key light worker group can make a good decision and accelerate the Event. They can make it happen, yes. Some light workers made a wrong decision in 1995, and again, in a critical moment in 2019, which have delayed the Event technically.

I will describe how this will play out.

When the Event happens it is the moment of maximum flux, which is the maximum flux of energy on the surface of the planet. So this is the maximum of craziness. It is the most drastic shift. It is the shift from the old reality into the New Reality. For most people, this will be so drastic period. For most humanity, it will be the most drastic collapse of their belief system. Everything they have believed will collapse in a very short period of time. But this is unavoidable as the universe itself will transit the transformation. So we can not wait for people awakening. Whenever it happens, those who are ready are ready, and those who are not ready are not ready.

When the Event happens, the light forces will remove key dark individuals from the surface of the planet, but I will not go into the detail about this process. I will just say “they will be no longer here”. They will no longer influence the humanity.

But we have a problem here. We have roughly 400 million psychopaths on the surface of the planet. And a certain percentage of them are dangerous. When the light forces remove some of them, you will see most of the psychopaths will be just retreated. They will not go crazy but they will retreat themselves. So the Event will not remove all dark individuals like all the criminals. It is simply not possible to arrest 400 millions of people. So the main bad guys will be removed. New society will be produced. This will create a gradual transformation of humanity. “gradual” does not mean 1-2 weeks, but it takes few years.

So the next stage, after the Event, can be seen here. You can see how the pressure is released, and how much relief there will be (after Phase IV). So there will be much less social insecurity. There wil be a new guidance provided, and the social orders need to be restored. This is the period the light forces intervene to introduce new healing technologies and a new financial system. So there will be a transition of financial system. But this system is not meant to stay long, it is just a temporary system. Abundance will be given to all humanity.
In this phase, the first Island of Light will be created. The most awakened surface light workers get together and prepare for the ascension process.

Before that happens, Pleiadians will be less involved in the liberation process of this planet. Because they are a peaceful and loving race, this environment is too harsh for them. They can still contact the light workers, and some individuals, but the Pleiadians have decided collectively to retreat. So they will no longer be first, 1 race of the First Contact scenario. Another race has decided to come front. I can not say yet who those beings are. But when everything is ready, when the all darkness being removed and everything, Pleiadians will contact humanity, but they will no longer be the number 1 race for the First Contact. They have decided because humanity is not peaceful and harmonious enough for contact.

Another race which is more adjusted to human consciousness and psychology will be front men for that process.

Pleiadians will still contact those who are ready for that. They will still give guidance for new healing technologies. They will work with some individuals and groups in the Island of Light. They will give you guidance of sexual energies and their angelic connections. They will give you the instructions on ascension process. But they will not have a mass connection with mass humanity. Yes, they will be present in the first contact. They will be introduced to humanity, but they will not be the main race being introduced to humanity. They need to be respected and loved also, and the environment here is too much for them. They do not want to be involved as much.

About the another race that will be more involved will be introduced in my blog when the time is right. They will be the official race that will be firstly introduced to humanity. They have been in this planet since many thousands of years ago. They have been involved in awakening the humanity.

And for those of you who participate in the Contact Dish Protocol, you can still be contacted by Pleiadians, and some of you at that point, you can make a choice to be reintroduced as well.

So there is unstable and stable phases. When there is enough amount of light, the ascension process can begin. A very small collective group of humanity will ascend from the Island of Light as the first wave of ascension. Some of them will choose to come back to the earth, and assist and prepare a larger group to ascend later. And those larger group of people will come back here to prepare the planetary network of light, or island of light, to prepare for the final physical polar shift.

The final tsunami will wash away all the remaining anomaly. And the humanity as a race will be evacuated and escorted to a new planet in the Pleiadian star system. Humanity will not be intervened by the dark forces, and basic needs are provided, so they will begin to have more peaceful experiences and possibilities for more spiritual growth.

Only the most awakened beings will be allowed to live on this planet earth. After the polar shift, this planet is intended to be a paradise. Network of Islands of light, beautiful nature, and total harmony.

This is just an outline of the process.

