December 2014 Interview Transcript



 Rob – Alright, Merry Christmas Everybody. Welcome to another edition of the Victory of the
Light Radio show. My name is Rob Potter, your host. This is a special edition of the Cobra
Interview, slightly delayed due to some technical difficulties. We will have the wonderful Rique
Seraphico will be taking wonderful time and making this, as usual, always the best, easy to hear
modulated interview with Cobra. We have some wonderful updates. We just did get a Cobra

update yesterday on the portal activation. We’ll be talking about that. First of all I’d like to
welcome you to the show Cobra. Thank you so much for being here.

Cobra – Thank you for the invitation.

Rob – Yes, there are a lot of amazing things happening in the world today. I want to save a little
bit of the Egypt stuff exciting for last. I want to get into a little mundane. We’ll go from heavier
to the light. We’ve seen some changes today. The Dow S&P went over 18,000 today. They’re
claiming a bull market and economy. There have also been prognostications of the currency
manipulation with Russia. I’d like you to talk a little bit if you can, of what is going on with the
smoke and mirrors here. People are wondering: Is the oil price coming down as a result of the
manipulations from the good guys or the bad guys or is this still just business as usual, can we
expect some things to happen here.

Cobra – Basically, it’s a manipulation from the Cabal because they want to influence Russia.
They want to bring Russia to it’s knees and it’s not going to work.

Rob – Right. I’ve been looking at Putin and Obama’s kind of state of the union address was a
thing there. I believe in truth and I believe in liberty and justice all over the world. I’m not really
secular. I would like to believe that American could lead the way in greatness and prosperity. But
with the manipulation with the president, through what I believe is mind controlled implanting
program controlled by hostile forces, I think that is impossible. The next question we had in
regards to the world scene that we have going on here is: A lot of people were talking about the
possible take down of the Bush/Clinton crime family syndicate that you mentioned in your post
could take place even before the event possibly. Would you believe this is possible now.

Cobra – Yes. As I have said in my report, that’s a new option that has developed after the
opening of the portal. It was very unlikely before but now so much light is present that the only
option for the Jesuits’ and Rothchilds’ to survive is to release the illuminati faction and this is
exactly what is happening as you can see in the mass media. So, yes, that is an option.

Rob – And there’s been a big hullabaloo about the censorship of the (radio show) movie The
interview. There’s actually evidence that Tom Hennighan that Millions of dollars were released
to Paramount through George Soros, trying to create some sort of conflict, basically a brain

washing of humanity. It’s quite powerful the Cabal’s influence, directly involved in the mass
media and the movies, isn’t there.

Cobra – Yes, it’s an old story. Basically the mass media are controlled by the Cabal since their

Rob – Also, I wanted to ask you specifically about the Egypt activation. I wanted to get into a
little bit of that. When we were there in 2012 there was certainly quite a bit of political tension
going on around the Tahir square and a lot of things going on before and after. We were hearing
of various situations going on there. But tell us how was the general feeling among the populace.
I know when we were around the Giza we didn’t feel it much. There was the Muslim
brotherhood watching our backs during the activation with us and lots of different groups had
other activities there. Of course the bomb scare that we reported on was significant. But I mean
the general tension wasn’t there at Giza for us in 2012. How was it this year and what was going
on in downtown Egypt?

Cobra – Actually the tensions have subsided. People are still quite excitable but this is more to
do with the general life experience, there is not much of a political tension. But it’s more of
struggle for survival, which does not resolve because we are still have the same planet and with
the same basic circumstance so not much has changed.

Rob – Yes, some people have mentioned that the Egyptian president, I think he has Jewish ties,
they feel he’s very much a Cabal oriented person. Do you have any comments on that?

Cobra – Well, I would not agree with that. The situation in Egypt is in many ways much better
than other countries because Egypt has tried to separate from the Cabal as much as possible.

Rob – OK. Now I’d like to ask you, could you tell us anything about the opening. Did you guys
go to Saqqara and have activation inside the initiation area there.

Cobra – No, actually we had our activation at of the Giza plateau, but the Resistance Movement
(RM) sends a special group to Saqqara at the same moment.

Rob – Excellent, Excellent, very cool to know. You also mentioned that a total of 144K RM
members and Agarthan or were some of these Galactic Federation (GF) down part time as well.

Cobra – It was mostly RM and Agarthan network.

Rob – So mostly the people, the contingency from planet X that are working hard to liberate, is
that correct.

Cobra – Yes, and also the Agarthans network here before the RM came, it was a combination of
those 2 groups and also other positive groups involved that were not involved before.

Rob – Ok, could you comment a little more on the activation? Share with our people here a little
bit more of where you did and what you did so they can get a picture.

Cobra – Basically the instructions have been given on the blog, everyone can read them. The
actual activation itself was quite an intense event. Actually, It required our total dedication and
our total focus and all of our energies because it was huge. It was massive. The energies were
really very very strong and the situation was very strong. I am glad that we managed to enter the
breakthrough phase. I will be speaking more about this breakthrough phase in the future. It is
simply that we are not just waiting for something to happen. We are not just resisting the current
situation. We are actively prepared for the breakthrough. You can see the result already in just a
few days. Things are happening that were not happening before.

Rob – Yes, I can feel the energetic shifts have been very very intense. In the light-worker
community, there has been lots of dissension and various things. I’m not going to name names
here. People are just reacting, misunderstanding, overstating over expected things. There’s just
been a lot of tension amongst certain light-worker groups. People are going through a lot of

Infighting within themselves. What do you recommend to do when they see these different light-
workers who were, maybe had been working together and all of a sudden they’ve come apart.

Some people might want them to deny some of the information. If these guys are fighting, it
can’t be real. That’s not always the case is it?

Cobra – OK. It’s basically people being triggered by the Archon network. 1. Do not get
involved with the drama. 2. Forgive, forgive, forgive. Do not get involved into any type of
judgment because that is not productive. This is a time to unify our forces and not divide them. I
would just say it again as I’ve said many times, anyone involved in the liberation process, do not
judge each other- unite forces. This is what we need at this time.

Rob – Very good. I also have another question. You mentioned a breakthrough in the plasma
network. I heard from a source, I’m not really sure of it’s veracity. I was told the ascended
master Christ on the Victor 1 spaceship made a declaration before he left addressing the council
there. He said, “Be gone from the air.” There was a report that it was quite intense. I am just
wondering, and that may be true or not true esoterically, I’m not really sure. I’m not going to
make a confirmed statement on that but . . .. You mentioned there was a breakthrough in the
plasma network. Can you share a little bit in the scalar field that is tied into the chem-trail
program as well?

Cobra – Yes, actually. One of the purposes of the chem-trail program is to create a medium in
the air that can conduct plasma scalar waves more effectively to maintain the veil. As of now,
there was a certain operation of the light forces, which has effectively removed a great part of
this. It did not affect the chem-trails themselves, but it did affect the plasma waves and many of
the plasma generators have been removed.

Rob – Very good. That is what I wanted to hear and was thinking. Did this possibly incite more
hostile actions from the etheric, astral parasites? It certainly seems if that took place when it was
supposed to, it seems that there were a lot of different energies moving through people. I was
noticing a lot of stress intention coming to the surface in a lot of relationship reports with a lot of

Cobra – Yes, there are actually 2 things going on. 1 – the reaction of the non physical beings
and 2nd one is the problem of entity possession because many people on this planet, especially
those who have potential for the light, have been greatly attacked in the past by entities and those
entities were put into place and maintained in their place by the scalar plasma network. Now that
this network is being slowly removed, those entities are becoming quite active and are disturbing
people’s lives. People that were calm before are starting to freak out suddenly and this is because
these entities are being triggered right now.

Rob – Yea, and it makes sense that they go to people who are in positions of disseminating the
truth. (Yes). I’ve had some questions recently, kind of in regards to that. We’ll seg-way into:
People are curious about the nano technology. You’ve mentioned it before; we have a lot of new
people following us now. Our information that we’re sharing that you share, a lot of people are
sharing is waking up the general populace so we have a lot of new people coming to our
information. They don’t always have time to go all the way back. Can you share a little bit more
about the Nano technology. Some people call smart dust or these advanced technologies that are
out there. Some people are kind of curious. Will they be rendered inert, will they be removed or
do they still have some effect on some people. What’s going on now?

Cobra – Most of this has been removed and it is not a big threat, a big issue any more.

Rob – There is some effect going on, yes.

Cobra – There are some aspects of it that is remaining, but it is not anything to worry about.
There are other factors that are much more serious than this.

Rob – Yes, I don’t generally do personal health consultations or something. I thought this might
be energetically related. I’ll paraphrase this real quickly. I’ve let you look at this one because it’s
a little longer before, so you could understand it. There’s a lady getting like one hour of sleep. A
friend of hers is really worried and asked, what can we do for this person? She only gets an hour
of sleep. Is there any type of suggestion you can give her? She can’t seem to get to the deep
REM that she needs. We’re not asking you for diagnoses, but if someone has this in general,
what would you suggest.

Cobra – OK. One possible indication is too much stress. If a person is over stressed it is possible
that the person cannot relax enough to get some sleep. Another possibility is interference from
the scalar network or from non-physical entities. I would suggest going in nature and trying to
spend some days in nature, sleep in nature away from actual magnetic pollution.

Rob – Yea, that ‘s a great idea. That’s a good one. I like that because the body can’t really get
out of the electronics and they’re jammed back in and woken up. Here’s another question. We
know the astral plane is the general answer here, but people want to know where do we go when
we sleep.

Cobra – The physical body stays in it’s obvious position but you exit with your etheric body,
from the physical body and sometimes you also explore your surroundings in the astral body, so
it depends on your level of consciousness and the depth of your sleep. Your focus of your
consciousness shifts from physical body to your higher non-physical bodies and of course then it
returns when you wake up again.

Rob – So your awareness could actually extend beyond the planet in your local environment
there are various possibilities there. There are Lots of different places.

Cobra – It is possible if you’re consciousness is high enough and if you’re able to penetrate the
veil and exit from the programming.

Rob – OK. That’s a good thing. There’s another question and again people are kind of wanting a
little more of a description. It comes down to where do we go when we die. We know that the
physical body turns into dust here and we have these various other bodies. Do we strip all the
bodies and go in our soul body to a certain level. Can you explain a little bit? We’ve talked about
it and I keep getting lots of questions on it. Can you explain a little bit more about what that
process is?

Cobra – OK. It’s a gradual process. When we die we go to certain hyper-dimensional doorway
and we exit the physical body with our consciousness and we go through the doorway that is
actually the plasma plane. If we don’t get stuck on the plasma plane we proceed towards the
etheric plane where we spend some time and release some of our personality, of our belief
systems, of our patterns and proceed to the astral plane. So, after we die we tend to spend most of
the time on the astral plane and some people who are spiritually aware enough proceed further
towards the mental plane and spend a certain amount of time on the higher mental plane where
they are in constant connection with their soul, with their own inner higher presence. They
receive an impulse to reincarnate again. That impulse can be coming from their own inner drive
to incarnate or it can come from the veil, from the Archon network.

Rob – And if they come down and they follow this impulse, are they from the higher mental
plane, do they have to take the contract or is it a choice or do they go down and go – hey by the
way, what’s this contract. You come down and go: OK – here’s the situation, do you want to

gather experience, you’re on the physical plane here and you’re tethered to our network. You’re
going to go in and you know you are going to take these implants. You agree. Is it done like that?

Cobra – It’s complex situation. First you have personality issues which are not resolved which
tends to draw you to the physical plane. You have certain unresolved situations with certain
people and you want to come down to resolve those situations. Then you also have your higher
mission and then you have the Archon manipulation, various, so called spiritual guides, which
are not actually spiritual guides, are giving you certain suggestions which might and might not be
for your highest good. The combination of all those factors together with the he scalar
technology determined the path of your incarnation.

Rob – Right, so you have an impetus there and whatever you’re able to gather and focus on, in
your life, you’re drawn to create in certain situations. We won’t call them Karma, but the law of
manifestation which is garunteed to seek balance and then we have the Archon network trying to
disrupt everything and then we have the higher positive influences. When you have these other
influences through the incarnation process, trying to picture it as you’re a light being and you’re
going through. . Is there a specific communication with other, let’s call them spirit personalities
who are in your incarnation or are you just kind of hover over the earth and you’re drawn to a
woman who’s pregnant and you know you’re going in, and you go in, I kind of wonder what the
contract thing is where I’m going to go. Can you explain a little bit about when you go into the
body? What is that? Do you actually agree to these things or are these influences or once you’re
coming back, these influences funnel you into a body and that’s it.

Cobra – OK. On some level you do agree to it. You have certain parts of you that want to go in
but that decision is usually manipulated by the Archons. You might be given certain options.
Those options neither may nor may not be in your highest interest. There will be spiritual guides
around you. Those guides might be of the light. They might be manipulated themselves. They
might be there doing something good. It depends on the situation. You see the contract that you
sign is actually something that reflects your inner direction so you have resolved not to go into
the incarnation, nothing can force you into that. If you have certain unresolved issue, of course
the Archons can play upon those and force you to incarnate because you have certain unresolved
issues in that area or if you have a higher mission to incarnate, you can choose by your own
higher freewill to incarnate, but even in that location the Archons will try to dictate the
circumstances of your incarnation as much as possible.

Rob – Yes, and harass you the entire way. (yes). Thank you. Another question here, someone
says, they’ve been trying to revoke their contracts. There are individuals out there talking about
it and a person very strongly wrote down and declared their contracts null and void and initiated

positive changes. They really feel that the changes that they declared are not being honored. Can
you explain about; if we revoke a contract and declare it and write it out and how come it seem
like some aspects of these things are still playing out in our perception, in our lives and in our
physical realities.

Cobra – It is because we had many incarnations and in many incarnations we signed many
contracts and some of those are still active. You have to revoke all of them completely and it’s
not easy. Don’t give up. Continue clearing that and you will feel less and less attachment to
forces of influence.

Rob – OK – here’s another, little more general question. Can you comment on the general
progress on the RM have had on moving towards clearing the way for the event? You mentioned
we made some changes here. We still have to get a critical mass on the surface of the population.
But, with parts of the plasma field network down. Are they down permanently? Will they
reestablished some of these.

Cobra – They don’t have enough resources to reestablish this. The scalar network needs to be
completely removed before the event or I would say, it is greatly suggested that it is removed
before the event. Also, the chimera group and their exotic technologies, various bombs, of this
nature have not been cleared yet completely and this absolutely has to go before the event.

Rob – Yes, the scalar field plasma network that was removed. Was this on the physical level or
did the RM in the etheric do this and possibly lower astral where human military personnel could
not get.

Cobra – It was on the physical. The plasma generators are on the physical and they were
removed on the physical.

Rob – Wow, that is very good news. So, I was wondering, are there still other technologies

Cobra – There are quite many technologies that are around. I would say a few of the main ones
are the various exotic quark bombs and the scalar plasma network.

Rob – And there’s still some physical ones left, or are these in maybe some in the higher
dimension there.

Cobra – OK. I will not go into any details on this subject. It is quite sensitive issue right now.

Rob – Yea. We got a lot of questions from the people wanted to get a little world update and take
on the portal activation and congratulations to you. I know what it’s like when things get intense
and trying to make it happen. One last question there on that. Were you inside one of the

Cobra – We did not go inside of the chambers. We were at some other location on the Giza

Rob – Very good. We have another question, just a general one. We’re going to go through a lot
of these. Can you explain to us the relationship between Diana, Lucifera, Ashtoreth and Isis in

Cobra – Basically Diana Lucifera is a code name of Venus, rising Venus, the morning star. It is
one of the names of the goddess. Ashtoreth is actually one of the names of Astara. Astara was
one of the late Atlantan Goddess, which can be named with various names. Isis is one of them.
This has nothing to do with Lucifer as people understand or would any being or worship as
people sometimes refer to it. It is simply that after the creation of the Christian cult the Cabal, or
the Archons have decided to make all the symbols of the Goddess dirty. The number 666 us
actually a symbol of the goddess. The pentagram is a symbol of the Goddess. The Cabal has
misused all those because they wanted to prevent people from contacting the Goddess energy.

Rob – Right. The natural manifestation can always be seen as pure, can be reversed at any time.
Another question basically when we talk about worship of the Goddess. You mentioned before,
we talked about temples; the goddess worship is actually bringing back the balance feminine and
male aspect. Having temples or kind of like art museums, where people can go and enjoy nature.
You’ve described that before. I wanted to ask you in regards to the ancient Goddesses, you speak

about them that were actually here. These were during time when there were various races on the

In Atlantean times, that various members and different extra terrestrial races co-mingled with
humanity, is that correct.

Cobra – Yes, that is correct. I will just like to explain a certain thing. We are not speaking about
worshipping the goddess in the way religion is trying to portray. We’re speaking about inner
connection with clear and healthy and beautiful feminine aspect of creation. So we are not
speaking about the old system of priests and priestesses and temples and churches. We’re
speaking about the inner connection which can manifest outside as beautiful buildings which can
serve as anchor points in the planetary light grid to anchor that energy.

Rob – Yes. During the times when there were various races of ET, different shapes, sizes, colors,
skin types, genetic pheno types in general, amongst us, there were some of these beings of a
highly spiritual nature and they radiated a tremendous presence. It was quite common for people
to enjoy these beings presence. Would that be accurate to state. (Yes). And so the idea was
basically these were great spiritual teachers. They did not seek personality worship, however by
the virtue of their awareness and knowledge they radiated a calm and peace and seem to help
others on the inner planes establish a more direct connection to source, would you agree with
that. (Yes). I think that possibly the priesthoods in the Archon networks used this historical
relationship from ETs to earth peoples and took some of these historical beings records and
manipulated them to be perceived of as demanding personal worship. This was not good and
these priesthoods manipulated opinions placed themselves as the new interpreters of God word
by declaring themselves as intermediaries. Right?

Cobra – Yes, that is correct.

Rob – OK. Thanks. Some people talk bout the city of Beijing. They say there’s lots of smog and
it hasn’t happened in a long time, but suddenly it’s there. Do you know anything about that? Is
there anything going on there, in China.

Cobra – I would not say there is much improvement yet.

Rob – OK. Also, there has been some space exploration by China in lower earth orbit and they
say they’ve gone to the moon in recent years. Are there any collaboration with the Galactic and
the Chinese government in regards to the space program in a positive way or negative actually, I

Cobra – There is a certain aspect of positive collaboration, but there is everywhere on the planet,
the chimera group present in the military of every country, including China. That’s why you
don’t hear about the positive cooperation in Chinese mass media.

Rob – Another questions someone says: obviously there’s a plan and I know this is part of the
destabilization process of the NWO is to allow large influxes of immigrants into first world
countries and this creates tension amongst the people basically because the people who come in
are on welfare and it creates a stress and a tension. A lot of the local people can be influenced by
racial prejudice or social economic distress to have a prejudice against these people. This is a
controlled operation, correct. (Yes). OK. At the time of the event after we defeat the Cabal, these
people will have free will to go and do whatever they want.

Cobra – Hmm, which people are you asking?

Rob – The people coming from other countries. They came specifically for economic
development. They will be able to go home.

Cobra – Yes, of course. The situation will be completely different than it’s now. All those
artificial borders will be dissolved and people will begin to understand.

Rob – OK. Here’s another one. Please explain what causes homosexual behavior. Is this
behavior of the dark or the light energy?

Cobra – In most cases this is manipulated sexual energy by the Archons because when the
sexual energy has been traumatized or when it can not express in healthy man/woman

relationships, it can be expressed as this, but it’s not always like that. It is also possible that there
is a soul connection with 2 beings of the same sex, which can express in a sexual relationship as
well. We have a combination of many factors here.

Rob – OK. And it’s not necessarily dark or light and it is what it is and there is not judgment
there. (Yes, exactly), OK. Good. Someone has asked about the emerald tablets of Thoth and the
emerald tablets of Hermes. Those are the same being correct? (Yes). Do you believe the
translation by Doreal is the most accurate of those tablets?

Cobra – Yes, I would say that representation is quite good. I think it’s the best we have at the

Rob – Thank you, I agree with that as well. Also you speak of the Halls of Amenti. This is
actually a physical location deep in the inner caverns, is this correct? Inter dimensional portal
kind of.

Cobra – It is actually a physical location under the sands of Egypt. It is a physical initiation
center, which has not been discovered yet.

Rob – Yes, can you tell us approximately the depth of the pyramids of the UFO’s that will be
found underneath the Giza plateau in the near future. Just a little tidbit someone wanted to know
that information. I was kind of curious of the depth myself.

Cobra – It is about 30-100 meters, which is about 100-300 feet.

Rob – Yea. I remember that from Egypt. You mentioned that. Can you talk about the role that
Pope Francis is playing at what is going with the Vatican. Is he still a hand puppet of the Jesuits
and playing both sides of the fence.

Cobra – He wants to portray himself as the good guy and because the Jesuits have a plan to
interfere with the reset process and want to portray themselves as saviors of humanity to survive
the event. That’s why he’s doing all those little acts of kindness. If he will be sincere, the
Catholic Church has trillions of dollars worth of land in South America, so the Catholic Church
could end poverty on this planet immediately. If he would be such a great good guy, he could
initiate that change.

Rob – Yes, that’s a great idea here. Kind of helter skelter questions here. The human population
is increasing. Where are these souls coming from and is it this new souls are being generated.
Young souls or what is the situation that allows more souls to come here at this time. Have they
always been waiting? Have we just been waiting longer times between incarnations? Why are
there so many souls here and where do they come from?

Cobra – There are many souls on the astral plane waiting for incarnation. The population is
increasing simply because of the development of civilization on the physical plane, which allows
for more people to survive. If there’s an impulse for more people to incarnate because of special
times and they want to be present here on the physical plane because this is the place where the
most drama happens.

Rob – OK. So these beings are all in part of the quarantine process so in the past we’ve had to
take turns to incarnate, is that correct.

Cobra – No, actually people incarnate because it’s the right time for them to incarnate or when
there’s a strong impulse one way or the other to incarnate. Yes, some people have to wait for a
long time because there are not many options on the physical plane to incarnate.

Rob – Good, OK. If everyone got the same impulse, I guess there would be the strongest impulse
that would be allowed to incarnate first. People wanting to come in and there weren’t enough
bodies or babies available. In one way the population explosion is a positive thing. It’s allowing
a lot of people experience on the physical plane. (Yes, yes, yes). OK. Someone wants to know if
you can give us some insight on the importance of Lebanon as a country, in the clearing of
energies in the Middle East. And the old Roman city of Baalbek is a portal to work on in

Cobra – It’s one of the portals, yes. It needs to be cleared. It has great potential for the light.
There were certain things that were happening there, which were not good and needs to be

Rob – The person who asked that question should get together your meet-up PFC group and get
out there and do some positive invocations, maybe on Sunday for the WW meditation. We can
see some work going on there. Some people are kind of curious about the Templars, the
Freemasons, and the Royalty of the Cabal. It seems that Isis is their goddess. What is the
situation with the Templars? Is there a light group in there as well as a kind of a Cabal illuminati
oriented group, working in the Templars still?

Cobra – Yes, actually. We have positive Templar factions and negative Templar factions. The
problem with the illuminati is they have factions of wisdom mixed with a lot of insanity. They do
understand certain things and mix them completely with their emotional and psychological
instability. It’s a very dangerous combination. This is why the situation on the planet is as it is.

Rob – Yes, the young codex of the Nag Hammadi manuscripts. Dr. Frank Strange mentioned
they’ve been withholding some of the things. Do you consider them pretty accurate?

Cobra – Yes. The Nag Hammadi codex is actually one of the best fragments of wisdom from
before the Archon invasion of the 4th century that destroyed most of the mystery schools.

Rob – Very Cool. Valiant Thor and Dr. Frank Strange would be happy to hear about that. In fact,
I have an interesting tidbit that goes back to one of your posts I read. You mentioned that: You’d
be very surprised that what is in the Bible is actually not what happened and that will be cleared
up afterwards. I’m kind of curious. Dr. Frank observed the history coins on one of the star
ships and he like to look at Christ and he looked at the last supper. He said 5 disciples but there
only attended the last supper were hundreds of women in the apostolic core at the time of the last
supper. Can you comment on that?

Cobra – I will not go into details. I would say, yes, most of the events, which are described in
the Bible, did not happen the way they were described. There was a lot of censorship especially
about the feminine presence, which was greatly suppressed in the gospel.

Rob – Yes, and I get this one a lot. It’s been sometime since I asked it. You always answer it in a
slightly different way, which is enlightening even if it’s a repeat. Could you speak about the
being known as Lucifer? Was he real? Is he quarantined here? What is the situation with the
beings and how are they related to the hostile group of chimera.

Cobra – O.K. That being has been captured by the light forces many years ago and has crossed
into the light and is now assisting the light forces.

Rob – Wow, that’s interesting news. That’s actually coincides with Dr. Bell said. He mentioned
that too, so that’s interesting to hear you say it that way again. People want to know about their
dreams and they’re kind of . . . I’ve been getting a lot of these lately too. They’re wondering: Are
they in their dream state, are they being attacked. Some people are feeling some positive things.
I’ve heard just recently, I got 2 or 3 e-mails that people were having very disturbing sleep. I’m
kind of curious, they wanted to know: are my dreams being manipulated. Are they releasing old
soul contracts? Is there cleansing going on. What is going on the dreaming time? Are we being
manipulated? Is this a natural process that’s not really interfered with by the good guys or the
bad guys?

Cobra – It is being manipulated because the Archons on the astral planes and especially the
etheric planes do have technology to influence the dream state. It is not cleared yet completely
but there is also a clearing process so it’s a combination of both.

Rob – Yes. I’ve been looking at a lot of new E.T. photographs coming out from George Filer,
and various other people. We see lots of these really unique morphing ships that are really
looking beyond the physical, kind of in this energetic state. What I think of what is taking place
now, the increase sightings to prepare people for the eventual actual physical stable ships sitting
there and formal announcement that we have friends and neighbors here and they’re here to help
us. A lot of people think it’s going to be a negative take over or say they’re here to help us. All
that kind of stuff. I think there’s a lot of energy shifting going on that we can’t possibly conceive,
Cobra. Would you agree that these ships are coming into the atmosphere and with their hyper
dimensional technology, manipulating frequencies on a holographic insert on multi-dimensional
levels to help clear and stabilize the populace. Is that kind of what is happening?

Cobra – Yes, this is also happening.

Rob – Could you share a little more about that and these various shaped ships? They’re definitely
there. The lights are shifting and morphing into different shapes. Can you talk s little bit about

Cobra – Well, there are many ships on many missions around the planet. Their purpose is first to
stabilize the tectonic plates and 2nd to stabilize the Etheric energy grid. They are here on that
mission for quite some time. They are actually here throughout all human history. It’s nothing
new. There are really here to enable the transition for humanity to survive. Without their
assistance this planet would be destroyed many times over.

Rob – Yes. Here’s a good question, you talked about Stonehenge last time and what is was and
they really want to know the energy dynamics of Stonehenge in detail. What star does it align
with, does it circulate star energy in all directions across the planes. Does it gather and focus
earth energies, spread them out radially? Is there a diagram anywhere that describes the energy
of Stonehenge in detail that you would recommend? Do you see any star- or star system that is
particularly associated with it?

Cobra – Stonehenge is built on a vortex point in the planetary grid and its main connection is
with the Pleiadean star system. It’ a Pleiadean insertion portal. If you go there and walk among
the stones, you’ll be able to feel the Pleiadean energy very strongly. It’s one of the most
powerful Pleiadean vortex points on the planet.

Rob – Very interesting. If you were to, in your research or in your knowledge for someone who
wanted to look at the energy that’s in there, I mean, they kind of want to dissect the energy best
felt. Is there any kind of mechanical explanation or energy vortex theory they can look at to
understand it.

Cobra – I would need to check, but there are certain things that are quite interesting on the
Internet about this.

Rob – Yes, so everyone says a lot of different things about it. We get this all the time about
humans eating meat of other animals. Is it healthy or not.

Cobra – Human body, before it reaches a certain vibrational frequency actually needs a certain
amount of meat. Do not force yourself to stop eating it if your body requires it but there is a
certain point when you spontaneously release that meat. It is not needed any more.

Rob – Yes, and this would be a positive integration folks. No one will be forced to do anything.
It will come naturally from a vibrational change and an awareness of different things that will
take place and it will come within each person there. People wanted to know, here’s an
interesting one, kind of a deep metaphysical one and I’ll leave these questions open. I’ll just let
you answer them. Can you tell us more about the One? How did the One appear and where is the
One located.

Cobra – The One did not appear. The One always was, it is and always will be. It is not located.
The One defines the location coordinate system. The One is everywhere and nowhere at the same

Rob – I agree completely. The One is everywhere and nowhere. It’s immanent and transcendent.
Going to “the mighty mystery” if the One has the ability to create the universe, why isn’t it
possible for him/her to solve the Chimera problem.

This is because the Chimera problem has originated from the random function, which is not
logical. It is not something that can be understood. It needs to be cleared by the One, protecting
it’s consciousness into the experiencing this random anomaly and through that experience, the
One begins to understand begins to understand this anomaly and absorbs this into itself. This is
light absorbing darkness into itself.

Rob – In the Untwine interview you mentioned that creation would be absorbed back into the
One. This is just a cyclic aspect of the physical plane that seems to contract. The one is always
ever present everywhere. Could you explain for what reason the One will absorb all of creation.

Cobra – It is simply because everything that exists has a certain ultimate goal of evolution – it is
to be absorbed into the One, to reach the highest possible state of consciousness. Space and time
and matter are just projections, which will be absorbed, back into the source.

Rob – OK. We had some interesting questions this week. Sometimes the ones that go up are the
ones when I receive a couple of them. I’ve been getting a lot of questions. I got 2 in a row this
time. Let’s talk about the education system at the time of the event. The freedom will come down
and there will be a whole new education system. Many people are complaining about the
repression of this. When the event happens, will the education systems just be free to change or
is they’re planned restructuring.

Cobra – It will be a gradual restructuring because of the logistics and also the paradigm shift
that will be quite drastic and will require a certain adjustment of time. The education system on
the planet after the event, in the first months after the event will be in constant change, constant
upgrade (OK). There will be a certain amount of confusion because people will have to go
beyond their belief system. Many of the old systems will have to crumble and people will have to
go through a certain psychological process to go through which will not happen over night.

Rob – Right and when they go through this process there will be of course, be new advanced
forms of learning. We’re going to have to put away their old perceived ideas. I think we’ll
probably still be able to use the universities. Would you agree with me that the general paradigm
shift in education will change from simply repeating facts to one of internalizing and realizing
the process of learning and kind of a science in the spiritual understanding is going to come
about in education, correct.

Cobra – Yes, this is the general trend that will happen, yes.

Rob – People always say; when he does that, will you say: can you elaborate more.

Cobra – OK, so basically what will happen is this new idea, which we are distributed through
the mass media will begin to take shape in human minds and then different aspects of the
population will have to be adjusted and this will also take time. Therefore it will be gradual
process. And then of course children will need to absorb those new ideas which will be
completely different from what they were taught in the past, so there will be a certain amount of
confusion. But ultimately humanity as a whole will begin to understand what is going on.

Rob – Yes, thank you so much. Some one said, Why has Poland throughout it’s history always
been in hard situations, 2nd World war, attacked by Germany, used as a pawn, offered
protection, Russia betrayed, England, many other situations. Does Poland play a critical place in
overcoming the dark forces because they value freedom and independence so highly? Someone
had a question about that.

Cobra – It is simply that Poland is in a very unfortunate geo political situation, between Russia
and Europe. It’s like the buffer zone and of course it absorbs most of the conflict between those
key areas.

Rob – OK. That’s a very good answer. I appreciate that. Here’s an interesting one and I’m going
to answer before. I’m going to say I think it’s like a radio transceiver that’s transmitting energy
and information that allows communications between people of the time and the E.T.’s without
having space ships. What is the Ark of the Covenant?

Cobra – It was a manifestation chamber.

Rob – A manifestation chamber, like material items would appear in there.

Cobra – Certain early versions of it had that ability. Later versions only had the ability to create
a certain electro magnetic fields to enable communications with other dimensions, but not
manifestation itself, any more.

Rob – The Ark of the Covenant spoken of in the Bible, where is it today (laugh)?

Cobra – In the hands of the light forces.

Rob – There you go – that’s good enough. All right, I guess I had a couple more questions here.
Some people wanted to get into the situation. We got the big thing with the hack at Sony. Could
you talk about it? Someone asked the questions – can you write a contract with the devil. Does

the devil exist and if not, whom have all the rock stars signed their souls to. Could you talk a
little bit about the situation with the hacking of the grid and Sony? The hacking of the grid with
Sony with relationship to this – talk about and the movie the interview. They’re trying to build it
up to be a false flag or something. I’m wondering if the RM forces did anything. It was a shut
down of North Korea by the light forces?

Cobra – No, no RM forces were not involved in this.

Rob – OK. Was that an American attack on them?
Cobra – Yes,

Rob – OK. Thank you. That’s good. There’s question that says; from what you said there are no
new fresh star seeds coming from other star systems. People who have incarnated have been
inside this process for 25K years with extremely rare exceptions. They are finding it hard that
they’ve been manipulated for 25k years. Why isn’t it that we haven’t been able to free ourselves?
If someone really doesn’t want to be part of this process with the reincarnation grid, it goes back
to that kind of; how were we born thing. It’s a process that’s really not under control of the
administration. It’s just something that happens. A soul is on the mental plane and they’re drawn
in. How can we break free of this?

Cobra – It’s not easy. We have to . . . Actually the event needs to happen to completely break
the quarantine status of the planet and then we will break free of this. And unfortunately yes, we
have been trapped for at least 25k years here.

Rob – OK. People are worried about the Scandinavian royal families. Are they all involved, are
they Cabal light. Are they deeply involved? Does it vary from individual to individual? How
deeply involved is the Scandinavian royalty and the Cabal.

Cobra – It varies from individual to individual but they are not the main ones to worry about.

Rob – OK. Also in Buddhist scripture they have a lot of eternal fire stories. They say it’s painful
but it’s only temporary as everything else in Buddhism is. They say it’s unfortunate but
necessary, In the Tibetan ___ they talk more in terms that it’s not real, the mind makes the
torment real. Is there a way for us to go beyond the perceived tormenting that we feel, everything
that we discuss is kind of – the situation is kind of messed up and we’re all interested because we
feel tormented. Is there something that we can do to go beyond this mental torment that is our
own self-created illusions.

Cobra – Whenever you contact your own soul, you go beyond that. So the more you have your
soul contact the more you go beyond that.

Rob – OK. I’d like to go into another question here. A couple more minutes here. We’ve got a
few more minutes. How is the best way to contact your soul?

Cobra – The first thing is to be absolutely sincere with yourself. The second thing is to allow
yourself to feel your emotions and integrate. 3rd – is to appreciate beauty. 4th is meditation.

Rob – OK. I guess that’s good. Someone has some other questions in regards to what is going on
with the compression breakthrough. Is it still at the same distance? If so, why hasn’t it come
down and removed them out of the inner earth or anything. Is this the final one, it won’t get any
lower will it.

Cobra – We have now entered the breakthrough phase which means the actual process of the
compression breakthrough has started. It is not an instant process. It is not an instant event. It is a
certain process that has been initialized with this portal activation and will culminate in the

Rob – OK. From what you see there, folks, and tell me if this is kind of an interesting analogy
here; from what you’ve described there’s a layer around the earth, like an onion that is the
compression breakthrough field. It seems to be, what you are describing, is if we could imagine,
not in any one place, not all at once is the veil being lifted, but in little areas all over the planet,
little Nano viruses of light are penetrating it and eventually it’s going to shine through
completely. Is that right. It’s kind of a general wispy, kind of like smoke coming out from
various places, right.

Cobra – This is exactly what is happening.

Rob – Yea, This is what I was visualizing myself. Is the Bovis scale a reliable indicator of
increased energy levels?

Cobra – I would say this is a very crude and not very exact. But, yes, it’s something you can use
to, I would say, guess the vibrational frequency. It’s not very accurate, but it’s something that
many people use in their measurement.

Rob – OK , thank you. Some people are wondering, they spend many hours in meditation and are
trying to connect to their inner selves and stuff. They start feeling these day -dreaming and these
morphogenic fields, they start getting information. They are unable to tap it consciously. Can
you expect this information to be much clearer once the event happens?

Cobra – Yes, of course.

Rob – OK. Here’s an interesting little tid-bit. We got maybe 2 more then we’re going to have to
let you go. What’s the installation near the Tungsten, Siberia. Is there installation, a government

Cobra – Yes, there are quite many installations, many, I would say, military complexes in that
area. It was an area of a lot of activity in developing Russian Nuclear program and some secret
military projects were going on in that area as well.

Rob – OK. And, I want to ask . . .. Here in regards to the DNA. Can the DNA be manipulated
and can we establish a more powerful DNA connection with Soul verbally and what is the best
way to do this. By toning mantras, is there a way to make a connection to forge a light
connection between the soul and the physical body.

Cobra – People are so focused on DNA they forget the key aspect which is consciousness. What
is the most important here is the state of consciousness. Whatever you can do to raise your
consciousness to keep higher vibrational frequency the consciousness is the way to go. .

Rob – And the DNA is going to respond, it’s a living flame. (Exactly). Cobra – we have a lot of
more questions here I didn’t get to. I want to thank you for your time. It’s been very informative.
If you could leave us with one more little good news information that you feel is important that I
possibly didn’t’ ask, in regards to your activation and the positive changes. Is there anything else
you want to share with our guests today about the positive breakthroughs that are coming and
what we can do?

Cobra – As I have said, we have entered the breakthrough phase and the light forces have
instructed us to start visualizing our life after the event. Have that focus, not so much the dark
stuff that is appearing on the planet. Not so much on what has happened but more on what we
want to create, what we want to manifest. What in the world we would like to have. Visualize
this. Visualize this accelerates it’s manifestation. I would invite everybody to go to my blog and
read the report that is quite interesting.

Rob – Cobra, once again thank you so much for your help today. It’s been an honor and and
privilege to have you on the Victory of the light radio show, we look forward to having you
again next month. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you out there: All of you Cobra
followers, Victory to the light, all the Light workers – PFC people especially, our hearts go out to
you. Visit that site, we can use donations, we need some upgrades. God bless you all.

Cobra – Thank you everybody, I wish you Happy Holidays and Victory of the light
