All Conference's Notes


 Disclaimers :

  • The highlighted links are the notes.
  • Every single time somebody took notes and post it (for Cobra to then linked to on his site) are available on this post.Just know that the majority especially from earlier years all had to be found via wayback-machine site.
  • Only on certain conferences did people produce articles for cobra to link to, and this is why you see that some years and conferences are skipped, there was no notes at all


 All the links to the conference notes are in 1 spot in this google drive doc :

  • But it is still much better to view the links given below as the pictures provide much more of the download and helps to understand things better through additional visuals that you wont get in the google drive doc

>  the google drive Doc above is just for term searching primarily and ease of having everything all in one link.Go to the bottom of this post for 2024 which have not been added yet to the main conference link above.







 November 26, 2012

The Laguna conference was huge. Several attendees experienced their own personal first contact sighting as our beloved star brothers and sisters revealed themselves in their beamships As you can read from this report from American Kabuki:

 And this one:

We have opened the doorway of the 11:11. We have turned fog into sunshine. We have brought the Laguna vortex into perfection. "






  March 25, 2015

" Our conference in Konstanz was accompanied by many signs in the skies. One week before the conference, the sky in Germany and Switzerland was lit by a bright meteor which later crashed somewhere in the Swiss Alps:
It is interesting to note that the path of the meteor went exactly above Konstanz:
Then, one day before the conference, we had a solar eclipse happening just a few hours before the equinox. This eclipse signifies the return of balance to the planet. I took this photo of the eclipse quite close to Konstanz:

The conference was a huge success, as we managed to create a breakthrough of balance with a strong, dedicated group. The energy of balance will be one of the most needed energies in the first hours and days after the Event. "
" And read the fairly accurate notes from the conference here:




  May 7, 2015

" ...The Conference took place near Eastbourne in UK. During that weekend, there was a very important transit of Venus near the Pleiades cluster:

The energy of that transit triggered a strong infusion of Goddess energies from the Galactic Center and a very demanding purification of outdated patriarchal archetypes. Apparently the energies were too much for the organizer of the conference and to a few of with him associated people and they displayed some very disgusting behavior that is still in the process of being purified. Regardless of that, they did not manage to disturb the conference significantly and the event was still very successful.
You can read brief notes from the conference here:



" are the notes from my Taiwan conference about manifesting abundance. They are published here as guidance to assist Lightworkers in their financial situation. Be aware that these notes are an interpretation of the person who wrote them. Many details are omitted and some original meaning is lost. They are NOT exact words from Cobra.








April 23, 2018

" Our Ascension Conference in Budapest was successful beyond our wildest dreams. We have secured the new positive timeline for the planet by activating the planetary Sisterhood of the Rose network on a totally new level. It is now of the highest importance to create as many physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups as possible. Those groups need to meet once weekly at a physical location and anchor Goddess energies into the planetary energy grid by doing both Goddess Vortex and Return of the Goddess meditations:

Successfully formed Sisterhood of the Rose groups can contact me at and they will receive further instructions.  
Our conference has awakened many people, brought many members of soul families together and has anchored massive flow of energies of Love into the planetary energy grid. This experience has been deeply touching, as you can read in this report:



 2 & 4 )

May 31, 2018

" Our Ascension conference in Taipei was an energetic continuation of the Budapest conference. Days before the conference, Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan and Arcturian Light cloudships have literally invaded Taiwan to prepare the energies for the conference:

We have activated another massive number of Sisterhood of the Rose groups worldwide and have anchored huge amounts of Light into the planetary grid, leaving many people deeply transformed.

Here are relatively accurate transcripts of the Budapest conference:


And of the Taipei conference:





 December 7, 2018

" The weekend of our Ascension conference in Sao Paulo was full of monumental changes for the planet.

It is not a coincidence that just a few hours before the start of the conference, the leader of the unholy four, George Bush Sr. has been put to death:

A mass meditation was immediately issued to ensure his capture by the Light forces to prevent his reincarnation into a new cloned body:

The meditation and the operation of the Light Forces were successful, he was captured by the Light and escorted into the Galactic Central Sun, where he is going through a disintegration process right now. 

The energy at the conference itself was amazing, around 400 people created a huge resonance field of Light.

On the second day of the conference, a huge breakthrough happened. We managed to anchor the Goddess energy as never before:





 April 4, 2019

" Our Soul Families workshop in Budapest was extremely successful. Many key instructions for cracking the Matrix on the surface of the planet were successfully transmitted to the very awake participants of the workshop, as you can see in the workshop notes which were already published in many blogs:

Many new volunteers came to the stage to form new Sisterhood of the Rose groups throughout the planet.

Instructions for them: if your group has 3 or more people that meet physically regularly, you can make your group public so more people from your area can join. You can do so by sending an email to, and request to be added to the main Sisterhood of the Rose list here:

All instructions for you group meetings are posted here:

More than 170 Sisterhood of the Rose groups have been formed until now around the planet: 

Other special task groups have been formed during our workshop and they may be made public in the future if the situation will be ready for that.

During our workshop, more specifically between the lunch break on the first day until the lunch break on the second day, plasma activity around the planet has gone wild:

Less than 24 hours after the workshop, this article about quarantine Earth has been published “by coincidence” in the Forbes magazine:

Put it simply, our workshop has created a huge crack in the Matrix and the Archons have gone crazy in the weeks after, attacking key people mercilessly.

Many of those attacks have been orchestrated using directed energy weapons and negative social engineering:

Meanwhile, dark occult mind programming practices of the Cabal are being exposed and people are fighting against them:







  December 16, 2022

" Our Ascension Conference in Paris was a huge success. After the long covid pause this was the first conference in years, and thus we have decided to keep the group small. Interest among the surface population was more than expected, and the conference was sold in a few days after being announced. Despite all organizational challenges everything went smoothly at the conference, and we had a strong and dedicated group of about 320 participants. For many of them it was the first opportunity in years to reconnect with their fellow Lightworkers and Lightwarriors.

We have managed to reawaken and revive the Sisterhood of the Rose, and hopefully you will hear from them soon. You can read quite reliable notes from the conference here: 

( These other 2 are french copies )

Another set of notes from the conference is here:

After the conference, a dedicated group of about 70 people have strengthened the Paris vortex and another group of 35 people has done the same with the Versailles vortex.

A very peculiar object has appeared in skies over Paris just after the conference:

It is a very interesting synchronicity that China has dropped its zero covid policy just after the weekend:

It is also interesting to note that Iran appears to have disbanded or at least weakened the power of its “morality police” during the weekend:

This is the first victory of the renewed Goddess energy and is related to the reactivation of the positive Qajar Goddess timeline which is happening behind the scenes:

Qajar dynasty has reactivated Goddess mysteries in the early 19th century in the Persian court:







 May 13, 2023

" Our Ascension conference in Taiwan was very successful, as it was the energetic trigger that again activated the Dragon families.


The conference notes are now available.The official notes are about 80% reliable:

The following notes are about 65% reliable, but you can feel the energy of the conference through them:




 July 24, 2023

" Kyoto conference was a huge success. Our strong and harmonious group has created conditions through which the healing of dragon vortexes can finally begin, starting with the Kyoto dragon vortex. Our group has also made an important connection with the Ashtar Command through which the development of Mjolnir and ATVOR technologies will be greatly accelerated.

You can read notes from the Kyoto conference in English here:

In French here:

In Spanish here: 

In German here: 

And in Arabic here:





November 27, 2023

" Our conference in Chiang Mai was a huge success and was accompanied with a lot of underground and extraterrestrial activity:

The second day of the conference brought a very important breakthrough regarding anchoring of the Goddess energy on the surface of the planet with far reaching consequences.

Official notes from the conference are here:





 October 16, 2023


Many useful meditations can also be found from the transcript of my mini workshop in Germany:








Phoenix Arizona

Our Ascension Conference in Phoenix was very successful. We have laid the foundation for the energy work that needs to be done for the United States in this year to go through the transition in the most harmonious and peaceful way possible.

The conference notes are here:




Emeralds are now being activated as green doors through which you can connect with Agartha:


You can read the instructions for the emerald Agartha meditation, along with a lot of intel about emeralds, in Bogota workshop notes:

Bogota workshop was very successful and it laid the foundation for the future work with emeralds.





Disentanglement testing phase is proceeding well and it is expected to be completed in about a week. After that, the process of disentanglement of humanity from the Lurker will begin with full force.

In preparation for this process, the planetary etheric network of Light had to be prepared and properly activated. For this reason, a special Dragon leyline activation was taking place between July 11th and 22nd.

During this timeframe, Dragon leylines around the whole planet were activated, with the main focus in Asia, and especially on the Tibetan Dragon leyline:



Dragon activation workshops were held in Asia during that time, and you can read the notes here:

These workshops were accompanied by many signs in the sky.

Multiple rainbow in Hong Kong on July 11th:



Solar flame cloud in Malaysia on July 18th, just after the workshop:



Multiple rainbow in Hong Kong on July 20th:



And a violet storm in Lhasa just after the activation of Tibetan Dragon leyline on July 21st:

After the successful activation of Dragon leylines, various factions of Agartha network, especially in Asia, are becoming more active, beginning their preparations for the Compression Breakthrough.




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