Subquantum Interview Quotes

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 how do the Pleiadians and other Light Forces know how to address these esoteric, negative forces, such as the subquantum anomaly? Have  they dealt with these types of things in the Pleiades or in their home planets? 

Cobra: They have been dealing with this for, I would say, even millions of years,  but it was always a challenge because this is in a way very advanced, that the dark  forces are using advanced technology, which uses those principles. And in a way it's  very chaotic; primary anomaly is unpredictable. It's hard to study. It's hard to  contain. It's hard to process. It's hard to clear. And I would say in the last few  years, the progress of the Light Forces is much, much, much greater than it was ever  in the past because they are learning key ingredients to this, because this is  simply the last few things to clear. Everything else had been resolved in the  galaxy. So this is the toughest, the most challenging part(s), and there is progress  being made daily now. 

Debra: Okay. Are you able to assure us that they will be able to clear this anomaly?

  Cobra: They will be, yes. The question is only how we get to the point of the Event.  I mean, we will get there, the road to get there is rough, but we are getting there  slowly. 

Debra: Yes. Can we talk about the Central Race? I know in one of our previous mass  meditations, we got their attention. How are they involved with this now? And also  people are curious what they look like. 

Cobra: Yes, they are giving great assistance to the Galactic Confederation. They are  giving great assistance with the Dyson Spheres, with clearing of the solar system,  with clearing of the primary anomaly, of subquantum anomaly, of the toplet bombs.  They are working with all this, and they are giving a lot of assistance to the whole  process.




 Have the level of primary anomaly and subquantum anomaly  reduced in the area below the Low Earth Orbit? 

Cobra: To a degree, yes, but main reduction is expected at the same time as this  operation of clearing the implants proceeds.



 you mentioned an ancient dark entity  called the Lurker. Is it very dangerous? What is the relationship of "the Lurker"  with the Archons and the Chimera? 

Cobra: It is not very dangerous at this point, because much of this has been  dissolved already. This is a very different type of entity. It's actually a quantum,  subquantum entity. It's a different type of consciousness than any other entity you  are probably aware of. I would say the most close, the closest example to it would  be the Yaldabaoth entity, which has been removed already. The Archons and the  Chimera, they actually some of them worship the Lurker and they see it as a source  of their evil. 

Terry: Oh, I see. So does that means that the Lurker is superior to Archons and  Chimera?

 Cobra: In a way. Yes, because this entity has been alive for the whole cosmic cycle  and actually originates from the previous cosmic cycle. So... But it's a completely  different type of consciousness. It is a completely different thing. You know, it's  not something that most people would be able to understand. 

 As the Lurker has survived the previous cosmic cycle  and continue to exist until this day, does its existence means that the dark forces  have already existed since the previous cosmic cycle, while the Archangels who fell  into Primary Anomaly 8 million years ago, are the new dark entities in the cosmic  cycle?

 Cobra: No, darkness did not exist before 8 million years. The Lurker existed as a  pure potentiality. It was not a manifested consciousness of darkness. That only  started 8 million years ago.




 Does  the Portal of Light activation initiate  the true terminal process of  purification of anomalies leading to apocatastasis,  which is the moment  when all quantum and subquantum anomaly will be cleared and all  evil  consciousness either transformed into the light or annihilated in the  Central  Sun…in other words, the Event? Would you say this is like a  pre-Event? 

Cobra: I would say this is a trigger, it is a  demarcation point. This is a trigger  which ends a certain phase, a  certain cycle, and actually initiates, I would say,  the last phase  before the Event.




 Alright, well, let's continue to talk about some of those  important gains. But what about the one step back? What might we expect in general  regarding that? 

Cobra: Okay. One step back is basically clearing of the subquantum anomaly. This  subquantum anomaly is much more intense than previously expected. And this is why  right now we are in a state of kind of a limbo, because a lot of this anomaly has to  be cleared because we can make substantial progress again.

Debra: Okay, and we'll talk a little bit more about that too. So, it is great news  about the etheric plane clearing, even though you said it still looks like a war  zone. How long before the cracks of light begin to appear in the etheric matrix that  you mentioned in a previous update? And what impact will that have? 

Cobra: Okay. It was expected for those cracks to appear quite soon, but as I said  just before, the subquantum anomaly is still creating problems also on the etheric  plane and other non-physical planes. So this will take some time. And when those  cracks begin to appear, this will change the rules of the game on this planet, this  will begin to finally trigger the changes we have all been waiting for for so long. 

Debra: Any idea how long that might take for those cracks of light to appear? 

Cobra: Even if I would have that, it would be classified information at this point





 You've mentioned that other races like  the Resistance, the Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, and the positive Andromedans,  have become free of biochips by completely mastering physical etheric body transfer.  So what is a physical etheric body transfer, and are the Light Forces using this technology to clear our biochips? 

Cobra: This is a certain advanced teleportation technology, which can basically  teleport or transfer your physical body completely to the etheric plane, remodel and  harmonize it there, and put it back onto the physical plane. And with this process,  they can clear the biochips. Unfortunately, this technology is not working yet on  the surface of the planet because of the subquantum anomaly.

 Debra: Okay, well, we hope there's some gains made on that soon. As you mentioned,  you did offer on your blog a mind clearing technique that can reduce the power of  these biochips on the human thinking process. Did you say this also works on the  subquantum anomaly? Because this, as you indicate, is the main source of negative  experiences and feelings due to the presence of dark entities. Or is there anything  else you can suggest to help us reduce its power over us? 

Cobra: At this point, the Light Forces are still developing technology and protocols  to counteract the subquantum anomaly. That's quite much of a problem still. They are  developing individual Hammer of Thor technology, which would actually clear part of  this subquantum anomaly from human energy field. But this is still in progress, this  has not been finalized yet. 

Debra: Okay. And I know you can't reveal too much regarding the subquantum anomaly  for now, so unless you have anything further to share about it, we can refrain from  discussing it too much today. But there's a question about how the subquantum  anomaly blocks the flow of Light from the Buddhic plane to the planet; can you tell  us how much effect does doing Buddhic column meditations for various places and  people around the planet help this blockage? 

Cobra: If you actually manage to make a contact with the Buddhic plane through those  meditations, that can help a lot. So even a small fragment of genuine Buddhic  presence inside of a quarantine clears a lot of this anomaly. So this is a very good  thing to do. And I would strongly recommend doing those Buddhic column meditations  as much as you feel guided. 

Debra: Okay, good. Should they be done for the planet in general, or are there  specific recommended areas that we should put our attention on when we do a Buddhic  column? 

Cobra: You can do it for yourself, for your loved ones, for the Lightworkers, for  certain areas. Right now, it would be good to do it for Ukraine, because there is a  huge conflict there and many people are in an extremely negative and stressful  environment, a lot of violence, and Buddhic energy over that area would help a lot. 

Debra: Okay, wonderful, thank you for sharing that. I'm sure a lot of Lightworkers  will get on that right away, so thank you for that. And for now, you indicate the  focus in the next few months will be on clearing the subquantum anomaly and the  biochips. Does this mean that the subquantum anomaly and the biochips could  potentially be removed by this fall? 

Cobra: I cannot give any timeframes about that, but I would say that subquantum anomaly will not be removed in such a short period of time. There will be layers  upon layers of this being removed, and when enough of this is removed, big changes  can begin to happen. Because as long as this universe exists, there will always be a  small, small, tiny fraction of subquantum anomaly still present. We just need to  decrease it to the point where we can start manifesting big changes. 

Debra: Do both the biochips and the subquantum anomaly have to be cleared in order  for the Event to happen? 

Cobra: As I said, for the subquantum anomaly, no, it has to be cleared to a certain  degree. But the biochips, I would say, it's almost the condition they need to be  cleared. There are certain extreme circumstances where the Event could happen, even  if the biochips are not cleared. I would not go into that right now.



 You've stated in the past that the moment of total meltdown of  the current financial system is the last possible moment for the Event to occur. Has  this changed, and what qualifies as a total meltdown? 

Cobra: Yes, unfortunately, this has changed because of many factors. One of them,  subquantum anomaly.  The second one, the state of consciousness of the surface  population. And the third one, the amount of darkness on this planet. So I would say  this situation is a little bit different now.




 Do you have suggestions to give Sisterhood the Rose an energy  boost? In our current timeline, we've noticed a decrease in groups and  participation, and it's more important than ever now to build the Goddess energy. 

Cobra: I would say that enough subquantum anomaly needs to be removed so that a new  positive energy wave of Goddess energy comes from the Galactic Center to the planet.  And this will be a new inspiration to create more groups.




 And with all the positive strides made after the Portal of Light  Activation, especially with the non-physical cleared, are the Pleiadian protocols  more effective? Like Command 1221 for support and Command 771 for healing? 

Cobra: I would not say that the efficiency has increased a lot because there is  still so much of this subquantum anomaly present. So I would say it's more or less  the same.




 What else can you share with us about improvements in the  situation, such as the veil thinning? Is telepathy increasing? Can the Light Forces  hear us more clearly? Are attacks decreasing? Are there any improvements in those  areas? 

Cobra: There might be some smaller improvements, but bigger improvements will happen  when the subquantum anomaly is cleared to a degree.

 Debra: Okay, we really need to dissolve that subquantum anomaly <laugh>. And what  advice can you give the Lightworker community to heal their collective wounds so  that they can work more harmonious together, with less ego, less conflict, and less  competition?

 Cobra: Very simple. Use common sense.


