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He ( Nassim Haramein) is actually mentioning that the Earth will be taking the position of Venus, do you agree with that? and then Mars will take the position of Earth.
C: I wouldn’t agree with that. You see the planets will just stay in their own orbits. There will not change orbits or anything of that nature. The solar system on the outside will look quite much the same. I will say there will be some changes but those changes will be more on a subatomic scale. There will be some changes in the structure of subatomic particles. But the general orbit of the planets will just be kept the same.
You don’t see a lot of clear footage or pictures from the moon through NASA and facilities like that. What exactly are they hiding? Besides the ET life elsewhere?
C: I will explain. The Apollo program was just the official public part of the US space program. Even the Apollo astronauts have seen and had contact with ET life while on the moon. Most of that was censored. Intel was not able to censor everything. Some of it leaked out to the public . Apart from that, NASA also had an unofficial secret space program. This unofficial secret space program has managed to put a man on the moon in the 50‘s already. There were bases on the Moon and Mars in the 60‘s already. They were only accessible to the Cabal. Then the resistance movement has cleared those bases in the late 90’s and the beginning of this century.
how did they regain control of the moon?
C: The resistance movement inside the solar system was progressing towards the planet. There were many battles in the asteroid belt, on Mars and also the Moon and they just cleared completely all the reptilian warriors and all the other races. There were some physical battles going on. These were about 10-15 years ago.
A: Were those physical battles something we can understand?
C: Yes, quite similar to the wars on this planet still. It’s simply that the cabal was driven out of those strategic points. The Cabal had a strong influence of Mars & the Moon in the late 90‘s and they lost that.
What is your opinion opinion of all the planets in the solar system. Have they essentially died off. As if to say, has the cabal or the darker faction controlled those planets at one time and led them to their own destruction.
COBRA: No, the only destruction that happened was the limited destruction on mars during the galactic wars, that’s all.
the archons, or some of the more advance ETs, do they still have the bases on Mars or are they all compressed here now?
Cobra: I would say that this is classified information at this point
Whats the story of these spider beings. Andrew Basagio said he saw them on Mars.
COBRA – yes, there were such beings on Mars in the past( orion hybrids originally from andromeda) . It was possible to see those beings in underground bases on mars.
Has a breakaway civilization lived on Mars.
COBRA – It was part of the secret space program. Actually there was part of the break away civilization that had bases on Mars starting in the 50s and 60s and through 70s and 80s. And then there was a problem in the 90s at the time of the Congo invasion. Because there was a huge wave of reptilians coming from beyond the solar system that came through a star gate on Mars. It was quite nasty out there in the late 90s and all those bases were cleared by the resistance in the first years of this century.
Rob – OK. Can you tell me about the native martian population that lives underground. As I understand they are very benevolent. Are they astral civilization.
COBRA – There was also some physical presence, not much. Many different races. Some of them were of the light. Some of them were not. All of this is gone. Yes, there is a certain life force present on the etheric plane which is, I would say a form of angelic evolution.
Rob – Very good. That coincides with some information that Ive received too. Thats very good to hear. At this point in time are there any negative or, I guess positive alien bases in the physical on Mars and what happened to all the earth people on there. How did they remove those earth based colonies up there. What happened to those people.
COBRA – Well, some of them went back to planet earth. Actually escaped from the light forces. Some of them were captured by the light forces. Most of them crossed over to the light side and were taken to planet X and some of them beyond the solar system. There was a small portion of them that didnt want to accept the light and they were taken to the central sun for re-structuring.
Rob – Wow. We just had Andrew Bassagio at my conference here and – he really enthralled the people. He was detailed and very exact in his description of the Mars jump room and his experiences with Barry Soetoro and stuff. It was quite interesting. A lot of people really enjoyed that. It was kind of interesting to hear that information. Some people seem to think that the Mars program is still on-going and you are adamant and confirm from your source in the resistance and the light forces that thats no longer going on is it.
COBRA – The break-away civilization does not have access beyond earths orbit. (2014)They can not access that any more.
Are there any future plans to terraform a Mars and Venus to make them like earth at some point in the physical.
COBRA – It will not be needed because there are many planets in this galaxy that are already terraformed and there is enough living space for everybody.
U : Is there physical life on the surface of other planets in this solar system ?
C : Yes there are underground bases on some of the planets and some of the moons in this solar system.
U : Physically ?
C : Yes
. But not out in the open ?
C : No. The conditions are not right. You might only find some bacterias on the surface of Mars but that's about it.
COBRA – What I have from my sources is he was really involved in the Secret Space Program (SSP) and his description of what he saw in the SSP is very correct as to what was happening, let’s say 10 years ago. So there were actually different factions of the SSP, but this is an arbitrary division because those factions merge into one another.
For example, the so-called corporate faction is connected with Solar Warden because the same people controlled both from the top as I’ve said before. Many people were recruited in both SSPs without knowing the true objective from the top.
And, of course, there were many positive cells that were infiltrated in both SSPs from the start. Actually, the Resistance Movement has managed, even before it was part of the RM, in the ’70’s when it was called the Organization, has infiltrated a cell into the Solar Warden program back in 1976-1977. I would say that most of his description of life on the Lexus and the bases that were on Mars is quite accurate.
Actually, he released some details that he could not possibility find anywhere on the Internet and they are absolutely correct, because I have also received them from my sources, let’s say 15 years ago. And, actually, when I read his article, just memories came up from little details that I knew 15 years ago and I just forgot, so it was a very good synchronicity.
I could not receive confirmation of his recent conferences, off-world conference and I would be very happy if he could provide more confirmation, more so as proof about that. But I would say that generally his information is very solid and he is actually awakening many people to the reality that there were SSPs.
There was much going on and the situation is quite much more complex than most people have imagined until recently. If people are confused because some of my intel is different from his, I would simply say that the situation on this planet, in this solar system, is very complex and nobody sees the whole picture. Altogether, all of us can create the whole picture.
Rob – I think that’s really true. I think at some point here, obviously after the event, the whole picture will be presented to us in a much clearer fashion. Would you be able to confirm . . . He talked about the southern space colony there where the people think that the earth has been destroyed by nuclear war. Can you confirm the existence of that base or that type of situation on Mars? What is going on on Mars? Is it still contained bases from ICC or the negative SSP or negative E.T?
COBRA – I can confirm there were many bases like this, and yes, it is true that people were cut off from information from Earth, and, yes, they were told that the Earth population has been destroyed in nuclear war. That is completely true. According to my information, those bases have been liberated and cleared. What is remaining are very special SSP bases that are connected with the Chimera group and only those are still remaining. They’re not many of them, but those that are are connected with strangelet bombs and are not yet cleared.
Ironically, they are so casual about releasing information about finding life on Mars and it seems to be released in drips and drabs, which was what Capt. Randy Cramer had told us was the plan on our GoldFish Report Number fifty three, on Psychology of Disclosure. Is that how you see this issue of Mars unfolding?
Cobra: Actually what was happening there were secret negotiations between secret space program factions and the cabal, and two of the factions of the secret space program said to the Cabal if you do not disclose the situation on Mars we will do it. And this led the cabal into this limited disclosure which is happening now.
Louisa: ok, but Corey Goode was saying that there was an agreement for disclosure to happen over the next fifty to one hundred years.
Cobra: I will not agree with that. It was not an agreement. It was part of the manipulation of the Cabal which wants to enforce this agreement and it is not true that the Chinese faction agreed to that. It is not true. It is what the cabal wanted, this is what they proposed. This is what they threaten needs to happen. There was no formal agreement and acknowledgement of this.
Right, in your previous interviews you have made it very clear that there needs to be full and complete disclosure.
(Cobra: Yes, of course)
And that there shouldn’t be any of these kinds of delays and even Randy Cramer suggested the military had a ten year plan for disclosure which you felt was still unacceptable Cobra.
Cobra: No, it is unacceptable. You see there is certain positive factions within the military that are afraid that full immediate disclosure will create too much panic and too much instability and chaos, and the military is afraid of chaos because the cannot control it. But you see there is good chaos and there is bad chaos. When full disclosure happens it will create a good chaos, chaos that will create a new society which will be based on truth and transparency. And of course, when this happens there will be a certain period of chaos and the society and the system will have to adjust to a new reality. It is inevitable, it will happen one way or the other, whether you want it or not.
Ok basically I do not agree with many ideas that were released about Mars, the history of Mars is a little bit more complex than people portray, there was a mixture of races living there, some of them on the surface, some of them below the surface, mostly below the surface, so I can not answer your question in a simple way.
David Wilcock and Corey Goode have recently revealed information about the discoveries in the Antarctic of people they are calling “Pre-Adamites.” These are people, originally from Mars, who came here over 50,000 years ago. They are saying there are still some Pre-Adamites living in the Vatican, who hide their elongated skulls under the tall Vatican hats. Corey and David Wilcock have been revealing astounding information about what is in Antarctica, including three very large crashed ancient space ships, a community of people living in one of them, very tall humans who have been “in stasis” for thousands of years who may wake up soon. Can you confirm if all of this is true?
COBRA – Parts of this are true especially the part about the Vatican, but I would say for other claims there needs to be more evidence, not just stories. I would expect to have more solid evidence about the deeper aspect of this Antarctic story. It is true that ruins have been found there but there are details I was not able to confirm from my sources that the rest of the story they are talking about is true.
Does that include the giants in stasis?
COBRA – It is true that there are giants in stasis in many locations around the world, so I can confirm that.
It appears that the recent Dutch election, where Geert Willers lost, perhaps was manipulated. Can you tell us if he actually won the popular vote? What is the significance of the loss of Geert Willers?
COBRA – Not much because as I have said many times before, the political structure before The Event will not be able to trigger drastic changes because no matter who gets elected the network behind is still pulling the strings.
Were any of the souls placed in earth human bodies from catastrophes that made Mars uninhabitable?
COBRA – Yes, but I would say a very small fraction.
Aaron – And can you tell about this. Where did the souls from Mars catastrophe go if they didn’t’ come to earth?
COBRA – Most of them were evacuated to other star systems and are now far advanced in their evolvement and are not related to this planetary situation.
Earth and Venus are generally considered as female planets, while Sun and Mars are generally considered as male star and planet. I want to know what really determines the gender of a planet or even a galaxy.
C : Basically, the energy signature of the angelic being which is anchored in a planet, because a planet is usually an angelic being that has a planetary physical body, the sphere is the physical body of a certain highly evolved angelic entity, and those entities can have more male or more female polarities and in the case of Earth, it is more female.
based on Cory’s information they were literally chased here several times – like they resided on Mars, there was a war there that caused a complete destruction of Maldek also known as Tiamat, the Super Earth, and then they fled to the rings of Saturn, they were attacked there again then they fled to the moon, had a base on the moon for a long time – hundreds of thousands of years apparently – they got attacked there and then they fled to Antarctica which many of you know the story by now and with only three ships remaining and literally crash-landed in the lush vegetation and before I get you to clarify that story or add any corrections….. now, this happened about 50 to 60 thousand years ago so now the non-physical Archon invasion occurred from what we’ve been told 26,000 years ago…. So can you marry that up if you will for the audience, Cobra.
COBRA -Basically there were many…there were waves of archon invasions happening before the time you specify. The first one was the arrival of the dark forces into the solar system which was a little bit less than 1 million years ago – and they entered from the Orion constellation. The Rigelians from the Orion constellation. And the Rigelians actually came from the Andromeda galaxy and some of the archons already arrived on Planet Earth within the Atlantean times as I said before. They were actually… some of them were even the rulers of Atlantis or rulers of the dark lodge in Atlantis.
So these initial archons – they arrived here prior to 26,000 years ago?
COBRA -Yes, those initial archons arrived here a little bit less – I would say around 900 thousand years ago. They have entered the solar system, they have put their bases on the moons of Saturn, they have put their bases on Mars. There was fighting involved because there were other groups in the solar system with their own interests. They have put their bases on the moon, they have landed in Antarctica, and finally arrived in Atlantis. Actually one group descended in Congo, one group descended in Antarctica, and then slowly they migrated to Atlantis because Atlantis was at that time a tropical paradise. And of course there was a very dynamic history in the last millions of years with both light and dark factions sometimes winning, sometimes losing. Until 25,000 or 26,000 years ago there was this final – I would say – the final invasion that sealed the fate of the planet for the last 26 thousand years because they completed the quarantine. They have made Planet Earth actually a dark planet with everybody just recycling through the incarnation process with nobody allowed to go in and out here except when allowed by the archons and by the Chimera group. The Chimera group was basically most of the time just observing this behind the scenes and they have not intervened much in human history. They have intervened only when there was a real possibility of breaking up of the quarantine status. And this is what’s happening now. But they were controlling the whole narrative for the whole time.
Okay, so for about a million years there was a back and forth battle over the solar system and over earth but it wasn’t until 26,000 years ago that a significant invasion of as I understand it non-physical archons had taken place….
COBRA -Okay there were significant invasions before but they were not complete. The invasion of 26,000 years ago was a complete invasion. It was a full scale invasion which was both physical and non-physical.
Okay, interesting. Okay now the reptilian races that the Dracos and Reptilians – when did they arrive to this planet and….
COBRA- It was the Archons and the Chimera were leading the way and they were actually importing the Reptilian-Draco slaves from the Orion star systems. You see, the Dracos were like the middlemen, like the strategists, the military commanders, the slaveholders…
" I have a few things here to say about the situation. First about this new whistleblower that came and his documents…. there was a certain document called Mars-GRAM and I have to say this has nothing to do with planet Mars – it is simply a military auxillary radio system. It’s a radio system that some radio amateurs can use to support the military operations and it has nothing to do with planet Mars. I have to say that. Also, another thing that I need to say is that the Navy’s Secret Space Program was supported and still is supported by the Galactic Confederation. I would say the concentration applied within the Navy space program is much higher than in the Air Force Space Program and so we again have this tension which is a part of the…. I would say proxy war between the Chimera and the Confederation – the Chimera group trying to steer the narrative through the Air Force space program and the reason why the Air Force( Now Space Force) is so much focused now on increasing the Low Earth orbit activity and increasing the military presence in the Earth orbit because they are afraid again of the end of quarantine status. They are afraid of so-called quote-unquote “invasion” of the Galactic Confederation. They have actually issued some memos about this. "
why would the Light Forces insist on relocating the surface population to the Pleiades? Can we simply just move to the Agarthan underground kingdom, the Moon, Mars, or other planets in our solar system after the Evacuation?
Cobra: It simply that surface population has been so adjusted to the life on the surface. They need a planet with habitable surface and Earth is the only planet in the solar system with habitable surface. And since it'll be upgraded to the next step of the evolution, human beings will no longer be suitable to be here. So, they have to be relocated to a similar planet in the Pleiades.
Patrick: Ah, okay. So, after the Evacuation, can the surface population make confederation motherships their new homes, or can they travel to others star systems instead of going through Ascension?
Cobra: It depends on their level of evolvement. Most of human beings will be evacuated to the Pleiadian system, to that planet. Some of the starseeds, star people, will go to the other star systems and some of them will go through the Ascension process. It'll be individual decisions based on people's level of vibrational frequency and their own preferences.
Patrick: Oh, very good. So next one, many people have never gone abroad or even left their hometown before their Ascension. Will we able to recreate a similar environment as the current surface of the planet on another super-Earth? So that humanity can explore various human cultures and scenery?
Cobra: Yes. Actually, that will happen on the new planet in the Pleiadian system. People will be able to build their environment but then there will be much creativity. So those environments will change and evolve.
Patrick: Ah, very good. So next one, if someone, some people, want to reach Ascension after the Evacuation, do they need to come back to the Earth for the Second wave or the Third Wave of collective Ascension? And can they reach Ascension at the Pleiades or elsewhere?
Cobra: They will most likely need to stay in this galaxy because it's a Galactic super wave. And part of that super wave is the Ascension wave. But anywhere in this galaxy, it's fine, they can be anywhere in this galaxy and they will go through that process.
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