Antarctica Interviews

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 Also the Germans of course had a base in Antarctica, Operation High-jump with Admiral Byrd. The allies tried to remove them and kind of got their  butts kicked from the advanced ET technology that they had. Is that correct.

 COBRA – Yes, that is correct. 

Rob – When Admiral Byrd first went into inner earth he didnt come in contact with  them. He went in deeper didnt he. 

COBRA – Actually, this whole story was twisted and I would say, a large part of his  story is dis-information. Things happened a little bit differently because the whole  story of the polar openings is not exactly as it is presented. There are no big  holes, physical holes on the poles but there are entrances into the underground  cavern system. In the polar regions on both the south and north pole areas and he  actually entered through one of those polar regions and he had seen many things down  there.





  Is it true beneath Germany there was a city called New Berlin that  was built beneath Germany  ?

 COBRA – There was a network of quite extensive network of underground locations  under Germany. This is one thing, and the other thing is there were cities of German  travelers to travel to South America who went underground and founded their colonies  there and there were also cities, of course, in Antarctica – Nazi bases underground.And there was a certain Nazi underground base called New Berlin, called New  Schwabbenland in Antarctica.





" I can confirm  is that there is a lot of movement of the Cabal groups.  They want to escape through  2 routes to Antarctica.  One will go from Texas to Mexico then to South America,  mostly Brazil and Argentina and towards Antarctica.  The other one goes to New  Zealand and Tasmania towards Antarctica.  They want to escape because they think  they will not be found there.  Actually some of them tried and attempted to escape  from the planet and according to one source the group that Corey terms the dark  fleet, the Nazi break-away faction from of a long time ago attempted to contact the  Nazi faction in Antarctica and create a bridge that would transport some of the  personnel from Antarctica to the outer edge of the solar system towards the Kuiper  belt.  And that intel is not confirmed so I can not 100% guarantee for that but this  is what I’ve heard from one of the sources."


  •  "Actually we need to go a little bit back into the history of Atlantis.   Atlantis on planet Earth was pretty much a global civilization which was seeded or  encouraged by different waves, waves of different cosmic races.  There was a  Pleiadian wave which has brought Atlantis to it’s heights about 200,000 years ago  and there was colonization from the Sirius star system that created the peak of  Atlantean civilization about 75,000 years ago.  And each of those races have brought  a lot of technology and a lot of spiritual understanding to Atlantis and each of  those races that I have mentioned have created their own network of surface cities,  of sub surface cities, of tunnel networks, of underground pyramids, of crystals, of  stabilization technology for the tectonic plates.  But unfortunately there was  another faction that came from Orion which infiltrated those networks of Atlantis  and misused the technology and misuse of that technology actually was responsible  for the deluge of Atlantis for the last sinking of Atlantis which append around  11,500 years ago,  A lot of that old technology is still spread out.  Some of it is  submerged on the bottom of the ocean.  Some of it is a little bit underground.  Some  of it has been purposely destroyed or suppressed.  But a lot of those machines and  technologies and crystals are still remaining and some of the underground factions  have discovered these old remnants and a lot of this will be coming to the main  stream media at the time of the Event."


  •   " Okay, first I will describe a situation on the surface of the Earth. Yes,  this was true there were many treaties signed because if those treaties would not be  respected we would have two things happening. We would have Reptilians openly eating  children for breakfast, and we’d have Pleiadians rescuing the victims of car  crashes. And both things happening at the same time could lead to extreme actions,  so this was not to be advised. And this is why this uneasy treaty has been signed. And part of this treaty is  protecting us, so part of this treaty was to protect the light workers and the light  warriors. But on the other side of the coin, the same treaty is protecting the most  visible Cabal members. So it goes both sides. And this uneasy treaty is being respected to a certain degree by all beings, of  course, not completely. There have been things happening on both sides. But this  treaty will be respected until the time of the Event when the surface of the planet  will be liberated. I can confirm that what Corey has described for the Moon, has been happening on the  Moon until quite recently. I cannot confirm that is what is happening there  recently, but yet we have been . . . there have been many interest groups there with  quite strict areas where they could move and they have to respect their borders  otherwise they could have mutually assured destruction. And most races have  discovered and most factions have discovered that that is not a safe option. So they  tended to avoid direct open combat, direct open confrontation, because they understood that it would be the end of the story for them as well. "




  RT news in Argentina. That they were  going to end the ‘public transmission’ and we were wondering if you have any  comments or additional information on this. 

COBRA – Yes, unfortunately this is true and I would say the Cabal presence in  Argentina is getting stronger. One of the reasons for that is that many members of the Cabal are planning to escape to that country and have it for their home base on  their own journey to Antarctica. There is a strong push in South America, the Cabal  wants to take the South America into their hands completely. They want to lessen the  influence of the Eastern Alliance there. And this is part of that process. So this  is just part of the final war before the breakthrough.




  Do you know  anything about the Cabal currently fleeing to underground bases in Antarctica? 

COBRA – I would say they are trying top but that’s a trap so they are just willingly  flying into a trap.

Have any of those tried to go to Antarctica yet or?

 COBRA – Yes, some of them are actually located there at this very moment and they do  not realize that they are not safe there yet.





 you talk about the negotiations going on with  the cabal. In Corey Goode’s latest interview, (Cosmic Disclosure Season 5 – Episode  8 – it is not out on YouTube yet) he mentions that there is a faction of the Cabal  that are going to Antarctica to underground bases to avoid the coming galactic  pulse. What is going to happen to this faction?

 COBRA – This faction will be rounded up by the RM when the time is right. 

Lynn – Will they still be a problem to contend with after the galactic pulse and  after the event?  What will their status be?

COBRA – They will not be a problem at all. Those who will cross over and become part  of the light forces will go through a certain adjustment process. They will need to  answer for their crimes and then they will be reintegrated into society. Those that  will refuse to join the light will be taken to the central sun.




 You said that there are ascended masters retreats in Antarctica, is there  any specific master that is present there ?

 C : Mostly masters that don’t have direct mission with humanity, but mostly with  planet Earth global situation with the energy grid, and with other things that are  not exactly related directly with humanity.

 U : Can you name some of these masters or are they not known ? 

 C : They are not known to the surface population.





 there are many Pleiadian bases on Antarctica and there is much activity  going on there. Some of this has been reported in alternative media and the  Pleiadians are dealing with that situation quite extensively right now. 

 Right. There have been reports that Secretary of State Kerry was on his way  to Antarctica during the U.S. Presidential election, for some reason had to go there  at such an important time. Can you give us any information on that? 

Cobra: There were some strategic meetings of the Cabal taking place there far away  from the attention of the media about what to do if Trump gets elected and things of  that nature.

  • [1/7/18]-" Knight of Malta Erik Prince has a lot of influence upon Donald Trump and suggested him to create a new spying agency that would be more Jesuit friendly and less Clinton/Bush/Rockefeller Illuminazi faction friendly "



 can you share with us any of the information regarding the heads of  state, Royals and other VIPs that have been visiting Antarctica lately?

 COBRA – OK.  Not so many of them have been visiting Antarctica.  Just a few of those  people and one thing that was happening were secret meetings between the Cabal and  certain break-away factions about how to solve the problem of the mass arrests  because they would like to survive the transformation and they have found no  solution so they came back to Antarctica from where they came.




 We know that Nazi did have weaponized flying saucers, but why would Germany  eventually lose WW2 ?  

C : WW2 was a proxy war between the reptilians and the Galactic Confederation  basically. And the technology that the German war machine had was reptilian and  draco technology, and of course the Galactic Confederation has better war  technology, and at a certain point nazis simply began to understand that they will  lose the war one way or the other, and they negotiated their surrender in exchange  for free tickets to USA through operation paperclip, or to Argentina or Antarctica,  and basically the same group is now trying to negotiate their free passage to  Argentina and Antarctica, it’s actually a very similar situation right now.





 What intel can you share in regards  to the ancient civilizations of Antarctica and the media developments supporting  this claim? 

COBRA – OK, first I would need to clear something. Antarctica is Not Atlantis.  Atlantis is a civilization as the name tells you already that was in the Atlantic  Ocean. There was an island in the Atlantic Ocean. Although Atlantis had colonies. I  would say they were a civilization that has been formed in Antarctica. I would say  it’s far older and is of ET origin. First there were bases of the central race  living on Antarctica. There were later visitations from other races that put their  foot print there and there was quite much of that undiscovered under ice. There are  certain things that have been discovered and certain people have been writing about  this extensively. What is happening in the last few years is the Cabal is making  plans to escape there before The Event. Of course those plans will not be  successful.





So about Antarctica, it’s ask: Is it a legitimate concern that the ice in  Antarctica is cracking? Are the cracks related to something going on underneath?

 COBRA – Yes, of course there are cracks in the ice and it is nothing unusual and it  happens all the time and this will not disturb life on this planet in any way.




 What do you know about what is going on around Antarctica? 

COBRA – First I have said already, the Cabal plans to escape there. They are trying  to create, I would say, several underground bases where they hope to hide before the  mass arrests. It’s true there have been certain discoveries made, I would say made  more public, not completely public about those under ice ruins as some people have  already reported. But I would say similar ruins can be found in the shallow waters  close to Saudi Arabia and this is one of the reasons why Saudi Arabia is so strongly  controlled by the Jesuits and by the Cabal. These are much easier to reach if  somebody knows where to look and what to find. 



 Isn’t there a portal in Antarctica to the underground? 

COBRA – There are many portals there as there are many portals in other places.




( 3-25-17 )

 Is part of the Dark Fleet that Corey Goode mentioned that was left trapped  inside our solar system when the so called outer barrier (that protects this solar  system from anyone coming in or getting out) still roaming in Antarctica, their  bases on our moon and orbiting our solar system?

 COBRA – Basically what Corey terms “Dark Fleet” is still active to a certain degree  in Antarctica and this will be changed very soon


>>> An Old Post :

May 23, 2016
"One reason why this is taking so long is that all the Earth-originating Secret Space programs have been infiltrated by the Chimera in the last few decades:

The Chimera group was manipulating one SSP faction against the other, controlling the flow of intel and dictating the course of events inside our Solar System"




 A number of stunning investigative reports about past and ongoing covert  activity in Antarctica has been presented to date. The questioner asks you to sum up  any of the intelligence information you can confirm or deny about the validity of  these remarkable reports? Please include anything else important to know about this  activity in your answer and review. 

COBRA – I would say that too much focus is now put upon Antarctica. It is not the  main exo-political issue right now on this planet. But simply one of the places  where things are happening and Antarctica is NOT Atlantis. I need to say that.  Antarctica does have many ancient ruins that have been discovered as well as in some  other places around the planet and all those places will be revealed after The  Event. The Cabal will not be able to use those discoveries to divert attention from  their crimes. That’s not going to happen.



 is the RM (Resistance Movement) working in some manner with  Antarctica?

 COBRA – Yes, they are having very intense operations there right now.



 There was a claim at the end of February that there was radiation  contaminating Antarctica as well as some parts of Europe & North America due to a  Submarine explosion. There was news floating around about Special Forces evacuating  civilians from Antarctica for this reason. Can you tell us about his Cobra?

 COBRA – There was limited radioactivity as a result of this nuclear submarine  incident but it was not something that was overly…… it was contained. It was not  very dangerous and the evacuation of civilian personnel was not related to that. It  was related to, I would say the proxy war that is happening down in Antarctica  between the Draco forces and the Galactic Confederation. 

So possibly there wasn’t an evacuation for this reason? 

COBRA – There was an evacuation not because of the radioactivity but because of that  war



  David Wilcock and Corey Goode have recently revealed information about the  discoveries in the Antarctic of people they are calling “Pre-Adamites.”   These are  people, originally from Mars, who came here over 50,000 years ago.  They are saying  there are still some Pre-Adamites living in the Vatican, who hide their elongated  skulls under the tall Vatican hats.  Corey and David Wilcock have been revealing  astounding information about what is in Antarctica, including three very large  crashed ancient space ships, a community of people living in one of them, very tall  humans who have been “in stasis” for thousands of years who may wake up soon.  Can  you confirm if all of this is true? 

COBRA – Parts of this are true especially the part about the Vatican, but I would  say for other claims there needs to be more evidence, not just stories. I would  expect to have more solid evidence about the deeper aspect of this Antarctic story.  It is true that ruins have been found there but there are details I was not able to  confirm from my sources that the rest of the story they are talking about is true.

Does that include the giants in stasis? 

COBRA – It is true that there are giants in stasis in many locations around the  world, so I can confirm that




 The Catholic religion was created by Dracos. 

COBRA – Not true. It was created by the Archons engineered by actually . . . Dracos  were just slave force that was furthering that agenda.

 Lynn – The Dracos & Reptilians are fighting among themselves.  

COBRA – To a certain degree. 

The largest populations of Dracos and Reptilians are in Antarctica &  Yellowstone.

 COBRA – No.



 Yes. It was a long long time before – and the Prussian military was one of the most  advanced militaries at that time – and what happened is that the Pleiadians saw an  opportunity to introduce the seeds of a positive secret space program and they have  telepathically contacted many people in Germany inspiring them to start building  their own spaceships. And that was happening in the 19th century already. And of  course the first prototypes were very crude – they did not work. And then in the  beginning of the 20th century they have contacted Maria Orsic – and I hope you know  we are familiar with the story of Maria Orsic. She was a medium. She was a channel.  She channeled Pleiadians from the Aldeberan star system and she was invited in a  certain group which is called the Thule Society and then later the Vril Society –  and this is how the German secret space program started and first the Rothschilds  infiltrated the group through Hitler. There was one man that was part of the group –  actually one of the founders of the group – which was Rudolph Glauer and he called  himself  Baron von Sebottendorff and he was connected very deeply with various  occult forces in Turkey and those forces were – I would not go much deeper into this  – but those forces were steering the narrative since then and then we have Karl  Haushofer  – one of those Germans and he travelled a lot into the East and when the  Chimera group – the Chimera group was of course watching all that development and  when they saw that this German program which had a potential for a breakthrough –  there was a real possibility they would begin building an operational spacecraft  that will contact the Pleiadians and make a first contact which could be public –  they decided to intervene. So they sent Draco factions from Tibet into contact with  Haushofer. And Haushofer came back then to Germany – he was in contact with Hitler  and this is how the – the green men – started to control Hitler. It was the Dracos.  And Hitler signed a pact with the Dracos. And of course this was not the only group  that was influencing Hitler. The Rothschilds were in play – the Jesuits were in play  – you probably know about the big Jesuit pentagram of concentration camps so each of  those factions have their own idea what will happen in that war. The Jesuits wanted  to have concentration camps, the Rothschilds wanted to earn money. The Dracos wanted  to control the planet through Hitler. The Chimera group wanted to control the  quarantine and then the Pleaidians…. there is a story about the Pleiadians. The Pleiadians saw what’s happening and they wanted to prevent the genocide and before  World War Two the Pleiadians signed a contract with Hitler. They promised him  technology in exchange that Hitler will not start the genocide but this was their  last attempt to prevent the genocide. When this did not happen they cut all contact  with Hitler and with the Nazis. That was I think in 1941 or 1942 and then the Dracos  gave technology to Hitler. So it was actually a proxy war between the Dracos and the  Confederation. Through this proxy war, World War Two, much of the galaxy was  cleared. It was like part of the galactic war which had its anchor on the physical  plane on planet Earth. And the Confederation had a partial victory and the Nazis had  to go underground so part of them went to Antarctica and part of them went to the  United States through Operation Paperclip and now we have the key Nazis controlling  the United States. That’s what’s happening and this is the so-called Cabal. And they  are of course merged with the bloodlines. Many of them belong to the bloodlines or  now, of course, they work with the bloodlines.




 Rothschild’s were making money out of  it. Everybody was gaining something for their objectives. The Archons wanted this war and  they didn’t care about Hitler or the Nazis. For them it’s just one side of the  conflict. And you know there were factories in the United States producing weapons  for Germany for example… things like that happening… so it was in their interest for  this to happen. It seems to be that when they saw that Germany will lose the war,  they have flipped the script. They have just made a plan for a surrender of Germany…  infiltration of  Nazis in the United States…. removal of the most sensitive programs  to Antarctica and everybody was happy.




 What is the status in Antarctica? Have all the bases of the Draco and Chimera  there now been cleared?

 C: Not all of them, but I would say at least 85% of them. 


H: What is the situation with the stasis (giant beings)? Were there some in  Antarctica? Were they awakened? 

C: Not yet. Most of them are still in the stasis state. Some of them are awakened  but some of them are not. I would say some of them are in North Canada and Siberia  and their awakenings have not been triggered completely.



What are the first signs that...  That I guess changes are gonna take place like pictures of Atlantis being shown in  Antarctica perhaps? You think we'll see stuff like that, Atlantis arising from the  sea? 

Cobra: This is all going to happen after the Event. All those major disclosures are  happening then.



A Japanese Lightworker group has successfully planted  Cintamani stones at the South Pole at the end of last year. The first Cintamani project to Antarctica was in early 2016. Although it was in Antarctica, but not  exactly at the South Pole. How would the Cintamani stones at the South Pole  influence the geopolitical situation surrounding the liberation?

 Cobra: It does not influence the geopolitical situation. It influences the stability  of the planetary axis. It helps the Light Forces stabilize the Earth axis as we are  expecting a new polar shift very soon. This is very important and such Cintamani  project would be very welcome on the North Pole as well.


