2014 August 1 – Interview Transcript

 Rob – Yes, ladies and gentlemen, here we are again with our emissary of light, Cobra who has
just returned from his Portal activation in China. I hope you had a good trip. Was the activation

COBRA – Yes, the activation was very successful but it wasn’t taking place in China, but in
Taiwan. Taiwan is not part of mainland China but a separate state.

Rob – OK, but I thought it was still considered China even though it’s call Taiwan.

COBRA – Well the culture is similar but their political and their economic system is different.

Rob – OK, you mentioned before the Taiwan White Dragon society is fractured. When you were
there before, did you meet with any of the White Dragon society members?

COBRA – It’s not just the Dragon’s in Taiwan. The whole Dragons community is fractured and
yes I had contact with a few of those people. It is very clear that some healing is needed in that

Rob – Yes, it’s pretty similar all over the world and a lot of them have been involved in criminal
activity before. It’s the same all over the world. I wanted to ask you specifically. A lot of people
sit on pins and needles in regards to you and your personality. I want to make this clear, I’ve said
this before to people. I want to make this comment: Cobra, you are a very beautiful person. You
certainly have no agenda. You are not any dark cabal member #1. #2. You are an unassuming
personality. When people meet you, you never ever look for personal adoration or for people to
rely on you in a personal way. That’s correct yea?

COBRA – Yes, that’s correct, exactly.

Rob – Well, it seems that while you’ve been gone, and it’s kind of crazy to me. People send me
these e-mails and I’ve had a little illness and haven’t respond to a lot of people. A lot of people
put you up on a pedestal. It’s wonderful. When your information comes through as such ground
breaking revelatory information that people of course are excited. There is the other type of
person who is really hung up on every single word you say and every single post you say. They
seem to go into a tumultuous tumble as though they’ve been hit by a large wave. You have never
asked for this type of attention, at the same time, and I call it the “hair on fire” scenario. We’ll go
through some of those particular things since you’ve been gone. What can you say to the people
and it has a lot to do with the newly awakened people that have just found out about this stuff. It
seems like it’s a horror show. They’re in the show watching a cobra post and their eyes go wide
and they shake and cower. They read a post again and they read and cower and shake. What can
you say to these people who are constantly reacting up and down to every post. Cobra’s one
minute they praise him and the next minute they doubt him and even revile him. What would you
say for these people to maintain equanimity in their reaction.

COBRA – First , this whole situation is not about me or my personality. This whole situation is
about intel and the planetary liberation process and I release intel to help people but not to make
them dependent. It is just inspirational for them to go inside and search for the truth inside. So
my intel is not meant to make people put me on a pedestal or to worship what I say. It is meant
for people to broaden their horizons and assist them in their own search which needs to go
beyond what I say.

Rob – OK. God bless you for that, Thank you. I’ve tried to explain to people that you are a
receiver and transmitter of information. You’re unique personality, your let’s call it spiritual
growth and sensitivity and your integrity as a transmitter is the reason that you are in this position and I believe you’ve been doing a very good job at that. I thank you. I have to say, the
reaction of some people, it’s like the apostles at the last supper. Everyone goes “OMG, Cobra
said this and what do you think about this and that” It’s so crazy. I would like people to just
relax. And there was a comment on one of your posts, there’s been many comments and people
calling me. People, you need to relax. When Cobra said “Remain calm and look at the stars.” I
couldn’t believe the reaction. They would ask me what it means. I would say “that’s what it
means – Remain calm and look at the stars.”

COBRA – That’s exactly what it means.

Rob – This is kind of a hornet’s nest. It’s going to open it up. I rolled my eyes when you made
this post. I personally, and if someone asked me, and I would never give a date. When anyone
would ask me when the event going to happen. It’s like the bible, no man knows the hour, no
angel. It will just happen. I believe this galactic federation is a divinely inspired and coordinates
with some of these known prophecies by the GFL and will eventually transpire on our planet in
the form of the event and many other things that will come forward that we can’t possibly
imagine. However and Excuse me folks, we’re going to get to your questions and Cobra stuff. I
wanted to get some things here. This is a little Robbie me time. Cobra will clarify things. I rolled
my eyes when you made the comment. I personally think the event is a year, year 1/2 or 2.
Maybe even longer. That’s my thing. I know we’ve talked about that before. You said, and this
got a lot of people pumped up about you and your ego. I got a lot of e-mails. If no one knows
when the event will happen, why would Cobra say the event will not happen in 10 days. #1. You
betrayed the fact that no one will know the time, No one knows the day. #2. For some people it
seemed as though Cobra knows when the event will happen and he’s not going to say. Can you
comment on why you knew the event was not going to happen in 10 days.

COBRA – It is very simple. I have certain intel that made me sure that the event was not
possible to happen in that 10 day time frame. I posted that because there were a lot of speculation
over the internet about the RV on the 22 or 21st of July and many speculations about the event
happening today or tomorrow, I just wanted to cool down people, that was all. It has nothing to
do with me or my travels. I just wanted to give a little bit of perspective. I don’t know the date of
the event.

Rob – Beautiful. I think. . . Beautiful answer. Thank you for that.

COBRA – There is more to this. When there is certain operations of the light forces going on I
can say for sure that before those operations are complete the event can not happen. I receive
certain intel from time to time about that. ( OK. Very good) But it’s not set in stone. I don’t
know the date of the event.

Rob – That’s good, you’ve made that clear. I appreciate that. If you look around you ladies and
gentlemen – as you look around the world. If you think and look slowly at the situation of what
is going on. We’re not quite ready for the event. I think that’s important for people to recognize.
If you look closer. I’ve been involved in this about 45 years now. From my personal perspective
I have a calmer long range view of this. I wanted to talk about something else – another very
controversial post where a lot of people went hay-wire over. OMG rats were jumping the ship and this couldn’t possibly be and they were just throwing it up. I have to say I understand their
perspective from the newly awakened people to this particular post. You gave a beautiful
explanation of the Chimera and you mentioned that the mother ships have moved to within 200
miles of the earth’s orbit – of course invisible. I’m going to use a little analogy here. Believe me
folks I am not being tongue and cheek because Dr. Frank Strange’s, a good friend of mine, said
he had been taken to the inner earth and unicorns actually exist. They actually exist. They fly.
Dr. Frank Strange has told me he petted one. One of the people who commented on me, this is
probably a newer person and it’s understandable and I’ve heard terms from people like moving
the finish line extending the goal posts. You’ve talked about various blockages to the event. We
talked about strangelot bombs, we’ve talked about various aspects of collecting the clones, the
original Cabal members, the removing of the Archons, various things. You came up with this
unique little telling that for some new people, and for me even, it was like OMG really? We have
a little black shard which is part of the anomaly and I have to admit one person said: “What is
next. We have to find the rainbow unicorn to put the shard into it’s unicorn holes?, then What’s
next – we’ll have to find golden horseshoes?” For some new people it’s like these new things
coming up. I’d like you to comment, Are there other blockages that are going to be coming up.
How long have you know about the shard. Was this not able to be released. What’s the story with
the black shard?

COBRA – OK, basically I completely understand what people are feeling because I went
through the same process. It’s like a never ending story peeling layers upon layers of onions to
get to the center. This is not a usual planet and we are not in a usual situation. So, I know that for
some people this is stranger than science fiction and yes it is stranger than science fiction. There
is layers to this and some of those layers are quite dangerous. I have to be very careful what to
say and how to say it and when to say it. I don’t want to put anybody or any operation in
unnecessary risk, so that’s why I have to be very careful what to say and when to say, also
regarding the issue you are talking about.

Rob – OK. I understand that. Can you speak a little bit – you mentioned about the end game
move to come to the chimera. Can you speak abut anything that is going on. Has there been any
progresses and victories in that regard or is this all still classified?

COBRA – There was some progress. I might be able to release a short post about this in the near
future, but most of this is still classified. Simply, it’s a dangerous situation. It’s not easy. It’s one
of the most complex cosmic situations that need to be resolved.

Rob – Absolutely. I completely agree with that.

COBRA – And I would say one more thing. People are always wondering why the positive
military doesn’t make a move. It is precisely the reason. The negative military and especially the
Chimera group have exotic weapons which are quite dangerous and those need to be taken care
of before anything happens.

Rob – I’m going to lighten it up a little bit. I’m going to talk about plane crashes. I’m not going
to go into the Malaysian jet airliner yet. There seems to be a lot of plane crashes lately. I heard a
lot in the 1970’s from Dr. Frank Stranges andValiant Thor mentioned it. There would be many more plane crashes in the future. Not all of them are false flags. He mentioned due to the metal
fatigue and the coming changes that are being impressed upon the electromagnetic fields of the
planet that there will be more plane crashes. Would you agree that some of the plane crashes are
due to metal fatigue and simply the earth and vibrational changes that are taking place?

COBRA – Unfortunately most of the plane crashes here are the workings of the Cabal. They are
not actual plane crashes. The planes were deliberately downed. It is not an accident. I would say
it is true that metal fatigue is more present in this situation simply because there is a great stress
on the quantum level on the metal itself.

Rob – OK. Thank you for that. Are these . . . I’m not talking about the Ukraine one, that’s a very
unique one, but there’s been a series of Plane crashes in South America and China and in other
areas. Are these strategic take-downs designed to kill certain people or just more fear inciting

COBRA – OK, basically Archons want to keep humanity in the vibrational frequency of fear
and they use many different approaches to get that done. Many plane crashes in a very short
period of time can make people quite afraid. This is one thing that is happening besides many

Rob – I want to go into several of the many others. My dear friend Len Horowitz who wrote
Reverse Pirates of the DNA spiral, Death in the Air and of course his first book: AIDS and
Ebola, nature, accident or intentional. In this book he clearly reveals to people that this is an
American biological weapon created by the CDC and the US. When they first released Ebola
they wanted to see how far and fast it would spread. They went into the center of Africa and the
people died too quickly for it to spread. It seems like they attempting another aspect of their wet
dream with this new strain of Ebola which they hope will intentionally spread world wide. Are
the death numbers they are revealing real or is this more fear propaganda, not that AIDS and
Ebola isn’t absolutely a deadly virus and most likely been received through vaccinations. Would
you agree and can you comment on the current Ebola scare, hype, horror story?

COBRA – Basically this virus was developed in some of those bioweapon laboratories in Africa.
The purpose of this virus is to create enough fear to install Marshall law in the US. Of course this
will not happen. That is the plan of the Cabal, this is the reason why they are doing this.

Rob – OK. Very good. Thank you for answering all these questions. I wanted to talk about
something – false flags in general. A mentor of mine I met in Ashland when he lived there, of
course the great person who revealed the information of the Mayan Calendar – his name was
Jose Aurgelles. He spoke of various activation portals or light activities increasing vibrations. In
one of his activations he said, “from this point forward nothing will be hidden.” It seems to me
everyone who is new to this information and especially awake and aware and all those people
who are reading true sights and fighting all of this. It’s like a horror story where People are biting
their nails every second. They’re reacting to these horrible acts of terror which they should on a
certain level. You would agree with me that these acts have been taking place for well over 60
years. It’s just now that the curtain has been drawn back and the intelligent people are aware of it and they keep getting shocked and shocked. This is all Cabal fodder again designed to instigate
fear, correct?

COBRA – Basically those things were happening for the last 25K years. You had epidemics of
cholera, plague in Europe in the dark ages which were far worse than what we were having now.
The mechanism behind that was the same. It was bioengineer weapon and it was spread
intentionally. Yes, there were people belonging to the Cabal in the middle ages who had
technology to develop those bio – weapons. The situation is now the same. The only differences
now is people are aware of what is going on. Because people are aware this will end. Because
Awareness is the key to stop this.

Rob – Very good, the whole truth. It kind of shocked me here, the middle ages they had those
techniques. I can imagine with the black middle ages version of the Archons and the advanced
alchemists in the middle ages cooking up these . . . .

COBRA – No! No.They were beings who had laboratories and were developing this in the
middle ages. They were not part . . . I would say break away civilization in the middle ages. A
very small advanced scientific group which was part of the Archon Chimera network.

Rob – Yes, that’s what I’m saying. Maybe I explained it incorrectly. So that was interesting. So
at that time did they have their own antidote for themselves in the royals?

COBRA – For themselves yes, and for the royals, they were obeying their agenda under certain

Rob – Wow, that’s really heavy to know. I can just imagine that’s been going on. So let’s get
back – a lot of people have been asking questions. We’ll probably have some more specific ones
on that. Ukraine, the WWIII attempt. I would like you to comment on the jets and the false flag
and of course the stopping of gas to Germany and all of these attempts. Does the resistance
movement and Galactic Federation have this firmly in hand. All though these atrocities are
continue; deaths, mayhem, brother against brother, small fodder fights continue.

COBRA – It’s not just about Ukraine. It’s happening all over the planet simply before the event
happens, it is not possible to prevent all that violence because it’s free will of people involved.
Of course people are manipulated into this. But they choose to be manipulated into this. If the
masses would refuse this manipulation then this violence would not happen.

Rob – Yes, thank you very much. Wow, that’s very interesting . I’ve know all this is going on all
over the world. In certain situation this is arousing the horror of people. Due to my illness
recently I’ve been on my back in my bed and I’ve been watching way more television than I ever
have in the last 14 days, more than the last 6 years. It saddens me to see. Actually the cabal’s got
me going now. This unfortunate and horrible situation of the Zionists in Israel which is nothing
to do with the faith of people who seek the true living God – which ever religion they’re in,
although religions have all been manipulated. Truth is the truth and we don’t need priesthood’s
to tell us what to do. The horrible bombings that have taken place. Recently, of course they look
into it and say “we’ll look into this and look into that”. They bombed a UN hospital and a children’s school and they took out an electrical plant on purpose. The death toll is something
like 1400 palestinians and 43 Israelis’. Can you comment on this very horrible situation. Valiant
Thor, through Dr. Frank Strange has indicated that this is a very important conflict which is key
to the event. Would you agree and can you comment on that?

COBRA – OK One question at a time. Yes, basically the Zionists have nothing to do with Jews
as a nation. The Zionists are people who have their own agenda and their agenda is the agenda of
the dark forces. They are a faction inside the Cabal. The Rothchild’s dynasty is the leader of that
faction. They are obeying the directive from the Jesuits. Their objective is to remove the
Palestinians from Israel completely. This is what they are doing. They want to erase them from
Israel’s territory. This has been going on the last 50-60 years. This process has intensified. This
conflict has been created artificially and on purpose to be a constant trigger point to Bring
conflict and suffering to humanity. A lot of healing will be needed int hat region of the world
after the event. This hatred between Israelis’ and Palestinians was artificially engineered. People
were sucked into this conflict. A lot of healing will be needed after the event happens.

Rob – As a young man I took a trip to Paris. I sat and was reading something about Israel. I sat
by a gentleman who told me what happened when he was 12 years old and how they took over.
There are many maps of where Israel started and how they’ve continually encroached. Palestine
is a very small section. This looks like their very bold move to completely destroy them. The
media showed it looked like a neo-nazi faction of overly aggressive Jewish males dancing in the
streets and shouting slogans “thank God the children are dead.” It’s designed to inflame people
while this continues. It’s a very sad situation. Would you agree that this is very key to the world
situation – this particular point on the planet and this conflict (yes) as part of the major . . . Can
you comment a little more on that?

COBRA – Yes. Basically the plan of the Rothchild’s was to create a state of Israel to have a
constant trigger so they could trigger WWIII if necessary. They have tried many times to inflame
that area where it would lead to International conflict. It is connected to the situation in Syria and
neighboring countries. the Light forces have been preventing this conflict from spreading many
many times. Their plan has failed and will never be successful.

Rob – OK. Well I’m glad that the larger plans have failed. My heart goes out to the Palestinian
people and their children and the entire process of death and destruction that this bully – Zionist
nation has inflicted upon the people in Palestine. I have one more question in regard to this
conflict. Is, from your intelligence, Hamas really firing the rockets or is this Israeli provocateurs
filing rockets up in the air, and hitting nothing on purpose to have an excuse for their reign of

COBRA – OK. I will put it this way. There are people on both sides of the conflict that are
working for the Cabal.

Rob – OK and I have to again apologize for that type of world situation. I got a couple more
questions and then we’ll get to the regular folks questions. I hope you folks don’t mind. I wanted
to clarify some things with Cobra and he’s doing a great job and I hope you will understand
where we are going here. We have plenty of time left. You mentioned before that the underground bases are getting closed. I’ve had several other sources who told me recently that
the Cabal still has several of these bases that they are constantly pouring trucks and supplies into,
hoping to survive. I understand at certain points in time the white hats in the military will
collapse certain tunnels and break them down. It seems they endlessly think they can get away
and hide. Do you agree they still have some tunnels, I don’t know how deep they are. They are
still trying to create hidy holes for themselves.

COBRA – I would just agree with that. The upper most portions of some military bases, I would
say . 30 miters or less to the surface, there is something. Like you have a cellar your house. Also
Military base can have some underground facilities. It is not structured in a way as it was before.
There are no fully functioning underground negative Military bases any more. Not in the old
sense of how they was a whole network linked by high speed trains. That does not exist any

Rob – Ok thank you, however I’m not talking about military bases, I’m talking about bomb
shelter sellers for the elite.

COBRA – Those cannot give any protection for the elite. When the time is right the resistance
can remove them in 15 minutes to half an hour.

Rob – Good, that’s what I know they can do. OK. I’m getting ready to go on to the regular
questions from our people. Let’s talk about the electronic harassment. I’m still hearing from
several sources who’ve contacted me and several people. It still seems the government has some
very advanced electronic harassment methods which are being applied to certain individuals. Do
you agree these are still going on and is there any progress is ending these programs?

COBRA – OK. Basically what they have is plasma scalar wave technology which is part of the
electronic harassment. This can be quite nasty in some cases. There has been some progress in
this area but not enough yet. All this technology is tied to strangelot bombs and other exotic
weapons. It’s inter-connected.

Rob – Hmmmm, interesting. I have read reports that HAARP in Alaska has been shut down and
has not been operational. I don’t have any insight intel on that. There have been many many
sister HAARP programs around the world. There seems to be some HAARP still operational. Is
this correct?

COBRA – OK Basically those HAARP sites are ionosphere heaters. They heat the ionosphere so
it creates a scalar network around the world. This has mostly been removed. There are other
scalar technologies which are directed closer to the surface and are not quite as effective and
those have not been removed.

Rob – OK Good. That clears that one up. Now to the last question that I have. I may pop in with
another one as we move forward with our other guest. This has always been a concern. I have
always felt that the GFL and the Resistance movement would simply stop this from going on. I
would like people to know that I was told by a certain person that the pentient chip that says, it
plays a musical strum (bruuum) intel inside simply means when you start your computer that a pentium chip inside every computer gives the Cabal network access to every single computer
around the world – would you agree with that Cobra?

COBRA – Yes, that is common knowledge. Every computer, every electronic device is
connected to NSA servers.

Rob – There you go folks. With that said – there have been talks about making laws with
internet things have to be removed. They made some powerful moves in Europe especially. I
have received a notification from Theresa Sumner today that her web-site is blocked and certain
things are happening. This is very disturbing because this is the message and the voice of truth
for people access knowledge and awareness. Can you comment on the current state of the
blocking of the internet from the public and from true sites in particular being hacked and

COBRA – Unfortunately, yes this is happening. The reason why it was not happening more
before is because the resistance movement and light forces had people inside the NSA to insure
the blogs will be intact. This is war and there are situations where things are not going as
planned. This is one of those situations. There might be some disturbance in certain cases in the
blog-o-sphere but I don’t expect this to go very far.

Rob – OK ,thank you very much. That’s good news. Hopefully the minor forward motion of the
forces of control and censorship will be stymied and ended by the light forces, the good guys will
take this over. Now I want to start out with our friend Kauilapele – he’s been kind in giving us
information on the recording stuff, which is quite complex. He use to hear from many galactic
sources that the use of nuclear weapons would no longer be allowed. You Cobra, mentioned
something about a 1958 explosion which was moderated by the galactic federation. However
Gordon Duff of Veterans Times – (and I really like that guy. He’s pounding it out there. He’s
definitely a white hat in the military.) He’s been releasing many documents of Russian Intel of
the variety of nuclear devices which are still apparently available or could potentially be used in
the future for terror type attacks.

COBRA – OK. I would say the military thinks they can be used but it doesn’t mean they can be

Rob – Very good. I would agree with that. I was told by the Galactic Federation many years ago
that after Hiroshima no nuclear attack would be allowed from one country to another, although
though small types have occurred inside the earth and other places – destroying our ecosphere
but never again into a full nuclear attack. Along these lines, are the GFL doing things to
neutralize such weapon or are they other than if someone puts their finger on the button it just
doesn’t work?

COBRA – I won’t go into technical detail here, but those things will be taken care of.

Rob – OK. Is it true that 50K cabal members were offered the option to be taken off planet by
the pleiadians and only 11,000 went. This guy said they were given ascension while we suffer.
Would you agree that is complete ridiculousness or is there some truth to that?

COBRA – The cabal members are not invited to leave the planet. They are removed from the
planet. They are given opportunity to join the light forces and if they refuse they are taken to the
central sun. They work on themselves like everybody else. It is not a reward, it is not
punishment. It is simply a clearing process. Yes, some of them have been removed. Many of
them have not been removed yet obviously. All of them will be removed at the time of the event.

Rob – Have some of them been removed willingly, approached and said “do you want to go” or
have they been removed in their arrest process?

COBRA – Basically, some members of the Cabal who were inside of the illuminati network
against their will. They wanted to go and some of them went when it was possible. Most of the
people who were removed were going through the arrest process or the removal process, one
way or the other.

Rob – Very good, so this gives a great explanation. There is no ascension. Most of those people
will have to go through their ascension way after the average human. Cobra made it clear that
they were arrested or some of them were victims at birth and being in families and were taken
away from the suffering of their soul and this is an act of compassion and they were taken to
areas or mother ships or unknown to be healed. Thank you very much. Now we’re just going to
bounce through some of the people’s questions. What is sleep paralysis. They weren’t sure what
was going on with sleep paralysis. What is happening with sleep paralysis? Are they caught in
the Astral plane in re-entering the body?

COBRA – OK. As I understand this, it is the situation as you re-enter the body and you can not
move the body. You can not move the body because the body, the etheric body is blocked by a
scalar wave technology that the Cabal is using to control people and to instill more fear. This is
in the process of being dismantled but it will take some time to completely remove this.

Rob – OK there you have it folks. Sleep paralysis is when you exit your body into the astral
plane through sleep or dream mode – if you come into your body there may be a particularly
high scalar technology from the dark forces in your location which will freeze you from going
into your body. How many Cabal members are there? How many of them are mind controlled vs.
making their own free will choices of actions.

COBRA – Everybody inside the Cabal is mind controlled. You can determine their number
according to the definition of what the Cabal is. I would say there are a few thousands of the
main members. There are literally millions of people cooperating with them and supporting their
agenda one way or another.

Rob – OK. this may have been answered before. What is going to happen to the unlawful
criminal justice system. All the corrupt Judges, Attorneys, Police, correctional facility personnel.
Can you comment. Will they be placed in remedial healing. Will they be held accountable for
their crimes like raping people inside prisons all that kind of stuff or the corrupt judges who put
people in jail for hundreds of thousands of years of sentences which are probably false. What
will happen there?

COBRA – OK. At first the truth of this will be exposed. Everybody will have to answer for their
actions. It’s not about punishment but about creating a new balance. Some people will balance
their actions through positive work towards humanity. Some people will be arrested and have
some time in jail. Most will go through a re-education process and re-structuring process. Some
of the people will be removed from the planet.

Rob – Very good. This is from Ada: Do you know what was behind the Rwandan Genocide in

COBRA – It’s an Archon creation. Archon’s have organized this genocide through various
means. One was a Jesuit network which has put certain people in positions in Rwanda and
neighboring countries. Very strong Archon influence from the Etheric and Astral planes which
have driven many people insane. This was an organized engineered Archon creation, I would say
A Black magic ritual on a mass scale in 1994.

Rob – The last Archon invasion occurred in 1996 in this region, is there a link to these two? I
would say of course, yes.

COBRA – Yes – of course. This black magic ritual was preparation for the dark portal that
opened in that area in Jan 1996.

Rob – OK. Here’s a question. You explain how the Chimera group came here 25k years ago and
set up the earth quarantine that was for the purpose of prevent surface humans from leaving the
planet. They’ve been living under the earth’s surface in the same physical bodies ever since.
Weren’t the ARchons the one who enslaved humanity and ran everything behind the scenes?
And how do these 2 negative groups fit into the broader picture relative to each other?

COBRA – the Archons and the Chimera group are 2 sides of the same coin. they are a little bit
different. The Chimera are more focused on the technology aspect. They Archons more on the
spiritual control, mind control aspect. They are working it together. They originate from the
same region on the cosmos.

Rob – OK Cobra, thank you very much. Great answer again. You are clearing up a lot of things.
I’m really happy with this interviews. It’s going to make a lot of people happy. Many people,
like Delores Cannon who are quite accurate and all the prophecies have spoken about the earth
shift – causing great upheaval for the surface. We’ve talked about this before being further in the
future way after the event when the human surface population is . . . Post “meet the E.T.’s” the
end of the century has passed. The event has taken place. People want to know if this kind of
pole shift and earth changes still considered for a future day? Is everything balanced out. Will
some of us be taken to the inner earth into the ascension like chambers?

COBRA – OK. – information about the physical polar shift is classified information so it will
not be released at this time. I can answer the 2nd part. Yes, after the event certain people will be taken underground inside the Agarthan network. Yes, at certain points people will be taken into
the ascension chambers.

Rob – OK, will that be immediately after the event possibly.

COBRA – Not immediately after the event but soon after the event.

Rob – OK. This is a good question for a little light and hope. You talk about soul contract and
etheric implants. Someone asked if we have any power over our soul contracts to choose any
kind of experience on the earth. The light forces see that certain things happen or do the Archons
have all the power and we did not choose any little experience here on earth.

COBRA – OK. you are the ones who created or signed a soul contract and at any moment you
can change it or delete it, whichever way you want. Nobody else can do it except you. If you
don’t like your soul contract you can just change it. It’s your decision. Of course when you do
change it it will take some time for this to manifest. You have to release your attachment to the
other parties in the contract . Especially with all the contracts with the dark forces have to be
released, have to be revoked, made null and void as soon as possible. Everyone who came into
quarantine area had to sign a contract with the Archons. This will be the first thing to be released.
Rob – So simply stated, we have been held hostage and it’s been implemented that if we want to
incarnate, we sign a soul contract and we are basically bound by that. It sounds like a deal with
the devil. Kind of hard to understand or explain to those of us who have no real experience of the
life in the Astral or etheric planes and how that relates because of the veil we’ve been blocked to
that memory, which is part of that contract. It seems very unfair, of course it is. How do we
reverse this. Can we do that by stating the nature of the contract, like we did in Egypt. Does the
other side have to be present for us to cancel this contract. Are they forced to agree if we decree
and declare it so.

COBRA – Your decision is key – your decision is the key. If you make the decision to revoke
the contract it will be done. You have the power and the original soul contracts were made 25K
years ago or even longer ago. You agreed on certain levels to incarnate here under the conditions
that were given, that were presented to you by the Archons but it doesn’t mean you have to be
____ to that. You can cancel the contract and the Archons can not stop you. They will try to
present obstacles to this. The more people take their destinies in their own hand and change those
contract, the more power we will have and the more power the Archons will loose. That is
already happening.

Rob – Would you agree that the contract ending can be done simply by a person raising their
vibration and choosing not to partake or be influenced by any negativity, emotional, fear
reaction, anger type issues coming up, simply by the power of decision, and not enacting any of
these lower vibrational illusionary, illuminati, Archon created realities that we’ve been in. If we
simply refuse to participate and live in the light we effectively nullify that contract. Is that

COBRA – That’s part of the process, yes.

Rob – Thank you. Someone said thanks for another enlightening interview last month. This
person still wants to know that if they die before the event, what can they do to avoid being
hostage to the Archons.

COBRA – It is a matter of the vibrational frequency. If you have the right vibration, the right
state of consciousness the veil will not be abel to influence you so much.

Rob – OK. someone asked would you to answer about alcohol and recreational drugs if any on
spiritual development.

COBRA – Alcohol and drugs in most cases have a negative effect on consciousness. If people
use alcohol or certain other substances very consciously they can assist temporarily reaching
higher states of consciousness. But in most cases the Archons are manipulating those substances
to enslave people and tie them with lower astral plane.

Rob – Thank you very much that is very clear. I have a bunch of questions here by Freddy. I
don’t know if you want to go into that. Questions about the Malaysian Airliners. Was it related to
some progress towards the removal of chimera or an attack against the Eastern Alliance. He
wants to know about the Nigerian crash and heavy weather, was there more to it.

COBRA – step by step. Which one is first? (Malaysian Airliner – progress toward the removal
of Chimera)? No, It was simply a false flag attempt to frame Russia but this was not successful.
Rob – In January Christine Lagarde gave a speech at a international press conference where she
gave a numerology lesson about the number 7. Did that have anything to do with the attack
planned in July. The financial thing. What was the number 7 in this weird speech she gave.

COBRA – Yes, the cabal was expecting for certain things to happen in July and they did not

Rob – She was giving a little heads up 7, 7, the occult meaning and get ready. Would you say
Christine Lagarde is a cabal member?

COBRA – She’s associating with the Cabal.

Rob – She’s basically doing their bidding, right?

COBRA – Not in all situations but in many situations.

Rob – Is she unwitting in this or does she love her power and continued to do this. Does she
have any positive consciousness towards healing this or is she blindly paddling left or right, or
left, left, left, then right and doesn’t have any idea what is going on.

COBRA – She has some idea what is going on and there are both positive aspects of her and
negative aspects of her. We will see what prevails.

Rob – Thank you. Alright, someone has asked if there has been any progress of the removal of
the etheric implants and the invisibles after the very powerful cosmic goddess solstice activation.

COBRA – There was some progress but not yet enough.

Rob – Is there only one person that acts as a connector between the Chimera and the break-way
civilization or is there more.

COBRA – There is more.

Rob – Can you talk about the break-away civilization.

COBRA – OK, be more specific.

Rob – What is the break-away civilization.

COBRA – The break-away civilization, I would say, a group of people who have access to
advance technologies to the point that their life-style is significantly different from the lifestyle
of the people on the planet. They are the rich humanity on the surface of the planet. They have
advanced technology and their way thinking is different because of their access to that. They
lived on the surface planet before they had access to underground bases. They had access to
inter-planetary travel some time ago. They still keep access to inside intel and advanced
technologies. They are working directly with the Chimera group and most of them are woking on
black military projects.

Rob – So they have access to advanced healing technologies and things of this nature, yes?

COBRA – Yes –

Rob – Yes and they keep it for themselves out of a sense of entitlement and arrogance. (Exactly).
That’s the world situation going on there. Here’s a question: what changes do you see happening
in the world’s educational system after the event. We know it will be re-structured. Can you give
us more insight on that.

COBRA – Of course this current Rockefeller based education system will be completely
transformed. People will have access to the truth about our history, about science, about the
spiritual development, about our place in the universe and the whole education will be structured
in a way to create better people and not mind programmed controlled us.

Rob – Very good, thank you. Sociopaths are people who exists in our society who can not feel
emotion. Are those people bereft of their emotional attachment caused by Archon implants,
genetics or Archon scalar technology or a combination.

COBRA – Basically it’s trauma based. Those people have been exposed to cosmic anomalies.
Trauma either this life or past life times. Part of their soul connection was destroyed. Some of those people can be healed and some of them can not be healed and some of those people don’t
want to be healed.

Rob – OK. How will the returning feminine prepare people to receive the mighty “I am
presence” and develop our consciousness field toward the light.

COBRA – It is not just about the feminine it’s about the balance between feminine and
masculine that will open the channel to the “I am presence”.

Rob – OK. After the event, quite soon it is anticipated that projects for first contact will start?
Will people be allowed to volunteer for such projects? (yes) Very good. I have a question here –
I’ve actually recently talked to someone. I talked to Andrew Basaigo who will be speaking at my
conference in Sept. – he was involved in the Mars Jump projects, he knew him as Barry Soetoro
at that time. He told me and it’s very interested. It was in a personal conversation with you or
another conversation with you on one of your posts where you talk about giant kind of created
being on the Orion Rigel system. When we talk about Archon we talk about the major Arcana
and Minor arcana of the tarot as symbolic of various dimensional realities in the multiverse of
illusion that we’ve all created here. The minor arcana are considered spiders. I talked to one
person who was an abductee who had encounters with grays. During his abductions he said there
were there were very small spiders, human from the waist up. This is really “out there” for me. I
know beings come in different shapes and sizes. Can you comment on these beings. Are these
beings from Orion. What’s the story of these spider beings. Andrew Basagio said he saw them on

COBRA – Yes, many of these beings originate from Orion, from the Regal system. They are
genetic experiments. They are mutations from various races which were engineered by the
Archons throughout Galactic history and yes, there were such beings on Mars in the past. It was
possible to see those beings in underground bases on mars.

Rob – Wow. This is really out there for even me and I’m pretty open minded about stuff. These
things themselves are genetic mutations and kind of victims of the dark force from the previous
invasions of other worlds, kind of like the grays were. Correct?

COBRA – Yes, in a similar way but much more mutated.

Rob – Yes, mutated. I can’t imagine having that thing going on. Someone asked here, they talk
about – why is it so difficult to get the break in the non-physical plane with all this negative stuff
going on. Why are the Archons so resisting and blocking the process. Do they know it’s going to
be ended and their situation is going to end anyway. Why are they continuously fighting and
refusing to surrender.

COBRA – OK. They went too far in their direction and they are afraid of what will happen when
this is going to end. Their basic motivation is fear.

Rob – A lot of people are really suffering in a financial pinch in various countries. It’s getting
worse and worse and it’s taking place in America. It seems possible that in the near future here,

given in America that things could get disrupted. What is your comment on the rumors that
Germany may join the BRICS alliance headed by Angela Merkel – Hitler’s daughter. I don’t see
that as anything but an attempt to derail the BRICS. Is there anything to this rumor. Is there any
progress along the financial lines in their attempts to RV the world currencies?

COBRA – Basically it’s truly yes, that Germany wants to Join the BRICS alliance. Especially
there is a really strong real economic sector in Germany. Those people are very much interested
in joining the BRICS alliance because they realize what is happening with the US and with the
US dollar. It does not mean that Angela Merkel supports the process but she has to face the
political and economic reality of the world.

Rob – Thank you. Here’s a good question: Is there actually a black sun or is that a dark forces
interpretation of the galactic central sun and how they see it and if there is one, is it a binary sun
that can not be seen by the naked eye or is that a myth created by Constantine dark star worship.
What ‘s the story

COBRA – It’s the Cabal’ interpretation of the Galactic central sun. Most of the radiation from
the Galactic central sun is not in the visible light spectrum. It’s a symbol of the darkness and they
have twisted it around like they have twisted many esoteric symbols and have perverted it’s
meaning. They do not understand the higher perspective of the Galactic Central Sun. For them it
means that.

Rob – You stated recently that the little shard, the black stone which is part of the larger one is at
the center of the cosmic anomaly and the darkness. Are you able to tell us where ad how that
black stone originated. What exactly is the abnormally that caused the darkness and suffering.

COBRA – This black stone is actually a very dense condensate of strange or dark quark matter.
Potentially very dangerous state of matter which can cause a lot of trouble. On the quantum level
it is connected to the quantum chaos which is the source of suffering.
Rob – How did it originate.

COBRA – It was created out of nothing, spontaneously.

Rob – By fallen beings or just natural . . .

COBRA – It was a natural process like a random function which doesn’t have a meaning. Wild
fluctuation on the quantum level.

Rob – If anyone was in its’ presence or touched it, would your consciousness or vibrational
levels be messed up? Is this what happened to the chimera beings. What happened. How did they
find it.

COBRA – It was artificially created. You have those cern accelerators on planet earth. Imagine
this technology much more advanced and it was existing millions of years ago and this top quark

condensate is dangerous potentially. It’s not dangerous now but if you change the condition of
this condensate, it can turn the planet into a super nova, basically.

Rob – I interviewed Veronica Keen who is very sweet. I heard from many people that Ireland
and certain ley line point which is called Tara, and of course from my Billy Meyer experiences in
the early days when I was getting the contact notes, they talked about the Pleiadians contacts and
with what they called the Ip-swishes or the equivalence of what we would call Yahweh the
misunderstanding of these beings as God’s rather than just spiritual beings. My question is what
is the importance of Ireland and Tara as the connective points in the earth ley lines. Is this a
super important point or is this just a major vortex like other ones around the planet.

COBRA – It’s one of the most important vortex points because Ireland was part of the old
Atlantis. It is one of the strongest entry points for goddess Energy. Partially the reason for this is
after the Archon invasion about 1600 years ago, Ireland was not completely subjugated and
Goddess energy was quite strong there for many centuries. It’s still quite strong there now. Those
ley lines are actually carrying this Goddess force throughout the planet.

Rob – Very good, very good. That actually coordinates with Veronica Keen. On my web-site I
just recently did an interview with Veronica Keen. As you click on the Cobra portal link at the
top. It says “Cobra Interviews” right above the Victory of the light. It’s a very interesting
interview with Veronica Keen about this you may want to look at that in the feature. Is it true
that the Cern experiment was trying to affect this major ley line point in Ireland.


Rob – OK, the cabal wasn’t doing anything to try and get that going? Someone says – in your
recent post the fall of the chimera and you say the chimera were a master rogue group that slaved
and quarantined earth and they enslaved the reptilians and Draco beings. Can you tell us
anything about the reptilians and Draco’s were like prior to coming to earth. Were they already
hostile beings or was their DNA altered in scalar wave technology to make them more violent
without any emotions or empathy.

COBRA – They were hostile before but they were not as hostile as they are now.

Rob – Is there any hope for rehabilitation for the majority of the enslaved reptilians and draco’s.

COBRA – For the Draco there is no hope because they have quite developed mental body. The
reptilians there is vast hope because they are very emotional. There is too much focus on lower
emotions it is very hard to recover beings like that.

Rob – OK. Very good. How much do you foresee human behavior thoughts and speech
improving as soon as the scalar wave technology implant is removed and immediately after the

COBRA – When the scalar technology and the implants are removed there will be a drastic
improvement in well being. People will be much more happy. People will be much more

balanced and much less violent behavior among general population. When the event happens the
cabal will be removed and it will be even, even, even better.

Rob – OK. and the follow-up question is – at this point do you feel human behavior is influenced
by Archonic technology itself or is it due to the mental programming that has persisted for so
long. and the negative habits that have become ingrained in humans. I know they work together.
Which one do you think is more potent.

COBRA – They are so interconnected there is it’s actually both.

Rob – 3D matrix is obviously flawed to the very core. How can a parasitic construct which is
fueled by energy harvesting ever be rectified.

COBRA – Simply by removing all negativity. The only thing that is left is the light.

Rob – Another question I had from Antwon and he’s probably referring as I understand from my
teachers is that the light on the astral plane, when a being is there it’s actually different.
Everything is self illuminated. At the time of the event is the world, after we make a shift. . . Will
there be nothing but light. Will there be no darkness. Literally, as the sun, will there always be

COBRA – On the physical plane you will still have day and night but there will be no more
spiritual darkness as you can call it.

Rob – We always hear about the feminine and the masculine energy but we rarely speak about
what they are. Antwon thinks it’s important for the basic understanding. Do you agree that
masculine energy is action, movement, uniqueness and freedom and the is feminine is
receptivity, compassion, connection and unity.

COBRA – Yes, I would agree with that.

Rob – OK. you mentioned a few time that the universe was created as a result of dynamic
tension between two opposing forces. Can you talk a little more about this.

COBRA – One is the force of one, some call it the source, some call it God or Goddess. There
are many names for this. The other source is the is the random quantum function. The universe
was created as a result of the interaction of those two forces. Darkness was not created. It just
came into being by itself. This is the reason it is so hard to understand darkness because it does
not have any meaning. Suffering does not have any meaning. Actions by the cabal do not have
any meaning because they are not originating from higher perspective. It is simply a reaction to
the underlaying quantum reality which has not been integrated or absorbed into the one.

Rob – Excellent. Here’s a little twosome tidbit for the Egyptologist. Who is Nefratiti. What was
her role on the earth. What time period did her reign take place.

COBRA – I would say roughly 3,500 years ago, give or take a few hundred years. Actually
during that time period there was a strong battle between two different groups and one of the
groups was the ones who are now controlling the religion, the Archons who were try to install
basic religion and that first attempt at that time. The other force was the old mystery schools
which were trying to keep the wisdom and knowledge of Atlantis at that time. There was quite a
strong battle between those two forces at that time.

Rob – Were they using advanced technology with the sun ships or the space ships. Were they
around or was that more of an earth based thing.

COBRA – No, no, it was an earth based thing. It was more of a magical cult war. Doing magical
rituals and infiltration like it is now. It’s quite similar to what is happening now.

Rob – . I have another interesting thing. More of a recent thing. Of course the cabal and their
efforts to inflame the people, George Bush passed a law that illegal aliens children’s coming here
will be able to be processed and be able to stay here, kind of a thing to actually obviously incite
racial tension and to inflame people. There have been people protesting. There’s been a huge
orchestrated movement of children to the US saying some of them from El Salvador involved in
the central war gangs and murders going on. I was kind of wondering what was behind all this
besides that. Someone told me that one of the plans when they release these children many of
them who do have families here and I don’t believe in borders they should be able to come here.
If you disagree you don’t understand the financial system we could have. We could have health
care for free. It will be no burden. I’ve been told by one person but I don’t have back up evidence
to this that They’re going to be injected with a super – Here you can go but you have to have an
American vaccination shot. One person said this is intended to create a kind of a deadly plague
kind of situation. Another attempt for their FEMA camp and their wet dream biological
apocalypse. Do you have more information on this latest moment of boarder crisis. 100,000
children sitting in various camps being flown around the country at great expenses and not being
either repatriated to their countries at once.

COBRA – OK. The cabal wants those children for their test subjects for their experiments.

Rob – Yes, I’m sure there is a lot of sex slaves. A lot of children will be pulled aside for sex slave camps.

COBRA – This is also part of the situation, yes.

Rob – Oh my gosh.

COBRA – So it’s good to expose those people and to release the information of what is going on
in those camps.

Rob – Unfortunate they’re in the camps. Some people are leaking some information and photo’s
inside those camps. That’s all homeland security,ATF , FBI, CIA, NSA, and all the other little
robots of the little ubersturm furhrer Bush Sr.. His Natzi, opus dei, vatican puppets that run our
country right now. The patriots are getting pretty fed up. At some point Cobra, I mean for those

of us which wish to remain non-violent, is it possible that some people within the white hats and
the military or some good citizens will get fed up and start to take the law into their own hands
and lawfully attempt citizens arrest on these criminals in these locations. If that happens, will the
Galactic forces try to stop that if people get crazy and seek to hunt down Dick Cheney and his
lair and take him out. I personally think that guy is trying to kill us. I don’t have a problem with
it actually seeing him arrested and if he dies in his arrest, it’s a good thing. My personal opinion.

COBRA – I will explain. The light forces will not stop the patriots in actions like this, but there
might be problems because, for example, if Dick Cheney gets killed, he can be recycled and put
in a new cloned body and come back again. That’s one thing. There are more things to this.
There needs to be more unity and organization and coordination if actions like this are ever
attempted. If this are just lone attempts of a few lone individuals, it will fail. If it’s a well done
coordinated actions of a strong inter-connected group. It can be successful. It will speed up the

Rob – Yea, it seems impossible to find the leadership and intelligence. Most of the people who
do carry the guns and are fed up they’re emotional reactionaries, a lot of them are veterans that
have witnesses the destruction of our nation and have seen the lies and are fed up. Many of them
have PTSD and are about to go off. It’s a sad situation. I hope there are strong coordinated
efforts within the positive military that are planning on. . . .

COBRA – Yes, that’s another story there. There are people within the positive military knows
exactly what is going on. They are very coordinated and this is precisely why they are not taking
action at this point. They understand if they trigger action now before the stragelot bombs are
removed or anything else of that nature, that can be very dangerous. (Really) We wanted to take
actions decades ago. They have understanding of the situation.

Rob – Do any of these guys in the positive military have access to very high technology
weapons that can counteract these scalar fields. How many of them have the advanced

knowledge of the stragelot bombs. There only a few at the elite top levels that understand the in-
depth information between the GLF and the Orion group. Obviously You can’t be telling this to

the average soldier. These are very elite circles within the white hats of the positive military
groups around the world. Is that correct?

COBRA – Yes. I would say that the top people in the positive military know exactly what is
going on. They have excellent intel sources but they don’t speak about it for various reasons. Of
course the average soldier can get a lot of intel from the internet and broaden his understanding.
The positive military would like for people to be more educated and more coordinated because
that is what will be needed at the time of the event.

Rob – Absolutely. There is continued – I’ve gone to the sites myself. The US government is still
hiring and training individuals to be placed in FEMA camps as security officers and there are
stories of all the different round up in places. Can you please reassure us again, that the FEMA
camps will not be used. Is there any possibility that they may try to start these up or could this
type of action trigger the event.

COBRA – They will not be used to trigger the event. If they go too far the Light forces will take
some risks and will stop this. If the event happens in this way, it will not be easy, it will not be an
easy transition. Each will happen sooner in that case but it will not be a smooth transition.

Rob – Yes, I think it’s been a really long row to hoe and there’s lots of negativity out there.
Getting close to the end here Cobra. I would like to thank you again for this wonderful interview.
You’ve shed a lot of light on a lot of subjects. You’ve come through like a champ on all the areas
where I was getting a lot of flax from people. I was kind of sick. I was like: “Tell it to the hand.
You’re over reacting, Relax, there’s an explanation.” People just have to be patient. It’s hard to
be patient when the world is burning and my suggestion is that you grab a bucket and you put it
out and you get together with other like minded individuals. We need to put aside our differences
and we need to gather in groups and co-ops, in islands of light, gathering in properties and near
sacred sites, buying huge swaths of land and creating alternative life styles and acting as forces
of healing. Like at the e-ceti ranch. BTW, James Gilliland is going to be on my radio show this
Sunday. It will come out about the same time as the Cobra’s interview so check that out under
radio interviews. I want to remind you to go to my blog, sign up on my e-mail list. Due to the
victory of light and Cobra coming home this interview, I am going to extend the deadline for the
early bird special to my Mt Shasta event by one week. The prices are going to stay there.

COBRA – thank you so much. Please share your blog spot and any wonderful news about
anything you have going on with your upcoming events or products. Anything you want people
to know about Cobra and the portal team.

COBRA – Just keep checking my blog 2012portal.blogspot.com and if there’s anything you’ll
be informed at the right time.

Rob — OK. COBRA – thank you very much. It’s been a wonderful interview. For those who
have submitted some questions I apologize (for not getting to them). Some of your questions are
answered on Cobra’s blog or my spot and we can’t keep asking some of the same questions even
though I know they are important to you. Keep researching We will have more questions next
month. You can look for this radio show to continue. We’ve had some wonderful responses. I
want to thank Rique Seraphico and the beautiful DaNell Glade from the Financial Leadership of
prepareforchange.net, and thanks to smally who will be creating the video for this. Cobra, again
thank you so much. Victory to the light.

COBRA – Thank you everybody for listening and yes, Victory of the Light is near.
