2013 Conferences





  • A) The Introduction Post



 January 26, 2013

" After the successful activation of the 12-21-2012 portal in Egypt, we are beginning with a new cycle of Cobra conferences. 

There people will receive more in-depth intel and will be able to ask questions. The locations of those conferences are strategically positioned on planetary vortex points to enhance the planetary Light body grid. The purpose of the conferences is twofold: to strengthen the planetary Light body with vortex activations and to bring some Light and clarity in the minds of dedicated lightworkers. Each of the conferences will be a unique energetic event. You can help making this viral by posting this information on your websites, blogs and facebook.

The first of those conferences will be taking place in London from February 15th to February 17th this year.

This conference will be located very close to the famous »City«, which is the major center of financial control for the planet and we will be activating the London vortex so that it will become one of the main Light vortexes in the planetary grid. Some new intel will be released at this conference and will later be released on the blog also. 

You can get more information about the London conference and you can also register here:

There will be more conferences coming after London and they will be announced on my blog when all details are finalized.

See you there!


Right as we start our conference on Friday, a near-Earth asteroid will pass well within the geostationary orbit very close to Earth. It will not hit us, but the energy of its passage so close to the surface will be very exciting:



  • B) The Report



  February 22, 2013

" Our conference was a great success! In cooperation with St. Germain, we have managed to put a Light virus in the etheric matrix structure of the energy vortex of the City, a major planetary financial center. This will have a long lasting positive consequences on the etheric energy structure of the planet and will assist in the transformation of the financial system. There were some other very positive things going on, but they can not be communicated, they have to be experienced. 

This time nobody saw a UFO. Oh, no. Instead of that, our planet had a huge display of cosmic power just hours before the start of the conference, the meteor striking Chelyabinsk, the most spectacular cosmic event hitting our planet in the last hundred years. On top of that, another cosmic body, asteroid 2012 DA14, made a very close approach to the surface of our planet in the very exact minutes as we started the conference. We are definitely connected with the universe!

P.S. This is a quote from the new Benjamin Fulford's weekly update about the events that transpired in the UK merely days after our activation of the City vortex:

"In any case last week there was a major, and under-reported, split between the UK and the cabal that controls the US and Europe. Essentially, the UK government announced that it was becoming the first major Western nation to directly trade its currency for Chinese Renminbi. This was followed by an announcement by the totally disgraced cabal “credit rating agency” Moody’s that Britain’s credit rating had been reduced. The British withdrawal from the US dollar/Euro group and move to direct forex dealing with China is a major blow to the cabal behind the Federal Reserve Board and the European central bank."   "





  • A) The Introduction Post



 February 13, 2013

" The second conference will be held in Rome from March 15th to March 17th.  Rome is an ancient city which holds the key to the control of quarantine Earth and also the key to the planetary liberation. We will come to Rome to unlock the second of those  keys and assist in the liberation of the planet. This will be the first New Society conference by Cobra ever. The purpose of this conference is to create the foundation of the new socitey that will be created after the Event. It will be a working conference with the focus on manifesting the changes we all want to see happening. If you want to be one of the leaders, simply choose yourself and join us! We will be building a new world! People with expertise in leadership, healing, media, art, new technologies, finances, law, spirituality and all other aspects of life are welcome to attend. You can register here:



  March 12, 2013

" This will be the first New Society Conference ever. It will be held in Rome from March 15th to March 17th.  Rome is an ancient city which holds the key to the control of quarantine Earth and also the key to the planetary liberation. We will come to Rome to unlock the second of those  keys and assist in the liberation of the planet. This will be the first New Society conference by Cobra ever. The purpose of this conference is to create the foundation of the new society that will be created after the Event. It will be a working conference with the focus on manifesting the changes we all want to see happening. If you want to be one of the leaders, simply choose yourself and join us! We will be building a new world!     

People with expertise in leadership, healing, media, art, new technologies, finances, law, spirituality and all other aspects of life are welcome to attend. You can register here:
The fact that the conference will be taking place during the papal conclave is just another amazing synchronicity. "
  • B) The Report


  March 21, 2013

  " This conference was a great success! Predictably, after one week of rain, the skies have cleared just as we started the conference. We were working again with St. Germain, putting an etheric virus in the matrix structure of the main planetary Jesuit/Archon energy vortex of Chiesa del Gesu, Palazzo Colonna and Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj in the center of Rome. Surprisingly, the Goddess energy can be found even in those strange places:

The Light forces have communicated a message at this opportunity:

"Rome is an eternal city which was created by the Goddess. It will never be allowed to be destroyed as the Goddess is watching over it, protecting it. It will be transformed. Many of its inhabitants that now walk in the shadows will step into the Light. Those who do not wish to step into the Light will soon never be allowed to walk its streets again."

At the conference, we have created four core groups that will grow into one of the currently missing links for the surface infrastructure for the Event. Two more groups will be added at the Irvine/Laguna conference and the existing groups strengthened. After all these are established, the next phase of this project follows.  "
  • A) The Introduction Post


 February 13, 2013

" The third conference will be taking place in Zurich, Switzerland, a well known financial center, from April  19th to April 21st. By activating this vortex, harmonious resonance waves will spread around the world, assisting in the transformation of the planetary finances.

You can get more information about the this conference and you can also register here:


April 4, 2013

"... conference will be taking place in Zurich, Switzerland, a well known financial center, from April 19th to April 21st. By activating this vortex for the Light, harmonious resonance waves will spread around the world, assisting in the transformation of the planetary finances. 
You can get more information about the this conference and you can also register here:




  • B) The Report



  April 28, 2013

 " Despite a strong opposition from the non-physical negative forces this conference was a great success and a major energy breakthrough was made.

St. Germain has led us to purify the etheric matrix structure of the major banks, such as UBS and Credit Suisse and all this has already contributed to some cascading events that assist in exposing the real structure of the financial system to the masses.

The Zurich vortex is now acitvated for the Light and the Goddess is definitely present! 
Probably you are already feeling the acceleration that is preparing us for the activation of the portal on May 25th. A special article with more intel about that portal will be posted on my blog soon. We will be anchoring energies for that portal in Laguna Beach and you are all welcome to join us:







  •  A) The Introduction Post



 February 13, 2013

The fourth conference will be held in Irvine close to Laguna Beach in California. This will be the second New Society conference by Cobra. People with expertise in leadership, healing, media, art, new technologies, finances, law, spirituality and all other aspects of life are welcome to attend! It will take place from May 24th to May 26th this year, right at the full moon  on May 25th. This date is one of the most important energy portals of the year 2013 and a major breakthrough is expected then. This is the time of “The Wesak”. The Wesak is a time of spiritual blessing for humanity and an outpouring of light for the entire planet. The main vortex for this is centered in the Himalayan mountains where many Initiates and Masters will gather to anchor the Light for the Earth at this time of the full moon in May. But this is just one part of the story. This portal is much more than that. I will release more intel about that portal when the time is right.

You can read more about this conference and also register here:



  April 28, 2013

"Probably you are already feeling the acceleration that is preparing us for the activation of the portal on May 25th. A special article with more intel about that portal will be posted on my blog soon. We will be anchoring energies for that portal in Laguna Beach and you are all welcome to join us:



  •  B) The Report



 May 30, 2013

" Our conference was a huge breakthrough. Our location was the main anchor point for the vortex which activated the Portal. This is one of the main energy breakthroughs needed before the Event can happen.

The focus of our conference was to create task groups which will assist the surface population during the few weeks transition period around the time of the Event. These task groups will develop practical tools which can be used throughout the surface population at the time of the Event to calm the masses and guide humanity through the transition.

Although the civil authority and the Resistance Movement will provide their own infrastructure at the time of the Event, it is very important to have grassroots infrastructure as well. Our alternative infrastructure will fill in the gaps and will ensure that the transition will be smoother and more harmonious.

Six task groups were created: planetary leadership group, healers group, media group, new renaissance group, new technologies group and financial group. All these groups will develop practical tools which can help easing the transition in their specific area.

We have created a special website which will contain detailed instructions for the general surface population for the time of the Event:

Each of our task groups will upload their specific content to the website. It will be upgraded and developed during the next few weeks and when it is fairly complete, it will be time to make it viral throughout the awakened part of the surface population. "



  • A) The Introduction Post


  April 28, 2013

" After the activation of the portal, a lot of Goddess presence will be needed on the planet to stabilize the situation amidst all the changes and you are all welcome to join us in Hawaii, a major Goddess vortex point for this planet:


  • B) The Report


June 14, 2013

" Goddess energy is the key to bringing lasting peace to this planet. Our purpose was to anchor the Goddess energy through the Hawaii vortex after the successful opening of the portal on May 25th. 
  We have been very successful! Against much opposition from the etheric and astral planes, we have managed to anchor the Goddess presence in our bodies. As a result of all energy work that we did, a new balance will be much more easily created between female and male polarities among the surface population of planet Earth and real soulmate relationships will begin to be created. These soulmate relationships will be crucial for the transformation of the non-physical planes which needs to happen before the Event. "



  • A) The Introduction Post



 August 7, 2013

 " After the successful activation of the ALMA portal on May 25th,  we are beginning with a new cycle of conferences. You can help making them viral by posting this information on your websites, blogs and facebook.

First, there will be Cobra's Portal conference in Paris from September 13th to 15th. Paris vortex is one of the main anchor points for Saint Germain, whose main purpose is the final liberation of humanity.

On the conference,  people will receive more in-depth intel and will be able to ask questions. One of the main focuses of this conferences will be an energetic transformation of the financial system with the assistance of Saint Germain. The purpose of the conference is manifold: to strengthen the planetary Light body with vortex activations and to bring some Light and clarity in the minds of dedicated lightworkers. This conference will be a unique energetic event. We will be also anchoring the Goddess presence in the Paris vortex.

You can get more information about the Paris conference and you can also register here:

  • B ) The Report



  September 25, 2013 

" Our Portal conference in Paris was a huge success. We have been instructed not to work on financial system but rather to transform the Paris vortex, as before the conference that vortex was one of the main Archon strongholds in Europe. We activated the Paris vortex for the Light and transformation of energies in Paris was tremendous. Needless to say, we immediately got sunshine and clear blue skies after many days of rain.

A strong interdimensional portal was opened and it connected Paris, Giza plateau in Egypt, Al Nilam stargate in Orion and the Galactic Central Sun. This portal will be one of the main stabilization portals for the planet at the time of the Event. "
" Then we will have a Goddess Spiral workshop in Zurich from September 21st to 22nd, led by Isis and Cobra. This will be a very special event, taking place exactly on the autumn equinox, assisting us to achieve balance between female and male polarity. This workship will give us practical tools how to integrate Goddess energy for our own transformation and also for us to become pure transmitters of the Goddess energy for planetary liberation process.

You can get more info about the Goddess Spiral workshop in Zurich and you can register here:

Depending on the planetary situation, there will most likely be further conferences taking place and they will be announced when the time is right.

Join us and together we can create Victory of the Light! "


  • B ) The Report
" Our Goddess Spiral Workshop in Zurich went beyond all expectations and manifested energies of balance never experienced before. In the moment of the Autumn equinox, we have balanced female and male polarities and have triggered a planetary process of triangulating all pairs of opposites and merging them into Oneness.

Needless to say, we had sunshine all the time. The sun of One is about to rise on the surface of this planet. "




