Cintamani Interview Quotes


 The Post intel



 COBRA – OK. Moldavite has green color and it’s coming from the Pleiades and it’s not
the cintamani stone. The cintamani stone is coming from the Sirius star system and
it has a beautiful lavender sometimes grey, sometimes brownish pink color if it’s


Rob – OK. A lot of the historical documents of the Buddhist and some of the Middle Eastern ages the picture’s depicted as being green. Is there a reason for that?

COBRA – Actually, they’re speaking about two different stones. One of them is
cintamani stone and the second one of them is animati stone. The animati stone is a
so-called fire stone or fire crystals that is moldavite..... Cinta is thought and mani is Jewel...the stone
which is the reflection of your inner jewel, your higher self, your I AM presence.



There is another stone called; “Shyamanthaka Mani” it’s (a blue stone /
crystal) which KRISHNA possessed in his life time? Do you know about this stone?

COBRA – Yes, it is an extremely rare stone, more rare than the Cintamani.  It’s a
higher frequency of Cintamani stone.  I don’t know of anybody who is having that is
having that stone on the surface right now.  It is simply not found.



 What is the purpose of the Cintamani at the time of the Event?

COBRA – Cintamani, each cintimani stone will serve as a lens, as a focal lens for
the energies of the compression breakthrough. So when the energy pulse hits the
planet that energy will be need to be conducted through a certain conductor or
should I say energy super conductor.  Cintamani stones will be energy super
conductors at the time of the event.  As this energy network is being quite completeto a certain degree, those energies will be able to flow through the planetary
surface quite harmoniously.



Lynn – What is the purpose of the tachyon chambers at the time of the Event?

COBRA – The Tachyon chambers have many purposes.  One of the purposes is to heal
human energy system which include physical bodies and higher energy bodies.  And at
the time of the event, those tachyon chambers will transmit certain energies that
I’m not yet to speak about.  But this will be the energy support for the compression



Cobra, when I have a Cintamani stone nearby, my life becomes more
challenging. How does the Cintamani Stone affect things?

COBRA – It can trigger everything that has been suppressed in your subconsciousness
for it to be transformed.



 COBRA – These are advanced technologies which are actually positioning of
mother-ships in certain positions around the earth and activating and balancing the
ley lines. What the surface population can do is to use their own way to heal and
balance the ley lines. One example of this is putting Cintamani stones on ley line
vortex points, what many people are already doing very effectively in the last few



 What sort of effects can we expect if we place Cintamani stones near the
nuclear power plants?

Cobra: The plasma field surrounding a nuclear power plant can be purified



 Cobra : The energy grid of Cintamani stones is getting stronger and stronger,  and
when the Event flash happens of course it will be strong enough, but what is even
more important is that this grid is now assisting in dissolving the Yaldabaoth
entity, and this is one of the reasons why it needs to be stronger and stronger
because the stronger this grid is, the more it helps in final dissolution of all
plasma anomaly, so this is one of the more important project that we have right now,
to assist in acceleration of the Event and to assist in stabilizing the process
until then.



P : In order to dissolve the plasma octopus, how many cintamani stones do we have to
bury worldwide until those angelic beings reach their critical mass?

C : I would not speak about the numbers for various reasons, some of them are pretty
obvious, but I would say that those who feel guided can keep planting the stones
according to their own inner guidance, and that is the perfect approach to this
particular situation.



 Some cintamani stones are transparent, but others are opaque. What is the
function for these two kinds of stone ?

C : Basically the transparent stones are focused more on bringing higher energies
and little bit more refined, the opaque stones are better for grounding those
particular energies.



 We have discovered that some people tend to get even more scalar wave attacks
after wearing cintamani stones. I wonder how we can resolve this situation.

C : Ok I would say that everybody who is working for the Light, that is doing their
mission, can get more scalar attacks because we are in the middle of a war, and it
is simply an indication that you need to spend more effort in protecting yourself.



 COBRA – The best strategy is to put Cintamani stones in strategic positions. Not
only on the land masses but also in the oceans far away from, far away from the



 Cobra, would you recommend placing a Cintamani stone inside of orgonite?


 He goes on to ask would this increase or decrease its effectiveness? 

COBRA – It would decrease it. 



 U : When an object goes beyond the veil is it automatically tachyonized ?

C : It is not automatically tachyonized if this period is not long enough, but it
does receive a certain amount of tachyons.

U : And if the period is long enough, then it’s permanently tachyonized ?

C : Yes if the period is long enough then it’s permanently tachyonized, but the
concentration of tachyons is not very high, because I would say the ambient
concentration of tachyons, in the low Earth orbit for example, is not very high.

U : Ok. So for example the Cintamani that you send beyond the veil, would they have
more tachyons or less tachyons than what you tachyonize on the ground ?

C : They would have less, but different kind of tachyons, so combination of
tachyonization on the ground and sending the stones beyond the veil is an excellent
combination which gives them more effectivity in dissolving the anomaly here on the

U : Ah they are also tachyonized on the ground

C : Yes of course, all my Cintamanis are tachyonized on the ground



U : Ok. Are there technologies on the man made satellites and international space
station to block the tachyons because they’re above the veil ?

C : Basically there is this veil technology, haarp ionosphere technology that also
are designed to minimize the tachyon impact to the surface.

U : So, for the people for example who are on ISS, do they get more energy than on
the ground ?

C : Yes of course



U : Are there some technologies located on the ISS to minimize this ?

C : The cabal behind nasa is mind-programming the astronauts to minimize the
positive effects of time beyond the veil





 light forces have teleportation technology, are they not capable ofdeploying a global Cintamani grid by teleporting Cintamani stones worldwide ?

C : Basically what the Light forces need is the surface humanity putting the
Cintamani stones with their own energy on the surface of the planet, because what we
are healing is the primary anomaly connected with the consciousness of humanity. The
Light forces themselves for example the Agarthan network, and the Resistance
Movement, have taken care of their own Cintamani grids long time ago and they are
just fine. But what is needed is a network of Cintamani stones that is connected
with humanity on the surface of the planet. Because the energy that those Cintamani
stones receive needs to go to a human energy network.



P : Ah so in some way we are putting out own compression network. 

C : Exactly this is what is happening.



 How exactly does tachyonization process
affect Cintamani stones?

COBRA – Tachyons strengthen the connection of any object with the Source and with
Cintamani stones this process is even more effective because Tachyons interacting
with Cintamani stones make them more powerful because Cintamani stones are one of
the purest forms of matter available right now on the surface of the planet.



 A special rainbow appeared at Mount Wǔtái few days ago. You said that is a
PleiadianLiquid Light Ship. Can you talk about why the Pleiadian demonstrated their
Liquid Light technology on this Tuesday?

C : It is simply because there was a lot of, I would say activity of the surface
Lightworkers, that have put a strong Cintamani stone grid over China and Taiwan, and
for this reason the Light forces Pleiadian ships can much more easily manifest in
that area.
A very impressive and beautiful video of the appearance of this cloud-ship can be
seen here :






 P : Is the Archon living in Macau still in need of our concern, such as burying
cintamani stones there?

C : Yes it is good to bury Cintamani stones in Macau, it is one of the main anchors
of the cabal in that region



 J : We have buried nearly 3000 cintamani stones around China this year.
Coincidently, the haze in Chengdu, Shanghai and Beijing significantly decreases. Is
this phenomenon related with the clearing effect of those cintamani vortexes?

C : Yes of course.



 Hoshino: We can see that countries and areas without enough active Lightworkers are
quite vulnerable to COVID-19, such as South Korea, Italy and some states of the USA.
How can we help and solve this problem?

Cobra: Simply by spreading this information, awakening people in those areas; putting Cintamani Stones in those areas. Of course, there is free will involved. In places like Taiwan, where there is a very organized and very efficient network of Lightworkers doing their missions with great dedication and with as little internal conflict as possible. You can see the number of cases in Taiwan is very low. Taiwan has been protected against the hurricanes, tsunamis and all kinds of events in the past two years, simply because they have managed to create a very powerful Cintamani grid. They have been able to anchor the Light in their groups with as little conflict as possible. So, this is what every country can do if they realize the importance and the importance of creating a powerful strong Lightworker network, to put Cintamani Stones, to meditate, to cooperate and unify. This is what people can do in their own countries. Also, since I released Ascension Timeline Meditation, I have noticed that not many people outside of my network are interested in this. It is their free will and this is one single factor that can determine how this outbreak will be dealt with. The more cooperation there is on the surface of the planet, the more alignment there is on the surface of the planet, the more the Light Forces will be able to intervene in the situation in the best way possible. Of course, I have nothing against somebody else doing this meditation or some other group organizing their meditation. But usually, unfortunately I have to be the one doing this and nobody else seems to matter about the importance of creating a coherence quantum field with mass mediation, reaching enough people to have an effect on the planetary timeline.




 COBRA- Cintamani stones can strengthen your immune system and your energy field



 Debra: You have mentioned in the past that the Cathars used Cintamani stones to open
portals. Can you explain why they were doing this and what purpose those portals

Cobra: Some of the highly initiated, those Cathars who were initiated to higher grades of their order and some of the Templars who were also initiated into the
Goddess mysteries, used this to communicate with non-physical positive ascended
beings and also ascended Goddesses, such as Goddess Isis. They were using Cintamani
stones to create a portal to connect the physical plane with higher dimensions and
they were quite successful sometimes.



Debra: Would you suggest that members of the Sisterhood of the Rose use their stones
to open portals like this?

Cobra: If they're capable and they are skilled enough, yes. 

Debra: What skills would be required to do this?

Cobra: First they would need to have enough understanding, both intuitively and
mentally, of how this kind of portal works. This is advanced work, it’s not for



Debra: In the past you mentioned that Cintamani stones are being positioned into
dance floors around the planet in order to help facilitate the contact experience
with positive ETs within the mainstream rave culture. Can you explain how that
works? Are dancers able to have this contact when dancing in a trance state?

Cobra: Actually, yes. There was a project when certain amounts of Cintamani stones
were placed in sacred geometry patterns around the dance floors at certain trance
parties and people were having contact experiences with positive extraterrestrial
beings as a result of that field.

Debra: Interesting. Does dancing increase your ability to connect? 

Cobra: It can.



Debra: Now that we are getting incrementally a closer to the Event, are there
additional things we can do with our Cintamani stones to add to their effectiveness,
such as pairing them up with other powerful stones?

Cobra: That is not necessary. If you have your guidance, you can do it, but it is
not in the primary goal of a Cintamani stone.

Debra: Their primary goal is purification?

Cobra: The primary goal of a Cintamani stone is to be your own personal stone to
connect with your higher self, to assist your own ascension process, to melt your
implants. For mission work, you can plant your stones in positions in a planetary
energy grid in the ground.



Debra: Do you suggest having a personal stone as well as planting in the ground as a

Cobra: Yes.



COBRA - Cintamani stones are put in the planetary energy grid as a part of one of the greatest
projects for the New Atlantis which is being overseen by St. Germain, and actually
cintamani stones are key anchors for angelic beings that are healing and
restructuring the planetary energy grid.



 Jedi: Okay. Thank you. Next, if we want to prepare for the Event by burying
Cintamani stones, would you suggest any particular place for doing so?

Cobra: You need to use your inner guidance and find the best place where you're
guided, because you will be guided, if it's part of your mission to bury Cintamani
stones, you will be guided where you need to go.



 Jedi: Okay, good. The next one, are those countries where many Cintamani stones are
buried and Tachyon chambers are installed safer for people to live in the coming

Cobra: Yes to a great degree. It's not absolute protection, but it is quite a
reasonably good protection against all darkness, which people have already
experienced many typhoons, many weather situations, strong storms have been
deflected by Tachyon fields and Cintamani fields from many countries already. This
is just one example.



 Debra: And a quick question about Cintamani stones, it's been suggested that the
Sisterhood of the Rose groups uses Cintamani stone as the center stone in a mandala
when meeting. How are Cintamani stones linked to the Goddess energy?

Cobra: Cintamani stones come from the Sirius star system, and Sirius star system is
one of the major star systems that could transmit Goddess energy in this part of the



 Cobra: For example, there are some Tachyon technologies that can help repelling
those scalar attacks. And there are some other technologies that are also quite
effective – and Cintamani stones, of course, help with your vibrational frequency
quite much.



Debra: Well, that was what I was about to ask you, was the Cintamani stones. What
makes them the highest vibrational stone?

Cobra: They came from Sirius star system, and Sirius star system is one of the
brightest spots in the whole galaxy. It's a pure light energy and those stones are
pure light.



Debra: So with them being pure light, some people are confused because it's
suggested that we do not wear them during times of emotional distress because that
effect could seep into the planetary energy fields.

Cobra: Well, they act as a magnifying lens and if we emit negative energy, they can
magnify that and put it in the network. So it's really a special stone.

Debra: So it's still guided that we do not have it on us when we're…

Cobra: If you are really strongly distressed, I would say put it down for a few
moments. I would not be overly concerned with this, but if you’re already highly
distressed then better just leave it, put it down.



Debra: Understood. Why do so few people know about these stones? It seems even
within the spiritual community people are unaware.

Cobra: Yeah, this is what you need to ask them. Don't ask me.



Debra: Exactly! Well, we're getting the word out. We know that these will play an
important role at the time of the Event and that's why we're trying to get more
stones out there. Can you speak a little bit about the effects that it will have
with us, you know, wearing them, planting them, that kind of thing?

Cobra: Okay, each Cintamani stone that is planted in the grid, there is an angelic
being that attaches to them, anchors to that stone. So we're actually helping to
anchor a huge number of angelic beings in the energy grid of the planet. Now, of
course, that is very much needed, and this is very effective.

Debra: And what about when we wear them?

Cobra: Then we're inviting those angelic beings to assist us in our evolution. 



Debra: Wonderful. And of course, people can find out about the Cintamani stones on
your website. I have some questions from Tachyon chamber owners. There are now about
73 chambers around the world for public use. And people are wondering if these can
help stop the virus or correct problems caused by the injection?

Cobra: They will not stop the virus, but they will harmonize your body to better
deal with a virus, or to deal with anything.




 Hoshino: Yeah, that sounds very good. And what kind of minerals and spiritual items
would you recommend for manifesting the First Contact and the Divine Intervention?

Cobra: Of course Cintamani Stones are the most powerful to connect with positive
extraterrestrial races, especially Sirians and also Aquamarine is very powerful to
connect with the Galactic Confederation and Goshenite is very powerful to connect
with your I AM presence. So those three stones combined would be very efficient in
establishing that contact




 Terry: I see. Thank, thank you very much. That's very interesting. Okay. Next
question. The outbreak of COVID-19 in Taiwan was under control within merely six
months in Taiwan. We have not seen any new local cases for almost 30 day. A similar
situation happened in Japan too. After the peak number of infected persons in late August, the number dramatically dropped in Japan unlike the expectation of mass
media. And now it is almost negligible. So many scholars do not know why the
pandemic vanished so dramatically in Taiwan and Japan. And are they due to the
stronger Cintamani grid there, or is it due to their special Tachyon chamber
arrangement, which was briefly reported on your blog in June?

Cobra: It is a combination of three main factors. The first main factor is that the
virus strain, which was released in Italy is responsible for most COVID infections
since then since I would say late February 2020, and very few cases from that strain
have reached Japan or Taiwan. The second one is that, especially Taiwan, has
implemented the most efficient pandemic control measures, especially in the
beginning. And of course the third factor is the density of the Cintamani grid and
the number of Tachyon chambers. All those factors combined have as a consequence,
almost that the number of cases have dropped almost to zero.



Terry: Okay. Understood. Thank you very much. And you mentioned in the previous
update that Cintamani stone is also known as Ye Ming Zhu for Dragons. So, Ye Ming
Zhu means luminous bead, night luminous bead. Do Cintamani stones in Aldebaran and
Antares really become self luminous at night? Or is it just merely a spiritual

Cobra: There are certain stones that glow and are luminous at night, but they're not
Cintamani stones. And those stones are known across the galaxy, but it's too early
to introduce them to the surface population because they're very powerful and misuse
of that power would not be beneficial. So they are really, really strong stones with
really strong spiritual force, but they are not present on the surface of the

Terry: So will they be introduced sometime later?

Cobra: They will be introduced to those who are in a state of consciousness
compatible with those stones.




 Patrick: Oh, okay. The next one. There is a rule in the gridwork missions that when
burying cintamani stones, we must keep every one of them at least 30 meters away
from morganite and Tibetian free will crystal. It may not be very easy to know if
someone else have already buried something else nearby. Can you explain the reason
behind this rule and what negative effects will we have if we bury a cintamani
stone, a morganite, or Tibetian crystal within 30 meters?

Cobra: Okay. I would not be worried too much if it happens accidentally from time to
time, but we would like to avoid interference of energies because the stones have
maximum effect if they are on their own without any interference. So, if we have
powerful stones, as all of those are, too close together, that can create a certain interference that would slightly decrease their efficiency, but that's all.



Patrick: Okay. So next one. Is Columbianite from Sirius the same as Cintamani stone?
if not, what kinds of attributes does a Columbianite have?

Cobra: It is not the same as Cintamani stone, but it is similar. It has little,
slightly different vibration of frequency. It is slightly less efficient. But
nevertheless, it is a very powerful stone.



Patrick: Okay. next one. Now that Goddess energy is extremely insufficient on the
surface of the Earth. Can we improve this situation by burying more morganites?

Cobra: To a certain degree, yes.




Patrick: Okay. Next one. When a Cintamani stone is buried into the Earth, it will
create an angelic energy vortex for clearing its nearby plasma field. Does buried
morganites create a Goddess energy vortex for anchoring more Goddess energy on

Cobra: Again, to a certain degree, yes.


