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Of course one layer of wars in Africa is always about resources. Thing that is happening there in Africa is about the resources because that continent is very rich in resources. And the other level is the psychological control of that population and the Cabal has created Islamist groups to use them as a tool in their wars
Alexandra: Is there something to do with a stargate there as well?
Cobra: No, No. Actually there is a star gate but the Cabal does not know where it is because it is below ground. It is connected with the Sirius star system
Alexandra: What do you feel about the cannabis plant, marijuana. Not of this world?
COBRA: No its from the Sirius star system. It is not from this planet.
Alexandra: Do you feel it’s a sacred plant?
COBRA: Every plant is a sacred plant.
It says here that this Dogon tribe supposedly believed that the cannabis or marijuana plant was gifted to this planet by a priestess form the Sirius star system. In their culture they have a year long celebration of the cannabis plant every now and then. It relates to dogs who are our canine companions. The question is: Is there a connection, because animals seem to really have this unconditional love feature and very closely bond to humans. The first question is Is there any truth that cannabis was seeded here by E.T. It certainly has a lot of uses besides the heavily touted one of recreational changing. We’re finding more medical and industrial uses. Is this a gift from any ET race that you know of.
COBRA – Yes. Actually, many plants were seeded as a gift from many different races
The Jupiter Command is one division of Galactic Confederation which has it’s main strong hold near the Galiliean moons of Jupiter and it’s holding the being, holding the star gate for this solar system because the energy of cosmic love is flowing from Sirius star system and is being transmitted through the 4 main central lines of Jupiter in the inner solar system and that is their function. What they do is the command does sends rays of love and light through the Symbolic group of 144,000 . light workers and light warriors to awaken them and prepare them for their mission for the greater plan.
ask you a question about the Dogon people. There’s been pictures of space ships on cave walls with stories of a space ship coming down, hollowing out some ground and putting in water and dolphins talking to humans. Is there any truth to that?
COBRA – Yes. That was a visit from Sirius star system a long time ago. And actually there was a strong presence of Sirius population in central and north Africa throughout history.
Rob – OK. So this is not really a humanoid. It seems more like an animal. I understand the dolphins are higher souls come here to – according to Sheldon Nidle – to weave and connect the etheric matrix in the oceans and to heal the earth – dolphins and whales both – but they’re not humanoid. But you’re saying they actually exist as conscious sentient beings like humanoids in what we would consider dolphin bodies?
COBRA – Yes. You see in this Sirius star systems there are many watery planets and many life forms have evolved there. Some of them are humanoid, some of them look like dolphins and some of them look like something in between.
Rob – OK. Do they exist exclusively in the water?
COBRA – Some of them, yes, and some of them have water as their natural habit. Some of them are amphibious, and some of them are living on solid ground. It depends. There are a few planets in that star system and they have different configurations – different ratio between water and solid ground.
Can you talk about the relationship between ancient Greece and the Pleiadians.
COBRA – Basically, not only the Pleiadians, but also the Sirians have inspired great philosophers and have actually triggered the arise of the Greek civilization from a certain group called The Brotherhood of the Star.
Ashtar is Osiris yes
And so now are Isis and Osiris located in many places at the same time or is there a place where their central consciousness is ?
C : Their main focus is in the Sirius star system but of course they have projected their consciousness also in the motherships around the Earth, and they are also sending a lot of energy towards the surface of the planet, to assist in the process of liberation.
(Osiris is symbolic manifestation of male principle,
and Isis symbolic manifestation of female principle, and Horus or Ganesha is
symbolic representation of the child.)
You said that only 6 people escaped the quarantine since 1996, how did they do it ?
C : Actually there was a group of people that belonged to the Brotherhood of the Star, that group was located in California very close to the Edwards airport base. They were using a certain protocol to transform their physical bodies and to transform their consciousness, and they have managed to ascend in the late 90s, and they are not in this solar system anymore, they actually went to the Sirius star system after their ascension
U : Ok. So they escaped after the invasion ?
C : Yes exactly.
There are actually many different stones which belong to the holy grail family you could say, one of them of course is the moldavite, the second one is the cintamani stone from Sirius, and there are also other stones that I am not to talk about right now but they are very powerful stones which are focal lenses for very powerful energies of the light on the surface of this planet right now
There is a very strong star-gate between Jupiter, the 4 major Jupiter moons and the Sirius star system and that star-gate was never closed.
Sirians and Pleiadians as a race are not ascended, they still have a physical body, they still need to sleep and eat to a certain degree but much less than people on this planet
U : Are there two Sirius stars, or more ?
C : There are actually three of them, and two of them have planets which are capable of supporting life.
U : Ok. And how many planets are there in total ?
C : It depends how you define a planet, scientists on Earth have a problem even defining what is a planet in this solar system.
U : The race of lion headed beings, like Sekhmet, are they from Sirius ?
C : Yes
The tall whites is a generic term which mostly describes positive races like
Pleiadians or Sirians. It’s the term that some sections of the military use in their
encounters with positive races.
The dolphins and whales are bringing energies of joy and they are stabilizing the planetary energy grid of the planet. And they actually receive light from Sirius directly.
The Sirius B race was having a war with the Orion Draco complex. Many of the representatives of the Sirius B race have been interacting with the surface population of this planet throughout human history. Their agenda was not completely positive but not completely negative.They were the ones who were perceiving themselves as an advanced race and sometimes they were using human slaves for their work. They were seeing themselves as the masters. This is something I don’t completely agree with. They were not treating humans as their equals. This is what I would say about that particular race. They were sometimes using technology for their advantage unethically. This is what I would say. I can also say that recently that faction has been integrated in the Sirian Alliance and is now working together with the Galactic Confederation as well. Yes, there were some genetic civilization programs because Sirius B people wanted to infiltrate the Orion complex and they have created some hybrid races which are not having any effect whatsoever on the cosmic situation.
Rob – Right, I often don’t go into outer space politics like that because a lot of that stuff doesn’t matter, but with GoodET coming out with his information I kind of wanted to address some of that stuff.
COBRA – OK. I would say that this information does matter for various reasons. The first one is that the exopolitical situation greatly influences the geopolitical situation much more than people imagine. For one example. The Bush’s and the Kissinger’s and all those people still have their power only because there are elements beyond the scope of this planet that are supporting them. If you understand what is going on in the solar system, you will understand who is behind the wars, what is happening, what is taking place with the Eastern Alliance, because there are forces beyond this planet that are supporting Putin. There are forces beyond this planet that are supporting the Eastern Alliance. There are other forces that originate from beyond this planet that are supporting the Cabal. If we understand those underground mechanics, we will have much clearer picture of what is going on the surface.
Could you talk a little bit about Sirius A, since we talked about Sirius B?
Sirius A, I understand, is the home of the blue lodge and the mission of the 144.000 ascended masters to earth, is that correct?
COBRA – That is absolutely correct. Sirius A is the Beacon of Light for this local cluster of stars in this local sector of the galaxy. Sirius A was holding the light when the Archon invasion happened and filled this quadrant of this galaxy with trillions upon trillions of dark entities. Because of Sirius A we are still alive and here. Because of Sirius A and their light, I am talking to you right now.
Rob – Yea, that’s what Fred Bell was a very strong proponent of – the Blue Lodge and the Sirius A groups there as well. So it resonates with me there. Another question I have is in regards to these giant sphere ships, just to be clear. These are not mistaken by people with this constant talk of Nibiru and this hidden planet or star within our solar system, correct?
COBRA – OK. Those sphere ships or sphere star gates or portals whatever you want to name them have absolutely no connection with so called Nibiru or any other entity or planet or object people are referring to. Nibiru is completely and absolutely misinformation.
COBRA – Sitchen was referring to Sumerian tablets. He was attempting to translate those tablets. He, in that position, was not scientifically correct.. But yes, the Sumerian text was talking about certain beings. You can describe them as winged beings. They came from a certain star system beyond our solar system. And yes, some of them came from Sirius B. I have described before the traits of Sirius B people. They were not the only ones. There was a group of many different races that were actually mixed among the ruling race in all of Sumeria. They were actually the ones that were forming the Sumerian city-states. Many of them were tied to the Archons, and their agenda was, first, to do some genetic experimentation and, second, to suppress the goddess energy. This is the short story of Nibiru. It has nothing to do with a certain object that some people named Nibiru that is supposed to enter our solar system and create cataclysm. This is absolutely not correct.
Cintamanni stone . . . here are two aspects of the stone. One aspect of the stone is the stone that fell from Sirius. There are many fragments of that stone. For the large part of human history, that stone was in the hands of the Agarthan network. Small fragments were released to humanity or more precisely to certain, most powerful human individuals who were working for the light forces. And very recently the light forces have started to release that stone massively. I will write a blog post about it quite soon.
How did Jesus bring back Lazarus from the dead?
COBRA – There was technology involved. There was some advanced ET technology involved in his so-called miracles.
Rob – Right, so he had a mission here to perform certain things and they basically said sorry, you know what the Pleiadians call a creator son is here and we’re going to take over the Archon network and they just did it, right?
COBRA – It was more Sirians and not so much the Pleiadians.
How was the cintamani stone created on Sirius, and was there a special event that brought it here ?
C : Yes actually there was a planet in the Sirius star system, a planet of light blue color which actually exploded, and parts of that planet were travelling in all directions and a small part of this actually reached the planet Earth, and fell on the planet millions upon millions of years ago. This has been collected by the Light forces at that time on planet Earth and has been kept in the Agatha network, and parts of this has been given to humanity, especially at this time to assist in the Event.
What made Sirius so strong that it was the only star system in a 1000 light years radius around the Earth that did not get invaded in 1996 ?
C : The Sirius star system is a very strong portal directly to the galactic central sun, and the light forces have chosen to accumulate their energy to protect this star portal to ease the flow that has reached planet Earth, because the Sirius star system is very close to Earth, and having such a strong presence of the galactic central energy so close to Earth was the strongest possible protection for this solar system and for Earth especially, from 1996 onwards.
Cintamani stone actually influences the plasma plane and it does influence the implants. There is a certain technology of the light forces that they can use and they can transmit certain energies directly from the galactic center to the Cintamani stones. Cintamani stones serve as a lens for that energy which then dissolves plasma. It is not just another crystal or pretty stone. It is much more than that. There is certain unique energetic signature of that stone because #1) it came from Sirius star system and #2) it was infused with energy directly from the galactic center many, many cycles ago, millions of years ago when the planet in the Sirius star system exploded. It actually exploded because of the galactic super-wave. There are many sub-atomic particles, which were traveling throughout the galaxy as a result of the galactic super wave, and it keeps that planet . . . and every fragment of Cintamani stone has those particles inside. And the light forces can use those to dissolve plasma in a certain way I will not describe here. This is not just another new age crystal; it is much more than that. It is one of the keys to the planetary liberation. Of course, you have the most powerful crystals inside your higher self. Using Cintamani stones, you can amplify and speed up the process for yourself and for the planet.I would recommend that people to just have physical contact with these stones during meditation and to have that contact will create an energy flow that
can assist you in connecting with your higher self and transmute the plasma field
around you. Those stones actually maintain their purity regardless of other people,
so no need to worry about that.
how far back does the connection go between the Pleiadian and Sirian galactic family groups.
COBRA – This connection is millions upon millions of years old. It’s very ancient. It’s very deep and it’s very loving.
Who are the people with elongated skulls that have been found all over the planet ?
C : They were people mostly from the Sirius star system, and also from some other star systems, and many of them were quite positive, they were actually trying to improve conditions here on this planet.
U : What happened to the 7000 skeletons which were found in the Hypogeum in Malta, some of them who had elongated skulls ?
C : There were a few things that happened, one of them, unfortunately, there was a war, that war was actually part of the first archon ["Pre-Adamite"] invasion, the Kurgan archon invasion more than 5000 years ago, and some people hid in that underground system to escape from that wave of invasion, and actually, unfortunately they were discovered and they were all killed. And in later times, millennia after that, this Hypogeum system was rediscovered and was a shelter for some people, and there were earthquakes and many people died underground during those earthquakes.
U : So the people who built the Hypogeum were these people with elongated skulls ?
C : No. The neolithic people on Malta who had strong connections with the Goddess built it.
U : The same who built the other temples around the island ?
C : Yes, yes.
The Moldavite chalice {Holy Grail}is different than the Cintamani stones, correct?
You said the planet was destroyed in the Sirian system. Can you talk about this destruction? Was it an invasion? Was it a negative thing? What happened? Was this a natural occurrence?
COBRA – It was not an invasion. It was an experiment that did not go well. Sirius wanted to densify the planet from the etheric to the physical plane. They wanted to create a physical planet of joy, but because of the plasma anomaly, that process of materialization or specification did not go well and the whole thing exploded.
Can you talk a little bit about Jehovah the Christ and what that means for and who that being was and what that mission was and it’s cosmic thing in regards to the return of the Christ consciousness to this planet?
COBRA – Actually, he came from the Sirius star system and the purpose of that being was to anchor the energy of unconditional love and the energy of divine grace on the surface of the planet He was the first one to introduce the concept of unconditional love. The image of unconditional love because that concept was virtually unknown on the surface of this planet in the cultures of that time. So it was a very important energy that was opened at that time. And this energy is the energy that will actually transform the planet.
The next question is about Osho or Baghran Sri Rajneesh. He certainly was a person to expose many programs and beliefs. Fred Bell said that he was a kind of like a teacher and attracted what he called 6th Ray devotees – people who look to someone else for their liberation. In a certain sense a lot of people carried his picture around. I did notice a lot of open consciousness. Someone was kind of wondering, he’s passed on now, I think we can have a comment, kind of curious about what you felt about his mission and stuff. I know a lot of things were political there. Could you talk about Osho?
COBRA – He was a soul coming from the Sirius star system. His mission was to awaken the western societies to the reality of emotional processes, clearing of the emotional body. He assisted to a certain degree in the liberation of sexual energy and integrating that energy with the energy of the heart and he was having a very important mission in bringing practical tools for the western society, how to deal with emotions. This was a key part of his mission. Of course, there were other aspects, and, of course, the Cabal was after him. He was actually . . . he had poisoning attempts and he was actually killed by the Cabal.
The Kuiper Belt contains both the Chimera bases and, of course, a lot of light forces that belong to the positive space programs.
Rob – Oh, good. So there are positive secret space program elements working.
COBRA – I would not call them[ The Resistance Movement] SSP because most of them are not related to this planet. They are not Earth-based space programs that have . . . They’re not Earth-based break away civilizations, I would put it this way.
Rob – They would be initiates or like the guy that refused to work for the Cabal program.
COBRA – I would say branches of the RM that remain on Planet X, Pleiadian fleet, Andromedan fleet, Sirian fleet and other parts of the Confederation and some new fresh infusions from throughout the galaxy.
Moldavite has green color and it’s coming from the Pleiades and it’s not
the cintamani stone. The cintamani stone is coming from the Sirius star system and
it has a beautiful lavender sometimes grey, sometimes brownish pink color if it’s
Is our star families, like Pleaideians and Sirians immortal ? Or they will die
eventually even though they have very advanced technology ?
Sirians and Pleiadians have a certain particular life span of their physical
body, but that is not a problem because they can always materialize or engineer or
whatever they do, they can always arrange a new physical body whenever they need, it
is not an issue in any way for them. They are not subjected to incarnation process
as we have it now here.
J : Is there any carnivorous animal inhabiting within Pleiades and Sirius ?
C : Not in those solar systems no.
J : Ok, so the animals there all eat vegetables ?
C : Yes, yes.
Can you tell us where the Maori native people of New Zealand come from?
COBRA – From the Sirius star system and some of them even from further beyond toward the center of the Galaxy.
Aaron – Were the Maori from Atlantis.
COBRA – Yes, Of course some of them were………some of the Atlantean colonies and even earlier colonies from the time of Lemuria.
the vast majority of starseeds are from Pleiadian, Sirius, certain star systems from the Andromeda galaxy, some of them are Arcturians and many other star systems as well.
Maitreya is the one that some people describe as Christ, one of the Ascended masters that came from Sirius star system and is actually bringing the consciousness of unconditional love to humanity.
You stated that the main members of the Resistance Movement are beings from Planet X. Some readers reckon that the beings from Planet X are defected Reptilians. Please clarify what constitute the main Resistance Movement races? What is the race of the Planet X beings?
COBRA: Members of Resistance are absolutely NOT Reptilian. Mostly they have Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan and Arcturian soul origin.
When will the real pictures of the Resistance Movement or the Pleiadians be released including their living environment and people?
COBRA: At the Event.
Kuthumi came from Sirius star system
each astrological aspect creates a resonance field throughout the solar system. And if there is an aspect it creates a doorway – a pathway from that particular stargate, throughout the solar system, towards the surface of this planet. So those three stargates being activated means that there are three different hyperdimensional plasma streams that will open a way for the energies of the Galactic Center, the energies of the Pleiades, and the energies of Sirius to rush through the solar system and touch the surface of this planet.
You can also connect with Sirius Star Stargate through a cintamani stone and you can connect with the Pleaidian Stargate through a moldavite stone.
the Sirius and the Pleiadian Stargates are two main source of Source energy, filtered, of course, through various dimensions that assist in the planetary liberation process.
there are extremely few people on the planet that really have a connection with the Pleiadians. There are many people who claim to be channeling Pleiadians, but I would say only people who had physical experience with the Pleiadians, or with Sirians or with Arcturians are reliable because they had this link for connection was created in their physical body. So channeling Pleiadians is usually not enough to get reliable information.
Sirius star system is one of the major star systems that could transmit Goddess energy in this part of the galaxy.
I was about to ask you, was the Cintamani stones. What makes them the highest vibrational stone?
Cobra: They came from Sirius star system, and Sirius star system is one of the brightest spots in the whole galaxy. It's a pure light energy and those stones are pure light.
Cintamani Stones are the most powerful to connect with positive extraterrestrial races, especially Sirians and also Aquamarine is very powerful to connect with the Galactic Confederation and Goshenite is very powerful to connect with your I AM presence. So those three stones combined would be very efficient in establishing that contact.
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