The posts Intel :
(majority of these are from years ago [pre2018] )
SC: Okay. Planet X? Planet X — I’m not quite sure of Planet X. Can you tell me a
little bit about what that is?
Cobra: Planet X is a planet on the outer — it’s on the outer — range of the solar
system, beyond Pluto. It’s a planet a little bit bigger than this planet. And there is a certain
civilization living under the surface of that planet. And they came — they’re
actually the ones who created the Resistance Movement, or actually they renewed the
Resistance Movement, because it was almost destroyed about 12, 13 years ago.
SC: Okay. So they’re the people that will actually assist in, I suppose, bringing in
the Cabal?
Cobra: They will assist, but actually it is the job of the positive military group
to do that. The Resistance Movement will help behind-the-scenes, and they will
become active on the surface only if there is need for that.
Lisa: Interesting, now if I heard you correctly in your previous interview you said
there were 300 individuals on what you would consider the front line of this resistance and
20million around the planet, did I hear that right?
Cobra: OK, I will explain. There are about 300 which are on the surface of the
planet infiltrated inside the system of the cabal. They’re infiltrated in position high in the military
and especially in the alphabet agencies, intelligence agencies, positions of that nature. And the rest
of them, about 20 million at this time, they are not living on the surface of the planet, they are
living underground and never come onto the surface, they will only come to the surface of
the planet if necessary.
Lisa: What would be deemed ‘if necessary’?
Cobra: There are actually special plans being prepared, I am not allowed to speak
about yet, but in a few days I might and I will explain this is in my blog.
Lisa: Ok, so these 300 and these 20 million are primarily made up of ET’s who have
come herenot humans?
Cobra: Actually they are in human bodies, if you were to meet one of them in the
they would look like everybody else, those people have incarnated on
Planet X, which is a planet situated in the outer range of the solar
system and some of them even had some incarnations on planet earth,
actually one of them I know had some incarnation in Egypt times, but
mostly those people are, I would consider the same as star seeds on planet earth and we have
about 5 million star seeds incarnated on planet earth on the surface of the planet that took many
earth incarnations and I would say those both those factions are quite similar in their
structure,psychology and outer look.
Lisa: Now you say that yourself are Pleiadian incarnated on earth?
Cobra: Yes that’s true
Lisa: Were you born with full memory of who you are where you came from and why
you’re here or did that come later?
Cobra: Yes most of the memory I would say not 100% but I was always aware I am not
coming from here and I have a certain mission here, I never forgot that.
Lisa: So how important was the recent Venus transit to what is going on here at the
Cobra: Venus transit is one of the turning points for the planetary liberation
this is the day when the goddess energy finally returned completely to
planet Earth and have been anchored also inside of physical matter of
Planet Earth. This is a very strong
energy that actually brings
balance and peace after more than 5000 years of constant wars and
conflicts and this energy influences everybody including the cabal so
this is the reason why they were starting to consider surrendering. They
never had that idea before, they have this delusional
thinking that they are omnipowerful and omnipresent and they can do everything they want and get
away with it, but now they are starting to realize that might not be the case.
A: OK. Another prior interview of yours you were mentioning that many people of
Planet X live underground and they have reinvigorated the Resistance Movement in the
last 12-13 years?
C: Yes, actually the Resistance Movement was quite weakened by the constant attack
of the Cabal in the time period around ’96 to ’99, that time frame. And then the
reinforcements came from Planet X and now they are very strong, very strong.
A; Are you allowed to talk about what exactly happened between ’96 and ’99? You
have made reference to it several times now.
C: Oh yes, there was a very strong war taking place underground, in underground
tunnels. The Cabal was much stronger then. They had many beings infiltrated from
other star systems. They had about 10 to 20 million of their representatives in
their underground bases. All of this has been cleared in those underground battles.
A: OK. So do you feel at this point in time that our situation with the underground
bases is completely done? We don’t even have to worry about that?
C: I would say yes, but there are some rare instances. For example, The Cabal still
has under their control some uppermost levels of some of the military bases.
COBRA: That is a good questions because there are big changes happening right now.
The Agarthan network is a very old network of light which existed underground for
many many thousands of years. The Resistance movement is a fresh impulse of light
from Planet X just a few years ago. There was a certain process of the integration
of the underground resistance movement and the Argarthan network. Right now. .
as a consequence of opening the portal on May 25th there is an another integration
processes taking place between the reunited Resistance movement, the Agarthan
network and the Galactic Confederation. I would say that the sub surface portions
of the planet is being integrated into the galactic society. More will be on my
blog. When the event happens there will be a gradual exposure of those different
races, elements and societies
Alexandra: Awesome. You said something about the integration of the resistance
movement into the galactic confederation. Could you talk a little bit more about
the strengthening of cosmic love between the different cosmic races.
COBRA: Yes. Most of the members of the resistance movement came to this planet
Earth in 1999-2000 from Planet X. They had some limited contact with the
Pleiadians. They were not exposed to most other cosmic races. They are having
their own first contact, their first disclose, new exposure to the Cosmic races.
Not all are humanoid. They are experiencing deep love of brotherhood and
sisterhood that exists throughout the galaxy. Our small planet is the last planet
that has not experienced that. The resistance movement is beginning experiencing
this on a cosmic level. This is one of the integral parts for them to become a
member of the galactic confederation. After their integration process will be
complete then the surface population will be brought in. There are certain
operations that are scheduled for this year that will start this process, but I am
not allowed to speak of them yet. This planet is not going to be invaded. This
planet will be invited into a process of dialogue.
Rob: given still the rampant corruption among politicians, bankers, governments around the world will you please tell us about the new system that will be implemented after The Event that will
avoid humanity and the financial system from making the same mistake. Basically, the
old boos same as the new boss in the financial system. How is it going to be
different? How can we be assured, or is it still possible there would be some
criminal element within the new system, or will it absolutely be fail safe and can
you describe it?
Cobra: It will not be possible for any criminal elements to hide within the new
system simply because the surface population will have guidance of the Light Forces
directly on the physical plane. The Resistance Movement will give instructions and
will monitor the whole process. That doesn’t mean they will control the whole
process, but they will give intel that will expose any possible criminal activity to
the masses, and that feedback loop will prevent any kind of that sort of criminal
activity to happen. It will not be possible.
Rob: So at this point in time, to clarify, the Resistance Movement will be engaged
in more direct contact. This will be with chosen representatives. This won’t be open
and declaring themselves as Agarthan network, or Planet X, or Galactic Federation members.
Cobra: That will be in the first phase. Later, they will introduce themselves
directly to a certain degree.
Can you reveal if the Resistance Movement has
any plan to send more operatives from Planet X here to reinforce its presence and
Cobra: It is not necessary, but there will be special agents coming, and not only
form Planet X, but other bases of the Resistance, which are now being created
throughout the solar system that will be involved in special operations.
Rob: This is interesting. Now we can go into a more metaphysical aspect of these
questions here. From my understanding, and correct me if I’m wrong. Fred Bell, who I
worked with, had always in his personal contacts, when I asked about hierarchy and
different things he definitely said look it’s all hierarchy. There are many
different levels. There are physical beings, like the Resistance Movement, and then
there’s what he would call more subtle-physical beings, like the Pleiadians. Then
there are beings from even higher dimensional spaces. So, the information that’s
given to you, does this come from the higher dimensions, or is this coming from the
more physical beings? Are there things that your contacts from Planet X who are
physical beings, may not have awareness of or knowledge about that perhaps there are
higher dimensional galactic forces that actually do have this under control, but are
not revealing this at this time?
Cobra: Basically, I receive information from many sources. The Resistance Movement,
the Pleiadians, higher dimensional forces, physical agents within the various
aspects of the system on planet earth, and so on. So, I have different sources but
yes, there was particular intel that was not released to anybody that was not
ascended for quite some time, and there was some intel that was not even released to
the ascended masters for some time. Not everybody knows everything because simply it
would not be safe for the situation on this planet. The intel is released at the
it does not destabilize the situation to the point, or it would lead to
a planetary cataclysm, a planetary destruction, because the archons are
emotionally unstable and if too much light is present at any moment they would get
very active So, the light need to increase gradually. Intel need to gradually for
everybody to absorb it and integrate it and then more intel can come.
Rob: Yes, that’s a very good point. I think if people will listen to that last
answer it will explain a lot. Everybody want to hurry things along, but it seems as
though part of the process is to acclimatize even the archonic and the cabal forces
to be increased, so that at a certain point it can just happen. Now, this next
question I want to make sure because it will kind of be answered, but a strangelet
bomb, could one bomb just blow the whole planet up? Or would it take multiple or
what’s the situation?
Cobra: It could blow the planet up and then the reaction would be stopped because
the Light Forces would be able to stop it when it reaches beyond the veil, but even
the destruction of one planet isn’t something that we would not risk, I would think.
COBRA – Yes, Ive said this many times. Yes, there is planet X. Its orbiting
the outer region of the solar system and no – there is no Nibiru, there is no object
crashing into earth, coming closer to earth or having any type of danger for planet
Where do the people from planet X come
from. Its not their origin planet. Do we know where they came from?
COBRA – Actually they came from many star systems and they had just one part of
their evolution in common on planet x. All those people who originate from planet x
had one thing in common – They had a great desire for the liberation of this
universe regardless of their origin.
Rob – Very good. Kind of like the 144,000 then, hugh?
COBRA – It is similar, yes.
At this point in time are there any negative or, I guess positive
alien bases in the physical on Mars and what happened to all the earth people on
there. How did they remove those earth based colonies up there. What happened to
those people.
COBRA – Well, some of them went back to planet earth. Actually escaped from the
light forces. Some of them were captured by the light forces. Most of them crossed
over to the light side and were taken to planet X and some of them beyond the solar
system. There was a small portion of them that didnt want to accept the light and
they were taken to the central sun for re-structuring.
Richard – In the recent reports you posted on your ‘Portal 2012’ website on Jan
27th 2016 you called ‘Planet X’ and said that the ‘planet X’ is 0.75 earth masses
and in a recent California Institute of Technology report posted on January 20th
2016 titled ‘Evidence of a Distant Giant Planet in our Solar System’ says ‘The 9th
Planet’ is 10 times earths’ masses, has an orbital period between 10,000 to 20,000
years and is 60 billion miles from our Sun. Is this planet X that you reported on
months ago?
COBRA – No it’s not exactly because what the scientists released in January is just
a theory or shall we say, theoretical model that tries to describe and explain the
behavior of certain objects in the Kuiper belt. It’s not exactly the correct model.
In fact, one Japanese scientist has created a far more accurate model which is much
closer to the truth and I have posted a link to that scientific paper on my blog and
you can find it there.
OK. Regarding Planet X, you have said Planet X has an unusual orbit, not
usually visible to us. How close is it to the earth right now?
COBRA – It is still more than 10 billion km away. It is not close. (that sounds
pretty far) Yes.
Does its gravitational field affect us?
COBRA – Very little.
What kind of energy does it carry?
COBRA – It carries the energy of liberation.
What significance does Planet X have to us on the Earth and our solar system?
And why has it been kept a secret?
COBRA – It is, I would say, one of the most important locations in our Solar System
and people from Planet X has saved the situation on planet Earth many times. This
information has been suppressed by the Cabal because they don’t want people to know
about this.
COBRA- Planet X is not Nibiru. The whole concept of Nibiru is intentional
which was released by the cabal to confuse people. There is no objectin
our solar system that will cross the earth orbit and that would disturb
situations here, that does not exist. Planet X is officially an undiscovered planet,
in the outer outskirts of the solar system, which was and still is inhabited below
the surface with underground bases and the source of the Resistance Movement.
Louisa: Oh, so is this their back up station or main base?
Cobra: This is their origin, and one of their most important bases.
Aaron – Where is Planet-X in relation to our planet earth now and what is its
purpose at this point in relation to our future and in relation to the future of
COBRA – Planet X is exactly where it was until now. In it’s orbit beyond Pluto and
it will stay there. It will not approach the Planet Earth. It is the home of the
RM (Resistance Movement) which is fighting for the liberation of the planet
You have told us that the RM representatives live underground and that
their main off-planet headquarters is Planet X that is beyond Pluto. Are the RM
members using star-gates to travel back and forth between their underground bases
and earth and their headquarters on planet X?
COBRA – They are using teleportation chambers and actually the whole teleportation
chambers basically takes maybe 10 – to maximum 20 sec to teleport from here to
Have they been rounding up Cabal members lately in Antartica?
COBRA – Certain number of them yes, but not as many as some people are speculating.
Are they able to participate in operations on the etheric, astral and plasma
planes or are they limited to physical planes the way that humans are.
COBRA – The RM movement can to a certain degree also operate on those higher planes
but they have special units for that.
What is their main focus on the planet at this time.
COBRA – The main forces on the planet right now is to guide the planet through the
transition through the transition in a way that the surface population will not
destroy itself. A few months ago we were very close to global war and this has been
How do our meditation help strengthen their planetary liberation operations?
COBRA – They help a lot because what they need is a strong network on the surface
of the planet with people meditating because this strengtheners the light grid
dramatically on the surface of the planet. They can not do that because they are
not living on the surface, they are living below the surface underground and only
the surface population has the psychological structure that fits the surface
population. So the light workers can with their resonance field transform the
surface population much more effectively because they are similar in their
psychological structure to the rest of the surface population. The RM is simply too
different and they would not be as effective if they would try to transform
psychologically the surface population and energetically the same.
Is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you
now the strength of it and the numbers.
Are we as surface humans able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA – It is possible. It has happened in a few instances but it’s not very common
and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that
telepathic contact.
Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.
COBRA – Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of
the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite
different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in
writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would
be a great idea.
You stated that the main members of the Resistance Movement are beings from
Planet X. What is the race of the Planet X beings?
COBRA: Mostly they have Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan and Arcturian soul origin.
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