Reset-Interview Quotes



  That means actually a reset when the banks are closed. And by doing that you cut off the Cabal from all the money. And when you cut them off from all the money, they are basically
paralyzed. And this is the way how the mass arrest scenario would happen.




  a test run to see how the Resistance Movement can break
into the system and play a little bit with their finances.  It was a very successful
operation.  Nobody could track where the cyber-attack came from.  They had no idea.
They were confused.  The Cabal was confused.  They had no idea where the money went. It was actually stolen from the accounts of the rich people who are part of the
Cabal and from the banks... this is just a training exercise.  When the real reset happens this will be
much much much more widespread and actually take down the system.  Because when the
arrest happen the Cabal must be kept from all of their money.



 But this Eastern Alliance has its own internal struggles, people
struggling for power, the same story happening within and this is one of the reasons
why the financial reset hasn’t happened yet.  And they may be issuing some
humanitarian projects, but those projects have not been manifested yet in reality,
because when there is a real will and dedication and determination to change things
on this planet, this can happen extremely fast.



  I have answered this many times before.  The initial transformation will
take a week or two. This includes the reset of the financial system and removal of
the Cabal.  Then we have a long process of integration, disclosure, releasing of
information introducing new technologies, setting up new financial system in
details, beginning of new projects, new humanitarian projects, healing the eco
system.  All this will take months and people will have plenty of time to integrate
before the first contact.



 COBRA: BRICS alliance is an outer manifestation of a long time effort to transform
the financial system. It’s a necessary step before the re-set can happen. This
alliance is getting stronger and stronger so more people can be aware of the current
financial system. Many countries and influential entities are aligning with the
Eastern Alliance and the BRICs. This is necessary step before the re-set can happen.
The new financial system is asset based. It will not just include US dollars. It
will be a Basket of currencies. Most of the strongest world currencies will be



 there was a lot of indication that a new financial system was coming on line. One of the most major banks that went down – Deutsch bank. Was the positive resistance behind that.

COBRA: No, Deutsch bank it didn’t go down. There is some disruption in trading, a
lot of disruption in the bank. There is a lot of disinformation over the internet.
Dinarian Guru’s saying the reset is happening today, RV’s happening today/tomorrow.
It’s not going to happen like that.

Alexandra: It will happen after the event

COBRA: It will happen after the event. It will not happen in the way they are
expecting it to happen. It is not about the Iraq Dinar or the Viet Nam Dong. the whole financial system will be re-set. A re-boot. The new system will come on line.
It will come on-line at a single moment. Banks will close for a time so that this
thing can be sorted out.

 It’s such a big thing because it’s global. How do you explain NASDAQ
going down for 3 hours. “Due to technical issues.” From what everybody is saying
it’s feeling manipulated. Was it manipulated?

COBRA: It was manipulated. If the cabal companies loose their value they shut down
the stock market or create a technical glitch.

Alexandra: Ahhh. This is a representation of their desperation.

COBRA: yes, They are going further and further. more and more desperate measures
they didn’t using methods they didn’t use




 Interesting now he also made mention of those who are claiming ownership of the
assets. Which would be OPPT, the Neil Keenan group and the Asian royal families do
you feel that’s accurate.

Not completely they are not claiming to, they are not trying to grab the assets they
are trying to liberate the planet. They all have their own version of how to do it
and they’re own understanding of the financial system which is incomplete. The Keenan group tries to cash the bonds or use them to trigger the reset. The OPPT
group believes in the inner value of human beings and tries to do that but that is
not possible not even after the Event but only after the first contact. And the
White Dragon group is working behind the scenes sometimes successful sometimes less
successfully and they are especially focus on supporting the eastern alliance the
BRICS group.



 the real changes will happen only at the reset.
Or very shortly before the reset. Because the cabal wants to keep the original
financial system functioning.



 The first aspect of the Event is the reset of
the financial system. The reset of the financial system will end the current
imbalances that are one of the major sources of suffering on the planet. The new
financial system will be transparent and fair to everybody. The second aspect of this reset is the arrest of the members of the controlling forces of the Cabal, of
those people who were actually enslaving humanity for all those centuries. The third
aspect of the Event is finally the truth will begin to be released through the mass
media, truth about the planetary situation, truth about our history, truth about
UFOs, about extraterrestrial contact, about free energy, about true physics, about
everything–will be released finally to the mass population. There will also be the
non-physical aspect of the Event, which will be a flash, the wave of energy from
coming from the galactic central sun. Many people who are more spiritually aware
will be able to feel that flash. That will begin a process of mass awakening that
will go across humanity after the Event.

E: So, it is pretty safe to say that none of us will be the same after the Event. 

C: None of us will be the same. It will be beyond our expectations.





the infrastructure for the, reset is ready. But the conditions for the reset are not.


 what is your opinion of NESARA law?

Actually, this is part of the whole, reset, the whole, restructuring of the
financial system, and this will, in its original form was put in long time ago by
the Light forces, on the surface of the planet, there have been some minor
modifications, and it will be implemented together with some other ones, after the
event, as a part of the restructuring of the financial system. Of course there has
been a lot of disinformation about NESARA afterwards, that wanted to confuse the
original idea, but the original idea was very positive and it will be implemented,
together with some other projects, at and, shortly after the event.(Nesara-Post arrests)


Now, you do feel that we cannot, experience someone trying to fake, the event?
It’s not possible to fake the event. There is actually, Jesuits are trying to fake
the reset of the financial system but they are going to be successful, because, they
have already been exposed, and, .. I would say, the top-most people in the Eastern
Alliance are aware of this, and will not let it happen.


 The Event has physical and non-physical parts to it. The physical parts
are, first, the reset of the financial system. The reset of the financial system
will happen electronically. The Resistance Movement has already planted a virus in
the computer network which connects the major banks in the current financial system.
They can remotely trigger a shutdown of the banking system and this is what they
will do.

The reason they will do this is so that the Cabal will not be able to access funds
for their operations. The second reason is that the entire financial system needs to
be reset. This reset will include a few things: the writing off of most of the debt
on this planet which was an artificial creation, implementation of checks and
balances to ensure that the new financial system will be fair and transparent, and
the dismantling of certain institutions which were not operating in people’s favor.
An example is the Federal Reserve, which will be dismantled.

When the banks reopen, those banks which survive will abide by the new financial
system. People who had money in the banks that collapse will receive a refund of
their money thru the collateral accounts. The collateral accounts is simply money
which was stolen by the Cabal from the world, and it’s a huge amount of money. This
money will be given back to the people, some of it directly, and some of it through
certain projects that will boost the economy, will bring new technologies and new
economic growth.

This is what’s happening on the physical plane. There will also be arrests of the
Cabal. The law enforcement agencies around the planet will arrest those who were
committing crimes against humanity. The Resistance Movement has all the evidence of
everything that happened! Nothing will be hidden.

Those who went beyond what is tolerable and acceptable in civilized society will
have to answer some tough questions. There will be no witch hunts, but there needs
to be a fair trial and some balancing needs to take place so that human society can
heal and progress into the new era.

On the non-physical planes, we will have huge energy waves coming from the Galactic
Central Sun. Those who are more spiritually oriented will be able to feel that. The
censorship and control of the media will be removed and true information will come
through the mass media channels. This is very important because the masses respond
to the mass media. When the masses begin to awaken, then we can have a planetary
transformation. This will set up conditions for the first ET Contact.

First Contact is a diplomatic interaction between the human race and other positive
races. That diplomatic contact can only happen sometime after the Event because the
human race needs to be ready, intellectually and emotionally, to understand and
appreciate that interaction.

Before the official First Contact happens, there will be some individual sightings
and contacts, especially between Pleiadians and those who are open to that
interaction. Then those individuals will go to the mass media telling their story
and this will prepare humanity for the official contact.

The official contact will most likely happen through the United Nations. The United
Nations was a project of the Light Forces which was been hijacked by the Cabal. When
the Cabal is removed, the United Nations will be restructured in a way that will
allow them to be true representatives of humanity. All nations will be able to send
representatives to the United Nations to be included in that process of the First

And from my information, the Galactic Confederation was quite active through some people in the United Nations to prepare the planet for First Contact.


 The Jesuits and the Cabal, they have a plan for their own version of
the Reset.  And that plan will not be
successful. The actual Event, Reset and Revaluation, will actually be the Victory of
the Light Forces, and complete defeat of the Cabal. So there is nothing to be afraid
in that matter.


All the institutions of the cabal will be working until the moment of the
reset. The reset will happen when the International banking system will be
activated. At that moment these institutions will be shut down. They will not be
able to transfer money.

Alexandra – That instantaneously , that seamless?

Cobra – Yes – from the moment it happens it will be a chain reaction that will take
a maximum of a few minutes and all the banks will be shut down and the central banks
will not be able to execute transactions of course. The same with the big financial
institutions on the planet. This is as far as it’s going to happen. Of course all
the major cabal institutions will continue to operate until that moment, even behind
the scenes.


Don’t you feel that some of the changes, the drastic changes with Russia
not participating with the same financial system for example, or the fact that the
petrol dollar has a lot less significance in the exchange of oil. Aren’t these
pieces of the puzzle to demonstrate that our system is coming to an end?

Cobra – These are actually very important part of the same process of the re-set
financial system because before the actual re-set happens, an alternative structures
needs to be created. The structure includes the Eastern Alliance and the major
countries and the major financial infrastructures like development banks and
transaction system that is different from  SWIFT , A different kind of
infrastructure that will not involve petrol dollar and there are many things
connecting to the end the petrol dollar. I will release Certain intel about this
very soon and people will understand more of what is happening behind the scenes.
The end of petrol dollar is a process which is happening which is accelerating now
and will culminate in the reset of the financial system.


people need to understand that the so-called RV, or I would call it a
reset, of the financial system is directly tied with The Event itself. No
revaluation, as people call it, can happen before The Event because the cabal still
holds control over the financial system. At this moment the financial system is
actually a computerized network. The cabal holds the control keys of that computer
network. If anybody would attempt to reevaluate currencies or create a reset before
the cabal is removed, the cabal would simply not allow that to happen. So, the cabal
has to be removed first to allow the reset to happen. It cannot happen with the old
financial system. This is the reason why the BRICS alliance and the Eastern Alliance
is building an alternative structure that will be very helpful in the whole process
of the reset.


mostly the preppers are saying
that it sounds like the New World Order, but we know it’s not. What can be done to
elevate the fears of these people and how can we get them to be participants to
assist with this process?

Cobra: You will simply know by the actions of the law enforcement because the law
enforcement will arrest the members of the cabal and will not turn against the
general population. This will be evident quite early after the beginning of the
operations. Of course, any police presence of law enforcement officials can trigger
the fear in human beings, and that fear will be triggered, but most people will
quite clearly, quickly realize that this is not the case, that there is no martial
law being implemented, but there is an operation to arrest the members of the
cabals. I would say that there is no real fear and there is no real reason for fear.
Instead that fear is coming from past experiences with the cabal and their past
actions because the cabal was misusing the whole idea of law enforcement and this
has to be cleared.



NASARA is a part of the plan after the event. Not in the original form but
in an expanded form. The plan is not static. It is expanding. Originally NASARA was
intended just for the United States. But we are having a planetary reset which will
happen. This situation will be implemented in very different economies and different
environments and this has to be taken into account. Yes, to answer your question,
NASARA will be implemented.


He (pope francis )wants to portray himself as the good guy and because the Jesuits have a
plan to interfere with the reset process and want to portray themselves as saviors
of humanity to survive the event. That’s why he’s doing all those little acts of
kindness. If he will be sincere, the Catholic Church has trillions of dollars worth
of land in South America, so the Catholic Church could end poverty on this planet
immediately. If he would be such a great good guy, he could initiate that change.


Actually the transformation of the financial system will have many
phases.   The first phase will be at the event.  The moment of the reset.  It will
be a transition into the society where the new financial system will be asset
backed.  There will be gold and other physical tangible value which will make up the
system.  We will still use currencies for value exchange.  Society will go through a
certain transformation and after new technologies are introduced, when the
replicators are introduced, the need for money will be less and less.  At a certain
point there will be no more need for human beings to change value for money.  All
physical matter will be easily reproduced in replicators.  Spiritual value will be
freely shared among human beings.


Can you tell us the story behind the 

AIIB and what is the role of the AIIB in the financial reset at the Event. 

COBRA – It is simply a vehicle of the distribution of the funds that will be
released after the Event for infrastructure projects. Right now they are just
creating, I would call it, a bureaucratic institution that needs to be established
for a current level of consciousness. Because when the event happens, those funds
need to be channeled through certain infrastructure bureaucratic institutions. And
AAIB is the perfect vehicle for that.


 First, the statement of the
Dragons having a lot of gold is a myth.  The vast majority of the Dragon families do
not have physical gold.  They have claims to the gold that was stolen from them.  
They have gold bonds that have certificates. They have boxes, but they don’t have
the physical gold.  China as a country had gold
reserves which are quite extensive that China has accumulated the last few decades,
but these have nothing to do with the Dragon families themselves.  This has to do
with the Eastern Alliance as a whole for the preparation for the new financial
system, and one institute is a very old creation of the old Cabal families and it
will be dismantled at the time of the Event.  When the Event happens, the Resistance
Movement under the guidance of the galactic light forces will guide the process of
the gold distribution.  There will be no single human entity, no single faction on
the planet, either from China or from anywhere else, deciding where the gold goes.  
The gold will be used as a collateral, as the basis of the new transitional
financial system.  It will not be given to any particular group or any particular
country.  It will not be the beginning of a new powerful China that will control the
rest of the world.   It will not be the old way. It will be the new way. It will be
a new way. All the nations of the world will benefit from the wealth that has been


Those certificates will only be used as instruments for the bankruptcy
of the Federal Reserve.  This is their role.  There are many groups that try to cash
those bonds.  Of course, the vast majority of them have not been successful because
the Cabal doesn’t want to acknowledged those bonds. And when everything is ready,
the Eastern Alliance can bring those bonds off the table and demand payment from the
Federal Reserve and this will actually effectively bankrupt the Federal Reserve. And
this is the moment the Resistance Movement presses on the button and does the
financial reset, and out of the reset, those bonds will be worthless. There will not
be anything because even the Chinese Dragon families have accumulated that gold from
peasants, from people, from little people.  The dynasties have been actually
stealing that gold from people and it doesn’t belong to them. It belongs to the
whole humanity.


it’s not that easy to devalue the dollar.  One faction of the Cabal
has plans to devalue the dollar to create social chaos that would lead to martial
law.  That’s their plan and their plan will not be successful.  Then there can be
some instability in currencies, but devaluation is not such a stressful event that
people are to be afraid of.  It can bring a little bit of instability, but basically
this is not something to be overly worried about.  There are other aspects of the
financial situation that are much more serious – the derivatives, the financial
speculations, high-speed trading, the global complex financial system, which will
collapse at the time of the reset.  And when those things happen, it will go so fast
that people will not have time to worry about it. Because when the Event happens,
there will be so much new intel released and so much new perspective that nobody
will worry about the dollar being devalued 10 or 20 or even 50%.


The institute of M1 will be dissolved at the time of the financial reset.  The
collateral account will no longer be under control of any royal dynasty of any
faction.  They will not be in the hands of the Dragons.  They will not be in the
hands of any group on the planet.  They will be released to humanity and the only
way this can happen is under the guidance of positive forces that are not involved
in the system on the surface of the planet.  That means the RM. That means the
positive ET races, and you can name many of them, but only people or beings who are
in complete alignment with their own higher spiritual I AM’s can take charge and can
guide the process of taking care of the collateral accounts.


 People want to know: ‘What is the current status of the
Swiss Indo?’

COBRA – I will not answer this question directly.  I will not give any judgment or
evaluation of different people that claim to have keys to the re-set of the
financial system. To say that the whole process is being led by forces far beyond
what is physically visible in the blogosphere.  People who claim to have a role in
this process – have the major role in this process – are not the people who really
have the major role in this process.  What is really happening behind the scenes is
advertised nowhere in the blogosphere, nowhere on the internet.  People who are
really key players in the financial reset are just glimpsing they are taking action
and are not publishing this anywhere.  And their actions will be seen when things
happen and not before.


Yes, there are many groups that are well-intended but what I’m saying
is that people who are really the main players in this process are not being
advertised in anyway in the blogosphere.  They are simply not public in anyway.


 I’ve been speaking with a gentleman who’s been in contact with the treasurer
and Christine Legarde and he maintains that things really are changing, and I noted
to him, I said, “The hundred dollar bills now say ‘Federal Reserve Note and Treasury
note’”. Can you comment on that? Is that kind of the transition dollar that’s going

COBRA – Yes, there are changers behind the scenes in the structure of the financial
system, and those changes are quite deep and they will lead towards the financial


 Will the dollar keep it’s purchasing power after the reset? Will there
be a drastic situation for the US dollar where, like in some countries you could use
it in your fireplace it’s so cheap, not worth the paper it’s printed on. I was kind
of wondering what the situation is with the dollar?

COBRA – No, there will be no drastic devaluation. There might be a devaluation to a
certain degree, but the US dollar will not become worthless paper. This is not the


The reset will happen on a planetary scale at the same moment for everybody.
There will be no backdoor deals as a part of that reset.


The Eastern Agarthan network is actually present there for thousands and
thousands of years, and actually are connecting with the surface.  It was actually
the other way around. They are contacting the surface.  They were the ones who were
the source of the Blue Dragon spirituality and now they are connecting again with
the Eastern Alliance, in a certain way, to give guidance in this process of
planetary transformation.  They are giving guidance for the financial reset and for
the formation of the Eastern Alliance on the surface.  There is a connection.


I’ve said this many times.  After the reset of the financial system, people
will receive a part of the money from the global collateral accounts, because this
money belongs to the people.  They will receive some funds directly. They will
receive funds for the investment in the infrastructure, and the whole situation will
be much, much, much better after the Event.
Before the Event, I am not expecting any great improvements, and there will be
terrible events in the market, but the actual financial reset will be a very sudden
event that will happen exactly at the moment of the Event itself.


 Another interesting
thing you reported recently that the Chinese yuan is recruited into the SDR basket
of currencies. That kind of is a major change in preparation for RV revaluation and
the global currency reset under the Event. Would you agree?

COBRA – Yes, exactly because the plan was always for the reset to include the
Chinese yuan and perhaps even some more currencies, so this is a step in the right
direction. Some people feel that this is a step towards a globalized planetary Cabal
government. That’s not true. There is a lot of fear-based propaganda out there
regarding the situation, but in reality the Jesuits are behind this and all though
the years the Eastern Alliance has infiltrated the light forces. The Jesuits are not
so strong any more. They will not be able to do anything when the Event happens.


 The process of financial
reset does not include only the Dragon families, it includes all interest groups
that we have on the surface on the planet and beyond the surface of the planet.  So
I would say that each of the interest groups have their own idea, their own motivation, their own, I would not say agenda, but their own course of action and
all those different groups need to come together and find a common ground and this
is one of the reasons why things are taking so long because each of those groups has
a perception that they are the ones who are responsible for the financial situation
on the planet and they are responsible for the reset, which is not true.
Actually the combined effort and combined synchronized action of all those groups
will bring about the reset.  And what needs to happen is that all those people need
to find common denominator and need not focus on differences because there will
always be differences, but there needs to be a certain critical mass of agreement
created for those changes to happen because the changes needs to happen to the
surface population.  The changes can not happen, the resistance movement or other ET
beings can not be the carriers of the change on the surface of the planet.  The
surface population needs to be the one making the change and this is not about
China. It is not about focus shifting from West to East. It is about having a global
planetary consciousness and each interest group having their say in what needs to
happen on the surface of the planet.


 Can you please comment on any progress that’s taking place or is it just
bringing in the last three weeks any on going program with the Yuan becoming
exchange currency of choice internationally?
We’ve had drops in the Dow, Baltic Index. Can you please comment. This is obviously
an attrition situation. Can you give us a little more details on what is going on in
the financial system and something hopeful we an look forward to.

COBRA – Yes, of course the same process is continuing in the last few weeks. There
is a lot of preparations in the back ground to reposition the basket of currencies
to give them more equal and balanced perspective when the reset comes. There is
strengthening of the Eastern alliance on the financial front. There is the
continuation of the attack against the cabal by lowering the oil prices because this
will bring the Cabal to their knees. This is one of the major sources of their
income and this is why the price of oil is dropping so fast to bring the Cabal to
their knees. And along with that of course there is continuation on the political
front and on the military front. So it’s an ongoing process which is slow becomes
things need to continue carefully, not to trigger any unwanted responses from the
Cabal, so we need to do it in the way that everybody can manage.


 We are now in the stages when this crash is accelerated slowly, and the crash
will continue accelerating until the final collapse and the reset.

U : And is the financial crash being slowed down or postponed because the strangelet
bombs aren’t removed yet, so it could trigger some retaliations from the cabal if it
crashes too much ?

C : I would say that the speed of the crash is determined by the best optimal way
for humanity to go through the transition as harmoniously as possible, with as
little pain as possible, so there are many factors involved and the Light forces are
guiding this crash in a way that would allow humanity to go through the process as
harmoniously as possible and the strangelet ( cleared now we need to clear toplet )bombs are one part of the equation but
that’s not the only part.


 I would say that people tend to put too much attention on when and how
would this funds be distributed instead of manifesting and creating abundance for
themselves now. So do not wait for The Event. Do not wait for the reset to bring you
abundance. Try to create . . start creating this now in your own life and in the
life of those around you. This is the proper approach, so I will not answer this
question in the traditional way. I will just say that the reset and the release of
funds will happen at the moment of The Event and not before that. You need to live
your life now.

 Those funds will not be disbursed before The Event.  Simply because the
Cabal needs to be removed. Of course the Cabal is blocking the disbursement of those
funds and will continue to do so as long as they are still in power on this planet


In reference to the current money systems we have in the west, The Fed, IMF,
World bank and Swift and in the east we have the PBOC, AIIB, BRICS and CIPS.  The
east created their own money systems to no longer be dominated by the west’s failingfiat money system.  It is my understanding that the west’s petro dollar system is
still very strong and they’re is heavy competition for the Eastern money system.   
What do you see as the status of the two current money systems right now and in the
near future and in the US and the world.

COBRA – It is simply that the eastern new alternative system is getting stronger.  
The western old Petro-dollar system is getting weaker and at a certain point they
will be equal and then the new alternative system will become stronger than this one
 This is a process which takes some time and this process will drastically
accelerate around the time of The Event.  Then the new eastern system will be the
back bone of the financial reset.


After the financial reset, many listed companies will be obliged to buy back
their shares. What should these companies do if they don’t have enough cash or
capital to complete such settlement ?

C : Many companies will go bankrupt, and only the healthy parts of companies will
remain, so the part of the company which can show that they are able to produce
something valuable will remain, and the other branches of those companies will
simply be forced to go bankrupt. And this will be used to purge the companies of all
the bureaucracy, and all the cabal-based activities.


 There is talk and negotiation for regime changes in Saudi Arabia, Israel,
Ukraine, Japan, the U.S. and other countries to end all conflict and prepare the way
for a new financial system. Are these logical, necessary and are real negotiations
going on?

COBRA – I would say on a certain level there are real negotiations for regime
changes in those countries and they will happen. Those change will happen sooner or
later but this is not the top most perspective of the whole situation because the
real financial reset will happen only at the moment of The Event, not before. But
certain political changes are possible before and will happen before. Actually in
some countries they already have happened and they will happen in other countries as


One of the reasons I am asking that is because there is some confusion
about this global currency reset, which is where Winston can really contribute a lot
to this conversation. So, yesterday I was reading Cobra’s new interview and that
Lynn did a wonderful job, she is so lovely, she did an excellent job with all her
wonderful questions and Cobra, you had commented about this Global Currency Reset,
specifically this RV, this exchange and I think there was still some confusion about
it, and I know Benjamin talked about it in your last update as well, that is
definitely an agreement that is gonna be a global currency reset, but exactly how
that’s gonna happen is little bit unclear. You have stated Cobra, in your article,
that there was not that going…that there was some misunderstanding perhaps, about
the RV, did you want to clarify what you said?

Cobra: Yes, ok I can…I don’t know exactly what article you are referring too, but I
can clear some misunderstandings here because they are quite widely spread. Many
people are speaking widely and optimistically about the RV as the revaluation of
certain particular currencies. I am speaking about something else, the financial
reset is not the reevaluation of certain particular currencies Like Zimbabwe dollar
or Vietnam dong or the Iraqi dinar but a global restructuring of the financial
system. Now we are still operating under the Brettonwoods agreements so the whole
Planetary financial system of the planet is structured in a way that benefits the
Cabal. The way the money is transferred, the way the banking operates is structured
purposely in a way that does not benefit humanity. So, the Light Forces are working
behind the scenes for many years and I know that Benjamin knows a lot about it
because he is directly involved in some of this…but is an alternative financial
infrastructure built as we speak, globally, in many countries around the world and
this in preparation for the revamping or restructuring of the financial system and
is not just about revaluing certain currencies, is about putting the whole financial
system on a new basis. This basis has few elements, one of those elements it would
be partially backed by gold, because the financial system needs to have physical
anchor… and the recent developments are about crypto-currencies, I will be speaking
about the crypto-currencies a little bit later, during the interview, I think… for
sure we will get into that area.


 You have discussed this in previous reports that we’ve done together,
regarding why does humanity, maybe I will start with Cobra on this, why does
humanity need a transition through a financial reset? Why is that part of this
transition at this time?

Cobra: Is very obvious because the majority of humans are living in poverty right
now and they need assistance to have the physical templates, the physical background
through which they can then evolve spiritually. If people are hungry and struggling
for survival, they cannot evolve. First, humanity needs to receive that assistance,
financial assistance and physical assistance with the financial reset, new
technologies, to get back on their feet and then people will be naturally interested
in the spiritual growth. Now, there is a small percentage of people that even cares
about spiritual growth, because the rest are so focused on struggling for survival
so this is the reason why all this is happening, why we need a financial reset.


part of the financial reset is the prosperity packages. There is so much wealth on
this planet which has been hidden, which has been grabbed by the Cabal that needs to
be shared with everybody and the Light Forces are expecting when all this is
distributed and any woman, man, and child on the planet will get about 100 thousand
dollars, that’s enough for a small home, that’s enough for…you no longer need to
worry about your basic existence and of course, from then on, it will go upwards and
I would that the basic, everybody will receive that basic package, regardless of
race, regardless of age, regardless of anything, except of course the members of the
Cabal that will go through the , I would say, readjustment process.


As you have mentioned before the financial reset will happen at the time of The
Event, so their supply of money will be cut off anyway.

C: Yes, exactly.

2019- current


This conference will be the 7th one in Taiwan. What is the special meaning of                                                                              :
this conference?

Cobra- There will be a lot of focus on the new Financial system lot of focus on the                                                                             :
financial reset and there will be some new Intel release about. Also I will give
even more detailed explanations of the primary anomaly, of the toplet bomb, so that
people can really understand what is going on behind the scene. People would really
understand why the event hasn’t happened yet and they will really understand what
conditions need to be fulfilled for the event to happen and to receive some
practical technical keys  to how they can contribute to accelerating the Event.


 of course if we
reach the critical mass, it will affect the financial situation [and] the financial
system. And it's time to burst the bubble. And this is the moment when we can burst
the bubble. And then of course people are saying we need to hard crash the system.
No, we need to guide the system in a controlled crash to reset into a new one.
People still need food on their table, people still need to drive their cars, and
this transition needs to be done in a way that will be without any drastic chaos.


 I want to talk a little bit about the financial reset.
People seem to be confused about this because in the past you have said that the
financial reset would only happen at the time of the Event, and yet now there is
talk about it happening prior to the Event. So can you update us on what is going on
with that? 

COBRA:  What is happening in the Light Forces are favoring a gradual dismantling of
the old financial system because they realize an abrupt crash would create too many
problems, primarily because people are not ready, people have not done their
homework and there is not enough consciousness on the surface of the planet. The
support grid of Lightworkers is far too weak to sustain the energies of an abrupt
financial crash.
So what will happen will be a gradual dismantling of the old system which will be
identically triggered with this Age of Aquarius activation. And this dismantling
will take a certain amount of time which will culminate in the final reset.


 there is a faction of the cabal that
wanted to hard crash the system and then introduce electronic money with total
control. And this is what this meditation was preventing. Their plan was to
implement this on the 1st of January this year, and as you can see, this did not
happen. Their plan failed, which is good. And this was the main reason why this
meditation was taking place and is still necessary for a few days.


 U. S. government, and this whole debt-bubble. needs to be
collapsed. That’s the start of the financial reset. Not just the United States but
worldwide. All this will be collapsed. But as I said before, this collapse will be
gradual, it will be more of a dismantling not a sudden shock, because a sudden shock
the surface population would not be able to absorb it. People would experience hardships that are not necessary.


What is China
preparing for with its gold?

COBRA:  Yes, China, and Russia also, are collecting gold because after the reset,
gold will partially underwrite a new financial system. Gold will back partially the
new financial system and China and Russia, and also some other countries, are
actively preparing for that.


the hard crash scenario that the Dark Forces are
planning is extremely unlikely to happen. But if it would happen, the banks would
close immediately, the distribution chain would be disturbed, people would start
losing access to food, electricity, there would be riots on a mass scale, and then
as you probably know the dark ones will strive to implement martial law and would
use this as an excuse to completely tighten the control over the surface population.
I think I don’t need to go further into that.


Can you offer a little more insight into what kind of financial reset the
Light Forces are orchestrating. You said it was going to be softer. How would the
everyday person experience that?

COBRA:  You mean the Light Forces version of the financial reset? 


COBRA:  Okay, there will be a few things happening. The first thing will be exposureof the financial machinations of all the wrong-doings through the mass media. Big
scandals. And there will be melt-downs of the larger banks which includes Deutsche
Bank and J. P. Morgan. Many larger banks will have to go bankrupt, but it will be a
controlled situation and the huge restructuring of the rules of the financial
system. This is a process that can take quite some time but will be quite intense
and quite dramatic. It is not expected that this will always go smoothly. There will
be many shocks that are not avoidable. It is not possible to completely make this a
smooth transition. But what we are trying to prevent are the hardest scenarios.


Will there be any type of a jubilee? 

COBRA:  At the moment of the reset, yes.

 So what things specifically can we visualize happening in the financial
system so that we can help to have this smooth financial reset?

COBRA:  You can visualize a smooth transition; you can visualize this system being
transformed into a new system that is fair to everybody. That is the basic goal.


Okay, because that will help during the meditation in terms of what we want
to visualize. You have said a lot before about how to prepare physically for the
reset by stocking up on two-weeks worth of supplies, but how can we best prepare
ourselves spiritually for the reset?  How can we help mainstream folks who are
likely to be in a state of shock as well as being caught without supplies?

COBRA:  The first thing that is the most important is to get in contact with your
inner guidance. And you can get in contact with your inner guidance by practicing
following inner guidance, and not neglecting inner guidance. And inner guidance will
sometimes guide you through situations where it is not comfortable for your belief
system or for the belief systems of those around you. So it is a matter of practice.
And the other thing that is also quite important is not to get involved in dramas of
other people. Because when you begin to raise vibrationally above the average, you
become a magnet for people’s drama. The key here is do not engage. People will get
crazy because those new energies are quite strong and people will not be able to
handle them. So for you to stay in your own center, and not get involved into all
that craziness happening around you.




 People are wondering what would happen to their money in the banks? Does this
mean all or most of our money should be taken out, or just enough cash to pay bills
for a month or so while the system resets?

Cobra: Right now it is common sense to take some of the money from the bank so you
have cash ready if you need to buy groceries, if you need to go to a store, in this
global quarantine you need to have some cash on the side for those kinds of
expenses. Regarding the Event situation, taking money out of the bank you need to
use your own inner guidance. There has been enough intel released in the last eight years about how to prepare for the Event.




 Going back to what you mentioned about the stimulus packages with this money
that’s being created, G20 announced that its members will invest 5 trillion dollars
to stop the coronavirus outbreak and boost the economy. Some countries are giving
money to people who cannot go to work. Lightworkers might relate such a large amount
of funding to GESARA. Is all this a sign that Light Forces are already releasing
some preliminary prosperity funds before the financial reset?

Cobra: No, this has no relation to GESARA.

Debra: Ok, it it a positive thing that this money will be available to people or
what is the agenda behind that?

Cobra: It is basically the only thing that could happen because if the economy and
businesses do not receive the stimulus, the system will collapse. The Federal
Reserve had no other option than to release those funds. There was no other option,
they were pushed to the wall. So in a way it’s a good thing, but on the other hand,
the dark forces are using the situation to consolidate their power even more.
So it's a double-edged sword.




 So do you have any information about the RV? Do you think that's the
revaluation of the currency?

Cobra: Okay. I was speaking many times about the financial reset and RV is sometimes
represented in slightly incorrect way. It's not just a revaluation of one currency.
It's basically a global financial reset, which will happen when the Resistance
Movement creates a hack in the electronic worldwide financial system. And that will
be done for a purpose of cutting off all the funds from the cabal so that this new
financial system will be fair for everybody on the surface of the planet.




So do you, do you also foresee, say like the Zim notes also revert
converting to one-to-one?

Cobra: No, no, no, this is not part of the financial reset. 

James: Okay. And do you see NESARA taking place?

Cobra: Actually NESARA is part of a global GESARA, which is a global program and a
global program of just part of the financial reset. This is just one aspect of it,
but this is, this has some legal background upon which this new financial system
will be built.


 So this, this goes back to the RV and the
debt Jubilee. So do you have, do you, if people have no more, I mean, do you foresee
how about we start with that? Do you foresee a debt Jubilee taking place?

Cobra: Yes. As a part of the global reset, there will be a debt Jubilee without thatwe cannot start a new system.


When there's a reset, will that mean it'll get dark
with no food and should we stock... I guess they want to know, should we stock up on

Cobra: Well, when the Event happens you will be notified by EMS Emergency
Broadcasting System and it is good guidance to have enough food and have enough cash
to purchase whatever you need to purchase in those days, you know.


Do the Dragons expect the cross-strait tension between China and
Taiwan to be relieved after the Presidential inauguration of the United States?

Cobra: Oh, okay. The Light Forces and the Dragons are doing whatever they can to
stabilize the situation there. It's not yet stabilized completely. And this is not
only connected to the elections in the United States. It is connected to the global
geopolitical situation and is connected to the plans of the dark forces for their
own version of the reset. Of course, their own... the dark version of the reset will
not happen, but they are doing whatever they can to bring us as close as possible to
that dark timeline. And the conflict between China and Taiwan is part of their
plans. So the Light Forces are addressing that situation and trying to stabilize it
as much as possible.


The dark forces are trying to misuse Aquarian energies with advertising their own
religion, which is AI singularity. This is the religion of the dark forces on the
surface of the planet. This is what they believe in, in merger between a man and a
machine. And this is what their own version of the reset is all about. And Aquarian
energy can trigger a purification of those ideas and those religious dogmas of the
dark forces. So if we have our divine connection, with our own divine connection,
with our own spirit, with our own higher self, we can transcend all this on a
planetary scale. And this is what the beginning of the Age of Aquarius is about.


You've said that the "Great Reset" proposed by the Cabal would
not be successful, which is good news, and that the new financial system would be
fair to everyone. Would you share if the planned financial system has changed from
what you told us a few years ago?

Cobra: The basic plan is still the same. There might be some technical improvements
because the world has changed a bit, but the basic plan is still the same.


And what can you tell us about the Queen of England? It appears that
she's quite weak and perhaps has died. Ben Fulford recently made it appear that the
Queen is a "good guy". So what is happening there with the Queen of England? The
British Royal family appears to be in transition. So can you talk about this at all?

Cobra: I would say there have been certain negotiations and certain changes
happening between different factions of the Cabal. The Jesuit faction wants
depopulation of the Earth. And the Rothschilds are more inclined towards the Great
Reset, Klaus Schwab-type Great Reset “You will own nothing and you will be happy”,
more like a techno-feudalism type of society without mass exterminations. And the
Rothschilds therefore see themselves as the "good guys", and as the "good guys", the
Queen of England is very much connected to the Rothschilds, and she sees herself as
a good person actually, because she's against the depopulation of the Earth. Of
course, we will not agree with her assessment of the situation. There has been a lot
of propaganda from the Rothschilds in the last week or so about this, and of course,
I will take this with a grain of salt. This is not exactly the type of future we
want to manifest. We are speaking about real life and a real Galactic society. We
are not speaking about their type of techno-feudalist dystopian society they want to


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