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Interviews :


2012 (x12)



 Tuesday, April 17, 2012

 Forces of Light and Forces of Darkness

 Resistance Movement. (RM)This is a group of freedom fighters who live in subterranean
dwellings in the upper part of Earth’s crust. They have a constant physical contact
with underground Pleiadian bases in Himalaya and under Bora-Bora island.  Their
official public contact is Cobra.

With assistance from the Confederation, they have cleared all remaining Reptilian
forces from this solar system. Shortly after the year 2000 they have also cleared
all subterranean Reptilian bases in severe battles. Then they shifted their focus
towards clearing most black budget military programs and technologies, which they
did successfully.

After that they(RM) have placed their agents inside the military & alphabet agencies
to help the Positive Military group with their Plan
that is coming to fruition now.
Main motivation of the Resistance Movement is to help liberate the planet, so they
can stop living in caves and move on to more prospective missions elsewhere in the

Positive Military. This is the most powerful positive group on the surface of the
planet. They have developed the Plan for planetary liberation with unseen assistance
from the Resistance Movement. Around three quarters of the military agrees with this plan and this is sufficient critical mass for this plan to become reality. Drake is
their public representative.

Most of this group is not aware of the “unseen friendly hand” of the Resistance.
Some of those in high positions are well aware of their Resistance contact but will
not admit it as it is still classified information.
This is a loose group without a leader and their main motivation is to restore
sovereignty and freedom to human population, especially in the US.

Templars. Also called Faction 2 or sometimes White Hats.  This group originates from
old European nobility that was almost wiped out by the Rothschilds. They have a
strong power base in the US (Navy), UK and continental Europe. Their public contact
is Lord Blackheath. Currently they are very much involved in the creation of the new
134 nations alliance financial system. They cooperate with the Positive Military
Their main purpose is to bring down the Federal Reserve and to destroy the
Rothschilds - their old enemy.
They are not to be confused with Zionist templar groups that are part of the
Rothschild faction, although there are some Rothschild agents infiltrated inside the
positive Templar group.





 April 22, 2012  

Dispelling the Fears


 uppermost parts of some of underground military bases. ... Positive Military will take care of whatever is remaining of these bases at the time of the Event. They will be backed up by the Resistance, which will intervene directly in this cleansing of underground bases only if Positive Military needs some help.




 April 28, 2012

New Financial System 

The existence of Global Settlement funds will be then { ONLY AFTER Arrests, always the case } introduced to the public.
Those funds include about  $ 70 trillion from old money patriots connected to the
Positive Military
, $ 100 trillion from White Dragon Society and Templar groups, $
120 trillion from Resistance Movement and $ 10 trillion from Saint Germain Trust.
Global Settlement funds will also include all money and assets from the Cabal.



 June 7, 2012

 Negotiations Update

 Top people inside Positive Military group started having doubts and reservations
about the execution of the Mass Arrests scenario in early May
as there was an
unknown element disturbing their plans. This unknown element turned out to be the
Archons, physical and non-physical ones. The original Plan for the Mass Arrests
designed by the Positive Military did not include Archons in consideration as their
presence was not known to the Positive Military group until recently.
The physical Archons consist of a powerful group inside the Jesuit faction

 The non-physical Archons could become a real problem in the Mass Arrests scenario.
Please understand that Mass Arrests could not happen without the complete reset of
the financial system to cut off the Cabal from their remaining financial resources.

At the reset, the non-physical Archons would influence people to spread panic,
violence, riots, provoke civilians against the military…Things could really get ugly
and spin out of control.

 ..Resistance has promised to back up the Positive Military and protect the People with
their resources and can also send their troops from their deep underground bases to
assist the Positive Military as the last resort.





  June 21, 2012

 Operation Stardust 2

" According to the Galactic Codex, section IV/2, The Galactic Confederation
has an unalienable and unconditional right to the implementation of the Galactic
Codex and of conquering the areas of Galactic Codex violation with military force if
This subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied planets with
military force.  The military forces of the Confederation remove or give assistance
to the local Positive Military in removal of the representatives of the Dark Forces
and set the hostages free.

 The purpose of the Operation Stardust is to
counteract any negative effects of Doom 33 that the Cabal might want to use at that
point. In combination with the Positive Military action, this basically check-mates
the power of the Cabal. This technology will NOT be activated before the Event. At
the Event, the Positive Military and civilian authority will still need to do their
part. The purpose of this operation is to make it easier for them.





 June 25, 2012
Uranus square Pluto - Archons Activity


 " There is hidden war now taking place in Pentagon. The dark Cabal tried to infiltrate
the Positive Military group to stop the mass arrests but this is currently
successfully being dealt with. This was one of the main reasons for delays that
frustrated so many people.

Stardust 2 is a defense and not an attack weapon. It will be activated only to
prevent the Cabal from doing harm at the time of the Event. This technology can be
activated on a distance with a precision of about one millionth of a millimeter. It
will be targeted specifically to the neurotransmitters in nerve cells in the bodies
of the members of the Cabal. This technology is very target - specific and no innocent individual will be harmed in any way.
Taking certain hard-core members of the Cabal into the Galactic Central Sun is
healing, not punishment. Some of them have been damaged beyond repair. They have
rejected the Light completely and this is the only way to deal with the situation.
They will not feel any pain while being disintegrated. They will simply be gone
forever. "



 June 28, 2012
Operation Omega Phoenix

 The First part of Operation Omega Phoenix has just been declassified and I can speak
a little bit about it. At the time of the Event, a certain number of Resistance
operatives will emerge from their subterranean bases to the surface. They will be
wearing plain civilian clothes and not military uniforms. They will closely monitor
the mass arrest process and will help the Positive Military and civil authority in
the arrests themselves when necessary. Members of the Cabal that will be arrested by
the Resistance operatives will be taken to undisclosed locations and later released
into the hands of Positive Military / civil authority.
The only exception for this
are a few members of the Cabal that have committed crimes beyond this planet in
their past and must appear before the Galactic Court. Most of those will be later
returned to Earth for humanity to determine their destiny, but a fraction of them
will be taken to Galactic Central Sun immediately.
Top people inside the Positive Military have been notified about Operation Omega
Phoenix and they fully agree with it.





 June 30, 2012
Green Light Update

 Real Green Light has not been issued yet. When that happens, action will be taken
within 24 hours timeframe. This action will be very evident for everyone and nobody
will have any more doubts whatsoever.

 The Event is a worldwide operation. In USA it will happen through the Positive

In Canada and Australia it will be a combination of their own Positive
Military and Interpol.

In Europe, it will be carried out through the positive
faction inside Interpol and NATO.

 In Asia, it will be a combination of Interpol and
White Dragon Society.

In Latin America it will happen through a certain positive
group that has members throughout most of the South / Central America and whose name
can not be disclosed.

Situation in Africa is more complex and will receive special




 July 5, 2012
White Knights - the Cavalry is Coming

 There is a soul group that keeps reincarnating with the sole purpose of fighting
against the Cabal and setting the planet free. In the middle ages, they were
fighting against the Inquisition. In the 17th and 18th centuries they were fighting
against the Jesuits. Now, they are mostly against the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
This group is the cavalry that is coming.

You can find them now inside the Positive Military, inside Templar groups, inside
Faction 2, among members of the White Dragons Society, infiltrated inside various networks of the Cabal and among many freedom fighters inside the general human
population. If you feel a burning desire for freedom of this planet and you are
actually doing something about it, you may well be part of this group!

Each one of us is unique and irreplaceable. There is a higher divine plan which
strategically positions each of the Light warriors in a mandala that only the Source
has a complete overview of. This mandala is functioning with its full power only if
each one of us does his mission. So do your part! If you do not know what your part
is, keep searching for it, keep asking for it and you will find it. You do not need
to fight with a gun. You can also fight for the Light with a clear vision, with a
brilliant mind, with the power of the written word and by many other means.

Attacking and criticizing messengers such as Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, David Wilcock
or Drake is not a wise strategy to help the Light forces. What the messengers do is
they only relay info. They are NOT responsible for delays or missed deadlines.

After the Cabal was lately cut off from nuclear weapons, they began frantically
developing new biological and chemical weapons.

The Rothschild faction threatened to
use one of these weapons (the so-called Flipper virus) and decimate the Earth’s
population if the mass arrests would take place on July 4th. All those exotic
biochemical weapons are currently being dealt with.

The plan for the planetary liberation is real and mass arrests play a vital part of
this plan. Be aware that Disclosure, First Contact and Golden Age can not happen
before the Cabal is removed.

That may happen days, weeks or even months from now,
but at a certain point it will happen.

No action will be taken by the Positive
Military that could potentially endanger human masses, therefore they will move only
when everything is ready.

P.S. Through the years, top members of the Cabal have created many protective
defense mechanisms around them in case anything happens to them. Those mechanisms
include, but are not limited to the use of biochemical weapons. There are certain
devices that constantly monitor all main bodily functions of the top members of the
Cabal, and if anything strange happens, they send alerts to their advanced weapons
systems. Then a special computer program decides if any of those weapons is to be
used. Those mechanisms would be triggered automatically if Stardust 2 was to be used
or if any of the key members of the Cabal would be arrested. This is the reason why
they seem to be untouchable and always able to get away with everything that they

First these mechanisms need to be removed and then positive action can be taken.



 July 13, 2012
The Plan Expanded

 3. At a specific point before the Event, certain actions will be taken that will
bring undeniable proof to the awakened population that the Plan is real and that
there are indeed Light forces working towards the planetary liberation.

4. Greed and lust for power inside the Light forces on the surface of this planet
(Positive Military, White Dragon Society…) is understandable and tolerable as an
intrinsic part of the human nature, to a certain point. But when it begins to hinder
operations, create delays, or when certain suffering could be prevented inside the
general population and it is not, people responsible for this will be held
accountable. The Resistance Movement is monitoring all operations of the surface
positive groups and knows exactly what everybody is doing.

5. The Resistance Movement will give positive groups on the surface of the planet  a
certain limited period of time to carry out the actual liberation themselves. If
they fail to do so, direct action will be taken by the Resistance independently from
any positive groups or the general population. This is the second part of Operation
Omega Phoenix. Very few details will be given out before the actual operation
itself. If Operation Omega Phoenix 2 will be needed, it will be less user-friendly
to the general population because a little more severe disruptions in the
distribution chain are possible. The Green Light (advance notice to the general
population) for Operation Omega Phoenix 2 may or may not be issued.

6. The “containment”, as many channels describe it, is not possible. There will be
actual physical arrests of the Cabal taking place. The positive ET forces will only
assist from the distance with their light healing and balancing technologies to
ensure they will happen with as little violence as possible.



 July 16, 2012
Keeping the Balance

 People are tired of waiting for the Positive Military and want to
take matters in their own hands. It is a moment when the Archons would like to trick
the population into a violent revolution.


Therefore I would suggest everybody to remain calm and peaceful. Violence will not
overthrow the Cabal. It is strategically unwise to attack the enemy where he is the
strongest. Instead I would propose the people inside the freedom movement to
co-create a grassroots master plan.




 July 30, 2012
The Plan and What You Can Do

 The Event will be a multidimensional breakthrough for planet Earth that will send waves of Light across the Universe. The Event will be spiritual and physical in nature. It will encompass a breakthrough in removal of non-physical negative entities, mass arrests of the Cabal and drastic increase of sightings of positive UFOs. It will be an unified effort of the Pleiadians, the Resistance Movement, Positive Military, White Dragon Society and other positive groups

  the Positive Military was not aware of Archons until recently
and did not integrate them in their 35+ years old plan. The other reason was that positive groups got heavily infiltrated by the Cabal.






 July 5, 2013
Victory of the Light in Egypt

As you probably know, a big victory of the Light has been achieved.  In the first
large scale coordinated action of the Positive Military in the human history, the
Archon-infested Muslim Brotherhood has been removed from power in Egypt.

This action is a result of many months of careful preparation and joint cooperation
between the Positive Military, Templars, Resistance Movement and even White Dragons,
supported by the human masses.



  July 25, 2013

Liberation of Egypt-Important Update


Now the Positive Military in Egypt has decided to remove them from Egypt. The
Positive Military in Egypt has tactical support from the Resistance Movement,
Positive Templars and the White Dragon Society. To make their move, members of the
Positive Military need the support of the general population also. For that reason,
general Sisi addressed the nation of Egypt, requesting people to protest against
terrorists (namely Blackwater/Xe/Academi and some Muslim Brotherhood factions) on


When people of Egypt respond to his call, the Positive Military will make its move
and remove the Jesuit-backed militias from Egypt.





 Friday, August 16, 2013

A Short Update on the Situation in Egypt and Planetary Situation in General

The historical move of the Positive Military on July 3rd was a big victory of the
Light, but the Cabal does not sleep. They are still sending their
Blackwater/Xe/Academi snipers to Egypt where they try to create civil war by
shooting members of the more peaceful faction of Muslim Brotherhood protesters so
that the Positive Military would be blamed.

The Cabal is also coordinating and organizing more violent faction of Muslim
Brotherhood militias to attack churches and police stations in Egypt:

Blackwater mercenaries were smuggled into Egypt from United Arab Emirates in June
when it became obvious for the Cabal's intelligence agencies that the Positive
Military in Egypt will make its move:


 ...The Resistance Movement is requesting that the Positive Military forces in Egypt
remove Blackwater mercenaries from their country immediately. The Resistance is also
requesting a fair and public trial for arrested Muslim Brotherhood officials so that
their exact crimes can be exposed to the mass media.




 September 11, 2013
Planetary Situation Update Part 1


 Behind the scenes, negotiations for the surrender of the Cabal continue. Large
portions of Jesuit and Rothschild factions have already expressed their theoretical
willingness to surrender at the Event.

This is the reason why current Jesuit white Pope Francis puts on a friendly face. He
wants to get amnesty for himself and the Catholic Church.

However, the Rockefeller faction (Illuminazi Paperclip Kissinger / Bush / Cheney /
Rumsfeld criminal syndicate) does not want to surrender, they want to fight to their
bitter end, triggering nuclear World War 3 on their way down. Needless to say, the
Light forces will NOT allow that to happen.

Also, their military intervention in Syria may trigger the action of the Positive
Military in the United States, exactly in the same way the decision of the Muslim
Brotherhood to get involved in Syria conflict has triggered the action of the
Positive Military in Egypt.

 It seems that everybody is against Rockefeller faction now. The Eastern Alliance is
gathering global public opinion against them, the Positive Military is preparing to
take action. During surrender negotiations, even members of Jesuit and Rothschild
factions have expressed willingness to help taking them down. Also, as there is much
less negative influence from the etheric plane, they can expect much more
disobedience from their mid to low level minions.




 October 7, 2013
Pre-Event Developments

 Finally we are experiencing mass awakening in the United States, which is a crucial
prerequisite for the Event:




The Positive Military is supporting this:


And there are already groups connected with the Positive Military preparing for the


It has been communicated from the Resistance Movement and the Positive Military that
they will NOT trigger the Event between October 11th and October 13th this year.




 November 7, 2013

Visions of Compression Breakthrough

 It is also true that vast
changes are taking place within Pentagon that will soon inevitably lead to great
increase of power of the Positive Military.








 March 10, 2014

Quarantine Earth Endgame

On the physical plane, the situation on the surface of the planet is slowly reaching its climax. The Cabal went too far and ultimatums have been issued by the Light forces. The Cabal needed a demonstration of a mild version of stardust technology and it was freely given:
Here I need to add that stardust can not be used only to block, disable or off Cabal members, it can also be used to heal people. Stardust can heal most causes of chronic pain in 15 minutes. It is time people DEMAND this technology to be released to help bringing healing to humanity. There will be many other advanced healing technologies released soon and Positive Military in Egypt has made its first step in that direction, despite attempts to discredit them:
The existence of these devices was confirmed to me directly by Dragon sources and sources within White Nobility of Egypt.
People are finally becoming aware of the actions of Jesuit-backed Blackwater/Academi mercenaries in Ukraine that want to trick Ukraine and Russia into a military conflict:
One of the reasons is that Jesuits want to erase Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine and replace it with Jesuit-friendly Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church:

The other reason is that Jesuits want to add Ukraine to the European Union, which is a Jesuit creation:
There are many groups with strong military capability that are becoming very angry at the Cabal and the Light forces can not and will not hold them back any longer, so these groups  will most likely start removing members of the Cabal from the planet, if they haven't already, and they will not wait for the mass arrest scenario and the Event. Here I need to add that only about 10% of Jesuits belong to the dark forces and many members of the Cabal are within the Illuminati network against their will so I would ask the aforementioned groups to use discernment in their Cabal removal operations.
One of those groups has communicated that if only one more person dies as a result of Blackwater/Academi mercenary actions in Ukraine, they will begin removing the mercenaries, and if this is not enough, they will begin removing top members of the Cabal one by one.
Another group has advised Putin that instead of resolving the Ukraine conflict militarily, he should send Spetsnaz agents to start removing members of the Cabal.






 April 8, 2014
End of Petrodollar, Overunity and the Event

The Chimera group has put physical strangelet(strangelets cleared - still Toplet versions remaining) bombs inside most of US military bases and some military bases of other nations and these bombs form the main line of defense against the advance of Galactic Confederation and Resistance Movement forces towards the surface of this planet.
They have also created a planetary network of plasma scalar devices. This network is being operated from the military bases and encompasses the whole planet. Plasma is the fourth aggregate state of matter after solid, liquid and gaseous and is in fact the connecting link between physical and etheric matter. Plasma scalar devices can thus influence our physical bodies and the Chimera Group uses these devices to attack Lightwarriors and Lightworkers by influencing their body functions, disturbing breathing and heart pulse. They also use plasma scalar lasers to project thoughtforms into minds of Lightworkers, plasma infrasound to lower the frequency of auric membrane of Lightworkers and plasma ultrasound devices as ultimate spying and surveillance machine. The Resistance is already removing these plasma scalar devices with full speed.
There is a silent full scale war ongoing between the Positive Military and the Chimera group worldwide.
Current hijacking of the MH 370 flight to Diego Garcia was an act of war of the Chimera group, Diego Garcia military base being one of their main strongholds:
When this war is over and the Chimera defeated, we will have perfect conditions for the Event.





 July 7, 2014
Fall of the Chimera


toplet bombs are dangerous and they are the main reason why the Positive
Military is not yet making their move for the Event:







 September 16, 2014
A New Planetary Situation Update


The Chimera also controls the MoonDust project, which assembled a special operations
team which removes all extraterrestrial evidence from anywhere across the planet:


They also remove all genuine UFO photos from public domain and circulate many fake
ones through CIA channels into the alternative media.

Thus quarantine Earth is maintained until the Chimera will be wiped out from the

Until then, we will have to be content with fragments of disclosure:


Also, the Positive Military can not make a move until those dangers are removed.
People are too much focused on the Cabal and tend to forget that the real obstacle
is within the military-industrial complex, within the breakaway civilization and
finally within the Chimera and I would suggest that those factions are exposed more
in the alternative media. That would increase awareness and ease the process towards
the Event. David Wilcock did a partially accurate summary of the breakaway
civilization, written for the mainstream population:









 March 31, 2015
The Alliance Fleet

 Planet Earth is still the focus of the proxy war between many extraterrestrial
races. Representatives of many races have entered the quarantine many lifetimes ago
and they kept fighting. On the Light side, most of the Lightworkers have come from
Pleiades and Sirius. Many Lightwarriors originate from Antares and Arcturus. Most
representatives of the Dragon families originate from the positive faction of the
Draconian race. Many members of the Resistance Movement and Positive Military have
Andromedan origin. On the dark side, the Rothschilds come from Orion. The
Rockefeller/Bush/Illuminazi faction comes from the negative faction of the Draconian
race. Islamic State and Blackwater/Xe/Academi mercenaries have Reptilian origin. The
Jesuits and Black Nobility families come from the negative Andromedan faction.










 January 3, 2016
Situation Update

 If anybody had doubts about the existence of the Positive Military faction in
Pentagon, here is the proof:







 January 10, 2016
Short Situation Update

 There are massive preparations for the financial Reset happening behind the scenes.
Veterans Today is hinting at the joint Positive Military / Templar / Dragon group
that is preparing the Reset:





 May 13, 2016
Joint Cobra / Corey Goode Interview by Rob Potter Part 1

 Is this between
different ET groups or is this between certain aspects of positive military or
negative military from your understanding, or all three?

C o r e y - All of the above and one of the latest bits of intel from Gonzales recently.
  I’ve been hearing for weeks massive reports of different types of orb kind of
UFO’s over Australia.  Some would say they’re metallic.  Some reported  they had
portals going around them.  Some recording that they were of Russian origin and then
there were reports of these very large pumpkin seed shape cruisers which are Draco.
It’s in Australia, Antarctica and then some of them had actually left the earth’s
atmosphere before all of these unknown chevron ships showed up and started
attacking them, and as of the last meeting which postulated that it’s some earth
alliance group that has attained this technology but they’re not claiming
responsibility for using it.





 July 24, 2016
Taiwan Ascension Conference Report


Just a few hours before the beginning of the conference, a military coup happened in
Turkey. The coup was carried out by the Positive Military in Turkey against Erdogan
and was crushed by the US negative military faction as instructed by their Khazarian
/ Jesuit commanders. Although the coup failed, it has elevated the geopolitical
endgame to a totally new level that will lead towards the recognition of the
factions that destabilize the Middle East. This will lead to resolution of all
military conflicts worldwide and towards planetary peace at the moment of the
Compression Breakthrough.





  August 17, 2016
Situation Update

 It is interesting to see how Erdogan is lately portrayed as a positive figure in
alternative media. Those who doubt that it was Turkish positive military who
attempted a coup against Erdogan have forgotten Erdogans' close connections with the
Islamic State:


Erdogan may have suppressed the coup internally but globally he is succumbing to Russian pressure:









 February 3, 2018
Situation Update

Due to changed hostage situation dynamic, the original plan for the Event has been
expanded and is now more robust. Top brass in Positive Military in USA, China and
Russia have been contacted and given instructions.
There was too much classified intel about Event operations flying on the internet
until now.

The hostage situation on the surface is simply too delicate and there will be
complete intel radio silence (EMCON) about surface operations from now on. There
will be a lot of speculation but no real intel about the surface operations will be
released by the Light forces.

The only thing I can say is that the Event will still include:
-Removal of the Cabal
-Full disclosure and full exposure
-Financial Reset





  September 26, 2018
Situation Update

 Chimera- and Archon- controlled Negative Military is still also holding many
extraterrestrials captive in extremely harsh conditions, thus enforcing one aspect
of the Quarantine Earth:


The Archon Black Nobility families are using Trump to artificially polarize the
public into the left/right paradigm, and to focus them away from the real source of
the problem :


Trump is being partially controlled by his Jesuit/SMOM/Gaetani handlers:


Partially, he is (rarely) also listening to guidance of the Positive Military
Intelligence, and the Positive Military Intelligence is tactically stroking his ego
by encouraging Trump worship in alternative media through QAnon and other
alternative channels, as opposed to Trump criticism in the Rothschild controlled
mainstream media. This makes Trump more willing to follow the suggestions of
Positive Military Intelligence.

Left/right paradigm is artificial. Both parties are controlled by the dark forces.
As I have already said years ago, the Black Nobility families and the Jesuits are
throwing Rothschild and Rockefeller factions under the bus to survive the transition
intact, and current political divide is serving exactly that purpose.

Political left (Rothschild-controlled) is more inclined towards libertarian
Luciferianism which is based on deep occult misunderstanding on the use of free will
(Thelema), which they interpret as the permission to do whatever they want for
selfish purposes. Luciferians are outcasts of mystery schools that did not pass the
initiation tests.

Political right (Vatican-controlled) is more inclined towards Satanism, which
occulty worships darkness as a principle. They believe in free will as a sacrifice
to that darkness.

There is a brilliant plan of the Light Forces to end all this, and they have
requested absolute radio silence about that Plan since the end of January 2018.That request was not respected for the first time in late August when QAnon leaked intel about hacking of the spy satellites (Operation Keyhole). Later, David Wilcock
released a few breadcrumbs about the Plan in his latest article, thankfully nothing
significant. The Light Forces have communicated that they understand enthusiasm
which comes when important operations are completed, but it is not over until it is
over, and we all have to keep absolute silence about operations of the Light Forces
that are underway.





 November 6, 2018
Delta Option

The Event will come when it will come, until then we need to do whatever we can to
create better life conditions for ourselves and our loved ones, and do whatever is
in our power to accelerate the planetary liberation process.

The truth is that the Cabal went too far and the Light Forces are not doing enough
stopping it.

Certain factions in the Alliance and certain Agarthan factions are losing patience
and are planning to take the surface of the planet from the clutches of the Cabal
with military action. This could lead to serious consequences and could potentially
lead to a war that would wipe out humanity and make the surface of the planet

To prevent this from happening, the Resistance Movement has created a certain
emergency plan, called Delta Option. I will reveal about Delta Option plan as much
as I can:

Instead of waiting for the optimal conditions with toplet bombs removed and
non-physical Archons removed, a certain “special forces group” would initiate
removal of some factions of the Cabal within USA only. None of the Chimera, Archon,
Black Nobility or Jesuit members would be touched in this operation. They would keep
a low profile and show a friendly face. All other factions of the Cabal within USA
would be taken care of. “Special forces group” would provide tactical support for
Positive Military to carry out the operation. Mass media would be freed from the
Rothschild control and US dollar would collapse. Limited disclosure would begin

This change within USA would trigger a strong international reaction and we would
have an unstable and chaotic transition towards the Event. Worldwide financial
system would go through extreme volatility, but would most likely not collapse.

There would be a worldwide purge of lower Cabal members. Mass media worldwide would
gradually release more and more intel. Definitely there would me much more intel
coming forth about the matrix we live in:


The whole situation would then first slowly, and then not so slowly accelerate into
the Event.

Nothing can be said about removal of Chimera, Archon, Black Nobility or Jesuit
members under Delta Option plan at this point. Removal of the Cabal factions
mentioned above and full disclosure can happen only when all toplet bombs are

Please be aware that Delta Option does NOT mean Delta timeline.There is one huge aspect of Delta Option plan which must remain classified for now.

Final decision whether Delta Option will be implemented or not, has not been made
yet. Less stable and worse the situation within USA is, more probable Delta Option
becomes. The Jesuits are trying to polarize the situation within USA with artificial
left/right political divide. Actions of Jesuits in the coming months will be one of
the key factors in how the planetary situation unfolds. Their actions need to be
monitored closely.

Militarily, the Resistance is preparing for the possible upheaval on the surface and
has received reinforcements from the bases throughout the Solar System that arrived
under the surface of our planet in the last few weeks. At this moment, the
Resistance is 140 million members strong, and that number may and probably will
still rise significantly.







 The Jesuits want civil war in USA to consolidate their power, and wish to polarize
the population as much as possible, that is why they have allowed the election of
Donald Trump.

On one side, they are promoting extreme left with its ridiculous “woke” ideology:



On the other hand, they are promoting Trump as the savior to right wing alternative
population. It was easy for the Jesuits to convince the Rothschilds to promote hate
of Trump through the Rothschild controlled mass media.Then it was even easier for
the Jesuits to convince most of the alternative population that Trump must be the
good guy if the media hate him so much.

Trump has deep ties to his Black Nobility and Zionist handlers:


Although Trump is listening to the Positive Military at times, in most cases he is
only following his emotional impulses or directives of his handlers and is thus an
excellent tool for the Cabal:












  March 16, 2020
Endgame Scenarios
I can confirm that the Positive Military has the plan to carry out mass arrests as has been released by Drake Bailey:

Dragon sources from mainland China are confirming this, saying that the current emergency allows the cleanup to take place, and that all this will become visible by April 15th.

Resistance has communicated that they can not confirm the Positive Military plan, but they are also not denying it. They have also stated that Positive Military is not the only faction at play, and that “there are also other scenarios involved”. They have added that mass arrests are NOT yet taking place, although the Positive Military is already involved in certain preparatory operations.
Until all toplet bombs are removed, the Event can not happen, but a scenario similar to Delta Option is possible:


Light Forces have very recently managed to remove the vast majority of plasma anomaly on the surface of the planet along with the large part of the last layer of plasma toplet bombs. This is a big victory and it is one of the factors that has triggered the plans of the Positive Military.




May 19, 2020
Dragon Endgame

On the surface of the planet, the Positive Military and the Red and Blue Dragons are
conducting operations behind the scenes to prepare for the Event. However, they are
not yet completely connected to reliable extraterrestrial intel sources, so
therefore their understanding of the extent of Draco/Chimera control of the planet
(especially on the non-physical planes) is limited, and their intel sometimes not
completely reliable. One such example would be the plan for mass arrests in April
2020 by the Positive Military.




 September 14, 2020
Progress Report

The Jesuits are now using their puppet George Soros:


To create a color revolution in the USA:





Trump, on the other hand, may use Insurrection Act to counteract this:



Positive Military may, or may not use the Insurrection act, to trigger the Delta Option shortly after the election:


Jesuits want to polarize the surface population to either idolize or hate Trump:


They are using the energy of emotional investment into Trump as a tool to engineer civil war in the USA. Light Forces are therefore asking everybody to remove their either positive or negative emotional investment from Trump and just calmly and rationally observe the situation and try to put as much Light as possible into it.



 October 14, 2020
Final Battle Update

 The Resistance is clearing the underground bases with full force, with Neu Berlin
and most other Antarctic underground bases already liberated.
Positive Military sources with no access to Resistance intel are reporting unusual
seismic activity in Antarctica. Those military sources are also reporting evacuation
of surface US, Russian, Chinese and Argentinian military bases in Antarctica for
unknown reasons.






  July 13, 2021
Planetary Situation Update


 What is remaining now to be cleared underground are some military bases still in the
hands of the Negative military (including those in Antarctica), then underground
tunnels (including those between US / Mexico, California / Nevada and China /
Myanmar) , which are being used for human trafficking by Illuminati, Mafia and the
Triads, and also child abuse centers below some castles of the Black nobility and
below some churches and Catholic schools under Jesuit control. Top priority of the
Resistance and the Positive military now is to rescue as many children as possible
still captured there.

There are still some twin souls (mostly captured Pleiadians) of the top commanders
of the Galactic confederation held hostages in underground bases of the Negative
military and in some military installations on the surface, especially in the Negev
desert (Israel), near Abu Kamal in Syria and near Grozny in Chechnya.  

The Resistance and the Pleiadian fleet have contacted the Positive military in USA,
Russia and China several times in the last few months, and certain plans have been
set into motion to prepare for the Event. Cheyenne Mountain and Thule (Greenland)
underground complexes are being prepared for that purpose.

The Light forces are also intensively clearing negative non-physical etheric and
astral entities, and their number has now fallen below 50 billion. On the top of the
etheric and astral dark hierarchy are still some Chimera spiders who control a few
thousand Archons in insectoid bodies (Lords of Karma), who in turn control a few
million Dracos who manage the remaining tens of billions of Reptilian entities.




 August 24, 2021
Hold the Light

August 30th is set as a trigger date to start a global revolution by certain groups.

In Australia, truckers are doing it:



One commenter on my blog made an interesting comment on how this may play out:

In France, groups allegedly connected to the Positive Military are planning it. According to sources in France:

The other interesting strategy the protesters have is to start taking over the mass media:




 November 1, 2021
Flash Overtura Update


A claim has been made. White nobility families, many of which have connection to the Goddess / Grail lineages, are also the rightful owners of the “historical assets”, “golden fleece” and “collateral accounts”:


This claim against the black nobility families will be enforced through the Positive Military and it will make the black nobility families effectively bankrupt:


The Positive Military will protect the distribution of the assets to humanity and will oversee the paymaster system. The plan to bankrupt the black nobility is called “6900 series of collapse protocols” and is partially revealed here:





Positive Military will NOT move before all extraterrestrial and subterranean threats are removed, and most exotic weapons are removed from the surface.

To delay this process, Biden wants to weaken the military with vaccine mandates.

Illuminati network is also very active in the military and needs to be exposed:



The Cabal wants to prevent its bankruptcy with the Great Reset and with a new “green” Ponzi scheme:


Part of the Great Reset plans is also a slow collapse of the old infrastructure to “build back better”:



Now the critical astrological configurations of October have passed, and all major threats have been deflected. La Palma tsunami will NOT happen:


The Great Reset plans are doomed to fail more than ever. As one commenter on my blog has put it brilliantly:


We just need to hold on a little longer and withstand the siege:








January 3, 2022
Divine Intervention Activation Report

Our activation was a big success, with over 250,000 people participating in the meditation on December 21st and over 190,000 people signing the petition.

This is far more than the Guinness world record claimed by Deepak Chopra:


And is one of our most successful meditations up to date:


Pleiadians were very much present during the activation on December 21st and many people felt wonderful energies:




The process of signing the petition was much more tumultuous. The Cabal has interfered with the signing process on the first petition website a few times and finally deleted the petition page, so we had to migrate to the second petition site.

As soon as the first petition site was deleted, the Pleiadian High Command contacted top brass in the Russian and US military, telling them that a critical mass of Galactic Codex principles has been violated, because people's ability to state their free will about the extraterrestrial contact was severely obstructed. The Pleiaidian High Command has then revealed one part of their intervention plans to the top brass in the Russian / US positive military factions. This has triggered strong reactions within the military, as the Russians felt that First Contact goes against the territorial sovereignty of the Russian state, and many within the US top brass felt this intervention goes against their religious beliefs. This has led to the following development:


The signing process continued on the second website, and a critical mass of 144,000 signatures was reached on December 11th.

The very next day, many cloudships appeared across Japan:


After the critical mass of signatures was reached, the Pleiadians have communicated that the legal basis for their intervention on the surface of the planet is now established.

They will start contacting first the individuals who are participating in the Contact Dish project:


Since Galactic Law overrides local laws, this contact will be established regardless of the local laws in the countries where people will be contacted. The Pleiadians have stressed that they want to initialize the contact as soon as possible, but will NOT contact anyone until the basic safety of contacted individuals can be assured, and for this the Dark forces on the physical plane need to lose more power. They do not wish to say when the contact sequence will start, but when it starts, it will start suddenly without warning.


People who do not own land will be contacted also, but for that contact they will need to be in nature at least 60 meters/yards away from the nearest human being to avoid implant / biochip interference, and as far away as possible from the local military bases.

As soon as this contact happens, and even before, it will trigger strong emotional reactions among the surface population. Remain calm then, and use common sense.

The critical mass reached for our meditation on December 21st has started the planetary grid reversal process. This practically means that now the Light Forces are reverting the energy fields around the planetary surface from the inverted negative energy grid, created during the Archon invasion in 1996, back into the Light grid. This means a full offensive of the Light forces on the non-physical planes around the Earth surface, removing entities, dark technologies, anomaly, everything at once:


It is now a full scale war there, and Lightworkers / Lightwarriors are seriously attacked, but this is the final battle which has now reached the surface of the planet, at least on the non-physical planes, and it will lead into full liberation.

Planetary grid reversal process will clear all anomaly that made dark forces and evil possible and eradicate the cause of evil and darkness from this Universe forever.





 February 12, 2022
Ascension Plan Update

Time has come to release the next portion of the Ascension plan for this planet.

Some intel about the Ascension plan was already released in a previous update:


Since then, the Plan has evolved and new intel was given by the Light Forces.

Most importantly, the Light forces have communicated that the Ascension window of 1975-2025 will NOT close in 2025, but will remain PERMANENTLY OPEN. This means that energies will keep increasing and since 2025, the Ascension energies will forever permanently flow from the Galactic Central Sun through our Solar System towards the planetary surface.

The Light forces have refused to comment what that means practically for the timing of the Event. Based on the intel I have, I can make an educated guess and speculate for two possible scenarios. The first scenario predicts the Event in 3-15 months timeframe from now and then a fast transformation of the surface human society until the Galactic Pulse in 2025. The second scenario predicts the Event in 2025 and the Galactic Pulse a few years later, but earlier than 2030. Be aware that these dates are just speculations and may be wrong, since they were not directly confirmed by the Light forces.

Also very importantly, there was a substantial change to the Ascension plan when Project 501 collapsed in the summer of 2019. It then became absolutely clear to the Light forces that surface humanity will not be able to undergo healing and liberation without direct physical intervention, and that surface society will have to go through a slow collapse until direct intervention can be safely introduced without dark forces destroying the planet. Therefore the original plan with three Ascension waves between the Event and the Galactic Superwave was too ambitious and had to be revised. So here is the revised Ascension plan.

First, the increased energy from the Galactic Central Sun will continue to purify all the remaining quantum and subquantum anomaly around the planet and beyond, and the Light forces will keep removing all negative non-physical entities. Some quite reliable clues about the removal of various aspects of the primary anomaly can be found here:


Second, the solar activity will keep increasing, as we are coming closer and closer to the solar maximum of solar cycle 25. Early predictions were estimating that cycle to peak in July 2025, but now scientists are expecting the solar maximum in late 2024:


Early research of Alexander Tchijevsky has shown that 60% of all social unrest happens within a year and a half of each solar maximum:



Therefore we can expect monumental societal changes between early 2023 and early 2026, that is a year and a half of the current solar maximum of solar cycle 25:


This coincides perfectly with Portal 2025:


And with prophecy of Beinsa Douno:


All negative timelines will collapse and all timelines will converge into the Event:


At the time of peak social unrest and with enough anomaly removed, the Light forces will upgrade the current state of emergency for the surface of the planet into martial law.

This practically means that the whole surface population will undergo a brief (3-7 days) military lockdown during which the mass arrests will be taking place. People will be instructed to strictly stay at home to ensure the safety of military operations without collateral damage. Positive forces will be using quantum pulse weapons to block the weaponry of the Negative military and to freeze the troops and civilians who will refuse to obey the orders of the Positive military.

There is still a large aspect of the Event plan that needs to stay classified and will be a big surprise almost to everybody.

After the Event, the surface society will undergo a drastic transformation that will take a few years.

General surface population will keep integrating intel about Exposure and Disclosure that will be released through the mass media, and begin to heal their deep psychological wounds from the dark past.

While the most extreme psychopaths and sociopaths will be removed from the surface of the planet at the Event and shortly after, many latent sociopaths will remain in the society until the Galactic Superwave and keep a low profile without causing any harm, knowing that any harmful action would trigger their swift removal.

It takes quite a long time to completely purge a system:


After the Event, the vast majority of Lightworkers will go through a massive healing process with much assistance from positive energies, angels and Light forces. There is a lot of self-healing work that needs to be done, and it is expected that a few years later when the Galactic Pulse arrives, about 2000 people will be ready to Ascend in the first wave of Ascension which will coincide with the Galactic Superwave and the planetary Evacuation:




Those preparing to Ascend in the first wave will be living in Islands of Light, which will begin to be formed shortly after the Event.

They will connect with their twin souls, many of them being on the motherships:



They will expand their horizons beyond past programming and start forming Soul relationships:


During the Evacuation, the ships of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation will rescue the surface humanity from the Galactic Tsunami:




After the Evacuation and after the Earth goes through its transformation, only beings fully aligned with Light (estimated about a few million Lightworkers) will be allowed to return and reinhabit the Earth in Islands of Light and prepare for the second and third wave of Ascension which will happen relatively soon afterwards.

The mass of humanity will be evacuated in their physical bodies just before the Galactic Pulse and transported to the planet in the Pleiades star system which already inhabits about 70 billion humans which were evacuated from the astral plane of planet Earth in 1999.


About 500 million of surface evacuees, mostly sociopaths and psychopaths and many of them Dracos and Reptilians who came to Earth in 1996-1999 period and were living since then in human clones on the surface, will not be able to fulfill the minimum criteria for evolution and will be taken to the Central Sun for restructuring.

This effectively means the end of darkness and suffering for the whole universe, and a “new cycle of luminosity can begin”.

Victory of the Light!



