Hostage- Interview Quotes




 what is stopping the Pleiadians from  appearing en mass? 

 First the cabal is holding whole humanity hostage, so for example the  Pleiadians could make a mass landing right now & this would trigger the cabal to relaease all it’s military arsenal on people including  nuclear, well not anymore nuclear weapons at this point.. but chemical weapons and all  the conventional things they have they would just create a massacre on the planet so  they first need to be stopped and then the Pleiadians can appear




  I know you said earlier that humanity is being held hostage essentially which  is what has stalled action but is there also a great deal of concern about how  humanity is going to react 

Cobra: Well one of the main concerns of the light forces is actually the reaction of  the masses to more definite action because some people will like it and some people  will not like it and we have to deal with that, so actually the hostages have been  programmed to the point where many of them don’t want to be liberated and that is  quite a complicated problem and we are trying to resolve this right now 

Yes it is like the victim falling in love with the perpetrator 

Yes yes Stockholm syndrome 

 Yes en mass  





 . But I  would say some of the key persons of the liberation movement on the surface of the planet made some crucial mistakes. Because of those crucial mistakes, The Event could not go as  originally planned. And it was also seen that if The Event would  happen prematurely, it could lead to many problems, casualties  and the surface population could react violently. So therefore it  was decided, by those who were in charge of those things, to wait  a little bit longer.

Ok, so what kind of mistakes are you speaking about? Can you  give us a general….? 

Let's just say that there was not enough cooperation among the various groups who were supposedly working for the light and for the liberation of the planet. And this has shown up very clearly in the last few months.  So it was decided that this has to  clear out to a certain extent, certain new connections need to be made,  also it was decided, liberation forces need to be better prepared,for every possible answer from the cabal towards the general  population because the cabal is taking the general population  hostage. And certain actions needed to be taken to prevent any  retaliation from the cabal during the process of liberation




 At this moment the Resistance operatives are not contacting the surface  population, because that would put that person in danger.  When the Cabal would find  out about it, it would not be funny.  So they are not contacting anybody on the  surface, they are just negotiating daily with the top members of the Cabal, and the  results of those negotiations are sometimes more advantageous of the Light Forces.   But it is a long and dedicated process because humanity is the main hostage…the  lives of 7 Billion people, the wellbeing of 7 Billion people.  And the Cabal still  has pretty much quite a bit of power and the ability to create harm if it wants, so  we have to be careful still.  The Resistance is impatient, they are getting angry  but they are still careful.  They don’t put unnecessary suffering on the planet.




 I would simply say that there are many people who would like the event to  happen now – and I completely understand this.  I would like to tell them that the  resistance movement is aware of the conditions on the surface of this planet.  The  resistance movement is aware that many people are not in good conditions.  There are  many people who need assistance now.  They know that triggering the event before the  optimal moment could cause more damage than solve problems.  The Cabal would do many  crazy things that are not prevented in advance. 

 Alexandra:  You’ve said this many many times. 

 yes, it’s true

  It’s such a fine  line in how aggressive can the light forces be without wiping out pockets of  humanity.  

It’s a very delicate hostage situation.  The liberation forces would like to  set the hostages free without killing them.




 It’s an unfortunate situation. All the life streams on this planet have been  actually made hostage to the cabal and the animals are not excluded to this. After  the event happens it will be a big relief for all the life streams on this planet  because they will given much loving healing and attention. Many of the life forces  will be resorted to their previous beauty.




 This person still wants to know that if they die before the event, what can they do  to avoid being hostage to the Archons. C

It is a matter of the vibrational frequency. If you have the right  vibration, the right state of consciousness the veil will not be abel to influence  you so much.




 Both sides actually were . . . had agreed to kind of keep this secret – the  reason being that I kind of figured out is the bad guys don’t want us to know  they’re here because if we did, we could kind of step away from them. And the good  guys were forced to go along with that because the earth was held as hostage with  the strangelet and toplet technology and were forced into acquiescence of this  agreement, correct? 



And, yet, both sides still have different interaction on the surface. They  both kind of violated the treaty to a certain extent. The light forces are being  contacted. People are being abducted. There definitely seems to be on both sides of  this treaty kind of a violation to a certain smaller extent with each side  breaching. I guess it was an absolutely no contact with the surface population.  That’s certainly not been enforceable, correct? 

 That’s impossible, but you see, it’s a war and in the war each side is  testing the weakness of the enemy. It’s psychologically and physically obvious that  this treaty is not completely enforceable. This treaty for the light side was not an  advantaged. It’s for the sake of the well-being of the hostages – for the hostages  not to be erased from the planet.




 Are the human hostages that are in the hands of the Chimera former members  of the secret space program that decided to cross into the light or became  deprogrammed?

 Some of them, yes. 

Are some of them ET as well – the light forces of the Galactic Federation or  Agarthan network? 

I would say those were and belonged to that part – have been freed already.  I would say yes. Yes the Chimera group did have hostages of that nature.




 Can you explain more about the base in the Pleiades that Corey Goode visited ?  

Actually, yes, ok. It’s not a base, it’s a whole planet, which is on the  outskirts of the Pleiadian star system. I don’t know if he visited that one, but I  know for sure that there is a certain planet, around one of the stars in the  outskirts of the Pleiadian star cluster which was chosen many years ago to be a  healing place for the human hostages and human evacuees. Many beings have been  evacuated from this solar system and from this planet in the last, I would say, two  decades, and they have been transported to this planet and they are receiving  healing there. It’s a paradise, it’s a very positive existence. I don’t know if  Corey Goode has spoken about that particular place, but that is the major healing  hub for the human population, I will speak about this in details in one of my future  posts. This is quite a recent development, this planet was not inhabited two decades  ago, it was an empty planet, and now it has been dedicated solely for the recovery  of human population.




  Actually, now as the most universe is liberated, most beings experience  whatever they do, they do it from that frequency of divine love. They originate all their actions from that frequency and therefore their lifes are full of joy and  beauty and harmony and they do not experience this intense conflict that we have  here on this planet.? So their lives are very very beautiful.? The only problem they  have is when they look to this planet and they want to help, and they feel the  agony and suffering of beings here. So this the major focus and the major problem  in this universe right now, to completely resolve this primary anomaly and this  hostage situation that we have on this planet and then the whole universe will  experience huge cosmic leap that everyone is looking towards.




 It would actually be much easier if there were not a hostage situation but there
is a hostage situation on this planet and that’s why the Light Forces need to be
very careful how they deal with the toplet bombs. Otherwise, this situation would be
resolved much faster.




 If the removing of toplet bombs proves to be so much more difficult than the  Light Forces expected, then how come beings from a much higher dimensions waited  until now to intervene? Is it because of the hostage-retaliation mechanism once  again?

Actually it was always quite challenging to intervene on this planet because of  this hostage situation and in the last 25,000 years the Light Forces always needed  to be very careful in all their operations. And the situation is still not resolved  because when the situation is resolved we will have the breakthrough. We will have  the final liberation.




  with hostages being held, the Source has to allow the control of the  intel flow? Correct? 

 Unfortunately, yes, that is true.

  So the Source knows every scheme of the Dark Forces?  


Can people ask the Source to intervene much more in view of the control of the  intel flow?

 It is good to ask Source for more direct intel flow and more direct intervention.  That’s actually a very good idea.




 light forces have to proceed cautiously because humanity is taken
hostage, and the light forces would like people to survive this intact. They need to
dismantle this in a way that would not endanger human species.




 And we can help by keeping our own vibrations high and participating in mass  meditations, correct? 

Oh, that's for sure, because we stabilize the planetary grid and then it is  much easier for the light forces. They can be much bolder in their actions, because  we have this hostage situation and when we as hostages on the surface create a  resonance field, then it's much easier for them to push much more directly towards  the liberation.




 And basically they are taking humanity hostage. So any direct actions
against the dark members would trigger a strong retaliation. So when the whole
operation happens in the whatever way it will happen, it will happen in a way that
will not endanger human surface... Humanity surface population.




  And have all the hostages of the positive star races  capture by the dark forces being released? 

Unfortunately, not yet. There are still some representatives of positive star  races, which are being captured in the underground bases of the Chimera group. This  has not been cleared yet.

 Okay. How about the human hostages have all children and adults being released  from underground bases? 

Unfortunately, not yet as well. So this is a very similar situation, which  has not been cleared yet completely. 

And in your post, on  September 14th 2020, you said many hostages, including twin souls of many key commanders  within the Galactic Federation have been rescued. And those commanders were  threatened by Draco and they spread much fake intel through many Lightworkers  channels in the last few years. And for now here is what we would like to ask you is  channelling information potentially more reliable now? 

In some rare instances, yes, but most channels do not have any contact with  the real Light forces anyway. So these are other factors that need to be addressed  then. Number one is for those channels to really get genuine contact. Number two,  there are still many impostors, many fake holograms and fake entities, which are  posing as Ascended Masters and they are giving false channeling messages. So it's  really rare for channel information to be reliable at this point.




 And what about the progress of removing physical and non-physical Archon?

Again, this situation is not yet proceeding as smoothly as we have hoped
because this is connected with the surface population, which are being hostages. So
this has not been addressed yet as it should be.




We've been doing meditations for the hostages
in the underground bases. What is the status of clearing these of both human and
extraterrestrial hostages?

The process is ongoing. I would say a vast majority of this has been cleared
already, but not all of it. So compared to what was the situation last year, it's a
huge, huge progress.


