5G - Posts & Interviews


  May 15th, 2019


" Chimera has devised a plan to reinforce their negative energy field with 5G technology which they plan to implement in large cities with the assistance of many microsatellites:
They are also planning to reinforce that technology with nanobots:
The Light forces are taking action to counteract all this."

July 17th, 2019

They can not prevent massive awakening any more:

Jan 20th, 2020

 "There is a small main Chimera group still present in DARPA and the previous director of DARPA Steven Walker has just resigned, effectively on January 10th, the day of the Lunar eclipse just preceding our activation:

Steven Walker was instrumental in development of ZION control matrix network:
This DARPA Chimera group extends some of its influence into this place:
Which has just announced a very troubling progress in development of quantum network technologies:
There is a second even smaller Chimera group present in the US Space Command and it is interesting to note that the new chief of US Space Command took his position just two days after our activation:
The purpose of US Space Command is not disclosure, as some erroneously believe, it was created as a Chimera defense force against Galactic Confederation which is taking over sublunar space and now also Near Earth orbital space:
As the Galactic Confederation fleet approaches closer to the surface as weeks and months go by, there will be more and more contact established. Therefore it is very relieving to see that more and more people understand that Prime Directive (non-intervention principle) is a lie and a construct of Archon mind programming:





Feb , 28th 2020

"More and more evidence is surfacing that 5G networks severely compromise the immune system and are the main reason for higher mortality rate (4%) in Wuhan:
 March 16th, 2020

"It is now common knowledge that 5G base stations seriously compromise the immune system and that they play a crucial role in this pandemic plan of the dark forces:
5G network is part of the plan of the dark forces to reinforce quarantine Earth:
Chimera-controlled US Space Force wants to use 5G as a defense line against positive extraterrestrials:
What is happening right now is the peak of the quantum war for planet Earth between the positive extraterrestrial forces and the Chimera group.
Details of that quantum war can not be released yet, I can only say that the positive side is removing toplet bombs and the negative side is developing technologies like this one:
Here you need to understand that in every war there are moments of victory and there are moments of defeat. The road ahead may be quite intense and bumpy, and things may not always go according to the plan or as predicted, but we will be victorious in the end.
With the meditation coming in a few weeks we can shift a lot, as our unified consciousness can directly affect the quantum field dramatically."




 I N T E R V I E W S



Doesn’t Elon Musk know the danger of the SpaceX Starlink project? Or he
already knows but launches those 5G satellites into space on purpose?

Cobra: Unfortunately, Elon Musk is no longer working for the Light side. He is
cooperating with Illuminati with their plans. So he knows exactly what the SpaceX
Starlink does.

 It looks like 5G did cause a higher coronavirus mortality rate in Wuhan.
How can we reduce the negative impacts of 5G on the surface population before the

Cobra: We are developing a certain tachyon-based technology that can do a certain
degree reduce the harmful effects of 5G.




The dark side’s main agenda is they want to create digital currency and
new world order type of controlled society. They want to release a vaccine that will
be actually more harmful, that could actually worsen the situation. This is their
plan. They are combining this with the roll-out of 5G networks. Some of them are on
the surface of the planet, and some of them are on starlink satellites. That will
increase the intensity of mind programming of the surface population. That will
increase the quarantine status




 The 5G network is the most dangerous of all of them and it can
actually severely compromise the immune system. It affects the cellular membranes

and actually this is one of the most dangerous technologies which has been publicly
released until now. So it’s a major concern, and this 5G network has to be stopped
one way or the other.


5G is trying to stop evolution actually. The dark forces are trying to do the impossible, they are trying to stop the Galactic Central Sun pulse which is of course something they cannot do. I mean they will try everything they can and they will fail.


The dark forces are
making some progress in installing those 5G networks on the surface and in orbit. But the Light Forces are also developing technology to counteract it directly. So
again, it's a war.


Cintamani stones can strengthen your immune system and your energy field, so
indirectly they would help to a certain degree against 5G, but it's not a technology
to stop 5G



 there is another Pleiadian project of developing protection against the5G. It will not be 100% effective, but it will definitely help. And the other thing
the light forces are doing is slowing down the progress of 5G implementation around
the planet. They have been quite successful in Japan. They have been also quite
successful in Europe, not so much in some other countries. I would say that this is
a battle still, and we need to keep going.

Why is the cabal not afraid of what 5G will do to them?

Cobra: Because of course they will not put their base stations next to their villas.
So they will put this in big cities first where regular people are living, the cabal
will refrain from living in an environment like that.





 many people are concerned about 5G satellite. I guess that's with Elon Musk,
or was it Starlink? I think it's called... Forgive me, (yes, yes) but yeah. And the
grid they intend to create. Is there anything you were allowed to say about them and
Elon Musk?

Cobra: Yes, actually you know, Musk has been manipulated in developing these and
actually what those satellites do. They reinforce the quarantine with a certain kind
of electromagnetic fence and the Light Forces have plans to neutralize this.

James: So you would consider Elon Musk probably be part of the dark cabal?

Cobra: No, he is not a part of dark cabal, but he is being manipulated in certain
areas of his activities.





 5G is basically a weapon. It's a weapon which influences human consciousness
and influences the immune system. So this is why they want to develop this. It's not
about data transmission, it's not even about surveillance. It's about electromagnetic field, which influences or I would say suppresses consciousness and
suppresses the immune system.




 What about 5G technologies? Should we be
concerned about that anymore at this point?

Cobra: Of course, it's not the healthiest and the best, but I would not be overly
concerned at this point. I would be more concerned about the things I was talking
about common sense, about cooperation, about manifesting a new world. This
is something that people need to focus upon.




