T H E P O S T S - click
we have secret societies of the light and there are secret
societies of the darkness. And secret societies of the light were secret for a
reason otherwise they would be too exposed to the dark actions of the cabal. Sisterhood of the rose had to keep a low profile in the last centuries because you
all know about the witch hunts and what was happening to women who were too bright
with their light. But now it’s time for Sisterhood of the Rose to be re-activated
again and this is what is happening after all those centuries. Sisterhood of the
Rose was a very active in certain key periods of history to bring peace and healing
to humanity. They influenced some of the Nazi’s to be more peaceful. They have
influenced some of the key people during the crusades, they were very active in
ancient Egypt and on and on
“Many temples of the Goddesses will be built after the
event”, is one of the quotes you made. One person wants to know – Are we going back
into a religion, is this going to be encouraged to worship a “goddess”. Will this be
any different? They want to know about this kind of temple, is this going to be a
shrine, monument, is it going to come close to a church type thing. Can you explain
when you mention that Goddess and stuff, the difference between the ultimate creator
beyond all and the various aspects of positivity that this supreme force represents
and how that is going to be related to in these temples?
COBRA – It will not be religion in the traditional sense of the word. There will not
be priest preaching and telling you what to do. They will be more like the temples
present on the planet at the time of Atlantis to connect with the feminine aspect of
Number 13 is not connected only with the Sisterhood of the Rose. It is a
sacred number which actually describes the principal of free will.
- SOTR originates from the central rays, the centralcivilization. It is the first high spiritual develop civilization that has evolved in the central region of this galaxy and there were certain beings that belong to the central civilization that were spreading this understanding and spreading the light of the Goddess throughout the galaxy and one of those beings came to planet earth in Atlantis and has formed the SOTR in Atlantean times. And there were many temples of the Goddess on Atlantis and their purpose was to anchor the presence of the Goddess on the planet and after the Cabal destroyed those temples, this balance has been disturbed and this new dis-balance has actually resulted in the destruction of Atlantis. And after that the SOTR groups were present in many countries. It was in their mystery schools trying to keep that balance as much as possible. Now the time has come for us to re-awaken that feminine presence and to form new SOTR groups because this is very important for the time of the event. So I would like to ask as many people as possible to form those groups throughout the planet, to meet regularly on the physical plane and to anchor the Goddess energy on the planet as much as possible.
Q- the Rosicrucians on a certain level were taken over, but a tremendous amount of positive real information with in the Rosicrucians that we can’t deny. Rosicrucians is named after morning dew
according to some sources. Rose meaning dew and Crucian meaning crucible or flask. The Rosicrucian order is a picture of a rose flower with due droplets on the pedals. The order of the golden dawn is a secret society which was formed by members of the Rosicrucians which split off to form their own group. The name was chosen because it represents the primary source of the main ingredient for the elixir of life and the philosopher’s stone.
There’s another order called called The morning star which refers to the planet Venus when the moon as the sun rises, you can see the star when the morning due is at it’s highest levels. Can you talk about morning dew as a sacred source or used as an elixir of life or anything of that nature. Tell us abut morning dew.
COBRA – This question obviously comes from somebody who is deeply initiated in
mysteries because morning due is a code name of a certain essence. I will not say
more. I will just say that in some circles it is known as the 16th color.
Can you talk about how it’s used at all or do you know about that.
COBRA – Yes, I know about this but this is not something to be talked about openly
on a radio show. If that person e-mails me to my e-mail I can discuss this
Can you talk about the prophecies of the Fatima and why haven’t the 3rd
prophecy has never been revealed and can you tell us what it was.
COBRA – It was not revealed because it actually exposed the origin of the Roman
Catholic Church and the prophecy was how it will be undone. So if that prophecy
would be published in it’s entirety it would actually expose the very back ground on
which the Roman Catholic church was built.
P : During Battle of Dunkirk, Hitler gave a halt order to the German army on 24 May.
This halt order is considered as one of the great turning points of the war. I
wonder if it was the intervention by the Sisterhood of Rose that eventually saved
340,000 lives. Or, it was the idea of Hitler’s puppet master to prolong WW2?
C : Actually there were many things in play in that situation, one of them was
actually influence by the Sisterhood of the Rose, but there was also a lot of, I would say backward deals, one of those deals was saving the lives of top nazi
individuals in exchange for surrender so this was a very complex situation but yes
Sisterhood of the Rose was involved.
DEBRA: Absolutely! Let me speak a little bit about the Sisterhood of the Rose
groups. Or can you speak actually about the importance of creating and sustaining
these groups, especially at this time in our history? Many groups are experiencing
challenges, like division or lack of attendance. How can we grow our groups and keep
them harmonious and active?
COBRA: As the very word sisterhood implies, there are people, especially women, who
are sisters to each other, and that means transcending old belief systems and
patterns that women have towards each other. So they need to start behaving towards
each other as sisters and not as competitors, and this will solve one-half of the
The other half of the problem will be solved when there is enough Goddess energy
present in a group, that the group will become a magnetic vortex that will draw
other people to it. So it is a matter of making a conscious decision, everybody who
is involved in those groups, to actively embody sisterhood principle in daily life,
and then bring Goddess energy into the group through meditation and other practices
that were given through my blog and through other sources.
DEBRA: Do you feel the members have to understand all of these principles and be super-knowledgable about what’s going on, or can they simply come in with an open
heart and a sisterhood mentality?
COBRA: If they come with open heart and embody those principles in their actions,
that is a very good start.
DEBRA: How can the Sisterhood of the Rose groups connect with each other
energetically, across national borders and language barriers, so that we can support
Light on this planet in the most unified way?
COBRA: You can create group meditations, you can interact with each other, even
electronically when that is needed. You can have national meetings, you can have
international meetings, you can have all kinds of connections.
DEBRA: Can we connect with each other in the etheric? I am sure, yes, of course we
COBRA: Of course through meditation you can connect with anybody.
DEBRA: So when we do our Goddess vortices, does that connect with other Goddess
vortices that other groups are doing?
COBRA: Yes, especially if it is done in the same moment, it is very powerful and
can assist the energy grids very much.
DEBRA: And it is important each time we meet to do the vortex, is that correct?
DEBRA: Thank you! I am glad you said that because in my group sometimes we’re like
“Oh, do we have to do that, I am tired” so I will stress the importance of that.
COBRA: Okay, I would like to say that sometimes people are tired and don’t want to
do something, but this tired is just a blockage that needs to be overcome because
when you really do something that is quite important, when you overcome that
blockage, you will have amazing results.
And there are people who are complaining that this [Age of Aquarius] meditation is
taking time too late, it’s 1 am in the morning for some people, but I would say if
they are able to wait for the New Year’s Eve for the midnight, they can easily await
one hour longer for the event that can determine the timeline of their future. I
think that it is worth it.
Patrick: What should the Sisterhood of the Rose groups do in the Bubble Elevation
phase? Do Light Forces have any new instructions?
Cobra: They would need to continue with instructions they have been receiving for
the last two years. It is important for people in the Sisterhood of the Rose groups
to anchor pure Goddess energy as much as possible. That means also doing
self-healing work, working on themselves, removing their belief systems, patterns
and blockages, clearing their implants, anchoring Goddess energy. I have given all
those meditations which the Sisterhood of the Rose groups can do. They can of course
listen to their own guidance as well.
Debra: You have mentioned in the past that the Cathars used Cintamani stones to open
portals. Can you explain why they were doing this and what purpose those portals
Cobra: Some of the highly initiated, those Cathars who were initiated to higher
grades of their order and some of the Templars who were also initiated into the
Goddess mysteries, used this to communicate with non-physical positive ascended
beings and also ascended Goddesses, such as Goddess Isis. They were using Cintamani
stones to create a portal to connect the physical plane with higher dimensions and
they were quite successful sometimes.
Debra: Would you suggest that members of the Sisterhood of the Rose use their stones
to open portals like this?
Cobra: If they're capable and they are skilled enough, yes.
Debra: What skills would be required to do this?
Cobra: First they would need to have enough understanding, both intuitively and
mentally, of how this kind of portal works. This is advanced work, it’s not for
Debra: What can Sisterhood of the Rose groups do to stabilize the most positive
ascension timeline and terminate the coronavirus outbreak?
Cobra: What is necessary for the participants is to invoke Goddess energy. Not just
in the moment of meditation, but also in daily life to spread positive Goddess
principles wherever they go.
Debra: Okay, good. I'd like to spend the last few minutes of our interview talking
about Sisterhood the Rose, the goddess energy, and also the healing of lightworkers
and humanity. You recently spoke about how two key people crashed a goddess vortex
in Hungary and changed a timeline to influence the whole liberation process. Can you
explain how that happened?
Cobra: Basically the most important vortices, I would say every vortex on the
planet, has guardians. Those are people who have been born with a mission to be
caretakers of that particular energy vortex. And when key people are compromised,
this of course influences the whole vortex and all people in that particular
country, and events like that can have a potential to shift the planetary timeline.
And those things have happened a few times in the last 25 or 30 years. This is one of the reasons why the positive timeline in 1995 collapsed completely. So people
have much more power than they think. Key people in key locations and key positions
can influence situations for the better or for the worse. And I have witnessed many
situations like this. And if you study history again, you will see that key
decisions of small groups of people determine how things will go on on this planet.
Debra: Can this vortex be repaired?
Cobra: Probably yes, probably there will be a certain healing process taking place,
but now this moment light forces are creating plans to reactivate another vortex to
carry the energy of the goddess. And I will be able to speak more about that after
our mass meditation, especially if we reach the critical mass.
Debra: Good, look forward to hearing about that. Is it necessary to have at least
one active goddess vortex on earth at the time of the Event?
Cobra: Yes. That will be nice, that will make things much easier.
Debra: And are there active goddess vortexes on the planet at the moment, and if
there are, if there is more than one, do they connect with each other? And if so,
how do they do that?
Cobra: They are not completely active. There are goddess vortices which are taken
care of by the Light Forces, by the Resistance Movement, but on the surface within
the human race, there is nothing completely active at the moment, which creates a
problem of course.
Debra: Of course, yeah. Do the smaller goddess vortices that we create during our
local Sisterhood of the Rose meetings connect to and help to contribute to the power
of a larger vortex?
Cobra: Yes, of course, very much. So I would encourage all the Sisterhood of the
Rose groups to keep meeting in the physical, keep taking care of your vortex, do the
meditations, do whatever you're guided to do. There are instructions on the
Sisterhood of the Rose website and that can help a lot.
[All physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups can be found in the link below, please
feel free to join any one of them and participate in the meditations:
Debra: Does it help if you're not in a group to just do it individually, does that
help contribute too?
Cobra: Of course it helps, but it's better if you have a group, it will be much more
Debra: Can doing this vortex offer protection for one’s self or your location?
Cobra: For yourself, and especially for your location, that’s for sure.
Debra: In addition to burying Cintamani stones, what else can be done to
strengthen the goddess vortex? Does using rose related products to open the heart
chakra and soothe our emotions, such as rose essential oil or even putting roses in
our home, does that help? Is that beneficial or are there other ways we can
strengthen this goddess vortex?
Cobra: That helps a bit, but again, I would say there are a few meditations which
are written on the website that actively activate the vortex directly.
Debra: Okay. So there's no question that there's a lot of fear and chaos on the
planet currently—what can Sisterhood of the Rose groups do to dissolve the fear that
seems to be fueling all of the chaos?
Cobra: Again, evoke the goddess energy; there's also a meditation that you can
actually do to evoke the presence of the goddess that you're connected with within
your energy field. You can invoke that presence. And then that particular goddess
will work with her energy to balance and heal your energy field and the energy field
of your location.
Debra: People need healing, so what are some of the most important aspects required
to start the healing process and can people do it for themselves? And what can the
Sisterhood of the Rose do to assist that?
Cobra: Also what is going to be more accessible now, and especially after this
meditation on June 30th(2020), are healing angelic energies and invoking those healing
angelic energies can help a lot.
Terry: Okay, understand, next question. Apart from meditating at the SotR
(Sisterhood of the Rose) and how can we effectively spread the Goddess energy
throughout the planet?
Cobra: What is important is not just meditating in a weekly meeting. What is
important is to embody Goddess energy in daily life. So those people who are
connected with the Goddess energy can invoke that energy and let it emanate through
their actions in daily life. This is what is most important right now.
Debra: I would like to take our last few minutes to talk about the Goddess and
Sisterhood of the Rose. So, you stated that far too little Goddess energy exists on the planet and that we need much, much, much more. So, let's talk about how we might
do that and bring awareness as to exactly what this energy is. Because the Goddess
energy has been very misunderstood in our society…you know, men want to be with one
and women want to look like one, usually by posing in sexy pictures and calling
themselves a "goddess". But unfortunately that's about as deep as it goes. Even some
of the Sisterhood of the Rose members do not fully understand the concept of the
Goddess. So, can you explain who actually IS the goddess? Is she the Cosmic Central
Sun or the feminine aspect of Source or what is meant by the "Goddess"?
Cobra: The feminine aspect of the Source is I would say the closest description as
you can have for the Goddess, and Goddess energy has many aspects. Some of those
aspects are connected with physical beauty, some of those aspects are connected with
a mothering principle, some of those aspects are connected with compassion. So there
are many different manifestations of Goddess energy, and all of them are equally
important that all of them are part of the same Source, which is the feminine aspect
of the One.
Debra: Okay. So the Goddesses that we know from tales, history, etc. are depicted as
beautiful women who have much power and special abilities. Are these high level
beings who embodied the Goddess energy and then incarnated on Earth and other
planets for specific purposes?
Cobra: Yes, there were many beings from different star system that influenced the
Goddess energy on the surface of the planet and brought Goddess mysteries. And these
are known in various myths and tales from history. And these are exactly the beings
who brought the Goddess energy to the planet.
Can you tell us
if there will be any changes with the [Sisterhood of the Rose] groups in 2021 with
the new Aquarian energy coming in? Will our focus change? And also, will it be
easier to connect and gain members, in spite of possible restrictions that may keep
us from meeting in physical groups?
Cobra: Yes, there might be some changes coming because there are certain activations
expected in the planetary energy grid that will be quite powerful and quite
important, and the focus can change. And those new instructions will be released
when the time is right, and if the time is right.
Debra: Okay, Will there be a point, either before or right after the Event where
Sisterhood of the Rose leaders or members will be contacted by the Light Forces or
the Resistance Movement as to the role and missions they are to take at the time?
And will one of those roles be to teach the mysteries of the Goddess, and if so, how
will these teachings be transmitted?
Cobra: Yes, immediately after the Event those leaders of the groups will be
contacted and they will be given certain instructions. And part of those
instructions will be to start teaching the mysteries of the Goddess according to
their understanding. And they will be given new techniques, new revelations, and
some of those will be quite powerful and quite transformative, but also quite
Debra: And a quick question about Cintamani stones, it's been suggested that the
Sisterhood of the Rose groups uses Cintamani stone as the center stone in a mandala
when meeting. How are Cintamani stones linked to the Goddess energy?
Cobra: Cintamani stones come from the Sirius star system, and Sirius star system is
one of the major star systems that could transmit Goddess energy in this part of the
Debra: Okay. Very good. We have talked about so much here. I appreciate everything
we've discussed. In closing, can you share some inspiring words to people in terms
of getting through this time now, before the Event through until planetary
Cobra: Okay. The first good news is that the year 2020 is almost over, and a year
like this will never happen again. So this is the first good news. The second good
news is we are preparing this great meditation and it's a huge opportunity for us to
make a big step forward and we are really getting closer. So we have just to
continue until we are victorious.
Katherine : Okay. So thank you very much for taking some time to discuss the
particular subject of the Sisterhood of the Rose in Paris and Versailles. They are
indeed a twin sisterhoods. They work together. They have been for a very long time.
So we will start by history points. Some reminders of the history of the sisterhood
in the world...to start with some history the French revolution has
created a collective trauma that is still present here in France and probably
elsewhere. Is there a collective transmutation taking place now ?
Cobra : What is happening is that a certain energetic conditions are very similar to
the energetic conditions that were present in the time of the French revolution. So
it’s actually a repeat of the same story. It’s an opportunity to go through that
story in a better way.
Katherine : Wonderful. And possibly do some healing, I suppose.
Cobra : Oh yes. Yes. Definitely, healing needs to happen. And this is one of the
projects we are doing with Sisterhood of the Rose in France as well.
We would like to elaborate a little more on Mary
Magdalene. She’s been very present in, in France and it’s a very important part of
our connection here. Many women and men feel called by her teachings. And as you
know, Mary Magdalene has left a trace of it, of her presence here. And more
specifically in the Cathar region in the South of France, could you explain to us if
there is a particular reason for her stay here in France and tell us a little more
about the Rose line and the leyline from Paris to Chartres as well.
Cobra : Okay. when she was traveling from Palestine, she landed with her boats on
the Southern French coast. And this is where she established her Light centers I
would say where she was anchoring the Light when she was establishing her bloodline.
And when, from where the bloodline has spread through the South of France first and,
and then further on throughout France and throughout Europe through the Grail
bloodlines. And now she’s actually an Ascended Being and she’s working from higher
energy planes with everybody who was involved with her teachings or with her work
throughout the centuries. She’s contacting those people spiritually and reactivating
their memories, reactivating their awareness with the purpose of the return of the
Goddess energy. As you probably know, Mary Magdalene was trained in the Isis temples
in Egypt. She was an initiate. She was trained for many years in Goddess mysteries.
She was an advanced initiate and her work has just started 2000 years ago. And
continued since then. And she is working actually together with Goddess Isis as her
senior disciple to return the Goddess mysteries back to the planet
Katherine : So that was my next question to know about more, a little more about how
her precise role in transmitting the mysteries of Isis and her divine union with
Jesus. And you say that she brought that with her in her initiation and then in
transmitting her bloodline.
Cobra : Yes, exactly. And she was also assisting Jesus with his own Ascension
process through divine union. This was part of the mysteries, actually assisting
somebody to ascend through the sacrament of divine union is actually one of the
higher aspects of mysteries of Isis.
Katherine : Right. Physically and spiritually.
Cobra : Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually on all levels of creation.
Can you talk to us a little more about the
Templars and the Sisterhood of the Rose connection?
Cobra : Yes. The inner group of Templars was connected with the Sisterhood of the
Rose. And actually in certain instances, they were one and the same at a certain
period of time because there were secret feminine Templar groups, which were not
public, which were not known and were actually part of the Sisterhood of the Rose.
Can you give more details on the precise role that the
Sisterhood of the Rose will play during the Event? And what support will they have?
Cobra : Sisterhood of the Rose will have a very important role of anchoring the
energies of the Goddess throughout the Event. And this will stabilize the planetary
situation, which will be, I would say, extremely chaotic at that time. Many people
will be in fear, confusion, and they will not know what’s going on. Their belief
systems will be shattered. And the Sisterhood of the Rose will anchor soothing and
calming energies of the Goddess and distribute them to humanity. Certain members
will be contacted very shortly after the Event by the Light Forces and given further
instructions and given also some healing and support.
Katherine : Okay, thank you. How will the temples and priestesses of the Rose be
reactivated? Is there a specific plan for this aspect of the new golden age?
Cobra : There is a very specific one about this and those temples will be
reactivated, especially after the Event, when the funds will be released at certain
locations where there are vortex points will be chosen for temples to be built. And
priestesses of the Rose will receive teachings directly from the Light Forces and
training and understanding of how to anchor Goddess energies more. And all this will
be very active in the initial phase after the Event.
Katherine : Okay, wonderful. How does the Sisterhood of Rose… How can it help the
members, men and women obviously to heal their wounds with their two polarities and
more generally, how can they actually help with this difficult situation on Earth
before the Victory of the Light compre?
Cobra : Okay. to heal those two polarities is much more difficult than I ever
expected because people are not willing to face their inner fears and traumas
usually. So it is not realistic to expect this to really advance greatly before the
Event, may be in isolated cases. There might be individuals who will be able to do
this, but on a massive scale, something like this needs much more support of the
energies of the Light, much more presence of the Light Forces and much better
situation to be healed properly. Understanding and guidance about this is present, I
have given this through some of the articles and some of the workshops, but people
are mostly not ready for this yet. They will be ready at the Event/after the Event
and the Pleiadians will give a lot of assistance to those who are ready to heal
Katherine : Okay, wonderful. So is it important, is it primordial for the Sisterhood
of the Rose to work on their sexual energy? Or do you think it’s connected with
this? The conflicts we see in our groups sometimes.
Cobra : Actually, it is problems with sexual energy are one of the main causes of
many of the conflicts, which are taking place. And this is the hidden reason why
many of the conflicts are taking place. And to heal those will be very beneficial,
to heal those as much as possible and to work on their sexual energy as much as
possible will also be beneficial.
Katherine : Okay. what can men do if they want to anchor goddess energy even more
than some average woman?
Cobra : The principle is the same. You can anchor Goddess energies regardless of if
you’re in a male or female body, the techniques, the principles, the protocols are
the same.
Katherine : Okay. Wonderful. How fully is Divine mother and Goddess energy anchored
on the planet compared to a few years ago? And how much further is there to go?
Cobra : It is anchored less than it was few years ago because there was a collapse
of part of the Goddess grid in the second part of 2019 and throughout 2020. And
there is much further to go. We are not very far. There need to be much, much, much more Goddess energy presence on the planet. And one of the reasons why everything is
so difficult now is there is far too little Goddess energy anchored on the physical
plane. And it is the purpose of the Sisterhood of the Rose groups throughout the
planet and individuals to anchor as much Goddess energy as possible in their own
way. This is very important.
And will the full knowledge and secrets of these
mystery schools be revealed after the Event?
Cobra: After the Event. Yes.
Debra: And will the Sisterhood of the Rose groups play an important role in
reactivating these?
Cobra: Definitely. Definitely. Very much.
Debra: What direction do you see for Sisterhood of the Rose groups in 2022? Do you
have a message for them?
Cobra: Yes, it will be good for all those groups that are still existing to reunite
in power, meet more, because some of them are in various stages of decomposition.
It's time for them to reunite again, to renew connections again. A different dynamic
has, and all those lockdowns have, reduced the number of physical meetings. Perhaps
you can reinstate the physical meetings again, which is quite important to hold the
energy. You can study all those new teachings about the Myrrhophore priestesses. You
can connect with Goddess Isis, especially because her energy is coming back big time
in the year 2022.
As most parts of the world are lifting travel bans, it is now
easier for Sisterhood of the Rose groups to hold weekly physical meetings. What can
[these] groups do or persist in order to anchor Goddess energy?
Cobra: What is the most important is for the groups, to really start meeting
physically again, which is now possible almost everywhere. And then to do the few
main meditations we have published many times to anchor the Goddess energy. And then
after that whatever they can do to anchor Goddess energy by their own guidance.
Jedi: I got it. And next, some people have found it difficult to get enough members
for creating their own Sisterhood of the Rose groups. Do you have any advice on how
people can raise Goddess awareness in their local areas?
Cobra: They can start publishing articles about Goddess energy in their local
community, in areas which are most open to this. They can create a Facebook group.
They can publish an article in local spiritual magazine. They can produce the video.
So it is time for those who can to start raising that frequency in their local
areas, and that will attract members who are ready for such a group.
Jedi: Okay. Good ideas. Next, many people have formed online groups on Zoom for
meetings and group meditations. Would you agree that it is a good way to anchor
Light and Goddess energy?
Cobra: It is better than nothing, but physical meetings are far more powerful and
far more important.
Cobra-There is a meditation to invoke Goddess presence into your body, and you can
use that meditation to invoke that Goddess presence in that lake as well. This
meditation you can find on the Sisterhood of the Rose website.
a Japanese Lightworker recently built a Goddess temple in Gunma
Prefecture. This temple is open to the general public. It also has an outdoor carpet
of Rose Labyrinth for people to experience one of the healing experiences of Goddess
priestesses. Can you explain the purpose of Rose Labyrinth and how we can use it
Cobra: You can do that by walking through the Labyrinth, and that walk through the
Labyrinth symbolizes your inner journey. And while walking through the Labyrinth and
coming to the center, you can come to the purpose of your journey. So that can be a
spiritual experience that can clarify your connection with your higher self and
clarify your path in Light.
Jedi: Oh, good. Next, if a person is lost inside a large-scale Rose Labyrinth.
Should [they] return to [the] entry point through [their] previous path?
Cobra: Yes, that is recommended.
There are many Guanyin and Mazu temples in Taiwan. Ise Grand Shrine
in Japan is dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu. In other countries, there are
also many temples where people worship Goddess as their main deities. What is the
most important difference between these existing temples and those which the Light
Forces hope we Lightworkers build for this new project?
Cobra: Okay. those new temples will bring fresh cosmic energy of the Goddess to the
surface of the planet. And of course it is also important to spread awareness of the
already existing Goddess temples from the old ages, which are still working. Some of
them are still operational. It is also good for Sisterhood of the Rose to write
articles about those temples to bring those temples into the awareness of the
surface population.
What festivals and special days can we celebrate or hold
anniversaries events in a Goddess Temple?
Cobra: There are many holidays which have been celebrated in the past to celebrate
the Goddess presence and also the Sisterhood of the Rose can create an article to
list all those various festivals that were celebrated throughout the world. Pagan
festivals, there were festivals connected to Isis, there were festivals connected to
other Goddesses, and all of them can be portals to connect with the Goddess energy.
Jedi: Okay. Would ancient people intentionally choose a place near Goddess leyline
when building a Goddess temple?
Cobra: Yes. A place near Goddess leyline or a Goddess Vortex.
Is there a threshold amount of divine feminine energy needed
that will finally turn the tide to potentially trigger the Event?
Cobra: There is no specific threshold amount of divine feminine energy required
for the Event, it just determines how harmonious or how hard the transition will
be. Of course, with more divine feminine energy present, the transition will be
more harmonious. But with the amount we have now, the Event itself will be quite a
shocking and drastic experience for most people on the surface of this planet.
Debra: Okay, more motivation to get involved with Sisterhood of the Rose and also
doing your own inner work to call in more and anchor more divine feminine Goddess
energy. So, absolutely. You indicated that if the Lightworker energy grid will be
reactivated, that there will be a rebirth of Goddess energy and the feminine
will begin to flow more freely, and all that can happen if critical
mass is reached. How will this visibly show up on the planet and with
Cobra: This can show up as more hope, more inspiration, more peace, more balance,
less madness, and less violence on the planet.
one of the missions of Sisterhood of the Rose,
at the time of the Event, to anchor much light and to meditate for a very calm
transition. So what will be distinct signs be that the Event is near? Can you give
us a clue to that?
Cobra: Okay. There will be very strong energies of light flowing through, which will
be undeniable. There might be some quite drastic news in the media, but basically
those who are connected with the light will feel, there will be a certain very
distinct and very clear feeling that something very strong is going to happen.
In the past, you've talked about female members of the
Pleiadian fleet and the Resistance Movement that are positioned on an asteroid in
the outer Solar System, and they're there to relay Goddess energy from the Galactic
Central Sun towards the Earth to assist in harmonizing humanity. Have these female
Lightworkers received reinforcements at all from the Galactic Federation of Light or
other star systems and have they expanded their bases of operations? Will they
create energetic connections with Sisterhood of the Rose groups on the surface of
the planet during the Event, when things will get volatile and Sisterhood of the
Rose groups are expected to meditate, to help calm things?
Cobra: Okay, there was a lot of improvement about those members of the Pleiadian
fleet and Resistance Movement. Those priestesses have received a lot of support and
their network is much stronger throughout the Solar System and below the surface of
the planet. And they will contact Sisterhood of the Rose groups after the Event,
then give certain instructions.
Thank you. Do you have suggestions to give Sisterhood the Rose an
energy boost? In our current timeline, we've noticed a decrease in
groups and
participation, and it's more important than ever now to build the Goddess energy.
Cobra: I would say that enough subquantum anomaly needs to be removed so that a new
positive energy wave of Goddess energy comes from the Galactic Center to the planet.
And this will be a new inspiration to create more groups.
Debra: Okay, so kind of keep going, and as you said, possibly even in a few months,
things might improve. Will there be any new invocations or meditations for the
Sisterhood of the Rose groups that may help manifest the Event in the most peaceful
and harmonious way? Or maybe even to help emotional wounding?
Cobra: That's possible at a later stage.
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