For The posts :
Now, my next thing is all about the Pope, there is
a lot of information about this that came out in February, the resignation of Pope
Benedict, and the lightning striking the Basilica…lot of controversy on why this was
happening, why it took place the way it did…was he fired by the Knights of Malta, was he running away for his life. There are just a lot of stories out there,
apparently he contacted the Italian president, Georgio Napolitano asking for
protection and immunity from the Italian government. Could you tell me a little bit
more about that?
Cobra: This is just the last phase of the long struggle which was taking place in
the Vatican and various factions. The Pope got a lot of exposure in the media in
the past few months, and this is the reason he got fired, because his image was
getting too dirty for the tastes of the Vatican, so they had decided to get rid of
him. Of course he did a little bit of maneuvering to protect himself, and this is
why he contacted the Italian President. As you probably know the Pope is not the
highest person in the Vatican power structure…he has his superiors which most of
them are Jesuits, and some of them are even higher than that like the Roman Black
Nobility and they are the ones who actually choose the Pope and decide how long they
will be pope. So he was ordered to step down.
Alexandra: OK, so you agree, he was fired.
Cobra: Yes.
Alexandra: Are these Jesuits one in the same with these Knights of Malta?
Cobra: Not exactly, Knights of Malta is like a military occult order which serves
as a vehicle for the Jesuits to do trades and to contact the illuminati.
Alexandra: Ahh ok, that makes more sense. And I also read somewhere that the Pope
was fingered for being involved in the 9/11 and 3/11 situation do you agree with
Cobra: Not exactly, because there are many people with dirty hands in the Vatican.
He was simply to exposed in the media…his public image was not good enough anymore,
so he did not serve the purpose of the Vatican any longer.
Are you finding that of all of the factions on the planet, that they are
the worst…the most difficult, are they the most intransigent?
Cobra: They are at the core of the conspiracy. I would say the Roman Black
Nobility, so called (Physical) Archons and Jesuits are at the top of the Pyramid or
the top of the food chain, and when they are removed, our planet is free.
Alexandra: Interesting. Now what about the fact that people couldn’t even access
Cobra: It was an interesting development because actually the credit cards were
blocked for a certain period of time in the Vatican. This is also part of the power
struggle at the very top of the hierarchy of the Cabal over the control of the
financial system
Alexandra: I know apparently there has been a lot of scuttlebutt on the money
laundering that’s been run through the Vatican and that’s been exposed.
Cobra: I would say a tiny fraction of 1% have been exposed. There is so much more.
Actually the Vatican owns the Federal Reserve through hundreds or even thousands ofsmall companies. It’s like a Network of small companies around the planet
everywhere. They are very, very developed in Central America, South America in
other countries in Africa. You have companies that are completely under Jesuit
control, and through that interconnectedness of those companies the Jesuits actually
own the Federal Reserve and not the Rothschild.
Alexandra: Wow, are these companies aware of this or is it more of a mind
controlling issue?
Cobra: They are Fronts…like Shell companies; they are just instruments of control
I read an interesting quote here, “nobody becomes pope without
a sorted past because only with such liabilities can he be controlled by the Curia.
It’s the same in any big company. He was to be the scapegoat for all of the trash
the church knew would surface.” So it seems like they’ve always been one step ahead
knowing. There are articles out there that state that Pope Benedict had already
been discussing when he would be leaving a couple of years ago, what do you think
about that?
Cobra: This is very true. Actually the real masters of the game are always in the
background. Public figures get all the exposure, all the hatred and all the
consequences of the actions of those in the background.
Are some of these
figures are going to be people that we have heard of? High-profile people?
C: Some of those people are in politics, but the topmost people are mostly in Black
Nobility families and the Jesuits and are not are not public figures so much. There
will be some very well-known names and some completely unknown names.
E: A lot of names have gotten thrown around over the years about who is part of this
and who are the bad ones, but my sense has been that a lot of the most public
figures, more politically high profile, they don’t strike me as having the kind of
power that the Cabal leaders have had. That they are really more figureheads…
C: Exactly
They haven’t had the freedom of resisting them or they know the consequences of
resisting them…
C: Exactly.
E: …but once they are released from that we will see their true character.
C: Yes. Many truths will come out. People will begin to speak finally freely about
what they were involved in, and there are many people who were in the Cabal not
because they wanted to but because they were forced to, and they will finally be
free to talk about their experience and be healed.
When I first came across the concept in the early 1980’s it was “cosmic
changeover.” That wasn’t my name but it was a name that groups that were working for
something very similar called it.
(Cobra) Actually this was called the Shift of the Ages centuries ago by the Mystery
Schools and it was known that there would be a moment of drastic breakthrough for
Planet Earth. The exact timing was not known but the symbolic year was always known
as the year 2000 - a symbolic number that was given hundreds and hundreds of years
ago. People were expecting this to happen. The exact moment is not possible to
predict because of the free will of everybody involved.
After WWII, the Galactic Confederation chose to contact some people on the surface
of the planet to give them more details about that plan, especially after 1953 there
were many physical contacts. As we were approaching the year 2000 we were getting
very close. Those people were then trying to facilitate that change and many were
wishing for that to happen but of course, that was not possible. But then, as we
were approaching the year 2000, we were getting very close. When the Archons, the
controlling forces. realized we were about to liberate the planet, they created the
last possible possible blockage, which was the so-called Congo invasion which
happened in 1996.
At that time, many of the negative ET races had invaded the subterranean areas in
the upper crust of the planet, especially through deep underground military bases on
the physical plane, and also on the higher planes there were many Reptilians coming
in on the etheric and astral planes. So this is what has happened for the past two
decades and now we’re reaching the point where most of the consequences of that
invasion have been removed. So we are approaching the tipping point. And this is the
reason why we’re speaking of the Event in the near future. I will not give you any
dates because that would only be a speculation.
(Alfred) Right. Just a technical detail. You mentioned 1996 and you said a
“something” invasion. Did you call it something?
(Cobra) It’s called an invasion because the main force was happening through Congo
in Central Africa.
(Alfred) I see. And, who were these parties who were invading at that time?
(Cobra) Ok I will go into a little more detail about this, because I think it’s
time. Basically, this was arranged through Black Nobility families in Italy through
their Jesuit network and then through Knights of Malta and through Knights of Malta
to various negative military contacts around the planet.
As you probably know, Congo area was an area of very drastic conflict and genocide -
the Rwanda genocide which happened a little bit before 1996. That area is I would
say a very negative black vortex. So what they did, I they actually triggered, I
think it was 12, underground nuclear explosions which created a negative portal and
then through teleportation chambers many of those Reptilian beings entered through
the subterranean bases in Congo and also through other places around the world -
deep underground military bases. For example, Pine Gap in Australia and Area 51 and
Dulce. You have many of those bases around the planet that were quite active at that
This infiltration also happened on the higher energy planes, on the etheric and
astral planes, which is the reason most of the Channels lost their contact with the
Galactic Confederation, and they started channeling “nonsense.” If you compare
spiritual books published prior to 1996 to the ones published after that year, you
will find a drasticdecrease in quality.
(Alfred) Right. So in terms of the third dimension political scene at that time,
that was the Bill Clinton administration, wasn’t it?
(Cobra) Yes. I will explain. Actually, the Reptilian beings that came first didn’t
want to interfere with the political process but wanted to go undetected by the mass
human population. So their infiltration of the political system was gradual and the
vehicle they used was the Bush administration which came later
The white pope is the pope which is publicly known. The pope everybody sees
when they’re watching TV from Vatican. The black pope is the hat of the Jesuits. The
grey pope is the hat from the Black Nobility families, the Archons. I have an
interesting situation. The black pope and the white person is the same person – PopeFrancis, head of the Jesuits. Now we have 2 persons which are working in this Triad.
It’s a very interesting energetic situation that has never happened before.
Alexandra – For them to have the same person playing both of those roles, what do
you feel is their agenda?
Cobra – Actually they are desperate. Jesuits prefer working behind the scenes. They
only get public when they can not achieve their goals behind the scenes. That’s why
they have their own person as a pope. It was their last desperate move for the
Jesuits. Now everybody’s talking about Jesuits. Nobody was talking about Jesuits.
Everybody is now talking about exposing them.
What is the
situation with the major Archons? Have we had some major influential Black Nobility
or high level Cabal members been removed lately?
In the last few months, not many, but the ones that are existing are loosing
their power drastically. All the Jesuits and the black nobility families are loosing
power quite fast.
They’re losing their support base even among their minions, huh?
Also, yes. But I would say on the highest level they don’t have the power
they had before – even half a year ago they had much more power.
Yes actually the top level of illuminati are aware of the Goddess energy, and
they are misusing Goddess energy, in a way to distort it, and to further suppress
the feminine principle on this planet.
U : Yeah, because i see a lot of Goddess symbols, in many temples, in Paris they're
everywhere, in every big city.
C : Yes
U : So all this was built by the Cabal or by the Light as well ?
C : Both, actually, France was a very important center of the Light in the 18th
century, when the Freemasonry was still part of the Light forces, and France was
exactly where the infiltration happened, at the end of the 18th century by the
jesuits. They infiltrated the masonic networks, and the top jesuits and the archons,
italian black nobility family, used the same symbols, especially through France,
after the French revolution, to further suppress human freedom.
U : I see. So does the Goddess have a special meaning for them, or is it just pure
energy ?
C : Yes for some of them, Goddess has a meaning, but they don't understand
completely the Goddess principle, they have their own distorted understanding of the
Goddess energy, and of many other aspects of divinity as well.
U : And what does it represent for them ?
C : For them it's a source of power and control. They are actually trying to contact
the Goddess energy to bring them more power.
Have there been anymore major
Archons or Black Nobility behind the scenes removed from the planet.
Not lately.
Behind the scenes negotiations is actually a functioning the
forward politicians that are being presented to the public. In regards to that you
spoke about the black nobility – Farnese’s and the Orsini’s
You mentioned those types as being Archons and some of them have been rounded up. What is the current situation with some of these high-end noble families, this
high-end Archons? Have more of them been removed or are we at a status quo there
until the event?
COBRA – They are not being removed but they have lost a lot of power. They are
loosing power fast. It is the fastest decline of their power in all-human history.
Something like this has never happened before, so it’s a good sign.
Can you talk a
little bit about the Dutch Royal family? They seem to have a very strong
relationship with people in the USA. Are they involved with the Cabal or the Royal
families mostly figureheads? I mean, the Queen of England and that group seems to
be very involved in the day-to-day management of a lot of negative plans. What’s
the situation with the royalty in the Netherlands?
COBRA – Okay, some of the royal families are more connected and more closely tied to
the Cabal, some of them less. It depends on the country. The situation in the
Netherlands is that many members of that family are quite connected and are actually
part of the black nobility of Europe.
2003, allegedly the Americans – I guess I would have to say the Cabal and their
control – they didn’t allow the Romania government to release information about a
large discovery and, excuse my pronunciation, in the Usagi mountains. It has a lot
of information. It may change a lot of things. It has allegedly an ET base with
holographic messages about our planet, our history. Very large shares and things,
kind of like David Wilcox said was found and supposedly there was some monatomic
gold powder. Would you comment on that? Is it a real find?
COBRA – Yes, yes, that was a real discovery which was made in 2003 by the Romanian,
I would say, secret service. And, of course, the Jesuits have been informed about
the discovery immediately and the Black Nobility families have, of course, news has
gotten to the Cabal faction almost immediately after that and they have put the
Romanian government under great pressure financially and otherwise and, of course,
the Romanian secret service had to release all their findings to the Cabal faction
of the US. Since then the Cabal has been taking control of that discovery, which is
actually subterranean complex which has tunnels leading to Quebec, to Egypt and to
some other locations. It is part of a very complex underground system. Part of
this discovery has been released to the public through certain channels, through
certain books which have already been translated also into English.
They also have said that in Southern Argentina there is a Chinese military
base being built and they are wondering what is that purpose. A lot of people are
concerned that this is from the standard mainstream view down there that China is
trying to infiltrate communism into Argentina. Are you aware?
COBRA – No, I just know what is happening. What is happening is there is a strong
Archon black nobility Illuminati presence in Argentina and the Chinese are trying to
create a counter balance to that.
Rob – Oh, so the Chinese are establishing a presence to be able to intervene if they
try to do, what did you call it, the Project Doom at the time of the Event, yes?
COBRA – Not exactly, but there is a lot of activity happening right there and the
Chinese are balancing or counteracting certain actions of the Archon families there
Having come across Physical Archons living here on Earth, and the positive
Nature (so called Guardians), in other words, working for the Light.? There is
confusion and maybe misunderstanding that there was ONLY 4 Physical Archons of
Italian Nobility currently present on Earth.? That does NOT appear to be so.? Can
you tell us about these Earth Archons, especially the Guardians?
COBRA – OK, its again confusing various things.? Archons are not of the light.?
Archons are not Guardians.? There are still some physical Archons in the black
nobility families, Italian, mostly some of them are German black nobility families
and from other nations but they are loosing power daily.
I would say the black nobility, the Archons controlling the Jesuits and the
Knights of Malta, and they are controlling the Rothschilds, and they then branch to
the Israeli, actually the Khazarian network which is in Israel, US, UK, Turkey,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia. And there are various factions, which change alliances, which
change, and the Chimera and the Archons are at the top behind the scenes controlling
Okay. So these so-called pre-Adamites actually many people were speaking about this
in different ways and this is a name of the group which actually formed the
Illuminati – it’s um – the core of the group is coming from the Andromeda galaxy. I
was speaking about this group with a different name many times in my blog – so this
is not something new – it is something actually that was discussed a lot the last
few decades.
Well what name would you give it, just so that people have a reference point ?
Archon families.
Archon families?
Yes, or black nobility. This is the same – the same source – the same groups.
Okay, like I said to clarify the these arcons – these archon families are they
incarnated on the physical plane as these giants with elongated skulls?
Okay, you have the physical ones and the non-physical ones and the physical ones
to incarnate in certain bloodlines – certain families – and most of those families
are concentrated in Italy so they are in the hierarchy of … high above all the usual
suspects of the Cabal Network and they are controlling them and some of those
bloodlines go back to the Roman Empire and even further back so they have proof of
genetic lineage going back some of them to Ancient Egypt for example. And basically
the same families were controlling Atlantis and were the so-called dark magicians of
Okay, so these are actual descendants of these giants – these PreAdamites with
elongated skulls… just to clarify….
Actually in Atlantis, the giant race was much more frequent than it is now and then
it was slowly exterminated and from generation to generation the genetic makeup
changed and the height of those beings decreased and you can still see in some of
the ancient excavations – you can see the pictures of those giants and the people
with elongated skulls – you can see that very clearly.
Okay and these are – based on your information – incarnated archons generally? Or
all of them or some of them or …?
All of them, actually. It’s a group. It’s a very specific distinct group which does
not interact much with the outside world in a way. They have their own unique – they
behave in a certain way, they think in a certain way. It’s a distinct species,
Okay, so they weren’t… the black nobility, from their perspective, they weren’t
nervous about Hitler and the Nazis taking over when they’re working for the Draco’s…
their longtime rivals for God knows how long?
They were not nervous because they had the same objective although from a different
perspective. It’s like there’s always rivalry between the Dracos and the black
nobility but that rivalry is not like a question of survival. They are on the same
page. The real conflict….the real polarization….is between the light and the dark
forces. The dark factions actually many times they can agree better than the light
let’s get to the bottom of this whole thing with
the P2 Freemason Lodge in Italy that we’re told controls the Vatican. Now is that
where… is the P2 Freemason Lodge is that where the heads of the black nobility of
the13 bloodline families meet or is it comprised of actual 33rd degree Freemasons
that are not members of the
thirteen bloodline families and act independently of the bloodline families?
Actually this Lodge is just a vehicle for the bloodline families – not the only one
– many of the members do belong to the families but many are just regular high
degree masons that meet and have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes so if you
are… for example people who are being… they are climbing the ladder of freemason
hierarchy below … before they reach 32nd level they have no idea there is something
sinister at the very top they have no idea of the infiltration but then they begin
to realize what they were getting themselves into and the P2 Lodge is just one of
the instruments – one of the vehicles – that the real Archon families use… they have
other secret groups also in Rome where they meet more openly.
Okay. The 13 bloodline members? The so called descendants of these pre-Adamite
giants, right?
Okay, fair enough. Now are they above or below the Jesuits?
The real Archon families are above the Jesuits… the Jesuit organization is one of
their creations, like the Inquisition was one of their creations, like Knights of
Malta are their creation, for example.
Cobra, I want to briefly get into the hierarchy of
darkness on the physical plane. We had Thomas Williams on the show about three weeks
ago and he just quickly explained how, as far as the physical plane is concerned,
how there was … there was … I like to think there isn’t anymore, but anyway, there
was the Draco at the top… we’ll set aside the Chimera for now… Draco at the top and
underneath are these so-called “parents” about 20 or 21 of them… that seemed to be
made up of nanotech and are immortal for the most part… and they’re sort of below
the Draco and each one of these parents, so to speak, are in charge of groups… that
are generally called black magicians. Okay…. known as covens as the name of the
groups… and then beneath them you have the black nobility bloodlines. Do you know
specifically about these black magician or covens groups yourself? Have you come
across information and are they indeed black magicians?
Okay. Basically he is describing the Illuminati structure and some of those Dracos
are at the top of the Illuminati structure but above them is the Black Nobility so
those… I would say… black magician covens are the basic organic structure of the
Illuminati network throughout the planet.
Okay. And you’re saying they’re one level beneath the Black Nobility bloodlines. Is
that correct?
the Black Nobility Families
who own those places(BIS/European Central Bank/Federal Reserve/Bank of Japan) have their own private armies. They have their own mercenaries,
the BIS is the central bank of the central banks and is
being controlled by [a] black nobility family called Torlonia family and they of
course they will not want to give up their control, and after a certain amount of
exposure, certain amount of awareness, they will have to. And the main thing that
will need to be exposed is the child abuse networks. This is also going to be huge
next year.
How will
exposing the child abuse networks force the black nobility families to give up
COBRA: It will not force them to give up control, this is just the first phase. So
when there is enough awareness among the surface population about the existence of
child abuse, and the extent of child abuse, it will be harder and harder for those
people to hide behind their masks. It is a matter of exposure, and when exposure
reaches the critical mass, when there is enough exposure in the consciousness field
of humanity, then the Light Forces can take physical action and arrest those people.
DEBRA: So you are suggesting people to help expose some of this Truth.
COBRA: All of this Truth
how is it going with the struggle between the two
black nobility factions over whether they will have a debt-based or social
credit-based financial system? What would it take for them to give up control so
that we finally have a fair financial system?
COBRA: I have said before the faction that wants to have electronic on-line social
score banking system has lost quite much power over the New Year. There was a lot of
in-fighting going on, a lot of so-called negotiations, and now the faction which is
still promoting the debt-slavery financial system that we currently have now is
gaining power—but the Light Forces are also gaining power, and we will get the upper
hand and the system will be crashed on our terms, not theirs.
DEBRA: Okay, good. Who or what are backing these Black Nobility families
COBRA: There is the Chimera group from the plasma plane, there are many reptilian
and Draco entities on the plasma plane and etheric plane, and they are working in
unison. I would say the top occultists in the Black Nobility families have direct
contact with those entities, are invoking them in their rituals, are channeling
them, and they will be actually also doing rituals during that weekend. They want to
do their own thing.
DEBRA: Right, which is one of the very important reasons that the Lightworkers need
to do their own rituals so to speak to counteract a lot of that.
COBRA: We will bring the Light in, we don’t need to fight with them. We just bring
the Light and the Light will do whatever needs to be done.
Black nobility families are human beings as well. Are they not worried
about getting infected by COVID-19?
Cobra: Certain members of Black nobility families went into complete isolation from
the surface population. they are still on the surface of the planet but they are in
completely isolated compounds with zero contact with the rest of the human
Hoshino: But they can still contact their minions, or their people?
Cobra: Yes of course. There is always the internet.
Hoshino: So, the internet of these black nobility family is being monitored by the
Light Forces?
Cobra: Yes
What is the current status of the black nobility families and the Jesuits?
What are they planning?
Cobra: There are two factions in Black nobility which are now trying to settle
scores in war that was happening before within those two factions for many hundreds
and even thousands of years. One of those factions has ordered this virus to be
created at certain locations around the world. They would like to crash the economy.
They would like to take over and create a system of complete domination. Of course,
Jesuits are their minions. This plan will simply not work because as the situation
is right now. Globalization is not an option anymore. Human Society will be
transformed in a way that will not allow those plans to be even remotely possible
Other- But I think that the
real bullet-pointer is that the central banks are not government entities, they are
privately owned by an interbred group of families, and a large percentage of those
families were involved in a plot to kill 90% of humanity in order to save the
environment. This is the objective truth. But a large part of these families are
actually saying, “That’s horrible, we shouldn’t do that, we can fix the planet
without killing 90%.” And those are the people that we are aligning ourselves with,
because we have a common enemy. And these are the global warming type people in
specific. And they are part of the old cabal but they realise that genocide and what
they call omnicide – killing all living things – is not a thing that they support.
They’re breaking up, and a big faction is now siding with humanity.
So it seems that we have one lesser evil cabal faction fighting with this extremely
evil faction for power and control and the planet. Cobra, did you have something to
add to that?
I would say this is a very good description of the situation and these two factions,
this split goes thousands of years ago into Black Nobility families. And actually
the Italian strain of the virus, which is more deadly and more powerful, was put in
Italy as a result of that struggle. So, the faction that wants to kill 90% of the
population put the Italian strain of the virus – which is a mutated version, it’s
not the same as the Chinese strain of the virus – it was put in an area near
Piacenza in Italy. Piacenza is a place in Italy which was ruled by, I would say, a
vast majority of the main Black Nobility families in Italy. So, it was put right
there as a signal in that particular country.
You mentioned the Galactic Central Sun pulse for people that are
coming to the channel. That’s something that these bloodline families and rulers and
controllers and archons are aware of, and they figured out a way years ago correct,
to kind of weaponize that. When you said it’s an ‘end of times’ scenario. For them
it certainly is. Is that something to be concerned about?
Yes, actually the archon families the Black Nobility families have in their
prophecies that there will come a time of this solar pulse, a Galactic solar process
which will trigger our Sun, and this Black Sun worshipping cult is actually speaking
about the activation of the Galactic Centre. So this is what they’re speaking about.
One of the legends they have is that at this end time they will be saved by some
higher dark entity, when in reality what will happen is they will go to the Central
Sun. They will go to be transformed, their soul essence will be destroyed. All those
who have failed in their evolution will be actually disintegrated and they will have
to start their evolution renewed. So for us there is nothing to be afraid of. For us
it will be the beginning of a most wonderful time.
According to MSN, there is a proposal to have a cashless system, where
the bank would essentially become caretakers of your cash and would charge you for
the service. Is this true, and does this mean that one faction of the Black
Nobility/cabal is winning out in this situation if this happens?
Cobra: Yes, there are proposals in this direction. Of course, this Black Nobility
faction is using this coronavirus pandemic to further their plans regarding a
cashless society. There have been suggestions about this quite strong in the last
week or two in the United States and Europe. But right now they are not winning yet,
so there are other forces in play that can prevent this from happening. This was
their plan. This plan was known, and there are actions being taken to stop this.
About the Templar’s heritage, what was their aim
in the first place?
Cobra : There are various layers of Templars. There were the public group and there
was a secret group. And the secret inner group was connected to the Goddess
mysteries. And the purpose of that secret group was to preserve the Goddess
mysteries while the outer group was more involved with the creation of a new
financial system and was actually fighting with negative… with Black Nobility for
the domination of the planet and they lost.
Katherine: Okay. Yeah. Okay, good. Okay. Can you talk to us a little more about the
Templars and the Sisterhood of the Rose connection?
Cobra : Yes. The inner group of Templars was connected with the Sisterhood of the
Rose. And actually in certain instances, they were one and the same at a certain
period of time because there were secret feminine Templar groups, which were not
public, which were not known and were actually part of the Sisterhood of the Rose.
Goddess energy comes towards this planet in waves. One of those waves was in
2012, and then there were a few waves after that. Now another wave of Goddess energy
hit the planet in October of this year. And this wave was very important because it
has rearranged certain things behind the scenes, which I will not yet talk about,
but they are quite important, I would say the balance of power at the top of the
Black Nobility families has changed. The certain plans of the Light Forces have
changed, have been accelerated, and certain things are looking much better than they
did before. This was completely unexpected. I was not expecting this wave to hit,
and it did and it was a pleasant surprise. And now this is increasing and is
preparing foundations for some certain things in next year that are being planned by
the Light Forces.
Debra: Excellent. That's fantastic news. In 2018, the Galactic Federation Forces of
Light had decreed the surface of this planet to be turned into Confederation
command, according to the Galactic Codex. If we combine this statement with the
code, “Isis got her crown back,” does this mean that goddess Isis will personally
reign over the surface as Earth queen?
Cobra: This is a very sensitive issue. I would say that the Light Forces got certain
mandates, certain legal conditions have been fulfilled for certain actions that will
lead towards the defeat of the Cabal, towards the defeat of the leading Black
Nobility families. This is as much as I can say right now.
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