two locations are two main Chimera strongholds on the surface, with
Urim base being superior, and both (Urim and Orem) are related to the
Urim stone, which was a communication device:
base in Israel is the main base for scalar and directed weapons
base has a “black cube room” . The black
cube room contains a very powerful quantum supercomputer which
processes and analyses all SIGINT data coming into the Urim base, and
relays it to its etheric counterpart and to the etheric
implant/Chimera network. This room is the center of the inverted
planetary grid and center of the planetary primary anomaly.
black cube room also contains a subquantum anomaly container which
was brought to Earth from Rigel in 1996.
situation will be addressed when it will be safe to do so.
" During
our workshop, more specifically between the lunch break on the first
day until the lunch break on the second day, plasma activity around
the planet has gone wild:
than 24 hours after the workshop, this article about quarantine Earth
has been published “by coincidence” in the Forbes magazine:
it simply, our workshop has created a huge crack in the Matrix and the
Archons have gone crazy in the weeks after, attacking key people
of those attacks have been orchestrated using directed energy weapons
and negative social engineering:
Cabal is realizing more and more that they will lose, and they do not
take defeat lightly. They have recently used Directed Energy Weapons in
California to burn masses of people alive:
the Kurgan Archon invasion more than 5000 years ago, the Archons are
using etheric and plasma scalar technology to disrupt Sacred Unions.
These disruptions are the source of most drama in love relationships.
are then harvesting the psychic energy of those disruptions and are
funneling it into Hassuna-Samarra vortex, which they are actively
suppressing for millennia by creating wars in the region.
first way is to create disruptions in existing relationships and even
engineer relationships themselves:
of all programming attempts, the Light is pouring through the cracks
in the Veil, and the Pleiadian fleet is supporting Sacred Union with
the force of their spiritual Love.
surface society collapse has come to the point that bodies of many
Lightworkers can not handle the situation and are collapsing also. There
are many incidences of strange illnesses, body function collapses,
heart attacks (assisted with directed energy weapons) and unusual near
death experiences.
Light Forces will need to understand that without physical
intervention, the surface collapse will soon become an irreversible
process, and they will need to take some risks, exert their free will,
and physically intervene.
the activation of beta timeline in late January, the Light forces are
working with full speed to expose the existence of directed energy
the death of Isis Astara, the Resistance has been working from behind
the scenes to expose the existence of electromagnetic weapons,
directed energy weapons and other weapons that are used by the Cabal
to target the most awakened civilians, through the alternative media:
The Light
Forces have requested as many people as possible to spread information
and awareness of the directed energy weapons and do the following
meditation as often as you feel guided:
Astara, my beloved soulmate, has left the physical plane. She was
often brutally attacked with directed energy weapons and the attack
on January 25th was one attack too many. We could not protect her,
her heart could not make it. The Resistance could not intervene
directly otherwise toplet bombs would be triggered.
drastic action was taken, the situation with directed energy weapon
attacks upon Lightworkers and Lightwarriors is far from being resolved
and the following article still needs to go viral, translated in as
many languages as possible and posted on blogs worldwide:
top of those weaponized attacks, a massive disinformation campaign
against the key Lightwarriors on the planet has been engineered by
the etheric and plasma Archons,manipulating personality weaknesses of certain people, "suggesting" them to attack. It started immediately after I
published this article about directed energy weapons:
put it again very simply: I have released the directed energy weapons
article to bring awareness, NOT to spread fear. Only awareness can
transmute such situations. Denial will not make them go away. In fact
denial which led to passive allowance is the main reason why
concentration camps in World War 2 were even possible
from many times mentioned plasma scalar weapons, they are now using
directed energy weapons to their fullest, targeting key Lightworkers
and Lightwarriors in an obvious attempt to remove them from the
surface of the planet, as the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors with the
power of their unified consciousness are one of the main obstacles in
Cabal's plans to create global war.
energy weapons are physical radio frequency, laser, microwave, sound
or plasma beam weapons that can incapacitate the target:
the Cabal has bribed many people from the general population to
become unconscious co-perpetrators of those crimes against humanity.
These sheeple are thinking that they are just spying on targets with
a funny looking telescope, when in fact they are irradiating the
target with a directed energy weapon:
certain elite task force has begun removing key perpetrators of those
crimes internationally. They „shoot first and ask questions later.“
They have issued a warning, stating that „anybody using a directed
energy weapon against a civilian target, either knowingly or
unknowingly, is committing a crime against humanity and may expect to
be dealt with.“ They have also stated that an „international
diplomatic and political scandal with far reaching consequences,
exposing certain key people from the United States, responsible for
use of those weapons against civilian population, may explode soon.“
source has stated that „the King has declared the opening of the
hunting season.“ Regarding this statement from the „King“ it is
interesting to note that George Bush Sr. has received a warning from
Monday, the Pleiadians have contacted top Russian military personnel
about the directed energy weapons issue. If the attacks on the
Lightworkers and Lightwarriors do not stop, the option now on the
table is to disable key organizations perpetrating those crimes with
a selective EMP strike or with another similar electronic warfare
operation. The first two targets mentioned were DARPA and Raytheon.
electronic warfare capabilities were tested on Tuesday, when Russian
electronic warfare system Khibiny has successfully paralyzed NORAD
across Alaska, as you can read in this partially correct report:
other extremely important thing is to awaken as many people as
possible to the reality of directed energy weapons. The easiest way
to do that is to make the following article viral through your blogs
and your social networks:
Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are primary targets of directed energy weapons
because they are the primary security threat to the current slavery prison
planet matrix and its handlers.
first guideline for protection for targeted individuals is to try to maintain
the state of balance and harmony amidst all daily activities. That means
learning to master the skills of time and priorities management and learning
when to say yes and when to say no, and to remove all toxic elements, situations
and people out of your lives. It is also good to find some quiet time each day
to spend in nature and/or in meditation to reconnect with your higher self.
sources have communicated an effective protection meditation protocol. It is
recommended to use this protocol once or a few times daily and maintain this
protection shield throughout the Breakthrough phase to maintain the vibrational
frequency of Light:
Resistance Movement has issued a few warnings to the hard core of the Cabal to
stop attacking Lightwarriors and Lightworkers with scalar directional energy
weapons. Since those warnings were ignored, the Resistance has initialized
»release the dogs« protocols. This means that they no longer hold back surface individuals
and groups that would like to off members of the Cabal by their own free will
and initiative.
means that the surface of the planet has suddenly become quite unsafe for the
core members of the Cabal. This is why Donald Rumsfeld sold his house and
escaped to New Mexico:
Resistance Movement has communicated that if the directional energy weapons
attacks do not stop, they might trigger protocols for the rapid arrest of the
unholy four: Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush Sr. and Henry Kissinger.
those protocols are triggered, they will have drastic and destabilizing effect
on the planetary geopolitical situation and although they would speed up the
Event, the whole transition would be much more chaotic and violent. The Resistance
is well aware of the connections of the unholy four with the Chimera group. The
Resistance is hoping sanity will prevail and extreme measures can still be avoided.
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