April 30th 2013 Transcript of Cobra Interview




Good afternoon everybody.  Today is Tuesday, April 30th,  2013.  This has been quite the month of revelation regarding our financial system, our media and even our governments around the world.  Thanks to sources like wikileaks, whistleblowers and other leaked documents.  Even amazing cities and artifacts are revealing themselves in record numbers at this time in our history all in order to unveil the erroneous belief that we have held as a citizenry across the planet and to remind us of who we really are.  One of the individuals who I feel can present a more balanced and Galactic point of view on all of these disclosed pieces of information and headlines is Cobra my Pleiadian friend and passionate emissary for the Victory of the Light.  He and I will be reviewing current events for April and I would remind all of you if you would like to ask him a specific question, please drop me a line.  You can e-mail me webmaster@galacticconnection.com or alexandra@galacticconnection.com  for next month’s reviews.


(A) –  So Cobra, How are you doing today?


Cobra –   Very good.  Thank you


A) –  Good.  Thank you so much for coming.  It appears that you have been traveling a great deal.  You have recently returned from Zurich Switzerland.  How did that whole conference go?


Cobra –  At the beginning of the conference there was quite a bit of opposition from the Astral plane.  We made a big breakthrough.  We managed to activate the Zurich Vortex.   we have been working with our Ascended Master St. Germain with the transformation of the financial system in Zurich. We are working with some of the major banks there, like UBS bank and some other banks. As you can see that work has positive consequences and has sped up the process significantly also for other parts of the financial system.  Apart from that we have been very successful in anchoring the Goddess presence and the Goddess energy which is very important to keep the balance on the planet so things don’t go out of control. 


A) –  When you say about the balance through the Goddess energy.  Exactly how would we be doing that.  how are we contributing to the balance on the planet and how do we work on our Goddess energy? 


Cobra –   Goddess energy is the pure feminine aspect of the source and it is present everywhere in the Universe.  But on this planet as it became occupied this aspect of divinity was suppressed and heavily controlled by the archons.  As we begin to invoke that energy we simply call upon that energy and allow ourselves to become transmitters of that energy.  That energy automatically begins to balance things on the planet.  The only way the Cabal can control humanity on the planet is when there is not dis balance between male and female principles .  When there is balance no control or slavery is possible.  You allow yourself to be come a channel for that energy a transmitter for that energy .  That you give permission for the divine feminine aspect to come through you for the planet and do what it is has to do.


A) –  Thank you for that clarification because people have written about that.  That makes it a lot clearer.  You are also going to be holding an event on May 31 in Hilo, Hawaii.


Cobra –  It will be a 3 day event between may 31 and June 2 .  that will be led by isis.  I will be keeping the masculine polarity there.  The purpose of that event is to anchor that energy on the planet after the activation of the portal on May 25th.  That portal will trigger a huge quantum leap on the planet.  A new balance will need to be reached.  A huge amount of that feminine energy will need to be anchored on the planet and Hawaii, big island is one of the major vortexes of the planet.  I would like to invite everybody to join us for that event to assist in creating that new state of balance for the planet.


A) –  That’s also interesting because that’s pretty much where the continent of Lumeria was . Correct? 


Cobra – Yes, Hawaiian islands were part of Lumeria continent a long time ago.


A) –  In my research somewhere that the average Lumerian was basically the equivalent to a 14 yr. old young girl in psyche, but very very advanced in spiritual and psychic abilities.  (It’s true, yes.)  This is very interesting..  we are going full circle.


Cobra – We are completing many many things right now.


A) –  Can you tell us how do you see the impact of these 3 back to back eclipses that we are going through?  The first one was April 25th which we’re already kind still in the midst of.  We have the solar eclipses on May 10th, And we have the Portal on May 25th.  How do you see that affecting our planet, polarities, the psyche of the people, even just the dismantling of the financial and governmental systems.  How do you see that happening?


Cobra –  All those 3 eclipses are part of the process for the activation of the portal.  They are preparation and stepping up process in vibration to open the portal on May 25th.  The eclipse last week on Thursday, April 25 was the beginning of that process.  It was surprisingly successful for the light.  The Cabal were planning some rituals and were going to try to prevent the portal from opening but instead of that, a  huge amount of light came on the planet.  Certain things happened I’m not allowed to disclose quite yet  that were quite necessary for the preparation steps for the event.  Certain requirements have been met when that eclipse happened last week.  (Great). Victory of the Light.


A) –  That is great – phenomenal.  Are you basically saying that this is like birth pains?  going through contractions so to speak?


Cobra –  Something like that.  We have the eclipse on May 9th or10th depending on your time zone. This is the middle eclipse which will prepare the way for the portal itself on May 25th.


A) – Is the portal birth itself?


Cobra –  It is a big quantum leap for the planet.  It will be a huge Victory of the Light.  A huge advancement for the light forces on the planet.  After that date many things will be possible that are not possible now.  I’m not saying the event will happen then. I’m not saying that.  I’m saying that it will be a huge quantum leap and a huge improvement for the planetary situation from a background perspective. 


A) –  My heart is leaping. That is only 25 days away.  So exciting.


Cobra –  You can already feel the energy increasing.  You can feel the acceleration happening in the last week or so.


A) – Yes, definitely.  You can feel it mellowing out from March.  March was brutal.


Cobra –  March was an intense purification of the Archons on the astral/ etheric planes.  As you can see there is progress in that area. 


A) –  I agree with that. Let’s jump to current events that are going on in the banking system.  First of all there’s Britain – being stripped of it’s triple AAA credit rating.  The huge faux-pot of the Cypress banking scandal.  Russians pulling out significant amounts of money.  Trillions of dollars instead of billions.  I want to ask how you see this impacting the rest of the world?  there’s an awful lot of commentaries putting warnings out there to get your money out of the banks. There’s going to be a run on the banks.  Apparently Italy, Spain and Portugal have been severely affected by the Cypress event.   What is your take on that?


Cobra –  Actually, the Cypress event was a test.  Cabal choose a small island that doesn’t have a big/official banking structure to see if they can get away with stealing money from the people.  (Wow) The past run wasn’t successful for them because the people said “no”.  Now they tried upper middle class because there wasn’t so many people in that upper middle class. These are the ones that got hit.  The major investors in Cypress were the Russian mafia.  They made a deal with the Russian Mafia and they were able to get their money out.  The cabal has realized the mass population would not happily agree with that kind of scenario.  I would suggest people get their money out of the banks right now, immediately.  Put some of it in Gold and Silver simply because if you have money in the cabal banks they can use it for their purposes.  It is not legally yours. It’s not your property any more.  You are lending your money to them.  Energetically speaking you are giving your power away to them if you have your money in their bank. 


A) –  Are you alluding to the fact that If they try any other major banking scandals will it be between now and May 25h.  Are you saying that? 


Cobra – No, no, I am not saying that.  I am not expecting any drastic changes in the financial system between now and May 25th.  There might be revelations of scandals coming out.  I’m not expecting a major planetary meltdown at this point.   That’s not what’s going to happen.  Even if that doesn’t happen yet, it’s good to have your money in your own hands.  To have your own power.  You’re not giving that to the Cabal.  Your money in their bank is financing their wars. This is something we would like to prevent. 


A) –  Good point.  When you go into gold and silver it is a portable wealth.  Something you can carry with you at all times.  It’s liquid. 


Cobra –  It’s liquid and quite cheap right now.


A) – Yes, so with that said – What is going on with all the changes of the pricing of gold right now.  The fact that it had the biggest 2-day drop in 30 years.  Who is manipulating the market and prices right now? 


Cobra – The Rothschild based cabal is manipulating the gold prices.  They dumped their paper gold certificates to artificially drop the price, then when the price dropped they bought physical gold as much as they could cache. Everyone is asking where that gold is going.  The gold is going to the Cabal banks, especially in Hong Kong.


A) – Especially in Hong Kong.  Interesting.  There was a comment that Rothschilds have withdrawn from all commodity trading.  Is this part of the whole scheme in trying to manipulate and trigger certain events in the market to cash in or?


Cobra –  It’s a smokescreen.  Rothschild’s have officially stopped with the gold trades years ago they “so to speak” officially stop with commodity trading. But in reality they are still doing so but not directly in their own name.  They have intermediaries that do trades in their name for them.  They want no public exposure in their financial sectors.    


A) –  How does George Soros play a role in this.  He’s been reportedly asking to withdraw large sums of money from Bill Ackmann. I was wondering what you thought of that? 


Cobra – Big relocation of wealth on the planet happening right now.  those at the top know exactly which things will bring profit and which won’t bring profit and which will not.  They are relocating assets right now.


A) – Putting the message to everyone to exit the system.  You’re in agreement with that?  You’re suggesting to pull money out of banks?


Cobra – Yes, it’s a very clear system for some time.  The time to exit the system was 5 or 10 years ago.  When the stock was in it’s prime it was a very good time to exit.  People who sold their stock at that time and bought gold are very wealthy.


(A) –  Hind sight is always best isn’t it?


Cobra – If you have an understanding of how the system works it’s not that difficult to know what to do.


A) – What is your opinion of Fed reserve bank.  Are they bust?  bankrupt?  busted?  Is this all a smoke screen as well?


Cobra –  There are a few things with Fed Reserve.  They really don’t have any gold there.  They still have some imaginary money, monopoly money, quiet money, paper money.  They can always print more. 


A) – Of course – they are still printing the hell out of the money. 


Cobra – Yes they can still do this to a point, to a certain degree.


A) – Too bad we can’t stop that printing, then the system would definitely come down since it depends on being in debt.  (Yes)  There was an interesting comment in Fulford’s report regarding _Shintaro Ishiharo ? – they weren’t sure of the people such as Hillary Clinton and Kissinger and they weren’t sure of who is in charge now.


Cobra – The real leader of the cabal was removed from the planet last year on May 5th.  They don’t know have the real leader and they don’t know who to take orders from.  They can not get a consensus.  That is why they are doing uncoordinated seemingly contradictory actions.


A) – I just had something pop in my head.  You know how they say there were 13 families running the planet.  (Yes, I know that story) Do you agree.  Are those 13 families representations of the archons themselves?


Cobra – Those 13 families are just one of the factions.  I would not go in much detail here because it is not important.  Those famous illumaniti families are not at the top.


A) – So, are those at the top off world?


Cobra – Yes.  All the families that have something to say about this planet are not on this planet.


A) –  Interesting.  The next thing I want to move over to is the oil spill – 100,000 gallons in central Arkansas.  Is there a possible intervention?  Can you talk about that?


Cobra – I can just say there are forces of light and resistance movement and other forces that are aware.  They can not completely intervene on the surface yet.  They will be able to contain the damage so it will not be a major disaster.


A) – Good, good.  Thank you.  Other thing that’s been big – the environmental scientists, a slew of them who broke silence.  10 or 20 talked about the chemtrails and what they include like the nano worms.  I thought it was really interesting, there  was an amateur photographer who was taking pictures of chemtrails, but was actually taking pictures of UFO’s and found out the UFO’s were hanging out around the chemtrails.  Are the UFO’s neutralizing the malevolent effects of the chemtrails? 


Cobra – Yes – exactly.  They are just neutralizing the chemtrails.  Without those UFO’s and that positive intervention happening there would be much more of that destruction happening.  


A) –  That’s great.


Cobra –  They can not annihilate them all, but they are able to contain and clear the majority of them.


A) – Some days are pasty white it’s so ridiculous.


Cobra – I am aware of that situation.  If there would be no intervention from the light forces on the planet, humanity would not exist right now.


A) – True, true.  Moving on to politics, one of the hugest Media headlines is the Boston bombing.  In my opinion It’s been an absolute house of cards.  I can’t get over how sloppy it is.  They’ve been busted about fake injuries.  There are 5 private military  contractors busted carrying actual back packs associated with the bombs.  It goes on and on and on.  What is your feeling about the Boston bombing?  Why is it such a sloppy job and why then?


Cobra – The cabal is quite desperate because they are trying to maintain the vibration of fear on the planet with those false flag events. They are not very intelligent.  They are not very good planners and they make big mistakes.  At the beginning they were seemingly getting their goal of fear.  People were worried and upset about this whole thing.  People started after about a week people began investigating deeper and much is coming out.  Like the pattern of 9/11.  People are beginning to awaken.


A) –  I noticed that.  There is much more participation on line.  People being skeptical and analytical about media’s headlines, their pictures, their articles.  People are tearing stuff apart.  (Yes, very good) This is what we want.  Even the head of the police department slipped and called some of the people involved “actors”.  Did you hear that?


Cobra –  Yes, because some of them were actors.  The truth can not be suppressed any longer.


A) –  I can’t get over it.  I’m not sure who this came from, “We need to realize the sabotage of the operation means that very powerful groups within the intelligence military community are sabotaging he psych-ops events like Sandy Hook and Boston”. Is that from you?  (No)  This is a classic strategy to pull people away from what is going on possibly what’s going on overseas in the mid-East.  Do you agree?


Cobra – It was a diversion tactic to get people to drama again and away from the real issues.   It worked a week or two and it’s not working any longer.  It did back fire on the cabal.  They did not get their objective done.  They keep repeating the same mistakes.  Now they want World War III through Syria but of course this will not work.


A) – In one of your postings they were meeting at a close location near Bush ranch in Texas.  Any type of intel?  What was the outcome of that meeting.?


Cobra – They met at exactly the lunar eclipse and had big plans of what to do with the portal.  Of course it didn’t work their way.  Their only conclusion was that they want to go down spectacularly and create a war when they are defeated.  Trigger the next war through Syria.  They focused completely on that and the last few days there is an explanation of those events.  This is the result of their decisions last Thursday.  Of course it will not work as they plan.


A) – They have really been targeting Syria a great deal lately. Is there more here than meets the eye?  Is it because of minerals?  star-gates? or?


Cobra –  Portals, vortexes, portals.  There are certain areas I would not like to mention in Syria.  There are some very important vortexes of Goddess energy there.  Some of them are almost 10,000 year old and of course they want to control those portals .  (wow) Syria is one of the most  important trigger points for geopolitical stability in the near east.  People that control Syria can influence a lot the geopolitical mid-East. This is why they have been focusing on this area.


A) – Have they run out of options?


Cobra – Yes.  They tried trigger WW3 through Israel, and then Afghanistan, and that didn’t work and now they are trying through Syria. This is their secondary option.  Resistance movement will NOT allow WWIII to happen.  WWIII is not an option – will not be tolerated.


A) – Did you hear that?   That is great news?  We have to keep sending that message out to the world.   No more World Wars. 


Cobra – No more world war.  There is already a conflict in Syria but it will not expand any further.  It will not be allowed.  It will not be tolerated.


A) – Good.  They (Syria) have really taken the brunt end of stuff over there. (Yes)  What is your idea of poison ricin letter for Obama and other cabinet officials?


Cobra – Every day letters are sent to many higher level politicians  like these and to higher levels people and they are intercepted by the secret service.  It’s an .  every day occurrence


A) – You said there are many factions within the white house.  How many factions are going on and who is vying for the power hold here?


Cobra – There are the so called white knights – positive faction working mostly under cover.  Also within the cabal there are several factions fighting for power.  It’s quite complicated situation right now.  The very involved don’t really know who is who and on which side is who.  It’s a very complicated situation right now.   


A) – Another reason to not know who is on which side is because of the cloning?


Cobra – There was a lot of cloning but that was cleared a long time ago.


A) – That’s right, I remember you talking about that.  How do you feel this Cypress money grab is affecting EU?  How do you feel their fate is, especially regarding the German stance.  Everyone is looking to Germany to see if they will finally falter.


Cobra – Not yet, not yet.  The situation is still quite stable. The Euro zone has absorbed the Cypress shock quite well and at this point I don’t see big disturbances or any big changes happening yet.


A) – Arrrr. . . i was hoping you’d say something different.


Cobra – Things will happen at the right time and the right way, but we are not there yet. 


(A) – The announcement of the 180 nation BRICS alliance went down last week or the week before.  They said they wanted to start a new development bank to replace the IMF and the World bank  This was supposed to be a signal to show the cabal and the mafia that they weren’t going to work any more with the NATO controlled states.  .  What do you know about that and what are the implications with the108 BRICS alliance?


Cobra –  There is some development in that area – especially through asia. This alliance is now expanding  and Syria wants to join that alliance.  It’s a very good thing.  But the cabal is preparing counter measures.  One of the latest developments is they wanted to bribe Putin and get him on their side.


A) – That’s interesting.  Did you see the article on Japan and Russia burying the past from WWII?  (Yes).  What do you think is behind that?  Does it have something to do with BRICS alliance?


Cobra – It’s part of this process.  Yes.


A) – A whole lot of changes of which continents and which countries are aligning with which?


Cobra –   It’s a general trend that all non Rothchild’s controlled countries.  Not everyone except the western world are aligning is with the Eastern block or so called BRICS.


A)  – Wow. Is it true that Rothschilds and Rockafellers are war with each other. 


Cobra –  They will always be at war with each.  They are not friends.  They have the common goal and that’s all about it.  ?  ?


A) – I don’t know if you saw this, but apparently Goldman sacs Lloyd Blankfine jp morgan Jamie Diamond and  ____Ackerman have been sentenced to be prosecuted for their actions.  I’m just wondering what you think are the implications of that.  Are we really going to see any affect in the financial arena because of that.


Cobra – If this really happens, This is a promise at the moment. it will have long lasting.  Let’s see what happens in the next few weeks. 


A) – You have told us in one of your posts that the resistance movement has been removing the physical gold out of the hands of the cabal in 2012l.  You said they were hiding a few trillions in Liechtenstein.  Is there any way to shut that down?


Cobra –  Yes, but that’s not gold.  It’s paper assets.  This is not gold.


A) –  Is the strategy more to watch them bury themselves? 


Cobra – The strategy is to expose them.  To expose their off shore accounts.  To expose where their money is.  It will just unravel. One will lead to another and the whole structure will just one day unravel.  We are close to that


A) –  Very cool.  A lot of people want to know our opinion about Bit-coin.  It’s been pretty controversial.  There were radical price swaying, and it dropped very significantly.  Now they’re sighting it might go up 360% rise in the price.


Cobra –  Bit-coin is a very interesting currency because it gives you anonymity.  All the transaction I would say are the most safe and anonymous of the currencies.  This is the most this is why cabal wanted to crash it.  This is why they manipulated it down.  Now we will see how high it can rise again.  My predictions is it can recover.  It has value. It gives something to people that they can’t get any where else. It is quite complicated to use but it’s very safe.


A) –  It really makes sense because if everything is a flip of a switch on a computer.  There’s so many articles how things are rigged digitally.  How everything i rigged digitally.  How is bit coin not going to NOT fall into that category?


Cobra – Because it is not controlled by the cabal.  The way it is structured gives you safety.  Is in a way that it is safe from mis-use.  Of course it is not 100% safe, but it is much better than the current banking system.


A) – Just because it is a digital currency, they are nervous about.


Cobra –  Even in the new financial system we will need digital transmission.  You are not going to carrying your earnings in your back pack, I suppose.  – need digital.


A) – I’m sure you heard about west texas and fertilizer plant exposure.  They have now uncovered there were missiles involved with that.  Have you heard any intel on that and can you share that?


Cobra – This is just another false flag event to ring more fear into the population. I would not agree with most speculations.


A) – I thought it was interesting of the location they chose.  I think it was Fulford said how somebody had given a warning to 3 or 4 diff presidents.


Cobra – Yes, but I would disregard most of those warnings.  It’s true that much more of those events are  planned than are manifested.  85% are prevented from the positive actions inside of the intelligence community.


A) – Incredible.  My God.


Cobra –  There are many good guys in there that prevent those things from happening. They are mostly prevented before they happen.  You just don’t hear about them. 


A) – That’s exactly why I am motivated to do these calls.  People need to hear this.   That is great.


A) – What is your idea about Prince Edward, did he have a stroke?


Cobra – The health conditions of people in high places are very suspicious. 


A) – This was suspicious.  He was very young.  (Yes) Did Margaret Thatcher die naturally?


Cobra – Yes .  Nothing nefarious.  She was old enough to die.


A) – I wanted everyone to know that there is a list of over 1400 elite resignations, arrests.  You can go to that list .blogspot.com


Cobra – Maybe you can put a link on your site.  It’s impressive list.  Many are resigning since the beginning of last year. 


A) – What happens?  Do galactic beings show up at their front door and say?


Cobra – It’s simply that the ship is sinking and the rats are escaping.  It’s a psychologically natural process when people realize the game is over.  For those that are smart enough, they quit.


A) – It’s just such a massive number.  It blows me away.


Cobra – Massive numbers of people are involved in this


A) – That’s true.  On a good note, __Julian__?_ is starting a new political party.  I don’t know if you heard about house bill 638.  (yes) It was very interesting to me because it involves 13th amendment and title of nobility.  If people are not aware that if your a lawyer and you pass the bar (BAR), you are passing the British accreditation Regency. What do you think about that?


Cobra – The original purpose of the 13th was to liberate the us from Jesuit control.  Jesuits control the city of London, the Vatican.  Through the city of London they control the Corporation of the U.S.  13th amending is an instrument to cut away that control. 


A) – IRS and corporate USA  are no longer?


A) – Supposedly the corporation of the Us does not exist. 


Cobra – I would not agree with that because they are still operating


A) – Behind the scenes?


Cobra – Behind the scenes that was never legal entity


A) – I’m sure you remember when obama first came into office he was so big on gitonamo bay – There is so much controversy around these prisoners that are being force fed.  They are actually going on hunger strike.  What are implications of that.  Bring attention to the fact that we torture a lot of people?  What is going on in gitmo?  is there an underground base? 


Cobra – There was an underground base down there but it was shut down.  That place should be closed  down as soon as possible  those people should be treated as human beings (A) more humanly.


A) -I guess some pretty horrific things have gone on there. 


Cobra – Has to stop immediately. 


A) –  Main purpose looking at a galactic perspective.   Get the torture and the political imprisonment that sort of thing to stop world wide. 


Cobra – At event all those places will be shut down and the people will get medical attention and psychological support. 


A) –  That’s awesome.  Good.   I’m not sure you heard about the IAPCAR (International Association of Protection of Civilian Arm Rights) _They’re  gathering together. They have 24 organization that are really working hard inform public about self defense and gun ownership.  That’s really getting some impetus.


Cobra – It’s a natural response of people because when they are oppressed they want to self organize and stand up for their rights.


A) – The cabal are really really showing their paranoia – They’re taking down their veterans. You’ve heard some of these stories.  They are coming to their front door and taking their guns and throwing them in jail. 


Cobra – Yes, it’s instilling fear in people at the moment.  That’s their tactic at the moment.


A) – Oh geez. 


Cobra – That will not last much longer.  Changes are on the horizon.  All this will change.


A) – Yes.  I think you said the secret, sacred societies of the world have entered into a new alliances.  I think it was Fulford. 


Cobra – No, I think it was from Sheldan Nidle.


A) – Sheldan Nidle. O.K.  Who are the secret/sacred societies are and what alliances are and what is forming at this point?. 


Cobra – There is a good faction of the Templars.  The good faction of the templars have been fighting against the cabal all these centuries and now they are reaching out to other groups. There are some better negotiations taking place right now, that are a little more successful than the negotiations that what took place last year among the positive light forces on the surface of the planet. There is a little bit more consensus right now, which is good .  Not enough, but more.


A) – I’ll tell you what, we have come a long way since last year when I interviewed you


Cobra – Oh yes, the situation is much better.  The plan is more solid .We have a much more solid foundation – and we are actually closer to event.


A) – That’s awesome.  What do you feel about this whole situation with the Vatican.  ITCCS has been bringing these liens forward against the Vatican property.  They have been banishing them from their communities.  There are some Bishops refusing to fund the Vatican.  It’s stirring up a lot of stuff.  What are the positive implications to all of this and how is the Resistance able to bring them to their knees because they are the be-all, end-all most powerful out there, aren’t they.


Cobra – yes, but they are loosing their power daily.  This ITCCS organization is doing a very good job.  1.  People are becoming aware of the situation.  2.  And those liens are helping legally in the actions that will be taken at the time of the event.  (Hugh, Really? )  It’s good to have a little bit more background for the actions, when the time is right.


A) – That’s really good.  What do you think of this new pope?  Are you impressed with some of the different things going on with him?   Blowing people with some of the things he says.


Cobra – Not impressed.  Neutral.  Some good aspects and not so good aspects of himself.  He had a quite high in the Jesuits organization years ago.  I will not say that He is not completely cabal controlled.  I have a neutral opinion.


A) – You still agree that he is NOT a walk in?


Cobra – No he is definitely not a walk in and he is not a Saint either.


A) – The catholics might not agree with you.


Cobra – I know, I’m just giving my observations of the fact


A) – I’m  laughing because I was bought up Catholic .  The other good thing going on is a Fed. judge ruled that Obama administrated violated laws in the of issuing oil leases in Monterey county.  I can see this setting some good presidents. How do you see changes going away from fossil fuels on this planet?


Cobra – This is prep for the real changes.  The real changes will happen when the  free energy devises will be massively distributed to the humanity.  That will be the real change. All that is happening right now is just the preparation of that.


A) – So we are just getting all the people set on stage for the performance. (Yes) There is a lot of movement for local law enforcement and local military regarding the 2nd amendment.  That is going down in 38 diff. chapters of states.  A lot of movement there.  What is the rest of the world perceiving when they hear about the U.S. and that we are so obsessed with 2nd amendment and our ability to defend ourself. How do they see this?


Cobra – It’s like a double edge sword.  You can see this as a right to defend yourself or you can see this as over stressing the violet aspect of  human nature.  It depends on how you see those things that.  In this situation people do have a right to defend themselves, but must do so in higher alignment and soul and consciousness.


A) – Yes, I agree.  How about the whole leaked documents.  OMG.  April 15th Kissinger cables.  1.7 million records, 380 gigs of info?  Wow.  I was blown away when I dove into this.   Everybody, if you want to go to:.    search.wickileaks.org/plusd  to access this data base.  They created it into a searchable data base that you can dive into and look all the juicy info at our Kissinger years.  It’s looking into the Secret white house policies in the 70’s.


Cobra –  It would be great for someone to go through the data base and find  the best pieces and make them public.  It’s too big for the average person to go through that.


A) – Exactly.  Almost 1/4 century – Soviet Union left Afghanistan in defeat that.  Russian may return to the country by estabishing maintenance bases.  Why does everyone keep returning?


Cobra –  This is one of the key points of the planet, one of the vortex points.  Everyone wants to control it.


A) – Aren’t these troops well aware of what is going on. 


Cobra – Only a few people at the top know why they are going there. 


Cobra – Most people are brainwashed by the media and the educational system and when they are 18 or 19 they and go into the army and they just follow orders.


A) – My last question to you – I thought this was just fascinating that they’ve uncovered administrative center of Ur from 4,000 years ago and how does that tie in with today?


Cobra – The same people controlling planet now was controlling through Sumeria 4,000 years ago and Ur was the control center at that time. 


A) – So once again we are completing another cycle.


Cobra – Yes.  Exactly.


A) – Fascinating.  I read that “What will emerge is a new physically unified Gaia.  Not unlike the one of 13 millennia ago.  She will then be capable of restoring not only her own re-unified spirit, but also that of her entire multi dimensional solar system.  Her rehabilitation will enable her solar system to return to the state of unity that existed prior to her being sent asunder by the perfidy of dark some 13 millennia ago.”


Cobra – Yes we are approaching the point of final liberation and this is the end of darkness, not only for this planet but for the whole galaxy and when this planet is liberated it will be a huge quantum leap for this whole galaxy.  And many beings are watching and observing the planet right now and assisting in her energy for this final liberation process.


A) – How many civilizations are watching us? 


Cobra – Millions and millions if not billions.


A) – Wow, so it is that many.  I just wanted to remind everyone that the citizen hearing on disclosure is going down – April 29 – May 3rd.  Please support that.  30 hrs testimony on UFO and disclosure.  This is so important for us to get disclosed.  Any comments on that?


Cobra – It is a part of prep for the real disclosure.  It’s a good thing. It is one of the more important events right now.


A) – Last but not least, what did you think about the fly over in Arizona  It was by the Ashtar command Area? (No)  It happened 5 days ago.  17 ships. Very visible. Over 100 people witnessed it.  Supposedly there is Hopi prophecy saying that is where ships will arrive and will arrive in larger numbers.


Cobra – Actually, central AZ is a major vortex point for galactic federation and Ashtar command.  After first contact – this will be one of the most concentrated areas for ships to appear.


A) –  We should all hang out in the desert?


Cobra – Yes, if you want to see a UFO. 


A) – I want to thank cobra for being a great light house of info.  Cobra, did you have anything final comments?


Cobra – When is this going to be published, before tomorrow? 


A)  – yes. 


Cobra – Do meditation on first of May.  This is a key dates of the year.  As much light as possible is needed on this day.  This can determine many things in the course of events for the next 2 weeks.  Assist in this effort.  I would like to invite everyone to our conference in Laguna Beach where we will open the portal on May 25th, – then the next week we go to Hawaii. 


A) – Yes, you will see me and Robb Potter.  All with smiles on our face.  Please feel free to visit my web-site at: galacticonnection.com  if you find any value – please feel free to donate to my site.  Have a great May.  We will talk to Cobra the end of May.  I think people are going to be hanging on to hear you.


Cobra – Many things will  happen in the month of May.  It will be very interesting.  I will have much more good news the end of May.


A) – Thank you Cobra for your dedication.  Thanks for listening.  Take care.  Have a great rest of your day. 
